Captain’s Log, Stardate 07
Understand how & why we see light, clouds, perspective
Understand Light-Transmission-Dynamics
understand why Light is NOT wave, nor particle
Updated Oct & Nov 2023 (scroll down or search on 'Update')
Apologies for repetitions
BUT, remember
for over 350 years the World has been brainwashed with repetitious & false Opticks,
which IP was stolen by Newton
The late Richard Feynman (Nobel Physics Prize 1965) acknowledged (to effect) that nobody understood Quantum Physics but that, through experimentation, theories were shown to work ….. until someone comes up with new FACTS about Light, Energy & Matter –>
herein are these new FACTS ….............
….... verifiable through simple observations (primary school stuff) - simple observations concretely prove Opticks (with a 'k')(wrongly attributed to Newton) are wrong → e≠mc2 → understand Optics (no 'k')
UPDATE Oct 2023: (there are a number of updated sections, mainly arguments expanded, but the main update is under 'What is Light' – wherein incorrect interpretations of Young's Slit & Diffraction grid experiments are reinterpreted because of new insights resulting from recognising Opticks are WRONG)
Update Nov 2023
Understand more on how&why we see Clouds
=> WHAT THEN 'black-holes'
=> WHAT THEN Quantum Physics → KWANTUM FIZIKS!
What is Light? Light is NOT a Wave! Light is NOT a Particle!
Analysing a Wave or 'Particle' does NOT analyse Light
SO, ….. What is Light?????
A stone into water creates waves. Waves are the energy, NOT water
Slits in Light paths (appear) to create (Light) waves. Waves are NOT Light
SO, ….. What is Light?????
'Particles' at speed c would blast us to smithereens.
Light PROPAGATES (does not 'travel') at speed c, thus Light is NOT a 'Particle'.
SO, ….. What is Light?????
Light has been wrongly interpreted for centuries!
Light does NOT Refract, nor Diffract
To UNDERSTAND what Light is, it is first necessary to understand what a Prism does in the path of Light and why Light was WRONGLY termed a wave –
Understand why Opticks wrongly attributed to Newton are wrong (Newton stole the IP)
Understand how Young's Slit & 'Diffraction' experiments/observations were incorrectly interpreted
SCROLL DOWN for: UPDATES Oct & Nov 2023
Associated Links:
Sketch Diagram WRONGLY attributed to Newton!!! - because Newton stole it, which is why Opticks are wrong
Prism observations (you need a 3x60degree prism, preferably 2): you will NOT understand Light & Transmission Dynamics unless & until you understand the fundamentals as observed with a prism
An Art representation (simplistic):
Further discussions:
search on 'Captain's Log, Stardate' series
- Understand why Light is Arc-Angle related NOT Frequency, hence not wave, nor particle
- Understand why we see Light
- Understand why we see Perspective
- Understand why we see Clouds
- Understand where the ERROR of attributing Frequency to Light originated
- What is Light? (this section UPDATED Oct 2023)
- Photo-electric effect, how can we interpret this?
- 'Black Holes'
- Einstein Energy & Relativity, Heisenberg Uncertainty, etc. – CERTAINTY that these and ALL previous light theories are wrong, because Opticks are wrong.
- Planetary Motion, Climate Change, Pollution, …. and Errors in Climate Change arguments
Important Note: this paper is a simple overview to assist you in understanding how Light Transmission Dynamics actually function, because ….
… Newton's Opticks (with a 'k') are wrong (Newton stole the Intellectual Property) – which is why one needs to understand Optics (no 'k') and how Light Transmission Dynamics actually function – you will then begin to understand that Quantum Physics/Quantum Theory → Kwantum Fiziks/Kwantum Twaddle!!!
between the largest of classical physics and the smallest of Nature's fundamentals
You will need (ideally) a 3 x 60 degree prism (preferably 2, cheap from online outlets; but BIZARRELY absent from schools & universities → ??????? → madness!!!)
It is important to recognise that an optical lens is a multiplicity of prisms, a HUGE number – therefore, if you cannot understand how a singular prism works, then you will not understand how a lens works, nor multiple lenses in a telescope.
Scientists readily 'believe' what CERN, with their monstrous & complex machine, put out regarding Quantum Theories (Kwantum Twaddle!!!), but these same Scientists disbelieve what is readily observable & PROVABLE with a simple prism - and which PROVES the claims by CERN to be FALSE!!!
Governments/Parliaments are dishonestly supporting
grossly defective 'science' theories
and oppressively suppressing new Science that disproves old
that means your taxes are being thrown away, National Security is weakened, …...
For over 350 years our understandings of fundamental Sciences has gone far off-track into Science Fiction (SciFi), this impacts ALL spheres of Science, including such as Cancer treatments, Socio-Economics, Finance, etc.. - and also explains why the World has been & still is facing Socio-Economic CHAOS, and now World War III → Quantum Theory/Quantum Physics contradicts Classical Physics because QT/QP is wrong → kwantum twaddle/kwantum fiziks
It is important that after this Overview that you follow the SIMPLE observational steps as set out in the Fast-Track on the homepage of for, until you understand these SIMPLE observations you will not understand Light Transmission Dynamics – they are very simple observations, but reveal new TRUTHS.
Understand why Light is Arc-Angle related NOT Frequency, hence not wave, nor particle
Orient a prism (preferably a 3 x 60 degree) to obtain 'rainbow' pattern, move prism to surface & observe 'rainbow' splits out to roy & vib patterns at apex points – take a sheet of paper and move around the prism, note the full-shadow of the prism obstructing forward light (barring a thin strip of full intensity forward light emanating from the adjacent apex point, the light having passed directly through the prism to the apex point, all other of this light reflected internally&externally), and the 3 attenuated light patches. It is because of the attenuated light patch that allows full intensity side-band colours of roy & vib, emanating from immediately outside the apex points, to appear within these attenuated light regions, i.e. the roy&vib patterns are WITHIN the bounds of the prism dimensions (NOT without), thus the light colour side-bands emanate from outside the bounds of the prism and, due to arc-angle distribution of the roy & vib colours at distinct angles, appear WITHIN the bounds of the prism dimensions – with the prism removed the side-band colours, which were at the apex-points at which the prism was, are still there (& everywhere) but are swamped by the forward ('white') light – this phenomena occurs everywhere with light → PROOF? → simply move the prism and observe that the colours move with it – because it is an everywhere occurring phenomena – rotate the prism as well.
Thus a prism does NOT split out 'white' light, colours are NOT frequency related but arc-angle related – thus Einstein, Hubble, Higgs, Hawking, CERN etc. are wrong → e≠mc2 , and Young's Slit Experiment, Interferometry, etc. are also WRONGLY interpreted, etc., etc.,
Newton's Opticks (with a 'k') are wrong (Newton stole the Intellectual Property) – which is why one needs to understand Optics (no 'k') and how Light Transmission Dynamics actually functions
We can readily see that the colours of Light are NOT frequency related but are ARC-ANGLE related.
To determine the angles:-
Orient the prism to obtain the colours on a screen. Have the green colour disappear (just, by moving prism closer to screen such that the yellow & blue just appear separately, i.e. no green) – on the screen draw a line across the colours and mark the positions of the colour bands and the maxima points of the colours. Measure the distance of the prism from the screen (Adjacent side of a RightAngle triangle), measure the lengths of the 2 sets of sideband colours (Opposite side of RightAngle triangles).
From these measurements (2 sides & 1 angle (90 degrees) of a Triangle) one can do the sums to determine the angles of the red, yellow, blue, violet colours (the orange & indigo are the optical mergements of the r&y and b&v respectively → roygbiv).
View radar transmission patterns – these have forward lobe and 2 sets of twin side-band lobes – this phenomena is why light and electro-magnetic transmission occurs in such a manner – it is because of the construct & functionality of the ether (see later) → i.e. radar/radio transmission patterns are a CONSEQUENCE of Ether Transmission Dynamics
It should also be noted that the red & violet are each displaced by about ½ a degree from forward (fwd) light, the angles between the colours r&o, o&y and v&i and i&b are each about 1 degree – thus the total angle from fwd direction to colours b or y is 1+1+1/2 => 2&1/2 degrees. Or, the Total Arc from y through fwd to b is 5 degrees.
Thus is Light arc-angle related, NOT frequency, hence why Hubble was wrong to utilise Doppler when viewing distant stars and wrongly claiming red/blue-shift – hence wrongly claiming 'expanding universe' – hence wrong to argue the prior 'big bang' → theories based on incorrect observations & interpretations! → sci-fi!!!
Understand why we see Light
It follows from the observations that Light is not a singular component but multi-components at differing angles. We know that our light receptors/sensors in our eyes are set apart and select the particular components of light (through our eye-lens prismatic effects) and transmits signals to our brain – it follows that our brain compiles these different signals into composite images.
Light does not bend, nor does it refract or diffract – Light appears to 'bend' because of the side-bands of LTD dynamics - due to the construct of FECKs (Fundamental Ether Components Kinetic) which are like spiky balls with spikes 1 degree apart over the entire surface – this phenomena is what causes light to appear behind objects (to 'creep' into shadow areas).
FECKs essentially have Kinetic energy/'information' only, not Potential Energy, because they propagate this 'information' by constantly switching to adjacent FECKs at a fundamental frequency, hence do not retain energy for it to become Potential (such as an apple on a tree) – having said that, it would seem logical that each&every FECK has a nominal, inherent energy level by which it allows the FECK to operate.
Understand why we see Perspective
If light travelled in straight lines we would not see perspective.
We see PERSPECTIVE because light is propagated across an ether of FECKs (think of packed marbles) through a constructive switching mechanism - it is because of the marble-like packing of FECKs that light causes the phenomenon of PERSPECTIVE – because Light zig-zags through space from one FECK to others surrounding each one. EVERYTHING, all matter, light & energy, moves through the universe across the ether through this fundamental switching mechanism.
So each FECK passes on Light from all directions at once to all surrounding FECKs – the light amplitude of any one direction is passed forward, light in the opposite (or other directions) are also passed onwards in their respective directions; BUT, because of the marble-like packing the amplitudes will adjust according to spike-angles, which causes zig-zagging, which is why distant images visually diminish in size – lenses (binoculars) allow us to select specific FECKS such that we see enlarged images.
Understand why we see Clouds
Water droplets are essentially a myriad of prisms. Which causes Light through water to emanate into the colour side-bands. It is the mixing of the sideband colours within clouds/water that causes perception of greyness to black (mix r, b, y watercolours and you will get greys to darks) – but this is ACTIVE COLOURFUL light, that appears as dark/grey light, the colours remain distinctly separate but optically merge to create grey/dark – the deeper/longer/thicker the cloud the more the progressive mixing of light colours, the darker the grey, through to black – so in deep-sea water there is ACTIVE black light. (The corollary to this is that Climate Change scientists have wrongly calibrated their models by wrongly assuming that light does NOT transmit through to the depths of oceans (75% of earth surface)), nor through clouds.
Observe thin cloud strata just before sunset, as the sun settles towards the horizon line the sun's light begins to move from passing through width of cloud to passing through the length of the cloud strata, thus causing increased mixing of colours, hence the cloud initially being light grey becomes progressively darker - this darker tone is not shadow but ACTIVE COLOURFUL light optically merging as dark/grey light.
Q: The Forward Light from the prism (toward the prism shadow) – does this produce side-band colours???? A second prism is required for this test.
The test (as per 'Newton's' Opticks) for the side-band colours NOT producing other colours through a second prism is an incorrect test (again, Newton was wrong – because he didn't understand Opticks – because he stole the Intellectual Property) – WHY is the test wrong?
Also note: Light does NOT polarise! Nor does light Refract, nor Diffract!
Young's slit experiment is misinterpreted! → Quantum Physics? => Kwantum Fiziks!!!
UPDATE Nov 2023
Understand more on how&why we see Clouds
=> WHAT THEN 'black-holes'
=> WHAT THEN Quantum Physics → KWANTUM FIZIKS!
You will need a 3x60degree(ideally) prism to actually observe this phenomena, and ideally should have worked through the simple (primary-school, stuff) observations (see link on homepage).
You need a day where you able to observe clouds with dark regions & regions of bright reflected sunlight.
Using right-hand orientation of prism, observe the boundaries between sky & reflected light, and between bright reflected light & dark cloud.
Observe that the fringe colours bordering bright cloud & sky are vib side-band colours; and that the fringe colour pattern between bright reflected cloud & dark cloud are roy side-band patterns.
This is giving us important information.
First, the vib side-band colours are vib BECAUSE it is REFLECTED light.
Second, the roy side-band colours are BECAUSE it is FORWARD LIGHT, it is dark, forward light – the light is DARK because of multiplicity of colour side-band mixings.
(these observations are conformed by the simple observations as per the fast-track link on homepage)
(It is also why WWII RAF Bomber pilots wrongly believed that searchlights they were caught in, appearing as blue-light, were radar controlled – the search-lights appear blue because it is reflected light.
See: RV Jones – Most Secret War, Len Deighton – Bomber)
And, we also know from past observations, that when the sun sets that light travels near-horizontal through clouds and hence that the colour mixing is greatest, hence the clouds progressively get dark through to near-black.
SO, what then of so-called 'black-holes' in deep space – it can no longer be argued that a 'black-hole' is a region in which light (& energy?) cannot escape BECAUSE previously it was NOT recognised that Light can also be BLACK. It cannot be ruled out that some 'cloud-like' (or some other kind of multiplicity of colour-mixing) phenomena) is causing a region of BLACK-Light (and wrongly termed 'black-hole')
AND, what then of Quantum Physics – it can no longer be argued that light is 'singular' and that a prism 'splits' out light into its colours – BECAUSE the colours are distinctly separate, the colours are arc-angle related, NOT frequency related.
(Q: - is Forward light distinctly separate from the colour side-bands? This requires careful experimentation – BUT, CDADD is blocked/blacklisted by Universities, because Academia are HOSTILE to these new TRUTHS; some Academics have physically assaulted)
It is also wrong to associate light (or 'electrons') with frequency distribution – because, again, Young's Slit Experiment is wrongly interpreted.
'Radio' Astronomy is largely analysed based upon incorrect interpretations of Light/Telescopy observations – thus 'Radio' Astronomy is also likely wrongly interpreted.
END of UPDATE Nov 2023
Understand where the ERROR of attributing Frequency to Light originated:
A Laser (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) operates on the basis of multiple reflections of light (of the various colours) off parallel mirrors - as does an Interferometer, from which it was misinterpreted that light acted as a wave (hence erroneous frequency attribution) - Interferometers preceded Lasers by centuries but Lasers have wrongly reinforced the wave misinterpretation – Young's Slit Experiment also reinforced a wave misinterpretation.
As seen above the colours of Light are ARC-ANGLE related (not frequency) – with a laser, a chosen colour is sequentially reflected back&forth across the mirrors, thus creating the illusion of a frequency, but nonetheless amplifies the amount of light (one can readily see this amplification by shining reflected sunlight from a mirror onto a sun lit surface), the number of reflections per unit distance along the mirror will vary depending on the specific colour, hence that colour's specific angle) being reflected.
The TOTAL arc-angle between forward light & the red side-band light is approximately 0.5 degrees, the orange about 1.5 degrees, and the yellow about 2.5 degrees.
The simple diagram below is a gross exaggeration of any of the actual colour angles but gives an understanding of how the MISTAKEN belief that light is frequency based is derived – LIGHT IS NOT FREQUENCY BASED (other than a fundamental, everywhere common, switching frequency of the ether transmission mechanism) – but this switching mechanism does not create a wave, nor a particle, phenomena.
mirror 1
! ← d → !
mirror 2
In bouncing a light colour, which is at an angle, multiple times along parallel mirrors one achieves a 'wave form' which creates a false illusion that light is frequency based.
So, by dividing distance d by the number of reflections gives the 'wavelength' of one 'cycle' of reflection – the total length the light travels between the mirrors & the 'speed' of light (300,000km per second) → from which one wrongly determines the 'frequency' in cycles per second (1cps = 1 Hertz)
(This is a similar effect from the use of an Interferometer, or indeed any optical device that utilises reflection.
Devices that measure light 'frequency' operate on similar principles, yielding the same erroneous theories)
BUT, it is only because of the MAN-MADE reflections that we get a 'frequency' – light itself is NOT frequency based, it is ARC-ANGLE related.
The light that propagates along the reflections-path through the parallel mirrors is CONTINUOUS light, and it comes out of the mirror circuit as continuous (non-frequency) light. Light coming from other stars is continuous light, it is NOT frequency based, but arc-angle related.
It is the ERRONEOUS belief that light is frequency based that Hubble mistakenly claimed red-shift (or blue-shift), thus WRONGLY implying expanding Universe – and wrongly reinforcing Einstein's Energy & Relativity theories; corollary: → erroneous BigBang theory.
(Speed measuring devices are designed to pulse/chop the emitted light, so that reflected signals can be determined by the change in (man-made) pulse length.
Light does NOT 'travel' at 'speed c', light is PROPAGATED across space at a rate that is EQUIVALENT to 'speed c', across an Ether of FECKs, through a fundamental switching mechanism (Fundamental Ether Component, Kinetic → FECK, which collectively, across the Universe, are like packed spiky marbles, which causes light to zig-zag, which explains why we see PERSPECTIVE)
What is Light? UPDATED: Oct 2023 (this entire section Updated and includes addressing incorrect interpretations of Young's Slit & Diffraction grid experiments which are reinterpreted because of new insights resulting from recognising Opticks are WRONG)
A stone into water creates a wave effect – the wave is the result of the energy imparted by the stone into the water, the water simply oscillates in its locality, the energy is what is propagated across the water and emanates as a wave, the water is not the wave.
But light is NOT a wave, nor a particle – it is entirely wrong to think of light in such terms, which is why Science has gone far off-track into deep-space science-fiction.
If light 'particles' travelled at speed c (300,000 km/sec) then there would be numerous (infinite) collisions of light particles travelling in everywhichway direction at each&every point in space, including all those spaces immediately in front of your eyes, and within your eyes – but this does not happen – yet CERN claim to achieve collisions at speed c – which do you believe: NATURE or CERN?
Also: 'particles' at speed c zipping in everywhichway direction would blast us to smithereens – gattling-gun style – so, Light is NOT a particle. Light is NOT a wave.
So, what is Light? This is possibly a question that can ever be properly & fully answered.
But, we can make observations and deduce certain characteristics of Light that will enhance our understanding.
Think in terms of a 100w incandescent light bulb – the filament inside is very hot, and the light very bright - and we feel warmth a close distance from it, and still very bright - further distant across a room there is no discernable warmth but the light is still bright such that we can readily read a book. From this we can think of light as having no energy but conveys 'information', whereas the energy (heat) output of the light bulb diminishes rapidly the further away we are from the light bulb.
Since we can see stars, we can deduce that whereas energy rapidly dissipates that light does not – corollary: if light did dissipate then we would not see stars – therefore light is not energy. (Electro/Magnetic radiation, NOT its originating energy, appears to propagate similarly → ????)
Hence Light is a CONSEQUENCE of Energy (of appropriate form & magnitude) – Light is NOT Energy
Since light does not dissipate, then the light that we see of that (collective) miniscule speck of a far-distant star is EXACTLY EQUAL to the light EMANATING from the collective points on that star that are EXACTLY pointing to you the observer (think about this) – again, if light dissipated then we would not see stars.
Since a FECK is FINITE in size, even though minusculely small (of whatever size it actually is) it follows that in observing a sufficiently far distant star that the light from that star is of such a small size that it equals that of the size of a FECK – which means that it becomes indistinguishable as to a stars distance, assuming we had a means to determine distance (all historical methods are based upon erroneous Opticks)
Also, even a brief flash of light (erroneously called a photon by physicists – a photon is a small amount of matter with such energy levels that it momentarily emits a flash of light) continues in all directions through open space, across an ether – never ending, unless there is an end to the Universe → ?????
And, since light passes through every point in space in everywhichway direction, and without colliding (for, if 'light particles' did collide, then light would be disrupted & confusing, hence we would not have coherent 'information' reaching us) it follows that light CANNOT be travelling at speed c, but must be propagated through a coherent mechanism - hence through an ether, consisting of Fundamental Ether Components with Kinetic energy (FECK), and through a switching mechanism from one FECK to all others FECKs surrounding each&every FECK (again, think of spiky marbles in a jar), and having a common fundamental switching frequency (but which is NOT creating a wave, nor a particle phenomena). So, Energy AND Light information are both propagated, but Light is NOT Energy.
SO, how is it that Light became WRONGLY viewed as a Wave?
This is not too difficult to recognise, but you will need your prism to view light at boundaries.
In short, it does require observation rather than reading to visualise and understand.
Young's slit experiment appeared to produce 'wave' like phenomena, wherein it was seen that there were dark patches which fitted with normal water-wave dynamics – thus leading to a (WRONG) conclusion that Light behaved as a wave.
BUT, what was not recognised, because Light was NOT viewed as transmission lobes with arc-angle displacement, instead viewed as a singular white-light that split out into the various colours, and 'bending' because of differing frequencies & speeds through various transparent materials, was that Light colours (at arc-angles) MIXED, and that in mixing it produced DARK-LIGHT, and that is what is happening with the dark regions in Young's Slit Experiment and with 'diffraction' gratings (again, Light does NOT diffract, NOR refract)
Now that we recognise Light as being a Forward Transmission lobe with 2 sets of twin sideband lobes, we can readily see that we observe the colour side-bands at boundary edges, either roy or vib depending on prism orientation (lh or rh) and which side of a boundary the light emanates – AND – AND – AND – that the colour side-bands appear WITHIN the bounds of the barrier and NOT WITHOUT the bounds – BUT – that the fwd lobe is WITHOUT the bounds of the barrier.
So, when two barriers are brought progressively toward each other to form a narrowing slit first light that diminishes is the fwd lobe, until the width of the slit near completely obliterates the forward lobe, but because the colour bands do still appear it creates an optical illusion of 'white' light. With a double-slit in close proximity there in interaction between the two sets of light colour bands wherein the outer less dark colours, the outer lobes (yo & vb) create a 'white' light and the darker lobes (ro & vi) create dark light (note: NOT shadow, but ACTIVE DARK(ER) light).
With (so-called, but wrongly called) 'diffraction' grids, the slits are much much closer together, such than a number of slits fit within the arc-angle band of any one of the light colours, from yellow all the way through the forward lobe and to the extreme lobe of blue, thus any slit, because of its narrowness blocks out the extreme side-band colours (i.e. the yellow & blue, and also much (most? ALL???) of the orange & indigo colours) leaving only the darkest of the red & violet which thus cause a much darker dark-light region (which was previously incorrectly termed as light cancelling light => destructive interference) - and again, because of the close proximity of slits, that light through nearby slits contributed to its neighbours dark patches thus reinforcing the darkening of the dark-light, but it ALL being ACTIVE DARK-LIGHT.
BUT, also, because the yellow & blue extreme bands being in the path of neighbour slits, it would seem that nominal amounts of the mid & extreme band colours would pas through neighbour slits, which would explain low intensity yellow/blue/greenish tinges.
Also note: the use of a laser (far higher intensity than regular light, or a regular single side-band colour) with a diffraction grid simply shows that the INTENSE laser light is (likely) reflected off slits, so as to produce a wide divergence of light spots, diminishing in intensity the further the divergence.
So, it is WRONG to say that the dark regions yield 'Light + Light = Dark' (Dark as in Shadow, passive dark) - - when in fact Light + Light = Dark-LIGHT (ACTIVE LIGHT!!!) - which to reiterate what is discussed herein, that Light through clouds causes the light colours to INFINITELY mix, this producing varying degrees of greys through to blacks; and why Light at the bottom of the oceans is ACTIVE BLACK-LIGHT.
Electro/Magnetic energy fields also propagate 'information' similar to Light – but is not Light - there is no Light frequency-spectrum because Light is arc-angle related not frequency related. But animals such as birds can, it appears, 'sense' this 'information' resulting from Electro/Magnetic energy transmission (e.g. earth's magnetic field)
(Since Ireland's Academia are TOTALLY HOSTILE, as are ALL academic institutions (and Governments, and corporates, and....), the writer is banned from Dublin's UCD & TCD Universities & others elsewheres in Ireland – so more detailed R&D into these phenomena is not possible, BUT searching the web on: 'Young's slit experiment photo', brought up images including hi-res photos which seem to support the aforegoing arguments, but certainly debunks the 'wave' interpretation – ALL the images depicting wave-like phenomena are WRONG!!!)
PS: An excellent series of Physics lectures (doubtful if can be surpassed) of Classic physics can be viewed on Youtube.
Prof. Walter Lewin's Physics series of University Years 1 to 3
BUT, BEWARE! – the latter part of Year 2 (8.02) is where it starts to become mathematised into sci-fi kwantum fiziks – but, even these give observational insights that are mostly valid. It is simply a question of developing correct understandings as to why these observations do occur.
(It is questioned whether WL's claim of secondary rainbows is due to direct sun light because the second rainbow is far less bright, this suggests that it is due to the prismatic effect of light bouncing around internally and emitting attenuated light that then presents as a secondary rainbow.)
WL's explanations, insofar as kwantum fiziks, even though incorrect, are entirely plausible, the more so with the mathematisations – UNTIL – you recognise that Light is NOT what Opticks claim it to be. AGAIN: Newton stole the IP which is why Opticks are wrong, the originating Author of the sketch diagram (I.E. or J.E.) needs to be determined; nevertheless the diagram contains hidden clues which prove Newton stole the IP and is why Newton did not understand Optics (no 'k') – which is why deep-space observations are misinterpreted → sci-fi kwantum-fiziks.
8.02 lect34 is where the basics of kwantum fiziks start.
Kwantum Fiziks is also why Economics/Finance has also gone far off-track into mathematised fraud scams – our brains have become softened with deep-space sci-fi - it is also why Russia was gang-banged by the West post wall-fall – and why the World faces extreme polarisation between West & East (BRICS expanding) → with potential World-war looming.
END OF UPDATE: Oct 2023 'What is Light'
Photo-electric effect, how can we interpret this?
This phenomena can be viewed in many YouTube videos. Since light does not dissipate, and energy does, it follows that light cannot be of energy (which dissipates with inverse distance squared) but simply of 'information' → Light is consequent to appropriate and sufficient energy within matter. How & why the photo-electric phenomena occurs needs to be determined, but experimentation shows that it occurs. Perhaps similar to transistors, wherein a small control potential allows large flow through the transistor, the Light causes a potential (photo-electric effect) to occur. Further experiments need to be conducted to determine whether light intensity varies the electric effect & other anomalies previously not recognised – but Universities and Governments (especially in Ireland & UK) are HOSTILE to research that seeks to further confirm Newton's work is wrong, and that Newton stole the IP.
Also look at multicoloured LED light strips – these are strips of close-set sets of 3xLED lights together (one each of Red, Green, Blue) – with all 3 at full intensity we 'claim' white-light - BUT, careful observation shows that it is a sickly, nauseating yellow off-white - our brains 'think' it is white but it is missing the forward-light component, thus it is NOT white-light. Similar mis-interpretations come in with Maxwell's colour wheel.
Nevertheless ample evidence demonstrates that Opticks are wrong (Newton stole the IP, this is PROVED by the fact that his Opticks are WRONG, and also is PROVED by the hidden clue/s in the sketch diagram) and much Science has gone far off-track into deep space science fiction, and with many 'scientists' hostile.
CERN is a white-elephant, and is in fact a Money Laundering operation for corporate organised crime (corpOrgCrime)
nothing travels at the speed of Light, nor even at 0.01 of speed c
'Black Holes'
Since scientists misinterpret Optics (and instead wrongly think of Opticks, which IP is WRONG!; and which Newton stole) → it follows that much observations of astronomy are also wrongly interpreted.
Michelson's Interferometer experiments produced circular patterns – it does not take much thought to recognise a 'blackhole' in the centre.
A similar 'blackhole' pattern can be achieve by a double circular-slit experiment - a parallel double slit is simply a small portion of a very large circle.
Consequently claims of 'black holes' in space can be ruled-out as gross misinterpretations – as is much of deep-space observations, along with much photoshopping to produce 'wow' images.
Also note, that much astrophysics relies on radio astronomy in which received radio transmissions from stars are erroneously interpreted based upon erroneous interpretations of optical telescopy - erroneous interpretations which are based upon erroneous opticks ->
the blind leading the blind!!!!!
Einstein Energy & Relativity, Heisenberg Uncertainty, etc. –> CERTAINTY! that these and ALL previous light theories are wrong, because Opticks are wrong.
ALL historical Light theories are based upon an ERRONEOUS wave, hence erroneous frequency basis – light does NOT function as a wave, hence is not frequency based – and NOTHING travels at speed of light (c) – Light is PROPAGATED across an ether through a constructive, orderly mechanism. Nor is light 'particle' based.
Hence Energy & Relativity theories are wrong, there is CERTAINTY of Uncertainty simply because looking for something that moves like a wave when in fact it does nothing of the sort explains why the 'something' being sought cannot ever be found!
Planetary Motion, Climate Change, Pollution, …. and Errors in Climate Change arguments
It is crystal clear from simple observations with a prism that Light is made up of distinctly separate colours propagated at different angles.
Planetary (Solar) Systems function SYNCHRONOUSLY (in rotation & orbit) – Gravity CANNOT explain this dynamic, ONLY multiphase energy transmission can do this – photo-electric experiments demonstrates that energy propagates at different (phase) angles – and this would explain why Planets (SUPER-MOTORS) rotate synchronously due to the multi-phase energy transmitted by the Sun (SUPER-GENERATOR/ALTERNATOR)
Also Gravity is an 'internal' force to planets – it is NOT Universal (as a means of explaining how the Universe functions)
Whilst Pollution is a MASSIVE problem, it cannot be proved that this is the cause of Climate Change - (see above regarding the error by Climate Change scientists (IPCC etc.), of assuming no light in deep oceans, when in fact it is ACTIVE DARK/BLACK light, excepting heavily polluted areas) – the Solar System dynamics far, far, far exceed the miniscule levels of pollution caused by man relative to Natural 'disasters' (more correctly: dynamics) of the past, present & future.
And, REMEMBER, these so-called Climate 'scientists' are in DENIAL that Opticks are WRONG!! - so why would you believe them on issues such as Pollution causing Climate Change????
However, this does not reduce the urgent caution of a FAIL-SAFE policy of reducing pollution simply because pollution is, at least, a massive health hazard
Al Gore's 'An Inconvenient Truth' presents incorrect arguments that are used to justify the Pollution CAUSING Climate Change (CC) claim.
Whilst the writer challenges the Pollution/CC claim insofar as certain of the fundamental science arguments, the point remains that Pollution is a MASSIVE PROBLEM and needs urgent addressing and far more effectively than is presently being done.
BUT, it is still nonetheless TOTALLY WRONG to base certain CC arguments on false science – for, if one aspect can be shown to be wrong (as is the case presented by the writer herein) AND the CC specialists refuse to acknowledge the wrongness then these specialists cannot expect to be believed on any one or all of its claims.
At minutes 44:30 of Inconvenient Truth, Gore argues (or rather, regurgitates CC specialists) that 90% of light/heat from the sun is reflected from off ice back into space.
This assertion is TOTALLY WRONG.
We can use clouds to recognise that Gore is wrong.
Observe bulky cumulus clouds (large puffy kind) when widely separated and plenty sun around. EVERYTHING you see of each&every cloud is ACTIVE LIGHT – from the brightest sections, to the varying degrees of grey to the darkest areas – ALL of what we see of the cloud is ACTIVE LIGHT from bright to grey to dark – ACTIVE LIGHT – it is NOT shadow (passive dark) – but our eyes perceive the gray/dark but it is in fact a multiplicity of small points of colours, red, blue, yellow that being in close proximity to each other blend into the grey/dark light that we observe.
Clouds are COLOURFUL!!!
We can immediately see from the brightest areas that we are able to observe them readily – we are not dazzled/blinded as with direct sunlight - thus, if light was reflected at even 60% we would be blinded by the immense intensity of 60% of sunlight. But, we are not blinded/dazzled because sunlight is not reflected back at 90%, or 60% but at some far lower level, possibly about 30% at most.
We can also see this is so from space photos of the earth.
And we can see this with the prism observations referred to above – we can see the attenuated bands of light when we move a piece of paper around the prism, and we can see that forward light is blocked by the prism resulting in the full prism shadow, so only a very small percent is reflected back from direct sunlight, other light is bounce around and propagated forward. And since a rain drop is a multitude of prisms the same phenomena of light being spread & attenuated occurs.
NOTE: the bright light from the apex point, because of direct transmission through the prism to that narrow apex point – slight movement of the prism shifts that apex light.
Also, we now know that the blackness of deep sea is NOT the absence of light but the PRESENCE of ACTIVE BLACK LIGHT.
Ice like water is more densely packed than rain drops, but ice is less densely packed than water
Therefore only a nominal amount of light is reflected back into space.
Therefore CO2 in the atmosphere is not creating, it would seem, the greenhouse effect, as argued by Climate Changers, by keeping the heat inside the atmosphere, for if it did then it would also diminish the incident light/heat shining onto the earth.
The (seemingly) greater incidences of volcanic eruptions & earthquakes would indicate that it is Solar System dynamics that are behind Climate Change, as always has been the case.
In conclusion of this brief Overview – you will NOT begin to FULLY UNDERSTAND Light unless & until you obtain a 3x60 degree prism (preferably 2) and make the observations – and recognise ….
Quantum Physics → Kwantum Fiziks!!!
Quantum Theory → Kwantum Twaddle!!!
To fully understand LTD dynamics it is important to follow 'Fast-track' at and the steps setting out further simple observations.
(It is also important to understand why science has gone far off-track into science-fiction (sci-fi) – Richard Feynman's lecture series to Auckland University gives good insight – RF is (was) a 'talky' kind of person, but one that avoided mathematics in preference for explaining ideas – an excellent lecture series insofar as the then prevailing understandings of Physics, but wrong because no one had checked Newton's Opticks. It is a 6 hour lecture series, lengthy but well worth watching because he explains observed phenomena, even though the historical theories explaining the phenomena are wrong.
a simpler & much shorter explanation from Royal Institute Christmas lecture series, this is an 8 minute video – one can now see how the error of discrete particles (sand) is wrongly viewed as a similar phenomena with light → hence centuries of incorrect theories. FECKs are each discrete, fixed components, but function within a 'sea' that makes up the ether – and across which EVERYTHING passes in its specific orbits/motions.
The screen in this double slit experiment is presenting as a barrier to the light on each FECK at that barrier, and since everything passes through the universe, switched across the ether including the barrier, and you, and me, and everything else, and that FECKs are oriented marble-like, then different FECKs will be lit up at different times and at different points at that barrier, thus accumulating to the observed distribution pattern which presents as a slit pattern, but not as a wave, nor as a particle.
And, remember, light is the 'information' as a consequence of matter having sufficient & appropriate energy. )
Chris Addington Pr.Eng.