New Science insights 2020-06-23



God does not play dice

Subtle is the Lord … but malicious He is not


Understanding where Einstein went wrong …... and Planck, and …....

…....... and why Science and Socio-Economics have gone wrong


Errors with Photo-Electric effect




'Subtle is the Lord …' The Science and the life of ALBERT EINSTEN - by Abraham Pais

ISBN 0-19-285138-1



(Reiterate: It is possible to follow the points herein which include a Recap of key LTD points, but an understanding of Optics would give clearer insights - follow fast-track on homepage at



Abraham Pais, a Dutch, later American physicist was recruited to the Institute for Advance Studies at Princeton where he met & was involved with Einstein. Pais's biography on Einstein gives a good personal & scientific foundation & chronology on Einstein.


As with any brilliant works, to determine & understand what is Right it is necessary to also recognise & understand what is Wrong, i.e. what something is not. Often what seems Right turns out to be Wrong, and sometimes something that is Wrong manages to seem Right for a very long time – decades long, even centuries (as with Opticks)


There can be many reasons why something that is Wrong seems Right – but all usually emanate as simple errors not recognised, and usually through incorrect assumptions & insufficient checking.

Much sci-fi 'science' which wrongly holds over Science results from failure to apply the ABC principles – Accept Nothing, Believe No-one, Check Everything.


An 'incorrect assumption' (or more correctly: assumptions, plural) was what caused Einstein to go off-track, and likewise with others, such as Planck, Schrodinger, Bohr, Heisenberg, Feynman ….. and all were reinforcing each other in these assumptions errors.


Einstein wrongly assumed that the Michelson-Morley experiment was correct, that Opticks was correct – and likewise so did many other Theoretical-Physicists. Those that were sceptical did not seek to find out whether Michelson-Morley or Opticks was wrong – thus the Intellectual Momentum of compounded incorrect assumptions became perceived as being Right, wrongly so.


The term 'Theoretical-Physicist' is a contradiction in terms itself as those that ascribed to this title were largely theorists, and largely mathematicians – thus ever-deepening theories became accepted without the rigours of experiment. And the more so as theories into deep-space were, obviously, unable to be experimented.


Thus: 'Theories' abound that are removed from 'Physics' – hence 'Theories' veer off-track into science-fiction (sci-fi)


The purpose herein, at present, is to address the compounded error by Planck in which he addressed the Photo Electric effect and derived the 'Planck Constant'.


From Britannica:- ' ….. The significance of Planck’s constant in this context is that radiation, such as light, is emitted, transmitted, and absorbed in discrete energy packets, or quanta, determined by the frequency of the radiation and the value of Planck’s constant. ….'


Short videos are available on Youtube to demonstrate the experiment to derive Planck's Constant – e.g.: – photoelectric effect – deriving Planck Constant


The assumptions by Planck is that the light colours in the rainbow pattern are frequency related, in the order given by the rainbow, that light travelled in straight lines, that the colours produce a photoelectric effect, that the potential of each of the colours are different.


Nevertheless the experiment to derive Planck Constant shows that:

- 'white' light does not produce a photoelectric effect (note: 'White' is a misnomer, and should be referred to as 'Forward' light)

- that the discrete colours does affect the photoelectric effect and at distinctly different potential levels

- that the INTENSITY of each of the colours does not alter the measured potential of that colour


[Recap: (of key points as explained by following the Fast-Track at – Skip this section if familiar with fundamentals set out in fast-track)


Orient a (3 x 60 degree) prism in light to obtain rainbow pattern, move prism toward rainbow pattern, notice rainbow splits out to 2 distinct patterns at apex points, roy & vib patterns.

Recognise that radar transmission patterns consist of Forward lobe, and 2 distinct sets of twin side-band lobes either side of the Forward lobe – attribute this form of Transmission Dynamic to Light – or more correctly recognise that radar transmission lobes are as a consequence of Light Transmission Dynamics phenomena being forward & 2 sets of twin side-lobes – thus the 2 side-band lobes of colours are r & y, and v & b, the orange being an optical mergement of the r&y, and indigo the optical mergement of v&b.

Thus the CORRECT sequence of forward light transmission is:- y-o-r-F-v-i-b (and NOT roybiv) – where F = Forward. Recognise that the prism apexes are each showing one of the twin side-bands, the other apex the other side-band.

Also recall that reflected light produces a reversal of the colour patterns when observed through a prism.


Measurement of the angles of the colour lobes shows approximately 1 degree between each of the colours:-

y-(1 degree)-o-(1 degree)-r-(1 degree)-F-(1 degree)-v-(1 degree)-i-(1degree)-b.


Thus colours are arc-angle related NOT frequency related.


Take a sheet of paper and move around the prism to detect the 3 bands of light & the prism shadow. Intuit that the forward Light impacting on the prism is therefore obstructed from further forward transmission (thus shadow) and the light onto the prism is split 3 ways:- by being partially reflected & transmitted off each of the 3 faces of the prism. One at the incident face, the other 2 successively off the internal faces of the other 2 sides. Thus the forward light between the 2 colour patterns is attenuated forward light as a result of successive reflections, thus the attenuated light allows us to observe the FULL intensity colour patterns (that accompanies Light) at the apex points (i.e. Forward Light is distinctly separate to the distinctly separate colours & colour patterns.

Intuit that the colour patterns & forward light are all distinctly separate but all are everywhere present, in 'normal' (i.e. sunlight, incandescent, …) light (i.e. 'white light' does NOT split out into colours)


Thus intuit that an ether MUST exist – FECKs (Fundamental Ether Components, and Kinetic) packed marble-like, light & energy is PROPAGATED across the Ether through a switching mechanism, thus the Ether has a fundamental & constant potential by which to function.

Thus allowing us to see Perspective


If light travelled in straight lines we would not be able to see Perspective, everything would be flat – thus Perspective is a singular proof that an Ether must exist.


Light (& Energy) is PROPAGATED across the Ether, light is not a particle or a wave as such, but the consequent effect of propagation-switching of light across the ether does present as similar in certain ways to a wave, but is not a wave, nor is light a particle.


End of Recap:]



Regarding the videos – these are school revision videos well designed to explain the photoelectric phenomena with unnecessary detail removed for the benefit of students revising their work – the videos are sufficient for the explanations herein to demonstrate Planck's (& other theoreticians') error(s) but insufficient to largely extend further understandings


From the first video we see the photoelectric effect upon a gold leaf.

In the second video measurements are taken with different colour slides to determine the potential required to stop the photoelectric effect. The potential values measured are shown & graphed, and the resultant slope determined (being Planck Constant)


The errors that Planck made were the incorrect attribution of frequency to the colours, and the incorrect sequence & spatial orientation of the colours.


Nevertheless the experiments in the videos records the potential values. If we now put these into correct spatial orientation we can detect an important phenomena.


Potential measurements (in correct spatial orientation to Forward light):


Y 0.42 – O 0.33 - R 0.21 – F (nil effect) – V 1.6 – I (no measurement) – B 0.66


From this spatial orientation we can readily see that there is a potential difference between the vib colours to the RHS of Forward light than the yor colours to the LHS of Forward light.


Potential Differences are what produces Motive Forces – Motor effects


Intuit further:

that INTENSITY of colour light does not alter the stopping potentials – this then indicates that the colour lobes are a characteristics of each FECK component.

Each FECK has inherent potential and are spatially oriented (like marbles in jar) to attain a physical potential difference

The cumulative effect of Light being propagated through space is to create a multiphase Power Supply causing a Right-Hand positive potential difference. Thus Sun's Light & Energy propagating toward planets causes synchronous planetary rotation & orbit.





The polar orientation of any Planet determines its rotation direction (e.g. Earth rotates anti-clockwise for the Sun to rise in East) – from the photoelectric experiment it is clear that RHS potential exceeds LHS potential


Chromosomes are essentially dipoles (with offset poles – i.e. not 180 degrees opposed) – in a potential field chromosomes act as an unrestrained 'rotor' of a motor – thus chromosomes 'jiggle' about.

Ditto for all life-forms → Brownian Motion.


Note: although we see a potential difference for Light colours – it does not seem plausible that this potential difference alone accounts for planetary rotation & orbit – the light potentials are surely far, far too small to cause motor-effect upon a planet. It follows that additional and FAR, FAR greater multi-phase energy is being transmitted by the sun to cause motor-effect.


Also of interest is the fact that Forward light does NOT cause a photoelectric effect – perhaps consider this Forward light as also acting as an insulator between the RHS & LHS potentials – much as the separate core wires of electric cable are insulated.




The aforegoing identifies further historical errors in Science and progresses the search for correct understandings of how the Universe & Solar Systems function.




The experiments in the video should be repeated and fully recorded, giving also the ammeter readings; and ideally using the colours obtained with a prism.



Defective 'science' → destructive Government policies → chaos.

Much of today's Socio-Economic chaoses derive from incorrect (defective) science & mathematics that have been increasingly purposefully designed for fraudulent purposes – thus science did not bring Enlightenment, but Endarkenment – Endarkenment because of ongoing dishonesty within Academia, Governments, Judiciaries, Parliaments, Corporates ….................


What we are witnessing today with mass protests, riots, shootings of police, extremism/radicalism around the world is likely to widen into further attacks on dishonest Parliamentarians and Judges.

We are well into the 21st century and yet Justice Systems globally remain closed-shop hence, by induction, wholly corrupt – dishonesty, cronyism & corruption – thus can the virus of corpOrgCrime ravage Societies ...


…........... thus increasing political tensions –> Russia, N Korea, India/China ….............




Constructive engagement is always welcomed – cdadd5 [at]





Chris Addington Pr.Eng.