CDADD Consulting Services

Engineering sound global R&D and solutions


  • is an independent consulting Professional Engineer practice providing

    • Social, Economy, Business, Finance, Legal environment Engineering – i.e. development of Economy Engineering

    • strictly confidential consulting services

    • provides independent research & commentary on Social, Economy, Business, Finance, Legal environments from an engineering systems & controls perspective.

CDADD has brought immense value to South Africa & the World through specific, ground-breaking, Social, Economy, Business, Finance, Legal Engineering research.

  • Hundreds of Billions of Rands of fraudulent losses (i.e. realised savings) have been uncovered within the Financial Services Industry. (Trillions of US Dollars globally)

  • Greater Economy stability can be achieved by implementing a research redesign of “interest rates” as an economy control device; which would also provide stability to Money & Supply.

  • Various other research issues have brought significant savings/gains to SA

  • Client companies that previously were seriously ailing, some technically insolvent, have gained significantly by the unique approach taken of “engineering sound global solutions to business problems”.

Qualifications & Expertise:


  • ONC (Electrical, Mechanical, Hydraulic Eng.) Royal Navy

  • B.Sc. Electrical Engineering UCT 1980

  • Various MBA courses UCT 1983

  • Various B Comm. courses UNISA 1985 to 1987

  • Registered as Professional Engineer (1986)

1969 – 1976:

  • Royal Navy – Senior Electrical/Mechanical/Hydraulic Artificer – Mine Layers, Minesweepers, Aircraft Carriers, Destroyers, Frigates

1977 - 1980:

  • UCT – B.Sc. Electrical Engineering.

1981 - 1982:

  • Engineering Consulting & Project Management: Coal Plants, Grain Silo’s, Railway Signalling, Plant Control, General Engineering Design, Conceptual Designs.

  • In background: Started investigations into Investment/Stock Exchange industry & Financial Services Industry – initially local (then global from 1993 - some articles published local & global)

1983 – 1985:

  • UCT – MBA courses. + Engineering Project Management

1986 – 1989:

      • Independent consulting as a Professional Engineer Project Engineering & Management Food Plants, Arc Furnace, Stacker/Reclaimers, General Engineering Design & Project Management, Plant Software Programming, Commercial & Industrial Buildings.

      • B. Comm. Courses UNISA

1989 to date:

  • Management Consulting: Restructuring operations of government & corporate businesses.

  • Owner Management of a Construction Equipment hiring business + design & engineering of own machines

  • Ongoing research into the Financial Services Industry & Markets, local & global. Uncovering of numerous fraudulent aspects.

  • Pioneering development of Business Engineering – aimed at closing the massive gap between the Engineering & Commercial worlds.

  • Ongoing Business Engineering consulting to private & corporates – strictly confidential – engineering sound global solutions to business problems (Private & Corporate)

    • A number of insolvent companies have been turned around.

  • Development of numerous research & commentary issues:

    • Research Excellence Award from SA Savings Institute – adjudicated by Chris Stals (ex Reserve Bank Governor), Prof Biekpe (chairs in SA & UK) & Dr David Porteous.

    • Ongoing Research revealing massive fraudulent losses in the Financial & Commercial Services Industry.

    • interest in ongoing research that aims to bring

      • greater efficiencies to businesses/economies in general.

      • real solutions to solving global poverty on a win/win basis

  • Development of Economy Engineering (see series: Economists' Inexact Models Exactly Defective – much of Nobel Prize winning models are grossly defective.

  • Development of Physics Engineering (see series: Captain's Log Stardate xx – Opticks (wrongly attributed to Newton are wrong) consequently Einstein, Hubble, Hawking, Dawkins, CERN are also wrong. FAST TRACK Captain's Log 06 – Particle Sigma-18

  • Also: Fermat's Last Theorem – proof by Andrew Wiles is NOT a proof, CDADD has developed a classical mathematical proof



Chris Addington Pr.Eng., (currently unlawfully & abusively gagged/censored by SA ISP & USA

(Under enforced exile from South Africa due to ANC government’s oppressive XDR-nazi system and oppressive economic isolation by corporate & academic world’s.)

XDR = Extreme Democracy Resistant