The (f)Utility of Force


Western Militaries as Hired-Guns for corpOrgCrime


The Utility of Force (The Art of War in the Modern World) - General Sir Rupert Smith (formerly Deputy Supreme Allied Commander NATO); & other contemporary works



Health Warnings:

- The writer is constantly being obstructed in communicating by ISPs – the public are kept ignorant by this abuse and by dishonesty of media & government - this can be done because of closed-shop, hence corrupt Courts in Western (in)justice systems -

please feel free to circulate this & as widely as possible.

This request should not be taken lightly – the reality is that the R&D at CDADD website addresses widespread Engineering issues (Physics thru' to Socio-Economics) and has demonstrated, amongst numerous other defective science issues, that loving-faith Jews are once again being viciously attacked because of crimes by a minority Jew-Mafia. Even Israel's PM Benjamin Netanyahu maintains the lies & dishonesty over the Twin Towers implosions, thus are increasing numbers of people wrongly seeing this as a general lie by all Jews → increase of the evils of anti-Semitism. Glaring failures by Western Nations led to the rise of rabid Nazism c1930/40, token apologetics for the Holocaust belie the increasing risk of Holocaust recurrences.


- Boris Johnson's 'stonking victory' in the Brexit Election belies the underlying massively destructive policies, based upon grossly defective 'science' theories, which brought about the failure of the EU project & hence the Brexit Referendum. Will the newly elected Parliamentarians simply be a rubber-stamp for Boris or will they bring real Reform & address the masses of purposefully defective 'science' that 'legitimises' corpOrgCrime → Crimes Against Humanity <-> Socio-Economic Terrorism? – and to which western Militaries act as Hired-Guns to criminals.


- Repetition is required to reverse the destructive effects of brainwashing – for, for every repetitive occasion that you are brainwashed, wrongly so, that e=mc2 it requires far more repetition to undo that brainwashing so as to recognise that → e≠mc2 (Fast-Track at CDADD website - simple observations with a prism)





that the Enemy is not those attacking without,

but those within, those in Power





Military as hired-guns for corporate Organised Crime



Crimes Against Humanity <---> Socio-Economic Terrorism







'hand grenades' of Economic Crime from 'Thermo-Nuclear' EWMDs of CorpOrgCrime


and recognise:

that developed Nations need to oppose corpOrgCrime – within & without

including within Academia (Royal Society, Royal Institute, Nobel Foundation etc.) ….




The globalisation of corpOrgCrime is far more devastating than the evils of Hitler, Stalin, Tojo & Mussolini combined …..


…..... and corpOrgCrime was masterminded & complexed within western nations


The peoples' votes of Obama, Trump, Brexit, Johnson are desperation votes against the mass austerity which continues because governments/parliaments are fundamentally dishonest & in collusion with corpOrgCrime criminals who are aided&abetted by a dishonest Academia that purposefully scheme defective 'science' & bogus maths to legitimise otherwise fraud scams globally



The ongoing ideological & physical warring between Iran (Middle East in toto) & Western World is founded largely on the West's glut of defective 'science' & maths that is driving Reason apart

& supporting corpOrgCrime, Crimes Against Humanity ↔ Socio-Economic Terrorism.





Some books/media that reinforce the (f)Utility of Force


1. The Utility of Force (The Art of War in the Modern World)

General Sir Rupert Smith (formerly Deputy Supreme Allied Commander NATO)

ISBN 0-713-99836-9 (a chance-find in a charity-shop in Mitchelstown, Ireland) – published 2005



2. Cry Havoc

Simon Mann (Convict in Zimbabwe & Equatorial Guinea, Mercenary, erstwhile SAS, Scots Guards)

ISBN 978-1-84358-403-2 (also a charity-shop chance-find in Cahir) – published 2011



3a. The Regulation and Prevention of Economic Crime Internationally

Consultant Editor: Jonathan Reuvid

ISBN 0-7494-1539-8 (another charity shop chance-find in Mitchelstown) – a 1995 publication by contributors that were not aware of the extent of CorpOrgCrime & EWMDs

(Also: The Cambridge International Symposium on Economic Crime (Professor Barry A. K. Rider OBE - Founder, Executive Director and Co-Chairman CIDOEC, Jesus College Cambridge, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) – which is holding its 2019 Symposium September 1-8, 2019 – and in which a significant number of participating presenters are deeply entrenched in CorpOrgCrime!?!?!?!?!? And to which Prof Barry Rider refused the writer complimentary attendance)


3b. Dirty Dealing – The Untold Truth about Global Money Laundering, International Crime and Terrorism

Peter Lilley – Investigative Analyst/Reporter

ISBN 0-7494-4034-1 (UCD university bookshop 50% sale – a 2019 Christmas present)

(A 2000 publication, revised 2003, that deals extensively with the 'hand grenades' of economic crime, the extent of Thermo-Nuclear EWMDs of corpOrgCrime having not then been analysed by CDADD)


3c. The Benefits of Famine

David Keen – Professor LSE

9-781847-013149, 9-789970-028030, 0-780821-418222 (UCD university bookshop 50% sale, another Christmas present)

An excellent & comprehensive record of Sudan famine [genocides] albeit with many interpretation errors – 1994 publication, revised 2008 – but ignoring the realities of corpOrgCrime as being largely the Causal Factor behind global famine genocides.



4. The End of Alchemy – MONEY, BANKING and the FUTURE of the GLOBAL ECONOMY

Mervyn King (ex- Bank of England Governor (BoE), now in House of Lords)

ISBN 9-780349-140674 (also a charity shop find in Dundrum, Dublin)

Is King a double(triple)-agent? (for UK, self and for corpOrgCrime and ???)

Mervyn King was kept informed of CDADD's R&D for many years (post 2003) – King, an economist, has little understanding of science or engineering, yet as BoE Governor made decisions over Socio-Economy systems that are far more complex than cars/planes/trains – and has openly stolen CDADD's Intellectual Property, which forms the bases of much of his proposals – but which proposals are unsound because they contain only a few key engineering aspects, much of which was/is misunderstood by King. Once the writer focused on King's failings as the BoE Governor King asked for his personal email address to be removed from the writer's mailing list.


BUT, it is important to recognise also that King readily deceives – because UK's Westminster (in)justice system, which forms the basis of much of global (in)justice systems stemming from Britain's colonial oppressions, readily protects corpOrgCrime – the fallout of which includes increasing radicalisation – watch carefully & understand the upcoming (in)justice abuses that will unfold with Ireland's prosecution of Isil bride Lisa Smith; Ireland's state-appointed defence attorneys do NOTHING to defend clients; Ireland is a Nazi State (judicial & police directly linked => police state; police & judicial abuse & brutality => Nazi State; a VOLUNTARY return to Ireland but no bail as judge baselessly claims: 'flight risk' – people are silenced through judicial abuse & dungeons))



5. The Book of Nothing

John D Barrow – Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics & Theoretical Physics, Cambridge

ISBN 0-099-28845-1 (another chance charity-shop find, forgotten where) published 2000

This provides an excellent overview of the history of ancient philosophising about Nothing (Zero, Vacuum); it also provides a history of how Mathematics & Opticks (with a 'k') went off-track & detached from reality such that today's sci-fi psycho-babble, from largely sci-fi psychopaths, misled the world into sci-fi fiction guised as Science (and from there into grossly defective Economics theories → corpOrgCrime → Crimes Against Humanity → Socio-Economic Terrorism)



Four Horsemen – documentary, Youtube:

This gives an overview of arguments raised in King's book – whilst it also addresses symptoms it does NOT identify the underlying Causal Factors

Quants - The Alchemists of Wall Street documentary, Youtube:

This gives insights as to how defective mathematics of increasing complexities can 'legitimise' otherwise fraud scams. The metamorphosing of frauds initiated by Donald Gordon. It is possible because Governments do not stop the fraud mechanisms – trading for the sake of trading being an immediate indicator.

Brexit – is a consequence of a complexity of socio-economy disruptions resulting from decades of corpOrgCrimes (see Four Horseman for a few of these crimes) to which Parliament, Government, Media, Academia have for long been informed of detailed technical proofs of financial/economic/academic crimes that remain unprosecuted – and in so doing Parliament are criminally lying to the people.

UK Supreme Court – Prorogation Hearing & Judgement - a Court Hearing of privileged Legals presenting distorted/deceptive/dishonest arguments to privileged Judges with NO opportunity for people to put alternative arguments concerning (i) a PEOPLES' REFERENDUM VOTE & (ii) the gross dishonesty of Parliamentarians (including Government Ministers) – a hearing on purposefully NARROW issues - and Judges stating prorogation as (procedurally) unlawful (null&void) but refusing to address merits (or alternative arguments from public) in Court hearing.

NOTE: PM Johnson having (by Judgement) acted unlawfully does not imply 'bad faith'; secondly much 'law' in fact violates UDHR




The referenced books (& documentaries/recordings) are contemporary publications in that all deal with analyses within a composite global socio-economic system where most people were then unknowing of the MASSIVE GLOBALLY DESTABILISING frauds masterminded by Donald Gordon (1958) & emulated by a minority few (including Richard Branson, Warren Buffet, Allan Sugar, …...) which formed the foundation for the increasingly complex (finance/economic/academic) fraud scams therefrom, and which complex frauds continue today …......




Web Links

Open Letters to: PM Boris Johnson & CIDOEC (Prof Barry Rider)








('ismic ideologies, such as socialism, liberalism, capitalism …., has NOTHING to do with Engineering, including Socio-Economy Engineering – Engineering is, partly, about attaining & maintaining optimally stable Systems & Controls)



Cromwell had Charles I's head cut-off for perceived abuse of Monarchy-power, whereby UK Government/Parliament attained popular-power, and through use of military might – now, 370 years later, Government have & for long abused popular-power and maintain this abuse with military might..

Historically defeated leaders were dispatched to the 'happy hunting grounds' …........................


But, today's leaders, and the general disregard for Justice can be exemplified with the Trump Impeachment – a corrupt Chief Justice (John G Roberts) presiding over the alleged dishonesty of President Donald Trump.

Roberts still refuses to publicly declare the proved IMPLOSIONS of Twin Towers, amongst numerous other Justice violations.

Boris Johnson claiming to be listening to people & working for them – but Johnson refuses to promote new science that disproves centuries-old 'science' & maintains purposefully defective 'science – doing EXACTLY as his predecessors, consequently rendering himself incompetent to bring about the Real change he promised.

And UK's Africa-Summit merely regurgitates past defective policies – yet again, another change of faces but nothing changes.

Under-developed nations do not need Investment nor Aid, they need Socio-Economy Engineering



To understand General Smith's dilemma, in utilising Force, one must first understand the gross errors within the books referenced.


The referenced authors have commonality:

Consider the difficulty in explaining to persons that their belief (in being in a certain position and desiring an alternative & better position, requiring a specific direction) are all wrong beliefs – i.e. they are in the wrong position, heading in the wrong direction, to a wrong destination. How does one convince them that their current position is elsewhere and the true future position is far remote from their wrong belief of their desired future position. And with leaders who do not act in best-interests of their electorate, but act in their own personal interests, ignoring new science evidence that is disadvantageous to themselves.

What value can be attributed to the Intellectual Property (IP) that informs them only of their wrong start-position – if no value attributed by them & the IP is not rewarded then there is also then no inducement to inform them of the correct destination & direction.


To put more simply:If MERIT is not Rewarded/Funded then defective outcomes result.


Why is it that, when President Kennedy said man would go to the moon within that decade (1960s), that Engineering achieved Kennedy's stated goal – yet, with over a century of 'modern economics' the world is still in chaos?

A key factor to explain Kennedy's success is that when something went wrong in the space-developments Engineers unloaded by acknowledging their F*CK-UPs – but within the pomposity of political & business/economic frameworks such admissions are (wrongly so) unacceptable – so egos become locked-in to maintaining defective models.


Grissom, Chaffee & White died in an Apollo accident within a programme that had the most singularly intensive & extensive degrees of technical expertise (progressive incremental Science tested by Engineering) the world has ever seen – accidents occur! – but within the social sciences there is a glut of defective 'science' & mathematics but not one ounce of engineering/science expertise → Socio-Economies are one big ongoing man-made disaster (not accident).



Simply review the laudatory remarks on King's Alchemy book – all reviewers are 'experts' with zero engineering/science expertise, all falsely lauding King's incompetence – it's why so many millions continue to starve today.

It is NOT simply a case of blind-leading-blind, but of purposeful dishonesty, corruption, crime – corpOrgCrime → Crimes Against Humanity → Socio-Economic Terrorism!!!


All these authors (a few of UK's many senior Leaders) are in breach of Trust held by the public in them.


Media, especially Time magazine, exploit & groom a schoolchild, Greta Thunberg (& others) – not only by silencing new science that disproves centuries-old theories, but also by directly grooming Thunberg to promote defective science & the unproved link of 'Pollution causing Climate Change', and which 'proofs' promoted by IPCC have been disproved by CDADD → Natural dynamics of Solar Systems (synchronous rotation & orbit of planets) must be qualified & quantified as these are the most likely major causes.

Mental & Emotional exploitation is just as destructive as Sexual Exploitation – but of schoolchildren by Time magazine & media in general? → pure evil!!!

But, it is also pure evil that society are being lied to by Academia – clearly there are many people that are against Climate Change claims because of this dishonesty – but the dishonesty compounds into all spheres.


CERN, in truth, in continuing to expound defective 'particle physics' is essentially a Money Laundering operation – CERN not only aids&abets the attainment&maintainment of defective 'science' which then gives added 'legitimacy' to otherwise global fraud scams but in so doing is actually laundering money – masses of it.




Just as:

- recognising that Opticks (wrongly attributed to Newton are wrong, hence Einstein, Hubble, Hawking Higgs, CERN are wrong) can be established by simply moving a prism close to a surface and observing the rainbow colours splitting out to roy & vib patterns at the apex points ….. => from which we observe light colours are arc-angle related (not frequency) hence that light does not travel in straight lines, if it did we would not see perspective, but we do see perspective hence light does not travel in straight lines …... (see attachments below & 'Perspective' at CDADD website)


So too:

- can one recognise that the structure of the global Socio-Economy is wrong by the wrongful, deceptive statement by Mervyn King (Pg 24, Ch 1) vis: 'Total saving in the world was so high that [real] interest rates fell to level incompatible in the long run with a profitable growing economy'.


The deception comes from King's purposeful misuse of terminology designed to protect high-profile criminals:

1. 'savings' - when King knew full well that this was the symptom of a SUPER-SATURATED Global Money Base&Supply, saturated because of global fraud scams – over which the writer had repeatedly warned King, in direct emails to his personal BoE address - and, after a few years, King asked to be removed from the mailing list.

2. 'alchemy' - as a devious explanation (deception) for the results flowing from global organised crimes by corporates



This deception of 'alchemy' & 'savings' must be recognised for what it is -

the legitimising of defrauded&counterfeited money by corporates, mainly, engaged in organised crime, globally




BUT, its consequences are far greater,

it presents as global




Counterfeiting is far, far greater than Laundering – many orders of magnitude greater – but Laundering increases laggingly & marginally simply because Counterfeiting fraudulently increases Money quantity whereas Laundering merely recycles existing Money.


This is intuitive to recognise. Consider that drugs proceeds flow from only a small percentage of global population (it would be instantly obvious if the entire population was into drugs), consequently the proceeds are relatively small.

Whereas Counterfeiting of Pensions/Investments (& Insurance) occurs across the ENTIRE economically active global population. The defrauding (from which money is then further counterfeited by double/triple/multiple accounting) is in the order of 6% of total salaries/wages globally, and is defrauded monthly because it never would contribute to pension payouts (because of wrongful use of mortality tables) and/or insurance/welfare benefits. Monthly welfare contributions deducted from salaries/wages → 15% of total salaries, of which 1/3 – 1/2 is siphoned off (5%-7.5%, average around 6%)


Thus: in (e.g.) 10 years 60% of TOTAL annual salary levels would have been defrauded – and since Donald Gordon masterminded this fraud mechanism c1958, and initiated Liberty Life 1963, and others such as Richard Branson, Alan Sugar, Warren Buffet have copied these fraud scams & all assisted by International Auditors (PWC, GT, KPMG, Deloittes, E&Y) - it means that nearly 6 decades of defrauded salaries/wages have accumulated - i.e. some 360% (3.6 times) of TOTAL global annual salaries – this is in direct terms, not including the additional multiplier of multiple-accounting counterfeiting – this is the true cause of global Super-Saturation of Money Base & Supply.

(Note: the 3.6 factor is a conservative number)


Metamorphosed fraud scams – especially on Markets (Futures etc.) account for further multiples of Counterfeiting over some 4+ decades - and combine with the 'normal' banking Money Multipliers, it all adds up to a vastly SUPER-SATURATED global Money Base & Supply.

This can readily be understood from the referenced Quants video. Mathematicians who have created purposefully defective mathematics to defraud.


BUT, to understand Maths & Science going off-track one should read Barrow's 'Book of Nothing', especially Chapters 1&2

The remainder of the book goes increasingly off-track as a consequence of Opticks (wrongly attributed to Newton) being wrong - from Ch3 (pg 84) it was becoming tedious, from pg200 onwards increasingly bizarre - but, the book is important as it is a history of philosophical thinkings, including pertaining to Science & Maths, but also of how it has gone into deep-space sci-fi distortions.


It is entirely understandable that Greek philosophers & scientists up till Newton had gone off-track with their reasonings about the Universe & Physics – but the dishonesty by Newton has caused centuries of defective science.

A (THE?) key point at which Maths detached from reality came with Set theory and the erroneous distortion that an empty-set ( i.e. 'nothing') is 'something'.

A (THE?) key point at which our understanding of light dynamics went off-track was when Newton stole the IP of Opticks and wrongly presented it (not only is Newton's Opticks book wrong but also: the author of the sketch diagram found in Newton's files KNEW the true meanings about the hidden clues within the diagram than did Newton).

A (THE?) key point at which science went off-track was when academics wrongly thought that either (a) an ether did not exist or (b) that an existent ether was distinctly separate from matter everywhere around – both of which are wrong because the ether is the framework upon which everything functions & moves through – we would not see perspective and we would&could not exist otherwise – there is no such thing as a vacuum, simply because the ether framework is everywhere present.


Scientists refuse to accept that Opticks (which are fundamentals of light transmission dynamics observed through/with a prism) – yet scientists create sci-fi theories from their interpretations after looking through lenses of a telescope (a multiplicity of prisms) – bizarre 'quantum' & universe-expansion theories are developed yet these so-called scientists do not recognise defective opticks, nor the dynamics that cause synchronous rotation & orbit of planets → ??????


[The writer, as a 17 year old joining UK's Royal Navy as an apprentice, could not accept the claim that galaxies moved away at speeds at half-speed of light, yet science stated this was so – for decades these bogus claims over science theories created serious doubt in the writer's mind, so much so that it greatly retarded the writer's academic & professional development through University & beyond – simply because of distrust over what was being learned – and looking for sensible explanations.

What is truly amazing is that having demonstrated to Academia (c2011, ignoring the Financial R&D of c2003) that Newton was wrong & dishonest that Academics are in hostile denial – devoid of any Professional Integrity over Academic rigour – Academics refuse to observe & understand a simple prism – but expound vast theories from looking through telescopes consisting of lenses of multiplicities of prisms.

Hubble's claims of galaxies at speed 0.5c should have rung warning-bells -> Einstein, Hubble, Hawking, CERN, etc., are wrong!]


So, whilst Peter Lilley's excellent analyses within 'Dirty Dealing' gives a feel of the extensive & intensive underworld crime gangs, Lilley has not recognised the far, far greater OVERWORLD CRIMES – Lilley has wrongly correlated the Super-Saturation of global Money Base&Supply to the underworld crime gangs.


The underworld crimes are founded upon commodities (e.g. drugs) which are (were) traded for money – consequently global Money Base & Supply are unaffected in quantum, it is simply shifting the flow of money from legitimate commodities to illegitimate commodities.

However OVERWORLD CRIMES are founded largely (if not wholly) upon money being counterfeited – consequentially global Money Base & Supply INCREASES, and over decades SUPER-SATURATES – which increases demand for commodities including drugs but also reduces wealth/income/resources in per capita quantum through vacuum effect (see Dynamics of Population/Wealthy characteristic at CDADD website)


It is OVERWORLD (corpOrgCrime) crimes that have caused the proliferation of offshore tax havens as 'Counterfeiting machines', underworld criminals have simply taken advantage of them as Money Laundering joints.

It is interesting to note that USA/UK/EU will apply sanctions against rogue nations but do nothing about offshore havens.


However, as the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) increases its attacks on Money Laundering (note: NOT on Counterfeiting), the balance of Costs/Risks/Returns of economic (underworld) crimes changes, and there is every possibility (probability) that commodities bartering is increasing between underworld (& OVERWORLD) crime organisations, although largely underworld crime (it appears) still does not increase global Money Base & Supply .



The incorrect Correlation of drugs to Super Saturation is similar to that with IPCC wrongly claiming Pollution CAUSES Climate Change, IPCC TOTALLY IGNORE natural Solar System dynamics as being the major Climate Change factor; or the error by Hubble in claiming expanding universe because he did not recognise Opticks were wrong, and by which Hubble wrongly supported Einstein's incorrect Energy & Relativity theories..... e≠mc2 !!!!!!!! ….


…. again, CERN is not only a fraudulent 'machine' in terms of promoting defective science, but CERN is also a Money Laundering machine!

The Nobel Foundation, the Queen Elizabeth Prize in Engineering & other similar prizes are similarly engaged in promoting defective science to legitimise global fraud mechanisms.


It is also intuitive to recognise that the OVERWORLD CRIMES are now largely masterminded by International Auditors (PWC, E&Y, KPMG, GT, Deloittes, …) - they accumulate data from EVERYONE – either directly through employment information of companies audited and/or indirectly through financial institutions audited, and by any other means (including from the lowest earners through collective schemes – see RDS Sparkassenstiftung scam by PWC at CDADD website) – all this data flows to its head-honchos for the purpose of manipulating global crimes & Super Saturation of global Money Base & Supply.

Every time a company's accounts are signed off by an IntAuditor as being by an 'Independent Auditor' a criminal/fraudulent statement is made (it now appears that the word 'Independent' is now dropped, but not the underlying fraud scams)


Thus, a Super-Saturated Money Base&Supply was the cause of the destructive decline of Interest Rate (i.e. sub-Prime) – which destructive decline is ongoing – there is a need for a constructive level of Interest Rate – this can readily be achieved by concurrent adjustment of the 3 components: Capital, Interest Rate & Interest Payment so as to maintain stable cash flow.

(Interest Rate is the 'cost' of borrowing money, if too much money in circulation the price ('cost' → interest rate) goes down)


Mervyn King's namesake Mervyn King (King of Corporate Governance, King Reports I-IV - KoCG) is another person who, previously a Johannesburg High Court Justice, has sided/s with & advanced/s global corpOrgCrime (including, as Chairman of AASA, defrauding the AA out of the F1 Kyalami racetrack)

Mervyn King as UK's central bank governor also did not have the courage as did SA's Dr Chris Stals in supporting the new science by CDADD that exposed(2003) the pension/investment frauds masterminded (c1960) by Donald Gordon which initiated a new frontier of corporate Organised Crime.


Queen Elizabeth in her 2019 Christmas Message stated that small steps (not big steps) are usually the longer lasting towards reconciliation. It's extremely difficult to see how multi-millions dying from starvation genocides can take any steps, big or small, to become reconciled with western corpOrgCrime & its genocides …......


… This is readily recognisable from general media reporting but most comprehensively in David Keen's 'The Benefits of Famine'. Keen has presented an excellent record of (mainly) Sudanese famines (genocides) but his record also rests on the fact that corpOrgCrime (OVERWORLD crime) was not recognised – consequently his analyses & suggestions are largely incorrect even though his record of the (ongoing) events is excellent (and would be of immense benefit for future Socio-Economy design)


A read of Keen's opening Overview & Conclusion chapters gives reasonably clear insight to Keen's meticulous work. But because of the fundamental error of not recognising the OVERWORLD causes of mass global disparities, within which many genocides occur/red, many concluding arguments by Keen are understandably wrong (just as CERN, Einstein, Hubble, Higgs, Hawking … are wrong because Opticks are wrong).


However, the fact that Keen was drawn ever-deeper into intricate complexities to understand famines should have been a warning bell that a simpler explanation had been overlooked - just as Hubble claiming expanding Universe with galaxies travelling at over 130,000kms/sec should have been a warning that Hubble was wrong.


Notably, Keen's comparison to the Irish famines is wrong because Keen does not recognise the complicity of the Royal Irish Academy (Academia members) & Royal Dublin Society (largely corporate/business members) in failing/refusing to address the famine problem from a correct Academic perspective – instead maintaining purposefully defective models that 'justified' export of foodstuffs from Ireland whilst Ireland peasants starved.

This blatant dishonesty by RIA & RDS is no different to UK's Royal Society, Royal Institute & Universities in general (Cambridge, Oxford, etc., etc.) in, today, blacklisting the writer simply because the writer has disproved centuries-old 'science' theories – and to extent that RIA called-out the gestapo to prevent the writer access to the RIA (and supported by RS President Paul Nurse)


BUT, Sudan is just one of many un/under-developed regions that face mass disparities & often recurring genocides.


We can loosely contrast to motor-vehicles.

Before Roadworthy Inspections & Road regulations car-accidents ('accidents' is a misnomer as all accidents are caused by human error, at least) often caused horrendous injuries/deaths. One could easily argue 'Fiatism', 'Toyotaism', 'Fordism' as being responsible for defective/inadequate design – but in truth it was a collective fault of defective/inadequate design.

The use of roadways were (relatively) unsafe (unstable) because of defective design both of vehicles & road networks –> consequently Roadworthy Inspections & increasing Safety Standards – Engineering established (ongoing) design & standards.


The decline in Engineering Standards is a direct consequence of the attack by corpOrgCrime criminals upon the Engineering Profession, as a means to increase profit at the expense of safety – collapsing bridges, increasing recalls on white-goods, burning high-rise towers, vehicle brake failures etc., etc. ….


With, for example, Toyota brake failures – the 'accidents' did not originate with the crashes, it originated with the sign-off of the design at Toyota.

So too, defective science did not begin going off-track with Hubble's incorrect interpretation of distant red galaxies speeding away at half-speed-of-light, thus wrongly 'confirming' Einstein's Energy & Relativity errors; defective science began the moment Newton stole the Intellectual Property (of Opticks & other sciences; when Cambridge University was closed when the Plague was rampant)


Similarly with genocides in such as Sudan (& eleswheres), the genocides did not start with the famine – it started with the political 'design' in Western Parliaments/Governments that actively supported, & still supports, corpOrgCrime. And arguing along Factional lines ignores the reality that defective design (because of purposefully defective science/mathematics, because no Engineering is present) is behind global instability – because Merit is not NOT Rewarded/Funded – so science frauds continue to destabilise.


Socio-Economy Engineering is ENTIRELY absent from Socio-Economies.


No matter how much Band Aid & other Aid is given none of it will address genocides or economy instability, because of the underlying absence of constructive Socio-Economy Engineering.

And Aid simply keeps destitute people alive with nothing better to do than to create more people in ever worsening circumstances (see paper 'Dynamics of Population/Wealth Characteristic')



… but, to understand General Smith's position one must first understand King's purposeful errors & deceptions.





The End of Alchemy. Chapter 1, in toto, of King's book ('The Good, the Bad and the Ugly') is a gross deception not dissimilar to a shyster attempting to sell a clapped-out vehicle that would not achieve a road-worthy certificate.

BUT this chapter contains clues as to how International Auditors (in the main) fabricated a global fraud machine.


Or, more simply, one can contrast this deception to a person continuing to drive a vehicle that has failed its roadworthy for a host of primary (& secondary) structural & functional reasons.


King's deceptions accounts for the ongoing & increasing conflict circumstances addressed by General Smith – wherein Smith unwittingly became a hired-gun for corpOrgCrime.

And Parliaments/Governments remained acceptingly silent.


This deception is to present-day Socio-Economies tantamount to the Theresienstadt deception by Nazi Germany – this deception is the cause of numerous global Starvation Genocides, Holocausts far, far, far greater than under Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini & Tojo combined


This deception is why the global Population is expanding, at an increasing rate – and already beyond unsustainable levels.


The real issue therefore is why/how it is possible for such destructive deceptions to prevail – we will see this shortly within the other referenced books.





'The Utility of Force' is an excellent analysis of Modern Warfare/Conflicts and also of the historical developments of Warfare - a preliminary first-read of Preface, Introduction & Final chapters is recommended before tackling the core. And in particular a double(triple?)-read of the final chapter: 'CONCLUSION: WHAT IS TO BE DONE?'


This excellent work outlines many concepts & gives historical foundations to same – from Napoleon to Schwarzkopf, Sun Tzu to Clausewitz, from Industrial War to People Conflicts, from Morality to Immorality & many other issues.

However it is a FATALLY FLAWED work insofar as proposals for the future because Smith had not recognised the massive destructive forces of CorpOrgCrime, but nor did those that compiled the 'Economic Crime' book and who hold annual Symposiums on Economic Crime; nor recognised the retarding effect of Clausewitz's Trinity of: State, Army & People. Nor did Mann understand that horrors by despots, such as Equatorial Guinean Obiang, were far-less than the horrors by western governments (past & present) – yet Mann was not prepared to stage a coup against UK, or USA, or …..


'Cry Havoc' is Mann's autobiography of his military & mercenary times – including advising UK PM Tony Blair, indirectly via Blair's advisor Jonathan Powell (& others), on Iraq invasion.

An interesting (& certainly entertaining) read on the Equatorial Guinea attempted coup (against Obiang, and for Severo), and also of Mann's planning of the Angola war against UNITA & Savimbi, and other interesting issues.

It also paints Mark Thatcher in the poor light that most people had assumed


Mann also uses the same simplistic analogy as General Smith for justification for war – i.e.: intervening when seeing a bully on the street – but in Mann's case it comes with multi-million dollar payments & concessions provisos.

The skulduggery by developed nations is clearly explained by Mann – but also Mann was not aware of the underlying corpOrgCrime, nor of the fact that the Twin Towers were imploded hence an inside job by 'jew-mafia' (note: not loving-faith Jews), hence the militarisation against & invasion of Iraq was not justified.

(TT Implosions – CONCRETE PROOF:– Absence of transfer-of-momentum dynamics for a natural collapse => additional high impulse (explosive) forces, sequential → by definition an IMPLOSION!!!)


The World is in ever increasing people conflicts –> which can readily be understood from CDADD's paper on 'Dynamics of Population-Wealth characteristic - 'Vacuum Hose' effect on Population & Wealth/Income/Resources (cumulative)' (see lhs panel at cdadd website) – global Population is expanding rapidly BECAUSE of impoverishment imposed by developed nations because of the present & historical exploitations of poorer regions – impoverished people having nothing better to do than producing more people in ever-worsening circumstances.



Much of Today's & Tomorrow's problems & conflicts stem directly from PM Margaret Thatcher (& World) being duped into believing that 'Privatisation' was the best model for Societies (and from the many problems stemming from the incorrectly applied Balfour Declaration which was never legitimised by UK Parliament but pre-emptively utilised in Versailles negotiations post-WWI) which has destabilised the Middle East, Africa & many other regions. This is not to say that the ME would not be unstable had the Balfour Declaration not been invoked)


Thatcher's mistaken policy was fraudulently compounded further by the 'demutualisation' of institutions in UK, and later SA & elsewheres (c1970/80s onward); and the repeal of banking Act, and replacement by another in USA that opened up Commercial banks to investments banking (Glass-Steagall, Gramm-Leach-Bliley Acts) – which allowed for further complexities of frauds scamming, and which has been emulated by developed nations.


And followed by the 'legitimising' of fraud-scam models through bogus Mathematics (that defy science/engineering rigour) such as John Nash's models for which he won a Nobel Prize (exactly so that his defective, although brilliant philosophical, models could be used by corporates to legitimise frauds)


Economic Crime has been & always will be part of everyday life – but CorpOrgCrime is a mid-20th Century phenomena which has, since inception by Donald Gordon, escalated to 'Thermo-Nuclear' EWMDs.

Economic Crimes (as summarised in the referenced book, e.g.: drugs proceeds, corrupt politicians/leaders, money laundering, etc.) are the 'hand-grenade' weapons inflicted upon societies; the pension/investment frauds masterminded by Donald Gordon (1963) & emulated by Richard Branson, Alan Sugar, Warren Buffet, etc. are the 'Atomic' EWMDs unleashed upon societies – BUT, Demutualisation (c1990s) & US banking/investment mergement & the many CorpOrgCrime models metamorphosed therefrom (with key direction/inputs from International Auditors: PWC, KPMG, GT, Deloittes, E&Y) are the 'Thermo-Nuclear' EWMDs shattering societies/nations globally.


Gordon manipulated (bought-off) legislation so as to achieve Demutualisation (i.e. to increase EWMDs from 'atomic' to 'thermo-nuclear'), whereby his Liberty Life cohorts were able to raid Mutual entities & thus strip/defraud 'surplus' capital & monthly pension/investment payments.

And therefrom legislation has been readily purchasable by CorpOrgCrime criminals such that western judiciaries are an integral part of global CorpOrgCrime – including obstructions to attaining Justice (rendering courts closed-shop – extortionate fees, abuse, etc.)

This is intuitive to see: there is not one Justice anywhere in the World that will state categorically that Twin Towers were imploded (hence inside job by Larry Silverstein), or that fundamental science (Opticks etc.) are wrong (and also affecting forensic science & medicine)


[Media reports state that Donald Gordon died (Nov 21, 2019) – obituaries wrongly describe him as a 'Ferociously competitive insurance pioneer who founded Liberty Life …' and a 'philanthropist' – these are blatant lies – Gordon was a devious criminal who harmed far, far, far more people than did paedophile Jeffrey Epstein or Jimmy Saville – Gordon cut swathes of Socio-Economic destruction globally with his (skilfully) planned Thermo-Nuclear EWMDs – his attorney Billy Gundelfinger's link to setting-up Shrien Dewani over Anni Dewani's murder indicates the extent of Gordon's evil – are the 'Gordon brothers', involved in Dublin's Clery's store collapse, his sons?]


Justice systems are stuck in the Dark Ages despite new developments within Constitutional reforms. The problem is that old-(un)just laws are purposefully designed & used to defeat Constitutional reform. There is not one Constitutional State in the World that conforms to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which is a minimum set of standards.


The USA is a classic example of an outdated Constitution with patchwork Amendments that attempt, but hopelessly fail, to keep in alignment with Human Rights developments.


The UK has a non-transparent infinitely-elastic elastic-band Constitution which is distorted to achieve whatever (in)Justice violation is desired - again, the Brexit court hearings alone are proof-positive of this.

Added to this: a monarchy system in which Andrew is linked to paedophiles, Charles is linked to corpOrgCrime criminal Donald Gordon who was knighted despite the adjudicated evidence that proved Gordon's criminality, Buckingham Palace blacklisting CONCRETE EVIDENCE from CDADD that includes disproving centuries-old grossly defective science, Queen Elizabeth awards £Million prizes for Engineering that is not based on MERIT, Royal warrants granted to dishonest&corrupt institutions: Royal Society, Institute, Irish Academy, Dublin Society …......................... as Jeremy Corbyn stated (to effect) → the monarchy needs improvement – alternatively stated: it is NOT fit-for-purpose – it's entrenched with crime.


UK Parliament/Government have for long gone 'rogue' by supporting corpOrgCrime and to the extent of blanket blacklisting of the writer; Buckingham Palace (as distinct from QEII) has also gone 'rogue' and blacklists the writer. Thus defective science is used by corpOrgCrime.

What of the Queen?????????????????


It is important to recognise that the UK Military swears allegiance to the Crown – but the Military, in recognising bullies, does nothing to address the collusions by Parliament that support corpOrgCrime that cause the global instabilities.


Other Monarchies are likewise aiding&abetting corpOrgCrime: the Kings of Norway & Sweden are handing out Nobel Prizes for defective science, economics & peace ….... all of which maintains defective science/mathematics which 'legitimises' otherwise blatant fraud scams, globally.


Carlos Ghosn's persecutions under Japanese (in)justice is little different to persecutions in Ireland.


Ireland, which has a written Constitution, and a legal system derived from the Westminster system, in reality presents as a Nazi State (albeit a minor form) – Corrupt Unlawful Nazi Thugs (develop your own terminology & form your own mnemonic/acronym), masquerading as Justices, headed up by 'Chief Justice' Frank Clarke (& predecessors), & with a Gestapo force (masquerading as a Police Service) (The writer, in over 13 years after enforced exile from home in SA, has cycled over 40,000kms & seen more of Ireland than most (all?) Irish people)

Ireland's Constitution was developed & promulgated c1937 by De Valera, a war-mongerer who instigated the Irish Civil War and later aligned himself to Nazism during its rabid rise 1930s.

Art 30.3 allows direct connection between Judiciary (Government component) & Police => Police State by definition; Police & Judicial Dishonesty, Corruption, Brutality => Nazi State; (simply observe the gross abuses within any court)

Art 34 'Justice shall be administered in courts..' is negated/trashed by subordinate laws designed to achieve same, and closing doors of Justice (c.f. German lawyer Hans Litten who 'committed suicide' in Dachau after 5 years of detention for opposing Hitler)


Two current examples of Ireland's gross injustice c2020: (1) Graham Dwyer conviction for murder – the fact that a Constitutional matter is addressed AFTER conviction confirms that the lower courts should refer matters to Higher Courts for correct determinations on Law-points prior to prosecution. (2) Lisa Smith bail – Smith, an Irish Muslim convert, VOLUNTARILY returned to Ireland but is denied bail on own recognisance - ?????


It has long been a false belief that the Catholic Church was the force behind Ireland's oppressions; in truth the Catholic Church not only fully embraced but actively enhanced the Constitutionally entrenched Nazi ideology. But also in truth, the Nazi ideology stemmed from Colonial oppressions, on Independence the offices occupied by Colonial oppressors were taken up by Irish, along with the ideologies.

Ireland's President (Higgins) & Chief Justice(s) are Members of the Royal Irish Academy and oppressively suppress new science – Academics are afraid of speaking out - which explains why Ireland is still so backward.

Defective 'science' → destructive government policies → Rural Ireland is literally dying (once again) as youth seek work/homes in main centres & overseas.


Justices wrongly interpret 'Independency' as meaning 'Autocracy', from which false belief judicial tyranny emanates & Nazism flourishes – which is why corpOrgCrime flourishes & generates mass starvation genocides globally.


It is also why increasing numbers of people are swayed to radicalism – because they are disparitised & easily swayed because Justice is ENTIRELY ABSENT from 'justice' systems.


BUT, going into any of the courtrooms within these Justice systems one is easily deceived into believing 'justice' is present – but look closely & understand the deceptions, abuses & basic justice violations – it is why corpOrgCrime is protected. Because societies are denied access to courts for attaining Justice.


A GLOBAL justice violation is, again, the refusal by Judges to state categorically that Twin Towers were imploded, and that it was an inside job of criminal acts - the owners of the Towers (Larry Silverstein & his associates) are at best criminally derelict

The LIES by Judges, in denying TT implosions, is why certain of the public have mistakenly attacked Jews in general rather than calling for prosecution of those responsible for the TT implosions, and also those for the deceptions that coerced the radicals to fly planes into the building so as to falsely create impression of planes causing collapse of TT towers.


The fact that corpOrgCrime is protected within developed nations gives indication as to how the true evil of Nazism (as set up by Himmler, not Hitler) was able to grow – the TOTAL absence of Justice.

Which is EXACTLY why today's western form of Nazism, which is far more destructive than achieved by Himmler, protects corpOrgCrime -> causing genocides globally, and devastating hundreds of millions of peoples...........


Interestingly, in developing SA's Constitution virtually all other Constitutions were studied & its practices observed, Ireland's Constitution & Practice was a case of HOW-NOT-TO.

Nevertheless SA's fist Constitutional Court Bench was a grossly disproportionate representation of Jew Justices (see Constitution Court website) who worked for Israel rather than SA. (SA Jew population 0.7%, ConstCourt 50+%)

SA is in increasing dire-straits because of this.



In short Justice Systems are closed-shop – hence, by induction, CORRUPT – which is why corpOrgCrime is rampant


Moreover – SA & Ireland Justice systems (like many others) derive from Westminster but the difference between SA's & Ireland's justice systems is marked – there is no commonality whatsoever.

Even as late as 2006 (at point of writer being forced into exile out of SA) SA was still utilising UK King's (that's right 'King's' NOT Queen's) Rules of Court – one could reasonably achieve some success as a self litigant (barring purposeful abuse by any particular judge) but in Ireland there is absolutely no possibility as Ireland's Rules of Court purposefully defeat the Constitution & viciously maintains a closed-shop – to the point of Nazi tyranny.


Do not be surprised to see Judges being targeted - as they have become an integral component of CorpOrgCrime – Socio-Economic Terrorists.



In global terms, the drugs&laundering forms of economic crimes are microcrimes - the systemic&systematic defrauding of pensions/investments globally are MACROcrimes – the increased number of microcrimes are largely dependent on the existence of the MACROcrimes.

This is intuitive to see – the microcrimes require individuals to continuously engage in respective criminal activities, whereas pension/investment MACROcrimes, although masterminded by one individual are structured systemically & systematically, are global & affecting ALL those that have pensions/investments (i.e. those that fall within the upper 50-percentile of the Population-Wealth/Income characteristic; those in lower 50-percentile have no adequate income to fund pensions let alone investments)

And financial markets are now so heavily riddled with grossly defective mathematical models that fraud is not simply an every-day occurrence but an every-nanosecond occurrence.


Gordon's plan was/is to financially target people from pre-conception to post-death – and he achieved this – it is the way the World functions today - and tomorrow - because Justice (inJustice) systems globally are an integral part of CorpOrgCrime.

(Witness for e.g. the Dewani family that opposed Gordon's empire – Anni Dewani kidnapped in Cape Town & accidentally(?) shot & killed - Gordon's attorney (& notorious paedophile) Issy William Gundelfinger (alias Billy Gundlefinger - 91 Iris Rd, 2192 Johannesburg, +27 11 728 7571) set-up Shrien Dewani to take blame – years of harassment & abuse against Dewani but no attempt to address Gordon's CorpOrgCrime 'hit' against the Dewanis)


BUT, an unwitting QUANTUM INCREASE in global fraud (increased usage of Thermo-Nuclear EWMDs) occurred with Margaret Thatcher being duped (largely by Branson) into believing that privatisation (i.e. private business, but unknowingly flourishing from pension/investment frauds) was the way forward – Thatcher unwittingly initiated a MASSIVELY DESTRUCTIVE policy that has gripped the World – and which has expanded into a mindless 'Open Global Economy' fuelled purposefully by grossly defective mathematics & 'science' models,which models stem largely from John Nash's (Nobel Economic Prize 1994) incorrect theories on Games – but which models having won a Nobel Prize was used to 'legitimise' otherwise fraudulent scams.


What is of significance is that the analyses by the contributing authors of the referenced books does not take into account the key CAUSAL FACTOR to the increase of 'hand-grenade' crimes being consequent to the fall-outs of the 'atomic' & 'thermo-nuclear' EWMDs - i.e. the authors were totally unaware of these EWMD crimes and unaware that consequently global Money Base&Supply was/is increasingly becoming super-saturated which is what created the surplus of money by which the smaller economic crimes could also increase. Whilst the compilation of the types of smaller economic crimes detected is valid the analyses by the authors are largely wrong.

This is similar to scientists in ignoring that Opticks (wrongly attributed to Newton) are wrong (hence Einstein, Hubble, Hawking, CERN etc. are also wrong) and Academia, including Nobel Foundation, in obstructing new science that disproves old, is itself engaged in corporate Organised Crime ↔ Socio-Economic Terrorism.


Thus:- Academia is another integral component of CorpOrgCrime – ar least in Physics, Mathematics & Economics – and this is still the case because Socio-Economy Engineering (which CDADD is pioneering) is oppressively suppressed, governments.

Media is another criminal component because it is controlled by CorpOrgCrime criminals.


Mervyn King, BoE Governor 1991-2013, had not recognised the underlying Causal Factors behind the overheating (SUPER SATURATION of Money Base&Supply) that led to the 2007/8 financial collapse, until CDADD's R&D on pension/investments frauds (adjudicated by SA Reserve Bank Governor Dr Chris Stals & 2 others) Despite the writer keeping King informed for many years King made no effort to pursue the Engineering approach that has been pioneered by CDADD – yet in his Preface to Paperback Edition, King argues for Public debate – what good is public debate if King is going to steal IP for himself, and then half(quarter)-bake it?


King has breached Trust held by the public in him – and to the greatest degree – to the extent that he is actively aiding&abetting corpOrgCrime.

Is King a double(triple)-agent? (for UK, self and for corpOrgCrime)


King lauds Warren Buffet, another criminal (like Branson & Sugar) who defrauded pensions/investors in his Berkshire Hathaway (Buffet claimed he had given his wealth away after the writer had exposed him → ????? - RUBBISH!!! - Buffet has simply laundered the monies he's stolen to locations under his control elsewheres)


King lauds Daniel Kahneman (& other Nobel Economics Prize winners) for his research into 'behavioural economics', which is a duplicitous approach to 'justifying' organised criminal activity by corporates.

It aims to 'legitimise' individualised actions by individuals over fraudulent finance schemes – which is no different to 'legitimising' the individualised actions of each of:- the guard to the gas chamber, the guard at the exit door, and the guard with the Zyklon-B – even the train drivers were responsible - i.e. Kahneman's 'theories' attempts to remove all responsibilities, individually AND collectively, for Crimes-Against-Humanity of which corpOrgCrime is a part, and far more destructive.


A common thread throughout King's book is his inability or refusal to recognise defective models/arguments


Again: Is King a double(triple)-agent? (for UK, self and for corpOrgCrime) → ??????????????


'The End of Alchemy' book pivots on four key points: disequilibrium, radical uncertainty, the Prisoner's dilemma & trust.

The Super-Saturation of Money Base&Supply is a Cause of disequilibrium & radical uncertainty; trust is absent because Public is mis&disinformed, including by King; and the 'science' behind economy structures & controls are grossly defective – all of which creates radical uncertainty, and King's explanation of Prisoner's Dilemma is totally wrong.


King's analyses are similar to endlessly debating the dynamics of 2 crashes, one a fender bender, the other a mangled wreck from a catastrophic crash – but without recognising the COMMON Causal Factor being faulty Toyota brakes.

King refused, as BoE Governor, to engage in the open debate that he calls for in his book – and still refuses today.


King was also aware that the writer challenged Barclays Bank's fraudulent raid on SA's ABSA bank – which SA's Constitutional Court (Case CCT35/05 Addington v ABSA/1000 (i.e. Barclays)) FAILED to provide protection from such fraudulent raids.


King's objective is to end the alchemic system of money & banking – which is an incorrect objective, for there will always be a need for money & banking. King's book manifests itself from what can only be 21 years of his intense frustration within the Bank of England – King's initiatives to improve the system all failing – because King does not understand Engineering, let alone Socio-Economy Engineering – with long lead&lag-times, all creating pitfalls for misinterpretations of responses to control inputs, nor understanding what control inputs are needed.


One cannot understand Socio-Economy Engineering without first understanding Physics Engineering, and especially of structural & control disciplines.


King has not recognised that Nash's Game Theory (Prisoner's Dilemma) model ignores the individual '0' (zero) outcome, i.e. each individual achieves '0' years imprisonment by remaining silent regardless of his partner's decision (by relying on argument that the Game Theory 'Prisoner's Dilemma' is itself grossly flawed & misused by Prosecutors + challenging of the evidence levelled against the one by arguing the other's inducement to create 'evidence' – NOTE: this does not avoid purposeful Judicial/Prosecution abuse as in the Stephen Lawrence murder trial/appeal whereby concrete proof exists that blood spatter 'evidence' was fabricated by police, or challenge to DNA testing & Judiciary maliciously ignoring – The Lawrence trial/appeal was at best a Right Conviction for the Wrong Reasons – which is as destructive as a Wrong Conviction.)


King wrongly assumes & argues that the Prisoner's Dilemma (regardless of whether '0' outcome inclusive or not) is why individual nations cannot reform alone. King's premise is totally false. Experience in Apartheid South Africa, even whilst enduring extensive sanctions, businesses educated black staff despite full knowledge that when trained that staffers could seek employment elsewhere; and this occurred naturally because people do not stagnate, they constantly seek other education/skills advancements. Similarly with nations, those that seek improvements do move forward even though other nations also gain; it initiates a general positive forward direction, and not a downward turn as King wrongly argues.

Further, the Dilemma comes NOT from the imaginary perceived threat as posed by King but from the real dangers flowing from corrupt closed-shop (in)Justice systems that unlawfully protect corpOrgCrime criminals.

(Witness:- the gross abuses in UK's Supreme Court with the two Brexit hearings, both dealing with a People's decision (Referendum) but no people (only Legals) giving arguments; fabricated evidence in Stephen Lawrence murder trials/appeal; lies over TT implosions ….)


King totally ignores the massive destructive impact of defrauded pension monies, or the churning & siphoning on markets – all of which defrauds as well as counterfeits money.

King ignores the real dynamic of households having to maintain short-term rationality; whereas corporates (NOT local business) can adopt short-term irrationality – which destroys local business, undermines communities & destabilises Socio-Economies.

King's posed questions do not address the right issues – hence cannot produce the right answers.


The term 'Alchemy' is used by King disingenuously to impart a 'scientific' approach by King – there is nothing scientific within King's book, not even its philosophic arguments – it is simply an economist who had the fortune of landing a plum-job now hacking out more defective theories (e.g. Banks operating as 'Pawnbrokers for all seasons)


The only positive statement by King being: the (fUtile) call for Public debate but to which the public would be in the dark because media are part of corporate Organised Crime and mis&dis-inform the public, and King aided&abetted – as does his successor Mark Carney – so public debate would be debates limited to: incorrect start-position, incorrect direction, and incorrect future-position => chaos continues.



Economic Crime surged once again (late 1990s) with the mathematisation of fraud scams into false 'respectability' through defective mathematics models – the break-point coming with utilisation of John Nash's incorrect Game Theory & Nash Equilibria – Market & Institutional models could then siphon/churn/defraud money willy-nilly.

China has come on stream with similarly fraudulent Markets that are causing massive socio-economic destructions not only within but also without China.


One could argue 'hindsight' that the Bodies engaged in fighting Organised Crime did not recognise the underlying EWMDs that accelerated the rise of drugs money & money laundering – but it was clear increased stormy seas had broken out – one cannot have stormy seas without seas – in Engineering terms it was intuitive to the writer that there had to be underlying forces that gave rise to the accelerated Organised Crime of drugs&laundering - just as with observing a bird sitting on a national-grid line even though the bird is unwitting of the MASSIVE currents of force flowing beneath it.

It was this intuitive insight (via Gordon's Liberty Life, within which the writer had brief experience c1990) that led the writer to uncovering Donald Gordon's global CorpOrgCrime methodologies in 2003.




The writer informed the United Nations during a UN Convention in Pretoria in 2006 (United Nations Office of Drugs & Crimes) of the realities of these massive global frauds – but the UN are also obstructing – in short the UN is simply acting as hired-agents of western (mainly USA) governments.

PMs Blair, Brown, Cameron, May, Johnson & Parliaments have also been kept regularly informed, as too are USA, Ireland, SA & other governments. So, Governments are KNOWINGLY using military might as hired-guns, even though those within the militaries were unwitting (up to around 2009 when UK military was also informed, including ex-1st Sea Lord Alan West & COGS General Richard Dannatt who both sit in the House of Lords – along with Mervyn King, Alan Sugar & others)

All of which is what JUSTIFIES the invocation of the UDHR Preamble to rebel against tyrannies&oppressions, to take up arms against the tyrants & oppressors (which are clearly western governments/nations)

See links appended.




Gandhi presented, even to date, the most unified peaceful force against (Colonial) oppressions (depressions, repressions, suppressions) - but within 15 years of Gandhi's death the development & growth of EWMDs have placed India (& the World) back into oppressions far worse than under Colonialism, and increasingly worsening because Population is expanding.


(f)Utility of Force:


Nevertheless People Conflicts are a present day reality, and within that context Western Nations must defend/protect their peoples, and also many minor nations that are adversely affected by conflicts.

To this extent the analyses & reasonings set out by General Smith are well-founded albeit with some serious flaws.


What is NOT well-founded is the willingness by western governments to engage in Military actions (including military-guised bogus 'policing) whilst maintaining refusal to address the underlying Causal Factors that bring about the People Conflicts. And these include from Northern Ireland through to Palestine/Israel & all points in between (Kosovo, Somalia, Russia (Putin), Korea, etc., etc.), – and, historically, horrific events such as Britain's Holocaust against Kenya's Kikuyu tribe c1950/60 - these conflicts (varying degrees of holocausts) are all sharing the same common Causal Factors that create gross disparities through to starvation genocides → frustrations, angers, violences.

These same Causal Factors are also the cause of the Brexit Referendum outcome.


Notwithstanding the immorality of mercenary armies (private military companies such as Executive Outcomes, Sandline International in which Mann was an executive) Mann achieved military success in Africa that evaded western governments – mainly because western governments & corporates benefit from unstable African countries – crucial points that Smith avoids.


Being a military man Smith, in being engrossed in the science of militarisation of force and the achieving of utility therefrom, has no sight of, is blind to the Causal Factors that bring about the Conflicts & Wars to which he 'justifiably' engages Force. Hence military professionals/armies are easily used as hired-guns.


Smith also does not recognise the retarding effect of outdated theories such as Clausewitz's Trinity of: State, People & Army – in that, probability of successful military intervention is greatly reduced when support from the other components are reduced. The Triple concept is outdated for a modern world. Societies have shifted, are shifting, from a monarchy (autocracy) oppressing the People to one of State&People being as one and the Army as distinctly separate, but with a need for a balancing component.


Historically an autocratic state conflicted with (an)other state(s) because of conflicting ideals – and this form of conflict source remains today – Brexit is a prime example, with PM Johnson being the power-person behind the State (monarchy, autocracy) conflicting with the EU power-persons; another was of Tsar Nicholas conflicting with the people; etc., etc. - but, with all these leaders having no understanding of Socio-Economy Engineering (i.e. being in wrong place, heading in wrong direction, to wrong destination) – hence the only likely outcome was/is chaos.


Since around 1948 the World reached consensus round a Common Ideal with the intention of reducing wars/conflicts – the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) – not that any of the contracting States pay heed to it, but nonetheless it is a unifying Ideal – which negates the separation of State & People (as Clausewitz formulated, along with Army) and merges them as State&People being OF, FOR & BY the People – and with a common Ideal of UDHR. (this does not in any way suggest removal of monarchies, only that the Powers within align around the common Ideal of UDHR (as a start-position)

NOTE: The EU flagrantly violates the UDHR – in that the ECHR, in upholding only a small portion of UDHR, violate UDHR Art 30


Therefore Clausewitz's Trinity, useful for its times, needs modification, because of modern times, to State&People, UDHR & Army.


Smith also proposed using the C-Trinity to analyse warlords (such as Aideed) who in facing oppressive western powers are forced into conflict positions – and in so doing obviously seek economic sources to fund their conflict –> resources that western nations plunder from under-developed nation is a prime target for any warlord – thus blood-diamonds, blood-gold, blood-oil etc., etc.


BUT, what Smith overlooks, is not aware of, is that these resources are immorally controlled – e.g. diamonds & gold – Cecil Rhodes monopolised the market for diamonds in South Africa by forming De Beers which was later taken over by Ernest Oppenheimer who perfected the monopolisation by 'buying' legislation to globalise that monopoly – i.e. organised crime within a corporation (corpOrgCrime).


So, with western governments faced with a warlord, who is challenging an immoral monopoly but utilising that monopoly to maintain that challenge, the western governments called in their hired-guns (Army) to oppose.

Other private military companies (mercenaries), whose ideals are flexible to suit any&every opportunity, also jump on board (led by e.g. Mann, or others such as Tim Spicer, Mike Hoare etc.)


So, closing the circle of organised crime, we can readily see that Academia (RS, RI, CIDOEC, Nobel Foundation etc. being key representatives of corpOrgCrime 'thinktanks') provides the 'intellect' of purposefully defective 'science' for corporates to wage organised crime – and frustrated Institutional leaders (such as Mervyn King) aid&abet with defective proposals because of dishonesty (purposeful breach of Trust).




So, not only does corpOrgCrime destroy without, but also within.

Witness the rise of (for e.g.) Netflix, Celebrities, Sports stars – because global Money Base&Supply is SUPER-SATURATED – because of legislation being bought by corporates to 'legitimise' otherwise immoral/criminal scams.


It is this ignoring of, or blindness to the Causal Factors & ignoring of the common UDHR Ideal, which drives others to Conflict, that shifts a 'Moral' standpoint for unleashing military might to one of Immorality.


At Pg: 381, Smith states (apols for any typo errors): ' …. For example, in early 1999 we awaited the decision as to whether or not NATO was to bomb Serbia and Serbian forces in order to coerce Milosevic into withdrawing his forces from Kosovo, a province of Serbia …... this was to be done without the licence of a UN Security Council Resolution, and I was in some doubt as to the legitimacy of our intended actions – and whether I, the DSACEUR [NATO Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe], should be taking any part … I reflected deeply … and decided that it was legitimate on the moral grounds that if I, a strong fit man, was walking down a road and saw and heard in a house evidence that a violent crime was in process it would be my duty to break in and stop it, using sufficient force to do so. ….'


Yet Smith, (or West, or Dannatt) even today, does nothing about the criminal acts by Gordon, Branson, Sugar, Buffet, Gates & others in unleashing EWMDs that are Causal Factors to global destabilisation, and breeding grounds for radicalisation.

It is simply a new form of Colonial oppression, the same Colonials utilising different, modern WMDs within Socio-Economies devastated by Thermo-Nuclear EWMDs.


In 1999 CDADD's R&D had not then uncovered the pension/investment frauds masterminded, globalised & metamorphosed by Donald Gordon, with International Auditors, Mervyn King (King of Corporate Governance) & others ably assisting – and to which frauds Richard Branson (Alan Sugar, Warren Buffet, etc.) emulated & became a high-profiler, and thus duping Margaret Thatcher.


Therefore Smith was correct in his reasoning at that time as there was not general awareness of these frauds that had globalised (MACRO-ised) into Economic Weapons of Mass Destructions (EWMDs) – but post 2005 PM Tony Blair & Parliament were FULLY AWARE, and also aware of numerous other Physics & Economic models debunked by CDADD (see links below)


The nett result is that CorpOrgCrime rages globally – consider mobile voicemail charges, calls put automatically to voicemail without caller option to hang-up, how many Billions of $/£/E annually (monthly) are vacuumed from locked-in people within tin-shanty townships, and globally???

What remedies can these people achieve with Courts being closed-shop cesspits of corruption? One cannot access (for e.g.) UK's Small Claims court for such a trivial auto-connect voicemail charge issue – hence Judicial Power abuse (closure of Justice doors) creates the MACROisation, globalisation of a MASSIVE FRAUD. And that pertains solely to voicemail. Financial-persons that siphoned-off rounded down pennies were eventually caught & prosecuted – a mobile call charge is multiples of pennies, but to which Justice doors are closed.

What also of Internet entities (Facebook, Google etc.) that blatantly abuse their immense Power?

The arson attack on Japanese Kyoto Animation studio is a signal to many angered by these power abuses.


Was the Kyoto attack because no other recourse was/is possible, hence a last resort act – i.e. application of UDHR Preamble???



The final chapter of Smith's book (CONCLUSION: WHAT IS TO BE DONE?') is important as it is an indication of the many frustrations experienced by Smith throughout his successful career because Smith's proposals (What is to be done?) is based largely upon these frustrations.


Smith recommends (Pg 388) ' … force may not be an act of last resort [but] will need to be applied precisely within the greater context of the measures it is intended to support. …. '

And Pg 390 ' .. we need the information so as to achieve the deterrent of the law, evidential information in sufficient depth for a successful prosecution … '


Whilst one can readily understand the frustrations of a military man trying to achieve his military objectives, his tasks are compounded by wrongly attempting to fulfil a policing function and (as outlined elsewheres by Smith) fulfilling a Civil Authority function.

These proposals by Smith are dangerous as it brings Military Authority ever-more closer to Civil Authority – and much of today's conflicts are revolving around radicalised groups of people brought into Militant alignment – which is an entirely different enemy to a National or Revolutionary leader utilising a Military force.


Smith's call for evidence for prosecution also deflects from the ultimate objective of bringing about constructive change within the enemy – the word 'constructive' being as perceived by the winning side, and is inevitably destructive in its intended 'constructive' outcome because EWMDs are still causing destructions (e.g. today's youth not able to afford to buy homes – to – increasing squalor in underdeveloped (& developed) countries)

Nevertheless a constructive stabilisation of the conflict region is the ultimate objective – prosecution is a minor objective and a function for police NOT military.




'Who Dares Wins', a motto of one of UK's military elites, SAS, presents as shallow Wins because it simply oppresses the oppressed into ongoing oppressions from western nations, because …..


….. Western military 'Utility of Force' is what ultimately protects corpOrgCrime criminals thus allowing these criminals to vacuum up, to counterfeit, to defraud Money from the masses into the hands-of-criminal-few.



As stated on numerous occasions before, International Humanitarian Law is worthless:– the International Criminal Court is not balanced by an International Civil Court, The International Court of Justice merely plays a subservient role to western governments; European Courts are not fit-for-purpose; and National Courts being closed-shop (hence, by induction, corrupt) manipulate 'justice' to achieve whatever political (even personal, of Judges) outcomes are desired.

CorpOrgCrime criminals, who perpetrate Crimes Against Humanity, are protected

The European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR) is in DIRECT CONTRAVENTION of UDHR Article 30 – which contravention renders European Courts illegitimate/unlawful.

CONCRETE EVIDENCE is ignored (Twin Towers IMPLOSIONS, fabricated evidence in Stephen Lawrence murder trials, protection to CorpOrgCrime criminals, dumbing-down in Phone-Hacking Inquiry, obstructing new science, etc., etc.....)



Where then can anyone go to attain Justice, to raise objection to the EWMDs that are wreaking Socio-Economic havocs, Mass Disparities, Starvation Genocides? -

Where? → NOWHERE!!!!


It thus leaves only a Rights recourse through the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – which UDHR merely sets out PRE-EXISTING fundamental Rights.


Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Preamble - 'Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law, ….. '




Academia & Judiciaries are an integral component of CorpOrgCrime – which oppressively suppresses new science that disproves old –>



Thus are Western Military functioning as hired-guns for CorpOrgCrime - which renders Force (f)Utile.


BUT, if one is facing conflict then one is better served by a military leader such as General Sir Rupert Smith than not – nevertheless military leaders need to know the real enemy is within – despite the public outrage in Iran calling for 'death to USA & UK'


And these enemies within distract attention from potential enemies without who take advantage –> Industrial War, which Smith argues is of the past, can easily rear its ugly head once more.





Perhaps, if military leaders were to call in a Socio-Economy Engineer to peruse the situation BEFORE mobilising (not simply before firing the first shot) then alternative constructive outcomes may come to light – and would cause politicians to think seriously about the realities of the Crimes Against Humanity that corpOrgCrime criminals are causing – and might bring about the much needed reforms within (in)Justice systems.





Chris Addington Pr.Eng.





Links & Open Letters to: PM Boris Johnson & CIDOEC (Prof Barry Rider):




Follow 'Fast-track' at - A quick observation that proves Opticks (with a 'k')(wrongly attributed to Newton) are wrong:- orient a prism to obtain 'rainbow' pattern, move prism to surface & observe 'rainbow' splits out to roy & vib patterns at apex points – thus prism does NOT split out white light, colours are NOT frequency related but arc-angle related – thus Einstein, Hubble, Higgs, CERN are wrong → e≠mc2 , etc., etc., …..

→ Understand how Optics (no 'k') and the Universe really functions ….. follow the fast-track at


  • Opticks (wrongly attributed to Newton) are wrong → e≠mc2
    • Refraction is NOT Refraction
    • Perspective: singular proof that Einstein, Hubble, Hawking, Higgs, CERN etc. are wrong
    • Quantum Theory contradicts Classical Physics because QT is wrong.
    • etc., etc., etc. …....
  • Fermat's Last Theorem: Andrew Wiles' 'proof' is NOT a PROOF; cf Proof that 1=0; also Wiles' 'proof' too complex to PROVE a PROOF; CDADD has developed a classical PROOF.
  • John Nash (Nobel Economics 1994) - models are defective -> massive socio-economic destruction
  • Dynamics of Population-Wealth characteristic - 'Vacuum Hose' effect on Population & Wealth/Income/Resources (cumulative)
  • Bitcoin (& other crypto-currencies) - Understanding (some of) the REAL Dangers of crypto-EWMDs
  • Inhumane Humanities & Sciences 01 & 02 - Driving World to greater Conflict
  • etc., etc., etc., ….





Open Letters to PM Boris Johnson & CIDOEC (Prof Barry Rider)


To PM Boris Johnson

CC: as per addressees & general


From: Chris Addington Pr.Eng.



Re: Churchillian abilities -> Churchillian posture


Winston Churchill's abilities in Identifying/Recognising & Promoting Merit is what brought about his confidence that produced his posture.


Adopting posture does not bring abilities.


BoE Governor Mark Carney is honouring Alan Turing on the new £50 note – but it belies the failure of Carney in having to issue a £50 note. Carney has failed to implement necessary Socio-Economy Engineering that is needed to stabilise Britain (& World) economy, which is why he issues the new note.


Turing (& Co.) notified Churchill of the importance of code-breaking & computing – Churchill recognised Merit & supported Turing – which, along with other Merit recognitions & promotions, Churchill's leadership in the main won WWII.


I have kept you informed of numerous defective 'sciences' – both Socio-Economic & Physics – and for the urgent need of pursuing Socio-Economy & Physics Engineering because of new science insights that my R&D has produced, as well as the pioneering of Socio-Economy Engineering.


Adopting a Churchillian posture but without Identifying/Recognising and Promoting Merit will not bring Churchillian abilities.


Brexit referendum result is a symptom of a failing system devoid of any Socio-Economy Engineering – Brexit is not the solution for Britain, nor for Europe.


Nor is the suppression of new Physics science going to advance medicine (for e.g.) – it is impeding it – current debates on cancer research confirms that researchers do not properly understand radiation & chemo-therapy treatment – because they do not understand the significance of Opticks (wrongly attributed to Newton) being wrong – hence e≠mc2 etc., etc. ….


Nor are Academics recognising that initiatives (such as CIDOEC Symposium on Economic Crime) are riddled with corpOrgCrime double-agents (if not also some being triple-agents) – which is why EU has failed & Brexit resulted – and will continue to fail after Brexit regardless of whatever deal is struck, or even if Brexit is not achieved.


The ability of Identifying/Recognising & Promoting Merit brings the right posture & outcomes





Chris Addington Pr.Eng.



-------- Forwarded Message --------


2019 CIDOEC Symposium on Economic Crime, September 1-8, 2019 - Application for complementary Attendance, Accommodation, Victuals & Transport costs (from/to west Ireland) to attend 2019 CIDOEC Symposium September 1-8, 2019,,


Sun, 25 Aug 2019 08:46:02 +0100


Chris Addington <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;


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The Cambridge International Symposium on Economic Crime purports to be fighting economic crime but in truth is doing the EXACT OPPOSITE.

The 2019 Symposium is riddled with presenters from organisations that are deeply entrenched in global corpOrgCrime (especially of the International Auditors: PWC, KPMG, Deloitte, GT, E&Y)

the R&D by the writer has exposed far grater economic crime than was realised in the 1990s - yet Cambridge University, Jesus College, CIDOEC readily engage with corpOrgCrime criminals but refuse to engage with the writer (see below)

Cambridge University (& others) continue to cover up the truth that Opticks (wrongly attributed to Newton) are WRONG

Academia is entrenched in actively supporting economic crime (corpOrgCrime) with defective 'science'


Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

-------- Forwarded Message --------


Re: FW: 2019 CIDOEC Symposium September 1-8, 2019


Fri, 9 Aug 2019 13:40:26 +0100


Chris Addington This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;


Angela Futter This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

hi angela

thankyou for reply

the over-riding objective of the symposium & cideoc is to constructively counter those engaged in crime - as i pointed out those that contributed to the referenced book had not identified the far larger socio-economic crimes until i uncovered them some years later - corporate governance compels that organisations engage with those that bring real results - by refusing my request it means that many of those presenters/attendees who are able to attend are able to do so because of proceeds from crime, whilst i am unable because i refused to take advantage of the knowledge i gained by defrauding others. thus crime wins.

i reiterate my request to cambridge university to fund my attendance


Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

On 09/08/2019 11:58, Angela Futter wrote:

Dear Mr Addington,

Thank you for your email to Professor Rider, who is currently overseas.

The Symposium is a non-profit making organisation with very limited resources and sadly are not in a position to accede to your request.

Kind regards,


Angela Futter


The Cambridge International Symposium on Economic Crime

'Direct+44 (0) 1223 872160

6Mobile+44 (0) 7950 047259

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From: Chris Addington <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Sent: 09 August 2019 07:27
To: Barry Rider
Subject: 2019 CIDOEC Symposium September 1-8, 2019

To: Professor Barry A. K. Rider OBE - Founder, Executive Director and Co-Chairman CIDOEC, Jesus College Cambridge

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

From: Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

August 9, 2019

Re: Application for complementary Attendance, Accommodation, Victuals & Transport costs (from/to west Ireland) to attend 2019 CIDOEC Symposium September 1-8, 2019

A recent chance-find at a Carrick-on-Shannon charity shop of the 1995 publication of: The Regulation and Prevention of Economic Crime Internationally; Consultant Editor: Jonathan Reuvid – brought awareness of the forthcoming CIDOEC 2019 Symposium.

Reading this book brought clear insight that the contributors to the 1995 book had, (& no doubt even to date, have) little, if any, realisation that Corporate Organised Crime (CorpOrgCrime) far exceeds the collective of Economic Crime as outlined by them – CorpOrgCrime (masterminded by Donald Gordon) was the 'atomic' EWMD (Economic Weapon of Mass Destruction), whereas Gordon's manipulation to change (buy) laws to allow for Demutualisation is what brought about the 'thermo-nuclear' EWMDs.

These EWMDs (a well as others metamorphosed therefrom) are what brought about the super-saturation of Global Money Base & Supply – and was/is the means by which micro-Economic Crime (Drugs, Laundering etc.) is also able to flourish, but nonetheless are, in comparison to EWMDs, mere 'hand-grenades'.

It was in 2003 that my R&D brought this to light (see, LHS panel – papers on 'Mechanics of global Pensions frauds' and 'Mastermind of Organised Crime in the FinServInd' – the former adjudicated by ex-SA Reserve Bank Governor Dr Chris Stals, Prof Biekpe (Stellenbosch) & 1 other and awarded a SASI Research Award)

Since then I have been oppressively economically isolated by Governments (SA, UK, USA, Eire etc.) & Corporates, was forced into exile from SA in 2006, family home abandoned now derelict, and without Income for some 13 years – my R&D is funded solely by myself – and reason for request for financial assistance to attend the 2019 Symposium.

A scan of the 2019 programme shows that the very objective of the CIDOEC is seriously undermined by a number of participating entities that are for long deeply entrenched in the development & pursuance of CorpOrgCrime – who are, in espionage/intelligence parlance: Double Agents (if not Triple)

Large sections of Academia (Physics, Mathematics, Economics) are also integral components to CorpOrgCrime.

A key aspect of CIDOEC is support of & protection to Whistleblowers – whilst I, as a Professional (Chartered) Engineer, do not view myself as a whistleblower the numerous&significant results of my R&D far exceed that of any Whistleblower.

I draw attention to another of my papers on understanding the dynamics of Population-Wealth/Income characteristic (also LHS panel) – this explains how CorpOrgCrime is causing population to increase (at increasing rate?) and reason for socio-economic instability that is worsening – and to point where people-conflicts will become daily occurrences – because people will perceive that Academia, Governments, Judiciaries are all party to CorpOrgCrime.

I am pioneering the concept of Socio-Economy Engineering but I am at present merely scratching the surface of a grossly defective global socio-economic system that is far, far more complex than any man-made machine – unless this necessary Socio-Economy Engineering is meaningfully developed and on MERIT basis then no number of CIDOEC symposiums will bring meaningful results – this is intuitive, for after 36 Symposia the World is becoming more, not less, unstable – clear evidence that the efforts of those sincere persons are being undermined by those insincere persons.

I therefore would appreciate financial assistance (Attendance, Accommodation, Victuals & Transport cost) for this year's Symposium.



Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

CIDOEC History

In May 1979 Commonwealth Law Ministers meeting in Barbados endorsed a report and set of proposals that had been commissioned from Prof Barry Rider OBE at their previous meeting in Canada in 1976. Here, they had recognised that the machinery for addressing the threats posed by transnational economically motivated crime were woefully inadequate and required addressing. One of the recommendations made by Prof Rider was for the development of a platform for all those engaged in the protection of their economies, whether at a policy level or at the coal face, to meet on a regular basis to candidly address issues relating to co-operation. It was, and remains, the view of those engaged in supporting the annual Cambridge symposium that meaningful co-operation and collaboration becomes more feasible and practical when built on the mutual trust and understanding of this platform.

Prof Rider was appointed by Commonwealth governments to take his proposals forward and the Commonwealth Secretariat, International Chamber of Commerce, and Universities of Cambridge and London initiated an annual programme of symposia at Jesus College, Cambridge. This initiative was strongly supported by numerous other inter-governmental and international organisations including ICPO-Interpol, the OECD, and the UN, together with many governments and institutions in both the public and private sectors.

Over the years the number of bodies supporting the symposium has grown and now ranges across a broad spectrum of institutions and agencies, as evidenced in the symposia’s programmes. However, this support has rarely manifested itself in direct financial contributions and therefore the symposium exists on a very limited annual budget consisting of registration fees and sponsorship.

The first symposium took place in 1982, in the Upper Hall of Jesus College, Cambridge with just over 200 participants. Last year nearly 2,000 participants attended all or part of the symposium. The reach of the symposium has always been much greater than merely those who attend. Papers presented at the symposium often find their way into print, in particular in the two official journals of the symposium: the Journal of Financial Crime and the Journal of Money Laundering Control. We have also had a dynamic programme of regional symposia over the years, which has included programmes in Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, the Philippines, Japan, Indonesia, the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Canada, Barbados, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Hungary, Romania, Estonia, Italy, Sweden, and Turkey.

The symposium, both directly and through its organising institutions, has also promoted and supported research and in particular facilitated initiatives in universities throughout the world. Consequently, over nearly 40 years the Cambridge symposium has made a major contribution in a number of ways to the debate on how best to address the dangers presented by economically motivated crime and misconduct.

While Commonwealth law ministers, and in particular the working group established under Mr Saul Froomkin OBE QC who was then HM Attorney General of Bermuda, played a significant role in the inception of the annual Cambridge symposium, it was never limited simply to Commonwealth jurisdictions. Over the years it has become truly international. Last year over 100 countries were represented. The People’s Republic of China has had a long history in supporting the symposium and in 2018 an agreement was entered into, with the endorsement of the Chinese government, to secure the financial viability of the symposium in the foreseeable future.



The Cambridge symposium was founded by Prof Barry Rider OBE who was first elected into a Fellowship at Jesus College, within the University of Cambridge, in 1976. From the start, the team planning and organising both the annual symposium and regional symposia was very small and until very recently, with the exception of a part-time manager (Mrs Angela Futter), did not receive any remuneration. With the support that has now been provided from China, the symposium has been able to recruit an additional manger (Ms Daniela Bowker).

The Centre for International Documentation on Organised and Economic Crime (CIDOEC) is an unincorporated, research-based network that is the primary vehicle through which the symposia are organised. CIDOEC is supported by the Organising Institutions of the symposium which consist of a number of leading universities and other relevant institutions throughout the world. A list of these is available in each programme.

Prof Rider has been the Executive Director and Co-Chairman of the symposium since its foundation and over the last decade Mrs Li Hong Xing (May), as the chief operating officer, has been primarily responsible for the development of the symposium. Mrs Angela Futter, who until 2019 was the general manager, is now primarily concerned with the programme and speakers while Ms Daniela Bowker is responsible for administration and marketing. Prof Chizu Nakajima has also been involved in the team for many years and supports Prof Rider.

Mr Saul Froomkin OBE QC, with the exception of the very first symposium (which was chaired by Sir Shridath Ramphall QC, Professor Sir Roy Goode QC, Mr Eric Ellen QPM, and Prof Barry Rider), has been the chairman of all programmes both in Cambridge and elsewhere. He is supported by Prof Rider, Mr Michael Ashe QC, and Sir Ivan Lawrence QC. Of course, over the years there have been many others, such as Sir Kenneth Warren, Prof Mads Andenas QC, and Sir John Mummery QC, who have lent their support and chaired specific sessions of the programme.

The symposium has been hosted by Jesus College–a College within in the University of Cambridge–since its foundation. Prof Rider has been a Fellow (now Fellow Commoner) of the College throughout this period.


CIDOEC Symposium 2019, Sept 1-8 2019

???????????????? Knowledge is Power -> Power is the application of Force/Energy over Time – but Power can be positive or negative – depending on whether JUSTICE is present or absent - ignoring Justice (as western governments are doing) produces NEGATIVE POWER – which can be observed, for e.g., with the Brexit result, the radical shift in UK Labour Party, etc.

Alastair Campbell resigned (was kicked out of) his membership of UK Labour Party – but it was Campbell's (& Blair's, & Brown's) dishonesty in suppressing Justice Knowledge of pension/investment frauds that caused continued Negative Power thus increasing socio-economic chaos & dissatisfactions that has brought a ground-swell change in leadership of the Labour Party & UK's relations with EU, and Campbell's being kicked-out of the Labour Party.