Poly(p)tych on the Politick of Centuries of Incorrect Science OR How We See What We See OR An Optycal Politick
NOTE: Royal Hibernian Academy refuse to display this work, which brings new understandings to Artists of How & Why we see Scroll down for Objections letter Cronyism prevails! Science suppressed! (Right click -> View Image)
NOTE: Royal Hibernian Academy refuse to display this work, which brings new understandings to Artists of How & Why we see Cronyism prevails! Science suppressed!
RHA 2016 Annual Exhibition Chris Addington Pr.Eng.: Poly(p)tych on the Politick of Centuries of Incorrect Science OR How We See What We See OR An Optycal Politick
Artists, through various styles, mediums, techniques, often attempt to EXPLAIN events of the past – 'Guernica' by Picasso being a famous one, 'The Third of May 1808' by Goya, being another example – but neither of these, nor indeed any works by other artists, reflect any real insights to the CAUSAL FACTORS, the science/engineering, behind events they attempt to explain or portray – the works simply become 'memorials' to events.
Many other Artists present new techniques of varying complexities – fine work by artists such as Michaelangelo, Caravaggio - to simple techniques used in the 'Blue Lady' by Matisse –> BUT, these art techniques do not EXPLAIN
The purpose of this Poly(p)tych is to CLOSE-THE-GAP between Art and Science/Engineering (all spheres from Physics thru Socio-Economics) – but to do so one has to present a reasonably LINEAR description so that its broad concepts can be understood by the viewer and with as few distractions as possible – hence techniques need to be simple - not as simple as 'Blue Lady' – but such that the linear explanation is not confused, yet the linearity not be boring – but also in RAW form so as to address the RAW FACTORS.
The graph below depicts the historical regions (high art, low science or high science, low art) – we need to move towards an optimal region where both art & science blend.
This work both extends beyond the historical science bounds, and attempts to achieve a higher art component.
Chris Addington Pr.Eng. |
To RHA President Mick O'Dea & Council
CC: as per addressees
From Chris Addington Pr.Eng.
February 18, 2016
Re: Objections to 'Unselected' notice
I acknowledge receipt of 'Unselected' notice from RHA pertaining to the 2016 Exhibition submissions..
Whether Unselected or Selected, my submission makes a significant step (leap) in closing the gap between art and science/engineering – and makes massive leaps in our understandings of science & engineering, by correcting incorrect science & progressing new science – my submission is unique in all these senses, and more
In contrast, past (& late) President Sean Keating widened the gap by presenting lies – his works of 'rural' life in Ireland portrayed family & friends, not the real people of the real times. Present President Mick O'Dea (& other RHA Members) does nothing to close the gap – merely presenting bog standard images (as can snap photographers)
Their drawing & painterly talents are not argued – what is argued is that their works, works by other leading artists, and works of previous RHA exhibitions have achieved various & numerous styles of presenting images - but with no meaning or real insights.
Keating once stated that non-artists, critics, did not understand Art – well that is a valid statement considering the lies that are fobbed off as Art.
The lies by RHA are no different to the lies by RIA, RDS, RS, RI etc. And by scientists such as Hawking, Cox & other pop-TV personalities.
RHA has NEVER had such a penetrating submission as mine – which advances not only science but how we see what we see - and how it is that light affects subject matters & in varying light & in varying form.
My submission is purposefully loose in style so as to stimulate Artists into thinking of ways of advancing techniques to explain technical matters (physics & socio-economic, etc.) – it is also intended to make non-technical people aware that science is NOT as difficult as the increasing mass of present day sci-fi defective science has made it appear.
Whether Selected or Unselected, the uniqueness of my submission justifies that it is given a prominent position at the RHA 2016 Exhibition so that people can be rightly informed of a penetrating statement that affects not only our visual sight but also our understanding of Science, Engineering and of Art.
I am happy that RHA place a statement alongside, but also with this letter, and with equal prominence.
I rightly demand that you give my submission a prominent position of display – and to allow visitors their right to be correctly informed - for which their hard-earned taxes are partly used to fund RHA.
Chris Addington Pr.Eng.