Mastermind of Organised Crime (‘Legal’) in the Financial Services Industry 2


Gordon’s Cancer is creeping



The previous paper in this series sets out, in broad terms, how Donald Gordon masterminded massive fraud of investor’s pensions & savings.


This paper brings to light developments over the past few years – it indicates the creeping evil of Gordon’s cancerous schemes not only upon investors but on societies & economies, globally.


Recent news regarding Tony Blair’s “cash for honours”, and latest fraud probe into National Prosecuting Authority Chief Executive’s activities explain how Gordon is protected from prosecution – Gordon’s frauds are perhaps the largest ever, globally. Finance Minister Trevor Manuel is also behind these lies & deceptions.




[An aside: Amongst all the fraud scams in South Africa - take note that a scam is coming to light in Pretoria’s Title Deeds Office – Examiners in this office can uplift Caveats that have been registered against a property and without a tracing link retained on the property, nor without contacting the parties that registered the Caveat, and with no transparent or traceable reasons being given.


How much does it cost to BUY an Examiner? – this is not known but these scams are occurring and there is no means of tracing. This has come to light after a telecon with the Deeds Office last week]


Back to Gordon’s Cancer - BRIEF RECAP:

Pensioners & investors are being defrauded of their savings through numerous schemes & scams and many variations of themes on schemes, all of which have progressively developed over many decades.

Extensive research by CDADD has exposed a number of these significant schemes & scams, some of which have been adjudicated (see Annuities in Retirement – Historical Archives, Home Page, lhs panel).


“Costs” losses can account for in excess of 10% of savings, annuities for 27% to 41% of capital loss.


The annuities losses in particular was masterminded by Donald Gordon, founder of Liberty Life, in the late ‘50s and accounts for many hundreds of billions of Rands losses in South Africa, globally the losses are impossible to gauge but can easily run to the trillion/s of dollars.

The evidence for all of this has been in circulation for some 3 years but Donald Gordon is protected from prosecution, simply because he has massive wealth, and extensive influence into other financially wealthy, & social, players, and government executives.


SA’s National Director of Prosecutions Pikoli has purposefully obstructed the Police in their investigations (Hillbrow Police case no.: 1917/06/2005). But the protection afforded by the NPA is as a consequence of protection from Government executive, and driven by Finance Minister Manuel.

The new probe into NPA’s Chief Executive Marion Sparg & her entire executive team for fraud & corruption gives clear insight as to why Pikoli has not prosecuted Gordon.


Since CDADD’s research blew open the extent of Gordon’s fraudulent scams, ongoing manoeuvres & manipulations continue which do not seek to protect investors but to create ever deeper devious scams.




Looking into the history of Gordon’s cancer, a picture emerges of long term & broad based planning – this is evidenced by his early moves into the international arena, via the UK initially.

But in South Africa other manoeuvres have taken place with a number of his key staff playing integral roles.


It is important to note that what on the surface appears to be at arms-length is, within the FinServInd, invariably resultant from intensive & extensive behind-the-scenes collusion. The use of tax havens, and numerous scams, provide/d the mechanisms in which behind-the-scene manipulations & scamming could/does occur.

Professional Provident Society (PPS) appointed Mike Jackson as CEO, PPS has in the last few years restructured from a Society to a company. It was argued that it provided better benefits for members – this is entirely untrue – it provided the mechanisms, exactly as it did for Liberty, to siphon & churn members investments & pensions.

And you have no doubt already guessed – Mike Jackson is an ex Liberty Lifer.


PPS is also intricately linked to Sanlam.


The Chairman of PPS, Dr Dave Presbury, is intricately linked to Mervyn King (see later)


Roy Andersen took over as Chairman at Sanlam, Andersen previously headed up Liberty as CEO. Andersen moved to Sanlam shortly after Sanlam demutualised – if you read the previous paper in this series you will understand the true nature of demutualisation , that it was simply a manoeuvre by Sanlam & Old Mutual to play the same scamming game that Gordon had masterminded.


It was also clear that Gordon had plans to extend his influence & control into Sanlam & OM – the means with Sanlam are clear from his key executive moving across; what mechanisms exist between him & Sutcliffe at OM are non-transparent.


Recall: Demutualisation was a response to Gordon’s plan to draw capital from other institutions. Sanlam & Old Mutual simply engaged in the same game plan as Gordon by restructuring from mutual entities so as to enable them to siphon off pension capital into other entities under their personal control, but outside of the respective institution’s control.


With Gordon’s original plan (to draw capital away) scuppered he implemented an alternative – getting his key people into Sanlam & OM – Andersen’s move was to allow the siphoning mechanisms to be engaged & to Gordon’s benefit.


Myles Ruck has recently left Liberty Life - for what reason, and to where, is as yet unknown. Did he leave because his conscience could not allow him to continue within such a dishonest institution? This is unlikely, if he had clear conscience he would have come clean, regardless.


Discovery Health’s Adrian Gore has steered Discovery toward providing investment & pension schemes that utilise the same mechanisms as Gordon schemed, this because he knew, and it is contended because he is in collusion with Gordon, that this was the area providing the most lucrative pickings from unsuspecting investors.

A perusal of Discovery’s Optimiser Retirement & Investment scheme shows clearly that Gore had/has no intent of looking after investor’s interests.

The intent is clear that Gore seeks to steal from investors with the same mechanisms as Gordon masterminded. To do so requires a network through which investor’s monies can be channelled for the siphoning (& churning) to occur.


Who is most favourably placed to do this? No prizes for guessing correctly that it is Donald Gordon.


If you read the first 3 or 4 chapters of Gordon’s biography “Larger than Life” you will quickly see the extent of Gordon’s foresight & planning. Gore is simply one of the key players within one of many of Gordon’s schemes.


Gordon's long time friend Raymond Ackerman (Pick ‘n Pay founder) still continues to utilise the same scams that Gordon masterminded, which has allowed him to siphon his Pick ‘n Pay employee’s pension monies. It explains the rapid growth of Pick ‘n Pay.


The long standing relationship that Gordon had with Grant Thornton (previously Grant Thornton Kessel Feinstein, and then later still back to Grant Thornton after GTKF were exposed for collusion with Gordon, and with PSCGG) deeply entrenched the scamming mechanisms. After Grant Thornton were exposed by CDADD’s research for their involvement in PSCGG & with Gordon they, GTKF, withdrew as Liberty’s auditors. Musical chairs were played and Price Waterhouse Coopers took over.

The collusion & corruption between & amongst international auditing firms is well established.

Since their appointment to Liberty PWC have come foul again; this time with the Brett Kebble saga – this is unravelling at the present time, as are other international scams that PWC have been involved in.


The latest victim to experience Gordon’s cancerous scamming is his very own wife Peggy. Gordon engaged with South Africa’s most notorious divorce attorney – Issy William Gundlefinger who operates under the alias of Billy Gundlefinger out of 91 Iris Rd, Norwood, Johannesburg. He is a grossly incompetent attorney.

Well, he drives a Bentley – you might say. And, yes, he does – but this comes courtesy of numerous corrupt high court judges that allow him to practice – in return for favourable considerations.


Gordon’s business links to Mervyn King, an ex High Court Judge, and the king of Corporate Governance, are not clear on the surface but behind-the-scenes indications are clear.

King is the executive Chairman of Brait, an international FinServInd company operating out of one of the tightest tax havens, Luxembourg. King is also Chairman of the Automobile association of South Africa; King was instrumental in the fraudulent sale of the Formula 1 racetrack for R42M when the value, undeveloped, was in the order of R700M – this was in 2004.

One of King’s High Court colleagues, Judge Goldstein, colluded with him in a civil matter in which the writer sought to expose King’s criminality.

King is linked to PPS’s Dr Dave Presbury and through PPS to Sanlam, and hence Andersen, hence Gordon.

Mervyn King has recently launched a book “Corporate Citizen”, but in light of the scams to which he is attached in his own right it should be retitled to “Corporate Criminal”.


The extent of collusion goes deeply into SA’s Judiciary with inducements, financial & otherwise – the entire Cape High Court accepted a lavish Christmas party along with “presents” from Old Mutual. It should be noted that extensive collusion exists within the FinServInd Institutions so the mere fact that OM, only, provided the party does not exclude the complicity of other institutions.

The Jo’burg High Court judiciary are also well entrenched with corporate criminals – regardless of background the judicial network is immensely strong.

Judge Jajbhay was the judicial puppet behind the fraudulent take-over of ABSA bank by Barclays Bank UK – the whereabouts of the R33B that was to buy the shares is still unknown – no doubt round-tripped out of SA already.

Judges Joffe & Stegmann were behind the fraudulent liquidation of PSCGG.

Cape Judge Denis Davies, SA’s TV judge, accepted a lavish dinner from FinServInd executives after he purposefully ducked the Sanlam judgement (Davies also refused to allow the writer to submit argument in this matter).

Cape Judge President Hlope is now under scrutiny for dodgy business deals & within entities that he had judicial power/influence over.

KZN Deputy Judge President Thabani Jali is now moving to PWC as Chairman – an ex-judge involved with an international auditing firm that is deeply involved in the FinServInd frauds! - Will Jali tell the truth?


The complicity amongst the judiciary with major & international commercial entities has far greater flavour than the points stated here.


And the Financial Services Board’s CEO, Rob Barrow, is ex-Coopers Lybrandt which colluded & merged with Price Waterhouse to form PWC.

Momentum’s ex CEO, Hillie Meyer, and Metropolitan’s Peter Doyle & Derek Pead, have also refused to come clean. Peter Doyle gave an undertaking to the writer, in Oct 2004, to a transparent investigation into the scamming of pensioner’s capital – he reneged on this. Metropolitan pensioners are still being defrauded, as are all pensioners – Doyle, as with other FinServInd execs, place personal interests above professionalism & honesty.


Finance Minister Manuel has recently called for financial institutions & intermediaries to “change their business models” to a fair one.

This call is empty – simply because Manuel has been, and remains, entirely dishonest.

Manuel has no real understanding of the scams – of which there are numerous themes and many variations on themes - Manuel has not the ability to detect these kinds of scams, he has simply stolen the Intellectual Property that has exposed scams. So how will Manuel be able to determine that the new models that institutions develop will be fair? He won’t be able to, because he can’t!


Are institutions genuinely going to change for your best interests? - Do you think they will?


The fact that SA’s Savings Institute (SASI - now appears to have closed down suggests that fora that are/were intended to provide meaningful pressure are thwarted by the financial institutions.

Andrew Bradley, CEO of Acsis, was the executive of SASI, as well as of the Financial Planners Institute, - Bradley has conducted these positions that are in perpetual & mutual conflict, not a good basis for establishing fair business models.

These points serve to highlight the depth of duplicity & deception that prevails in the FinServInd.


The attractions, of investor monies, draws others into the plundering game – financial advisory & intermediary services companies such as Allan Gray, Alexander Forbes, business “tycoons” such as Richard Branson –> Gordon’s cancer is creeping.


The means by which all of this has happened, and is still occurring, is because of a general blanket of dishonesty that prevails in South Africa and the world.

The truth behind the scams remain hidden from public attention because of government executive dishonesty – Finance Minister Trevor Manuel’s dishonesty has allowed for the likes of Bruce Cameron to falsely peddle Rob Rusconi’s “research” as original, it is plagiarised. The media allow these lies to be circulated in their rags and the public are thus none the wiser.


Manuel’s involvement with setting up secretive business deals & personal accounts through Singapore, another secretive tax haven, is well known. Manuel has been instrumental in destroying industries in South Africa because of his setting up/influencing cheap Asian import deals.

State President Thabo Mbeki has allowed himself to be sidelined to Manuel’s financial-power, with all its inherent evils.

Manuel’s dishonesty over these pension & investment scams are proofs positive of his complicity in covering up, to protect people such as Gordon.

Manuel’s lover, Maria Ramos, CEO of Transnet, and her boss Minister Alec Erwin continue to cover up Transnet employee’s pension losses. Erwin threatened legal action against the writer if statements of his, Erwin’s, complicity continued. He must do as he chooses!

Manuel’s Amnesty campaign coupled with gestapo tactics against high profile people has had a seriously negative impact upon creating a transparent & honest financial industry.


Briefly contrast the protection afforded to Gordon to the nazi thuggery (unlawful & unwarranted) meted out to small/er people – and with Manuel’s “blessing”.-

The unwarranted attacks against Katcs a few years ago caused him to shoot his ex-wife, then himself. On personally checking every listed High Court file concerning Katcs not one of the files had a valid court order against which the Sheriff could lawfully act at that time.

The nazi style attacks against the Ranch owner, Andrew Philips, has been running for years – the truth of these unwarranted, and grossly unlawful, attacks are only now beginning to come to light.

Theresa Scheulaff is another self-litigant that has stood up to nazi style abuses – including having her dogs battered by the Sheriff.


Whilst it is clear that there is a need for an effective & efficient policing & detecting force, it is totally unacceptable that nazi thuggery is resorted to – at the end of the day thuggery does not change the evidence that is presented in court, the thuggery however does give massive weight to a defence argument.

Prominent issues such as the Dave King saga is one in which transparency is rightfully sought by SARS. King has recently argued that SARS are delaying and that he, King, would welcome an open case in the tax court but that SARS are not cooperating.

King is clearly not being honest, since the non-transparency of the underlying deal/s is the crux of the issue, and not the skirmishes about assets held in offshore trusts/companies.

Further, King could himself take the matter to the tax court; but he doesn’t – which does not support his claim to want to resolve the matter.

It appears then that SARS, in seeking transparency, are confident that they will obtain a conviction. But King & his legal team are not seeing the alternative strategies that would put him in the clear if transparency were achieved by SARS.


The point about bringing these issues into the argument concerning Gordon’s cancer is that the small people receive intensive & extensive abusive attacks, BUT Gordon remains protected, and the protection stems from the top echelons of Governments. Yes! Governments; SA, UK, USA, Europe – Gordon has top rankers under his financial control – Gordon has bought government executives!


Tony Blair’s “cash for honours” explains why Gordon was listed for knighthood – it is not known whether he has actually been knighted (or did Gordon spare Queen Elizabeth that embarrassment?)

Pope Benedict has warned, in his Easter message, against the immoral selfish modern world – his message included:-

“Lord, we have lost our sense of sin! Today a slick campaign of propaganda is spreading an inane apologia of evil, a mindless desire for transgression, a dishonest and frivolous freedom, exalting impulsiveness, immorality and selfishness as if they were new heights of sophistication.”

Whilst these meditative words of Pope Benedict are entirely true, the Pope overlooks the fact that church leaders are protecting & allowing many of the perpetrators of these evils to hide, unchecked, in their churches. In fact, many church leaders are taking advantage of this.

Church leaders are drawn into selfishness by making fancy churches more fancy, by ignoring the central focus of the Christian faith – vis: works in faith, as set out in James – i.e. spending their money on those really in need.


In failing to call for the justice system to be seen to be working correctly church leaders are as guilty as the perpetrators.


It has circulated that Gordon has boasted about “buying” the Channel Islands because they were slow in granting him a licence.


What is of significance is the length, breadth, & depth of Gordon’s perverted relationships – it appears to know no bounds.

Regardless of what he is currently scheming, the destructive effects upon society from his networks, purchased politicians, & scams, are immense - Gordon’s cancer is creeping.


Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

(see Contact)