PSCGG, Tigon, Shawcell – The Perfect Crime
Breakdown of Societal Systems by power abusers.
A hollow cause, or another looming holocaust?
UPDATE August 29, 2017:- PSC Guaranteed Growth (PSCGG) - Collapse; Prosecution (unfolding) of Tigon executives Gary Porritt & Sue Bennett 2016/7 - Who to believe?
UPDATE – Monday August 15, 2005
Criminal investigations concerning these companies & directors have been running for a couple of years.
Charge sheets (reportedly around 1000 pages) were finally served on Tigon directors Gary Porritt & Sue Bennett a week ago with the trial set for January in Johannesburg High Court.
The history behind Tigon, Shawcell, & PSCGG clearly shows that a double scam is happening.
On the surface it is claimed by the State that Porritt & Bennett perpetrated various frauds under Tigon, Shawcell & PSCGG.
However there are overwhelming proofs that factional/mafia elements, as well as government employees within NPA, Scorpions, SARS, SAPS, Judiciary, were/are involved in the purposeful, malicious, & unwarranted collapse of these companies.
It is also stressed that these factional/mafia elements are masquerading as members of loving-faiths – they do not belong to these loving-faiths. The truth is that loving-faith members live in fear of these factional/mafia elements.
The collusion by NPA/Scorpions/SAPS and SARS over their fraudulent collapsing of these companies was a key reason for the enquiry into the positioning & functioning of Scorpions.
Submissions to the Khampepe Commission enquiry into Scorpions has not elicited a response from Judge Khampepe’s office – it is not known what is happening, if anything.
Grant Thornton Kessel Feinstein were the auditors for PSCGG but unlawfully reneged on their obligations. GTKF were, until this article was circulated globally, auditors for Donald Gordon’s Liberty Life; and had been, through various preceding structures, auditors since being founded. The original auditing firm of LibLife was Isaacs & Kessels of which Donald Gordon had originally been a partner.
GTKF were linked to other major international scams – they’ve now renamed back to Grant Thornton.
Low confidence in SA’s justice system has been weakened further with the abuses in the Absa/Barclays deal, and miscarriage in the Moodley murder trial.
It should also be noted that shortly after this article was circulated globally that various news media that had previously published articles of mine silenced me, including London’s Financial Times which removed articles of mine from their website.
I am persona non grata.
This gives proofs of the influence of powerful financial players on the media (press/radio/tv); and an indication of the lies & distortions that the media put out.
It is stressed that no insult is intended toward any loving-faith member; in any manner or form – as a Christian totally the opposite, I am concerned that they are living in fear of these elements.
This article is telling the truth simply in black & white ……… what the media do not tell you!!!
UPDATE – Thursday June 5, 2003.
Commissioner:- South African Revenue Services – Pravin Gordhan.
In reply to your letter published in Business Day (June 5) re D Gleason’s article “SARS at the centre of Shawcell muddle”.
Dear Mr Commissioner Pravin Gordhan - I am pleased to read that you are insistent upon the “audi alteram partem" rule (hear the other side) – I would you pleased if you would add your voice against the JPP judges that are currently trashing our High & Constitutional Courts (see below for the real facts surrounding PSCG, Tigon, Shawcell).
If you could be so kind as to ask our Chief Justice, President of the Constitutional Court, Chairman of the Judicial Service Commission, Justice Chaskalson as to why he & his colleagues refused an Appeal to the Constitutional Court without first seeing (let alone reading – and hearing) the affidavits giving the grounds of appeal against his fellow JPP Judge’s Stegman & Joffe who were colluding with JPP attorneys & advocates in the PSCGG issue.
Your letter in the Business Day can only be described as “rubbish” – it is clear that Power Players in SARS are out to destroy PSCGG, Tigon, Shawcell, Porritt, Bennett, PSCGG Shareholders and any other strays caught in the cross-fire – simply because your SARS is on a mission to destroy them all, however, whenever, and in collusion with whoever.
Judicial Managers are not Independent – they also, like liquidators, engage in manipulating collapses.
This is not to say that Gleason’s article in not flawed – it is, substantially so – but the flaw is that he doesn’t have the balls to tell the whole truth. For the truth behind PSCGG & part of Tigon/Shawcell, please see below.
In conclusion Mr Commissioner Pravin Gordhan – would you please ask judges Joffe, Stegman, Chaskalson – why they ignored the “audi alteram partem” rule with PSCGG. And please explain why you choose to destroy business units.
A prompt response from you would be appreciated – in writing, not by SARS “heavies” calling round.
Chris Addington Pr.Eng.
It is now abundantly clear that State Authority Persons along with others in the private Legal Community, who make up an unlawful 3rd Force group of Power Players/Mafia/Cabal, are engaged in perfecting the Perfect Crime. PSCGG, Tigon & Shawcell is one of the current proving grounds for this.
In truth this Perfect Crime is perpetrated by a miniscule minority of Jewish people who collusively act as a JPP/Mafia/Cabal (JPP = Jewish Power Players).
(These JPP’s, as I have repeatedly stated, must be distinctly differentiated from the everyday faith-loving Jewish people who live in fear of these Power Players.)
Although there may be irregularities, wrong doing, by the directors of PSCGG etc. – the Perfect Crime by JPP’s far outstrips any possible wrongdoings by these directors.
Perfect – in the sense that they are, collectively, approaching nearer their objectives – the “feeding” of business entities into the Liquidation Industry for redistribution to other parties at bargain-basement prices, and generating unlawful litigation costs in the process.
Imperfect:- in the sense that they have been rumbled & exposed; but nonetheless they can rely on hiding behind the “law”, which they have manipulated to perfect their crimes.
The circumstances and details surrounding these specific events are issues that appear elsewhere throughout the world - as they have done for millennia.
A summary of key events concerning PSCGG:-
Jewish Service Provider Grant Thornton Kessel Feinstein – unlawfully reneged on their obligations given under the prospectus to PSCGG
Jewish Service Provider Blumenthal & Slotow “resigned” from PSCGG
Jewish Service Provider Simon Hurwitz “sold” out to Ramsey
All three Jewish Service Providers of PSCGG bailed out almost immediately after launch, because, it is contended, they had “wind” of a scam (if they were not directly part of it).
Jewish attorneys Mervyn Taback manipulated the facts in a High Court Provisional Liquidation hearing. They also had an existing relationship with the Liquidators St Aden’s. Taback acts for both Applicants Basson’s & Liquidators = conflict of interest.
Jewish Judge Joffe granted a Provisional Liquidation order without hearing opposition
Jewish Judge Stegman aggressively & unconstitutionally denied PSCGG opposition hearing before granting Final Liquidation. He also granted an unconstitutional costs order
Jewish JPP mindset prevailing in the Constitutional Court failed to uphold & protect the Constitutional Rights of PSCGG under case’s CCT 11 & 26/03
Jewish JPP’s in the National Directorate of Public Prosecution (which includes Skorpions – wrongly so as they cross the separation-of-powers boundary with the Police Service) were responsible for manipulating circumstances that caused the unlawful detention, denial of legal representation & threats to Porritt.
Jewish JPP’s in State Authority positions have manipulated circumstances so that SARS destabilised Tigon & Shawcell so that the JSE would have “grounds” for suspending these companies.
Jewish JPP’s in State Authority positions have manipulated circumstances so that the JSE unjustly suspended Tigon & Shawcell. There was no benefit, only prejudice, to shareholders in the JSE doing this.
The Constitutional Court have denied an Appeal in the PSCGG matter without having seen the affidavits setting out the grounds for appeal.
These kinds of manipulation by JPP’s are not new:-
Although RSA law is claimed to be Roman-Dutch in origin, it is in fact of strong Jewish orientation, which has developed through millennia of manipulation by JPP’s. This applies to much of 1st World law – especially where liquidation & litigation have prominence.
There is a grossly disproportionate level of representation of Jewish JPP’s in our legal Community.
The Jewish community is “controlled” by a fronting body called the Jewish Board of Deputies (JBD). “Deputies” directly confirms the existence of Principals; these Principals are the hidden intellectuals that scheme & manipulate at macro & micro levels.
The Intellectual Property (IP) of Constitutional Law which has been developed by Jewish Justices, and who have been employed & paid by the State, has been recorded by family members of these Justices who now hold the copyright of these IP publications. The very documents which contain a concise explanation of the IP Constitutional Principles is privately owned, yet that IP was paid for by the State in employing those Jewish Justices who developed it.
For people to access this IP we have to pay for it; therefore to be aware of what “law” is we have to first have wealth to be able to afford to buy it. This is wrong, this IP is a State paid asset and must be freely available off the Constitutional Court Website.
A global cabal, secret society, mafioso, of Jewish JPP’s exists and continues as ever to manipulate world events. UK Labour Minister Dalyell is now under pressure to withdraw his statements, two weeks ago, about Blair paying heed to a Jewish cabal. The point though is that the liaison has been identified – it cannot now be denied.
The largest UK Teachers Union is conscious of Israel’s manipulations and pressure is being applied within this union to oppose these manipulations.
Events in the Middle East are as a consequence of the unreasonable & aggressive actions of JPP’s in Israel. Which is part of the reason UK is beginning to distance itself from them.
JPP response to suicide bombings was heavy handed missile, bombardment, attacks – which simply created more anger & more suicide bombers. Heavy handed, and under-handed, responses also come from JPP’s against people who speak out against them in the civil arena.
This world, it is contended, is heading for another possible holocaust, with different dynamics, because of the ongoing manipulations by the JPP/Mafia cabal. People are beginning to understand these manipulations by minority JPP’s but are failing to recognise the distinctly separate nature of these unlawful JPP’s from those everyday faith-loving Jews (who do not hold with the JPP’s, and in fact live in fear of them).
Nevertheless this world is facing the possibility of another generally focused holocaust against Jews per se.
Germany, between WW1 & 2, were abused by the then JPP’s; and because of the traumatic conditions post-WW1 being exacerbated by JPP manipulations, Germany revolted against the Jews in the mistaken belief that all Jews were responsible for the manipulations by the JPP’s. Once revolt had begun thug elements entrenched control.
Law, per se, has been manipulated to advantage a select minority of society and to disadvantage the majority. Those totally disadvantaged are thus faced with an impossible situation of being kicked down when trying to uplift themselves; hence frustrations & anger increase. This is why African countries have failed to stabilise – the historical 1st World manipulations of the laws are destructive within 1st World environments, within 3rd World they are utterly catastrophic.
The Rules of the Constitutional Court have been purposefully designed to defeat S34 (Access to Courts). Other Justice & Government officials have picked up on this autocratic principle and developed draconian laws & principles that slash through the Constitution.
Mugabe in Zimbabwe imported this principle and has successfully destroyed the country.
Within a civil law framework, the kinds of manipulation of the “laws” that can be readily seen once the surface is scratched:-
Costs orders – a seemingly just means of recompense, but underneath its veneer are hidden the excuses for charging extortionate legal fees. The “adversarial” based justice system exacerbates this. (Need to focus on a “mediation” based justice system as an integral & first process).
Liquidations & Judicial Management – manipulations to the Constitution allow for the continuing destruction of companies through the feeding of them into the “liquidation industry”. See Constitutional Law (Ch9?) which denies juristic persons the Right to Life, Freedom & Security of the Person, etc. All of these Rights are effectively removed in a couple of lines. But clearly these Rights do apply to juristic persons; albeit in more restrictive form than with natural persons. But the purpose behind removing these Rights from juristic persons is so as to allow the liquidation industry to have a constant flow of business. The liquidation industry gains through extortionate “costs” from litigation, as well as picking up business units or sub-units at bargain basement prices
The Divorce Industry is of a similar nature.
The Financial Advisory & Intermediary Services Act, Financial Intelligence Centre Act & others slash through other Constitutional Rights – these circumstances give further proofs of “manipulations”.
Draconian State methods against motorists - being unlawfully arrested on the road side and imprisoned for petty traffic violation defaults that could easily be solved by more humane & sensible means.
The Judicial Service Commission have set a debating date (concerning the complaint with Judge Joffe and his refusing to hear argument in the PSCGG matter) aeons into the future such that it is meaningless & of no possible benefit to protect the Rights of PSCGG shareholders.
Simply stated, wherever irregularities occur in the justice system one will no doubt find extortionate practices & unjust irregularities which are likely to have been manipulated by JPP’s, either current or as a legacy of the past.
The Jewish JPP/Mafia, to which many Jewish Judges clearly belong is an unlawful secret society
Society can see & feel the effects of the Rules of the Constitutional Court defeating the Bill of Rights; and the consequent effects emanating from the draconian measures that lower level State authoritarians in turn employ. And in turn people are understandably angered by this – to the extent that some people execute Magistrates, and threaten likewise against judges.
Tigon & Shawcell directors no doubt pushed the “grey” areas of business, and some may even have crossed into the criminal area – but this is no excuse for JPP State Authority persons to abuse their powers to commit the Perfect Crime. The JPP’s behind this power abuse are the real criminals.
There is an urgent need for the Chief Justice to put a stop to the unlawful & unconstitutional liquidations of PSCGG, Tigon & Shawcell.
There is an immediate & urgent need for JPP’s in positions of State Authority to renounce their membership of their unlawful secret society and to declare their alignment to a Just & Constitutional RSA, and their non-alignment to the Jew JPP/Mafia/Cabal.
Societies are becoming increasingly concerned about the breakdown of societal systems, and are becoming more aware that Jewish Power Players are at the root of the problem.
The aforegoing can all be easily dismissed as a hollow cause, but in truth there is a possibility of a looming holocaust – it is a real danger that threatens world stability.
Chris Addington Pr.Eng.