Sketch Diagram WRONGLY attributed to Newton!!!


 Newton SketchDiagram PNGNewton SketchDiagram2 PNG


The TOP image is a scanned copy of the ORIGINAL diagram held at Cambridge University Library and emailed by the Library to CDADD.

 Now look at the BOTTOM website image.

(from ResearchGate:

 Note that this image has been cropped so as to remove the initials (I.E. or J.E.) present in the TOP (ORIGINAL)  image


Newton stole this diagram during the Great Plague lockdown - Newton was known to have returned during lockdown on a number of occasions. Newton also delayed publishing his Opticks book BECAUSE he wanted to ensure any&all contemporaries - who might recall the diagram, its concepts and its true author - had all passed away.

(open to correction - this cropped image appeared AFTER CDADD had demonstrated that Newton was NOT the true author of the diagram)

Some time after exposing the truth about this diagram Cambridge Library was requested by CDADD to send a full list of Staff at Cambridge at that time (so as to determine who I.E/J.E.) might be – NIL RESPONSE!

Cambridge also refuse to address the fact that Newton's Opticks are wrong. Ditto: RS, RI, RIA, RDS, Academia in general, …..

There are hidden clue/s in the sketch diagram (cropped or uncropped)

which are omitted from the (incorrect) Opticks book

that PROVE that Newton did not draw this diagram,

nor originated the concepts behind it.

(call up a larger image off the web)


To understand all this you need to obtain a 3x60degree prism (preferably 2, perhaps a few, for your friends as well) and make the observations as set out via the link on the homepage at


Reiterate: Newton's Opticks book is WRONG. Opticks is wrong because Newton did not understand the sketch diagram, which contains hidden clue/s. Newton did not understand the sketch because he stole it.


It is why Science has gone far-off track into deep-space science-fiction, because of the incorrect attribution of frequency to Light, and Hubble wrongly arguing Doppler effect to claim 'expanding universe', and the consequent but incorrect 'big bang' and today's 'kwantum fiziks' that abounds.


(if you should detect any clue then please keep it to yourself, so as to allow schoolkids the advantage of discovery – admittedly being told that there is a clue removes the benefit of originating that clue – nevertheless it should spark interest in Physics amongst schoolkids.



As always, constructive engagement is welcomed



Chris Addington Pr.Eng.