International Court of Justice
(and International Criminal Court
ICC Prosecutor – Crimes/HighTreasons Against Humanity Case against
Ireland Chief Justice Donal O'Donnell (&Judiciary)
Case ref: cfa88f83-f610-4401-801f-90daee555a7e )
Obligations of States in respect of Climate Change
Public Hearings – scheduled December 2, 2024
as per: ICJ Order 2024, 30 May, General List, No. 187
Summary – Key Heads-of-Arguments re:
Submission of Advisory Opinion & Request to Present to ICJ
by Chris Addington Pr.Eng.
+353 (0)86 168 4318, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,
Key Heads-of-Arguments
as set out in Principal Advisory & Addendums 1, 2 & 3 submissions
Credibility of International (and EU & National) Courts
- Credibility of International (and EU & National) Courts is in question
- HR/Const. violations by corporates ignored but people targetted for opposing the oppressions of corpOrgCrime
- Few National Courts have Direct-Access for HR/Constitutional violations
- Corruption/Collusion/Abuses from many National courts
- Int. & EU Courts place wrongful barriers to those raising HR/Const violations issues within Nation States
- Modern phenomena of increasing number of corporates having far greater Socio-Economic Power than most Nation States – yet those corporates (& individuals behind such Power) are unlawfully 'protected' by Int.(& EU) Court Statutes/Rules/Procedures
Defective 'science' deceiving ICJ (& World)
- Advisory Opinion & Counter comments by States are ALL based upon GROSSLY DEFECTIVE SCIENCE
- ClimateChange/GlobalWarming (CC/GW, GW/CC) is a SERIOUS problem that is inadequately being addressed
- Pollution is a SERIOUS problem that is being inadequately addressed
- Pollution correlates to CC/GW - BUT CORRELATION DOES NOT, in&of itself, PROVE CAUSE/EFFECT – UNPROVED claim of Pollution Causing CC/GW is obstructing considerations of alternative Factors resulting from Natural Causes (Solar System dynamics)
- IPCC, UNFCC & Academia (Including Nobel Foundation, RS, RI, RIA, RDS, ..) are purposefully ignoring new Science that disproves centuries-old 'science' (Opticks wrongly attributed to Newton are WRONG!, because Newton stole the Intellectual Property (IP))
- Academia (including IPCC, UNFCCC, Nobel Foundation, RS, RI, RDS, RIA, …) were called upon (see Addendum 3) to counter the proofs submitted by the writer that: Opticks (wrongly attributed to Newton) are WRONG! And that Newton stole the IP -
- or to PROVE, in the alternative, that Opticks (with a 'k') are correct
- to determine the hidden clue/s in the sketch diagram that PROVE Newton stole the IP (fast-track link at homepage on
- Not one Academic Institution has submitted any such proofs to ICJ
- Consequently the ICJ & ICC (and ECJ & ECHR) are obligated to call upon States, IPCC, UNFCC & Academia to address these new Sciences that disproves centuries-old defective 'science'
- Consequently Light transmission Dynamics are NOT correctly understood
- that Solar Systems function differently than previously thought (Universal Law of Gravity, another incorrect concept derived from IP stolen by Newton)
- Light is arc-angle related NOT frequency related
- Hubble wrong to argue Doppler (frequency) and claim 'expanding' Universe
- corollary 'big bang' then also wrong.
- Quantum Physics → kwantum fiziks
- Quantum Theory → kwantum twaddle
- Solar Systems rotate & orbit synchronously – that requires multi-phase power source (Sun → SUPERAlternator) powering Planets (SUPERMotors)
- Consequently that CC/GW has always been caused by Natural phenomena – and long before mankind creating excessive Pollution
- that is NOT to say that Pollution is not compounding CC/GW
Defective 'science' → defective Socio/Economic/Finance models
- Defective 'science' & defective Maths leads to defective Socio/Economic/Finance models – and compounded by defective reasoning stemming from such defective 'science'
- Defective Socio/Economic/Finance models distorting Socio-Economies, creating widening disparities, creating frustrations, angers, violences
- ALL of which chaos ADDS to the Natural disasters caused by CC/GW
- and ALL of which impedes States from remedial actions against both hostile activities & natural disasters
Professional Engineering undermined/prostituted
- Defective science' prevails because the Engineering Profession (i.e. regulated, B.Sc. (Eng) graduated Chartered/Professional Engineers (i.e. NOT non-graduated older Techs wrongly given a 'grandfather' Professional status) is prostituted – thus …...
- Professionals Engineers over-ruled by lesser qualified persons → madness!
- Tech-Eng? → Tech-Doctors???? , madness
- …. collapsing bridges, …..
- false claims of Twin Towers collapse → IMPLOSIONS!
- 'engineered' fraudulent destructions (e.g. Francis Scott Key bridge)
- Witness the false term: Financial/Economics Science/Engineering, by persons with ZERO Science education, qualification, experience & ZERO Engineering education, qualification, experience
- Where can we view such? → e.g. Nobel Foundation Economics prizewinners → QED!!!!
- BOGUS 'science' → BOGUS 'economics' → FRAUDS → corporate Organised Crime (corpOrgCrime) → Socio-Economic CHAOS!
- Professional Engineering is TOTALLY ABSENT from Socio/Economic/Finance
corporate Organised Crime (corpOrgCrime)
- corpOrgCrime - modern phenomena initiated in SA (Donald Gordon/Liberty Life) – initially through pensions/investments → later into ALL spheres of Socio-Economic activity
- Demutualisation → globalising of corpOrgCrime
- Corruption of Academia, corporates, markets, Parliaments, Governments, Judiciaries
- Fraudulent models ever more complexed
- Global MoneyBase&Supply SUPER-SATURATED with defrauded/counterfeit money – distorting Nations within & without.
- Many corporates have far greater FinancePower than most Nation States
- Major Nations are now unable to feed their own People – thus inadequate responses to Natural disasters, or to hostile acts driven by gross socio-economic disparities.
Need to understand new Science → how Light functions, etc.
- The ICJ cannot achieve meaningful outcome to the Dec2, 2024 hearings if it does not understand the new Science
- Imperative that every ICJ Justice obtain a 3 x 60degree prism and follow the observational steps as per Fast-Track, homepage & understand the Overview.
- Reiterate request to present direct to ICJ (Dec 2, 2024)
Chris Addington Pr.Eng., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., +353 (0)86 168 4318