International Court of Justice

(and International Criminal Court)


Principal submission:

Addendum 1:


Obligations of States in respect of Climate Change

Public Hearings – scheduled December 2, 2024

as per: ICJ Order 2024, 30 May, General List, No. 187



(Note: Addendum 2 still in draft phase)


Submission of Open Letter:


IPCC, UNFCCC, Nobel Foundation, RS, RI, RIA, RDS & Academia in general


  1. Correct DECEPTIONS to ICJ (& the World) re defective Opticks
  2. Explain the nature of the hidden clue/s in Sketch Diagram (Initialled IE or JE) which clue/s PROVE that Newton STOLE the Intellectual property for Opticks (keep any proofs confidential & forward to ICJ under password protected document)


by Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

+353 (0)86 168 4318, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,




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To: IPCC, UNFCCC, Nobel Foundation, RS, RI, RIA, RDS & Academia in general

Both Pollution & CC/GW are MASSIVE problems, but correlation of Pollution to CC/GW does NOT prove Cause/Effect – SolarSystem Energy Transmission Dynamics must, surely, outweigh man-made influences – but …......


…........ the referenced institutions have been kept informed, by the writer, of the gross errors attributed to Opticks, and for some 13 years, but these institutions have refused to engage, thus are wrongly deceiving the World & ICJ as to the true nature of fundamental sciences – and which deceptions are misleading the World regarding ClimateChange/GlobalWarming, and consequently inhibiting prior protective & reactive efforts to a CC/GW (& Pollution) disaster.



From which, defective 'science' combined with defective mathematics has led to defective economics/finance models, and to complexed & globalised financial/economic fraud scams …..


…... in regard Socio-Economic models, it is now some 21 years since the referenced institutions were informed by the writer of the masterminding of pension/investment frauds by Donald Gordon in South Africa through Liberty Life in 1963, and that these frauds have been metamorphosed & complexed over the ensuing 6 decades, and are the cause for MASSIVE Socio-Economic chaos, leading to hotwar conflicts.


The ICJ & World have been DECEIVED by these gross omissions by the referenced institutions – it is time that correct Science was presented to ICJ & World.


Since the institutions are formed of leading scientists, the writer calls upon them to identify the correct nature of Light Transmission Dynamics, from which much understandings of Solar System Energy transmissions comes about, and hence which PROVES that Einstein, Hubble, Hawking, Higgs, CERN are also wrong.


The referenced institutions are called upon to confirm point 1 (below) established by CDADD some 11 years ago, and to determine point 2 if capable, and to address point 3.

With regard point 2, please submit any proof/s to ICJ (& copy to writer) under a secure password protected document – this so as to allow schoolkids the opportunity of uncovering new Science.


  1. With a 3x60degree prism: the mere separation of the rainbow (roygbiv) pattern to 2-sets of twin sideband patterns (roy & vib) PROVES that Opticks are WRONG!
  2. Identify crucial hidden clue/s in the IE/JE Sketch diagrams which PROVES that Newton STOLE the IP.
  3. Determine from Cambridge University Staff Records the possible identity of IE/JE – note: Cambridge have repeatedly refused to supply this information to the writer



Also note: Governments, Justices , Academia of UK, SA, USA, EU, Australia, Canada, New Zealand & others have longed been kept informed of these new Sciences, but have oppressively suppressed same.




Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

+353 (0)86 168 4318, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,