No amount of complex mathematics can alter the Laws or Functionality of Nature


If the Laws/Functionality of Nature are misinterpreted

then the probability is a near-certainty that the mathematics will be wrong



Opticks (wrongly attributed to Newton) are wrong → e≠mc2

Newton stole the Intellectual Property


TO UNDERSTAND HOW LIGHT ACTUALLY FUNCTIONS ONE MUST LOOK THROUGH A SINGULAR PRISM & OBSERVE CAREFULLY – analysing light through a drop of water is engaging with near-infinite number of prisms, but light through just one prism has been misunderstood for over three&half centuries.


Understand how & why we see light, clouds, perspective

Understand Light-Transmission-Dynamics


understand why Light is NOT wave, nor particle


…. using a simple 3x60degree prism (cheap online, preferably get two, or more for friends) – the basic observations are primary school stuff, but has been wrongly interpreted for over 350 years


See HomePage for FAST-TRACK links at for simple observations


Also: understand why the World is facing Socio-Economic crises that threaten HOT-WAR!!! - BECAUSE incorrect opticks has led to bogus sci-fi 'science' (Quantum Physics? Quantum Theory? → kwantum fiziks, kwantum twaddle) which has fed into destructive socio-economic models


As always, constructive engagement is welcome




Chris Addington Pr.Eng.