Shrien Dewani – Rendition/Kidnap, Acquittal & cover-up


THE PERFECT MURDER of Anni Dewani/Hindocha -> through corporate Organised Crime with Justice collusion


The murder of Anni Dewani COMPELS full & proper investigation into the international frauds/crimes of Donald Gordon, Billy Gundelfinger, Richard Branson, Mervyn King (for starters)

& Bernie Eccleston is linked to Mervyn King


Judicial cover-up is what renders Anni Dewani's murder as PERFECT





UPDATE (Dec 2014) – Acquittal & Cover-up.

  1. Constitutional Court Application S38, Founding Affidavit

  2. UK Judgement (access this via website)

  3. Letter to Public Protector & SA Police

  4. Letter re President Zuma reply

  5. Letter to/from Justice Dept. re Notice of Intention to Oppose S38

  6. Letter re BBC News re Dewani rendition imminent

  7. Letter re Contempt of Constitutional Court & Constitution

  8. Letter to International Criminal Court & European Court of Human Rights etc.

  9. Letter to Judicial Service Commissioner

  10. Emails to/from Patric Gamble WCHC Judge



UPDATE (Dec 2014) – Acquittal & Cover-up.

The murder of Anni Dewani COMPELS full & proper investigation into the international frauds/crimes of Donald Gordon, Billy Gundelfinger, Richard Branson, Mervyn King (for starters)

& Bernie Eccleston is linked to Mervyn King

Judicial cover-up is what renders Anni Dewani's murder as PERFECT


With any organised crime there are hosts of difficulties in achieving a plausible set of events such that the event appears as a chance event rather than pre-planned & ordered.


Why would Anni Dewani be hijacked? This doesn't require absolute proof – but the evidence is clear that the Dewani family business is in direct competition with global fraud network masterminded by Donald Gordon in SA and expanded globally over some 5 decades. Further, Donald Gordon's crime-network legal advisor, Billy Gundelfinger, based in Johannesburg, made the FATAL ERROR of going to Cape Town to represent Shrien Dewani. This question MUST BE ANSWERED, but has been covered-up by SA Constitutional & High Courts & by UK Courts. Gundelfinger has a notorious track record of contriving false claims against his opponents and he has gotten away with it because of the closed-shop Justice system in SA and his collusive connections to the Judiciary.


The mere fact that Anni Dewani was killed changed a hijack event into a murder and it is entirely plausible that Gundelfinger had the brainwave to concoct, with the willing compliance of the kidnappers, the claim that Dewani paid them to murder Anni.


If, as claimed by the kidnappers, Dewani had arranged & paid for them to do the deed then there would have been very little discrepancies in their stories. BUT, their stories were riddled with inconsistencies such that they had to have been primed by another person.


That most likely person is Gundelfinger, whose involvement bears no credible foundation – UNLESS one takes into account that Gundlefinger is the legal advisor for Donald Gordon's crime-network. BUT, Gundelfinger is grossly incompetent in contriving bogus claims, he has been caught out on many occasions but these have been covered-up, and this would explain why the kidnappers's story line was so riddled with inconsistencies & why the shift to pinning the planning of the murder onto Dewani.


SA & UK authorities have obstructed any investigation into Gordon - see response from SA NPA Advocate Chris Jordaan in which he refuses to prosecute, BUT: the purpose of approaching NPA was for police to obtain a search warrant NOT to prosecute, hence NPA purposefully obstructed investigation, hence prosecution.


Compare to the collusion & corruption by Justices (Constitutional & High Court & UK Courts) into the fraudulent raid by Barclays Bank into SA ABSA bank, the decade of Justice abuse against Abu Qatada, the prostitution of UK Justice with the fabricated & scientifically unsound evidence in the Stephen Lawrence murder trials & appeal.


UK & SA Justice is prostituted by corrupt Justices – which renders UK & SA Courts as whorehouses.


Gordon's criminal network is now into murder, kidnap, ransom.


To bring Gordon (& Gundelfinger) down and to Justice it merely requires a search warrant of Liberty Life & Gordon's premises to obtain ample, No! mountains, of crystal clear evidence of global frauds. Ditto with Richard Branson, because Branson is complicit with Gordon's organised crime network → and by association is complicit with Anni Dewani's murder (which explains his haste to leave Earth)


Also with Mervyn King, ex-High Court Judge (Johannesburg) and King Reports on Corporate Governance (which reports were designed to provide barriers to investigation of corporate crimes) Both King & Gundelfinger skulk in SA's UNISA university. And King is linked to Bernie Eccleston in relation to secretive tax-havens & fraudulent use/sale of SA's Kyalami F1 racetrack.


The Cape Town High Court trial of Shrien Dewani proved to be the sham that it was – it was a sham because the entire event was designed to cover-up the involvement of Corporate Organised-Crime, vis; the pre-planned kidnap & ransom of Anni Dewani that went tragically wrong by her being accidentally killed.


The Judge, Traverso, stated in judgement that the prosecution case fell 'far below' the standard for bringing a prosecution. But, the prosecution brought the matter to trial because they were instructed to, so as to cover-up the corporate organised-crime connection (see Constitutional Court application & other correspondences below).


And Western Cape High Court Justices, including Traverso, demonstrated their outright contempt for the SA Constitution by ignoring a S38 Application to the Constitutional Court.


NUMEROUS Constitutional violations were purposefully made in order to bring Dewani to a sham trial – see papers below. And with the complicity of UK Chief Justice Thomas. Which makes it an international cover-up.


The murder of Anni Dewani COMPELS full & proper investigation into the international frauds/crimes of Donald Gordon, Billy Gundelfinger, Richard Branson, Mervyn King (for starters)

& Bernie Eccleston is linked to Mervyn King


Judicial cover-up is what renders Anni Dewani's murder as PERFECT



Chris Addington Pr.Eng.


In the Constitutional Court of South Africa

ADDINGTON Christopher David

(for & on behalf of Shrien Dewani, 2nd Applicant Passive, under S38 Constitution





Government of South Africa – President Jacob Zuma

1st Respondent

Director of Public Prosecutions

2nd Respondent

Public Protector

3rd Respondent


Interested Parties

UK Chief Justice Howard

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Corker Binning (UK Attorneys - Dewani)

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UK Crown Prosecuting Service (CPS)

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Hugo Keith QC for CPS

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Issy William Gundelfinger

ALIAS Billy Gundelfinger

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Prof Jim Fraser, Univ Strathclyde

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BBC & Jeremy Vine

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S38 & S38(b & d) Approach for & on behalf of Shrien Dewani in re Judgement:

Neutral Citation Number: [2014] EWHC 153 (Admin) , Case No: CO/9046/2011


Royal Courts of Justice Strand, London, WC2A 2LL , Date: 31/01/2014




and as a MATTER of URGENCY



  1. I, the undersigned, CHRISTOPHER DAVID ADDINGTON, am the Applicant and do hereby make oath & say that:

    1. I am a Professional Engineer; a UK, SA & RoI citizen, and making this S38 Application for & on behalf of Shrien Dewani, who is presently detained in the UK under the UK's mental health act and who is presently unable to act for himself; and who is clearly not being properly represented by appointed legal persons as the contents of this Affidavit & UK HC Judgement bears evidence.

    2. I am normally resident at our smallholding, Kalkheuwel, Broederstroom, NWP but have been under enforced exile from SA since September 2006 and temporarily living in the RoI (This Honourable Constitutional Court already has my address & contact details)

    3. The reason for enforced exile is due to the gross abuses of powers by various & numerous government departments/employees, especially SA Police, Public Prosecutions, Justices, etc. - which included issuing of bogus warrants of arrest that were blank, or were entirely fabricated.

    4. I point out to this Honourable Constitutional Court that there is a long history of gross Justice abuses towards me by past & present Justices of the High Courts & also of this Honourable Constitutional Court, and that there is much animosity towards me – for my standing up to numerous Justice abuses – numerous court files under my name in the Constitutional Court bear witness to this – hence, I request that the Justices put all hostilities toward me aside and address the Justice abuses against Dewani, SOLELY.

      1. I also point out the hostility by Justices toward Modise Jo Moila, who was tying up Ch Justice Chaskalson & Justices of this Honourable Constitutional Court in embarrassing knots. It cannot be ruled out that Justice/s gave a 'nod' for Moila's mysterious & premature death. Needless to say the SAP & NDPP have covered up on Moila's mysterious & premature death & refuse to investigate.

      2. I have drawn attention to numerous issues herein but have avoided giving details so as to avoid a lengthy Affidavit – details can be provided if required, but most issues are available through the internet to the various official websites, and most, if not all, are regularly transmitted to the Constitutional Court; and much resides within Court papers in the Registrar's office of the Constitutional Court – i.e. little is new to the Justices of this Honourable Constitutional Court

    5. I have become aware of Dewani's situation through BBC & other media reporting, and have previously sent an email to President Jacob Zuma (pasted below) concerning the failure by Police & Prosecutors in abiding by the Constitutional provisions regarding accused persons. In light of my own experiences of gross power abuses from police, prosecutors, justices the circumstances surrounding Dewani are similar – hence fall within the scope of S38.

    6. I draw attention to BBC documentary, Jeremy Vine:

  2. 2nd Applicant (Passive) is Shrien Dewani

    1. From UK HC Judgement it is confirmed that Dewani is detained under UK's Mental Health Act and is presently not fit to plead in a trial

    2. Consequently i.t.o. S38(b) Dewani is a person 'who cannot act in his own name'

    3. The SA Government has indicated that it would likely reply within 2 weeks of the HC Judgement, consequently it is feasible that Derwani could be extradited (rendited) imminently, consequently & in light of the contents herein the matter is of URGENCY

    4. From the evidence of the UK HC Judgement it is also clear that Dewani's legal representatives have not properly asserted his rights under SA Constitution insofar as challenging the SA Government & the way the Government has acted unconstitutionally against Dewani. This applies to both SA & UK legal representatives.

    5. I also point out that a notorious SA attorney operating under the alias of Billy Gundelfinger was working for Dewani but later withdrew. More later - but Gundelfinger is a legal representative for global corporate Organised Crime, Gundelfinger is a child-abuser, a paedophile (within a broadened definition), has lied/fabricated evidence to courts, is afforded unlawful protections from prosecution because of his organised crime connections, hence Dewani has been severely prejudiced in his legal defence – more later, as an overview. However, what is bizarre is that a Johannesburg based lawyer acted in a Cape Town based crime, and travelled some 2600kms to do this (& possibly a number of times) – this raises the bar i.t.o. the true reasons for Gundelfinger's far distant involvement and suggests a double-scam within a murky network of corporate organised crime in which the Dewani's were/are mere pawns. What prompted Gundelfinger to withdraw, and when did he withdraw – before or after my email of Feb 4, 2011?

    6. It is pointed out that the accusations by the NDPP against Dewani are bizarre & implausible; and more so when alternative & more plausible explanations can be deduced from evidence readily available off the internet.

    7. It follows that the SAP & NDPP are being derelict in failing to investigate & prosecute Gundelfinger's long-standing involvement with organised crime, and the lies/fabrications to Courts; and regarding failings to investigate other plausible grounds for the murder. Why is it that SAP & NDPP do not penetrate further?

    8. The purpose herein however is not to address in full the issues pertaining to the crime itself, nevertheless issues are raised to demonstrate alternative & more plausible explanations to the murder & ones that have nothing to do with Dewani; the purpose herein is primarily to address the need for further & alternative investigations AND to address the numerous Justice abuses perpetrated against Dewani by NDPP & SAP insofar as the extradition is concerned (but more correctly, in light of power abuses, rendition)

  3. 1st Respondent is the Government of SA represented by its Executive President Jacob Zuma,

    1. and which is the Respondent in the UK High Court Matter from which the grounds for this application flow.

    2. This is simply a method employed by NDPP/DPP when seeking extradition or other legal matters in another Sovereign State, consequently reference to the Government means the NDPP/DPP

  4. 2nd Respondent is the National Director of Public Prosecutions (NDPP)

    1. There are numerous instances of power & Justice abuses, derelictions & negligences by the NDPP/DPPs

    2. I respectfully draw this Honourable Courts attention to the gross abuses against Jacob Zuma (re Arms Deal allegation) - SCA 537/0 NDPP vs. Zuma, JA Harms – I demonstrated the numerous gross injustices within a Supreme Court of Appeal Judgement against Zuma that would have allowed prosecution; the Democratic Alliance leader, Helen Zille, then demonstrated the extent of political manipulation by submitting purposefully withheld 'evidence'. On the strength of my arguments the NDPP dropped prosecution, thus allowing Zuma to stand for Presidency elections.

    3. I also draw attention to the refusal by the NDPP to investigate & prosecute Donald Gordon (Liberty Life founder) who masterminded the pensions/investments frauds that globalised and was causal of the gross super-saturation of 1st world economies and to the detriment of smaller economies and led eventually to the Global Economy Meltdown c2008 onwards. And the refusal to prosecute Raymond Ackermann (Pick 'n Pay Founder), Richard Branson (Virgin) & others for identical frauds. The evidence that derives from my R&D, and adjudicated by ex-Reserve Bank Governor Dr Chris Stals & 2 others, is crystal clear. All that is required is a court order to investigate Liberty Life records (& Sanlam, Old Mutual etc.) – but the NDPP unlawfully refuse to apply for this & the Public Protector refuses to address this purposeful dereliction.

    4. I also point out that a notorious attorney, Issy William Gundelfinger, who operates under the alias of Billy Gundelfinger, is intricately involved with Donald Gordon & global corporate Organised Crime. The NDPP also gives unlawful protections to Gundelfinger to avoid prosecutions for numerous child abuse issues & for involvement in frauds. Gundelfinger was/is acting for Dewani so Dewani's defence/representations is seriously compromised; Gundelfinger certainly has failed to address the failure of NDPP & DPP to comply with S179(5). Gundelfinger also criminally planned & conspired with a Johannesburg High Court Judge to have an unlawful arrest & imprisonment court order given against me; the NDPP give Gundelfinger unlawful protection from prosecution over his criminal manipulations.

    5. Gordon's fraud network expanded exponentially with the fraudulent demutualisation process in the mid 1990s in SA. Various senior Liberty Life executives took over other finance institutions, thus entrenching Gordon’s network of Organised Crime. The network expanded into health insurance & care – Discovery Health, Netcare etc. , of which Netcare is now seriously infecting UK National Health System. The NDPP ignored these issues

    6. The issue of PSCGG & prosecution of Jack Milne belies the fact that there was an underlying double-scam perpetrated by Jew Finance powers (not to be confused with loving-faith Jews), assisted by Jew professional service providers (finance & legal), assisted by Jew High Court Justices, assisted by Jew Legal liquidators, assisted by a grossly disproportionate Constitutional Bench of Jew Justices. Clearly then the NDPP were not going to tackle the underlying double-scam.

    7. Ex-High Court Judge Mervyn King (creator of King Reports on Corporate Governance, ex-chair of AASA Automobile Association, ex-chair of Brait a finance entity operating out of Luxembourg, the most secretive of tax havens) was a key player in Gordon's network that had expanded links through Professional Provident Society (via Sanlam). King also defrauded AASA out of the Kyalami Formulas 1 Racetrack. The NDPP gave unlawful protections to King

    8. Clearly then, the NDPP is selective in its applications of processes to seek Justice, readily abuses powers, readily ignores Constitution provisions. It is for these reasons that Dewani is now experiencing similar Justice process abuses.

    9. The fraudulent raid on SA's ABSA Bank by UK Barclays Bank was another gross abuse of power by High Court & Constitutional Court Justices in their refusing to hear opposing argument against this massive fraud. It is abundantly clear (& from Constitutional Court website) that the original bench of the Constitutional Court had grossly disproportionate representation of Jew Justices (some 50%, when Jew population was around ½ per cent); further that it was clear that these Justice were in fact acting instead for Israel (Virtual) & the fraud proceeds Gordon’s organised crime network was & still is funding Israel (Real) in their never-ending wars in the middle east.

    10. I also point out that Donald Gordon's fraud network extends deep into health care as well, as it is a lucrative source of funds whether clients are alive or dead, as all are linked eventually into pensions, estates etc. Discovery Health & Netcare are part of this network; and Netcare has managed to infect UK's health care system. The Dewani's are also involved in health/frail care (PSP Healthcare) – consequently it cannot be ruled out that there is some underlying double-scam such as occurred with PSCGG.

  5. UK Justice System: some aspects

    1. UK does not have a visible (if at all) Constitution.

    2. UK is signatory to the Rome Statute which includes the UDHR, but UK ignores the UDHR

    3. UK (& European Union) subsequent to the Rome Statute, established the European Court of Human Rights, but the European bill of rights is a contraction of those rights within the UDHR, which contraction violates the UDHR Articles.

    4. In short the Rights upheld in UK fall far short of the Rights as set out in SA's Constitution – so, by the NDPP relying upon UK Rights enforcement the NDPP are in fact seeing an extradition on reduced Rights, which is tantamount to a Rendition not an Extradition (In addition, the NDPP have not complied with S179(5), despite Dewani's offer to an interview in the UK, i.e. NDPP expressly violated S179(5) provisions)

    5. UK spent many years extraditing (renditing) Abu Qatada to Jordan. To achieve this UK violated numerous Human Rights issues.

    6. UK ex Ch Justice Judge abusively ordered a retrial (double-jeopardy) in the Stephen Lawrence murder trial. This despite the evidence from my Professional Engineering R&D that proves that Newton's Opticks are wrong and consequently that other long-standing theories that relied upon these opticks theories are also wrong, vis: Einstein, Hubble, Hawking, and consequently placed a serious question mark against DNA testings & evidence on two grounds, vis: firstly the very theory framework of DNA and secondly the statistical probabilities of any DNA sample being proved to belong to one specific person – i.e. two counts of errors, thus if only 70% certainty in both cases then the probabilities of error is 0.7 x 0.7 = 0.49 or 49%, which is below 50% and which is FAR below Reasonable Doubt. Also the claim that the DNA sample that came to be on the accused (now convicted) person's clothing from the crime scene is IMPOSSIBLE. In light of my submissions regarding the double-jeopardy conviction an appeal was ordered, in which Justice Leveson also abused his powers & denied the appellants the right to challenge the nature of DNA.

    7. Consequently UK Justice falls far short of the Constitutional Rights that prevail in SA

    8. The HC Judgement against Dewani confirms inherent injustices caused by UK's lesser Rights oriented Justice system, which in effect brings about a rendition not an extradition.

    9. UK Ch Justice failed to determine whether the nation to which Dewani was to be extradited had complied with the Justice pre-requisites pertaining to that nation, and whether the pre-requisites complied with the UDHR.

    10. Consequently the UK Ch Justice failed to uphold Justice and...

    11. Consequently the NDPP in ignoring these abuses is effectively not seeking an extradition but a rendition.

  6. 3rd Respondent is the Public Protector (PP)

    1. UK does not have a transparent Constitution, if UK has one at all. Despite having pointed out to UK Chief Justice that Dewani is entitled to certain Justice processes in SA (as per S35 Accused persons) BEFORE a trial in SA can be held the UK Ch Justice has not allowed/insisted these Justice processes to be completed. These process can be undertaken via electronic communications – i.e. it is not necessary for Dewani to be present in SA, video-links & email are available and such communications have been used recently in a UK phone-hacking trial which is currently running. Consequently the NDPP/DPP have failed to abide by the provisions of the Constitution, including S179(5), which failures must be investigated by the PP as per the Constitution.

    2. The Public Protector (PP) has unlawfully blocked my email addresses, I therefore request the Registrar of the Constitutional Court to forward a copy of this application direct to the PP.

    3. I request this Honourable Constitutional Court to direct the PP to take up this matter & to assist me in addressing the failure by SAP & NDPP in not abiding by the Constitution i.t.o the rights violations by NDPP against the accused Dewani in relation to the extradition (rendition) of Dewani

    4. I also request that this Honourable Court direct the PP to cease & desist from blocking my email addresses as it is difficult communicating with the PP if the PP has closed his/her 'ears'.

    5. I point out that the PP have in the past erroneously asserted that the PP's office does not have powers to investigate the NDPP & officers, this erroneous assertion contradicts the Constitutional provisions pertaining to the PP, which does not exclude the NDPP from the PP's oversight.

  7. Police/Prosecution case & General points:

    1. The purpose herein is not to address the specifics of the actual murder crime itself but to address the Justice abuses by Police & NDPP in processing the extradition of Dewani to SA & for failings in upholding the Justice processes as required by the Constitution AND to demonstrate alternative & more plausible explanations for the tragic murder. In the circumstances the NDPP & Government are ignoring the fundamental Human Rights as per the Constitution (& as per the overriding UDHR, via Rome Statute, to which UK & SA are signatories).

    2. However I do point out that from observation of media reports that it can easily be construed that the entire murder incident was in fact an elaborate hijack, kidnap & ransom plan by locals that went seriously wrong. And the real possibility of other forces instigating, Gundelfinger's involvement is a warning bell. ALL the evidence that purports to be of Dewani colluding/planning a murder with locals in Cape Town seems extremely bizarre bearing in mind that Dewani & the locals were strangers to each other – who in their right mind is going to dial M for murder to complete strangers, or even through some murky (hence more insecure) network??????? The evidence as presented by media fits better with a preplanned scenario of meetings separately with Dewani with the view, by the perpetrators, of creating 'evidence' that would cast suspicions of a planned kidnap & ransom by Dewani himself, thus deflecting from the real perpetrators & causing additional confusion. But, as I pointed out, the purpose herein is not to address immediately the issues of the crime, but certainly to raise that prior to extradition that the evidence held by SAP & NDPP should be made available for scrutiny as per the Constitution and that SA legals be appointed by court to act for Dewani to assess the evidence against him – in light of the aforegoing arguments it greatly weakens an already weak case.

    3. In light of the weak case (weakened further herein) & in light of the Rights violations by the NDPP & Government it is bizarre that the NDPP seek to have a person currently detained under Mental Health Act, extradited (more correctly: rendited) to SA.

    4. Even if the evidence were crystal clear against Dewani it does not justify NDPP to abuse their powers to insist that a person unfit to plead be brought to trial or taken from a place of family support to another with no support.

    5. And since Dewani is essentially detained at present it makes more sense & complies better with Justice that the extradition order be held open pending Dewani's improvement & ability to stand trial, in which event extradition can then be automatically executed bearing in mind that UK courts have ordered this (appeals aside), but more on the UK issue later

    6. Furthermore, if we assume that Dewani is guilty & eventually found to be so, then he would receive a custodial sentence & Dewani would be eligible to serve this in the UK. Dewani is currently in UK & currently 'serving' a custodial sentence, albeit most likely for a crime he did not commit. It follows, that it serves no purpose & would be prejudicial to Constitutional practice to prematurely extradite (rendite) Dewani to SA whilst he is in present medical condition and, by removing him from family support, would likely worsen his condition – this approach would also allow NDPP & SAP to apply some serious thoughts to the murder

    7. It is clear that the family of the murder victim (Anni) are desperate to see Justice done, I can understand to a degree their pain, only they can fully know the trauma they experience, as I too have lost a daughter because of gross Justice abuses by past & present Justices of this Honourable Constitutional Court & High Courts, but that does not mean that gross injustices, vengeance, must be done so as to achieve twisted 'justice' out of Dewani.

    8. If Dewani is eventually found guilty then his present detention time would count towards whatever penalty is ordered – so Justice is being done already if Dewani is indeed guilty of the crime. But the evidence against him is so bizarre & weak that a conviction is most unlikely – hence gross injustice is being done against Dewani simply from the NDPP's aggressive abuse in violating Constitutional rights merely to demonstrate for the benefit of the media vigour in pursuit of a prosecution.

    9. But, the BBC report points out the abuses by the NDPP & SAP insofar as the inadequate investigations.

    10. The NDPP & DPP have not complied with the import of S179(5)(d)(i, ii & iii). Bearing in mind the international exposure of this case it seems bizarre that the NDPP & DPP have failed to ensure close compliance with the Constitution.

    11. In light of the condition of Dewani & his inability to look after his own interests it would be reasonable for this Honourable Court to appoint an attorney & advocate to review the evidence with the NDPP, and to report this to the High Court under a pre-trial application to determine the validity of NDPP instituting a prosecution. Bearing in mind the years wasted pursuing Jacob Zuma, this Dewani matter appears to be taking the same course, of playing to the media at the expense of a person wrongly accused, or accused without sufficient evidence.

    12. Gundelfinger has a track record of lying to court, fabricating/distorting facts before court, involvement with criminal masterminds & organised crime – the only reason he is not behind bars is because he receives unlawful protections from prosecution & because numerous Jew Justices also give protections – because he is part of a Jew Legal mafia (not to be confused with loving-faith Jews). Gundelfinger's involvement with Dewani is prejudicial to Dewani – it cannot be ruled out that Gundelfinger has purposefully prejudiced Dewani – why would Gundelfinger withdraw from representing Dewani? But, more importantly, why was he involved in a far distant matter in the first instance?

  8. International opinion is that SA's Justice system is failing in general – my experiences are that it has definitely failed, it fatally failed Jo Moila; Dewani has to date experienced gross failure also. The evidence against Dewani is implausible, whereas alternative explanations are far more plausible/ convincing.

  9. Donald Gordon’s network of corporate Organised Crime is real, it is vicious & malicious – it cannot be ruled out that a double-scam exists behind the Anni Dewani murder.

  10. Relief sought from this Honourable Constitutional Court: In the circumstances it would be Correct & Just for this Honourable Constitutional Court to direct the NDPP:

    1. to stay any further action concerning the extradition of Dewani & until such time as Dewani's medical condition renders him fit for Pleading.

    2. to appoint a legal representative & advocate for Dewani

    3. for these legal representatives to review with the NDPP the evidence against Dewani as per S179(5) et al & other provisions of the Constitution

    4. for the review to be presented along with oral argument to High Court for decision re to prosecute or not to prosecute, the Court effectively acting in the stead of NDPP in regard to S179(5)

    5. To direct NDPP (& SAP) to investigate the murder further & especially to inquire into Gundelfinger's involvement/dereliction/negligence & into alternative explanations for the murder

    6. In any event to direct the NDPP not to pursue extradition of Dewani whilst Dewani remains detained under the Mental Health Act (UK)

    7. The exact wording of the aforegoing, for an appropriate Court Order, to be addressed later at the appropriate time

    8. further and/or alternative relief.



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The Registrar, Constitutional Court

Shrien Dewani c/o This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,

President Jacob Zuma

National Director of Public Prosecutions

Public Protector (Registrar of Constitutional Court requested to retransmit to PP)

-------- Original Message --------


premature extradition of shrien derwani in anni derwani murder - power abuse by sa sap & npa, more selective justice


Fri, 04 Feb 2011 11:52:40 +0000


Chris Addington ;


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You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., State President <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;, "State President (Odette Hartlief)" <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Alta L Collopy <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., "Chris S. Jordaan" <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., "Dir Pub Prosec (CT) (Billy Downer)" <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;, "Dir Pub Prosec (Nat Dir) (Vusi Pikoli)" <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., "Gidion M. Nkoana" <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. 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to: uk: lord chief justice, pm david cameron, dpm nick clegg, labour ed miliband

hm the queen
shrien derwani
sa - president jacob zuma, sap national commissioner, npa national director

dear sirs/madams

premature extradition of shrien derwani in anni derwani murder - power abuse by sa sap & npa - selective justice

i draw your attention to sa constitution & in particular to sections 35 & 179

from media reports it is clear that the sap & npa are prematurely seeking the extradition of derwani before required legal processes are completed. the fact that derwani is under bail conditions in the uk gives adequate security to the sa authorities, and more so than if derwani were under bail conditions in sa.

there are legal processes, as required by sa constitution, that need to be followed & on paper & prior to any necessary court appearance in sa by derwani

first & foremost is the right to full access to police & prosecution dockets & information pertaining to the proposed charge.
i.t.o. s179(5) the npa must have established a sound case against which derwani would be required to defend/answer in court - that decision by the npa to prosecute is subject to s179(5)(a) and entitles out-of-court representation to the npa national director. note: s179(5)(a) 'may review' follows a compulsory obligation upon the national director 'after consulting'; and 'after consulting' the nat dir is compelled to consider cases raised under s179(5)(d) prior to a trial.

it would be an abuse of justice, both in uk & under sa constitution, if uk courts allowed derwani's extradition prior to these processes being fully completed.
it is already an abuse by sa npa to be seeking derwani's extradition prior to completion of full submission of facts & review process (by nat director) when in fact a uk bail restraint is sufficient precaution for sa authorities.

also note: the sa npa have a track record of abusive treatment as can be seen in the jacob zuma arms deal fraud case
- see paper below; shortly after i circulated this paper, in jan 2009, the npa dropped their case against zuma, thus allowing zuma to stand for 2009 elections

also note: justice power abuses are real in sa, so much so that sa legals are hesitant to push hard for rights for their clients, they will be branded if they do. jo moila, a non-legal, long stood by himself against judicial power abuses and he died prematurely & mysteriously - moila regularly embarrassed judges of the high courts, appeal court & constitutional court by exposing their power abuses.
the sap national commissioner & npa national director have failed, refuse, to investigate the premature & mysterious death of modise jo moila (some 2 years ago) - but instead fast track a recent case simply because it has high media exposure.

it would be a justice abuse if uk courts prematurely alowed derwani's extradition prior to completion of due processes


Chris Addington Pr.Eng.



To Public Protector – Attention Director: Adv Thuli Madonsela

CC as per Addressees & general

From Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

March 6, 2014


1. CCT S38 Application - Further investigations into Anni Dewani murder – alternative & more plausible explanations

2. SAPS & NPA investigation into Donald Gordon: REPRESENTATION HILLBROW CAS 1917/06/95:

DONALD GORDON: SCCU REF 36/05 AND 20/09, NPS REF 9/2/12- 104/05 (NDPP/R); 9/2/12-441/03; 9/2/12- 200/09

As per my email of March 3 (below), the office of President Jacob Zuma has referred my S38 Application (Shrien Dewani) to Justice for Government's response.

However, as per the S38 Application I also referred to the involvement of Billy Gundelfinger as Shrien Dewani's attorney in the early stages of inquiry by authorities. I pointed out that Gundelfinger is also attorney for Donald Gordon who is deeply entrenched in corporate Organised Crime. In other words Gundelfinger is also involved in Organised Crime & his actions as Dewani's attorney raise serious questions about Dewani's actions/inactions in the early stages & with high probability of Gundelfinger purposefully prejudicing Dewani. The claim of Dewani landing in Cape Town and asking for a 'hit' from total strangers is bizarre/implausible.

I have previously raised objection to the Public Protector regarding the NPA's refusal to assist the SAPS with obtaining of necessary search warrants against Donald Gordon & Liberty Life - see attached email letter of August 2009 from Adv Chris Jordaan. Adv Jordaan disingenuously argues that there is no or insufficient evidence for a prosecution - this was NOT my request to SAPS & NPA – it was to obtain the necessary search warrants. Nevertheless, the evidence of fraud is well established with data adjudicated by ex-Reserve Bank Governor Dr Chris Stals & 2 others, and with evidence that is readily verifiable, and a search warrant will reveal ample further evidence.

Your office has not addressed the NPA's failures in this regard, of obtaining search warrants for SAPS.

In light of the murky, global network of Organised Crime that Gordon initially masterminded, and which has metamorphosed into a complex web that has grossly skewed economies & societies – it cannot be ruled out that alternative motives were behind the murder of Anni Dewani & with no connection to Dewani himself – and linked into the fact that the Dewani's have business interests that would conflict with that of Gordon’s network. I previously raised the double-scam behind the collapse of PSCGG in which High Court judges colluded to unlawfully collapse PSCGG, and with manipulative assistance from commercial service providers so as to bring about collapse, because Jack Milne attempted to challenge Gordon's network through free-market engagement. I have also raised the issue of High Court Judges colluding with Barclays Bank. In short: collusion & corruption is rife within Justice.

It follows that the murky global web of corporate Organised Crime needs to be properly investigated not only for the matter itself but also in regard the tragic murder of Anni Dewani.

I further draw your attention to the circumstances evolving in Ukraine in which Crimea wishes to hold a referendum to self-determine its own future; and not dissimilar to Scotland referendum; and this in light of the clear polarisation between Crimea & the remainder of Ukraine. UK & USA seek to argue that Crimea does not have the right, as SAfricans have, of freedom of association, the freedom to determine its collective mindset & beliefs - UK & USA abusively threaten Crimea & Russia, who are experiencing the same/similar oppressive Economy Terrorism forces that have aggregated from the corporate Organised Crime that Donald Gordon masterminded – and which oppressive forces are directly responsible for the severe polarisation/disparitisation between & amongst SAfricans.

Further injustices within UK can be gleaned from the latest revelations in the Stephen Lawrence murder – of a policeman suspected of corruption. BUT, this does NOT alter the feeble & scientifically impossible 'evidence' that was concocted to achieve a wrongful conviction in a Justice-failing double-jeopardy trail that came about because of decades of media & mob hysteria.

UK Justice does not conform to SA Constitution, yet NPA seek to take advantage of same = Rendition NOT Extradition.

NPA & SAPS ignore alternative and far more plausible explanations to the tragic murder of Anni Dewani.

All this is added fuel to a similar gross justice abuses in the Dewani matter – and why it is imperative that the extent of Gordon's global frauds are exposed.

I therefore once again request that you raise/investigate, as a matter of Urgency, the failure of NPA to apply for search warrants for use by SAPS against Donald Gordon & Liberty Life (on the basis of evidence adjudicated & verifiable of my R&D and which your office already has possession of) and to report your actions to the Constitutional Court directly and also under the S38 application that I have raised regarding Shrien Dewani.



Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

To Raymond Venkatsamy

CC as per addressees & General

From Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

Re: Communication from office of President Jacob Zuma - Re: Shrien Dewani

I refer to the email (below) from President Jacob Zuma's office in relation to my S38 Constitutional Court Application (attached for convenience) - and establish contact with you in this regard

I respectfully await your communications - I also advise of my mobile no. +353 (0)86 168 4318



Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

-------- Original Message --------




Mon, 3 Mar 2014 10:43:21 +0000


Noxolo Mlakalaka This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;


This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;

Dear Sir

This is to inform you that your application has been referred to the Department of Justice to deal with it on behalf of the South African Government.

For queries please contact Mr Raymond Venkatsamy at the following e-mail address,This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Adv Noxolo Mlakalaka-Ngani


To: Adv. R Venkatsamy


To: SA Department of Justice – Minister of Justice Jeffrey Radebe, Deputy Minister John Jeffrey, Andries Nel


Constitutional Court

Public Protector

President Jacob Zuma

& As per addressees & general

From Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

March 24, 2014

Re: BBC News (Sunday March 24, 2014) Re: Shrien Dewani – Extradition/Rendition – CCT S38 Application, Public Protector enquiry & Presidential Directive to R Venkatsamy

I refer to the matter of Shrien Dewani; and the S38 application to the Constitutional Court, and the Presidential Directive from the President's Office to you (in & for Dept. of Justice) in response to the S38 Application, and to the application to the Public Protector regarding S38 Application & regarding the failure of SAPS & NPA to investigate alternative & far more plausible explanations to the tragic murder of Anni Dewani.

I draw your attention to the fact that yesterday UK BBC News reported that it had been agreed that the South African Government would be taking custody of Shrien Dewani on April 7, 2004 for extradition to South Africa (under certain conditions). In a later announcement (around 17h30 UK time) a lady presenter raised (to effect) the query whether this information was correct & that Dewani would be extradited, a guest explained that last month a decision had been taken in court (implying UK Court) for Dewani's extradition.

I further draw your attention to the fact that you, to date, have not responded to the Presidential Directive, vis: to reply (on behalf of Government & DoJ) to me concerning my S38 Application (on behalf of Shrien Dewani) to the Constitutional Court as directed by the President.

I request that you reply promptly explaining the present circumstances in this S38 matter & copy to the Constitutional Court, Public Protector, the President & Minister of Justice.

totally incorrect – BBC News (media in general) cannot be relied upon or trusted – but this report, if true, raises serious concerns regarding the SA Department of Justice & indicates contempt by the Dept. of Justice for the Constitutional Court, the Public Protector & the President. It would also indicate contempt for International Law.

Again, if the report is true, then it is possible that some person/s erred in continuing the extradition (more correctly: rendition) process whilst a Constitutional Court matter is pending, whilst a Public Protector enquiry is still pending, and whilst a Presidential Directive (to you, for DoJ) is still pending.

It is also entirely possible that some rogue element/s in the Department of Justice are purposefully, unlawfully, continuing extradition/rendition matters outside of your knowledge.

It is common knowledge that Dewani is detained under UK's Mental Health Act, that Dewani is unable to act for himself; that his (supposed) legal and/or other appointed representatives are clearly not acting appropriately for him or in his best interests; that Justice cannot be served by simply extraditing (renditing) Dewani to SA whilst he is unable to act for himself or to plead; that other pressing investigations are needed into Anni Dewani's tragic murder as there are far more plausible explanations being covered up by SAPS & NPA; and since Justice cannot presently be served (and for the many reasons given) then continuance of even an extradition process against Dewani is therefore a gross abuse of Justice.

Your prompt reply is urgently requested; and copied as requested


Chris Addington Pr.Eng.




Case No:

In the matter between


(for & on behalf of Shrien Dewani, 2nd Applicant

Passive, under S38 Constitution







BE PLEASED TO TAKE NOTICE THAT the First and Second Respondents hereby give notice of their intention to oppose this application and appoint the address of their attorneys below for the service upon them of all process, notices and documents.

DATED at JOHANNESBURG on this the day of MARCH 2014.



10th Floor, North State Building

95 Market Street, Cor.Kruis Street

Private Bag X9, Docex 688


Refer to: V DHULAM (Mr)

Ref no: V DHULAM /jm

Tel: (011) 330 7621

Fax: (011) 333 0348






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By E-mail


Dewani Extradition (Rendition) – further BBC reports of imminent extradition (rendition)

To: State President Jacob Zuma

SA Justice Department

SA Public Protector

SA National Director of Public Prosecutions

AND TO Constitutional Court

Re: Further BBC news reports Re Dewani extradition imminent – S38 Application Addington (Dewani) vs State President & others

BBC news report (pasted below) of 03.03 GMT April 7, 2014 indicates that Dewani's extradition (rendition) is imminent – but BBC have not reported the existence of a S38 Constitutional Court Application requesting inter alia further investigations into more plausible explanations, including that of involvement by Issy Gundelfinger (alias Billy Gundelfinger) a notorious paedophile & lawyer entrenched in organised crime.

I reiterate the long history of BBC dishonesty/deceptions and that this report may simply be another instance – BUT, Justice compels that this is brought to the attention of SA Authorities.

SA is the only African (World) nation that has the Constitutional infrastructure & Legal/Justice standing to oppose global corporate Organised Crime, which aggregates to global Economy Terrorism; and which Organised Crime/Terrorism is the most plausible explanation to the Dewani murder.

Nevertheless, the BBC report indicating imminent extradition/rendition of Dewani is a matter that must be opposed on pure Constitutional grounds, and as set out in the S38 Founding Affidavit.

The BBC report is suggesting that SA government is intent on trashing its own Constitution, the world's leading Constitution - and thereby support corporate organised crime/economy terrorism.

It is entirely plausible that UK Authorities are intent on forcing an extradition and SA Authorities should be prepared for such eventuality & oppose this so as to ensure that SA's Constitution is rightly upheld.

(e.g.: A 'voluntary' extradition would resound early Nazi era tactics of forced 'voluntary' sale of assets & confinements.

A forced extradition would necessitate refusal of landing rights to any aircraft flying Dewani to SA)

UK is well known for its UDHR rights violations.

For SA to appease Terrorism, Economy or otherwise, would be destructive.


To: Constitutional Court – Chief Justice Mogoeng & Justices

(c/o Registrar Marti Stander)

(Re: S38 Application Addington vs State President Zuma & others)

CC: as per addressees & general

From: Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

April 8, 2014 07:22 (BST) 08:22 (SA)

Re: Dewani Extradition/Rendition/Kidnap – Contempt of Constitutional Court & Constitution.

State President Jacob Zuma, Justice Department, National Director of Public Prosecutions & SA Police Commissioner have demonstrated clear contempt of SA's Constitutional Court & Constitution by proceeding with the extradition of Dewani (more correctly Rendition & criminal Kidnap) whilst the matter was sub-judice before the Constitutional Court & acknowledged as being so by the Justice Department (Notice to Oppose, March 28, 2014) which was done under a Presidential Direction from State President Zuma's office (March 3, 2014)

At least Barclays Bank (Constitutional Case reference: CCT35/05 Addington vs ABSA/Barclays) had the 'decency' to wait for Ch Justice Chaskalson to arbitrarily/unilaterally dismiss the matter before Barclays commenced their fraudulent raid on ABSA Bank in 2005.

Which Justice or Magistrate will further entrench the contempt for Justice Courts & System & criminal Kidnap when Dewani is brought before a court this morning?

Everything that the peoples of SA negotiated for: in the form of a peaceful settlement, transition & Constitution (IC 1993 FC 1996) has been thoroughly trashed by this criminal kidnapping/rendition of Dewani.

What will you, Chief Justice Mogoeng & your Justice colleagues, do to restore the Honour of & Respect for the Constitutional Court & Constitution?

Appeasing those with Power and who are in Contempt of Court is a course to disaster – it is right that this Constitutional Court restore Honour & Respect for the Constitutional Court & Constitution by ordering (under the referenced S38 Application) the immediate return of Dewani to the UK Mental Institution from which he was criminally Kidnapped.


Chris Addington Pr.Eng.


-------- Original Message --------


To Western Cape High Court - Judge President John Hlope c/o Justice Denis Davis Dewani Extradition/Rendition/Kidnap – Contempt of Constitutional Court & Constitution. Re: CCT S38 Dewani 6 Further BBC News Report - Re: CCT S38 Dewani 4 BBC New, DoJustice, RVenkatsamy 2014-03-24, Public Protector re SAPS & NPA further investigations re Anni Dewani murder, investigation re Donald Gordon - Communication from office of President Jacob Zuma - Re: Shrien Dewani - APPLICATION ON BEHALF OF MR SHRIEN DEWANI


Tue, 08 Apr 2014 09:39:35 +0100


Chris Addington <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;


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To: Western Cape High Court - Judge President John Hlophe, c/o Justice Denis Davis

Reference Shrien Dewani & correspondence below

BBC News reports that Shrien Dewani is to appear in the WC High Court this morning

I draw your attention to the fact that a S38 Constitutional Court Application is pending regarding Dewani - hence the WC High Court has no jurisdiction in this matter.


Chris Addington Pr.Eng.


To: International Courts: Justice, Criminal & European Courts

CC: Chief Justices: SA, UK, USA, Ireland

as per addressees & general

From: Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

April 12, 2014

Re: Dewani Rendition/Kidnap – Human Rights violations.

Cover -up of global frauds

=> International/European Crimes, as per Rome Statute/UDHR

I draw attention to the devious manner in which Shrien Dewani was unlawfully rendited/kidnapped from a UK Mental Institution and flown on a non-scheduled flight to Cape Town where he was charged with the murder of his wife Anni, and whilst incompetent to understand the nature of the charges & unable to plead.

(Extraditing people on non-scheduled charter flights is also a human rights violation – it is the stuff of renditions, which is exactly what Dewani's unlawful/criminal transfer to Cape Town was. Charter flights are flown by far lesser qualified pilots, are not as safe as scheduled flights)

This entire circumstance against Dewani is a further episode in long-running cover-up of global/international crime that originated in SA & was globalised; masterminded by Donald Gordon (Liberty Life).

I point out my email to Western Cape High Court Judge President J Hlophe sent via J Denis Davis, and later transmitted to all WCHC Justices (see CCT S38 Dewani 7b WC High Court).

J Davis has a history of covering up pension frauds - see email below concerning a HC matter he presided over in 2005 and in which Davis ignored my R&D evidence which had been adjudicated by ex SA Reserve Bank Governor Dr Chris Stals & 2 others in 2003.

This matter concerned Sanlam which by then was controlled by one of Donald Gordon's (Liberty Life) executives, and with links to an ex-High Court Judge Mervyn King (King Report on Corporate Governance, which was constructed so as to provide a screen to corporate organised crime & globally, Chairman of AA, fraudulent sale of F1 Racetrack, and Chairman of Brait operating out of a tax haven known for money laundering)

The links to organised crime are globally long, wide & deep – these are Intentional Crimes that purposefully destabilise & impoverish nations. (Twin Towers implosions, BP Deepwater Horizon sabotage are just two other incidents)

I have set out in my Founding Affidavit (CCT S38 Dewani 1), briefly but sufficiently clearly, that the circumstances behind Anni Dewani's murder has links to corporate organised crime; and that the argument that Shrien Dewani landed in Cape Town and contacted a stranger to murder his wife is bizarre in contrast to the overwhelming evidence of global/international corporate organised crime links.

YET, both UK & SA Justice is undermined, prostituted, corrupted so as to obstruct proper investigations into the most probable factors behind Anni Dewani's murder – vis: corporate organised crime & a hijacking & murder (that was possibly not intentional)

I have pointed out in my founding affidavit that a notorious attorney, Issy Gundelfinger (who operates under the alias of Billy Gundelfinger), long linked to organised crime and one based in Johannesburg, was involved as Shrien Dewani's legal advisor concerning a crime committed in Cape Town (1500kms distant) – Gundelfinger later withdrew, no doubt after purposefully compromising Dewani into making him (Dewani) a target for a fabricated allegation. Similar fabrications have occurred before in SA.

For some strange reason Dewani's UK team failed (purposefully, it would seem) not to take the matter to the European Courts or to follow up on my S38 application to SA's Constitutional Court. Again, this is further evidence of generally corrupt justice systems, courts & justices around the world – BECAUSE, corporate organised crime has had decades in which to influence Judicial appointments to Courts – and evidence that players in the Justice system are purposefully colluding to have Dewani prosecuted so as to cover-up the most probable cause of the murder.

And that is why the SA & UK authorities refuse to investigate the original mastermind (Donald Gordon) behind these global frauds (which have been the cause of the Global Economy Meltdown & massive disruptions to economies globally)

There is an urgent need for a thorough purging & cleaning of Justice Courts – because people are becoming progressively aware that Justices are a large component of corporate organised crime; it explains why this form of global crime is so powerful.

The unlawful, criminal rendition/kidnap of Dewani & cover-up of global corporate organised crime are matters within the Jurisdictions of the International Criminal Court & Court of Justice, and European Courts.

Both UK & SA Chief Justices are wilfully complicit in International Crime and in violation of the Rome Statute & underpinning Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and should be prosecuted in the International Criminal Court.

It is right that Shrien Dewani be returned to the UK Mental Facility from which he was criminally rendited/kidnapped, and the wrongful criminal charges against him withdrawn.


Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

-------- Original Message --------


CT High Court 3404/05 - CRF vs PFA - Judge Dennis Davis


Mon, 29 Aug 2005 11:21:52 +0200


Chris Addington <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;


Court, High CT (Judge Dennis Davis) <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;


Court, Constitutional (Mr Justice Chaskalson) <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;, Court, Constitutional (Pamela Maseko) <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;, Court, Constitutional (Mrs Stander) <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;, Minister Finance (Patti Smith) <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;, State President (Odette Hartlief) <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;, State President <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;


Justice Dennis Davis – High Court, Cape Town

CC: – Constitutional Court, State President Thabo Mbeki, FinMin Trevor Manuel

From: Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

August 29, 2005

Re: CT High Court – 3404/05 Central Retirement Fund (Sanlam) (Applicant) versus PFA (Respondent) – Request for Intervention i.t.o. Rule 12 & Section 38 Constitution.

Dear Sir

I briefly set out reasons for requesting permission to intervene in this matter. If permission is granted full details will be provided to both parties & to the High Court.

I am based in NWP and consequently do not have access to CT court files for service/contact addresses for Applicant & Respondent – it is requested that this email be forwarded to them.

It has been reported that the matter was heard by you last week in CT High Court.

From reports it is clear that the matter is not being fairly addressed, from investors’ perspective, by either Applicant or Respondent.

There are many fraudulent scams within the Financial Services Industry that are causing severe losses to investors. The circumstances of the matter before you are simply just one of those many fraudulent scams.

To clarify the point: - it is perhaps easier to draw an analogy of a clapped-out township taxi – it is intuitive from the battered & distorted state; the belching smoke; the crabbing of the vehicle, the bits of wire holding it together; that the vehicle is unroadworthy.

But by looking, solely, at the carburettor and arguing the nature of its condition detracts attention from the rest of the vehicle. The carburettor may (or may not) be sound, but by giving a ruling solely on the nature of the carburettor does not address the state of the vehicle holistically; nor does it address the maintenance of the safety of the public using roads.

In a similar manner; addressing the rulings by the PFA on this one particular issue does not address the overall “unroadworthiness” of pension/retirement schemes. Nor does it holistically address the investors’ “safety”.

The reality is that Financial Services Institutions have defrauded investors for decades. Part of, a significant proportion, of the money (underlying investment capital) has already been siphoned off by institutions. The institutions do not have the financial wherewithal to rectify ALL the wrongs.

A ruling/order that one particular scam must be rectified means that those investors that were in that particular fund, and are now drawing, will benefit, but it will be to the detriment of investors in other types of funds, or to those that are not currently drawing – since the institutions only have a finite amount of money; which amount is short for the rectifying of ALL scams, if ALL scams were to be uncovered.

I therefore respectfully point out that it would be a grave error for certain investors to gain at the expense of others. It would be simply a case of giving to those first in the queue and ignoring the rest when funds run dry.

The problems within the FinServInd are long, wide & deep – and have major macro-economy implications.

The only way that this problem can be resolved, holistically, and fairly, is for a full assessment of the FinServInd whilst Institutions are placed under judicial monitoring in the interim.

The circumstances that have caused this particular matter to come before you stems from my research which can be seen at, under research 2003 awards. I also attach some summary data that illustrates a point of serious loss.

I have had over 25 years of researching the FinServInd, and respectfully submit, humbly, that I am perhaps the only person qualified to comment holistically on the fraudulent scams that have been uncovered, as well as on those yet to be discovered.

I contend that this gives adequate indication that I have the appropriate skills to provide full insight into the many & serious problems within the FinServInd and that this serves as sufficient proofs for being granted permission to intervene.

I respectfully contend that intervention is permissible at any stage of proceeding as per Rule 12 of the High Court and under Constitution S38 (public interest); even whilst judgement is being considered, or even being given.

I therefore respectfully request permission to intervene in this matter.

Yours Sincerely

Chris Addington Pr.Eng.
+27 (0)83 962 7098,
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


To: SA Judicial Service Commission

SA Human Rights Commission


as per addressees & general

From: Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

May 29, 2014


Dewani Rendition/Kidnap – Human Rights violations.

Prostitution of SA's Judicial Code of Conduct.

Cover -up of global frauds

=> International/European Crimes, as per Rome Statute/UDHR

Wilful Destruction of Constitutional provisions & protections by SA Justices

The rendition/kidnap of Shrien Dewani to SA from a UK Mental Institution was a criminal action with collusive participation by SA & UK Justice systems & Justices and in outright contempt of SA's Constitution – the kidnap/rendition occurred (under the false guise of an extradition) whilst a Constitutional matter concerning Dewani's extradition was & still is current with the Constitutional Court – and the Western Cape High Court (WCHC) unconstitutionally ignored the Constitutional Court Application AND also failed to address the Constitutional violations as set out in the Constitutional Application (& which documents were transmitted to the WCHC PRIOR to the WCHC hearing a criminal charge against Dewani & then unlawfully ordering the detention of Dewani into an SA Mental Institution.

GROSS Human Rights violations have occurred, including but not limited to:

* unlawful extradition of Dewani → rendition/kidnap

* unlawful contempt of Constitutional Court by WCHC Justices in addressing a matter already seized by the Constitutional Court
* unlawful contempt of Constitution over the Constitutional violations as set out within the S38 Application to Constitutional court

* Cover-up of alternative & far more plausible explanations over the tragic murder of Anni Dewani

* Cover-up of the underlying criminal activities of Issy William Gundelfinger (alias Billy Gundelfinger) – initial legal attorney to Shrien Dewani

* Public Protector failing to challenge the dereliction/negligence of the SA Police & Prosecuting Authority in their failure to investigate alternative & more plausible explanations into Anni Dewani's murder & especially failing to investigate Gundelfinger's involvement.

* Justices neglecting/violating the Judicial Code of Conduct

Internationally, Justice systems & courts claim to provide protections against Human Rights abuses – BUT these institutions turn blind-eyes to violations.

This is tantamount to Justices walking past bodies in Auschwitz and claiming 'I see no evil'; and when a near-death skeleton protests to the Justices, they reply 'Oh, you'd like to make a complaint; well, that's fine – but first, you must take a shower!' – in other words justice systems & courts globally are maintaining numerous blackholes into which rights violations can be dispensed without addressing.

The European Court of Human Rights purposefully obstruct access by relying SOLELY on snail-mail or facsimile (who today has an antiquated facsimile machine????????????) and EXPRESSLY rejecting modern email communications. The numerous obstructions can be perused at:

The ECHR states that some 130,000 applications are received by the court – hence the need, it claims, to sift out the bulk on the basis of 'inadmissibility' – i.e. by turning a blind-eye. BUT, 130,000 applications is a clear indication of total failure of Justice systems & Rights protections – also, 130,000 out of a population of 0.5 Billion is a minimal number of cases, and which number would greatly diminish if the ECHR Court actually addressed the Rights abuses correctly; because national courts would know they cannot get away with criminal actions (vis: gross Justice abuses) as occurred in the Dewani kidnap/rendition & with the cover-up of the underlying international corporate Organised Crime which is the most likely factor behind Anni Dewani's tragic murder – in other words:- there are numerous applications BECAUSE there are numerous Justice abuses causing Human Rights abuses.

The European Court of Justice (see email below) uses the term 'Justice' but purposefully obstructs – the ECJ does not operate constructively by transmitting to the 'correct' authority – hence, those that are violated are hauled off for a 'shower'.

The International Criminal Court (ICC) is illegitimate BECAUSE there is no balancing International Civil Court – the ICC essentially acts for the interests of corporate Organised Crime.

Numerous blackholes into which Human Rights issues are thrown.

BECAUSE of these realities and because of the decades of armed opposition to SA's old order, the SA Constitution was developed so as to close-off these blackholes – and this was achieved by Chapter 2 Co-operative Government and by the founding of Constitutional bodies such as Public Protector, SA Human Rights Commission and by the Bill of Rights, and especially S38 Enforcement of Rights (but now is more correct to be called 'Renouncement of Rights') - but these bodies & those appointed to head these bodies are simply ignoring their duties – hence GROSS Human Rights violations continue & the Constitution is trashed because S38 rights enforcement is not simply ignored it is renounced.

By ignoring the S38 (Dewani) matter that was before the Constitutional Court AND by ignoring the Rights violations contained therein, the Justices of the WCHC Justices have renounced Dewani's right to those Rights and have essentially reduced the Constitution to a value less than that of used toilet paper – and, in desperation, are now recycling it, many times over (which SA Justices have not?) – infections spread easily & rapidly.

SA Justice is corrupted/prostituted absolutely.


- but all this is totally ignored – Justices, including those in WCHC, consider themselves as 'gods', able to manipulate law as they see fit – and to aid & abet corporate Organised Crime.

Whilst the WCHC Justices have demonstrated clear contempt of the Constitution AND the Constitutional Court, the Chief Justice & Justices of the Constitutional Court have not exerted their authority by over-riding the order from WCHC concerning Dewani's kidnap/rendition/incarceration – because the Chief Justice is also contemptible toward the Constitution – and since he Chairs the Judicial Service Commission it confirms the entrenchment of prostituted Justice.

It is why people like Donald Gordon, Raymond Ackerman, Richard Branson, Mervyn King, Issy (Billy) Gundelfinger & many other corporate criminals receive unlawful protections from prosecution for the organised crimes they are engaged in – and those crimes that become visible are analogous to any one of numerous little boils that appear when the whole body is sick – squeezing the pus from one does not address the systemic & systematic infection.

It is not difficult to visualise the gross disparities that are generated by seemingly small finance frauds.

e.g.:- Raymond Ackerman & Richard Branson grew their businesses (Pick 'n Pay, Virgin) through the siphoning-off of employee pensions, but then ploughing through circuitous routes the defrauded funds back into their businesses, it gave them immense competitive advantage – and, hence, their businesses flourished. Warren Buffet similarly, and so with many others – and Warren Buffet was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by Obama.

In contrast SA miners' pensions were also siphoned-off, but instead of being ploughed back into the mining business it was stolen & deflected elsewheres – consequently miners' & mining wealth decreased → result: retarded growth, frustration, anger → protests and consequent violence such as Marikana shootings.

It drives the gross global disparities from which symptomatic events occur – such as Boko Haram kidnapping of 300 schoolgirls, a gross evil but nonetheless caused by economic instability; or such as Putin opposing western economic & military aggression against a peaceful referendum (albeit illegitimate), or such as:-

---- the 1980s UK coal miners' strike – media wrongly & purposefully distort the image of those opposing, and governments manipulating law to 'criminalise' fundamental human rights & to use courts to unleash authorities to chase unlawful/extortionate legal costs orders & manipulated judgements – especially when we now know that pension/finance frauds were well established and causal of the economic destabilisation that brought about the coal strike; …....... etc., etc.

Edmund Burke: The only thing necessary for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing.

Modification: …. or to purposefully do the wrong thing.

It is largely ''doing the wrong thing' that causes evil to flourish – by purposefully creating disparities, creating frustrations leading to anger, then manipulating power to suppress opposing anger which generates more anger.

This dynamic is behind the rise of nazism, coal strike, al qaeda, Marikana shootings, etc., etc.

WCHC High Court Justice Denis Davis was partly responsible for maintaining this widening disparity when he ignored CDADD's submissions in 2005 concerning a pension fund matter he was hearing. The Constitutional Court also ignored similar warnings from CDADD in the CCT 74/03 (hearing in May 2004) Jaftha matter when legal points were discussed and Rights issues totally ignored (see below: Celling Constitutional Court visitors Mis-information).

The failing came about with the absolute Power granted to the Constitutional Court to make final decisions concerning Constitutionality – it is obvious that, at some point, a final decision has/had to be made – but, it was the arbitrary & abusive manner in which Ch Justice Chaskalson & his successors ignored the merits of any application, hence emasculated & trashed the Constitution – reducing it to toilet paper which justices in High Courts, such as WCHC, have used, but now are compelled to recycle, many time overs – infections spread rapidly.

BUT, by 2004, finance frauds had internationalised, grown, metamorphosed, mutated to immense levels from the initial days of 1960 when Donald Gordon first masterminded pension fund frauds.

It is this massive international corporate Organised Crime - metamorphosed & mutated into numerous thousands of guises, and including the formation of World Economic Forum (academic/intellectual think tank for corporate Organised Crime), the hijacking of Nobel Foundation (honouring of bogus science designed to veneer otherwise fraud scams); churning, siphoning, counterfeiting of money through finance markets, – that individuals come into contact with corporate Organised Crime, and by which their lives are affected daily.

It just so happened that Anni Dewani came into contact with corporate Organised Crime which affected her in a fatal manner – for why would a Johannesburg attorney deeply involved in corporate Organised Crime fly 3000km roundtrips to Cape Town; or, if having relocated to Cape Town, be chosen out of hundreds/thousands of other attorneys to act for her husband Shrien Dewani? (also see Founding Affidavit CCT S38 Dewani 1) Gundelfinger's involvement can only have been to compromise Shrien Dewani – which is what transpired.

It is also pure coincidence that Gordon's fraud scams were masterminded at near date to Thalidomide – a BBC2 Documentary (May 15) presented the struggle by one man for a fair deal for thalidomide babies born with horrendous defects – in a similar way & within similar time frame: economies have developed horrendous social defects & deformities due to an 'economy thalidomide'.

With the proven facts of Twin Tower implosions; BP/Deepwater Horizon sabotage; and corporate Organised Crime being behind these events; the Justice prostitutions & tampering of evidence behind the Stephen Lawrence murder & bogus double-jeopardy trial & appeal, etc., etc., etc., → it becomes clear that the factors behind Gundelfinger's long established criminal involvement in Organised Crime played out in Anni Dewani's murder.

Which attorney travels 3000kms from Johannesburg to Cape Town for a murder case, in a country described as containing the world's murder capital (Johannesburg), when hundreds (thousands?) of competent criminal lawyers reside in Cape Town?????????? Even if Gundelfinger has moved to Cape Town; why choose him out of hundreds/thousands of others???????? Gundelfinger's criminal involvement in Organised Crime creates a far more plausible explanation than Dewani approaching a total stranger in Cape Town and asking that stranger to kill his wife - the Dewani murder/cover-up is crystal clear – the rendition/kidnap of Dewani is simply to cover-up the involvement of corporate Organised Crime in Anni Dewani's murder, botched because of Gundelfinger's gross incompetence, and now covered-up by Justice collusion/corruption from both UK & SA.

Gundelfinger has decades experience of colluding with Justice, Police, Prosecution Authorities & fellow legals to achieve fabricated cases against victims, especially in the divorce courts. Norwood Police, mere metres from Gundelfinger's office, have regularly colluded with Gundelfinger to achieve fabricated 'evidence'.

Revisit the disgraceful Stephen Lawrence murder to see how UK Justice is grossly prostituted!!!! An obscure handwritten note found in a phone booth; victim's blood placed onto accused (now wrongly convicted) person's clothing AFTER the murder; and serious question marks against DNA testing – all this was available to UK's Chief Justice & Trial Justices – yet Justice was prostituted with bogus evidence simply to achieve false convictions. And now, the new Head of Crown Prosecution Service was previously the lead Prosecutor in the Lawrence murder trial – is she going to admit to corrupted evidence? Of course not!

Media hype & trial is what brought about this prostitution of Justice re Lawrence's tragic murder which became a witch-hunt trial –> it is media hype (controlled by corporate Organised Crime) that drove the kidnap/rendition of Dewani to Cape Town and the cover-up of the true factors behind the murder, vis: corporate Organise Crime.

(How can one accept outcomes of other criminal trials driven by media-hype trials such as Max Clifford's, or the now-running case against Rolf Harris; especially as the jury were/are conditioned by media-hype & media-trial ????????????????

It is clear that Harris' legals are failing to provide adequate defence – this is a real factor in closed-shop justice systems, especially when Justices steer cases to particular outcomes → collusion & corruption skew outcomes. Some simple issue: prosecution denigrate Harris' comment to a 13 yr old girl regarding a swim suit, maligning Harris as being dark & sinister – yet magazines are spread full of scantily dressed under-age & anorexic girls. The Jury is likely not a peer group as of Harris' peer group, which means that the jury judges based upon advanced social development not then available to others in Harris' peer group. Harris being ensconced in a glass box projects a prejudicially negative image to the jury.

UK Justice is grossly prostituted & corrupted)

Witness also → collusion by UK & SA Justices in allowing Barclays Bank (CEO John Varley) to achieve a fraudulent raid on ABSA Bank …................. -> the boils of pus erupts throughout western democracies because corporate Organised Crime, globally aggregating & manifesting as Economy Terrorism, is everywhere.

It's why Putin is opposing western aggression - that's not to condone Putin's acts of aggression – but does explain why global economies are imploding and on verge of exploding.

Bearing in mind that fabricated evidence is common place – such as wrongly claiming a natural collapse of Twin Towers (by Berkeley University, Centre for Catastrophic Risk Management) & global deceptions, and minor fabrications of 'evidence' in Lawrence murder trials/appeal, and with manipulations in the Dewani murder – it raises the question as to the integrity of the International Criminal Court concerning numerous prosecutions for genocide/warmongering – it is more plausible that 'evidence' behind various events were also fabricated.

Witness also Barrack Obama's Foreign Policy address on May 28.2014 at Westpoint Military Academy. What difference between 'foreign policy' by freedom fighters holding guns and Obama's 'foreign policy' in front of USA's elite military might?

Obama's message was clear: the USA is the greatest & intends remaining the greatest – corporate America is wonderful – if you don't like it, then tough – mess with corporate USA & we unleash our military might to back-up our corporates.

This kind of Economy Terrorism drives freedom fighters, but it also generates evil (e.g. Boko Haram, al Qaeda) – Obama's duplicity in focusing on the isolated evil ignores the mass justified freedom fighters.

Ireland's Police (Garda) Commissioner & Justice Minister have both recently resigned over gross irregularities – but the Chief Justice, Susan Denham, still clings to her post despite her dishonesty having been well established.

The appalling circumstances of 300 girls kidnapped by Boko Haram is, nonetheless, just another instance of evil amongst numerous other justified but symptomatic events that are consequent to the gross disparities due to the west's imposed Economy Terrorism - Michelle Obama takes up the cause of the kidnapped girls but does not address the false blame put onto Islam for the Twin Towers implosions (it was imploded by Jew mafia, not to be confused with loving-faith Jews) – more lies upon lies – a multiplicity of more blackholes.

SA's Constitution was designed to plug the blackholes, but ….

SA Justices have essentially reduced the Constitution to a value less than that of used toilet paper – and, in desperation, are now recycling it, many times over – infections spread easily & rapidly.

SA Justice corrupted/prostituted absolutely, in line with international Justice → aiding/abetting corporate Organised Crime → aggregating to Economy Terrorism → horrendous social deformities & defects, globally.


Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

Ireland's ISP & continue to criminally obstruct legitimate sovereign communications, both are controlled by USA, as is also which criminally destroyed


To SA Public Protector

CC: as per addressees & general

May 6, 2014

thankyou for email reply (below)

BUT, please explain why your office did not give the necessary attention to this matter from outset; please explain:

1. why your office FAILED to investigate the inadequacies of the police investigation into Anni Dewani's murder at the time I lodged the S38 Application to the Constitutional Court, and from the time of her tragic murder?

2. why your office FAILED to protect Shrien Dewani's (a person that was/is medically unfit) rights?

3. why your office FAILED to inquire into the police FAILURE to investigate Gundelfinger's involvement?

4. why your office FAILED to apply for Dewani's return to UK medical institution from which he was kidnapped/rendited?

5. why your office FAILED to investigate the Justice department's clear contempt of Constitutional Court & of Constitution in the circumstances of their attaining Dewani's kidnap/rendition?

6. why your office FAILED to have Donald Gordon properly investigated for pension/finance frauds (NPA Director/Public Prosecutor obstructing investigations & providing unlawful protections), and which globalised into Organised Crime is the most probable/plausible factor behind Dewani's murder?

7. why your office has FAILED to address other points as raised in the S38 Application


Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

On 06/06/2014 08:20, Customer Service (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) wrote:

Dear Complainant/Customer

Kindly be advised that your complaint has been received and acknowledged.

Please be assured that your enquiry is receiving the necessary attention it deserves. Should you wish to speak to one of our consultant, kindly contact 0800 112040.

Your association with this office is much appreciated.


Customer Services


To: Chief Justice UK, Baron John Thomas


PM David Cameron

DPM Nick Clegg

Ch George Osborne

Lab Ed Miliband

President Barack Obama

Taoiseach Enda Kenny

President Jacob Zuma

Crown Prosecution Service

Metropolitan Police

& as per addressees & general

From Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

July 9, 2014

Re: More evidence that UK Justice system prostituted.

- Andy Coulson, Rolf Harris, Abu Qatada, Shrien Dewani, Stephen Lawrence

- Convictions on Fabricated 'Evidence'

- POWs wrongly convicted

> the Justice abuses go on, and on, and on …...

... Inmarsat obstructing search for missing plane MH370

UK's closed-shop hence, by induction, corrupt Justice system, which has been emulated in many nations around the world, has proved to be prostituted.

How then can we trust 'judgements' or jury decisions when the very trial is biased & unjust? The trial decisions over Rolf Harris, Andy Coulson & Co., Max Clifford; trials for murders of Lee Rigby, Stephen Lawrence, etc., the decade of harassment to Abu Qatada, are decisions out of UK Courts that clearly cannot be trusted.

Nor can the sense of Justice by UK's Justices be trusted.

Coulson's conviction for a 'sporting' offence is a gross miscarriage of Justice, especially in light of the need for a media commission of inquiry by Leveson, who prostituted the hearings by selectively excluding material facts.

The undecided outcome of the remaining charges against Coulson means, by definition, 'not proved beyond a reasonable doubt' – which is the foundation of just Justice systems – so a retrial itself is a gross miscarriage of Justice.

The double-jeopardy trial of those accused (now wrongly convicted) over the Stephen Lawrence murder when your predecessor was fully aware of the inadmissibility of DNA evidence, both scientifically & in terms of the DNA evidence being fabricated, & other miscarriage factors, was a clear prostitution of Justice simply to appease the public based upon media hype-trial. Leveson's prostitution of the Appeal compounded the injustices further.

Perhaps the greatest economy on UK Justice abuse occurred with the rendition/kidnap of a mentally-ill Shrien Dewani – even the Nazis could not have achieved an immense Justice abuse with such a minuscule economic smear of veneerial Justice prostitution. Again, obscure 'evidence' against Dewani was amplified whilst more compelling evidence against Gundelfinger was ignored. The fact that SA Justices have prostituted SA's Constitution is NO excuse for UK Justice's to support.

Dewani was rendited/kidnapped 3 months ago, it was only 2 weeks ago that the Western Cape High Court ordered a 30 day assessment of Dewani –> a person deemed mentally ill in UK is rendited and held for 3 months – what mental manipulations have occurred, and whilst more plausible explanations are covered up?

Dewani is represented by Advocate Francois van Zyl (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) - misreported by Guardian as being an attorney, and suggesting that Dewani does not have an attorney acting for him, which is contrary to SA law – Van Zyl has simply accepted the WCHC's contempt of Constitution & Constitutional Court – further evidence of SA's UK-based Justice system covering up Gundelfinger's involvement & underlying corporate Organised Crime.

Van Zyl, in stating that Dewani is fit to stand trial (and whilst collusively ignoring the WCHC contempt of Constitutional court), is simply granting himself specialist skills to which he is not qualified & in turn is demonstrating his collusion with the prosecution – both issues give further proof that closed-shop Justice systems are corrupt – and Van Zyl charges extortionate fees for his collusion.

The psychiatric report from Valkenberg indicates that a compliant 'report' has been constructed so as to advance the prosecution process, the Public Protector having failed to protect Dewani's rights – and that is EXACTLY what rendition is about, the removal of a person from a state (UK) with more rigorous protections to a state (SA) with lesser protections so as to achieve a pre-determined outcome – and it was YOU, as Chief Justice, that prostituted the UK Justice system to achieve that end.

Also, Van Zyl was involved in the Schabir Shaik trial opposing Prosecutor Billy Downer – Downer was later caught out by me in fraudulently presenting & accepting a Supreme Court of Appeal costs-order whilst acting as prosecutor, and from Deputy SCA President Harms; and Harms is the Justice that has covered up the Marikana shootings → Justice Collusion is deep, long & wide within SA's closed-shop, prostituted Justice system; of which key-players have trashed the Constitution.

The mass media coverage of the Pistorius case is being used as a false veneer of respectable Justice in action.

UK & SA police, prosecutors & Justices are purposefully & unlawfully protecting Donald Gordon, Richard Branson & others from prosecution and using easy targets such as Dewani to hide behind. Explain Gundelfinger's involvement!

Regardless: you, as Chief Justice prostituted UK's Justice as well as undermined SA's Justice system so as to protect crooks.

A decade (& more) of harassment against Abu Qatada has finally revealed, in a Jordanian trial, that there was no evidence against Qatada – yet UK Government & Justice persecuted him on baseless 'evidence' which could have been easily tested a decade ago through a simple video-link hearing/trial. And, despite having been found not guilty, Qatada is to be victimised further by the UK Government.

Whether there is fact behind Qatada & others has not been proved, but part of what I have proved repeatedly to UK Government & Justice is that corporate Organised Crime which aggregates to global Economy Terrorism IS behind the increasing global economic & consequent social instabilities. People are entitled to fight against the West's Economy Terrorism.

Economy Terrorism, exists because crooks such as Donald Gordon, Richard Branson, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, John Varley & many other corporate leaders are unlawfully protected from prosecution – BECAUSE Justices are bought-off – governments use the military as hired-guns for corporate Organised Crime.

Much effort is expended by CPS & Met Police on picking on small individuals but big crooks are unlawfully protected – none of those named, immediately above, have had the courage to sue me over my statements against them and repeatedly made over some 10 years, because they know there is CONCRETE evidence. Their failure to sue me, a right of theirs that has long expired, is tantamount to an admission-of-guilt, such that Met Police would be justified in applying for search warrants

The Met Police originally ignored statements by those alleging attacks by Harris, Clifford & others, and in cases in which the evidence is obscure –> the Met Police continue to ignore crystal clear CONCRETE evidence against Gordon, Branson, Varley, Gates, Buffet & others. And these are just some of the key people that are gang-banging the World and causing gross socio-economy instabilities.

If Harris, Clifford, those convicted of the murders of Stephen Lawrence & Lee Rigby, were given a fair retrial then the Police & CPS cases would collapse. And in a fair trial of Gordon, Branson, Varley, Gates & others guilty verdicts on frauds & other charges would be returned.

In addition, Justices accept forensic evidence that they know to be false – I have regularly kept you informed of:- new science that disproves decades/centuries old defective theories; of the dishonesty within Academia, especially within Royal Society, Royal Institute, etc. → Prostituted Justice.

Justice is prostituted because police & prosecuting authorities do not investigate the dishonesty of Royal Society, Royal Institute etc. & persons such as Paul Nurse (president of RS)

J Sweeney said of Rolf Harris (to effect) that he (Harris) had breached the trust people had in him. The entire of UK Justices have breached the trust that was bestowed on them, by suppressing new science that disproves forensic 'evidence' presented to courts.

The 5 year & 9 month sentence on Harris and 18 months on Coulson indicates a revenge mindset for actions that occurred in a different cultural era still traumatised by two world wars & massive social upheaval. Perhaps Henry VIII should be tried in absentia for arranging the marriage of his daughter at age 12.

Victim Impact statements try to imply that had these (alleged) attacks NOT taken place then they would be perfectly OK people – what about children that endured the blitz? There is a revenge mindset deliberately stoked so as to deflect attention from real Justice abuses in unlawfully protecting Gordon, Branson & others.

Also the global genocide through Economy Terrorism by people such as Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Warren Buffet etc. far exceeds that achieved under Hitler's rule – yet they are afforded protections whilst Dewani, Harris & Coulson are targeted.

Sweeney was also presiding over the unjust trial in the Lee Rigby murder.

People who retaliate, as per rights under the UDHR, against the West's Economy Terrorism are wrongly charged as terrorists instead of correctly held as POWs. But people such as Jeremy Clarkson (BBC, Topgear) can purposefully, maliciously incite violence & air this on BBC without fear of prosecution – BECAUSE Justices have prostituted the entire Justice system. There is a general aura of dishonesty within BBC (& media), clearly it has been around for decades and accounts for the general corrupting of mindsets of those working within – so who is really to blame; the Executives or the individual employees??????

Inmarsat are obstructing transparency regarding the tracking of MH370 (see mails below) – clearly Inmarsat are confident that they will be protected by UK Courts to maintain non-transparency, as occurred with other mass murders such as Twin Towers implosions & BP Deepwater Horizon sabotage.

UK Justices have reduced Royal Courts to whorehouses of corruption – and this is why SA's courts are likewise corrupted, because they inherited the closed-shop, hence corrupt, Westminster system imposed upon them.

As UK Chief Justice you need to put an end to the prostitution of UK's Justice system; and to order fair retrials & fair trials (against those above named persons)


Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

Emails To/From Inmarsat Re: missing airplane MH370

-------- Original Message --------


Re: bbc documentary; mh370, inmarsat


Wed, 09 Jul 2014 21:38:38 +0100


Chris Addington


Chris McLaughlin <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Muna Ashra <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Alison Horrocks <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

hi chris

the malaysian authorities took direction fro inmarsat's findings -

inmarsat are the experts in this, not the malaysian authorities

your suggestion would simply delay matters

surely, if inmarsat is seeking accuracy as to their predictions, then

constructive engagement is the right approach

please pass this issue to your ceo



Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

On 09/07/2014 09:44, Chris McLaughlin wrote:


Please address your offer of help to the Malaysian authorities. We have published our data with their agreement and any offers of further assistance should be directed to the investigation.

We wish you well in your endeavour.

Chris McLaughlin

----- Original Message -----

From: Chris Addington

Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2014 09:35 AM

To: Muna Ashra

Cc: Alison Horrocks; Chris McLaughlin

Subject: Re: bbc documentary; mh370, inmarsat

hi muna


(is inmarsat still active in assisting in the search?)



Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

On 07/07/2014 12:38, Chris Addington wrote:

hi muna


i'm a professional engineer, ex royal navy artificer, uct engineering

graduate; UK/SA/Irish citizenship - currently in dublin

i was wanting to have a preliminary chat with the interviewed

specialist re the broad technology of satellites to determine

positioning, tracking etc. - also whether 'relativity' (i.e. einstein

theory) plays a part in any stages of the systems

the issue is, according to documentary, that research has shown mh370

flew to a region - but possibility exists that common errors might be

cause of failure to determine more precisely its final

destination/point of crash

it's difficult to state a specific question when so many factors are

involved - hence a preliminary chat with the interviewed specialist

would be beneficial



Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

On 07/07/2014 12:16, Muna Ashra wrote:

Dear Chris,

Thank you for your message.

Could you give me an idea of what you'd like to discuss, any specific

question you may have and I'll do my best to put you through to the

appropriate person.

Also, an idea of what you do yourself and your company background

would be very helpful.

Thank you for your interest in Inmarsat.

Kind regards,


-----Original Message-----

From: Chris Addington

Sent: 07 July 2014 08:03

To: Alison Horrocks; Muna Ashra; Chris McLaughlin

Subject: Re: bbc documentary; mh370, inmarsat

good morning

pse see below

Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

On 01/07/2014 09:13, Chris Addington wrote:

good morning

i watched the doc on mh370

one of imarsat's specialists was involved, can't recall name, would

you be so kind as to forward this mail to that specialist & for him to

contact me re some tech points that may (may not?) assist



Chris Addington Pr.Eng.


Emails to/from Patric Gamble WCHC Judge

On 05/09/2014 19:20, Chris Addington wrote:

to patric gamble - judge of the western cape high court

apologies for delay in reply - have been away cycling various areas around ireland

your knowledge of law is lacking - one cannot defame another when telling the truth, nor are my truthful remarks abusive
further; the constitution provides for direct access to justices - so your complaint re the use of the justice/'your' address is invalid

you still need to explain why you & wchc justices are prostituting south africa's constitution and why you are in contempt of the constitutional court


Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

On 23/07/2014 10:09, Gamble Patric wrote:

Dear Sir

I am not interested in your defamatory , abusive remarks. For the second and last time , please remove my name from your mailing list.

Thank you.

Patric Gamble

Judge of the Western Cape High Court

35 Keerom Street

Cape Town


+2721 480 2661 (Registrar)

+2721 424 1480 (Fax)

0866423002 (Fax-to-email)

to patric gamble - judge of the western cape high court

it is BECAUSE of YOUR abuse of the Constitution & Constitutional Court that it was necessary for me to use a number of justice email addresses.

i can understand you find it tedious & irritating - this can be explained by the numerous justice abuses that you & your colleagues perpetrate

have you read the Constitution?

also; it is not your address but a justice address


Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

On 17/07/2014 10:35, Gamble Patric wrote:

Dear sir

Your repeated abuse of my email address is both tedious and irritating.

Please remove me from your mail list.

Thank you

Patric Gamble

Judge of the Western Cape High Court

35 Keerom Street

Cape Town


+2721 480 2661 (Registrar)

+2721 424 1480 (Fax)

0866423002 (Fax-to-email)