To: International Criminal Court (ICC) - Attention: Justices & Prosecutor
CC: as per addressees, general &
From: Chris Addington Pr.Eng.
July 10-28, 2020
- ICTY Milosevic trial & Mladic trial –
- suspect evidence re alleged shootings – request for trial evidences
- selective prosecution
- illegitimate ICC
- (emails appended)
- Perspective on UK ISC Russia Report (ISC: Intelligence and Security Committee of Parliament) – ISC correctly identifying London as a 'Laundromat' (Money-Laundering joint) – don't blame the Russkies, London was a Money-Laundering joint decades/centuries before wall-fall.
Genocide horrors must be condemned and perpetrators must be brought to Justice, revenge is not Justice and must not be sought. Likewise, unjust 'justice' begets revenge and must also be condemned.
The costs of prosecuting WWII War Crimes alone far, far exceeds the costs of a sensible Versailles Treaty had sense prevailed post-WWI.
Sense is entirely absent within global Socio-Economies – WWIV, hot war, is looming.
WWIII is the finance/economic war that non-sense has brought about.
Non-sense prevails because Merit is NOT Rewarded/Funded – Socio-Economy Engineering is absent
The trials of Slobodan Milosevic & Ratko Mladic are clear cases of unjust 'Selective Prosecution' & unjust 'justice' both procedurally & substantively – this is so because the International Criminal Court is entirely illegitimate (as set out in brief herein)
Both Milosevic & Mladic were justified by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) Preamble Right of taking up arms against oppressors – and were aware of the dangers to peoples for failing to do so (WWII nazi tyranny, Hungary …... Rwanda …..)
I draw attention to emails below to Milosevic's Court-appointed defence team (strongly objected to by Milosevic, which objection was later upheld) of: Steven Kay QC & Gillian Higgins QC, and copied to the ICTY prosecutor Geoffrey Nice QC.
I was requesting link-directions to certain video evidence (of people being shot, executed en masse) as presented in court by Nice, as the documentary video (details misplaced) of the ICTY evidence watched, with Kay over-speaking, indicates that the actual shootings were likely staged.
(c.f. media filmed 'battles' from WWI – where soldiers are 'shot dead' leaving a trench only for one or two to carefully look to camera to check if their acting was OK)
Despite 2 requests to the defence team & copy to the prosecutor nothing has been forthcoming regarding the requested links to the video evidence.
Serious concerns when observing the documentary on the ICTY:– the senior Judge was British, The senior Prosecutor was British, the appointed defence team British – and all sought to obstruct Justice – mainly by playing procedural rules rather than addressing the evidence.
Later, the British judge died & was replaced by an American Judge whose greater prejudice against Milosevic was clear.
Milosevic was harassed (to death) by the ICTY for 4&1/2 years and died during the prolonged & abusive incomplete trial – the trial clearly contributing to his death.
But what is of greater abuse is that the ICC effectively acts for major western governments against minor states that have for centuries been abused by the major states.
Simply view the court cases on the ICC website – all persons from minor nations
Yugoslavia was just one instance of a country facing western corpOrgCrime post Berlin wall-fall – the war(s) within Yugoslavia were partially concurrent with the Rwanda horrors wherein the West did nothing to avert or solve. Also: the World is consciously aware of the gross crimes against humanity by Israel prior to its inception & after, even to today.
Serbians are a 33% minority within Bosnia (although within the greater Yugoslavia they represented the largest group at some 37%) - were they expected to sit back and wait for others to turn against them, again, having faced mass-murders in WWII, in the full knowledge no-one would protect them. Even the UN failed to protect the Muslims.
The instability within the post wall-fall fragmented nations from USSR & its satellite nations were increased when western governments 'aided' these nations with western corporate & 'democratic' methods – they were simply gang-banged by corpOrgCrime – including manipulations to stir up violence.
Thus leaders such as Milosevic are tainted whether they act or not, and readily tainted with war crimes – because western & international Courts are stooges for these major nations.
Britain is a key culprit, with maintaining of defective science & dishonest political manipulations instilled centuries ago by Isaac Newton – and continued through to today despite PMs Blair, Brown, Cameron, May & Johnson all having been presented with CONCRETE EVIDENCE of many defective 'sciences' – this is an instance of GROSS CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY because it is what is destabilising the World wherein Bosnia, Rwanda, NKorea etc. (and WWI & WWII) are ALL separate instances but ALL with common CAUSAL FACTORS , vis: corpOrgCrimes.
As often stated the ICC is illegitimate because 1. there is no countering International Civil Court, 2. ICC investigations are effectively subject to the West's decisions & initiations, 3. trials by ICC are decided by the western nations, i.e. politically.
In short – ICC is a closed-shop system used to the benefit of the West against pesky minor nations that oppose oppressions against them, and usually of economic/finance nature.
Or, more succinctly: ICC is willingly complicit with corpOrgCrime.
The video of the ICTY Milosevic trial reinforces these realities.
Repeated demands have been made that the ICC Prosecutor investigate & prosecute Richard Branson, Alan Sugar, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Donald Gordon (estate), Rupert Murdoch, PWC, E&Y, Grant Thornton, Deloittes, KPMG etc. - for Economic War/Humanity Crimes –> corporate Organised Crime (corpOrgCrime) frauds which economically suppresses, oppresses, depresses, represses minor nations to the benefit of major western nations – but these personas are unlawfully protected – hence oppressed nations are forced to take up arms – only for western military might to beat them down – and for ICC to criminalise freedom fighters.
See (especially LHS panel) for evidences.
(it appears that Gordon's sons are behind Ireland Dublin's Clerys department store fraudulent collapse – regardless, widespread economic humanity crimes prevail also in developed nations)
These corpOrgCrimes cause far, far, far greater Genocides & Humanity Crimes than all the collective horrors by both Germany & Russia before, during & after WWII – these corpOrgCrimes are CAUSAL of instabilities globally, directly & indirectly.
I also draw attention to the IMPLOSIONS of TWIN TOWERS (Concrete Proofs: Absence of Transfer-of-Momentum dynamics for a natural collapse → additional high impulse forces (explosive) → sequential => by definition: IMPLOSIONS → QED!!!!!!)
The ICC Prosecutor is duty-bond to investigate owner Larry Silverstein & circumstances for explosives to be planted, and for co-ordination of airplanes into building as a deception to cover-up implosions.
Thus can evidence be easily obscured.
- The evidence presented by Nice in the ICTY case of the alleged shootings appear to be a staged acting event & appears similar for the Mladic trial.
- The fact that corpOrgCrime criminals are unlawfully protected and not prosecuted whilst Milosevic & Mladic were both prosecuted for simply upholding their UDHR Preamble Right to protect themselves renders their trials as 'selective', purposefully so.
- That Milosevic (to effect) was (posthumously) cleared of direct genocide but was convicted as having contributed to the alleged crime was a circumstance of 'if we can't get him on one charge we'll get him on another by association of both' (similar circumstance of gross justice abuse in the Harvey Weinstein trial – pile on the allegations, we'll get him on at least one) – or simply assuming 'there's smoke, there must be fire', a false assertion as smoke will ALWAYS precede fire.
- Both Milosevic & Mladic could easily be set-up by others with war/humanity crimes.
For ICC Justices to argue they are simply 'doing their jobs' is NO DEFENCE, as was clear from Nuremberg Trials – Justice is Justice, political interference cannot be allowed. But there is also an urgent need for a countering International Civil Court.
Nor can ICC Justices argue that the requested investigations herein must first be sanctioned by a Sovereign state.
Justices are DUTY-BOUND to administer JUSTICE not to manipulate procedural rules that defeat Justice; nor to KNOWINGLY prosecute people that are legitimately invoking the UDHR Preamble Right to take-up arms to oppose Economic oppressors.
(Nuremberg trial of 24 defendants took 11 months, ICTY abuses against Milosevic took FOUR&HALF YEARS before he died, trial incomplete)
To argue that Western nations are 'democratic' is entirely false - democracy implies that those elected act in the best interests of the electorate & of the entire nation & based on informed decisions. Failing to inform/educate the electorate is a failing of MP office – and media are fully complicit with false 'news': Murdoch's rags, UK Guardian, Telegraph, etc., USA Washington Post, New York Times etc. …..- consequently people are not correctly informed, hence cannot make informed decisions - consequently democracy is non-existent.
Also note: a monarchic society is simply a matured despotic society; that monarchic power is devolved to a parliament/government system does not in&of itself democratise a despotic system.
Proof of 'despotism'? → Britain, USA, Canada, Australia, Ireland (ROI), South Africa, Germany, France ….. - ALL KNOWINGLY utilise/promote the use of EWMDs – and KNOWINGLY promote defective 'sciences' to 'legitimise' EWMDs.
(EWMD – Economic Weapons of Mass Destructions)
The first six stated nations (stated above) ALL derive their (in)justice systems from the UK – Ireland has deviated most as it developed its Constitution (1937) (mainly by its longstanding Taoiseach (PM), later President, De Valera, a warmonger drawn toward Hitler/Nazi ideology) & its (in)justice system during the rise of rabid Nazism - careful reading/interpretation of its Constitution confirms Ireland is a Police State – but, with added police & judicial abuse → Nazi State with a Gestapo Force (NOT a Police Service)
Ireland's main Four Courts in Dublin (a misnomer, as there are six courts) is a den of collusion, cronyism & corruption between&amongst all Courts judiciaries – and with a cash office, to thieve money from the public, a thriving cash-cow through purposeful fragmenting, prolonging & inflaming of (in)justice processes. Perjury, Collusion, Corruption between & amongst Legals & Judges is everyday common practice.
Psychopathic 'judges' wage abuses in criminal courts – Justice is entirely absent from outset of any process & throughout.
(Proofs: Ireland Constitution Art 30.3 Attorney General : prosecutions are through the AG ' … or some other person ....' - is the mechanism by which police have long been linked directly to the judiciary.
c.f. SA Constitution S179 Prosecuting Authority - ' … a SINGLE prosecuting authority …' (emphasis added) and S179.5.d National Director ' … may review a decision to prosecute or not prosecute ….' )
BUT, South Africa - despite having had the most advanced Constitution in the World - emasculated by the first disproportionate Constitutional Court Bench (Jew Justices over 50% yet a population per cent of 0.7%) - has also become a Nazi state (albeit in minor form) under successive ANC governments.
SA & ROI are simply two nations that experienced British Imperial oppressions, Kenya experienced c1960 British Nazi tyranny against its Kikuyu people.
Britain (& major nations) today adopts a devious form of Imperialism/Colonialism through defective 'science' 'legitimising otherwise fraud scams.
What is clear of circumstances subsequent to (Imperial) oppressions is that those oppressed when become unoppressed do not reform to instil Justice, they in fact assimilate the abusive (in)justice processes that were imposed on them & regress further, they perfect the abuses.
Evil begets Evil.
And where there is evil there are plenty of authors recording & analysing the horrors perpetrated – much like analysing the numerous crashes from Toyota brake-failures rather than solving the problem. Similarly Governments do nothing to address the corpOrgCrime that is destabilising the World. Research & Development is not rewarded on Merit because Academia is corrupted by corpOrgCrime, which is why so much defective 'science' abounds and why CDADD's R&D into developing Socio-Economy Engineering to solve these problems is not simply ignored but oppressively suppressed – hence why Courts & Justice systems are corrupted – hence why Crimes Against Humanity abounds, with much generated/instigated by corpOrgCrime criminals who are unlawfully protected by national & international (in)justice courts.
(Prof. Warwick) A.T. Williams' 'A Passing Fury – Searching for Justice at the end of World War II' is a well researched, excellently written, page turning 'road trip', even though self indulgent, of the war & humanity crimes prosecuted at Nuremberg & elsewheres.
But, it does nothing to address the CAUSAL-FACTORS that turned Germany into the Nazi-evil it became – nothing.
In fact Williams' road-trips to various & numerous horror sites eventually, as stated (to effect), took mental & emotional turmoil upon Williams that he abandoned further research work.
One doesn't need to do an experiential road-trip to recognise & understand these kinds of horrors – there are mountains of books, images, records that relate this; if not a father, who just qualified (turning age 18) for D-Day & beyond, and including being one of first into Bergen-Belsen, unloading his mental & emotional turmoils onto a pre-teen son late into nights.
One does not need to visit horror sites to understand & rectify causal problems.
Just as (e.g.) design engineers do not need to visit the horrors of mangled car wrecks to recognise & rectify faulty Toyota brakes.
Indulgences into the horrors removes objectivity. Which is why NOTHING has been done to remedy the grossly defective 'sciences' that 'legitimise' otherwise global fraud scams that are CAUSAL of gross disparities through to starvation genocides – BECAUSE (in)justice systems are cesspits of corruption – presenting a closed-shop barrier to Justice.
Thus is British (& all other forms of) 'justice' entirely unjust – and corpOrgCrime is essentially restructured Imperialism producing the usual oppressions, repressions, suppressions, depressions globally.
British Imperialism did not come about as a 'civilising' mission, it came about simply to pre-empt oppressions against Britain by others, by exploiting others – and which continues today in a different, refined form, vis: corpOrgCrime – through which tensions & angers are instilled around the World – with Bosnia, Iraq, NKorea etc., etc., …. all being affected.
Education is largely free, all funded by taxpayers, the majority of whom are below the bright ones – it is the bright ones that are strongly advantaged when encouraged to seize opportunities – or more correctly: exploit – in other words: the majority fund the minority to gang-bang the world, to oppress the majority.
How are oppressed peoples of minor nations to oppose western oppressors, wielding EWMDs & unlawfully protected by the ICC (& EU)????????
(Ditto: those oppressed within major nations)
Thus is the ICC illegitimate - as are the European Courts & national Courts (& UN)
It is not too difficult to recognise corpOrgCrimes imposing severe Socio-Economic oppressions leading to conflict which favours Arms suppliers, and it is not too difficult to recognise that it is easy for corpOrgCrime criminals to initiate genocides AND to generate false 'evidence'.
The CONCRETE PROOF of this is with the two separate but consecutive events of Twin Towers – 1. planes into buildings, 2. Implosions of Towers. It is an ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY that the two separate events could not have occurred consecutively without them both being pre-planned together. This is why Twin Towers must be fully investigated and especially TT owner owner Larry Silverstein, who benefited financially, significantly so.
That means the ENTIRE USA Defence/Security & Civil systems were defeated. If this can be done in USA then a fragmented destabilised minor nation is an easy target for manipulating a war & genocides to coincide with specific movements of & 'evidences' against its leaders.
EVERY CHIEF JUSTICE IN USA, UK, SA, ICC, ICJ, ECHR …...... HAVE BEEN INFORMED OF THESE PROOFS – THEY DO NOTHING → proofs positive that judiciaries are corrupted
The EU, in toto, are perpetrating Crimes Against Humanity – simply by upholding an ECHR Convention that GROSSLY VIOLATES the UDHR – EU Justices are FULLY COMPLICIT.
Thus are legitimate Freedom Fighters, by necessity forced into conflict against western oppressions, easily & wrongly tainted as war criminals – all part of corpOrgCrime strategy.
Nevertheless -
- I would appreciate a link to the video evidence as presented at the ICTY trial pertaining to the alleged shootings.
- That ICC direct ALL Chief Justices (those masquerading a such) to correctly apply the UDHR, and specifically direct ECHR & EU National Courts to disregard the ECHR (which directly violates UDHR), and to specifically remove financial obstructions to Justice where inaffordability is evident.
- And for the ICC Prosecutor to investigate & prosecute Economic/War/Humanity-crimes criminals (as above) & Twin Towers Implosions, an international crime.
To stop or minimise wars & genocides it is first necessary to stop corpOrgCrime.
UK ISC Russia Report
Public presentation July 21, 2020 by ISC MPs – Julian Lewis (ISC Chair), Kevan Jones & Stewart Hosie
Some background key-points to this ISC presentation:
- Russia was polarised against the West (post wall-fall) from the moment that Jeffrey Sachs gave 'advice' to Russia on transforming to a 'democratic' free-market – it allowed the entire of Russia peoples to be gang-banged by western corpOrgCrime criminals.
- This allowed the rise of Russian Oligarchs (which were noted in the public presentation by ISC Committee) but also eventually brought reactions from Putin who manipulated to Power to combat western intrusions.
- Russia peoples financially/economically stressed, severely so.
- Putin castigated by western media & governments and polarised - in being polarised anything&everything Putin does is castigated further – a vicious downward spiral initiated by the West, reacted to by Putin – this is not to imply that Putin is an innocent victim, far from it – but noting that Putin is polarised just as Germany was polarised by the West into nazism.
- ISC object to Russia interference but ignore that Britain (West) have all interfered in Russia.
- Media interference into Politics (& Economics ….) through decades of false reporting/lies is far, far greater than Putin's interference
- If the allegations of Russia interference are true then it was/is possible for external interference SOLELY because Britain (USA's) is internally corrupted, hence corruptible by external forces.
- Hosie & Jones argue that Government obstructed exposure of, that no one challenged the realities of Russia interference – BUT, BUT, BUT – Parliament have some 650 MPs, ANY ONE of them could/should have raised questions.
- But, questions were not raised by MPs because Parliament has been corrupted into silence & political expediency – fundamental science is wrong, hence mathematics, accounting, economics are all grossly skewed – purposefully so, because it is the means by which corpOrgCrime is 'legitimised' – all condoned by Parliament/Government.
Proofs: Opticks (wrongly attributed to Newton) are wrong → e≠mc2
Quantum Theory contradicts Classical Physics because QT is wrong.
And Newton's dishonesty is the legacy of today's western governments → DISHONESTY
Not only is this dishonesty polarising Russia but also China and, increasingly, other nations – but also polarising Parliaments & Governments.
What is interesting is that London was correctly identified as a 'laundromat' (a money-laundering joint) by the ISC Committee – but this has long been the case since Donald Gordon masterminded modern-day pension/investment frauds c1960, and these frauds were metamorphosed & 'scientised' into fraudulent finance markets …........ etc., etc., etc.
All with judicial acceptance & protections.
If London (& other major western nations) can gang-bang the World with fraudulent/counterfeit money – then why can't Russia gang-bang London (& other western nations)???????
Lewis, in closing the presentation, makes token comment regarding Parliament/Government split – (to effect) 'this must never happen again' – much as Nelson Mandela made at his Presidential inauguration ('never, never, never again') – but the 'never again' happenings continue to happen everyday, everywhere in the World – because corpOrgCrime is deeply entrenched and nothing done about it – Merit is not rewarded/funded – Socio-Economy Engineering is ignored – nations are oppressively suppressed into repressed depression.
DISHONESTY prevails throughout Parliaments/Governments/Judiciaries.
Proofs? -> Boris Jonhson (July 23, 2020) claims he is working for all of UK – BUT, he continues to lie, Johnson refses to acknowledge that GROSSLY DEFECTIVE 'science' from UK is behind GLOBAL fraud scams -> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chris Addington Pr.Eng.
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Subject: |
Re: to steven kay qc & gillian higgins qc - 9 bedfordrow, cc geoffrey nice qc - gresham hall |
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Wed, 17 Jun 2020 20:20:58 +0100 |
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Chris Addington |
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good eveningi reiterate my request (below) - a prompt reply is requested & would be appreciatedthankyousincerelyChris Addington Pr.Eng.On 03/06/2020 15:58, Chris Addington wrote:
to steven kay qc & gillian higgins qc - 9 bedfordrowcc geoffrey nice qc - gresham hall
re: milosevic icc trial - video evidence presented by prosecution: skorpions & alleged shootings of prisoners
good afternoon
by chance i viewed a part-video of the milosevic icty trial - repeat viewing of the skorpions evidence raises concern for me re the alleged shootings as portrayed in the video sections presented in court - i'm assuming that the video sections i saw are those presented as evidence to icty.the video sections concerning the skorpions that i did repeat-view suggest possible fabrication, strongly so - the audios & videos of the ceremony, the people huddled in trench, and the actual shootings all appear completely different - by different persons with different cameras at significantly different locations & times - yet it appears the events were portrayed to icty as being one person, one camera, one closely connected event sequence.also, those allegedly shot do not appear to bear evidence of being shot - more of ham actors playing a roleadmittedly the voice of geoffrey nice is present in certain of the sectionssincerest apologies to victims if my impressions are wrongi would appreciate if you could send me a link to the full video as presented to ictythankyousincerely Chris Addington Pr.Eng.
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Dr John Clark – Forensic Pathologist: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,
LinkedIn links:
Mladic ICTY Trial – Defence:
Branko Lukic undefined
Dragan Ivetic undefined
ICC Prosecutors:
Glenna Macgregor undefined
Arthur Traldi undefined
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