More Inhumane Humanities & Sciences 02


negating positive initiatives


–> driving global conflicts




# Preamble

More issues of skewed socio-economies due to grossly defective science & humanities driving massively destructive government policies.

# Royal Irish Academy Discourse: What is Europe's Future? February 26, 2015
Professor Enrico Colombatto, Professor of Economics, University of Turin.

[And RIA's new Admissions Policy → which violates Constitution, ECHR, UDHR & Law!!!]

# National Botanic Gardens: The Annual Augustine Henry Forestry Lecture: March 5, 2015: The Future Uses of Wood in Building

Dr Annette Harte of NUIG

Organised with the Society of Irish Foresters in celebration of National Tree Week

# Royal Dublin Society: Annual Boyle Medal Award & Lecture: The Secret Lives of Cells: The thrill of discovery and the joy of exploring our inner universe,

Professor Seamus Martin, 2014 Boyle Medal Laureate

RDS Concert Hall, March 11, 2015
# Royal Dublin Society: RDS Business Breakfast Seminar: The vital role that social enterprise can play in building an inclusive recovery.

Mr Darren Ryan, CEO of Social Entrepreneurs Ireland

RDS Library, Thursday, March 12 at 7.30am.

# More bogus science presented by BBC (British Bullsh-t Corporation)

If one cannot recognise what is seen through a prism then one cannot recognise what is seen through a telescope, which is a collective of multiplicities of prisms – which is exactly the error that Edwin Hubble made in wrongly interpreting & claiming red-shift → e does NOT equal m c squared.

* BBC2 Horizon – Climate Change – A Horizon Guide, Helen Czerski – a mis&disguiding Guide – along with dishonesty & deceptions by RS Paul Nurse.

* BBC4 – Climate Change by Numbers – mathematicians causing more confusion

* BBC2 Stargazing Live – Some Real issues blended with much brain-softening sci-fi

* BBC2 Horizon – Aftershock – the Hunt for Gravitational waves. Hunting blindly for a pin but not recognising the hay nor the pin nor the stack.

*BBC2 Horizon – Dancing in the Dark – search for Dark Matter, Energy, etc. - more blind hunting in the Dark but not recognising what is in the Light.

# Addendums:

Abstract, RIA Events & Admissions Policy, Email Addresses




# Preamble

More issues of skewed socio-economies due to grossly defective science & humanities driving massively destructive government policies.


It cannot be overemphasised just how mentally distorting defective science can be – it is now some 3 years since the writer demonstrated that Newton's Opticks are wrong, and that consequently Einstein, Hubble, Hawking, Higgs, CERN are all wrong. Yet academia, media, governments continue to uphold bogus science such that societies are brain-softened.


Elected governments are illegitimate, and the forthcoming UK elections will likewise be illegitimate.


And the leaders of Labour & Conservative continue with this dishonesty.


A simple example of mis&disinformation:

Channel 4 held the first of political debates Thursday March 27, between David Cameron & Ed Miliband, with Jeremy Paxman interviewing & with public engagement from a very very small audience. The usual pussy-footing took place by both Cameron & Miliband arguing minor budgetary issues whilst ignoring the global financial tsunami that rages.


BUT, what was most striking is that during the second advertisement break The Co-operative Bank had a rural African tell UK viewers about how good the Co-Op Bank's services were, and how switching to the Co-Op gave funds for community projects including water for this African's village. Whilst the issue of water is valid, it is entirely invalid that this exploited African had any knowledge of the real issues behind UK's fraudulent banks; nor of how the few peanuts they chuck back to poor communities is swamped by the massive destructive global forces of fraudulent banking & market finances.


Banks once again exploiting poor communities to promote UK Political broadcasts – much as U2's Hewson (Bono) exploits starving children to promote himself & U2.


In Ireland the current news is of housing shortage. YET, Ireland has a bizarrely ludicrous property sales process. There is a 'Sales Agreed' phase, which would seem to any intelligent person that a sale has been agreed, yet either party can pull out. ????????????? Mind-boggling.


Moreover, whilst in 'sell' phase the property is usually vacant & for months. ??????????? Mind-boggling. (March 28) currently lists 159,000 properties for sale (there are also other websites with properties for sale). Take even ½ of that, some 80,000 properties are vacant.???????????????? Mind-boggling.


This drives up rentals & squeezes economies.

Inform government? Nil response!


See below for some more specific issues regarding defective science & humanities, and of excellent efforts being thwarted.




# Royal Irish Academy Discourse: What is Europe's Future? February 26, 2015
by Professor Enrico Colombatto, Professor of Economics, University of Turin.


Enrico Colombatto's lecture was important because of its succinct overview of the historical formation of the EU that we know & experience today. It was essentially through political brute force that the initiative took root & grew – which in itself is understandable as committee-based decisions generally never materialise constructively.


In Reply: A Law Professor, and RIA Member, gave legal insights which highlighted the massive chasm that exists between the different components of government (Executive, Legislative, Judicative, Administrative) and this can largely be put down to the closed-shop (in)justice system that prevails, past & present.


The EU has not worked – as we see with Greece and other minor EU nations, and with major nations, struggling to deal with crises upon crises and, certainly in Greece's case, more political brute force trying to make things work.

This is like using brute force to fix a car – it doesn't work – it requires sensible constructive engineering – the more so if it requires structural & control modifications, as does EU.


The major flaw by Colombatto was in his error in mixing micro-economy issues with macro - > micro has no impact on Macro – simply think in terms of connecting your hair-dryer direct to the national grid; on the micro level you will blow yourself up, on the macro level nothing will happen back at the power station.


Misunderstandings of & use of terminology also creates confusion & misdirection – Protectionism is an obscure term that has nothing to do with legitimate Protections – we protect ourselves from the national grid through use of protective devices: e.g. circuit breakers/switch gear, fuses, transformers etc. - but, within EU, minor, low-voltage economies have no protections from high-voltage economies → and this is why the EU keeps blowing up.


As often stated by CDADD if one cannot attain economy stability between nations WITH separate currencies then one cannot attain stability WITHOUT currencies (i.e. with a common currency).


The key reason why solutions do not materialise is because of Academic dishonesty, cronyism, prostitution – and this was certainly the case with RIA President Mary Daly once again ignoring the writer – hence the writer openly stated a key point to Colombatto (mixing micro with Macro doesn't work) to which Daly began her usual tirade of shoutings – the writer pointed out that he would not accept the RIA's dishonesty, cronyism etc.


In attempting to discuss issues with Colombatto during wine an RIA Member quickly pulled him away.


Economy Engineering was not even a concept in the 1960/70/80s – it is a concept that has slowly evolved single-handedly by CDADD since the late 1990s when in witnessing Mandela's failed economy reforms that it became clear constructive Engineering was needed – but it is oppressively suppressed by Governments in toto.


[Daly's response? A new Admissions Policy (copied & appended below) that violates the Constitution, ECHR, UDHR & Law – no one can obstruct a legitimate 'point-of-order', or legitimate challenge to academic theories, or legitimate challenge to governance violations (of which RIA are in numerous violations), and no one can arbitrarily discriminate by unreasonably denying any person/s access to attend general meetings & other functions. RIA & its Members are largely/solely funded by taxpayers monies, yet the Members abuse their positions by promoting defective theories that undermine societies & economies,


RIA is undermining & destroying Academic Freedom & Development –> Promoting corporate Organised Crime which aggregates globally as Economy Terrorism.


Taoiseach (PM) Enda Kenny takes Sinn Fein Gerry Adams to task over historic abuses (sexual & otherwise) by the IRA – YET, T Kenny is happy to engage with dishonest Academics that control the RIA ....

... in truth IRA evolved partly BECAUSE RIA has for long been a dishonest, cronyistic organisation]




# National Botanic Gardens: The Annual Augustine Henry Forestry Lecture: March 5, 2015: The Future Uses of Wood in Building


An extremely interesting lecture from Annette Harte (AH) summarising latest developments in research & design of timber products as used in construction/building.


What stood out most notably was the fact that AH screened images of multi-storey buildings which are being erected eleswheres as turnkey projects within a non-stress time frame of 7, 8, 9 weeks. Whereas Ireland is woefully backward in providing partial timber projects requiring numerous uncoordinated resources, and within lengthy time frames of 3 or 4 months or more for a single house dwelling.


Whilst Ireland clearly has professional Academics it again shows that these professionals are impotent in the face of the 'powers' of Academia that stifle & suppress progress – and all this negativity can be placed squarely within the Royal Irish Academy and Royal Dublin Society – for nothing happens within Academia that is not 'controlled' by those powers.

And governments willingly support this gross distortion of Academia – it clearly explains why Ireland remains retarded despite its wealth of skills – and why those skills are beginning to export again.


And this will remain the case until such time as Governments correctly engage with Economy Engineering so as to establish sound Economy Structures & Controls and hence disempower those rogue powers within RIA & RDS & corporates.




# Royal Dublin Society: Annual Boyle Medal Award & Lecture: The Secret Lives of Cells: The thrill of discovery and the joy of exploring our inner universe,

Professor Seamus Martin,


An extremely interesting lecture by Seamus Martin – ruined by his display of a concretely closed mindset, when the writer raised that Newton's Opticks being wrong meant that R&D into microbiology is held back – Martin's body-language & tone was scathing.


Irish Times Science writer, an unqualified person, made a foolish statement to the effect that biology was being discussed not physics. It was entirely missed that everything, including biology, functions because of the fundamental physics of the Universe – and this is not properly understood because Opticks are wrong, and wrongly held to be correct.


Martin rightly stated that Ireland was behind in international R&D – and Martin's closed mindset is a major contribution to that backwardness.


RDS, like RIA, is also key contributor to Ireland's backwardness – RDS is a key link into corporate Organised Crime, which is contrary to RDS's false claim of being philanthropic



# Royal Dublin Society: RDS Business Breakfast Seminar: The vital role that social enterprise can play in building an inclusive recovery.

Mr Darren Ryan,


The term 'Social Entrepreneur' is a contradiction in terms. Entrepreneur, synonymous with ''self interest' is antonymous with 'social'

Nevertheless Darren Ryan gave insights to just some of many amazing social initiatives that are unfolding in Ireland – from prisoner form to local work groups & many other initiatives


BUT, BUT, BUT – it needs to be recognised that these initiatives are treating the symptoms, not the underlying Causal Factors, of a failing nation – because of mismanagement by past and present governments.


More crime is being perpetrated so more offenders are imprisoned than those reformed, and those reformed can only stay reformed if there is hope of future prosperity; which, because of the austerity measures, is not realisable.


And austerity has taken hold because Economy Engineering is oppressively suppressed.




# More bogus science presented by BBC (British Bullsh-t Corporation)


If one cannot recognise what is seen through a prism then one cannot recognise what is seen through a telescope, which is a collective of multiplicities of prisms – which is exactly the error that Edwin Hubble made in wrongly interpreting & claiming red-shift. E does NOT equal m c squared.


* BBC2 Horizon – Climate Change – A Horizon Guide, Helen Czerski – a mis&disguiding Guide – along with dishonesty & deceptions by RS Paul Nurse.

To the extent of covering the past 4 or 5 decades of research into 'climate change' this programme gave a good overview – however Czerski took it way off-course by emphasising & maintaining that the shift in cyclical weather patterns is down to Pollution.

Helen Czerski made no attempt to explain the huge dynamic radiated/transmitted solar forces that must be present so as to rotate & orbit planets about stars & to achieve synchronicity – and leapt to the comfort-zone of wrongly maintaining the Pollution claim.

BUT, the credibility of the entire programme was destroyed by bringing in open dishonesty, in the form of RS President Paul Nurse giving a white-wash over the Anglia University email story.

Anglia refuse to openly engage on the real Solar/Planets dynamics that would significantly alter the way we address 'climate change'




* BBC4 – Climate Change by Numbers – mathematicians causing more confusion

Hannah Fry (UCL), Norman Fenton (QMUL), David Spiegelhalter (Cambridge)

Three mathematicians state that they are NOT scientists – YET, later & with false authority, state that the 'underlying physics [of climate science] is robust'.


Norman Fenton states that he has experience within the Financial Services industry – BUT, Fenton did NOT identify the massive global frauds that have caused the global economy meltdown (masterminded by Donald Gordon, and emulated by other finance institutions, and Richard Branson, Warren Buffet etc.)


David Spiegelhalter states that he assists NHS – BUT, Spiegelhalter did NOT recognise the massive destructions caused by Netcare, an SA corporation evolved through finance frauds derived by Donald Gordon.


Both these issues WERE identified by the writer.


So, 2 of these mathematicians do not recognise the underlying economics/finance behind their research works.....

. YET, they argue that they can solve the 'Climate Change' argument.


It is correct to say that we do not observe climate – we only & always observe weather (stated by David Spiegelhalter?)


And this is a crucial point – we previously (prior to CDADD's R&D) have missed entirely that Planets function and that weather is a micro-component of that functionality. To that extent the term 'Climate' and 'Climate Change' are misnomers, they are terms that create an incorrect/artificial/intangible 'science' entity.


The earth functions – as a consequence we get weather - just because we do not like the way the Solar System functions, and also because we have a guilt-trip (valid) about man-made Pollution, is no ground for claiming that 'Climate' exists – when, in fact, we should be addressing the underlying science of how Planets do function – and addressing the hostility & dishonesty from old-guard Academia over their oppressive suppression of new science.


However the rest of this programme was of 3 mathematicians/statisticians confusing the 'climate' issue with ever-more unqualified statements,


All 3 relied on micro-data, which over time has evermore accumulated into a lot of micro-data, and into masses of micro-data, and into big and bigger and BIGGER micro-data → such that it requires a massive super-computer to crunch all this amount of micro-data.


And unwittingly we are brain-softened into wrongly thinking that masses of micro-data => BIG DATA => MACRO FACTORS


THIS IS ENTIRELY WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ….


. masses of micro-data REMAINS micro-data. FULL STOP


. also, masses of micro-data is NOT BIG DATA, it REMAINS micro-data. FULL STOP


This is NOT to say that their analytical tools, insofar as micro-data is concerned, is not producing useful results – but it is entirely wrong to extrapolate those models by wrongly claiming BIG DATA or that it is a MACRO FACTOR/S.

Fenton used the sun's heating energy 'fingerprint' to counter the argument that pollution is not causal of global warming/climate change. BUT Fenton (conveniently) fails to recognise that the sun's direct heating is a minuscule amount of the Sun's TOTAL energy output.


To understand this (loosely): an induction motor running on no-load → measure steady state temperature → increase load – notice temperature increases AND that motor speed reduces. According to Fenton the load is causing the warming. WRONG, largely that is. It is the current and resistive value of the motor's windings & mechanical friction that is causing the temperature to increase – heat increases as the square of the current (I squared x R losses, which are added to by the reduction in fan cooling due to drop in speed as load increases)


The Sun radiates electro-motive power as well as heat (& other factors) – it is the multi-phase electro-motive power that causes the planets to rotate & orbit synchronously. And it is due to planets functioning as SUPER-MOTORS that planets give off heating, and why we have a molten core due to it being effectively an induction furnace.


And we know that other planets are interacting within our solar system, and all these are causing changes to Earth's orbital dynamics, and hence all of which is causing changes to our weather.


Pollution IS a very serious issue – simply look at the grimy buildings & dirty air in cities - BUT, it is entirely wrong to manipulate micro-data to wrongly explain MACRO FACTORS, or to wrongly promote micro-data whilst ignoring the realities of MACRO FACTORS


One has to explain rotational & orbital synchronicity of planets about stars – and until that is done one cannot ever bring understandings of what causes extreme weather


A BBC programme in which mathematicians soften brains further.




* BBC2 Horizon – Aftershock – the Hunt for Gravitational waves. Hunting blindly for a pin but not recognising the hay nor the pin nor the stack.


Recap: Newton's Opticks are wrong – hence Michelson-Morley, Einstein, Hubble, Hawking, CERN are also wrong – and scientists remain locked-in to defective theories based upon centuries-old opticks – it follows that gazing into space that scientists are looking for a pin but cannot recognise the hay nor the pin nor the stack.


To summarise this BBC2 Horizon programme: Alan Guth (MIT) came up, c1970s, with an 'Inflation' theory that explains the few minutes immediately after a notional 'Big Bang' (note: in using the term Big Bang we are now already softening our brains into accepting more sci-fi) – from which nuclei formed, then over some 38 thousand years atoms evolved, and 1 billion years later galaxies evolved, and over the next 3 billion years everything else progressively evolved until we get to present day.


As a consequence of all this it was proposed that we should be able to pick up the minutest of gravitational waves from the past Big Bang & Inflation phases – hence BICEP1 & Keck Array at the South Pole – see link below for more brain softening – even the full name of the acronyms is mind-boggling


BUT, BUT, BUT – STOP & THINK …................ just stop ….... and think!


Gravitational Waves, Gravity – stop & think what this is.


Gravity is a very weak planetary force, an 'internal' force – it CANNOT possibly be responsible for causing planets to rotate & orbit SYNCHRONOUSLY about a star (in our case, the earth about the sun) – it requires multi-phase (poly-phase) power supply, the same as synchronous motors require multi-phase to remain locked-in to constant rotational velocity.


Consequently the inductive forces flowing from the sun that enables the planets to rotate & orbit synchronously must be MONUMENTAL in relation to Gravity, that weak force that holds everything onto planets (e.g. us on earth) – so clearly we must be sitting in a field of forces to which we are oblivious, much as birds are oblivious to the massive many-thousands-of-volts power flowing beneath them when perched on national grid power lines.


We also know when satellites are sent into space that the gravitational pull diminishes rapidly as the satellite moves further from earth. And we also know, from star gazing, that light information does not diminish, otherwise we would not see stars. Again, think about this, very carefully –> that light information of a star, that we see here on earth, MUST be the same intensity as that cone-arc of light at the star which is radiating directly towards us – otherwise we would not be able to see stars.


A very simple experiment. Take a magnet and a pin, test that the magnet picks up the pin. Place the magnet on a bookshelf and whilst placing it notice the books on the shelf, actually read the titles of some of those books, read them aloud just to convince yourself this is all real & is not sci-fi – but note: choose books that will not soften your brain; so avoid sci-fi books by Stephen Hawking, Richard Dawkins, Brian Cox, Jim Al-Khalili, etc., perhaps choose a very sensible book like ….. like …... 'House at Pooh Corner'


Move with the pin, say, ten feet away and notice that you can still read the titles of & images on the books – yes, Winnie-the-Pooh, Piglet & Eeyore are clear as daylight. Now, open your hand holding the pin, notice that it remains in your hand – i.e. the magnet has not drawn the pin toward itself.


Do you now see that radiated magnetic forces diminish rapidly but light information (light itself) does not.


Do you now see that planets must be rotating in a Universal ether of massive high energy/power- just as birds sit oblivious upon transmission power lines -> for how else could planets rotate & orbit stars? And with multi-phase power supply to achieve synchronous rotation.


Your mind is possibly rebelling against this – but, stay calm – don't let your brain go soft - walk towards the magnet until the pin snaps to the magnet – you are not imagining all this – it is real – it is because magnetic & other radiated forces diminish rapidly whereas light & light information does not.


Radiated forces diminish for two reasons – inverse-square law AND because of the phenomena of how the ether functions (which we do not presently know, mainly because we have mistakenly accepted Opticks as being right when in fact it is wrong)


Again, think about this. Imagine an ether particle at some hypothetical distance that we perceive to be the boundary of the Universe, and that ether particle has the intensity of light from a torch. That light information that eventually reaches us on earth (although we could never see it because ambient light throughout the Universe would swamp it) is EXACTLY identical to that at its source; BUT, we would only be able to see a tiniest portion of the ether particle because of the distance. It is because of the diminishing size of cone-arc that causes the light intensity of a star to diminish, as seen by a distant observer - but the light intensity of each & every ether particle remains constant.


Hence: Light & other radiated forces, such as gravity, magnetic fields, etc., all function upon & as a consequence of the ether, but all function differently, even though they all obey inverse-square law - and light clearly faithfully switches unattenuated through space, otherwise we would not see stars.


Gravitational forces are very, very, very much weaker than magnetic forces – you have just witnessed this with the pin snapping to the magnet …...


.. so how then can BICEP or KECK be picking up weak gravitational forces??????????????? from the furthest reaches of the Universe, ifever, wherever & however far that furthest reach may be. How can this claim be made?


A telescope (microscope) is a collective multitude of prisms – if one cannot understand what one sees through a singular prism then one cannot understand what one sees through a collective multitude of prisms – which is why Edwin Hubble made an interpretational error – which error led to a multitude of erroneous theories:- energy & relativity theories, big bang, CERN, etc., etc., etc.


BUT, how do we interpret that which Hubble misinterpreted?


Go and look through a prism – observe – and think.


All this is NOT to suggest that BICEP, KECK, Planck, etc., etc. are wasted resources – far from it – they are all extremely important – BUT, we need to think correctly about what we are receiving/doing with these instruments.




# BBC2 Stargazing Live – Some Real issues blended with brain-softening sci-fi


The March 20, 2015 Eclipse of the Sun by the Moon, and tracking across Ireland, UK & elsewheres, is the key subject of this 3 night series


As usual Brian Cox & Dara O Briain present some real issues but blend plenty of brain-softening sci-fi amongst it. Guests included Moon-landing Astronaut Buzz Aldrin.


BUT, Eclipses are not rare – they happen ALL the time, every second of every day – because the moon is TOTALLY eclipsing the Sun at some point in our Solar System – the trick is to be in the right place, at the right time, and tracking it constantly if one wants to follow the moon's shadow. However, on earth, this eclipse was tracking across UK and the next event is to be around late 21st Century.


Again, there is nothing unique about an everysecond occurrence. BUT, Friday's eclipse, observable in UK, provided an opportunity to pre-load viewers' brains with some limited Real Science in preparation for Cox's usual brain-softening sci-fi – and this came, partly, in the form of supernova searching.

Chris Lintott (Sky at Night) explained how a search for Ty

pe 1a Supernovae was underway with a telescope in Chile on standby to check & verify sightings, requested by Lintott to be sent in from around the world.


If one views the website:


One is asked to state whether the sample displayed is a supernova candidate or not. BUT, Lintott, Cox, O Briain & BBC do not inform viewers of the phenomena of light scattering due to narrow slits and that in all likelihood that these 'supernovae' are nothing more than transitory (which could be years, even centuries long, in Universe terms) scatterings due to narrow slit phenomena in deep space, i.e. bright-spots caused by slit phenomena.


The fact that NASA have not addressed valid queries from Royal Photographic Society regarding official moon-landing images raises concerns about the entire moonlanding event – after all if the USA can lie about the Twin Towers implosions then they will lie about anything they choose.


It is interesting to note that Neil Armstrong remained largely silent about the entire moonlanding event, but Buzz Aldrin talks plenty, and with not convincing style.




Again, BBC cannot be trusted to present truths; instead BBC present at best half-truths blended with ample lies/deceptions.


It is important not to be bamboozled by the focus, within this Stargazing series, on the valid Engineering behind the various Space projects that softens the brains into willing acceptance of the bogus science fiction that accompanied this series.

Engineering is the application of the sciences into the real world; Science is the philosophy of the tangible realities of the Universe which, through concrete experimentation, is proved (or disproved), and tested for veracity through Engineering application. The real problem is that most science is done by theoreticians who have no science or engineering experience, or who reject common sense.


BUT, sometimes, that which appears proved turns out to be wrong - and this is the case with Opticks and much deep-space 'science' that evolved therefrom and which is now clearly to be seen as sci-fi, despite hostile denial from academics who have deeply entrenched financial & other interests.




*BBC2 Horizon – Dancing in the Dark – search for Dark Matter, Energy, etc. - more blind hunting in the Dark but not recognising what is in the Light.


What more can one say about a bunch of theoreticians that do not perform experiments, nor understand what they see through a prism????


this programme becomes incredibly boring with much nonsense churned out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


BBC stands for British Bullsh-t Corporation –> lies & dishonesty




If one cannot recognise what is seen through a prism then one cannot recognise what is seen through a telescope, which is a collective of multiplicities of prisms – which is exactly the error that Edwin Hubble made in wrongly interpreting & claiming red-shift.


Chris Addington Pr.Eng.




# Addendums:


Abstract, RIA Events & Admissions Policy, Email Addresses

Royal Irish Academy Discourse: What is Europe's Future? February 26, 2015
by Professor Enrico Colombatto, Professor of Economics, University of Turin.

Enrico Colombatto is a Professor of Economics at the University of Turin, where he teaches “Foundations of Policymaking”, “International Economics”, and “Growth and Development”. He is the head of research at IREF (Institut de Recherches Économiques et Fiscales) and a Senior Fellows at GIS (Liechtenstein). His present research interests cover the Economics of growth and development, law and Economics, and Austrian Economics. His last book is titled Markets, Morals and Policy Making: A New Defense of Free-Market Economics (Routledge, 2011).

Abstract - What is Europe's Future?

Europe is in a quagmire because it has failed to meet two basic challenges. First, after having seen the light as a free-trade area, it gradually evolved towards a political project. Yet, it failed to acquire the necessary legitimacy to obtain the powers it needs in order to design and carry out a consistent policymaking agenda. Moreover, many policymakers – both in the member countries and in Brussels – have failed to fully grasp the meaning and consequences of globalization. In fact, this term is a synonym for worldwide competition, in which the winners are those able to deploy their entrepreneurial skills whenever an opportunity arises, and promptly correct their mistakes. In this light, the European Union has failed to create an institutional setting in which this can happen. Thus, we are falling behind (with some exceptions). These shortcomings are far more important than the so-called eurocrisis. The future remains cloudy, and unless some major countries bring about substantial reforms, growth is going to be sluggish across the continent. In the meantime, Brussels and Frankfurt will perhaps decide whether the common currency is a technical tool, or a picklock to break through a number of political bottlenecks and justify unpalatable decisions. In regard to the grand project to obtain a federal entity, deadlines are being postponed, for want of clearer visions and firmer resolve.


Events and Admission Policy

The Royal Irish Academy aims to foster a welcoming, professional and productive environment at all events taking place in Academy House, as well as at our events taking place elsewhere. To assist us in achieving this, please note the following:

  • For all our free events we build in a percentage of no-shows, therefore a ticket is not a guarantee of entry. Please arrive 10 minutes early to optimise your chance of a seat. Late arrivals may not be admitted.

  • Attendees are asked to act in accordance with instructions of the Chair, at all times, to ensure a participative and constructive meeting and a diversity of contributions from the floor.

  • Anyone asked to stop engaging in unacceptable behaviour must comply immediately. Failure to comply may result in request to leave the premises. Admission fees will not be refunded. The Academy reserves the right to refuse attendance at future Academy events.

  • Inappropriate behaviour, direct or indirect, whether verbal, physical or otherwise, is unacceptable. For example, unwelcome and unsolicited comments, disruptive, or hostile behaviour, including speech that intimidates, creates discomfort, or interferes with a person’s participation in an Academy associated event; inappropriate physical contact; unwelcome sexual attention; deliberate intimidation or stalking.

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Email addresses:

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