Lucy Letby


ADDENDUM 3 (MP David Davis – News conference)



but, Skynews Kay Burley continues lock-in to her Media-Trial Conviction of Letby



ADDENDUM 2 (MP David Davis) to:



MP David Davis' statement to UK Parliament HoC – Jan 8, 2025


New Appeal grounds (undated video)


Serial Killers and Statistical Blunders - Why Lucy Letby might be wrongly imprisoned: John O'Quigley





by Prosecution, Defence, presiding Judge

& Parliament




Addendum 3


News conference (Feb4, 2025) chaired by MP David Davis – International Panel of NeoNatal specialists conclusively, unanimously found NO EVIDENCE of murder - but plenty (it appears) inadequate (derelict?) professionalism by medical doctors.


Whilst this new evidence gives further clear example of a failed, outdated Westminster (In)Justice system, Davis has ignored his own failings regarding this gross miscarriage of Justice.

Based purely on Main-Media news reportage Davis was CONVINCED that Letby was GUILTY, even before her conviction. Davis applied no Scientific expertise to adduce evidence against Letby prior conviction – yet, Davis states he is a Scientist - but is grossly derelict in practising such by leaping to unqualified conclusions.


One could argue that Davis has redeemed himself by now taking up the cause of challenging an unjust, incorrect Guilty verdict against Letby.

It was clear before Trial that there were serious flaws in evidence – admittedly this was mathematically/statistically based, but sufficient to demand caution & proper investigation – attempts to get Letby's Legals to engage were rejected by them (as set out below & linked)


BUT, Davis trivialises past injustices against Letby, just as he still refuses to acknowledged numerous other miscarriages of Justice: fabricated evidence in Stephen Lawrence murder convictions; Newton's opticks are wrong & that Newton stole the intellectual property; globalised Pension/Investment frauds; Twin Towers IMPLODED; and much much more.


Davis took on Letby's case simply to project himself back into the limelight after the Conservatives political defeat.


Skynews morning session (Feb5,2025) had front media-prostitute Kay Burley stress (to effect) that Letby was a convicted murderer – implying that this new evidence changes nothing, which position Burley had been prompting during Letby's Trial – and cannot be ruled-out as a major contributing factor to a miscarriage of Trial Justice.

This prostitution by Skynews highlights the dangers of Main-Media influencing the Public, hence Jury members – which 'AI' is going, if not already, to exponentially compound in the not too distant future.

This is self-evident, alone, from the FAKE PrinceAndrew/VirginiaGuiffre photo – but which Main-Media still refuse to acknowledge as FAKE, whilst continuing to maliciously hound PA


Clearly, the outdated UK Westminster (In)Justice system needs overhaul – not only from UK's own internal injustices, but from the clear evidence of the Nazi-based system (historically melded with UK Imperial Oppressions & later Autocratic power abuse) in its next-door neighbour: Republic of Ireland (see below)


But, these problems are not solely with the (In)Justice system, but with Parliament & Government in toto.


UK Parliamentarians are, like Davis is, selectively 'honest' – to the detriment of Societies globally





Chris Addington Pr.Eng.




Addendum 2


MP David Davis' 19-minute statement to House-of-Commons (HoC) (youtube link above) belatedly addresses a GROSS INJUSTICE done to Lucy Letby. Davis also highlights the technical difficulties regarding UK's (In)Justice system that obstructs a Gross Injustice being Justly reversed.


Davis also gives a non-exhaustive summary of numerous Justice failings by Police & Prosecutors, but wrongly IGNORES the Gross & Criminal Derelictions/Negligences by Letby's Legal Defence team – not least because her Solicitors (Russell&Russell) ignored the writer's offer during trial to peruse the Prosecutions case against Letby (see link above).


The above-link to above gives a brief background to the gross injustices regarding Letby's investigation & trial - and also regarding the Thirlwall Inquiry which was convened, wrongly so, on the basis of guilt, and during which many persons called to give evidence apologised for their failings in detecting Letby's actions – which actions, for which she has wrongly been convicted, are now & were then in serious doubts, based upon Professional/Chartered Engineering considerations.


So, UK's closed-shop (In)Justice system has doubly compounded the wrongful case against Letby.

(Note: this is NOT to say that Letby is innocent, but that the investigation was grossly flawed, the Prosecution was Grossly Flawed, the Defence were Grossly/Criminally Derelict/Negligent, the Judge was Grossly/Criminally Derelict/Negligent, …... - but, the increasing evidence coming to light is indicating Letby's innocence, such that 'guilt, beyond a reasonable doubt' is far, far below 50%. No! 10% → thus an Acquittal)


But, further, Davis highlights the numerous other Professional persons that raised concerns about the false premises of the Prosecutions case.


The writer raised limited arguments because of limited information at that time, because Prosecutorial evidence is not readily available to the Public, which is a travesty as the Public are collectively victim of the closed-shop system - but those arguments raised, based not only on statistics, clearly had solid grounds for disproving Prosecutions case – but, again, Russell&Russell ignored the offer of assistance.


It is acceptable to use statistics to assist in detecting crime but cannot be solely relied upon – the case of AirFrance447 is a case in point in which statistical Bayesian analysis was wrongly claimed to have found the plane – it did NOT!

( )


But also, Bayesian Statistics showed that Sally Clarke was wrongly convicted through false Statistical argument raised by a doctor unqualified in Statistics – but Clarke's innocence was not because of the Bayesian Statistics but because of Clarke's propensity to bear 'cot-death syndrome' babies, a genetic issue.


BUT, Statistics does PROVE that Statistics alone must not be used as categoric proof.


John O'Quigley's interview (link above) clarifies the dangers of Statistics.



The presiding Judge should have been alert to such Derelictions/Negligences during the Letby trial, but was totally INCOMPETENT.

More so, in light of the increasing exposure of the Postmasters issues that were then & still are current, the Judge should have been on HIGH-ALERT.


Any one of the points raised by Davis, to which the writer had no knowledge, but would have had R&R solicitors engaged with the offer, were singularly SOLID GROUNDS for the Defence Legals to disprove Prosecutions case.

But, we also now know from Prof. Richard Gill (see cdadd link above) that both Prosecution & Defence were effectively colluding (criminally so?) regarding statistical evidence – which alone distorted the Trial against Letby.


BUT, worse still, Davis, at the time of Letby's (wrongful) Trial & (wrongful) Conviction, 'believed' in the Conviction, hence in Letby's 'guilt' – as did many?, most?, ALL?, of UK Parliamentarians …...


….. what this means is that with so many Professionals claiming the falsity of Prosecution's case, and PRIOR to Prosecution, despite the majority Academics fearing standing-up, that Parliament TOTALLY IGNORED that opposing evidence that was available – but instead 'tuned' into Main-Media tripe.


How much more can a Jury (Parliament, Society, ...) be swayed to a wrongful conviction, simply because of the abusive Main-Media pressure (prostitutes from Skynews, BBC, Guardian, Telegraph, …), coupled with Parliamentary voices, compelling the Jury to a wrongful 'guilty' verdict.


And this on top of the inherent dishonesty within Parliament, not least because they too block new Science that disproves centuries-old theories (→ Newton stole Opticks IP, which is why Opticks are wrong)

House-of-Commons Speaker Lindsay Hoyle criminally blocks the writer's emails, as do other Parliamentarians – it does not take too much brain-power to recognise that a corrupt Parliament leads to a corrupt Judiciary & a closed-shop (In)Justice system.


SURELY, it is time to FULLY RECOGNISE just how corrupted is the



And remember, that the UK's Westminster (In)Justice system is widely replicated throughout the Commonwealth, and also into other Nations (see below)



Davis highlights the fears by certain Professionals in coming forward with evidence – this alone confirms the dangers inherent within closed-shop systems – TRUTH is oppressively suppressed, with Royal Society, Royal Institute being key oppressors.


And this is reinforced by the David Irving/Deborah Lipstadt civil trial, in which Irving was railroaded by Lipstadt's legals whose intentions were to 'win, at all costs', regardless of the injustices required to achieve that result.

(Note: the Denial film was based upon verified statements in & out of trial, as asserted in later publications of the Denial book)


Whilst the writer is TOTALLY OPPOSED to Irving's assertions, re: Holocaust Denial and/or its extent, the key point is that certain valid (on surface) evidences asserted by Irving were rejected by Lipstadt who insulted Irving without giving Professional rebuttal – i.e. Academic engagement was abusively ignored. So Irving took Lipstadt to Court. The erroneous Judgment from the Irving/Lipstadt trial, because of the railroading, has allowed Academics to hide behind false 'science' – (Brian Cox, Jim al Khalili, Brian Green, Richard Dawkins, …..) and these dishonest academics can scam the unsuspecting public through bogus books/films/programmes.


So, if Science evidence is presented to courts there is no way to establish the veracity of that evidence, or of those that give it – because the minority who are prepared to stand-up & challenge are swamped by those refusing to so do – Peer pressure is EXTREMELY POWERFUL within Academia, careers are broken through it. The writer is TOTALLY IMMUNE to such abusive Academic power, having fully accepted its consequent isolation.


Also note: Lipstadt (& Governments, Academia, Judges, … ALL) refuses to acknowledge that the Twin Towers were imploded when concrete Science evidence PROVES so (absence of transfer-of-momentum dynamics for a natural collapse, hence additional high impulse (explosive) forces & sequential => by definition: IMPLOSIONS!!!)


Academia, as with ALL spheres of Society, Justice included, is corrupted by

corporate Organised Crime

Which is why so many people are wrongly convicted


None of the aforegoing PROVES Letby's innocence, but it does PROVE the GROSS INJUSTICE of the Trial and the falsity of the wrongful conviction, because of incorrect evidence..


As with the fabricated evidence in the Stephen Lawrence Murder convictions, it may very well have been a Right conviction – BUT, BUT, BUT ….


a Right Conviction for the WRONG Reasons

is just as WRONG as a Wrong Conviction




[Closed-shop Westminster (In)Justice systems

One only needs to understand the Republic of Ireland's Nazi-based (In)Justice system in which the present Chief Justice, Donal O'Donnell, only 4 weeks ago violated a fundamental principle raised by the Nuremberg Judges Trial – in that O'Donnell perpetrated (NJT Indictment Count 2) ' ….crimes through the abuse of the judicial and penal process ..' and, ongoingly, ' ... resulting in mass murder, torture, plunder of private property ....' and causal of '… war …', which is a War Crime itself. It was not an isolated incident, it happens daily.

This kind of Criminal abuse is is done within ALL Western Nations' (In)Justice systems, through which the rest-of-the-World is oppressed - but is no excuse for any Chief Justice to argue such widespread as a defence.


O'Donnell's Criminal Acts are replicated throughout Ireland's (In)Justice system – Ireland's Constitution was developed by de Valera, a Common-Law & War Capital-Crimes criminal, who should have been Prosecuted by the fledgling Republic for those Capital-Crimes, in which event the Death penalty would most assuredly have been handed-down. But, de Valera, in escaping UK Military Justice (1916 Uprising) & RoI Justice (for Treasons & inciting Civil War), and later in bouncing between PM & Presidency roles, aligned with Nazi ideology in the 1930s and developed the Constitution - through which present day (In)Justices are perpetrated – and ALL through an incestuous & corrupt Four (now Six, briefly Eight) Courts complex in Dublin.


How many other Nations are utilising the (In)Justices of the outdated closed-shop Westminster system?]




As always, constructive engagement is welcomed.





Chris Addington Pr.Eng.
