BP, Deepwater Horizon, oil-spill -> SABOTAGE (UPDATED)


[UPDATE 2: There is clearly a cover-up over the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill.



NOTE: Prof Bob Bea - UCLA Berkeley, Centre For Catastrophic Risk Management - was responsible for the media deceptions immediately after the BPDH event – Bea was also responsible for the mis&dis-information & deceptions behind the wrongful claim for natural collapse of Twin Towers - fundamental science proves Implosions -> absence of transfer of momentum dynamics proves additional high impulse, explosive, forces, and sequential -> by definition: IMPLOSION!



Latest reports are from:

- National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling, and

- Berkley University Centre for Catastrophic Risk Management CCRM:

- BP Internal Report by Mark Bly


-------- These Reports Evade & Avoid crucial evidence.


BBC2’s Programme: BP: $30Bn Blowout – A Money Programme Special can be described as emotive media trash devoid of science/engineering truths.


Tony Hayward - political ‘admissions’ selling Britannia’s integrity


Britannia ALWAYS bats far above the average of its ally – but USA turns, snarls & cheats its Ally, Britannia


UPDATE 2: Please SCROLL down]




BP, Deepwater Horizon, oil-spill


Another well-planned strategic attack on the USA?


Is the BP, Deepwater Horizon oil-spill simply a case of negligence or is it another well-planned strategic attack on the USA (& other western nations) similar to Twin Towers, USS Liberty, Kennedy assassination, etc.?


President Barack Obama continues to lie about the Twin Towers implosion consequently his statements on BP & about the spill also cannot be believed.


We are seeing Obama present a blame-game.


Obama’s blame-game puts responsibility for the spill fully onto BP. The blame is laid on the grounds that BP chose riskier, less-safe, operating procedures during the oil-well development & construction.


It essentially argues that BP undermined Engineering professionalism through financial & power pressures – hence within a riskier engineering environment the Deepwater Horizon rig experienced a failure, the result of which we see & hear through media of TV, internet, press, etc.


Obama, in playing to US citizens, brought pressure onto BP to ‘fire’ CEO Tony Hayward but Obama freely continues to lie publicly over Twin Towers implosions. It is plain to see that corrupt financial & power pressures are being exerted on the US Presidency which has long-been a puppet to Israel (Real & Virtual) which was behind both the Twin Towers & USS Liberty attacks.


Media continue to lie about Twin Towers implosions – it is unlikely they are telling the truth over this, the world’s worst ever, oil spill.


In a 60 Minutes interview


Deepwater Horizon Chief Electrical Technician Mike Williams stated that:

- the oil-well blow out preventer had been tested but that during testing an operator ‘jigged’ the drill shaft upwards causing damage to the seal which was evidenced by large chunks of rubber & mud (for sealing well hole). How do large chunks of rubber get past a close tolerance clearance between drill shaft & preventer casing??????????

- Williams stated that a 3 inch thick steel door was blown of its hinges by the explosion, with him immediately behind the door, throwing him & door some metres against another wall & finishing up with this massive door on top of him. Yet, in the interview not a discernible mark barring a quick flash of the 60 Minutes camera to Williams’ forehead when he mentioned that he had received a gash.


There was no follow up investigation by 60 Minutes of these claims – and the claims by Williams makes no sense.

60 Minutes also had a person (unnamed) state that BP was to blame & with no proof of same.


In short, the 60 Minutes programme simply presented unsubstantiated statements.


Obama is indirectly suggesting that offshore oil-companies, well known for their greed, are drilling in the backyard of the USA and without careful inspection & oversight of operations by USA inspectors. And especially of the riskiest stages of a well development. Such a suggestion makes no sense.


It is clear that, in general, financial & power pressures have undermined Engineering Professionalism – we see this with collapsing US bridges, exploding SASOL fuel plants, exploding Bhopal plant, substandard construction, Twin Towers implosions, Global Economy Meltdown, Challenger disaster, etc. – but the point is, who is applying the pressures & how? And why is the USA, or any government, willingly allowing this to happen?


It is clear that engineering professionals who raise valid warnings (regardless of whether a fail-safe false warning, or genuine) are censured with severe economic and/or social isolation but governments fail to protect whistle-blowers (the catastrophic failures show that engineers are pressurised, with threats of severe censure, not to raise appropriate warnings).


Engineering is wrongly being subordinated to Financial Powers & pressures.


The US government’s ploy of deflecting attention, again onto BP, by ‘investigating’ a link between Libyan oil contracts and the release of the Lockerbie bomber creates further confusion & mental fatigue behind which numerous lies & deceptions can be pasted to cover-up the truth of the world’s worst ever oil-spill disaster


It appears that other oil companies did nothing to assist with the disaster which would have indirect consequences on all in the industry.


Ultimately, the blame-game for the Deepwater Horizon oil-spill lies squarely at the feet of President Barack Obama (& David Cameron, & Angela Merkel, & Nicolas Sarkozy, etc.), for the ongoing lies that they continue to present. The USA & UK Justice systems are also fully complicit in these lies, including Lord Chief Justice Igor Judge & US Chief Justice John G Roberts Jr.


The world is also being misled by the ongoing lies over the Global Economy Meltdown – also, false hopes are continually being raised by governments & central bank governors through (misplaced) optimism in a not-too-distant economic recovery.


It is impossible that 50 years of pension/investments frauds, coupled with massive double-accounting scams, along with multiplier compoundings, creating a mountain of artificial money & grossly inflated money-supply, has been worked out of the global economy system.

Consequently, any buoyancy will be derived upon misplaced confidence that will be realised later when pensions continue to fail to materialise.


Economic recovery is severely impeded because governments refuse to engage correctly with Economy Engineering, instead they continue to listen to economic scientists promoting grossly defective ‘science’ models & to numerous other financial ‘experts’, none of whom have any engineering insights. Chaos continues & global tensions are increasing.


On a balance of probabilities, it is more likely that Deepwater Horizon was a strategic attack, and, like Twin Towers implosions, much remaining evidence has already been destroyed, and there are limited videos of the event, which make it more difficult to verify the true cause independent from ‘justice’ system investigators who cannot be trusted or believed.


Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

www.cdadd.com, (currently unlawfully & abusively gagged/censored by SA ISP Diamatrix.co.za & USA ISP Softlayer.com)

(Under enforced exile from South Africa due to ANC government’s oppressive XDR-nazi system and oppressive economic isolation by corporate & academic world’s.)

XDR = Extreme Democracy Resistant.

(NOTE: Obama changed his email address after CDADD brought realities directly to his attention shortly before his election, & Obama continues to ignore the reward obligations for numerous Intellectual Property value by CDADD from which the USA has benefited. Secretary Hilary Clinton allows US internet companies to unlawfully censor the internet, which is the reason for www.cdadd.com being unlawfully shut-down, hence truth is restricted. Consequently Engineering Professionalism is undermined at the highest levels of governments.)




##### UPDATE 1: October 25, 2010 #####


BP, Deepwater Horizon, oil-spill (UPDATE 1)


[Correspondences with

1. Professor Robert (Bob) Bea – Berkeley University & Centre for Catastrophic Risk Management

2. BP Tony Hayward/PA Liz Gordon & BOP Investigative Team

BP Investigative Report – Bogus, vague, unclear & avoids critical evidence – purposefully to deceive & cover-up

Professor Robert (Bob) Bea – Disingenuous

The indications are that the BP/Deepwater Horizon oil spill was a planned attack which is now being covered-up - just as occurred with Twin Towers implosions (of which TT investigations Bob Bea was also extensively & intimately involved).

Like Colombo or Hercules Poirot - it is important to look for the evidence that does NOT fit the claimed cause]




Correspondence to Professor Bob Bea & BP’s CEO (now ex) Tony Hayward & new CEO Bob Dudley have resulted in disingenuous responses from Bea & BP.


The evidence given by Deepwater Horizon Chief Electrical Technician Mike Williams has been entirely ignored – no attempt has been made by Bea or BP to explain how Williams’ evidence fits the facts.


Any Deception strategy depends upon meticulous planning – it is usually through detection of minor details that do NOT fit the claimed cause that a deception is uncovered. The fact that Williams’ evidence has been ignored, that BP’s report pastes masses of half-information, that Bea does not back-up his statements – all lead to a conclusion that the entire oil-spill event was a pre-planned attack that is being covered-up.


Correspondence to Prof Robert Bea (accused BP in 60 Minutes programme) and to BP CEO Tony Hayward (& via PA Liz Gordon) have produced no clarification on critical evidence, in particular of Ch Tech Williams’ evidence of large BOP seal pieces appearing on the rig deck.

Robert Bea flatly refuses to confirm the basis of his condemnation of BP, or to withdraw the accusations in light of absence of proof – nor does Bea attempt to explain Williams’ testimony.


Bea is also a senior member/heads-up Berkley’s Centre for Catastrophic Risk Management (CCRM) – it is IMPORTANT to note that Bea & CCRM have not told the truth regarding Twin Towers implosions – bearing in mind that Bea is refusing to clarify his accusations concerning BP it leaves only one conclusion – that Prof Robert Bea cannot be trusted to tell the truth.






Feedback from BP’s investigative team ignore the specific request for explanation of Williams’ evidence & their report (purposefully) creates much confusion (as also occurred with the mass of ‘evidence’ & theories after the TT implosions). The new BP CEO, Bob Dudley, has not responded to repeat requests for full explanations.


BP are dishonest.


BP’s deceptive report (undertaken by their in-house investigation team) -



Email correspondence between CDADD and 1. Prof Robert Bea and 2. BP CEO Tony Hayward via PA Liz Gordon are copied below.


Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

www.cdadd.com, (currently unlawfully & abusively gagged/censored by SA ISP Diamatrix.co.za & USA ISP Softlayer.com)

(Under enforced exile from South Africa due to ANC government’s oppressive XDR-nazi system and oppressive economic isolation by corporate & academic world’s.)

XDR = Extreme Democracy Resistant.

##### END OF UPDATE 1 October 25, 2010 #####




##### UPDATE 2: January 14, 2011 #####


There is clearly a cover-up over the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill.


Latest reports are from:

- National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling,

- Berkley University Centre for Catastrophic Risk Management CCRM

- BP Internal Report by Mark Bly

------These Reports Evade & Avoid crucial evidence.





http://www.bp.com/liveassets/bp_internet/globalbp/globalbp_uk_english/incident_response/STAGING/local_assets/downloads_pdfs/Deepwater_Horizon_Accident_Investigation_Report.pdf ]


And, in early November 2010, BBC2 aired ‘BP: $30 Billion Blowout – A money Programme Special. This programme can be described as emotive media trash devoid of any science/engineering truths.



These reports make up hundreds of pages of garbage – and all evade & avoid the CRITICAL EVIDENCE given by Ch Tech Mike Williams regarding Blowout Preventer seal pieces coming up on deck which proves with almost certainty that the spill was a sabotage event – because it is impossible for large pieces of seal to pass through miniscule close-tolerance clearances within a BOP device.


Emails to:

BP CEOs Bob Dudley, Tony Hayward & Technical Expert Mark Bly; Berkeley University/CCRM/DHSG Prof Bob Bea; CCRM/DHSG Prof Trevor Kletz, Loborough University



Looking briefly at the background to BP:

BP under John Browne (later Lord) was duped into merging with USA Amoco (ex Standard Oil of Indiana) in late 1998 which was operating sub-standard plants; and formed BP Amoco. Later, in 2000, ARCO & Burmah Oil were bought up by BP Amoco – both being originally USA oil companies.


Browne, to boost his own image, was set-up to accept the merger & without adequate due-diligence. Within 3 years reference to Amoco (and hence direct links to USA) was dropped and became solely BP (i.e. British).


BEFORE even 1 year had expired (after the merger) a series of serious problems, and running through the first decade of the millennia, befell those companies that were originally USA oil companies - but these American oil companies were now being viewed as British – BECAUSE Browne had bend duped & dumped with sub-standard oil plants that were originally American owned & negligently operated (which is why they failed, catastrophically)

(Browne’s lack of due-diligence is also evident in his recent University Fees Report, causal of much social unrest)


The latest event, the Deepwater Horizon disaster, saw Barack Obama dumping what is essentially American responsibility onto Britain


With all the pressure from media, public & politic, Hayward gave way & SOLD-OUT - it was essentially a politically motivated buyout, to pressurise Hayward & to achieve a takeover of BP by the USA with Bob Dudley being appointed the new CEO.


And PM David Cameron did not have the balls to oppose this criminal sequence of events.


Ch Tech Mike Williams’ evidence is the crucial evidence that indicates CRIMINAL SABOTAGE.


- Another member of CCRM & Berkeley colleague of Robert Bea, Trevor Kletz, responded to CDADD’s last UPDATE by focusing on trivia and evading the crucial issues (see emails below) –

- A scan of the ‘Report to the President’ by the National Commission on the BP/DH Oil Spill shows that emotional recounts of events have priority over crucial evidence.

- BP’s internal report headed up by Mark Bly is purposefully vague & misleading and also evades crucial evidence.


BBC2 - ‘BP: $30 Billion Blowout – A Money Programme Special:

Not one piece of evidence was presented to support the claim that BP was responsible & no comment about Ch Tech Williams’ evidence which would almost certainly prove a sabotage attack.

Prof Robert Bea of Berkeley’s Centre for Catastrophic Risk Management was not sought for justification of his previous premature (& now baseless) accusations or for his evasion of crucial evidence.

Barack Obama’s erstwhile Policy Advisor Robert Reich (now Chancellor at Berkeley’s Goldman School of Public Policy – it appears Berkeley has a trait of making baseless statements) has simply added his voice to baseless accusations against BP.

Britannia has ALWAYS put more than the USA’s State-average onto the fields be it in military conflict or in science research, or business – despite Britannia’s scarcity of resources. Britannia usually stands up to oppressions whilst the USA takes a pussyfooting backstage ‘wait&see’ stance. Had it not been for Britannia standing up to Hitler then it is likely that the USA would have succumbed to an eventual joint German/Japan onslaught.

Britain has ALWAYS batted above its ally’s State-average & supported the USA – but the USA turns, snarls & cheats its Ally, Britannia.

The USA’s Bhopal disaster was ignored by the American people, but now that an attack has happened on their own doorstep they want ‘blood’ and from whomever, regardless of whether they turn on their friends.

Barack Obama’s cowardly stance & unwarranted attack on the USA’s ally showed his supporters his true colours.

A comment was made that ‘Oil & Politics’ are an incendiary mix – this is not a true statement because, like fire, which needs 3 components fuel, heat & air, so too do Oil & Politics need a 3rd component for it to become incendiary – vis: Betrayal.




[As an aside, but relevant:

Last night Berkley’s Prof Michael Burawoy (Sociology) presented a lecture at the Royal Irish Academy – ‘Universities in Crisis’

Burawoy is President of the International Sociological Association.

Burawoy stated that the economic crisis had driven a need for a remodelling of academic/university institutions, and went through historical models before presenting his global approach. Which was all very interesting.

But what Michael Burawoy overlooked, and to which he later agreed in discussion, was that engineering is absent from the Intangible Sciences, of which Sociology is a subset of the Social Sciences.

Whilst Burawoy’s initiatives are to be commended it is important to recognise that the driving force behind it was the onset of a global economy crisis, his development of his models under crisis stresses, and all are devoid of any engineering inputs. It can only result in further chaos.

It was put to Burawoy that the failure by Robert Bea (& Trevor Kletz) to tell the truth indicated that Berkley has a serious problem with ‘honesty & integrity’. Michael Burawoy replied that all disciplines have their problems.

BUT, honesty & integrity is a global, not solely a discipline, issue.

Burawoy’s proposed global model would simply further entrench academic dishonesty – whereas through the application of Engineering it would solve the present Economy Crisis and dissolve the incorrectly perceived need for globalising academia into a central (& corrupt) power.

- Honesty also remains absent at the Royal Irish Academy – the President Prof Nicholas Canny purposefully avoided allowing the writer to challenge Mary Robinson over her newly launched foundation for Climate Justice (which is aligned with global fraudster Richard Branson) – other attendees noted Canny’s lack of honesty.


Mary Robinson is also a member of Nelson Mandela’s ‘The Elders’ – none of the Elders Members have solved, or even identified, the Causal Problems of the Global Economy Meltdown Crisis whilst in Office, yet they believe they can do so out of Office - and without engaging with Economy Engineering!!!!



But honesty also remains absent from all other academic societies around the world!


It is why governments are being misadvised & is causal of defective western governments policies (predominantly Christian) which are polarising the world. And the conflict is more of a spiritual nature, because of dishonesty, rather than political, even though longstanding Economy disparities are the driving/dividing force.


It is the continued dishonesty that proves to the 6B5+ people throughout the world that Western Governments cannot be trusted, which is why peace solutions cannot be achieved, because it is from amongst those oppressed & impoverished people that spiritual anger is justifiably inflamed, and violence understandably driven.


Barack Obama & David Cameron would rather spend many tens of Billions on fighting wars rather than spending a few million on CDADD’s pioneered Economy Engineering.]


(emails: - SCROLL DOWN)


Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

www.cdadd.com, (currently unlawfully & abusively gagged/censored by SA ISP Diamatrix.co.za & USA ISP Softlayer.com)

(Under enforced exile from South Africa due to ANC government’s oppressive XDR-nazi system and oppressive economic isolation by corporate & academic world’s.)

XDR = Extreme Democracy Resistant.

##### END of UPDATE 2 #####





(reverse chronological)

-------- Original Message --------

Subject: Re: UPDATE: BP, Deepwater Horizon, oil-spill - dishonesty from BP & CCRM: A response

Date: Thu, 04 Nov 2010 15:14:23 +0000

From: Chris Addington

To: Trevor Kletz <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

CC: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., "'ALTENDORFF, Hannah'" <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , "'ORR-EWING, David'" <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. 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to trevor kletz

how progresses the investigations?


Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

On 28/10/2010 11:27, Chris Addington wrote:

to trevor kletz

thankyou sincerely for your opportune reply

first, apologies for

1. delay in reply: our boy's, michael's, cat did not survive emergency surgery - was tied up with family trauma

2. for 'grammar': - i'm not an english expert being an ex-rn artificer & a professional engineer,

3. gagging of my site, but beyond my control: nonetheless you were not able to glean further insights

but, it is opportune that your reply EXACTLY highlights the grave difficulties that societies are faced with.

your approx 38 years experience with ici in science research & production & safety means that you are a well experienced expert - BUT, because of media & government dishonesty, you also were not informed that the twin towers were imploded. it is only by chance that i came across freedocumentaries.org & even when viewing those on the tt events i was initially sceptical because it was all circumstantial evidence - but then i noticed that 'transfer of momentum' had not occurred.

nonetheless, despite your extensive industrial plant experience you, like myself & billions others, did not immediately recognise that twin towers could not have collapsed naturally but that they were imploded.

you were equally deceived. and for years.

and that is one of the key points that i am raising, and have been so doing, with blair, brown & now cameron&clegg (& bush & obama)- BUT, i am a lone voice against a mountain of voices that remain deceived - so cameron&clegg can simply justify (wrongly so, nonetheless) ignoring the CONCRETE evidence i present to them

similarly with my research into the tangible (physics) sciences that disproves theories by einstein, hubble, hawking etc. & into the intangible sciences (social/economy/business/finance/legal) which disproves numerous nobel economics prize wining models & into the global warming issue which disproves ipcc's incorrect claim that a correlation (pollution/global warming) is a cause/effect & into causal factors of the global economy meltdown which disproves governments claim that the banks are to blame (banks are minor rogues to the financial & other global powers that are the forces behind the meltdown)

you are one of the few scientists that are prepared to make open statements concerning these kinds of issues - if you view the numerous videos (youtube & freedocumentaries.org) of the tt implosions & observe that there is no 'transfer of momentum' processes occurring, that large & numerous components of the tt towers reach the ground way ahead of the initiating top section (which comes down at free-fall rate), then you will clearly see that there had to have been additional high impulse (explosive) forces, that they were sequential = (by definition) implosion.

(also see attachments)

further thought will cause realisation that the implosion was a separate event to the plane crashes, that there had to (in all probability) have been a pre-planning - freedocumentaries give clear indication (beyond a reasonable doubt) that larry silverstein was at the very least criminally negligent in allowing access to his buildings, if not complicit in the planning & execution, if not the mastermind.

(see also freedocumentaries regarding uss liberty & kennedy assassination)

cameron&clegg are also in error in siding with ipcc - ipcc's position is non-FAIL-SAFE, and as you well know from plant safety one ALWAYS favours FAIL-SAFE options which is the thrust of my engineering r&d.

the point with bp/deepwater is that both bp & bea are lying - the world is being deceived - the proof of the deception is the refusal to explain the critical evidence by ch tech williams. whether you take seriously what followed the ('offending') sentence is not the point - the point is the world knows that williams made testimony & that testimony has been ignored by bp & bea (ccrm) = dishonest!

(the interpretation of the sentence is:- there are many forms of power - social, financial, physical, etc. - these forms of power exert forces onto societies and are invariably used abusively & criminally by corrupt global powers (be they persons having financial, social, economic, or whatever powers & in whatever permutations))

i would appreciate your opinions after viewing the videos



Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

On 27/10/2010 13:14, Trevor Kletz wrote:

Having read Chris Addington’s message, sent about 30 minutes before the one below, I sent him the following reply:

“Dear Mr Addington

Your message below contains the following sentence:

‘It is plain to see that corrupt financial & power pressures are being exerted on the US Presidency which has long-been a puppet to Israel (Real & Virtual) which was behind both the Twin Towers & USS Liberty attacks.’

By "Twin Towers" do you mean 9/ll? If so, and even if not, the sentence is ridiculous and makes me wonder how much of what follows I can take seriously.” [By “what follows” I mean, of course, what followed in his earlier email”.]

Trevor A Kletz

64 Twining Brook Road

Cheadle Hulme

Cheadle SK8 5RJ, UK

Tel & fax +44 (0) 161 485 3875

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


On 25/10/2010 13:15, Chris Addington wrote:

to bp ceo bob dudley

i reiterate my request as below which include request for clear details that explain ch tech williams' evidence, for clear diagrams & explanations


Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

Mon, 27 Sep 2010 16:43:32 +0100, Chris Addington wrote:

to bp: ceo tony hayward

reply from rodney hosein refers.

it is entirely unacceptable that time spent on a reply to a valid request is wasted on avoiding the issue rather than addressing the valid concerns.

if the bp report had addressed ch tech williams' evidence then it would simply be a case of referring to the relevant section in the report that details williams' evidence.

the fact that this was not done supports my contention that his evidence was ignored.

williams' evidence is crucial - it must be explained by your bp's investigative team, otherwise it is not an investigation but a cover-up

ditto: clear diagrams to support those presented in the bp report.

please confirm that bp investigative team will provide requested info promptly & without further time waste



Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

On 27/09/2010 15:50, Hosein, Rodney wrote:

Dear Mr. Addington,

I am Mark Bly's Executive Assistant and I supported him and the

Investigation team through the course of its work. Your email query has

been passed to me for consideration and reply. I am sorry to learn that

on skimming the report you found it unclear. The BP internal

investigation team did everything in its power to make its report clear,

concise and consistent with its terms of reference; this inevitably

involved decisions on what to cover and how.

The report was subject to thorough quality assurance and it represents

the investigation team's considered position on the matters investigated

by the team. I am afraid that it would not be practicable or

appropriate for the team to go further or cover additional matters in ad

hoc correspondence, particularly since this was an internal

investigation report.


Rodney Hosein

-----Original Message-----

From: Chris Addington

Sent: 27 September 2010 09:50

To: Gordon, Liz; Hayward, Tony EXT; Hayward, Tony EXT

Subject: URGENT, URGENT Re: URGENT bp, deepwater horizon, gulf oil spill

- request for clearer info

to liz gordon

still no response from investigative team - i would appreciate prompt




Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

Re: URGENT bp, deepwater horizon, gulf oil spill - request for clearer info

Fri, 24 Sep 2010 10:28:20 +0100

From: Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

To: Gordon, Liz <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

to liz Gordon

good morning

update on requested info?


Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

On 23/09/2010 08:10, Chris Addington wrote:

to liz gordon

do you have an update on expected info?



Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

On 17/09/2010 14:47, Gordon, Liz wrote:

Dear Mr Addington

Your request has been passed on to our investigation team who will

revert to you direct around the middle of next week

Kind regards

Liz Gordon

Liz Gordon

PA to Tony Hayward

Group Chief Executive

BP p.l.c.

BP p.l.c. Registered Office: 1 St James's Square, London SW1Y 4PD

Registered in England and Wales Number 102498

-----Original Message-----

From: Chris Addington

Sent: 17 September 2010 07:57

To: Gordon, Liz; Hayward, Tony EXT

Subject: Re: URGENT bp, deepwater horizon, gulf oil spill - request for

clearer info

to liz gordon - please confirm receipt of yesterday's mail, thankyou +

estimate of time required to send info requested?


Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

On 16/09/2010 17:31, Chris Addington wrote:


to bp - ceo tony hayward

c/o pa liz gordon

good afternoon

i have skimmed bp's report, exec summary,& static presentation of

gulf spill issue.

i have to admit that it leaves me, a professional engineer, in the

dark - it is entirely unclear as to what bp's report is attempting to


also, i have serious concerns regarding prof robert bea's statements

on 60 minutes, which in my view were premature& unprofessional - bea

has refused to clarify further

i would appreciate if you could have bp's engineering dept draw up

clear schematic line diagrams to correlate to the diagrams as depicted

in the reports so that it is possible to see what circuits are being

tested (+ve& -ve pressure tests), purpose of the tests,& clear text

to describe the tests

bp's report does not, so it appears, address the evidence by ch tech

williams - of bop annular seal pieces (large) coming out of system - i

would appreciate an explanation.

the info requested should be readily available in eng dept.& their

prompt response would be appreciated.



Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

Emails To/From Prof Robert Bea,

From Prof Robert Bea

to Pr. Eng. Chris Addington

i respectfully decline to respond to your email request to "correct any errors, including premature conclusions based on insufficient evidence.".

as i have communicated earlier, the Deepwater Horizon Study Group will issue its final report in December 2010. that report will contain the details of our assessments as of November 2010.

Bob Bea


On 8/17/2010 1:57 AM, Chris Addington wrote:

to prof robert bea

i respectfully reiterate my request for your comments as per my email below

you have publicly condemned bp for the spill but, as i have pointed out to you, the evidence by ch tech williams makes no sense - his evidence appears to be fabricated insofar as certain critical evidence is concerned

you have a responsibility to correct any errors, including premature conclusions based upon insufficient evidence

please be so kind as to reply with your comments



Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

-------- Original Message --------

Subject: Re: request

Date: Sun, 15 Aug 2010 21:13:47 +0100

From: Chris Addington

To: Bob Bea <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

to prof robert bea

i would appreciate your comments as per mail below



Chris Addington Pr.Eng.


On 12/08/2010 09:31, Chris Addington wrote:

to prof robert bea

thankyou for your mail & attached reports

i have some concerns & would appreciate your comments

you have already judged the matter (putting blame fully on bp in 60

minutes programme), & given reasons why, why then the study group if

you have already, in your mind, effectively investigated, charged,

prosecuted & judged?

williams' statement that an explosion ripped a massive door off its

hinges, took door with him behind it & slammed against opposite wall -

yet barely a mark on him, and what tiny marks shown are well healed.

how do you explain this?

how do numerous large chunks of bop annular ring get past

close-tolerance clearances between drill shaft & casing?

surely each well-hole plug is designed to be self-sufficient in

withholding oil-well pressures? how is it that 2 blew and after the

bop had been damaged (as claimed)?

alternatively stated: if 3 devices had failed why would it be expected

that a 4th (top plug) if fitted would not have failed (thus avoiding

the blow out)?


Chris Addington Pr.Eng.


On 11/08/2010 15:14, Bob Bea wrote:

these and our future reports are posted on the DHSG web site.


On 8/11/2010 3:11 AM, Chris Addington wrote:

to prof robert bea

thankyou for your reply

my initial contact with you derived from viewing a '60 minutes'

programme on youtube, in which you were interviewed over the

deepwater horizon/bp rig disaster. (i initially missed the part

where you were introduced).

i appreciate that untoward pressures whilst being interviewed, and

even post interview editing of recordings, can result in erroneous

statements/meanings being presented by the programmes

producers/editors than that intended by the interviewee.

bearing in mind that this particular 60 minutes programme is many

weeks old, i have not seen any corrections concerning the statements

by you as presented in the 60 minutes programme, and certainly

cannot find any on your personal details webpage on berkeley

university website.

can you confirm that the statements as presented in the 60 minutes

programme reflect your views, and if not i would appreciate if you

would clarify exactly what statements are in error and set out

appropriate corrections to same, including any change in your views

subsequent to the interview.



Chris Addington Pr.Eng.


On 10/08/2010 19:43, Bob Bea wrote:

i am not able to provide such assistance.

bob bea

On 8/10/2010 10:05 AM, Chris Addington wrote:

good afternoon

i would appreciate your assistance in identifying the specific

details of the deepwater bop

search on web is not producing necessary info



Chris Addington Pr.Eng.


On 09/08/2010 17:49, Chris Addington wrote:

to prof robert bea


cannot locate specifics of the deepwater horizon blow out

preventer on mms.gov website

also not sure which cameron web site?

do you have any details of the specific make, type etc. of the

bop & more specific info as to where on websites you referred to

again manythanx


Chris Addington Pr.Eng.


On 09/08/2010 17:33, Bob Bea wrote:

i do not have what you request.

you can try the Cameron web site. also the MMS.gov - TAR web

site - look for West Engineering reports.

bob bea


On 8/9/2010 8:54 AM, Chris Addington wrote:

to prof robert bea

good afternoon

i would appreciate if you could email a schematic diagram (to

scale) of the blow-out preventer as used on deepwater horizon

oil rig whilst drilling for bp immediately prior to destruction

of rig



Chris Addington Pr.Eng.


Professor Robert Bea, PhD, PE

Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering

212 McLaughlin Hall

University of California Berkeley

Berkeley, CA 94720-1710

Telephone/fax 510-642-0967

Telefax 510-643-8919

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Home Office

Risk Assessment & Management Services

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Telephone 925-631-1587

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##### END of UPDATE 1: September 25, 2010 #####
