Infected Blood Scandal – Estimate: 30,000 infected, 3000 deaths.

Infected Children's Brains scandal – MILLIONS infected ANNUALLY



Infected Sub-Postmasters,

Infected Evidence: Stephen Lawrence murder → false convictions, Twin Towers Implosions,

Prince Andrew Photo, (Lucy Letby?????)



Infected (In)Justice System → closed-shop → by induction: corrupt

because NO Direct Access to Highest Court on Constitutional/HumanRights


Media & Academia contributing to these abuses


Institutional Failings – across the board!!!


UK Day of Shame? → NO





PM Rishi Sunak apologises re Infected Blood in Parliament

but continues to LIE over the scandal of

Children's Brains being INFECTED by bogus-science, and obstructs evidence on many other issues ….


Ditto: ALL Parliamentarians




Thoughts&Prayers go out to those tens-of-thousands affected by the Infected Blood scandal and to their families & friends.

Like the Post Office Sub-Postmaster scandal the Institutional failings within Government, Parliament, Judiciary, Legal Profession, Media, Universities, etc., are the root of the problem.



BUT, these two scandals are minor issues compared to the ongoing Infected Children's Brains Scandal – which is also a minor issue compared to the BILLIONS defrauded daily/hourly through infected pensions/investments/markets which are CAUSAL of Treasons/Crimes Against Humanity leading to conflicts (e.g. Putin attacking Ukraine, wrongly so)



Every day, every month, every year Children are being taught bogus-science – and this for 3&1/2 Centuries past - because Opticks, wrongly attributed to Newton, are WRONG – Opticks are WRONG because Newton stole the Intellectual Property (PROOFS: see Optics inks on homepage at


In 2011, THIRTEEN YEARS ago, the evidence that Opticks was WRONG was circulated by the writer globally by email & physically demonstrated to the then President of the Royal Irish Academy Luke Drury, who had long obstructed and later was hostile when the evidence was clear.


Royal Society, Royal Institute, Royal Irish Academy, Royal Dublin Society, Universities, Governments, Parliaments are all hostile – far greater scandals than either Infected Blood or Sub-Postmaster.

In particular the hostility by the Royal Irish Academy was fuelled by abuses & corruption from Ireland Supreme Court Justices, including successive Chief Justices, which abuses & corruption continue today, including the unleashing of Garda (police) assaults to obstruct/intimidate against the writer's lawful Justice Process on the present SC Judiciary (Crimes/Treasons Processes in the EU & International Courts of Justice)


Pop&TV 'scientists' such as Brian Cox, Jim Al-Khalili, Marcus du Sautoy, Richard Dawkins, Brian Higgs, David Attenborough, Stephen Hawking (late), Chris Packham, etc., refuse to engage because they rely on income streams from their bogus books & videos, because of their preference to Money in place of Professional Integrity – these 'scientists' are INFECTING Children's Brains and sucking-up money for it – the scientists in the Blood scandal were merely (likely so) being paid a nominal salary for their work – these Pop&TV 'scientists' are making multi-millions of Sterling from INFECTING Children's Brains.

Publishers? → probably hundreds-of-millions.


Media: BBC, SkyNews, Guardian, Daily Telegraph, New Scientist, Nature, ITV, Washington Post, New York Times, Time, ….. support this INFECTION of Children by covering-up, because the Media are controlled by the corporates that control the 'scientists', that control Parliaments.


There appears to be a recent change, a tiny change, even though achieved through PLAGIARISM.


On Saturday May 19, 2024 in a charity shop in Carrick-on-Shannon, Ireland the writer noticed a large book by Professor Luke O'Neill (a Member of the Royal Irish Academy, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chair of BioChemistry at Trinity College Dublin, and one who has supported the ongoing hostility against the writer) and illustrated by Linda Fahrlin (excellent artwork) – entitled: 'The Great Irish Science Book' (ISBN 9780717185580, published by Gill Books, Ireland)


O'Neill is TARGETTING Children in the 7-12 year age group – like drug peddlers, who see the youth as tomorrow's future income streams …......................


Knowing O'Neill's propensity to abuse his Academic Power, the writer initially passed over this book, even though books usually cost 1 Euro in the charity shop, but then hesitated and took it up and checked the Index for 'Newton'.


On checking those references, including O'Neill's chronological chart of Science discoveries (Timeline of Discoveries Pgs 88 & 89) – it became apparent that O'Neill OMITTED any reference to Opticks, but he referenced Newton and Physics Law of Gravity (again, wrongly attributed to Newton because he also stole this IP)

Further, O'Neill does not understand the difference between 'Discovery' and 'Invention', of which most of his 'discoveries' are in fact inventions.


Light and our understanding of Light is the most fundamental dynamic of Nature, it gives insights to the very nature of how the Universe functions – Newton, in stealing the IP behind this sent the World off-track for 3&1/2 centuries. Newton's false Opticks led to Einstein, Hubble, Hawking, CERN, & others developing incorrect theories –> e≠mc2 , Light is NOT frequency based but arc-angle elated, so Hubble was wrong to use Doppler to claim 'expanding Universe', hence corollary of 'BigBang' is baseless - it does raise the question why no one prior checked Opticks, especially concerning deep-space observations. Yet O'Neill acknowledges deep-space theories by such as Jocelyn Bell & others despite knowing for some 11 years that Opticks are wrong. Need to understand Optics (no 'k') (see homepage at


What this means is that O'Neill effectively REDACTED centuries-old Physics 'facts' (references to Opticks) from his book – O'Neill did so SOLELY because of the writer's evidence of proving Opticks wrong AND of proving that Newton stole the IP.

In other words O'Neill PLAGIARISED the writer's work – AND plagiarised whilst supporting Academia's decades of hostility against the writer (which has resulted in TOTAL destruction of the writer's Family, Home, Life …..)



(Plagiarism (from web): 'Presenting work or ideas from another source as your own, with or without consent of the original author, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement' – thus Plgiarism is not solely the positive presenting of someone's work as your own, but also includes the negative application of another's work without acknowledgement)


BUT, more important is to recognise that O'Neill continues to INFECT Children's Brains - because he refuses to correctly & POSITIVELY inform children that Opticks are wrong (and that Newton stole the Intellectual Property)


O'Neill seems to think that merely REDACTING is, somehow, the same as INFORMING – it is not.


But, again, these issues are all minor compared to the infected pensions/investments/markets – modern era globalised fraud scams – masterminded initially in SA by Donald Gordon (founder of Liberty Life) which fraud scams were taken up by such as Richard Branson, Warren Buffet, Alan Sugar, and by which Branson duped Margaret Thatcher into a disastrous 'Privatisation' policy which is the root of much of today's chaos – Super-Saturation of global MoneyBase&Supply by which financial 'tsunamis', 'tornados' and 'droughts' can be readily manipulated by a powerful few. And all stemming from bogus 'science'.


How much more damaging to Children, and to the World, can Newton's dishonesty be? Centuries of Newton's lies have had MONUMENTAL consequences, including Causal Effects on Putin's invasion into Ukraine (bogus science → bogus maths → bogus economics/finance → global socio-economic chaos!!! → anger → aggression → as we see with Putin, XiPing, Kim, ….)


Academia & Media continue these LIES because they are under the power of those Powers controlling Money..


Many UK Parliamentarians, including Rishi Sunak, LabLeader Keir Starmer have for months blocked the writer's emails – because these persons have unlawfully, criminally protected corporate criminals (Donald Gordon (late, and Mastermind of globalised Pension Frauds), Richard Branson, Warren Buffet, Alan Sugar, PwC, E&Y, Deloittes, KPMG, Grant Thornton, …...)


Sunak & Starmer LIE daily to Parliament, the Nation, the World …... far greater scandals by them than either of Sub-Postmaster or Infected Blood …......... or the fabricated evidence that brought convictions in the Stephen Lawrence murder trial ….................. or the false claims that Twin Towers collapsed when in fact they were IMPLODED …. or valid challenges regarding the 'science' behind Climate Change ….......................... or ….............................. or …......................... (see )




And ALL these lies/deceptions are willingly regurgitated by Media prostitutes.



BUT, the International Courts of Justice issue Warrants of Arrest for aggressors but not for the corporate, academic, media criminals that have caused the Socio-Economic chaos through their CAUSAL Crimes/Treasons-Against-Humanity.

The European Courts of Justice FAIL to have an EU Criminal Court.

Both EU & Int. Courts also do not allow Direct Access.


UK's Criminal Case Review Commission (CCRC) also act ONLY AFTER a conviction NOT prior based on valid objections to a proposed Prosecution (c.f. SA Constitution), nor do CCRC follow-up to ensure any subsequent Appeal/Review is adequately addressed. Which is why the Sub-Postmasters, Infected Bloods, Stephen Lawrence murder false convictions were NOT adequately dealt with .

Thus, with Sub-Postmasters the Parliament had to circumvent the (In)Justice System to secure the setting aside of convictions.

Re: Stephen Lawrence murder appeal, the writer was the cause for the appeal by raising valid evidence against conviction to CCRC, the convicted persons' attorney contacted the writer who gave an outline of defence but was NOT called to to Court to give full evidence – thus a failed appeal → a false conviction upheld.

Ditto with Lucy Letby, an offer to review evidence was ignored buy Letby's Legals

Evidence re PrinceAndrew/VirginiaGuiffre fake photo has not brought about a proper Police investigation, or by the FBI (who ignored investigating Twin Towers implosions)

Re: SubPostmaster Inquiry - ex-CEO Paula Vennels challenged for failing to address the Fujitsu/Horizon issues but the Inquiry does NOT, it seems, intend to challenge the Judges for their similar/identical FAILINGS in penetrating the underlying injustices – NOR for the FAILINGS of the (In)Justice system in not over-turning the wrongful convictions.



In short: Bogus 'science' leads to GROSS INJUSTICES

Day of Shame for the UK??? → NO


Ditto ALL Western Nations




On leaving the charity shop the writer had chosen NOT to waste a Euro on buying O'Neill's book, despite the brilliance of Fahrlin's illustrations. During the night a sudden chill woke the writer:– by NOT buying the book it was left for some unsuspecting parent, or child, to buy it and become INFECTED – it should have been bought and BURNT.

On the Monday morning the writer returned as soon as the shop opened – unfortunately it had been sold, later on the Saturday.

Sincerest apologies to the unsuspecting child/children who is/are to become INFECTED by that copy)



As always, constructive engagement is welcome.




Chris Addington Pr.Eng.