Captain’s Log, Stardate 06


More Particles of Space


Particle Iota-9


The Death of Truth into Blackholes.


Stephen Hawking has resigned his Lucasian chair – a Passive Protest against academic dishonesty????????


UK (Slave-)Labour government has reacted destructively to the revelations & proofs by CDADD ->

- - - that a general culture of dishonesty globally pervades universities & academic institutions.


Governments/Parliaments misled by grossly defective science.


There is a need to separate mountains of science-fiction from science-fact!!!




Two recent issues, as reported by the media, raise serious concern over the future direction of academic research & its impact upon societies/economies – which are spiralling into earth-based blackholes.

1. Stephen Hawking has announced that he is stepping down from the Lucasian Professorship Chair of mathematics at Cambridge University.

2. Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s government (via Lord Drayson) have pushed for profit oriented research; and the Science & Technology Facilities Council has put this into effect by reducing grants from 5 years to 1 year.

The progressive R&D developments by CDADD within both tangible & intangible sciences have shown that numerous academic models are grossly defective.

Within the economics/business/finance environments that models have been purposefully distorted so as to give false ‘credibility’ to otherwise fraudulent scams – many Economics Nobel Prizes have been awarded to such fraud models, including the 2008 Nobel Prize – these fraudulent models have caused massive destruction throughout the world and are largely causal of the East/West polarisation.

Within physics science deep-space thinking was going way off-track into science-fiction fantasy.

#- intangible science/engineering within the social/economy/business/finance/legal (SEBFL) environments (see paper series: Economists’ inexact models exactly defective’, especially those concerning Nobel Prize Hijacked)

#- tangible science (see paper series: ‘Captain’s Log Stardate xx’)

#- also see ‘Overview of CDADD’s Research Papers’ on lhs panel

The R&D by CDADD essentially showed that not only was deep-space thinking going way off-track into science-fiction but that deep-throat economics models were causal of the Global Economy Meltdown.

The reaction to CDADD’s groundbreaking R&D was that oppressive economic isolation was imposed upon the writer by governments, corporates & academic institutions (the latest institution to aggressively isolate is the UK’s Association for Science Education – this unwarranted aggression partly explains why education standards are spiralling downwards).

The effect of all this was that academic institutions refused to engage in constructive debate regarding CDADD’s proofs that various & numerous long-standing theories of science (tangible & intangible) were grossly defective.

Part-cause for their defectiveness lay in the fact that scientists isolate themselves from the real world – in short, engineering was/is entirely absent from much of science research.

An Open Global Challenge was levelled by CDADD against any & all to disprove CDADD’s R&D proofs– but not one scientist/academic has had the courage to take up the challenge.

Matters came to a head with:

#- the refusal by academics to engage in the Open Challenge

#- the refusal by science/engineering academics to admit to the Twin Towers IMPLOSION – the CONCRETE proofs of which were realised by CDADD

#- the grossly unprofessional & unscientific stance taken by Richard Dawkins over his claim that God does not exist.

[- The proofs of the Twin Towers being IMPLODED lies in observing that a first principle of science/engineering is absent if a natural collapse is to have occurred – i.e. there is no ‘transfer of momentum’ (this dynamic can be observed with a 5-ball Newton Frame). (See paper: Twin Towers- collapse? No – Implosion!, under Perfect Crimes on rhs panel))

- Dawkins is a leading ‘scientist’ who until recently occupied the Simonyi Chair at Oxford University – a chair for ‘the Public Understanding of Science’.

Whether Dawkins believes that God exists or not is immaterial – what is material is the manner in which he sets about ‘proving’ that God does not exist. For a person claiming to be a scientist Dawkins has acted unscientifically & unprofessionally – Dawkins’ approach is essentially one of baselessly pulling apart the Bible & ridiculing faith believers – and using fragmented, unstructured arguments to achieve this.

Moreover, Dawkins has acted with malice & deceptions, and especially against children who are easily susceptible to devious arguments such as those presented by Dawkins.

Dawkins has been dubbed the ‘archbishop of atheism’ by his ‘disciple’ Colin Blakemore (another Oxford Professor).

Yet Dawkins & Blakemore do NOT have the courage to engage with the writer – they run away.]

What then is the benefit of grand academic chairs when the occupants do not engage scientifically & professionally; instead they create confusion by wandering off into science-fiction fantasy.

As a consequence of all this, objections were sent to both Oxford & Cambridge Universities & to Chancellors HRH Duke of Edinburgh & Lord Patten, and copied to leading UK Parliamentary parties & to Prime Minister Brown & key Cabinet Ministers.

– NIL response!!!!!!

It begs the questions:–

What kind of research is done in universities?

Why is merit not recognised & rewarded?

Who benefits financially & for what?

Who gains the intellectual insights?

AND, more importantly what do they do with these intellectual insights?

[As a consequence of proofs by CDADD (e.g.: e does not equal mc squared as light particles do not travel at speed c, or anywhere near it) & uncertainties concerning ownership & usage of intellectual property – CERN, Large Hadron Collider, were recently compelled to enter into a revised ‘Memorandum of Understanding’ with the EU. BUT, not one cent has been paid to the writer for the intellectual insights that brought significant security value through these protective measures]

It follows, therefore, that a general culture of dishonesty pervades universities & academic institutions – what then are children being taught at school?

Is it any wonder that complex sciences have been unnecessarily complicated out of reach such that children reject the sciences?

What advice are governments/parliaments being misled with?

[ The 3 main UK political parties have been holding their 2009 Conferences – all 3 are essentially throwing the same old bones, merely creating different patterns – this means that no meaningful change can come about because the bones (policy models) themselves are where the defects lie – and politicians looking through ‘accountant glasses’ simply cannot see this.

Margaret Thatcher (Conservative) was the first person to bring science into government, but engineering was absent – hence her policies also eventually failed. But, MT being in the driving seat could steer rational thinking along scientific approaches and it brought some crucial understandings.

Whilst the present Conservatives present a sound argument, the reality is that those in the driving seats are essentially ‘accountant’ types – and trying to get accountants to understand science & engineering is a mission virtually impossible – they refuse to listen and, if listening, cannot & refuse to comprehend.

Hence, Sir James Dyson (vac cleaner king) was staged at the conference punting engineering as an appendage, not as an integral necessity to the business of Government (see: Business Engineering on rhs panel)

This transposition of necessary skills can be likened to the Team Tech Leader switching places with Jensen Button – the team would lose all hope of gaining the F1 title.]

Pioneering R&D is not being recognised, or rewarded, or funded based upon merit – not by government, not by corporates (who actively promote fraudulent models), nor by academic institutions (which have bowed to pay-offs & inducements).

What then are academic institutions doing?

It becomes clear that the world is in chaos because of grossly defective & massively destructive science models (physics, economics, finance, etc.) that are devoid of any sound engineering.

Science & engineering are apolitical domains – they are not right or left but right or wrong – and for many decades many science models have been grossly wrong

Since academic institutions are not doing anything to rectify these serious issues UK Labour government are forcing change.

BUT, like the disastrous economic meltdown they’ve created/permitted, the government have ham-fistedly initiated a policy that will spiral research deeper into a blackhole.

Instead of bringing matters into open debate Labour government have covered-up by simply imposing financial sanctions. This will deter & close-off freedom of thought further, it will NOT open up intellectual development.

Tony Blair & Gordon Brown’s Labour government has driven its labouring supporters into SLAVE-LABOUR, and is now driving intellect into exile.

Merit is not being rewarded to encourage R&D, instead greater oppressions are being wielded.

Universities have progressively become dishonest because of increasing interference & contamination by global Finance-Powers, whose power has derived from decades of massive global frauds. This has not occurred solely whilst the current government has been in power, but the revelations have come out under their watch – and they have acted & continue to act dishonestly.

Labour government’s reduction in funding support & cover-up is playing directly into the hands of Finance-Powers who can more easily manipulate research for fraudulent purposes.

It is extremely time consuming & exhausting delving into defective academic models to determine where purposeful flaws exist – there is no reward or funds provided by government to detect these flaws, not even after the benefits to societies that flow from the detections have been realised. To date the value generated globally by CDADD’s R&D runs into Trillions of Sterling – but, not one cent has been paid in reward or funding.

However, genuine research is also extremely time consuming and it is impossible to determine time horizons for outcomes.

Also, to understand new discoveries requires careful assessment of what that discovery is and, just as importantly, to understand what it is not – and this leads to numerous unprofitable dead-ends.

How then can Labour government expect research to be meaningfully conducted if they expect only the profitable outcomes to be explored? – how can a researcher determine which is profitable & which not BEFORE the numerous dead-ends have been exhausted, leaving high-probability confirmation of the profitable one?

It is mind-boggling, then, how Labour government reached the draconian decision that limiting research grants will (somehow, miraculously) spur greater results.

Gordon Brown’s claim (effectively) ‘No return to boom & bust’ -> Labour has led the UK & world into the greatest Economic Meltdown ever.

Gordon Brown is essentially an accountant who has erred in the counting, and in the accounting of what he has miscounted.

One cannot fully blame Gordon Brown, or his predecessor Tony Blair (cash4honours & honours4cash excluded) for policy blunders, or parliament – after all they all have to rely on scientists for advice – the problem is that of dishonest scientific advice – and scientific advice becomes dishonest when the advisors refuse to engage in constructive debate & contest over their theories. Hence, the lone voice of CDADD gets buried beneath the mountains of academic dishonesty – so the ‘Dear John’ letters from Number 10 is, to a very small degree, understandable.

But, it is also true that no other person in Parliament, or others waiting hopefully in the wings to enter Parliament, have had the courage to address the truths of the economic meltdown or TT implosions.

BUT, surely, now that the meltdown is upon us that even an ex-Exchequer accountant must realise he has miscounted & mis-accounted, that he has been un-ex-checker’d, and that the advice he has been & is taking must be incorrect. Yet Gordon Brown still refuses to listen - similarly with the other leading parties.

Labour government has been leading enslaved Britons into intellectual impoverishment – that means its defence capabilities (economic & physical) will get progressively weaker.

Governments/Parliaments, corporates, NGOs, academic institutions etc. are all devoid of Business Engineering – which is why economies, historically, crumbled from accounting mindsets.

The difference between the competing political parties is merely the different patterns from the same old bones thrown.

Reform requires Business Engineering which must, by necessity, be a central component of a sound economy system structure & controls.

Perhaps Oxford & Cambridge Universities should bury the Simonyi & Lucasian chairs to symbolically represent the Death of Truth into Blackholes.

(Although the comments herein relate to recent communications with Oxford & Cambridge Universities the comments apply equally to universities worldwide – Harvard, Stanford, Cape Town, London, Edinburgh, Paris ….. wherever! ……………a general culture of dishonesty pervades academic institutions.)

Chris Addington Pr.Eng.,

(Under enforced exile from South Africa due to ANC government’s oppressive XDR-nazi system and oppressive economic isolation by corporate & academic world’s.)

XDR = Extreme Democracy Resistant.

##### End of Particle Iota-9 #####