Nobel Foundation awarding Nobel Prizes for bogus ‘science’

In the

International Court of Justice (ICJ)

International Criminal Court (ICC)

(& ICC Prosecutor (ICCP))

EU Court of Justice (ECJ)

European Court of Human Rights (ECHR)

National Supreme/Constitutional Courts of UK, ROI, SA, USA


Chris Addington Pr.Eng.


Nobel Foundation

Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

King Carl XVI Gustaf (Sweden), King Harald V(Norway)

& Nobel Prize 2022 Recipients:

Physics: Alain Aspect, John F. Clauser and Anton Zeilinger

Economics: Ben S. Bernanke, Douglas W. Diamond and Philip H. Dybvig

Wilful & Fraudulent/Criminal Derelictions/Abuses by Nobel Foundation pertaining to the wrongful Awarding of

Nobel Prizes in Science


The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel


The Nobel 2022 Physics & Economics Laureates are called upon to withdraw their acceptance of the Nobel Prizes WRONGLY Awarded to them.

The Nobel Foundation are complicit with the development of defective/fraudulent ‘science’ models/theories

‘legitimising’ of corporate Organised Crime.


Important Note:

- the recent attack (Fri Oct 28, 2022) upon the home of USA Speaker (HoR) Nancy Pelosi – and injuries to her husband, Pelosi not being present (unfortunately, otherwise security would also have been present) – is another incident amongst increasing incidences of attacks against Western Leaders (political) & Government infrastructures - it all stems from the Socio-Economic chaos experienced globally due to (largely) grossly defective science/economics/finance models that have purposefully been developed to effect MASSIVELY destructive government policies allowing complex frauds, super-saturating Global MoneyBase&Supply with counterfeit money, thus destabilising Socio-Economies, creating increasing hardships, despairs, impoverishments, starvations .... etc. - and causal of present-day escalating global conflicts.


Affidavit of Christopher David Addington Pr.Eng.



Nobel Physics 2022

Nobel (Sveriges Riksbank) Economics 2022





This Preamble is a brief summary of CDADD R&D information (available at that has been widely circulated to the above Courts (and also widely to Governments, Academia, Royalties, etc.) for well over 10 years & more – it is included herein for ease of understandings by new readers.



Raw, brute, Power is absent both Knowledge & Justice

Incorrect Knowledge diminishes Authority

Wilfully Incorrect Knowledge reduces Justice & increases brute raw Power

The Nobel Foundation is WILFULLY reducing Knowledge by wrongfully awarding NP prizes for defective ‘science’ – reducing Justice, increasing brute raw Power, thus reducing Authority - aiding & abetting Crime – to the extent that it impoverishes the vast majority of the World's Peoples



The World ‘Order’ is such that we have International & European Courts to oversee the International communities and European Communities respectively (insofar as Nations have ‘signed-up’ to the various International & European Charters.

But, the World is in Financial/Economic chaos bringing about many hostilities.

We read/hear about certain individuals being accused of War/HumanRights crimes & of their trials/hearings. But, many of these persons are likely freedom fighters from tyrannies&oppressions, and caught up in justified conflicts to overcome those oppressions only to find themselves of being (politically) accused of war/inhumane crimes; and some, by necessity, of fighting ‘fire-with-fire’ tactics. Yet prior to taking up conflict to oppose oppressions these individuals had NO, NIL, ZERO means of bringing justifiable complaints to the above Courts to attain Justice - simply because the International Courts are TOTALLY closed to any individual, and EU Courts are only accessible after Local resorts are first exhausted, which means an individual is first gangbanged Nationally by extortionate financial costs - either (or both) of which routes has NIL benefit to an oppressed individual in a remote, minor nation, or indeed anywhere in the World.

I record that I have tried – and been TOTALLY IGNORED, even raising valid questions over seemingly fabricated evidences at ICC criminal trials - and I am reasonably well qualified & experienced in Science/Engineering, Business, Legal, Finance, Economics, Humanities etc. - what then of a lesser educated person - lesser educated because of the tyrannies & oppressions from which they seek to free themselves & their peoples???


The reality being that the referenced Courts are simply bolstering the West’s backing of corporate Organised Crime (corpOrgCrime), institutionalised through the ‘Markets’ and emanating as Economic Weapons of Mass Destructions (EWMDs) – with Western militaries acting as hired-guns for global corporate criminals.


Thus, OPPRESSED, TYRANNISED individuals were/are faced with the UDHRPreamble ‘LAST RESORT’ – vis: to REBEL, to take up arms ….. to oppose the tyrannies&oppressions brought about by corpOrgCrimes


And the numerous & increasing forms of corpOrgCrimes are bolstered by grossly defective ‘science’ models, many of which are ‘honoured’ by the Nobel Foundation – i.e. the Nobel Foundation are approving the very defective mechanisms by which fraud scams can be developed, implemented & globalised, and ‘weaponised’ -> i.e. Nobel Foundation are readily ‘licencing’ EWMDs; and the Nobel Foundation is assisted by Royalties of Sweden & Norway in Ennobling the Prizes for defective ‘science’ so as to perpetrate globalised crime.

And this despite the R&D evidences (at cdadd website) presented to the Nobel Foundation etc.

The World is in REAL DANGER of facing World War III & increased Terrorism threats, because of (understandable) hostile threats from Russia, China, NKorea, Iran, & many non-National ideological groups both without & within Western ‘democracies’.

The vast majority of these threats are FULLY JUSTIFIED because of Western ‘democracies’ having evolved an increasingly complex fraudulent Finance/Economic structure globally that has become an ‘institutionalised’ grouping of so-called ‘Markets’ that are largely controlled/influenced by a minority wealthy few globally, such that it can be described as a conglomeration of corporate Organised Crime (corpOrgCrime)

A clear case of Justification can be seen from the promises by the West to assist Russia to bring down the Iron Curtain & to Reform, only for the West to allow venturists to openly gang-bang Russia, ditto China …..

Understandably Russia (China, etc.) took exception – and realised that Force would be the only way forward (as per the UDHR Preamble: to rebel against (the West’s) tyranny & oppressions)

The reason that venturists were able to gangbang Russia (etc.) was because a new wave of fraud mechanisms was developed – starting (it appears) with Pension frauds in SA in 1963, metamorphosed, complexed, expanded & globalised over the ensuing 60 years to bring about the chaos & dangers we face today.

(see papers (links below: Pension Frauds, Mastermind of Org. Crime., Dynamics of Population/Wealth Characteristics – and in general the papers listed in the lhs panel at )

When referring to the ‘West’, it is both implicit & explicit in referencing the Governments of ‘Western’ democracies, and include those in the Far East that adopt similar ‘democracy’ principles.

BUT, the National Publics of the various ‘democracies’ are being LIED to by their respective Parliaments.

This is clearly observed in SkyNews Beth Rigby interviewing UK HoC Speaker Sir Lindsay Hoyle.

UK Parliament/Government have for over 20 years been kept regularly & repeatedly informed of the bogus ‘science’ that is the foundation of corpOrgCrime engaged by its various criminals - yet Hoyle at minutes 7:02 & 28:40 sates that ’... Democracy will succeed ...’ and that ’ ... [people decide/choose through] informed decisions ....’

BUT, Hoyle, like all Parliamentarians, is LYING to the UK Public and to the World by oppressively suppressing the new Science developed by CDADD that disproves Newton, Einstein, Hubble, Hawking, Dawkins, CERN .....

The People are not able to make INFORMED DECISIONS in general elections, or at all, BECAUSE Parliamentarians, including Hoyle, are LYING to them, presenting false ‘science’ & models behind destructive policies -> passive(?) Tyrannies & Oppressions - and supported by a dishonest media that is controlled by corporate criminals - thus Parliamentarians are elected on LIES.


Hence the World is in the grip of corpOrgCrime criminals ........

... that manifest as

‘The Markets’


The Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court is spending much time investigating the claims of War Crimes in the Ukraine war - but has refused to investigate the West’s decades of Socio-Economic War/Inhumane Crimes that brought about the angers that led to the collapse of Russia’s fledgling ‘democracy’ which led to the autocratic power Russia now experiences and the aggressions from that autocratic Power - which aggressions are FULLY UNDERSTANDABLE as there are large numbers of Russian peoples (more than 50% of population?) that are opposed to the West’s gangbanging of Russia.

The present, and longstanding, situation is that numerous tyrannies&oppressions are being imposed by Western ‘democracies’ upon the vast majority of peoples throughout the World (both without & within Western nations), and through to numerous Starvation Genocides.

Such that the Justices of the above Courts are essentially, by ignoring these Truths, ‘walking past’ numerous modern-day Auschwitzes claiming they ‘See, Hear, Smell NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!’


Everyone is duty-bound to correct these gross Human Rights Violations

Judges/Justices do NOT have the Right to IGNORE!


Nazi Germany Judges were prosecuted & convicted for doing such.

(Wikipedia - The Judges' Trial (German: Juristenprozess; or, the Justice Trial, or, officially, The United States of America vs. Josef Altstötter, et al.)) - resulted in 10 convictions, four with life imprisonment.: Juristenprozess; or, the Justice Trial, or, officially, The United States of America vs. Josef Altstötter, et al.)) - resulted in 10 convictions, four with life imprisonment.

BUT, that Trial was a WARNING to future Judges

It is being IGNORED by present Judges ---- at their own PERIL

It raises the validity of Death Sentences for past, present & future treasonous judges.


 1 I am the Applicant, 70 year male, UK, SA & ROI citizenships (although SA & ROI will disingenuously dispute), living in Ireland 16 years, having been forced into exile from SA home by SA Government in 2006 due to SA Government maliciously isolating myself economically; ditto UK, ROI, EU governments.

1.1 I am a Professional (equiv. Chartered) Engineer (Electrical) (B.Sc.(Elec.)Eng. (UCT, 1980), Pr.Eng. registration SACPE/ECSA 1986), and ex-Royal Navy Artificer (1974). With many years Engineering, Consulting, Projects experience. Many years Business/Finance/Socio-Economic Experience. And many years Research & Development (R&D) into the Financial & Economics of Socio-Economies and into Physics – and developing new insights into these areas.

1.2 My R&D into Socio-Economy issues began shortly after graduating

1.3 Much of my R&D can be viewed at, and links to specific papers addressed herein are appended below.

 2 I developed 2 main strands within my R&D: Socio-Economic Engineering and Physics/PhysicsEngineering

2.1 Within Socio-Economy Engineering this is split up into Finances, Economics, Social, Government, Justice, and all in relation to viewing a Socio-Economic system (similar to a vehicle) and why Economies boom/crash (similar to investigating car/plane crashes) – identifying Causal Factors, developing Understandings through to developing proposed Solutions.

2.2 Within Physics/Physics-Engineering – the main strand was to address my long held disbelief that Galaxies travelled at phenomenal speeds (as determined by Edwin Hubble – red/blue shift, of speeds 0.1C (i.e. 30,000 (thirty thousand) kilometres per second) & greater, hence expanding Universe, hence Big Bang) – and determined that the starting point for doing so was to start at the beginning of Science, at the point in which Opticks was formalised - and proving that Opticks (wrongly attributed to Newton) are WRONG!

 3 My R&D has been progressively developed over the 42 years since graduating and been regularly circulated for some 20 years , and since around 2005 on my website (despite abusive harassment & obstructions from various ISP providers) Circulation has been for well over a decade, if not for near 2 decades, to the Courts (as addressed above) but also to numerous (& major) Universities around the World, to successive Governments/Parliaments, to Royalties, to Courts (SA, UK, ROI, USA, various EU), to media globally (media are lying to the World by refusing to air these Truths), ....

 4 My R&D that uncovered pension frauds (see link below on Pensions & Mastermind) was such that I could have utilised the same fraud scams to make myself extremely wealthy as it did for those criminals that adopted the scams, as I consulted to top Executives & Business owners - BUT, as a Professional Engineer, seeking Truth is priority.

4.1 Truth? -> That quality of achieving an optimally Engineered system.

Nobel Physics 2022

 5 The Nobel Foundation has for over a decade been aware that my R&D has disproved Opticks (wrongly attributed to Newton; and that Newton stole the IP) – consequently that some 350 years of Science is wrong.

5.1 Follow Fast-Track on homepage at my website ... Simple observations with a 3 x 60 degree prism proves Opticks is wrong.

5.2 Also see brief explanations appended below

5.3 Consequently light is NOT frequency based but arc-angle related, hence Edwin Hubble was wrong to apply Doppler to observations into deep-space, and wrong to claim red galaxies as receding at 0.1C & greater, hence wrong to claim Universe expanding, hence ‘scientists’ are wrong to state the corollary that there must have been a BigBang.

 6 Thus the Nobel Foundation were wrong to award the Nobel Prize in Physics 2022 to Alain Aspect, John F. Clauser and Anton Zeilinger "for experiments with entangled photons, establishing the violation of Bell inequalities and pioneering quantum information science" ...

6.1 ... simply because the arguments presented by the recipients contradicts the CONCRETE PROOFS shown by my R&D, and which PROOFS are readily verifiable by anyone by using a prism, that the understandings of Light & Light Transmission Dynamics by the NP Awardees are WRONG – hence their theories & experiments are WRONG!

 7 It is also important to note that the research works by the Awardees of the NP2022Physics is based upon THOUGHT EXPERIMENTS of their own which are based upon layered levels of THOUGHT EXPERIMENTS by persons before them. In other words, Thoughts-upon-Thoughts-upon-Thoughts .... without any of them acknowledging, or even recognising, that Opticks (wrongly attributed to Newton; Newton stole the IP) are WRONG!.

7.1 NASA’s space programmes first started with Thought-Experiments, based upon numerous other Thought-Experiments - all of which resulted in NUMEROUS FAILURES - so the probability of the NP2022 Awardees Thought-Experiments being correct are also likely wrong, and are WRONG as evidenced by simple prism observations.

7.2 See:

 8 So, we presently have 350 years of defective Opticks, being WRONGLY expanded further into SCIENCE-FICTION by current researchers & by NP2022 Physics Awardees.

 9 The NP Awardees are called upon to obtain a 3 x 60 degree prism and make the observations, as per Fast-Track at CDADD website, and observations therefrom, and publicly confirm the incorrectness of Opticks, and hence of their research work, and make Public announcement withdrawing their acceptance of NP2022Physics prize

 10 It follows that

10.1 Quantum Physics -> KWANTUM FIZIKS!!!

10.2 Quantum Theory -> KWANTUM TWADDLE!!!

 11 It follows that Light (which includes its distinct colour sidebands) are NOT frequency based but arc-angle related. Hence Einstein was wrong in arguing light TRAVELS at speed C, it PROPAGATES through space; that Hubble was wrong to apply Doppler to Light transmission since Light is NOT frequency based; consequently: that Hubble’s red/blueshift was wrong; that the ‘proof’ of ‘expanding universe’ is WRONG; that the corollary of ‘bigbang’ is also WRONG -> that much deep-space ‘science’ is in fact SCIENCE FICTION.

 12 BUT, the World has become brainwashed by bogus ‘expanding universe’ mentality which has had dire ‘expansion’ consequences on Socio-Economic models - that Growth is unlimited, that Wealth is unlimited; etc., etc., such that much ‘economics’ developed by mainly mathematicians that have zero science qualification or training, and ZERO ENGINEERING expertise, are making bogus claims over system components of Socio-Economies....... and all to the detriment of the World ....................

Nobel (Sveriges Riksbank) Economics 2022

 13 ......... NP (Sveriges Riksbank) 2022 Economic prize has for many years been awarded to persons that have further entrenched fundamentally fraudulent/defective models upon which Western Socio-Economies are destructively structured. The reason being that these economic ‘scientists’ had previously not recognised the progressively increasing & globalised Pension (& other) Frauds and hence the super-saturation of Global MoneyBase&Supply, which has progressively distorted Socio-Economies globally - see lhs Panel at CDADD website:

13.1 Pensions & Mastermind papers;

13.2 Inhumane Humanities & Sciences 01 & 02

13.3 Dynamics of Population/Wealth Characteristics

 14 The NP2022Economics Awardees are complexing further an already complexed fraudulent system that is deepening the global chaos.

14.1 It is IMPOSSIBLE to have a stable Banking (hence Socio-Economic) system when the Global MoneyBase&Supply is SUPER-SATURATED, much being counterfeit money. Yet the Awardees disingenuously argue their models whilst ignoring the TSUNAMIC proportions of the money saturation & fraud problems.

14.2 the fact that Ben Bernanke was the 14th Federal Reserve Chairman gives false comfort that Bernanke knew what he was/is doing - he TOTALLY FAILED to recognise the globalised Pension frauds that is distorting/destroying Socio-Economies - and ignored this reality after CDADD’s revelations in 2003.

14.3 Bernanke was/is also a strong promoter of Corporate Governance (CG) but did not recognise that CG was developed (again, in SA) to PROTECT corpOrgCrime criminals from prosecution, initially for the increasing pension frauds.

 15 Much of the present day Socio-Economic structures of (mainly Western) Nations are DESTRUCTIVE - through a mistaken belief (largely through Margaret Thatcher being duped by criminals) that privatisation was GOOD, when in fact it is TOTALLY, TOTALLY, TOTALLY DISASTROUS - and leads to massive instabilities, frustrations, angers, violences -> Putin, Xi Ping, Kim, Al Qaeda, Hamas ....... exactly as we are are seeing those consequences today ....

15.1 COP27 - Canada PM Justin Trudeau’s chat with China’s Leader Xi Ping in which they agreed to create the conditions for constructive engagement AND UK PM Rishi Sunak engaging with SA Pres. Cyril Ramaphosa, COUPLED with Putin’s absence ....

15.2 ...... highlight the visible strain between West & East - distrust by the East over the West’s destructive socio-economic models & practices, and the ease by which Ramaphosa, previously a Union employee & leader, has advantaged himself into wealth & power, and sitting comfortably with western leaders. None of these players having the vaguest idea how to solve the real Socio-Economic problems, now compounded with increasing conflicts.

15.3 It’s because Privatisation is totally opposite to the very nature of Socio-Economies, vis: that they are Societies, social peoples (which does NOT imply ‘socialism, or any other bogus ‘ismic ideology)

 16 What is more bizarre is that the Awardees’ research is based upon banking/economic structures from the early 20th century. This is much like F1 racing teams & present auto manufacturers debating technical issues around (e.g.) Henry Ford’s Model T -> it’s a waste of time & simply retains mindsets in incorrect/inadequate understandings.

 17 BUT Academia are purposefully developing bogus models, by deceiving peoples into believing they (the ‘scientists’) are at the ‘cutting edge’ of science -> they are not.


 18 ALL the Awardees of the NP2022 Economics & Physics are taking the World deeper into sci-fi distortions, with dire consequences to global instability, societal hardships .....

 19 Putin’s attack on the West, guised as a limited attack on Ukraine; China’s threats over Taiwan etc.; NKorea’s, ..... all stem from the oppressions imposed upon these Nations by the West’s massively destructive fraud mechanisms.

 20 It is also behind the attacks on western Government infrastructures & leaders – peoples facing increasing socio-economic hardships due to the frauds destroying their security & well-being

 21 It is reiterated that the addressed Courts have for well over a decade been regularly made aware of my R&D – the fact that these Courts (& Governments, Academia, …) have ignored these Truths means that they are effectively ‘walking past’ present-day ‘Auschwitzes’ falsely claiming they ‘see, hear, small nothing’ –> TREASONS AGAINST HUMANITY (Tyrannies & Oppressions as set out in UDHR Preamble)

 22 The Nobel 2022 Physics & Economics Laureates are called upon to withdraw their acceptance of the Prizes WRONGLY Awarded to them,

22.1 the evidence is abundantly clear, that the Awardees models do NOT comply with Alfred Nobel’s requirement that the Prizes should be awarded to “those who, during the preceding year, shall have conferred the greatest benefit to humankind.”  - as their models are to the DETRIMENT (NOT benefit) of humankind, simply because their models are WRONG!!!

 23 This applies equally to the Nobel Foundation, Kings of Sweden & Norway, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, and Academia globally

 24 Again, Justices/Judges are NOT above the Law, the Nuremberg Judges Trial confirms that present day Judges can be prosecuted for Treasons - they have no grounds for claiming they ‘See, Hear, Smell NOTHING!’

 25 The Justices of the referenced Courts are called upon & are duty-bound to hold an Open Hearing on these critical issues - all of which had/have material impacts upon the World

Chris Addington Pr.Eng. (by email, hence unsigned)

October 27 – November 12, 2022


Understand how&why we see light.

Understand how&why we see perspective

Understand how&why we see clouds

Understand Light Transmission Dynamics→

Orient a prism (preferably a 3 x 60 degree) to obtain 'rainbow' pattern, move prism to surface & observe 'rainbow' splits out to roy & vib patterns at apex points – take a sheet of paper and move around the prism, note the full-shadow of the prism obstructing forward light (barring a thin strip of full intensity forward light emanating from the adjacent apex point, the light having passed directly through the prism to the apex point, all other light reflected internally&externally), and the 3 attenuated light patches. It is because of the attenuated light patch that allows full intensity side-band colours of roy & vib, emanating from immediately outside the apex points, to appear within these attenuated light regions, i.e. the roy&vib patterns are WITHIN the bounds of the prism dimensions (NOT without), thus the light colour side-bands emanate from outside the bounds of the prism and, due to arc-angle distribution of the roy & vib colours at distinct angles, appear WITHIN the bounds of the prism dimensions – with the prism removed the side-band colours, which were at the apex-points at which the prism was, are still there (& everywhere) but are swamped by the forward ('white') light – this phenomena occurs everywhere with natural light.

The 2 sets of side-band colours are about a forward band of light (‘white’),, thus the orientation of colours are: biv-fwd-roy.

Thus a prism does NOT split out 'white' light, colours are NOT frequency related but arc-angle related – thus Einstein, Hubble, Higgs, Hawking, CERN etc. are wrong → e≠mc2 , etc., etc., …..

It is the mixing of the sideband colours within clouds/water that causes perception of greyness to black – but this is ACTIVE COLOURFUL light, that appears as dark/grey light, the colours remain distinctly separate but optically merge to create grey/dark – the deeper/longer/thicker the cloud the more the progressive mixing of light colours, the darker the grey, through to black – so in deep-sea water there is ACTIVE black light.

Q: The Forward Light from the prism (toward the prism shadow) – does this produce side-band colours???? A second prism is required for this test.

The test (as per 'Newton's' Opticks) for the side-band colours NOT producing other colours through a second prism is an incorrect test (again, Newton was wrong – because he didn't understand Opticks – because he stole the Intellectual Property) – WHY is the test wrong?

Also note: Light does NOT polarise! Nor does light Refract or Diffract!

Young's slit experiment is misinterpreted! Quantum Physics? → Kwantum Fiziks!!!

TO UNDERSTAND HOW LIGHT ACTUALLY FUNCTIONS ONE MUST LOOK THROUGH A SINGULAR PRISM & OBSERVE CAREFULLY – analysing light through a drop of water is engaging with near-infinite number of prisms, but light through just one prism has been misunderstood for over three&half centuries.

Hence: e≠mc2

→ Understand how Optics (no 'k') and the Universe really functions ….. follow the fast-track at

Opticks (wrongly attributed to Newton) are wrong → e≠mc2

Refraction is NOT Refraction

We see clouds because of the infinite mixing of colours – red, yellow, blue, violet increasingly mix as light passes through clouds of water droplets, each containing 'infinite' prisms, the denser/longer/taller the cloud the darker it appears – clouds do not have shadow, only active dark light

Perspective: another singular proof that Einstein, Hubble, Hawking, Higgs, Dawkins, CERN etc. are wrong

Universal Gravity does not explain synchronous rotation & orbit → Star (Sun) SUPER GENERATOR/ALTERNATOR, multiphase Power Supply; Planets synchronous SUPER-MOTORS

Pollution is a MASSIVE problem, and correlates to Climate Change, but:- correlation does NOT prove Cause/Effect – Correlation fully justifies FAIL-SAFE policies but does NOT justify false/unproved claims → bogus science!

Climate is ALWAYS changing – inevitable dynamic of Solar/Universe Systems – do you honestly believe that 7.5 Billion 'microbial' polluting humans can SWAMP the MASSIVE MACRO Solar/Earth System dynamics?!?!?! 7.5 Billion people were not around when dinosaurs became extinct.

Quantum Theory/Quantum Physics contradicts Classical Physics because QT/QP is wrong → kwantum twaddle/kwantum fiziks (observe for yourself with a prism that Opticks are WRONG! → e≠mc2 )

Fermat's Last Theorem: Andrew Wiles' 'proof' is NOT a PROOF; c.f. Proof that 1=0; also Wiles' 'proof' too complex to PROVE a PROOF; CDADD has developed a classical PROOF.

Mastermind of Organised Crime in the FinServ Industry & Mechanisms of globalised Pension/Investment Frauds

John Nash (Nobel Economics 1994) - models are defective -> massive socio-economic destruction

The Lies & Deceptions of the Archbishop of Atheism, Richard Dawkins – the so-called 'Age of Enlightenment' began with Opticks, but these Opticks were WRONG (because Newton stole the IP) and brought about enDarkenment, within which the World increasingly turmoils .........

Dynamics of Population-Wealth characteristic - 'Vacuum Hose' effect on Population & Wealth/Income/Resources (cumulative)

Bitcoin (& other crypto-currencies) - Understanding (some of) the REAL Dangers of crypto-EWMDs

Inhumane Humanities & Sciences 01 & 02 - Driving World to greater Conflict

Twin Towers imploded - absence of transfer-of-momentum dynamics for freefall -> additional high impulse (explosive) forces, sequentially -> by definition: implosion

etc., etc., etc., ….



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