A Con-Undrummed XII
The Lies & Deceptions of the Archbishop of Atheism, Richard Dawkins
Outgrowing God - A Beginner's Guide – Richard Dawkins
Penguin Random House/Transworld Publishers
© Richard Dawkins Limited
ISBN 9781787631212
(Also – other similar books by Dawkins)
The writer has challenged Richard Dawkins for over a decade concerning grossly defective science/s & Dawkins' flawed arguments regarding God/No-God.
Dawkins refuses to engage constructively – Dawkins chooses to attack & ridicule people who clearly are non- science oriented - Dawkins does not have the courage to engage with the writer – he runs away, as does his 'disciple' Colin Blakemore (a neuro-biologist)
The purpose of this paper is not to punt God/Faith/Religion or Science per se - but to expose the Lies & Deceptions by Dawkins – through simple Reasoning & simple Observations which anyone can do for themselves – and therefrom recognise Dawkins' Lies & Deceptions – i.e. it is intended that the reader be empowered to make sensible decisions through proper & simple research employing basic primary/secondary school-level work.
Dawkins' book, of lies & deceptions, was a chance-find in a Mitchelstown (Ireland) charity shop – 2 books for 1 euro (I would appreciate a refund of 50c from Dawkins)
Dawkins' book/s is/are a compilation of regurgitations of Lies and of Deceptions spewed out in his previous books – simply to generate more money from an unsuspecting public
Dawkins' Lies are mainly based within a false veneer of Science – Dawkins has for over/near a decade been informed of certain fundamental sciences being incorrect but continues to peddle the 'science' lies he relies upon to 'debunk' God/Faith – simply because he makes money from his lies.
Dawkins' Deceptions are (mainly) based in Dawkins' distortions of 'religion' – Dawkins demonstrates his ignorance of religion (horizontal relationships, & heavily political) and of Faith (vertical relationship). And blends a hierarchy of defective 'science' theories with observable evidences (e.g. evolution) so as to (wrongly) construct deceptions against Faith-principles by (rightly) attacking 'religion'.
It should also be noted that Penguin Random House have also been informed, for over/near a decade, of Dawkins' lies & deceptions – but Penguin Random House are also into making money & not into Truth, Science, Faith or otherwise – just money! Any garbage will do if it sells, but not anything that exposes their main business, vis: peddling garbage.
Similarly, Academia in general, Royal Society, Royal Institute, Royal Irish Academy, Royal Dublin Society, have also been regularly kept informed.
So too have numerous & successive governments of leading (& some minor) nations; also media (BBC, Guardian, NY Times, Washington Post ….................), unions, …...... etc., etc., etc., ….
The reality is that corporates have developed a global network of Organised Crime (corpOrgCrime) (a new form of western Imperialism) – and Dawkins is simply their Archbishop of Atheism.
Whilst reading any of this paper, or indeed any of Dawkins' books there are 2 simple choices:
Faith promising EVERYTHING and costing absolutely NOTHING
Dawkins promising NOTHING but costing MUCH
think about this as you read – be open minded.
Lets' look first at Dawkins' Deceptions, then at Dawkins' Lies
Dawkins' Deceptions:
To un-drum Dawkins' con over God/Faith – one need only look at 3 key viewpoints.
The first viewpoint is the Bible – Dawkins relies on some (many) people thinking that the fairytale of creation (Genesis 1) is literal – this is as silly as saying that reference, poetry, science, history books at your local library are all false because the library has kiddies fairytale books.
The Bible is a library of books, fairytale, history, science, economics, poetry …... - it is a book of basic instruction before leaving earth.
Genesis (& other parts of Bible) are fairytale stories of fundamental Truths – the Truths are FACT, the tale in literal terms is not. So what if some people believe in its literality? Dawkins punts many lies about science which is massively destructive - whereas wrongful belief in the literality of those fairytales in the Bible causes no damage.
The second viewpoint is Creation – Creation comes in 3 main parts – Origin, Evolution & Development –
Origin is that which came about whenever & howsoever many zillions of years ago.
Evolution is that ongoing part of Creation, that part that is by 'design' on Auto-Pilot.
Development is that part of Creation that comes through the evolved 'design' of Intelligence (of humankind)
But, as can be observed, as explained shortly, with Origin - we can recognise that Edwin Hubble's 'expanding universe' is wrong, hence the 'big bang' theory is also wrong.
However humankind is often retarded in its development by lies & deceptions (witness for e.g. Dawkins)
The third viewpoint is that of Faith & Religions – and the need to understand the differences.
Faith is that Vertical relationship between those with Faith & God (don't rush ahead – wait a moment ….. read on ….)
Religion is, or Religions are, those Horizontal relationships that develop between & amongst those who claim Faith.
There are many religions, three of which are based on a Monotheistic basis (stemming from Abraham) vis: Jew, Christian, Muslim ; and many other religions that view gods in many forms – i.e. a fragmented God.
Within any one Religion there are invariably many divisions (e.g. Christian Faith → Catholic, Church of England, Protestant, Methodist …......) - and within any one division there are deeply entrenched sub-divisions, and all with complex politics.
All of which makes for a hot-bed of conflicts – which is ripe for certain people to inflame conflicts further through Lies & Deceptions.
The key to avoid being caught-up in & confused by these conflicts is simply to avoid religion and look at, to investigate Faith – if you connect with the Faith reality then all else falls into sensible order.
Dawkins' Lies
Science, as a technical foundation, is simply that part of Philosophy that is Proved to be Correct. Sometimes Science is later Proved to have been wrong. But, until proved wrong it is considered to be Correct.
However when certain science is Proved to be wrong, scientists/societies often refuse to accept that that old science is wrong – by refusal to check the new proofs, & usually because of vested interests (usually financial) of old 'science'.
Dawkins (& many others 'scientists': Brian Cox, Jim Al-Khalili, Stephen Hawking, Peter Higgs, Roger Penrose, CERN …..) fits into the latter category.
For, they have all been informed & shown the Proofs that much fundamental 'science' is wrong – but they continue to peddle Lies & Deceptions so as to continue making money from an unsuspecting public – and CERN is simply a money-laundering joint veiled by bogus 'science'.
It can be said, and it is largely true, that Science came into being when Mankind attempted to understand Light – i.e. when Philosophical arguments about Light were investigated - i.e. when Newton claimed (wrongly so) to have determined fundamentals of Light with Prism experiments. The start of Enlightenment.
By following the homepage Fast-Track at www.cdadd.com one can readily observe for oneself that Opticks (with a 'k') by Newton are WRONG!!! and that one can, by following the simple steps as set out at cdadd.com, through simple observations, develop understandings of how Optics (no 'k'), i.e. Light Transmission Dynamics, actually do function.
From this one can see that Newton did not originate the Opticks experiments – Newton stole the Intellectual Property from some other person whilst Cambridge University was in Lock-Down with the then Great Plague of 1665/6.
The proofs of all this are contained in the successive papers which also set out further observations which can be readily verified by the reader.
A quick observation that proves Opticks (with a 'k')(wrongly attributed to Newton) are wrong:- orient a prism to obtain 'rainbow' pattern, move prism to surface & observe 'rainbow' splits out to roy & vib patterns at apex points – thus prism does NOT split out white light, colours are NOT frequency related but arc-angle related.
Thus Hubble was wrong in claiming expanding Universe (Doppler Effect/Red Shift of galaxies) because Doppler Effect does not apply to Light Transmission Dynamics because light is not frequency based (other than common fundamental switching frequency of the ether), Gravity is an internal force not universal, Gravity is a consequence of the dynamics of planetary motion, Gravity is not the Cause of planetary motion - Gravity does not & cannot explain synchronous rotation & orbit of planets, Stars (Suns) are SUPER-GENERATORS/ALTERNATORS, planets are SUPER-MOTORS - thus Einstein, Hubble, Higgs, CERN etc. are wrong → e≠mc2 , etc., etc., …..
→ Understand how Optics (no 'k') and the Universe really functions ….. follow the fast-track at www.cdadd.com
The point is that Dawkins has been long informed of these Proofs but Dawkins refuses to correct his position - because he is making money out of selling books, videos & other stuff based upon his (now disproved) theories – i.e. Dawkins makes his money out of peddling Lies & Deceptions – Dawkins' intentions are too Deceive YOU!
In Conclusion: Theism versus Atheism
The point about Theism and Atheism is that both require careful considerations of Evidences before one can make any statement for one or for the other – they both require mutually Inclusive considerations for it is necessary in proving (or attempting to prove) the one that one also disproves the other (for they are Mutually Exclusive concepts) – by Evidence is meant Observation, Reasoning, Science & Deductions that are grounded on FACTS – once FACTS are established then emotions follow.
The difference between Dawkins & the writer is that Dawkins avoids FACTS and relies on attacking emotions with pseudo-science (Lies) to create distortions (Deceptions)
Whereas the writer is saying – STOP! - look (actually LOOK!!!) at FACTS – understand the FACTS – thereafter follow your own conscience - rather than blindly be misled by Lies & Deceptions – please do NOT accept the writer's statements regarding the Prism experiments, get a Prism (websearch & order online, as generally not available in shops – which in itself is an indictment against Academia – which historically is much like the Bible having been denied the People) & observe for yourself by following the simple steps set out via the Fast-Track at www.cdadd.com
BUT, perhaps the most bizarre argument by Dawkins lies in the fact that in trying to disprove the existence of God that Dawkins gives credibility to the existence of God, and thereby a God who must be & is the ULTIMATE SCIENTIST …... ENGINEER …..DOCTOR …......... ACCOUNTANT …....... …..................
…...... and if that be the case then surely there will be some human/s that can readily challenge Dawkins on the basics of science …........... such as ….......... well …........... Light Transmission Dynamics ….......... i.e. by looking through a prism and recognising Newton was wrong …...................
….......... which BLOWS ALL of Dawkins' claims out the water …...............
….........or, more correctly, the Universe ….. which is why Dawkins' evades engagement with the writer.
So, a simple decision ….......
Faith promising EVERYTHING and costing absolutely NOTHING
Dawkins promising NOTHING but costing MUCH
Constructive engagements are always welcomed (see Contact at www.cdadd.com )
Chris Addington Pr.Eng.
Follow 'Fast-track' at www.cdadd.com - A quick observation that proves Opticks (with a 'k')(wrongly attributed to Newton) are wrong:- orient a prism to obtain 'rainbow' pattern, move prism to surface & observe 'rainbow' splits out to roy & vib patterns at apex points – thus prism does NOT split out white light, colours are NOT frequency related but arc-angle related – thus Einstein, Hubble, Higgs, CERN etc. are wrong → e≠mc2 , etc., etc., …..
→ Understand how Optics (no 'k') and the Universe really functions ….. follow the fast-track at www.cdadd.com
- Opticks (wrongly attributed to Newton) are wrong → e≠mc2
- Refraction is NOT Refraction
- Perspective: another singular proof that Einstein, Hubble, Hawking, Higgs, CERN etc. are wrong
- Universal Gravity does not explain synchronous rotation & orbit → Star (Sun) SUPER GENERATOR/ALTERNATOR, multiphase Power Supply; Planets synchronous SUPER-MOTORS
- Climate is ALWAYS changing – inevitable dynamic of Solar Systems – Do you honestly believe that 7.5 Billion 'microbial' polluting humans can SWAMP the MASSIVE MACRO Solar System dynamics?!?!?! They were not around when dinosaurs became extinct.
- Quantum Theory contradicts Classical Physics because QT is wrong.
- etc., etc., etc. …....
- Fermat's Last Theorem: Andrew Wiles' 'proof' is NOT a PROOF; cf Proof that 1=0; also Wiles' 'proof' too complex to PROVE a PROOF; CDADD has developed a classical PROOF.
- John Nash (Nobel Economics 1994) - models are defective -> massive socio-economic destruction
- Dynamics of Population-Wealth characteristic - 'Vacuum Hose' effect on Population & Wealth/Income/Resources (cumulative)
- Bitcoin (& other crypto-currencies) - Understanding (some of) the REAL Dangers of crypto-EWMDs
- Inhumane Humanities & Sciences 01 & 02 - Driving World to greater Conflict
- Twin Towers imploded - absence of transfer-of-momentum dynamics for freefall -> additional high impulse (explosive) forces, sequentially -> by definition: implosion
- etc., etc., etc., ….
- www.cdadd.com