Vladimir Putin/ Carlson Tucker Interview
Shallow Interview over Polarised Positions
Stephen Kotkin (Gita Warjawan interview)
(How Not to Win the War, But the Peace
What is the 'endgame' of armed conflicts? Is it to win the war or to win the peace?)
A Well-Balanced but Flawed Perspective
because Winning-the-Peace cannot be sustained with western EWMDs exploding daily
Putin/Tucker Interview: https://tuckercarlson.com/the-vladimir-putin-interview/
Kotkin, Endgame - How Not to Win the War, But the Peace
Arguments herein do NOT to condone Putin's unwarranted attack on Ukraine
Carlson Tucker's response AFTER Putin interview
CT interviewed at World Governments Summit
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qzlt1VVBcg8
News reports - Death of Alexei Navalny
Causes, Responsibilities, What Ramifications???
Carlson Tucker's response to Navalny's death?
Thoughts & prayers go out to family & friends of Alexei Navalny, but also to the thousands of Ukrainians, Palestinians, Israelis, ….. that have died and are suffering from the past years of increasing conflicts – which are simply continuations of decades-old issues..
Carlson Tucker interviewed at World Government Summit – a personal shift to honest reporting → ????
Feb 10 - Mar 04, 2024
With some 22 journalists and numerous Russians in opposition to Vladimir Putin (VP) imprisoned in Russia, one has to give credit to Carlson Tucker (CT) for having the courage to enter into Putin's JAWS.
To that extent one also could predict that limited challenge was going to be raised by CT - and that certainly proved the case – but an interesting interview nonetheless – and an interview that leaves the door open to the West to diplomatise a real solution.
Stephen Kotkin's interview, by Gita Warjawan, which was recorded some days before the Putin interview, addresses proposed Endgame approaches to the Ukraine war – focussing not so much to winning the war but Winning-the-Peace.
And as background to the Ukraine war is the ongoing Israel/Hamas conflict, and recently escalated into Humanitarian crisis, and with increasing threats from numerous other 'non' Western entities. 'Western' being the the collective Nations of the undemocratic ideological 'Democracies' of the World → undemocratic: because the Peoples of these 'western' 'democracies' are TOTALLY IGNORANT of the World's Socio-Economic realities, because they are lied-to by their Governments/Parliaments and by the Media, which is controlled by Corporates which also 'control' governments, and which controlling-corporates have fraudulently manipulated the World's Money-Base&Supply into super-saturation – from which TOTAL GLOBAL CHAOS prevails – hence 'Democratic Governments' cannot be truly called democratic.
And all this recent conflict escalation ultimately stems from the underlying cause, vis: of Russia being gang-banged by the 'West' after the Berlin Wall-Fall on Thursday November 9, 1989.
Mikhail Gorbachev had the courage to follow Ronnie & Maggie's (Reagan & Thatcher) duo-call from some two&half years prior:
' …... General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization, come here to this gate.
Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate!
Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall! ….. '
—Ronald Reagan, address at the Brandenburg Gate, June 12, 1987
Despite intense animosity between Gorbachev & Boris Yeltsin, Yeltsin was of the same opinion to transforming Russia, this being formed from his visits to the USA/EU and seeing the 'wealth' & abundance of goods in shops.
Ronnie & Maggie's duo-call raised justifiable expectations that the West would assist in Russia's reformation.
BUT, nothing could have been further from the TRUTH - the West began gang-banging even prior to the formal transition on Wednesday (Christmas Day) December 25, 1991 - the transition was marked by a Christmas Present from the West's corporates of a Virtual Socio-Economic TIME-BOMB & glittering EWMDs.
Yeltsin, already an alcoholic, and taking Power on that Christmas day, had ZERO understanding of how western economies functioned – and 'advice' from western economists was hard-lined and to Russia's extreme disadvantage, and actions from western corporates were HOSTILE, intent on taking economic control → Russia was shifted, instantly, from frying-pan into the fire – and Yeltsin into terminal alcoholism – and the rise ('birth') of Putin.
So, to coin Kotkin's initiative of Winning-the-Peace – the reality was the opposite, Russia experienced the commencement of Socio-Economic WARFARE!!! within its own territory – Russia saw NO Peace!
not only did Russia lose the Cold-War, but it Lost-the-Peace, it Lost its National-Identity, it Lost SelfRespect …..........
Russia did not win, as promised, one piece of peace, or prosperity,
or liberalization.
The post-WallFall chaos within Russia created the circumstance for a needed Autocrat to take charge – Vladimir Putin was that autocrat (History 'repeating' itself for the umpteenth time – Hitler, Stalin, PolPot, Kim, XiPing, ….)
An Autocrat was necessary because 'western' Socio-Economic models, based on grossly defective science & maths, are TOTALLY FRAUDULENT & DESTRUCTIVE to any&all Socio-Economies –> cost-of-living crises, bankrupt councils & countries, …..
Along with the west's Socio-Economic gangbanging Russia faced increased militaristic threats in the form of a larger European Union and consequent NATO alliance. From the perspective of the new EU Member Nations (i.e. ex-USSR) it appeared that EU membership was infinitely better than under a communist regime (since WallFall some 15 ex-USSR/satellite Nations are now NATO members) – obviously this poses a real threat to Russia (& China, NKorea, Iran, …) all of which exacerbates the effects from Socio-Economic gangbanging.
'Aaaaah', you might exclaim, 'BUT Putin is doing this & he's doing that, …. – all of which is harming Russia's standing'.
Response: When anyone, any country, faces a threat it is obviously going to use at least similar weapons used by its aggressors, if not more effective ones.
Against the REALITY of the West's gangbanging of Russia, mainly through corporates gangbanging the World, Putin's historical perceptions, as he put across in the CT interview, are irrelevant as to their accuracy (or inaccuracy) – in truth, Putin put on a more credible presentation than did Tucker with his limited (understandably so) challenges to Putin, or his staged body-language of incredulity.
Carlson Tucker should familiarise himself with the realities of globalised Pension Frauds and understand how these, and other far more complex metamorphosed frauds, have devastated the World - and the originating Mastermind behind these frauds.
Tucker also needs to recognise why Newton's Opticks are WRONG!!!! (Newton stole the IP) and its consequences on Science in general – thus → e≠mc2 – but Academia are hostile to this and refuse to engage – thus bogus 'science' and maths perpetuate and 'justify' fraudulent finance/economics models – which is why & how places such as CERN can continue churning out garbage – it's paid for by monies defrauded from society so as to keep society suppressed (=> supply driven inflation, coupled with diminished incomes suctioned out of economies, and all used to counterfeit more money thus driving inflation further – all as&when corporates freely choose to manipulate)
(see links appended)
ALL this bogus 'science' & maths are the means by which the corporate world has defrauded everyone with MASSIVELY DESTRUCTIVE EWMDs
PM Rishi Sunak and many EU leaders, are the new generationally groomed leaders - by all this defective 'science' & maths – it cannot be ruled out that Sunak is in fact a double-agent intent on destroying the very fabric of western societies – Sunak is totally closed-minded to the fact that his understandings of how Socio-Economies should be structured & controlled is TOTALLY FLAWED. Kier Starmer (Labour leader) protected corporate criminals when Prosecutions Director.
Interestingly, David Cameron former Conservative advisor, later MP, later PM, now Foreign Secretary is one of the few remaining in UK Parliament that have seen, from the inside of Parliament, the full events from pre-WallFall to Putin's entrenchment – and Cameron is instrumental in not only supporting EWMDs but also in diminishing the UK's Military & Security.
Cameron, like all Parliamentarians refuse to look through a prism to recognise that Newton was wrong, that he stole the IP, that the bogus 'science' has created bogus maths that have created the MASSIVELY DESTRUCTIVE EWMDs.
Tune into Skynews, or any media channel or rag, for garbage arguments about lowering taxes & interest, that growth is driven by private sector, …...........
This is the kind of UTTER STUPIDITY that flows from defective Socio-Economics models – Governments/Parliaments are key components to developing Nations, shorting funding to these is a route to destruction – Interest Rate (at stable & real level) is necessary to attain stable pensions, stable socio-economies, …...
Economies function BECAUSE of Societies – but Societies are unstable because Economies are in chaos ….
… the evidences for this is the decline of NHS, Dental, Military, Incomes & Wealth, ….. - and hard evidence are two RN aircraft carriers stuck in harbour due to the decline in technical expertise – utilising hi-tech does not mean one automatically achieves low-tech expertise, and the commonality of both propulsion drives being the cause (as reported) suggests that reliance on hi-tech has come with reduction in low-tech.
(As an aside, the writer as an RN Artificer left the RN (to study Elec. Eng. at UCT) because lower skilled electricians were fast-tracked into 'mechanicians' so as to phase out, by short-sighted cost-cutting, the high-grade Artificer branch, which is what kept the RN functional to a high standard – but more alarming, some 'mechanicians' would be promoted to Commissions, which would then Rank them above graduate engineers, thus half-trained persons outranking Graduate Engineers & with some mechanicians 'asserting' power through physical assaults => recipe for disaster – intelligence suppressed by brutality & rank → and we see the effect of this reality with two aircraft carriers non-functional. Sabotage within or without???)
And Grenfell Towers fire (for e.g.) was similarly due to Engineering Professionalism being undermined
Professional (Chartered) Engineering expertise has been undermined for near half-century, because of increasing saturation of MoneyBase&Supply (=> Financial Tsunamis) – with half-qualified technicians being called Tech-Engineers and legislation allowing these lower skilled persons to over-rule Professional/Chartered Engineers – and now UK Gov. are embarking on dumbing-down further by adopting Apprentice-Degree courses – the STUPIDITY of DUMB politicians boggles the mind – it's all driven by corporate organised crime (corpOrgCrime)
With Physics & Engineering being so easily undermined it is not difficult to recognise why economics & finance models are fraudulent, super-saturating Global MoneyBase&Supply with defrauded & counterfeit money – visit Nobel Foundation and view CVs of Economics prize-winners (fast-tracked mathematicians with zero Science training & zero Engineering expertise)
Thus Socio-Economies destabilised by corporate gangbanging with EWMDs - which, over the decades, has brought numerous market collapses, and now 1st-World nations that have increasing cost-of-living crises, bankruptcies of councils, 2nd & 3rd World nations with crises through to starvations, UK Police in disgrace through complete structural break-down …......... BUT, all his stems from a broken & dishonest UK Parliament that won't even acknowledge the Opticks are wrong ….. they refuse to see the Light as it should be seen …... hence bogus 'science' bogus maths, fraudulent finance/economics models – thus Socio-Economic breakdown - thus angers, violence → thus wars ….. within & without ….
ALL this has come about from the same CAUSAL FACTORS that has driven Putin to fight back against the West's gangbanging – and the World is creeping closer to World War (IV, III being the Socio-Economic World War through EWMDs)
UK PM Rishi Sunak warns of dangers to Democracy with the Rochdale Parliamentary Bye-Election result giving seat to George Galloway.
Galloway won because Sunak, like ALL Parliamentarians are DISHONEST!!! - that's not to say anything regarding Galloway – but Sunak is directly linked through a finance corporate to corporate Organised Crime – Sunak's training & expertise comes from organised crime - it is corpOrgCrime that is at the root of EWMDs.
Why should Putin (and most people in Russia. China, NKorea, …) believe anything the West puts across????
Why should they strive for any agreement with the West???
Feb29 – Putin's 'State-of-Nation' address warning of Nuclear War if NATO troops enter Ukraine
Simply look at ROI Ireland & NIreland and its centuries of conflicts – and the fact that ROI Taoiseach (PM) Varadkar is already implying a breach of peace agreements between North & South - UK & EU & USA are accepting Varadkar's dishonesty (Varadkar alluding to reunification of N & S under ROI) – where then would any agreement between the West & Russia stand???
Varadkar can get away with this because Ireland's (in)Justice system is ENTIRELY CORRUPT …...
…. as are all Westminster based (in)Justice systems because there is NO Direct Access to the Highest Court on Constitutional/HumanRights violations, and Courts are closed-shop – it thus allows corporates to freely wield EWMDs.
(Evidence? Mr Bates versus the Post Office – 20 years of Sub-Postmasters being gangbanged over a grossly flawed hi-tech computer system – and with the developers Fujitsu being manipulated by IntAuditors KPMG – it cannot be ruled out that this entire issue was a corporate fraud raid – not dissimilar to the manner in which IntAuditors raided Russia post WallFall, and exploiting the rest of the un/under-developed World, and globalising Pensions/Investments frauds since the 1960s, …..
Ronnie & Maggie's promises were not fulfilled, and corporates had no intention of so doing – and neither do western Governments/Parliaments.
Thus Putin fights back - understandably so, just as did Hitler, and other autocrats prior & since – and with autocrats come the hardline henchmen; Hitler had Himmler, who had Heydrich; Stalin had Beria, PolPot had a number of henchmen, …... it is uncertain as to who Putin has as his henchmen, but clearly with Navalny's mysterious death it would appear that more rigid hardliners lurk behind Putin.
Putin would have had far greater impact if he had raised an ICC complaint to the ICC Prosecutor regarding the West's fraudulent socio-economic models, because they are the roots of the World's Socio-Economic problems.
So, what is the present cost to the West resulting from Putin's fightback from the West's gangbanging?
UK has pledged £12B since Feb 2022 & £2.5B in 2024; the USA $75B, the EU E96B.
Over 100B regardless of which currency.
It would cost less than £2B to properly fund a Professional Socio-Economy Engineering initiative – that would fund for at least 10 years – but Governments/Parliaments are controlled by, or indeed are part of, the corporates that are fuelling the conflicts.
Carlson Tucker, like all media, needs to rethink his reportage
Stephen Kotkin is right regarding 'winning the Peace' - but for Peace to last one needs Socio-Economies correctly structured & controlled - and that requires sound Professional Socio-Economy Engineering to rectify the masses of bogus/fraudulent economics & finance models.
Reiterate: This is NOT to condone Putin's unwarranted attack on Ukraine
BUT, again, the UDHR Preamble recognises the Right for standing against oppressors – and the West is oppressing the World by actively supporting corporate criminals engaged in global organised crime (=> EWMDs) ….......
Carlson Tucker's response AFTER Putin interview
CT interviewed at World Governments Summit (WGS) (week following Putin interview)
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qzlt1VVBcg8
The WGS interview of Carlson Tucker gives a human touch to Tucker's motivations, which indicates a significant shift, transformation, from the general dishonesty of mainstream News channels & rags, from where Tucker came.
Whilst his intent is clarified the fact remains that the interview was shallow, understandably so as Tucker was in the 'Lion's den'.
The question is whether Tucker will follow up on his Putin interview and pursue more challenging probes of Putin himself & address the real issues, including those raised above which polarised Russia/Putin in the first instance - and especially the fact that David Cameron was actively involved in Parliament, from when an advisor to Maggie, later as an MP, and later still as PM, now as Foreign Sec. – Cameron was instrumental throughout Russia's 'Reform' & Decline post-wallfall – YET Cameron places ALL blame onto Putin → TOTALLY WRONG!!!!!!! Cameron ignored decades of warnings from the writer – Cameron was looking after self-interests
Whether Tucker's transformation is genuine or not will only become clear in due course, and in the not too distant future.
News reports - Death of Alexei Navalny
Causes, Responsibilities, What Ramifications???
Carlson Tucker's response to Navalny's death?????
Again, Thoughts & Prayers go out to family & friends of Alexei Navalny – and also to all victims of the past years of increasing global conflicts..
Western Media reports since his death on Feb16 pump out the obvious charges against Putin – and it certainly appears a valid charge – BUT, BUT, BUT, as outlined above, and repeatedly for 20+ years, the West has gangbanged the World and 'birthed' the circumstances whereby Putin achieved Power, just as the West 'birthed' Hitler, PolPot, Stalin, ….
What was cause of Navalny's Death?
Who was Responsible Directly, Indirectly?
What Ramifications?
Leaping to conclusions as western media & Government have done exacerbates the underlying issue of the West's dishonesty & oppressions upon the World. One has to raise the options and weight them.
It cannot be ruled out that Navalny's death was Natural, or by Suicide – but a low possibility of either such that the Probability is ZERO. Thus Navalny's death was intentional by parties unknown & Directly.
Was it through Indirect instruction from Putin???? Certainly Putin has moral responsibility, but did he order it? Unlikely in light of CT's interview of Putin the week prior.
Would Putin have allowed it if been aware of threat? Again unlikely as Putin was clearly offering means of finding peace.
This infers that other forces outside of Putin's control, and more hardlined than Putin, decided to kill Navalny so as to increase West/Russia tensions.
What ramifications? The reality is that targetting Putin is not the issue but the Powers, far DARKER Powers, behind him, …............ what ramifications ??????????????????????????
- again, it is the West's gangbanging, allowing corporates to wield EWMDs that are the underlying problems, and the fact that Western (in)Justice systems are closed-shop, thus preventing access to Courts to solve the CAUSAL problems – so, unless these are addressed then no 'peace', if achieved, will last because the rest-of-the-world are not going to accept the West's continued gangbanging – and this is clear, within & without Western Nations.
…................. ?????
As always, constructive engagement is welcome.
Chris Addington Pr.Eng.
Pensions Fraud mechanics
Mastermind of Organised Crime in the FinServInd (& aided/abetted by International Auditors: PWC, KPMG, Deloittes, Grant Thornton, Ernst & Yoong, & others)
Opticks, wrongly attributed to Newton, are WRONG!!! - Newton stole the IP → e≠mc2