Peace and Economy Stability 2
Problems & Solutions Process:–
Identify, Understand, Solve, Implement
Economy systems do not obey laws of nature, they are continuously manipulated – need solutions.
Western values are fundamentalist, destructive, & causal of increasing violence (3rd World War?)
Latest church sex scandals highlights that church values & processes are totally inadequate.
The progressive development of any particular system & controls rests on the forward & creative thinking from pioneering engineers.
Pioneering engineers purposefully look for problems, not to be negative, but to positively develop more efficient systems.
Einstein’s work was a major step in understanding energy, but he could not have achieved his work without the progressive revelations by predecessors starting from Faraday in the 1800s.
Nor could Einstein have achieved his success without the failed attempts by other researchers. The negative results from others assisted Einstein BECAUSE it excluded previously considered options; i.e. it narrowed the direction in which Einstein had to pursue his investigations.
It is also important to recognize the comparable achievements of Faraday to that of Einstein. It was as much a groundbreaking step that Faraday achieved in starting the understandings of energy as was Einstein in his progressive, and ongoing, development of the understandings of energy when he achieved his all-important equations; which equations EXPLAIN phenomena of nature.
What this means in simple terms is that within a Problem & Solutions Process, of identifying a problem, creating understandings of that problem, developing solutions, and implementing solutions, that each phase is equally challenging, and equally important. Each phase requires creative thinking. One step cannot be achieved without prior foundational steps having been taken, and each step is equally important.
To recognize that a research direction is incorrect is as important & significant as recognizing that the right direction is indeed the correct one.
Within a scientific/engineering environment the task of research is made easier because, in the main, scientists/engineers attempt to seek the truth. Their striving for successful results & recognition compels researchers to truth – because their peer groups are there to monitor, it is a self-regulatory environment.
So, when Einstein embarked upon his research, and whilst researching, he had a comfort feel that what preceded his work had substance, it had truth. It made his task all the more easier.
But this does NOT apply in Social/Economy/Business/Finance/Legal (SEBFL) systems – BECAUSE truth is not a driving force. Completely the opposite, the covering up of truth is the predominant attribute, BECAUSE dishonesty is, narrow & self interests are, rife.
Because of this SEBFL systems are easily & continuously manipulated with purposefully destructive consequences; hence they are non-optimal, they are grossly inefficient, they are grossly destructive.
For decades, centuries, research into SEBFL systems & controls has been on the assumption that the preceding practices & rules have been reasonably acceptable. Considerations within 1st World nations have previously not considered the circumstances of those impoverished, enslaved, peoples throughout the world.
To recognise or solve a problem within an SEBFL system is far more difficult than within nature. Einstein & others had the real world, with its real laws, as a “feedback” for their research & experimentations. If a theory did not hold up it would invariably been seen to be false, and fairly quickly.
Within SEBFL systems this is not so; distortions occur because the systems are not bound by inviolable laws of nature, the “laws of economies” are flexible. They are flexed by dishonest players. This means that experimentation is considerably more difficult; it means that analysis is more difficult; it means that the correct identifying & understanding of a causal problem is that much more significant an achievement.
Progressive research & development of SEBFL systems & controls have been built upon a grossly unsound foundation that has progressed over the decades, centuries. It is not dissimilar to putting a hi-tech fuel injection system into a clapped-out township taxi. The benefits of the hi-tech system will not, cannot, be realised, because the engine, for starters, is in need of a major overhaul. The negatives of the taxi swamp the potential positives of hi-tech components. It is just as important in developing stable systems & controls to have the knowledge to recognize this.
It is within this framework that CDADD’s research has developed new thinking, a mindset shift, from historical & current SEBFL systems & controls (defective) that have been happily accepted by the world as a whole.
It had NOT been understood, prior to this research, that global violence was enflamed BECAUSE of Unfair Rules & Practices e.g. interest rate mechanism, speculative market-trading, etc. (which had previously long been seen as acceptable rules & practices as Blair’s recent “western values” statement shows).
This research & development work has come about because of the intensive & extensive penetrating of multi-layers of lies & deceptions that surround SEBFL systems & controls. It achieves the correct IDENTIFYing of causal problems that lead to economy instability and loss of peace. Further, the R&D creates correct UNDERSTANDing of the causal problems identified, or alternatively, significant strides in achieving correct understandings. Further still, this R&D SOLVEs many of the causal problems IDENTIFIED.
Unfortunately oppressive isolation and abusive state-power attacks have prevented CDADD from IMPLEMENTing because government & corporate executives have refused to correctly reward the value that has been presented to them - because these executives are involved in many of the scams & frauds themselves!
The new thinking that flows from this R&D is as significant, it is contended, as any thinking by the Faradays, Einsteins, etc. of the past.
The fact that narrow & self interests by financially powerful minorities have oppressively opposed this research & development by CDADD does not diminish the significance; in fact it enhances the achievement because it was attained under severe adversity – unwarranted & unlawful state power abuse attacks, and severe oppressive economic isolation by government & corporate executives, forcing family into exile.
Economists globally have failed to understand the dire straits that the world’s SEBFL systems & controls are in. Economists have simply tried to develop refined “hi-tech” components but have failed to recognize the dilapidated state the foundational systems are in - similar to clapped-out taxi.
Consequently, South Africa has fallen from being a potential leader in SEBFL system & controls reform, and is now labelled as being on the lunatic fringe. This labelling, by the United Nations, stems from the SA Government’s stance on AIDS, but the truth is that their stance in toto is lunacy.
Hence SA’s reform programmes such as RDP, GEAR, and now AsgiSA have all failed.
But the issues are global;
- Prime Minister Blair argues that “western values” (rules & practices) are the route to saving the world – Blair has not recognised that the western values exactly cause the impoverishment/enslavement of some 80% of the world’s population.
- The sex scandals to hit the church in South Africa had Cardinal Wilfrid Napier arguing, with legal advisers in support, that the matter is one of “trial by media”. Whether this particular issue is rightly or wrongly pursued by the media is NOT the point.
The point is that the church has dishonoured God given dispute resolution processes (Mat 18:15, 1Cor 6). The effect of this is that there exists no honest mechanism by which people can raise genuine issues, lay or theological, within the church. Historically, “confessionals” were considered to be appropriate but the reality was that it was a means of keeping matters hidden through threats & fear, and as a powerful “control” measure. Dispute resolution processes would, if they were implemented, provide protections & safe-guards against abuses by church leadership.
The proofs presented to the church, including Wilfrid Napier, of massive financial frauds by church bodies (collectively) and individuals has also been ignored & covered up. Church bodies have simply gone “underground” with the frauds.
WN argues that many of the matters raised by the media do not fall within his authority – this is disingenuous, no wrong doing can fall outside the authority of any church leader – the church is obliged to speak out against wrongdoing no matter where it occurs.
BUT, the church hides truth, purposefully!
The real issues though are that western, 1st World, elected government leaders are not honouring the social contract that they sought from the electorate; and the church is dishonouring God’s contracts/covenants.
It requires sincere thinking people of this world to start bringing about a shift in mindsets of global leaders, government, church & others, so that economy stability & peace can be sought.
So-called “western values” are just as destructive, but for different reasons, as other fundamentalist thinking from other parts of the world.
A quick, violent, death from fundamentalist terrorism is more humane than a lingering, starving, death under enslavement/impoverishment due to imposed, destructive, western values.
BUT, both are wrong; they both require solutions; and those solutions lie in the development of Fair Rules & Practices pertaining to SEBFL systems & controls.
When reason fails, violence prevails.
PEACE and ECONOMY STABILITY are, by necessity, inclusive
Chris Addington Pr.Eng.
CDADD Consulting Services
+27 (0)83 962 7098