Captain’s Log - Stardate 04


Certainty of Error in Uncertainty Principle & Spin


(Dead-cats don’t bounce, they lumply thwock!!!)



Application of engineering to philosophical thoughts of scientists puts historical ‘facts’ rightly into fiction.


Light - a natural phenomena misunderstood


Space - dynamic environment in quantum balance.


CERTAINTY PRINCIPLE:– application proves Gordon Brown will fail, and Cameron, Mbeki, Zuma …


Bizarre unqualified endorsements of ‘Sugared’ UK government savings/investment scheme (scam???)


‘Apprentice’ should fire Sugar?!?!?!


War Crimes – Microsoft, Hewlett Packard, etc.


World heading into DARKNESS of LIGHT – new dynamic leadership needed to return to light




(Please Note This website is primarily about the pioneering of ENGINEERING into the SEBFL environments, it is about seeking truths, it is NOT about journalism, English grammar or prose, or quick-sell — it is down-to- earth engineering & pioneering requiring extensive & intensive THINKING.

(SEBFL = social/economy/business/finance/legal environments)

Explaining transmission mechanisms & pre-empting catastrophic failures is NOT doom-prophecy, it is explaining probabilistic reality.)



It is suggested that you read the previous paper in this series:

Captain’s Log, Stardate:-

01 - ‘Blackholes’ are not holes.

02 - Dark side of the Moon

03 - Relative Theory of Relativity

Mathematics is an abstract concept and it can lead people astray unwittingly. For proofs of mathematics being wittingly used to mislead people & perpetrate global frauds see other papers at www e.g.

- Infinity, Eternity, Evolution, Creation.

- Economists’ Inexact models Exactly Defective (entire series).

- Annuities in Retirement.

- Mastermind of Organised Crime 1 & 2 (Donald Gordon, Richard Branson, etc.)



IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU READ THIS QUICKLY FOR THE FIRST TIME then find space for a quiet re-reading & thinking.




- The divergence of Quantum Theory from Tangible Reality began, it appears, with Einstein’s comment to effect that ‘Quantum theory is non-intuitive and defies common sense’.

And it has diverged increasingly at an increasing rate since then into virtual-reality, unreality.

Quantum Theory has attained MASSIVE MOMENTUM; and in recent decades in quantum leaps with the explosion of communications. Scientists are portrayed, on pedestals, as min-gods. Media techniques can significantly increase gross distortions of distorted theory, and turn everyday scientists into cult gloss-mag models.

And unqualified endorsements raise serious doubts about the veracity of certain scientists’ work.

Application of everyday engineering to philosophical thoughts by scientists is putting what was wrongly accepted as ‘fact’ into fiction - the absence of engineering has had significant negative impact upon science research.

It requires a significant change in MOMENTUM & DIRECTION to rectify these errors.

oOo - The evidence of divergence of Economic Models began millennia ago, but modern communications has increased the divergence to the extent that it is far distant from achieving stable economies. 6 billion impoverished people is massive evidence of divergence.

These distorted, grossly defective, economics models have achieved MASSIVE MOMENTUM, and the momentum is maintained at the expense of the majority by diminished noble institutions such as the Nobel Foundation & Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences that are awarding prizes for defective science models (both exact & inexact science)

Flowing from this:- governments are wrongly swayed by defective models, consequently national economies flounder.


- Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s latest initiative (set out in his Boston speech for reform of international & financial institutions) will fail – but failure began with his refusal to engage the underlying IP of these initiatives honestly & transparently.

- UK’s National Savings & Investment scheme (scam!) is repeating the UK’s pension failure, this latest scam is simply acting as a plug for the haemorrhaging government pension fund. Investors will find their funds have been bled out of the scheme, when it’s too late to do anything about it.

Hence, divergence can only increase at an increasing rate into the future and deeper into virtual-reality - into failure for these reform initiatives.

UNLESS governments change and correctly engage with SEBFL engineering!!!!

BUT, that requires a significant change in MOMENTUM & DIRECTION – this can only be achieved by correctly understanding the CERTAINTY PRINCIPLE.


### - A fundamental law of physics states that a change in momentum, or direction, of a body requires an external force acting on that body; F=ma (force = mass x acceleration)

A body requires a certain amount of force for a certain amount of time to achieve a particular velocity (momentum) & direction.

This is simple physics, the understanding of nature – the laws are inviolable.

oOo - In the Inexact Sciences (SEBFL environments) one CAN develop ‘laws’ on a probabilistic basis, and as man progressively develops fair(er) environments then these laws progressively converge towards more stable systems.

BUT, the world is DIVERGING from stable systems, BECAUSE the environmental models are producing ‘forces’ within the environments which are creating the increasing disparities which generate frustration & anger & violence.

It follows then, in applying an analogous F=ma model, that to change direction from DIVERGENCE towards CONVERGENCE & stable systems that we must apply forces that are far greater & for far longer than those that caused the divergence.

BUT, there is immense resistance to doing this – corporates are totally opposed to having their abusive powers curbed, and elected governments are opposed to losing the financial inducements that permit corporates to maintain their abusive powers.

The net result of this is that, within the Inexact Sciences, that the force required to bring about a change in direction & velocity of a society’s environment is of an exponentially greater order.

It is immensely difficult to bring forces to bear to bring about change. The reality is that the ‘checks & balances’ that are needed for pertinent system structures & controls are themselves negated by dishonest governments & institutions.

We can therefore identify an intangible force, an Intellectual Force, to bring about a change in direction and/or momentum of Intellectual development. And the greater the change needed the far greater (exponential) the Intellectual Force required to achieve that change.

It follows then that incrementally defective developments that have accumulated over decades amounts to significant momentum in a specific direction – a momentum & direction that is entirely wrong - it consequently requires FAR greater force to compel a change from that accumulated, incorrect, direction & momentum, far greater than any one, or a number, of incremental steps that cumulatively brought about the initial & incorrect direction & momentum.

Intellectual Force that brings about only a FULL STOP rather than a complete reversal of direction is nonetheless immense.

To change direction 180 degrees requires that first the momentum must be reduced to zero then accelerated into the opposite direction = immense intellectual force for a far longer period of time.


### - The reality is that the world is increasingly faced with virtual-reality, unreality, because Physics has become synonymous with abstract Mathematics blended with philosophy that has disappeared deep into science-fiction. People are increasingly being fed distorted views of physics which is distorting their perception on how they think things work rather than how things DO work.

oOo – The recent launch of the movie ‘Speedracer’ is a typical example - racing cars & their drivers performing feats that are totally against ALL laws of nature.

Tom & Jerry cartoons were limited in their impacts but the Simpsons are brainwashing societies daily with immoralities & unreal, impossible, events. Virtual reality games are educating people with unreality, on physically impossible feats that are cartooned as reality - children are developing a brainwashed incorrect ‘understanding’ of how physics behave.

This brainwashing creates unreal expectations, a ‘belief’ that the physical world/reality can imitate virtual reality – that they can cause impossible events to happen in real life.

21st Century societies of adult peoples have developed a distorted understanding of how economies should function. Many have been duped into believing that money is a freely available commodity, that commodities are limitless. The credit crunch is bringing home harsh realities to many people & families – to the extent that some are killing themselves, & others.

(And now a noted scientist, Stephen Hawking, with ZERO understanding or qualification in finances, is falsely endorsing a ‘Sugared’ government/national investment & savings scheme/scam)


### - Philosophy attempts to bring about understanding of what is not known by a process of educated speculation being added onto existing physics knowledge.

Abstract mathematics can assist in clarifying both areas, but it can also steer research way off-course

Clearly there is greyness between philosophy & physics (exact science), but Quantum Theory has gone far beyond tangible reality and has spun-off into deep philosophy and beyond, into science-fiction.

But, the absence of engineering from physics is causing these distortions to diverge widely & rapidly. (Engineers engage science, but scientists repel engineering)

oOo – Within the inexact sciences abstract mathematics has been used to perpetrate massive global frauds.

Philosophical arguments coupled with blatantly defective mathematics is the foundation of 1st World business/finance/economy models.

Only last year England was boasting about the advanced state of its financial markets and their being world leaders, and London becoming the financial capital.

For years government had been promoting a high profile image & much of England’s infrastructural development had been funded by exorbitant & extortionate ‘profits’ from international finances/broking.

This was strongly supported by the government and encouraged by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, now Prime Minister, Gordon Brown.

His Boston speech clearly shows a 180 degree turnaround – this turnaround was not prompted by international institutions, nor academic experts, nor an inner self awareness – his turnaround came SOLELY from CDADD’s research.

Government & Corporate executives are rejecting the pioneering of engineering into the SEBFL environments – and divergence from stability is increasing because the CERTAINTY PRINCIPLE is being ignored..


### – One of the many incredible philosophical concepts (wrongly called physics) we are asked to swallow is that of 9, 10, or 11 dimensions which allow for fanciful sci-fi multiple world scenarios.

We are asked to accept this on the basis of abstract mathematical models that have diverged from all tangible reality.

oOo - In the real world we have become accustomed to the use of the term ‘worlds’ to denote the different levels of privilege that exist, with the higher levels living at the oppressive expense of the lower.

1st World = developed democratic nations

2nd World = developed non-democratic

3rd World = undeveloped or underdeveloped democratic

4th World = undeveloped non-democratic

The thrust, by leading economic/business/finance experts that were/are influencing both corporates & governments, was of an open-global economy, of free markets, of unhindered trade.

The destruction that this disastrous mindset is causing is viewable daily on TV, and in the media – mass impoverishment & enslavement, collapsed economies, genocides galore, etc.

Despite this mass of evidence USA, UK, Europe governments are promoting free market activity, and the media, which is owned & controlled by corporates, is fuelling this destructive direction that is hugely beneficial to corporates.

Against this defective mindset-mass CDADD has been pioneering engineering into the SEBFL environments to bring understanding of the destructive nature of the open-global-economy initiative & developing solutions for same. Communications were sent:- hand-delivered letter to Prime Minister Tony Blair, faxed letters to HM Queen Elizabeth II, masses of web based messages to some hundreds of MPs & Lords; endless emails to SA President Mbeki, Finance Minister Manuel & others, masses of emails to Ireland government.

These heads-of-government are rejecting pioneered engineering – the world is in serious trouble because of this.


### - Leading scientists have justified the need for Hadron particle collider with the view to furthering understanding of light but also to attempt to create ‘blackholes’. The approach is to accelerate particles and to collide them into others.

Does this make sense?

It is on the strength of the detection of ‘particles’ being emitted from copper surfaces, photo-electric effect, that light is viewed as a wave-particle duality, but this is purely conjecture. In addition many abstract mathematical & philosophical theories have developed – and these have wrongly been put across as Physics, as science.

The problem with the approach of an expensive Hadron collider is that it presumes light comes in particle form. And, if it is possible to accelerate a particle, the collider approach assumes that it will be the identical particle that will be in collision at the end of its travel?

Does it make sense to try to accelerate a particle that is not known whether it exists rather than trying to capture just one of the zillion & one particles (if indeed they do exist) that are buzzing before our eyes right now????

We do not see any matter large or small travelling at the speed of light.

If physicists cannot determine what everyday light is then what can they compare their accelerated particles to, how will they know or recognise what they do see from the collider?

Whilst the brilliance of the abstract mathematics & philosophy of Quantum Theory must be acknowledged the reality is that it is abstract, that it is not real, that it is not physics.

Somehow accountants/commercialists have sanctioned this expensive project, and are no doubt controlling it. This makes for a dangerous combination because engineering is absent from the commerce components as well as the physics components. Certainly there is engineering in the construction components of the project but it is entirely absent from the science development & the commercial development.

The Hadron collider is an expensive development to test abstract philosophical theories.

Surely it makes sense to first try to capture just one particle, or a whole bunch of them, if it is possible?

oOo - It is not unlike, on a smaller scale, the huge waste of Ireland promoting cycling tourism but with Irish Rail buying trains that cannot accommodate bicycles and instead telling passengers to use road transport!?!?!? Similarly with cross channel ferries allowing pan-technicons but disallowing bicycles.

It is not unlike South Africa’s disastrous & dangerous PBMR nuclear project in which accountants have taken control under government’s incompetent interference & obstruction.

It is not unlike the undermining of engineering councils by corporates & governments such that engineering integrity is destroyed – which then brings about bridge collapses, etc.

These everyday examples give an indication of the destructive nature of projects that do not have appropriate engineering inputs across the board, including the business engineering component.

If the Hadron collider is a science success it will still remain a humanity disaster, now matter how much the science & political & commercial sectors laud it.


### - Far greater benefit could be gained with the Hadron funds in developing experiments to understand the light that we do see, and at a cheaper price. And we can do this by simply looking around us and applying some engineering insight.

The argument raised by Einstein that light is both wave & particle stems from an experiment in which he determined the photo-electric effect.

This consisted of testing light transmissions onto various substances and noticing that ‘photons’ were emitted off of copper if the light transmission was of a certain frequency. These photons were observed as sparks of light. It is from this observation that a whole bunch of particle & wave mathematical models have developed – and without any concrete proof that particles actually do exist in light transmissions.

From this observation a whole host of ‘grey-cells’ went into overdrive postulating all sorts of explanations and mathematical models and counter-explanations so as to get light to fit around these explanations & models.

There is Schrödinger’s cat, Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, CHI – Copenhagen Interpretation, anti-matter, monopoles and much more. And still much more!

Consider taking a steel rod & a hammer and going around knocking the rod with the hammer against various substances. After some random tests on randomly selected materials one notices that above a certain force level particles of cement fly off one of the tested substances. Would it make sense to argue that the steel rod is now made of iron & concrete particles in duality?

Of course it doesn’t.

So why then is an observed phenomena of light causing sparks to be ejected from copper deemed to be a wave-particle duality, or a wave phenomena, or even a particle phenomena?

Why then is so much being spent on the Hadron collider without first conducting less expensive & more meaningful experiments to first understand light more correctly?

It is not being argued that research should be curtailed but that it must be properly balanced and kept within the bounds of tangible reality.

oOo - If one argues that the cost of the Hadron collider would yield benefits for mankind by furthering technology developments that would assist medicine, cleaner power, & other humanities then this is a valid argument.

BUT, one must then compare the ‘opportunity costs’ (i.e. the alternatives that are foregone by choosing a particular option) of funding/rewarding engineering into the SEBFL environments such that economies become more stable.

More stable economies means that there is a massive positive health benefit in starvations avoided - this opportunity cost would yield far higher humanity benefits than would the collider.

There is sufficient evidence to show that population growths significantly diminish when economies stabilise & communities have the ‘spark-of-life’ reignited (see paper: Poverty Disparity, Unfair Rules). Germany with high economic & social stability has a worrying negative growth rate.


### The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle showed that in attempting to measure the position of a particle that it caused uncertainty in determining its momentum; and vice versa.

In simple terms in identifying, or attempting to identify, the position of one component the position of another component becomes unclear, hazy, it fades away. And vice versa.

This presumes that light comes in particle form – alternatively stated the Uncertainty Principle is a philosophical argument of physics.

It is arguing something exists, and its possible form, when it is not known whether it does exist.

There is a misunderstanding of the dynamics of light.

oOo - Prime Minister Gordon Brown has essentially taken, directly or indirectly, CDADD Intellectual Property and used it as a base for his initiatives which he outlined in his Boston speech by stating the need to restructure international & financial institutions.

He has only a hazy understanding of these critical issues because he does not understand engineering.

South Africa’s Deputy-President Mlambo-Ncguka also had hazy understanding when she stole CDADD’s IP and attempted, with it, to reform SA through AsgiSA (Accelerated shared growth initiative for SA) – this has failed because government & their appointed executive/staff for this project do not understand engineering within the SEBFL environment.

(1 Business man + 1 Engineer ≠ 2 Business Engineers, not even 1)

If UK’s PM does not correctly engage with engineering to achieve his reform objectives then he too will fail.

This is not difficult to understand.

Historically, international/financial institutions have developed with the guidance of major auditing/accounting firms - all of whom are deeply involved in fraud scams (see Mastermind of Organised Crime).

The skills necessary to engineer correctly functioning SEBFL systems & controls are entirely different to those necessary for robbing investors’ monies.


CERTAINTY PRINCIPLE - initiatives based on dishonesty will always certainly fail.

Corollary: Honesty does not ensure success, but is the ONLY route to possible success.

Application of the CERTAINTY PRINCIPLE proves, with no uncertainty, that Brown’s initiatives will fail.

UNLESS he engages honestly & transparently.


### - If we consider further about the moon’s non-spin (see second paper – Dark Side of the Moon) and think in terms of a spinning top - it eventually slows & stops and near the end of its spin it topples over, it no longer retains its axis vertically, it becomes horizontal.

Admittedly, in space, it is not possible to say what is vertical and what horizontal, but we adopt the convention that the elliptic, flattish, structure of our universe is the horizontal.

Relative to this convention of horizontal we can say that the moon’s axis is likely to be horizontal not vertical, because it is not spinning, hence that it is near perpendicular to the earth’s axis and not parallel.

Also of interest is Venus which spins in the opposite direction to the other planets in our universe. From electric motor principles this would indicate that the poles are inverted in relation to the axes of the other planets. (i.e. it’s north pole would be pointing downwards as earth’s south pole is).

oOo - It is important not to confuse the spin of physics with ‘political spin’.

No matter how much one may labour to create political-spin into reality the reality is that political-spin remains abstract – a fictitious duplicity.

Financial & Institutional reform initiatives will topple/fail just as Jeffrey Sachs’ claims of economy-turnaround successes are false claims, they are failures.

Russia remains a humanitarian disaster – one can only argue that currently it is less a disaster than oppression & genocide under Stalin/communism – Sachs’ inputs to reform Russia’s social-economy structure is a humanitarian disaster, simply a different form of humanitarian disaster.

The mass-scale destruction of the Russian economy that saw the little wealth & assets stripped from individuals was caused by the very defective economy models that Sachs promoted, and which CDADD has identified as being grossly defective. A few extremely wealthy Russian ‘Barons’ managed to extort their way to the top of the pile whilst millions receded into extreme poverty – the usual widening of the disparity gap.

Governments do not recognise the critical importance of breaking from defective economics models & engaging correctly with engineering to launch new reform initiatives.

Similarly within Africa & South America & elsewhere in the world Sachs’ Earth Institute has simply promoted defective models – there is not ONE example of a sustained reform initiative that Sachs’ models has achieved.

Sachs is given prominence by pop-stars & media – but the reality is that his models have not worked, cannot work, & will not work – because they are not correctly engineered, because Sachs has no understanding or experience in this field.

This is not to denigrate the huge significance of Sachs’ groundwork of extracting masses of important information. BUT, Sachs has freely chosen not to be honest & transparent. Sachs continues to promote defective models despite evidence of severe suffering within societies that have utilised his models.

This is not unlike a doctor continuing to prescribe quack medicine despite ample proofs of its quackness(!?!?!)

No matter how much he argues to sway mindsets, and it is likely that perseverance coupled with false media reporting will achieve a brainwashing to that end, the models that Sachs is promoting remain grossly defective & causal of increased hardships globally.

We will see millions of new faces in the world, with the millions of old ones having been starved to death but, nevertheless in the interim, being sufficiently capable of producing the new faces and in far greater quantities.

Reform Initiatives cannot defy the CERTAINTY PRINCIPLE; just as scientists cannot defy nature’s principles, no matter how much governments generate political spin or media publicity is engaged to create false illusions.


### - How could we determine the actual orientation of the moon’s axis? Web searching does not reveal any testings, it merely reveals statements or diagrams that presuppose that its axis is near-parallel to the earth’s axis.

To determine the earth’s orientation one would need to take discreet measurements of its magnetic field at a number of locations on the surface or to fly around it with appropriate measuring equipment – this has been progressively done over centuries.

It is doubtful whether this has been done with regard the moon’s axis. The two landings would not give sufficient information, and the few orbits appear not to have determined orientation, even if it were possible to have done so.

It requires suitable & correctly calibrated equipment to accurately measure the moon’s magnetic fields & operated by appropriately trained persons.

One error in the testing equipment or by the testers would produce incorrect information & a failed outcome – and we would remain in the dark about the moon’s dark-side & orientation.

oOo – We can observe the orientation of under-developed & undeveloped nations and we can intuitively deduce that the destructive causes lies within the developed 1st World, within the various SEBFL models that are defectively structured & controlled. This has been progressively done by observing historical events.

Investigations, viewable at this site, concretely prove these intuitions to be correct.

Historically, the development, control, & limited measurements of SEBFL models were, and still are, performed by accountants/auditors who have no engineering insight and of whom recent revelations show they are deeply entrenched in global frauds. Much, most, audited data is wrong.

These prevailing defective systems, controls & measurements will not work, and do not work.

The prognosis is, due to 1st World dishonesty & its refusal to engage with SEBFL engineering, that the 3rd & 4th Worlds are going to remain in the dark; and it is likely the newly emerged 1st World Russia is going to be pushed back, polarised, once again into the 2nd.

Vlad’s display of military strength confirms the polarisation.

With Iran & others becoming increasingly hostile to the ‘west’ it makes no sense in polarising Vlad into their court.

Ireland had the suspicion but not the understanding for a NO vote on the Lisbon Treaty (to determine whether the people will have been duped by the financial-powers of Europe inducing them to sell off the last vestige of their nation-hood). Ireland had previously sold its independence and its national identity for the Euro because it allowed, for decades, it savings to be stolen and now relies heavily on Asian sweat-shop slavery to survive.

The Euro has severely stressed its economy & social structures.

Ireland’s Dail (Parliament) has lied to its people by not informing them of the theft of their savings which had induced them to sell out to the Euro – this silent lie was a real threat to duping the nation into a YES vote for the Lisbon Treaty.

Fortunately an inner-sense warned them – but the poor turn out (53%) hides other sinister aspects (more at a future date)

BUT, the destructive effects onto minority Euro states of a single Euro currency are appearing daily throughout Euroland (see Economists’ inexact models exactly defective 5 – Robert Mundell)

It requires correct understandings & careful measurements to establish the magnitudes of destruction within 3rd & 4th Worlds against nominal control changes to 1st World models.


### - We create waves by, for example, throwing a stone into the sea. We don’t throw the stone AND the water together, we simply throw the stone into the medium (the sea) which is already ‘passively’ there.

To create the ripples we don’t need to philosophise the origin of the ‘passive’ medium, nor of the stone’s development or evolvement – we simply pick up the stone & chuck it in, and ripples will definitely appear, without fail.

We also cause ripples by taking some of the water out of the sea.

We see sunlight and currently interpret it as a dual electro-magnetic phenomenon. But is it correct to say that the light is caused by electric & magnetic emissions from the sun or simply electric emissions into an existing magnetic medium (ether)?

oOo - We feel economic waves, and we confirm the waves by stock market data & economic turmoil that show massive declines. We now also have some understanding of some of the issues behind these waves, which are often of tsunami proportions, and that they are caused by defective & fraudulent SEBFL models (see proofs at

Loosely put - the economy is the medium and massive tidal waves can be caused by, for example, chucking too much money into the medium as well as by taking too much out, as well as by not having correct system structures & controls.

Defective science models are the cause for much of these massively destructive waves.

Whether it is exact or inexact science, defective research is being wrongly rewarded/supported by institutions such as Nobel Foundation & Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.


### - Philosophy has taken hold of physicists and the reality of unreal thinking is fuelled by media support designed to popularise individuals & not concern with the incorrectness of thinking.

Schrödinger’s cat is a case in point - put a cat in a box with a poison capsule designed to release if an atomic particle event occurs within the following hour. On a probability basis is the cat dead or alive at the end of the hour, or both?

This philosophical argument was intended to show up defective thinking amongst certain physicists but it has not achieved a reversal of the divergence from reality that physicists are locked into. It is really one philosophical argument posed against another, and wrongly giving the impression of physics research. In particular ‘Schrödinger’s cat’ was to challenge what is known as CHI, or Copenhagen Interpretation (don’t waste your time on this CHI, or the cat).

The key point is that Schrödinger’s cat theory is dead. Also note:- dead cats don’t bounce - they lumply thwock!

oOo - Similar to Schrödinger’s cat being placed in the box Brown’s reform initiative has been boxed - will the communities (those majorities that are impoverished & enslaved) be dead or alive at the end of his ‘experiment’?

This is a real live theory. Will the communities be dead? Or will they be alive?

To a philosophical physicist (if such a creature can really exist) the postulation is, probabilistically, that during the ‘experimental’ period that they CAN be both dead & alive at the same time.

There is logic to this seemingly impossible postulation. If the probability should arise that they are not physically dead from this boxed initiative (i.e. that they are physically alive), then they nonetheless will be spiritually dead - which is a fate worse than physical death.

With the realities of today’s world physical death is a far better state to be in than spiritual death.

They have a probability (p) of being dead and an arithmetical probability (1-p) of not being dead which can be reasonably determined at the time the lid of this boxed-initiative ‘experiment’ is closed. Simply by understanding the systems & controls aspect of the economy system one can, much like inspecting a motor vehicle, make a reasonable estimate of the certainty or not of failure.

A ‘failure’ outcome is not limited to any unrealistic time frame that anyone may choose to put on it.

A dead-cat lumply thwocking onto the ground is a failed outcome – no matter how much one might wish to apply ‘john cleesian’ resuscitation techniques. And the failed outcome was identifiable even before the dead-cat lumply thwocked; which immediately at the thwock-point is identifiable as being attributable to a dead-cat.

Brown’s initiatives are not based upon truth hence the CERTAINTY PRINCIPLE states that his probability of failure is 1, and the probability of not-failure is (1-1) = 0 = certainty of failure.

There is no philosophical discussion about this, no mathematical abstractions, it is pure engineering insight based upon facts and realistic extrapolations of those facts.


### - A number of Nobel Physicists have been awarded their prize for certain works but these are not the ‘physics’ works for which they are best remembered.

- Albert Einstein - e=mc^2, theory of relativity - was awarded for identifying photo-electric effect – which effect, the photo aspect, viz light, is not understood at all.

- Willis Lamb – shift in hydrogen spectrum – was awarded for work on radar.

- Erwin Schrödinger – Schrödinger’s cat in limbo, both dead & alive, two-state possibilities - was awarded for his wave equation in quantum physics.

- Paul Dirac (joint winner with Schrödinger) – also influenced by two-state possibilities – was awarded for matter & anti-matter (another way of saying two-state).

It appears that Nobel Prizes have been driven by emotive feelings flowing from philosophical thoughts and then ‘merits’ in physics found upon which to justify the feelings, and hence present the award - a cart-before-horse scenario.

The effect is that philosophy theories have swamped the world of physics, with unreal abstract mathematics, entrenching defective models further.

The evidence is the plethora of physics books that promote mathematics models, but which models have no sensible foundation (e.g. warped space, time-space, matter travelling at light speed, time travel, etc.)

Much of the past century’s & today’s thoughts in physics are founded upon Einstein’s e=mc^2 – but we cannot find any matter that does travel at the speed of light.

It follows that the prevailing ‘physics’ models are in truth sci-fi models.

oOo – Mathematics has likewise caused gross distortions within the Inexact Sciences, and especially into economics & finance, to the extent that defective mathematics models have been purposefully developed to hide massive fraud scams.

(This is amply covered in another series of papers: Economists’ Inexact Models Exactly Defective;


### - It is contended that much of the errors in thinking by physicists (taking them instead deep into philosophy) comes from misinterpretation of Young’s Double-Slit experiment. This experiment consists of light appearing to be split (diffracted) when passing through two slits in an obstructing board.

A key deduction from Young’s experiment was that light travels as waves, and interacts both constructively & destructively, similar to waves on water.

Some physicists with Einstein’s photo-electric observation then modified their thinking to light behaving as a wave-particle duality.

This caused later & progressive thoughts of matter travelling at light speed, matter/anti-matter, two-state possibility, space-time distortions, up to 11 dimensions, & a whole host of other sci-fi thoughts.

None of which make sense or stands up to reality.

Let’s rethink:-

If we simply look in front of us we see objects that are undistorted, in other words interacting light ‘rays’ coming from different directions do not cause interference with each other to cause a distorted image of the object we do see in front of us. This is different to waves we see in water (for example) – if we chuck two stones into the water the ring ripples propagating outwards will eventually interact and cause distortions. This is not what happens with light because the objects are not distorted, they remain coherent, this means that constructive/destructive interference of light ‘rays’ behaving as waves is NOT the norm as suggested by Young’s experiment.

If we look at sunlight beaming into a room (this is best seen in a room with only one window & low reflection walls/floors) we can see fairly clear boundaries to the sunbeam, the light rays have a sheer gradient to that of the ambient light in the room which ambient light comes from the earlier reflected light of the same sunbeam. If light behaved as waves passing through a slit then there would not be a sheer gradient of light intensity; we would see a gradual diminishing of light intensity as we looked further away from the sunbeam and more into the room, in fact the sunbeam would be indiscernible. Similarly with searchlights in the sky.

BUT, we do see a sheer gradient - because light does NOT behave as a wave.

Also note that the intensity of the beam causes objects on the far side of the beam to be diminished in intensity. It is contended that this is due to the switching mechanism phenomena, in that whilst a particular light particle transmits specific information uni-directionally that adjacent particles do transmit a diminished, attenuated, side-band of light, which side-band is diminished further by the next adjacent light particle. Hence the forward, and higher intensity, sunbeam of light diminishes the lower intensity multiply reflected light rays that make up the ambient light, and which are transmitted across (through) the originating sunbeam.

What would seem to be the phenomena of Young’s experiment is that the dynamic (of light transmission & the information contained in that light transmission, e.g. the objects we see) is physically affected by the splits in the screen such that it causes the flip-flop switching mechanism NOT TO SWITCH, i.e. to remain static, to freeze the switching. Nothing more!

Further still, the light rays that travel from the two different slits to the singular position at which, as argued, the two light rays interacted destructively to produce a dark band could not have been simply a case of a wavelength shift, regardless of the mathematics that appear to show this to be so. i.e. The mathematics is not the proof of the interpretation of the experiment. It is clear that it cannot be the proof because light does not behave as a wave transmission – we can see that clearly with the simple observations we have made.

It is not suggested what the dynamics for this switch freezing is – it is merely a proposition that this is the most likely phenomena in the face of overwhelming evidence that matter does not travel at ‘c’, that crossing light waves do not distort objects that we observe, that there is no anti-matter, etc., etc. And more importantly; that anti-matter, monopoles, uncertainty principle etc. are evidence (previously misunderstood) of a switching phenomena – these are terms synonymous with:- switch-switch, on-off, hazy-clear, matter-antimatter, there-not there, switch-switch, on-off ………..

If, as proposed by some scientists, there was a big bang and with empty space just prior then with matter being blasted out at a speed (let’s call it drift velocity) far less than the speed of light, c, would light actually be able to travel into empty space? i.e. Does it require a magnetic medium, ether, upon which to propagate?

If it does then the expansion rate of the sphere horizon would be far less than previously thought. If it doesn’t then light would be travelling deep into space with nothing to reflect back from (as matter would not have reached such immense distances).

Also consider a torch shone into the dark – the light is reflected back off objects - the forward light transmission does not interfere with the return/reflected light transmission or the information it transmits (i.e. we see regular shaped objects, undistorted) – this would not be the case with waves interacting in water, the forward waves would distort the returned/reflected waves – hence, again, light does not behave as waves.

If we stand in front of the beam we can mainly see only light rays, there is slight surrounding information of objects outside the beam that is discernible but this is because of the side-band effect of the switching phenomena

Also consider the observed phenomena of light diffracting into ‘rainbows’ when passing through prisms – this appears to be caused by a change in switching speed as it travels through the medium & also by the differences in length of path through the prism.

Note: We observe the phenomena & deduce the mathematical parameters of rainbow diffractions but it has not been properly explained because we do not fully understand light transmission.

The Faraday effect (polarising rotation of light) & other light phenomena needs to be rethought from a switching perspective.

We also need to differentiate between light energy & light information. We can observe light information from both the sunlight & torch light – but we get very little energy from a torch. Proof? - Try shining your torch at a solar panel!

Also we do not need sunlight energy upon which to transmit light information – simply proven by observing that we use a torch in the absence of sunlight (but note: magnetic fields are still present).

Light energy & light information are different in a similar way to the force transfer & velocity is to a hammer hitting a steel rod – the force of the hit is transmitted instantaneously (at speed c?) to the other end of the rod and the same force is impacted upon the adjacent body. The energy is transferred/propagated instantaneously but the quantum travels at a ‘drift’ velocity (speed at which hammer moves).

The energy gradient radiating outwards from the sun has an average, constant, level and variations superimposed on top of that. (The energy gradient diminishes to the square of radius – simply because the surface area of a sphere increases by 4*pi*r^2 –> the total energy over the entire sphere surface is constant regardless of distance, it is the increase in surface area that causes the energy per metre squared to diminish, and create the gradient.)

It is also contended that the phenomena of bodies causing light rays to bend is in fact a result of side-banding of the switching mechanism.

How would one be able to determine whether there is a necessity for a magnetic field to be present before light can be transmitted. The only sure way to know is to be at the space horizon and to see whether light projects beyond & into empty space (devoid of any magnetic fields). But it is an impossibility for us to do this.

It also appears to be an impossibility to create a field-less environment on earth in which to test this & other fundamentals of light.

oOo – The Inexact Sciences that have been wrongly induced by high-powered money to develop purposefully defective models behind which massive frauds & perfect crimes such as Twin Towers can be perpetrated.

The International Criminal Court are duty bound to let it be known that they are actively investigating prosecutions – investigations, alone, have a deterring effect on crime – but the ICC have not communicated further regarding international frauds by Donald Gordon, Richard Branson, Lord Levy etc., or the mass murders by Larry Silverstein (privately or corporately) in imploding the Twin Towers.

The ICC appear to be covering these frauds & mass murders up.


### - We can misinterpret what we see & take for granted around us everyday. For example - we are told that light rays are parallel – they are not!

Light rays from a singular, the smallest, point source are not parallel, simply because a point source is a minuscule sphere, and all rays that are emitted from this sphere travel in all directions from that sphere, and since a sphere is curved it means that the adjacent light ‘rays’ cannot be parallel – they are as near as damn-it but nonetheless they are NOT parallel. What makes light rays appear to be parallel is that adjacent singular light sources fill in the miniscule curvature gaps for each other, and so on for all singular light sources.

Reflected light also fills in gaps.

Note: We can also create parallel light rays by reflecting point source light out of parabolic reflectors (e.g. car headlights) but this is not a natural phenomena of light itself.

oOo – We can misinterpret what we are told by banks & financial institutions that they will look after our money. The evidence is that they do not, that certain virgins are in fact prostitutes, that government savings schemes/scams are fraudulent no matter how much Sugar is added deceptively to sweeten it.


### - It is clear that little is known or understood about light & its transmission mechanism – speculative thinking has created multiplicities of theories & theories upon theories with no certainty as to what actually happens.

It becomes extremely confusing trying to dissemble what theory precedes another (hence the prompt to stop & think things from an engineering perspective)

Einstein’s relativity theory is based upon an assumption (not supported by even one piece of evidence) that matter travels at speed c. A multiplicity of theories has been built upon this.

Science has become distorted.

This is not to denigrate the brilliance of any of the mathematics or philosophy, or even sci-fi thoughts – but to acknowledge that prevailing research is not physics.

It is correct to acknowledge the brilliance of science discoveries – but it appears these discoveries were accidental stumblings whilst pursuing incorrect theories. In other words discoveries were chanced upon - chance discoveries do not confirm the correctness of the theories that caused them to chance upon the discoveries.

It is much like a number of independent people determining how a ship should be steered & run, and accidentally coming across land.

Masses of mathematics, physics, philosophy does not keep a plane in flight if the concept is wrong – whether the plane flies or not proves or disproves the theory.

oOo – Real economies are controlled in a haphazard manner – independent ‘committees’ determine the nature of the systems & controls – what setpoints each control is set to – ‘governance’ principles bring unreasonable restraints - and so on.

With so many haphazard & independently controlled inputs the probability is virtually zero that an economy is going to achieve stability; and dishonesty forces the probability to zero (Certainty Principle). 6Billion impoverished is the proof this point – there is quantum imbalance with SEBFL models.

Does it make any sense that a government’s cabinet must defer to a central bank to decide the speed (interest rate) setting of an economy?; or the amount of fuel (money) in the system?; or for any other control restraint?

These counter-productive measures came about because of fears of power being centralised – but the reality is that no one previously knew how to manage/control/design economies, hence we have a ridiculous separation of economy powers.

If systems & controls were correctly engineered then it would become clearer what set-points would bring about certain responses – we would have rational control, hence greater stability.

BUT, engineering is absent from the SEBFL environments – and the impact upon the Exact & Inexact Sciences has far-reaching & destructive impacts

Virtual reality is creating distorted ideas of reality – and it is getting worse as societies are brainwashed with mindless virtual-reality programmes & experiences.


### - Gazing into a braai (barbecue) one evening (years ago) prompted the question – what is flame? Putting this to a learned physics professor during UCT 1st year engineering brought the considered response – it’s a region of high energy!

This was not a satisfactory answer to a budding engineer – yes, but what actually is flame?

An askance look was followed by a measured repetition – it’s .. a .. region .. of .. high .. energy!

Yes! – BUT, what IS flame?

With temperature at nuke level – FOR THE THIRD TIME IT’S A REGION OF HIGH ENERGY!!!!!

With all due respect to the learned professor can anyone say what flame is?

And this is perhaps (part of) the crux of the issue in determining what light is – because light is simply emanating from what we observe to be a giant fireball of flame (the sun). Admittedly we now have the means of producing light emissions at the throw of a switch but it doesn’t explain the dynamics of the light generation or of flame, or its transmission.

Also, as seen in the previous papers in this series, electrons flowing in an electrical circuit do not sum (quantise) up to the claimed photo-electric emissions – i.e. light is not electrons fired off at speed of light c.

So what is flame?

oOo – It is a truth that application of Exact Science into the Inexact Sciences has only be tried once by a politician – and that was Margaret Thatcher. A critical shortfall was that it was not recognised that science requires engineering inputs to determine the veracity of science models/theories.

Thatcher’s difficulties were compounded by the fact that she & her government & advisors had no understandings of the massive gap/chasm between the engineering/science (exact science) worlds and the commercial (inexact science) world.

The result was that a profound constructive change, through scientific thinking, albeit in infancy, in societal development came to a crashing halt and reversed direction into emotive popularisation under Blair with an interim period of uncertainty & directional wavering & decline under Major.

The chaos is continuing under Brown because of the Certainty Principle, and it will continue under Cameron, or whoever – unless & until engineering is correctly engaged.

Also contrast the exact science approach (Thatcher) and the huge successes (not to ignore the failures) to the inexact science approach (Mbeki, economics Ph.D.) and the collapsing of South Africa – this is CONCRETE proof that inexact scientists have limited understanding of science and indicates a too high reliance on mathematics.


#### - There are other instances of distorted mathematics taking physicists deeper into philosophy and way into sci-fi.


Thoughts on 3D triangles are partly contributory to the development of fission/fusion and the development of the atomic bomb. But triangles in 3D are a contradiction in terms.

Euclid’s triangle is simply 2D geometry – but incorrect thinking of three points in 3D space being connected together brought about distorted thinking of ‘curvature’ of space, and time-space phenomena.

The error in thinking came about by failing to recognise that the term ‘triangle’ is implied to be a 2D geometry; it is NOT a 3D geometry – there is no such thing as a triangle in 3D space, it is purely 2D.

Three points connected together in 3D space (non 2D) is more correctly described as a ‘nine-angle’, or nano-angle, as each point has 3 angles of reference.

The incorrect perception of taking 2D triangles into 3D, coupled with misunderstanding of thinking of the warping of magnetic fields (ether) in space as a warping of real-space, has contributed to further sci-fi developments that we hear of today, such as 9,10, 11 dimensions, string theory, time-space warp, warped space, space bending back inwards on itself, and so on.

It’s pure sci-fi!!! – it originated from incorrect extrapolations of classical mathematics.

oOo – The confusion created by philosophy blended with extreme abstract mathematics leading exact scientists into the domain of science-fiction had a massive spin-off effect into the inexact sciences. High-powered finances induced inexact scientists to develop grossly defective models behind which massive global frauds & perfect crimes could be perpetrated.


### - The world has witnessed many nuclear tests – the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, hydrogen bomb on Nagasaki, and many other advanced bombs since then.

If matter was able to travel at speed of light then the Enola Gay, which dropped the bomb on Hiroshima, would have been blasted to smithereens by particles/matter travelling at the speed of light and particles would have been hurled into space – BUT, they weren’t – why?

BECAUSE matter does NOT travel at speed of light, or anywhere near it

Conclusion e≠mc^2, hence Relativity theory is not practically possible, it is not science. It is without question brilliant abstract mathematics, but it is not science/physics.

oOo – The world is witnessing corporates dropping ‘atomic bombs’ onto nations globally

A prominent culprit is Microsoft which is actively integrating (vertically & horizontally) with both software & hardware entitities in blatant violation of anti-monopoly laws.

Executive staff freely migrate between (for example) Microsoft & Hewlett Packard.

This is White-Collar collusions deep into the grey-area-of-immorality where Organised Crime (Legal) operates, and across the line-of-criminality into Organised Crime (Illegal). (see paper Organised Crime)

It is Organised, Monopolistic, Collusive, Criminal = Organised Crime

It is Warfare, even if cold warfare – and Microsoft are blatantly violating the Rome Statute and are fully liable for prosecution under War Crimes, and so too are Hewlett Packard & other major tech corporates (see a Bunch of Open Letters 2).

Perpetrators certainly need to be brought to book but it is more important to engineer SEBFL systems & controls so as to disempower these corporates.

This would include, but certainly not limited to, compelling hardware & software companies to maintain & support old operating systems on new machines and for machines to be standardised. And especially for source code to be openly available, with appropriate royalties.


#### - Consider further:- Waves are a consequence of a disturbance over-and-above an ambient/average level. As we see with water - in calm conditions the water will be flat, throw a stone in = disturbance = waves ripple outwards.

We also know that waves on the surface travel slower than waves deep down (Intensity of waves = P^2/2pu; P-Pressure, p-density, u-velocity) – which is why a tsunami caused by underwater volcanoes/tremors travel so much faster & further than the force, for example, from the atomic bomb, exploded above sea level, over Hiroshima.

We can see this effect with our old Eye-Spy tin-cans-&-string communicator – if the string is slack (no tension pressure) it means we cannot talk to the person holding the other can via the string, if we tension the string waves can be propagated along it. (Unfortunately virtual reality has taken the thrill & experience of the tin-cans-&-string away, today our angelic little blighters are accustomed to cell/mobile phones & the games within them, or Nintendo, etc., they are horribly spoilt ………………………… but ……. can anyone hint as to how to get past the security scanners on the last level of Splinter Cell????? ….. continually getting blasted ……………...)

The disturbance energy causes a change in momentum - it occurs because of a force applied to the environment (stone in water, voice over taught string, etc.), which is known as an impulse.

The energy transferred is not the tension in the string but the disturbance over-and-above the tension, the impulses.

We observe a dam wall holding back water and note that the water behind it has potential energy, and we release that potential energy gradually, under normal circumstances. If the wall collapses then the potential energy is released catastrophically.

In a similar way space is filled with an ambient pressure of potential energy which emanates from various bodies in space. On top of this are disturbances such as solar flares from the sun, bodies exploding in space, and so on.

We feel (if we are within range) these disturbances but we don’t feel the ambient pressure – e.g.

- we don’t feel the ambient air pressure on our bodies but we feel the changes from trucks driving past us, or the sudden depressurising of an aircraft;

- we can sit on top of a transmission line, but tippy-toe the ground and we get frazzed because of the catastrophic release of potential energy that exists on the line.

So – in our universe the sun contributes mainly to the ambient ‘pressure’ of energy that is around us and we can feel disturbances such as solar bursts as & when they occur. BUT, we also experience energy consumption – this must be so because the earth spins, and energy must be consumed to cause it to spin. Clearly the energy that is causing the spin is coming from the sun but it is coming at a constructive, gradual, rate, not at a destructive rate. In other words there is some control/regulation/balance of energy that causes the earth to be in its particular position in the universe, and with its particular rate of spin & its orbit.

If the sun’s energy were zipping past us at the speed of light we would be frazzed, we would not exist – much as water flooding from a collapsed dam wall, everything would be damaged from the high potential energy being released (into kinetic energy). BUT, we and the earth do exist, and we exist because there is a balance to the potential energy that is being released whilst at the same time ‘pressuring’ the universe with the potential energy.

Clearly then the rate at which the sun’s energy is being released, the energy flow, must be as a consequence of the dynamics of the ‘dam wall’ that holds the potential energy in.

That brings us back to considering the extremities of space and what happens to light at the boundary of space-with-matter, and space-without-matter. If light energy & information travelled outwards at the speed of light then everything within would also travel outwards at the speed of light, i.e. we would not have a ‘dam wall’ effect we would have a collapsed wall effect and everything within being destroyed by the huge rush of energy outwards, at speed c.

BUT, we are not experiencing a ‘collapsed wall’ effect but a ‘dam wall’ effect and with a gradual expansion outwards of that wall that would account for the energy flow & consumption within, and hence for universes to function (as super-motors and/or super-generators, static components, etc.) – this then suggests that the space that is occupied by matter is expanding outwards at a gradual rate & at a rate far less than the speed of light, at a ‘drift’ velocity. This further suggests that light cannot travel into empty space without the presence of an ‘ether’, a magnetic field. And the magnetic field comes from the collective matter that is travelling, drifting, outwards - (from a big bang?).

Look at it purely from our universe, imagine it in isolation – if the sun’s energy could not flow outwards then the space around us would be static – the earth & planets would not be spinning. This is similar to any motor circuit – if the switch is open then the potential energy on the power side of the switch cannot flow to cause the motor to turn, your food processor would not mix your smoothies.

Clearly there must be energy flows within universes for universes to function as motors, and matter travelling at high speeds to act as generators.

Light energy flows because the space beyond our universe is expanding.

We also know that the sun’s light energy, derived from heat, requires a medium in which to convert its radiated energy back into heat. Recall the Apollo 13 accident (explosion of tanks in space, emergency plans to return to earth via scenic tour round moon, shutting off of power, crew in freezing conditions without power) – the sun’s energy was not keeping the space craft warm.

The earth’s atmosphere is the medium which keeps us warm, the denser the atmosphere the warmer we get – which is why denser polluted air is causing melting of ice caps.

Brownian motion is an observed phenomena of random movements of particles – it is contended that particles acts as incy-wincy-motors, that they are caused to spin/motor by the sun’s energy, which causes zillions of random collisions every second, which causes friction, which causes the air to arm up.

The air warming up also causes the earth to warm up and act as a storage heater for release during the night – without which we would freeze at night.

The aforegoing deductions suggest an orderly quantum balance approach to the entire space environment.

oOo – Economic Momentum is affected by disturbances, impulses, in a similar way to the real, physical, world.

(E=cMs^2 –> see paper Economic Momentum)

Example:- Flooding money into an economy (e.g. Euros into Ireland, cash into SA), or rapidly sucking money out (e.g. by the massively destructive unitary-model interest-rate economy control device; by defrauding investors of their savings, etc.) has catastrophic consequences that are not immediately recognised because of the very slow cycle times for these effects to work through economies & societies.

These catastrophic economic waves do not travel at the speed-of-light they travel much slower, slower than snails – but the change in Economic Momentum (proportional to square of change in Money Supply) is phenomenal & massively destructive, in both directions – they create far more deaths than a tsunami.

We are inundated with masses of obscure meaningless terminology in the inexact sciences developed through decades of fraud scams.

We know that 1st World pensions/investments have been defrauded and are being used (partly) to fund Israel’s never-ending wars.

We also know that double-accounting has escalated the instability of economies globally.

It has caused a gross divergence away from stability & peace.


### - It is contended that the following statements can be made:

# - With regard to the phenomena we call light:

+ - Light energy is distinctly separate from light information

+ - Light information is transmitted/propagated at the speed of light, c

+ - Light energy is propagated outwards at a ‘drift’ velocity along with matter.

+ - Light energy disturbances/impulses are propagated above ambient/potential energy at a higher speed (c?)

+ - Light propagation is not a classical wave phenomenon

+ - Light energy & information is transmitted uni-directionally, and concurrently in all directions

+ - Light transmission is by a switching mechanism to/from adjacent ‘particles’.

+ - Light is the phenomena we observe as a result of transmission of electrons on top of an ‘ether’ (magnetic field)

+ - Light ‘bends’ round bodies because of specific side-band & switching transmission phenomena, and not because of gravity/magnetic fields bending rays.

+ - Light experiments need to be reconsidered from a switching perspective.

# - With regard to general physics:

+ - Matter does not travel at speed of light, c, or anywhere near it.

+ - Light does not travel at speed of light, c, or at all, it is transmitted/propagated at speed c.

+ - Space is regular and 3 dimensional, there are no other physical dimensions

+ - Time is not a physical dimension

+ - Captain James T Kirk did not say ‘Beam me up Scotty’ (according to scriptwriters & producers)

+ - People/objects cannot be ‘beamed up’ (or down or sideways, or anywhichway) to another location.

+ - Anti-matter does not exist, it is simply one of two alternating switching positions of the light switching mechanism phenomena.

+ - Monopoles do not exist.

+ - Magnetic fields are not ‘distorted’ – the movement of other magnetic bodies simply add, or subtract, to the local magnetic field & its gradients.

+ - Magnetic fields appear to be the ‘ether’ upon which light is transmitted (does the absence of magnetic fields preclude light?)

+ - Light information is not affected by magnetic gradient.????????

+ - ‘Particle acceleration’ (as in Hadron Collider) is simply achieving resonant switching transmission.

+ - e≠mc^2.

+ - e(kinetic) = 1/2mv^2, e(potential)=mgh

+ - Relativity theory is a physical impossibility.


### - Pop-cultism is inducing distortions into exact sciences which has long separated itself from reality by polarising itself from engineering. Science is highly susceptible to gross media distortions.

Scientists are being duped into making statements of endorsement into areas in which they have absolutely no qualifications, experience or understanding.

The failure of Scientists to act with integrity brings their entire works into question.

oOo – Sir Alan Sugar (who promotes the UK’s Apprentice program) has induced (as reported) notable people such as Stephen Hawking, Germaine Greer, Bob Geldof, to endorse the UK government backed National Savings & Investments scheme (or more correctly: scam!!!).

Not one of these people has the remotest understanding of the investment minefield, and could not recognise a scam, even if explained to them.

Sugar himself is not being honest because he also knows of the massive frauds by corporates & governments regarding savings & investments. Sugar’s own wealth is of dubious sources; his integrity is known to be unsound (simply because he is not being truthful about the pension/investment scams).

Sugar’s wealth stems from the tech boom, not from intellectual development himself. Without the tech boom it is likely Sugar would have been a modest trader, unheard of, at best. What qualifications, what experience, what research qualifies him to promote the government’s National Savings & Investment scheme/scam????

Why would Sugar want to do this? What inducements?

Had one of his ‘Apprentices’ made such a recommendation without researching the truth Sugar would have fired that person.

Why has Sugar not questioned the government’s failed pension scheme? Surely it is plain to see that this NS&I scam is to entice, to lure, unsuspecting people to invest their savings so as to plug the haemorrhaging of government’s pension fund. These new investors will find out too late that their savings have been bled dry.

Sugar should be fired from the Apprentice programme for his lack of integrity.

How is it possible that Hawking could be duped into promoting this kind of scam? It certainly indicates that he does not have the courage to admit something is wrong, and this surely applies even within his own work.

Germaine Greer? Bob Geldof?


### - We are very much in the dark as to the nature of light. There are ample works which qualify & quantify certain observed parameters (e.g. refraction, diffraction, reflection, laser, etc., etc.) but the true nature of light, its source, its mechanism & its propagation remain unknown. Nevertheless from the points discussed in this series of papers there has been significant divergence because of incorrect reliance on mathematics as a ‘proof’.

BUT, there are other forms of light that we need to consider.

oOo – There is intangible light – e.g. social light, spiritual light – and these too remain very much in the dark.

(For insight to spiritual light see series of papers ‘A Con-undrummed’.)

The absence of social light (which is a consequence of absence of spiritual light) is observed by what happens around us in our communities; it is seen by the darkness of social events.

The global credit crunch is a case in point. People, families, are faced with a new breed of faceless & heartless (spiritless) landlords who are wrongly allowed to circumvent/avoid social laws that are designed to give societies stability.

In short the failure by governments to correctly design & implement sound SEBFL systems & controls means that societies & their economies are controlled by grossly defective & destructive mechanisms.

The credit crunch occurred mainly because two key structural economy components have been neglected.

The first is the irresponsible/criminal manner in which financial institutions sought to induce a consumer credit spend spree, unchecked by government.

The second was the criminal negligence & failure of governments to implement CDADD’s engineered multi-component interest-rate economy-control model – which, if it had been implemented, would have stabilised the fall-out of the credit crunch & more importantly provided effective means to curb the credit expansion without disrupting the underlying economy. (see series of papers ‘Interest Rates & Loans’).

Instead we see a crisis of credit extension which is causing severe economic hardship upon families that were/are defenceless in protecting their homes. It has spiralled down into all spheres of societies globally.

The UK are now throwing families out of rented accommodation on the grounds that defaulting landlords are having their buy-to-rent homes attached by the lenders. The lenders are not bound by the Terms & Conditions of the lease agreement, and tenants have no protections of tenure against the lenders.

Despite the protections of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights & Rome Statute UK laws are disrespectful towards these protections – UK laws do not give its citizens protections instead it freely allows faceless financial-powers free reign over evicting families.

How is it possible the UK’s government & justice system (headed up by Lord Chief Justice Phillips) can allow financial institutions to freely market buy-to-rent properties on the basis of credit extension to landlords, in the full knowledge that it is for renting purposes, and NOT bind the lender to the same Terms & Conditions of the rental agreement that the lender knew full well would be effected?

Contrast the cover-up of the cash-4-honours by the Met Police Commissioner Sir Ian Blair, The Crown Prosecution Service, & Lord Chief Justice Phillips to the award by the High Sheriff of Buckinghamshire to Roy Hatt for obstructing a thief. (see Channel 4, 4oD, Tony Robinson’s Crime & Punishment – explores development of UK justice system). Perhaps Tony Robinson should explore the UK’s Injustice system (see paper: Cash for Honours, Objections to CPS decision)

How is it possible that financial institutions are allowed to enjoy super-profits simply because government want to control the economy by increasing interest rates, and by means of a massively destructive unitary-model?

How is it that justice systems support such grossly defective economy systems & controls, that cause such severe hardships because financial-powers are freely allowed, by justice systems, to abuse their powers?

It is possible because UK’s justice system is prostituted – police & judiciary! And the same is the case throughout the world.

In the 21st Century we are in the darkness of light.


### - The increasing divergence of philosophic theories, guised as physics, from the real world is caused by abstract modellings that are beyond the bounds of tangible reality.

Given this reality can one accept that there is NOT incorrect rewarding of the exact sciences by institutions such as Nobel Foundation, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, etc.?

Whilst Quantum Theory has brought about much understanding it has nonetheless diverged into sci-fi imagination.

How else can one explain such divergence of ongoing defective research from reality?

The evidence is overwhelming that institutions such as Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences & Nobel Foundation are rewarding defective inexact science (economics) models. (see paper: Economists’ inexact models exactly defective 12 – Nobel Prize Hijacked) These institutions are refusing to reform.

The evidence is overwhelming that the exact sciences (e.g. Physics) are also being wrongly awarded Nobel Prizes for abstract mathematics.

There is clearly a need for a Mathematics Nobel Prize to distinguish between the brilliance of abstract mathematics to that of the real sciences (exact & inexact). And there is a need for the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences to reclassify those Nobel Physics prizes of the past as to which category (Physics or Mathematics) that previous awards fell.

oOo – Pope Benedict XVI offered prayers to victims & perpetrators at Ground Zero.

Of what benefit are Benedict’s prayers when ALL christian churches are deeply entrenched in the massive financial frauds that are causal of the impoverishment & enslavement of the majority of people in this world - which leads to the justifiable frustration & anger – which leads to the understandable (justifiable?) probabilistic violence – which leads to freedom seeking attacks, wrongly termed by the 1st World as terrorism.

Churches are obstructing investigations into sexual abuses; they are also refusing to investigate the fraudulent activities that are actively defrauding investors & destabilising economies.

Desmond Tutu (ex Archbishop) is experiencing the apathy of affluent white churches in Johannesburg which are rejecting his calls for assistance to house Zimbabweans caught up in the violence against them in South Africa. Tutu should rethink his refusal to engage with the writer some years ago when evidence of corporate frauds & power abuses was presented to him. But he, like Nelson Mandela, was basking in the limelight of the world stage.

There is a false belief that information off the internet web is for free – it is not. It is simply a cheap means of registering property rights over ones Intellectual Property (IP). The Universal Declaration of Human Rights expressly acknowledges property rights. There is an obligation on any person benefiting from web based IP to pay an appropriate reward for value gained from that IP – unless the owner expressly states that it may be used for free.

The obligation to pay an appropriate reward applies even if that person is initially unaware of the personal gain to himself – it need only be shown by the IP owner that a gain has been achieved to justify a claim of a reasonable reward.

It is entirely dishonest to take & use, without appropriate reward, IP that brings value.

This principle of IP ownership & rights is also a key factor as to why both inter & intra religion sects are in conflict. There is a refusal by both theological & lay leaders to freely pay for value gained – this in economic terms causes intellectual forces to be retarded because intellectual minds are not appropriately rewarded, and hence societies gravitate towards narrow ownership, i.e. widening disparity gaps, hence anger. (At a corporate/national level it is essentially the Good Samaritan parable being disregarded).

The unsocial barrier experienced by Desmond Tutu and the whitey christian churches in northern Johannesburg (re housing Zimbabwean families) is EXACTLY the kind dishonest barrier that has been the experience of the writer with regard the national/global theft of pensions/investments. Despite massive IP value to themselves theological & lay leaders & wealthy church members refused to part with one cent in reward.

This dishonest trait is why the disparity gap is so prevalent within South Africa, and throughout the world. The difference in African countries is that there are simply huge numbers of people impoverished & so few that are wealthy.

It is why Israel is in so much conflict with its neighbours – they refuse to pay their dues and refuse to socially uplift those that are disparitised – all in defiance of God’s instructions.

But the disparity gap is also hitting European & American societies extremely hard, especially the young who are finding themselves out of their depths having been induced into massive debt.

The theft, by churches, governments, individuals, of CDADD’s IP is as destructive as any defective economy system or control that is maintaining impoverishment/enslavement throughout the world (including within developed nations) – it creates & maintains justifiable anger globally no matter how much one individual or community may forgive. The reality is that it is understandable if justifiably angered communities resort to violence; which must not be misconstrued as ‘terrorism’.

In dishonestly boxing his new initiative Brown has started a ticking time-bomb (correction:- bombs; plural).

The CERTAINTY PRINCIPLE confirms that the Prime Minister will fail. And so will David Cameron, and Mbeki, and Jacob Zuma, and Morgan Tsavangari – UNLESS they engage correctly with engineering.

BUT, what would cause them to reform?

It would seem that only sufficient Intellectual Force would do it. BUT, that requires academic institutions to engage honestly & transparently.

How do we get institutions to reform?

It becomes a spiralling scenario – in short, it requires integrity of institutions such as Royal Swedish Academy of Science & Nobel Foundation to instil the necessary Intellectual Force to bring about meaningful reform so that economies can stabilise and anger & frustration diminish, hence for peace to become more prevalent.

The World needs new dynamic leadership to bring the world out of darkness and back into the light.

Chris Addington Pr. Eng.

(Under enforced exile from South Africa due to ANC government’s oppressive XDR-nazi system and oppressive economic isolation by corporate & academic worlds.

Also under severe economic oppression due to Ireland & UK government dishonesty.

XDR = Extreme Democracy Resistant.)