To BBC Trust & Chair Rona Fairhead, BBC Board & Chairman Tony Hall (Lord)
CC: As per addressees & general
From Chris Addington Pr.Eng.
March 15, 2015
Re: BBC Panorama Monday March 14 – Shaken Babies – BBC purposefully/criminally withholding forensic evidence – defeating/obstructing the ends of Justice.
The Panorama programme last night highlights the repercussive consequences of BBC's blatant/criminal dishonesty.
BBC Panorama confirms that BBC has long been aware of attacks against Dr Waney Spier & Dr Marta Cohen for their standing on the principles of maintaining scientific fact against emotive/popular viewpoints amongst fellow professionals.
BBC has also been long aware (at least a decade) that much science is wrong because Opticks (wrongly attributed to Newton) is wrong but BBC make their money out of selling popular programmes – so dishonest scientists such as Brian Cox makes plenty money for BBC to the extent that BBC will suppress the groundbreaking R&D that I have developed in Physics Engineering & Socio-Economy Engineering.
The Chief Medical Officer Sally Davies, BMJ, RS, RI, Met Police, CPS, Chief Justice & Justices etc., are also long aware of these facts – but choose to be dishonest. BBC are also aware of the fabricated evidence & doubtful DNA forensics in the Stephen Lawrence sham murder Trial & sham Appeal.
Ireland's Chief Justice Susan Denham is also long aware & instrumental in colluding with Royal Irish Academy and in corrupting Ireland's (& World) Justice System.
The baseless Pollution drives Climate Change claim is a case in point of popular beliefs ignoring the science fact that Opticks being wrong shows that Einstein is wrong, so too CERN etc. - and that natural factors, including explaining synchronous rotation & orbit only makes sense when one recognises the sun must be transmitting multi-phase power – hence earth's core is an induction furnace – and counter-argument says that BECAUSE the core is molten that there must be a power source to maintain molten - BUT, to address Pollution, politicians now give support to a popular viewpoint instead of adopting a correct Fail-Safe policy (vis: Pollution is a serious problem even though there is dispute over causing Climate Change) – instead politicians wrongly back unproved 'science'.
The gross injustice by BMC against Spier indicates that we are not too far off challengers of the Pollution/CC claim being prosecuted for upholding unpopular facts despite science evidence supporting the challengers & disproving the claimants.
Ditto my proofs of TT implosions that justified
We can readily see the gross errors of maintaining incorrect science, with the endless claims made by star-gazers who cannot recognise an optical illusion, as one can observe with Young's slit experiment – star-gazers are in dishonest denial. We can see it more readily by following the simple steps at that disprove Opticks.
In a similar way the Medical fraternity have chosen to criminalise Spier & Cohen for their simply maintaining a Professional standpoint and their not being swayed by unproved/bogus popular beliefs – and viewers are confused because of BBC's dishonesty in withholding evidence from the public.
One MUST always obey Authorities, this stems from Biblical times & is a well proved foundation – BUT, this does not mean one does not constructively & Professionally challenge their decisions openly & without fear.
Had BBC interviewed me, even by phone or email, regarding Spier's & Cohen's difficulties I would have sent evidence to the BMC – but BMC were not informed, consequently Waney Spier was not afforded a fair hearing because the BMC & Spier were not correctly informed of the fundamental dishonesty amongst & between scientists.
And responsibility for this largely rests largely with the British Bullshit Corporation & BBC disTrust & media in general – and responsibility for the continued dishonesty within media rests with Justice Leveson (sham media/phone-hacking Inquiry & Stephen Lawrence sham Appeal)
BBC are purposefully defeating/obstructing the ends of Justice.
Chris Addington Pr.Eng.