Captain’s Log, Stardate 06


More Particles of Space


Particle Chi-22


& UPDATE (Scroll Down)


- Yet more reasons why Newton Opticks are wrong, and why e does not equal m c squared


- Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram (HRD) -> errors


- Seeing sun → but not seeing stars


- Blackholes? No! -> Blackspots; Supernovas → Brightspots


- Defective mathematical analyses skewing socio-economies – more errors from RIA Discourses/Lectures




- Introduction

Academia remains in hostile denial over fundamental errors in Newton Opticks from which can be traced errors in Einstein's Energy & Relativity theories, errors in Hubble's 'expanding universe', error in Higgs Boson, and of numerous errors in astro-physics – ALL of which has led to an exponential growth of defective mathematics & science which has skewed socio-economy 'science' developments.

This UPDATE paper addresses some more insights regarding Newton Opticks errors by correct observations through a prism & adopting new interpretations; thereafter brief discussions on defective science/mathematics delivered in 3 recent lectures/discourses at Royal Irish Academy during May/June 2014.

To Fast-Track understanding on the background to Newton Opticks errors see: Captain's Log Stardate 06: More Particles in Space – Particle Sigma-18 Formal Application to RIA, RS, RI etc. - ideally you should have a standard prism (60 degree internal angles) to observe the colour patterns.

- Yet more reasons why Newton Opticks are wrong and why e does not equal m c squared.


* A prism is essentially a light filter - it filters out every-other-which-way light and allows through (predominantly) forward light thus removing the ambient light that swamps the colour patterns – hence allowing us to see the colour patterns.

* Right Hand (RH) orientation – looking through right eye such that roy (red, orange, yellow) patterns appear on right hand edges of object boundaries, and vib (violet, indigo, blue) patterns appear on left hand edges of object boundaries.

* Consider Radar/Radio Transmission patterns (as measured & plotted by experiment) of main forward transmissions lobe, and two sets of twin side band transmission lobes - assign colours r & y and v & b to the two side band sets, orange is the mergement of r&y, indigo the mergement of v&b.

With sunlight, position prism to pick up 'rainbow' colour patterns – move prism close to a surface and note the distinct yor & biv patterns at the apex points of the prism projected onto the surface (colours in the order as seen towards the apexes)

It is because of the close proximity of the prism apexes (and of raindrop 'prisms') that the opposing yellow and blue colours merge to produce green.

It is IMPORTANT to recognise that the projected yor pattern is seen on the right hand side of the prism BUT to the left hand side of that apex edge, and the projected vib is seen on the left hand side of the prism BUT to the right hand side of that left hand apex edge – NOTE: these patterns are to the OPPOSITE side to that of patterns at boundaries as observed through the prism. OBSERVE & THINK ABOUT THIS.

How do we explain this apparent contradiction?????? - in terms of light transmission mechanism.

However, holding a pencil up one can see about either side yor toward the right hand boundary of the pencil, and biv towards the left hand side and the mergement of r and v to produce a mauve(?). This becomes more apparent when we observe the edge of a thin sheet of paper.

Thus we can see from the projected vib & yor patterns (at the apexes, and each double side-band pattern facing the other OPPOSED double side-band pattern, hence the y&b merging to produce green when the image is allowed to project a couple metres further) that the so-called 'rainbow' pattern & colour spectrum is invalid – BECAUSE the two patterns are related to distinctly separate & distant (even though close proximity) points of light at each apex.

The sequence of colours about any specific point of light transmission are therefore: b&v and r&y (of the twin double side-band lobes) as observed sequentially, left to right, which disproves the long-standing 'spectrum' of roygbiv.

There also being no 'spectrum' but two distinct double side-band colours of r&y and v&b – the o & i being optical mergements of the colours r&y and v&b respectively.

Hence, again, the long-standing frequency attribution again has no foundation, it was purely speculative interpretation - and correct interpretation of what Hubble misinterpreted (red-shift & Doppler effect) would also bring new insights to optics – but this is all currently denied, and hostilely so by Academia.

How to interpret Hubble's misinterpretation (i.e. Doppler, red-shift) is brand new science that the writer has left open – even school children have a chance of uncovering the correct interpretation of what Hubble misinterpreted, and it does not require mathematics, simply observation & understanding.

Understanding of a classic proof of Fermat's Last Theorem would also bring greater insights to numerous errors that have crept into socio-economy models (Andrew Wiles' 'proof' is NOT a proof, firstly: as it is unnecessarily complex & hence IMPOSSIBLE to prove that it is a proof, and secondly a classic proof, as was available to Fermat, is possible & which would further disprove Wiles' 'proof' – the writer would reveal this classic proof for a suitable reward)

- Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram (HRD) → errors

There are a number of errors associated with the HRD diagram and its underlying principles. At least two are colour associated.

If we heat up steel (for example) then as temperature increases the colour of the metal changes and moves through red, blue up to white. Consequently temperatures are associated with each of the colours. However it is erroneous logic to now argue that if we see colours (red or blue or white or yellow...) of stars in deep space that corresponding temperature, as observed from earth, is attributed to that star.

This can easily be verified by looking at a pencil through a prism – we see the colours about the boundary of the pencil but we know that the temperature is normal, i.e. colours are NOT necessarily associated with temperature.

A second error with the HRD diagram is that the colour sequence of (from left-to-right) vibwyor is incorrect, the order should be (right hand prism orientation) bivwroy. (w = white)

Both these errors are due to misinterpretation of what we see in deep space, and which misinterpretations were compounded by Hubble when he wrongly argued that Frequency attribution & Doppler effect applied to the observed colour phenomena around stars.

The classification of stars as established through the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram, and the claims for 'blackholes', are all also founded upon an incorrect roygbiv 'colour frequency spectrum' – hence the interpretations of stars also becomes invalid; so too does the claim of Big Bang, Higgs Boson, etc. - mainly because of an incorrect deduction by Michelson-Morley that there is 'no ether' – careful observation (as set out in Formal Application to RS, RIA etc.) DISPROVES numerous physics theories from which comes the compelling realisation that an ether does exist.

Hence there are at least two errors within the HRD diagram – incorrect attribution of temperature to colour and incorrect sequence of colour 'spectrum'; and these errors have further been compounded by incorrect attribution of frequency to colour, and Hubble's incorrect application of Doppler – a multitude of errors compounding to produce science fiction.

The diagram is confused further by unnecessary complexing of terminology – the (erroneous) colour sequence vibwyor is now given classification letters OBAFGKM – this is simply for 'scientists' to make themselves seem & feel more clever than the peasants

Much cause for the aforementioned errors can also be attributed to the incorrect interpretation of 'fixed ether theory' as repeated by Stephen Hawking in his 'The Universe in a Nutshell' book (sequel to A Brief History of Time) – in Chapter 1 Hawking explains with a diagram, that with a fixed ether that people on spaceships would travel independently of that ether; this is incorrect → an ether exists and everything functions within/upon that ether, EVERYTHING is DEPENDENT on the ether – Doppler ONLY applies with INDEPENDENT frames, e.g. a person stationary and a person moving, consequently sound (pitch) changes when moving toward stationary person it now passes and moves away - consequently with everything being DEPENDENT on the ether we cannot 'step outside' of that ether – from that we can deduce that light information being the least of component 'matter' must be travelling at the fastest of speeds possible because it has no mass.

The rest of Hawking's book is based upon these errors, hence is incorrect – this is not to say that it is not brilliant thinking, simply that it is wrong – Stephen Hawking's refusal to acknowledge the clear evidence that Newton's Opticks are wrong is Hawking's downfall – ditto Academia in general.

- Seeing Sun → but not seeing Stars

It is a long held error that because we can see the sun that our observations of the sun can be applied to the stars we see in distant space – this is TOTALLY wrong for the same reason that Hubble misinterpreted what he saw to wrongly deduce that frequency & Doppler could be applied to explain the redness of stars as being red-shift.

Again we need to understand why we see stars as we do – and again, the writer leaves this open to some other to discover the correct explanation – it is possible for schoolchildren to work this out, it does not require mathematics – BUT, schools need to be supplied with prisms (standard 60 degree internal angles) – and prisms should be readily available in toy shops, plastic ones would be cheap and would stimulate a regeneration of science interest – the more so since complex & unbelievable sci-fi science would be removed, thus making real world/universe science attainable.

In fact prisms should come in packs of different angles (on one apex, say) 20, 30, 40, 50, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 degree - so that one can observe differences – it might give more insights – plastic prisms would be very cheap. Diffraction grids should also be readily available to schoolchildren & in shops.

- Blackholes? No! -> Blackspots; Supernovas → Brightspots

Consider Young's slit experiment which produces interference patterns with dark patches – now imagine yourself as being shrunk and standing mid-position in one of these dark patches, and looking in the direction of the light source – What would you see? → Black! BUT, we know there is light in that direction!

Observing the interference patterns (normally) we see a number of black gaps, black lines – there are zillions of stars in the Universe; and of the stars we observe we know that there is at least one planet for each star, and appears to be a number of planets – hence there are multiple zillions more planets than stars – and these planets act as 'slits' - therefore it is reasonable to deduce that with zillions of smaller-than-pinpoint stars that we would effectively be observing many "Young's slits" in deep space with the effect of producing → Blackspots!

(cf phenomena of rainbows)

Blackholes? No! -> Blackspots

Further: the phenomena of points of increased luminosity in the Young's Slit experiment also apply in deep space – and this would account for what is wrongly deduced as being a 'supernova' effect.

Supernova? No! -> Brightspot

Much thought & rethought brings realisation that the aforegoing is compelling argument.

(Arthur Miller's book 'Empire of the Stars - Friendship, Obsession and Betrayal in the Quest for Blackholes' is an excellent read to see how brilliant thinking can go far off-track into deep space sci-fi.

Also note from the colour plates how NASA use 'false-colour' imagery ('photoshopping') – these cutesy 'photoshopped' images, which flood the world, distort data/images which in turn generates incorrect interpretations, hence incorrect deductions/theories; all of which make large contribution to attaining & maintaining defective science)

Since an ether must & does exist (the alternative of 'no ether' having come about through numerous interpretive & observational errors) matter cannot travel at even 0.01 of speed of light c, hence e does NOT equal m c squared, and relativity is invalid.

The erroneous use of relativity could explain why controlled missiles miss targets; it could also explain why missing plane MH370 has still not been found.

Inmarsat are obstructing the search for MH370.

We need to recognise Newton's Opticks are wrong, and correctly interpret that which Hubble misinterpreted – this is brand new science up for grabs – it will lead to better understandings of Optics and of Light Transmission Dynamics


- Defective mathematical analyses skewing socio-economies – more errors from Royal Irish Academy (RIA) Discourses/Lectures

- Introduction:

- Academy Discourse: The date of Hammurabi

- Inaugural Gossett Lecture: Population Projections for All Countries

- The Mathematics of Impending Social Implosion

(Synopses on these events are appended below)

- Introduction:

Mathematics plays an important role in science & engineering BUT, mathematics is NOT science AND science is NOT engineering. Many mathematicians consider themselves scientists, and many scientists consider themselves engineers – consequently we see much defective theories mainly because unqualified mathematicians leap at any & every correlation and wrongly claim Cause/Effect relationship.

The Royal Irish Academy regularly presents Discourses/Lectures that are based upon erroneous mathematics or erroneously derived 'science' and the three lectures/discourses referenced herein are no exceptions.

A general error by mathematicians is in failing to understand systems from a control engineering perspective.

In simple terms: a physical system (e.g. A motor car, or a plane etc.) can be mathematically modelled such that of any of its complex systems (and its sub-components) can be reduced to a composite, simplified mathematical expression that describes its functionality so as to enable analysis of that system & its outputs through application of various inputs coupled with feedback of its outputs. We call this mathematical expression a Transfer Function.

However, having derived a composite model it is impossible to dis-assemble that composite back into its original sub-components – it thus becomes a complex issue of trying to determine what changes to a system are needed to achieve a particular response/output – thus, it becomes a trial & error process, albeit with some intelligent engineering thinkings - and that is with a relatively simple physical system to which societies are long familiar.

Socio-Economy systems are far, far, far more complex than physical systems such as cars, planes etc. - so any attempt at analysing such a system is fraught with exponentially greater problems. If one does not have some basic experience in Control Engineering, and mathematicians and most scientists do not, then it is impossible to begin to understand Socio-Economy systems – and this is largely why Economists are walking-disasters. Its why Central Banks cause so much Socio-Economy havoc. Its why Governments fail to deliver meaningful policies.

BUT, also, Control Engineers have NO Business/Economy Engineering experience – and melding one economist with one control engineer does NOT produce two Economy Engineers, not even one.

Consequently there is not one person in the world that can be considered an Economy Engineer – CDADD's pioneering of Economy Engineering merely scratches the surface.

And the reason we fail to understand Socio-Economy systems, so as to achieve constructive & stable systems, is because of bogus science – and much bogus science is presented by Academic Institutions, including such as Royal Society (RS), Royal Institute RI), Royal Irish Academy (RIA) …............

- RIA Academy Discourse: The date of Hammurabi

Speaker: Professor Werner Nahm, MRIA, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,

Venue: Academy House

Date: Tuesday 27 May 2014, 18:00

Werner Nahm is a colleague of ex-RIA President Luke Drury – Drury, who by his own admission has never looked trough a telescope yet describes himself as an astro-physicist, remains in hostile denial of clear evidence that Newton was/is wrong regarding Opticks. Drury also is criminally derelict in failing to uphold Good Governance.

Nahm's discourse entailed proving through science a link to the date of Hammurabi - a date that varies, according to experts, by 150 years - through interpretation of a broken tablet containing obscure hieroglyphic text – and from this obtain data concerning global warming trends.

Yet, Nahm and other scientists deny: the Twin Towers implosions, that Newton's Opticks are wrong, that Correlation does NOT prove Cause/Effect of Pollution to Global Warming.

How then can these 'scientists' claim proof of some historical event & hence link to global warming and all through an obscure broken tablet?

In Q&A the writer was granted the floor (reluctantly so by new RIA President Mary Daly): and pointed out (once again) that one has to correctly explain synchronicity of earth's spin & orbit (if one is to begin to understand Global Warming). Drury silently shook his head in denial.

In short: The RIA fail to apply Good Governance, continue to obstruct transparent science debate, and present obscure/bogus 'science' → the stuff of a Harry Potter adventure

- Inaugural Gossett Lecture: Population Projections for All Countries

Professor Adrian E. Raftery, Professor of Statistics at the University of Washington; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,

Venue: Academy House, 19 Dawson Street, Dublin 2

Date: 29 May, 2014 at 18.30

Adrian Raftery's work is used extensively by the United Nations. The thrust of Raftery establishing Population Projections rests on 'Fertility Rate' – and this is one of Raftery's fundamental errors – using a Dependent Factor as an Independent variable.

Establishing meaningful insights to Population growths DEPENDS on correctly identifying Factors that affect the Fertility Rate, and in correctly understanding why & how those Factors cause affectation. Analysing Fertility Rates in itself is pointless & meaningless – because we know that Fertility is what causes populations, it is the natural function. It is why we see variations that is of importance.

Once again the RIA purposefully obstructed the writer from raising this point – but during drinks reception put the question to Raftery and pointed out that Germany's declining population needs to be explained, as does the mushrooming of tin shanty townships & rapid population growth in South Africa post-1990, and could be largely explained by a primary factor that impoverishment drives population increase. Raftery's reply was that the statistical evidence did not support this proposition.

Raftery FAILED to understand that he was wrongly arguing that mathematics proves Nature and not recognising that Nature functions and mathematics, if it is to be acceptable, must correctly explain Nature.

Photographic evidence pre & post 1990 of the surrounds of SA cities will prove the massive population growths.

Raftery has become reliant upon mathematics, an abstract concept that is largely within virtual-worlds, and only a tiny fraction operating within real-world, and in which statistics has become grossly skewed & distorted due to erroneous physics theories, especially from astro-physicists – such that Raftery has become desensitised to recognising his fiction from the mass of fiction in which he is immersed.

And statistics is a breeding ground for mathematical distortions.

Consequently United Nations' policies fail, repeatedly.

- The Mathematics of Impending Social Implosion

Professor Peter Turchin, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

University of Connecticut; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,

Peter Turchin is another scientist that has wrongly placed primary focus on mathematics in his quest to achieve science prowess; and in his eagerness has (in)conveniently swept aside understandings of Natural phenomena.

As a Biologist turned mathematician, Turchin endows himself with Socio-Economy Engineering skills yet Turchin does not have adequate Engineering skills to understand Control systems - hence Turchin makes unqualified deductions concerning Big Data that has dubious origin, and with no understandings of the variable inputs or the dynamics of the socio-economy system that produces the responses from which Big Data is collected.

In Q&A, Turchin acknowledged that understanding feedback was important – but this ignores the need to understand the Economy System in toto and the Input variables as well.


The RIA, like the Royal Society,. Royal Institute etc., refuses to engage Good Governance, thus R&D is retarded → Science continues to swirl in virtual sci-fi dimensions → Socio-Economy models are incorrect → Government policies are disastrously defective → corporates maintain Organised Crime → impoverishment continually increases as despairing populations expand → frustrations & anger increase → hostilities increase.


Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

Synopses - RIA Events May/June 2014


- Academy Discourse: The date of Hammurabi

- Inaugural Gossett Lecture: Population Projections for All Countries

- The Mathematics of Impending Social Implosion

- Academy Discourse: The date of Hammurabi

Speaker: Professor Werner Nahm, MRIA, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,

Venue: Academy House

Date: Tuesday 27 May 2014, 18:00

Online booking for this event is now closed but walk-ups on the evening will be welcome.

The date of Hammurabi

In the 2nd millennium BC Hammurabi became king of Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq, Kuwait, the north-eastern section of Syria and parts of Turkey and Iran). The chronology of Mesopotamia in the 2nd Millennium still differ by more than 150 years. This has prevented us from understanding the relationship between climate change and the serve crisis at the end of the Hammurabi dynasty which saw the cities of southern Babylonia abandoned.

This discourse will explore the Venus observations which were first recognized in 1860, the Assyrian eclipse record, the dendrochronology (dating based on the analysis of patterns of tree rings) and the record of a worldwide tree growth anomaly that have contributed to finding the correct dates and help to understand this chapter in history.

Professor Werner Nahm

Studies of physics in Frankfurt and at the Ludwigs Maximilian University Munich 1966-1970. Diploma in physics at Ludwigs Maximilian University Munich 1970, Ph.D. at Bonn University 1972. Postdoc at Bonn University 1972-1975, fellow and staff member of CERN 1976 - 1982. Heisenberg fellow at Bonn University 1982 - 1986. Associate professor at UC Davis 1986 - 1989, full professor at Bonn University 1989 - 2002. Since 2002 senior professor at the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, and director of the School of Theoretical Physics. Member of the Royal Irish Academy, Member of the Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz, Member (Fellow) of the Royal Society. Awarded 2012 Gothenburg Lise Meitner Prize of TH Chalmers and 2013 Max Planck Medal.

- Inaugural Gossett Lecture: Population Projections for All Countries

Professor Adrian E. Raftery, Professor of Statistics at the University of Washington; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,

Venue: Academy House, 19 Dawson Street, Dublin 2

Date: 29 May, 2014 at 18.30

Projections of countries' future populations, broken down by age and sex, are widely used for planning and research. They are mostly done deterministically, but there is a widespread need for probabilistic projections. This lecture will describe a Bayesian statistical method for probabilistic population projections for all countries. These new methods have been used by the United Nations to produce their most recent population projections for all countries.

The results suggest that world population will increase more than had recently been believed likely, reaching between 9 and 13 billion by the end of the century, with no end to population growth this century. The population of Africa, in particular, is likely to grow, from about 1 billion now to between 3 and 5 billion. The number of working age people per retired person will probably decline dramatically in most countries over the coming decades. The results also suggest that the current UN high and low variants underestimate uncertainty for high fertility countries, and overstate uncertainty for low fertility countries, mostly in Europe. Professor Raftery will comment on implications for carbon emissions this century.

This event is run in partnership with the Irish Statistical Association and the Royal Irish Academy.

- The Mathematics of Impending Social Implosion

Professor Peter Turchin, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

University of Connecticut; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,

Venue: Academy House, 19 Dawson Street, Dublin 2

Date: Thursday 26 June 2014, 18:00-19:30

No registration required

The internal cohesion of societies waxes and wanes over time. Mathematical analysis of historical data reveals that this dynamic tends to follow a predictable pattern, involving interlinked economic, demographic and cultural trends. The interplay of these trends creates regular cycles of internal conflict and political instability which make societies susceptible to collapse. Mathematical models based on this analysis reveal how current trends in economic inequality, political polarization, and failing cooperation within societies are interlinked. These models point to significant risks of internal conflicts and even social implosion in the coming decade.

In this public lecture, Professor Peter Turchin will describe the mathematical model and the historical evidence that supports it. He will present the results of his analysis of current trends in the United States, on which he has been working for the last 3 years, and their worrying implications. Finally, he will present early results of an analysis of the dynamics of political instability in both the UK and Ireland today. Click here for more details

This lecture is part of the 1st International Workshop on Computational History, jointly organised by the Knowledge and Data Engineering Group, Trinity College Dublin, and the Digital Repository of Ireland, Royal Irish Academy.

### UPDATE ###

- Blackspots & brightspots (previously wrongly called blackholes & supernovas)

- Impacts (some) of defective science on global conflicts; erroneous Philosophy & Psychology, radicalisation of youths, Scotland Referendum (RIA Seminar)


(more links corporate Organised Crime)

Shrien Dewani – criminal rendition/kidnap

Bernie Eccleston – fraud trial, other issues, fraudulent sale of AASA Kyalami FI racetrack

Blackspots & brightspots (previously wrongly called blackholes & supernovas)

Progressing further -> in light of new insights from Young's Slit Experiment as discussed in Particle Chi-22:

Recap: We know that the nature of Light Transmission Dynamics (LTD) as affected by a double slit (Young's Experiment) is such that dark fringes intermingled with bright fringes & of brighter intensity occur. We also know that with only a single slit we get a bright diffraction of light


or see plates 6a & 6b of Empire of the Sun;

again, extreme caution: photos are easily photoshopped, and NASA cannot be relied upon to be honest)

And from CDADD's proposition, that shrinking oneself to be midpoint in a dark patch we know that looking back that we are looking toward the light source, i.e. we are 'experiencing' a blackspot ( previously wrongly called blackholes). If we now move left (or right) we start to come into a region in which light begins to emerge (i.e. to flare, previously wrongly called supernova), vis: into the adjacent bright (& more intensely bright) spot. And that if we continue to move left (or right) that we alternate between dark & light spots/patches, and a number of them.

We also know that GRAVITY is everywhere present on earth and not solely about the slits – it follows, therefore, that it cannot be argued that light is bent around planets due to gravitational effect – it is abundantly clear that the nature of LTD, due to the nature of the ETHER that must necessarily exist, that it is due to the side-band effects of LTD that we see a 'halo' (bright spots) resulting from the slits and that this is the cause of 'halo' around planets.

This LTD dynamic also explains why we see 'halo' effects around people and objects in bright sunlight, and why we experience glare, it is due to the natural phenomena of side-band dynamics (note: polaroid glasses do not polarise light, they reduce glare by reducing side-band effect). And it is the ABSENCE of 'halo' effect that cause superimposed images to be instantly recognisable as superimposed (e.g. in old movies depicting people driving in cars with background scenes projected) – however this loss of 'halo' effect can be minimised with back lighting onto the subjects, nevertheless it is very difficult to completely remove the sense of superimposition, either because of imperfect backlighting, or imperfections of the projection, or imperfections during filming/recording of the superimposition.

GRAVITY does NOT bend light rays.

However, we also need to establish whether gravity has an effect on the ether that might cause the ether to distort such that it adds to the 'halo' (side-band) effect. But, to understand this we need to understand how to correctly interpret that which Hubble misinterpreted (Doppler, red-shift → expanding universe) – but this is left open to newcomers to discover, including schoolchildren. Recap: it does not require fancy mathematics; simply basic sums, basic geometry, observations, reasonings & deductions – the answer is self-evident & simple, as is every difficult problem once correctly solved.

We can progress further;

Proposition: for any 3 planets and 1 star that are so configured so as to produce a black spot (previously wrongly called blackhole) (or bright spot, previously wrongly called supernova) somewhere in space, it follows that there necessarily must exist other black (& bright) spots linearly spaced & viewable anywhere along radial lines progressing from any of those spots and in line with the star, as a consequence of the planets/star configuration (extended application of Young's slit experiment).

Corollary 1: for any 3 planets producing via 1 star such a number of black (bright) spots, that the probability is (almost?) certainty that there exists many other stars that produce with those same planets other sequences of black (& bright) spots, each sequence from each separate star being viewable elsewheres within the universe.

Corollary 2: because there are zillions of stars and many zillions more planets, it follows that there are 'infinitely infinite' black & bright spots viewable in space – the question is: which are stars & which bright-spots???????????????????????????????

Corollary 3: Black/Bright spots (previously wrongly thought of as blackholes, supernova) as observed (and as we do on earth) can manifest from perturbations of planets/star arrangement as star/planets/earth move relative to each other in their natural orbits (i.e. blackspots can appear/disappear, partially/fully, dependent on the perturbations; and brightspots flare/diminish)

Corollary 4: With Young's: a single slit produces bright diffracted pattern - a single slit can occur because of a 2 planet & 1 star arrangement, OR because of perturbations with a 3 planet & 1 star arrangement in which one gap becomes closed. This latter arrangement would explain why a solitary bright spot would be seen to flare out (previously wrongly thought to be 'going supernova')

Corollary 5: Many of what we think we see as stars may in fact be brightspots, which if the case means that the star that is creating the brightspot is in an entirely different location to that of the brightspot observed, and similarly for flaring brightspots (previously supernova).

Note 1: This Proposition does not mean that blackholes & supernovas (as defined by scientists) do not exist – it means that to prove that blackholes (supernovas) do exist that all possibilities of a blackhole NOT being a blackspot (supernova NOT being a brightspot) must be eliminated – for the very fact that there are 'infinitely infinite' blackspots (brightspots) means that in all likelihood one is observing a blackspot (brightspot) - i.e. the probability is almost a certainty that what was previously a blackhole (supernova) is a blackspot (brightspot)

Note 2: To prove Note 1 is, with present technology (of deep-space gazing), a virtual impossibility; as will be self-evident once the nature of Hubble's error (Doppler, redshift → expanding universe) has been realised

Note 3: Notice the displacement angle between a brightspot and the slits compared to the angle of brightspot to the light source. How do we explain this entire mechanism & phenomena, it clearly appears to be due to side-band phenomena, but how? Or do we simply accept a Kipling 'Just So' position?

It follows that our knowledge of the fundamental dynamics/mechanisms of the Ether are far from adequately known, which means also that our knowledge of radiation & transmission is lacking – and Governments are refusing to reward on merit hence science stagnates with centuries-old defective theories, and medicine is also held back – Bohr's atomic model is now obsolete, and Higgs Boson (a non-ether model) was sunk by CDADD long before the Nobel Foundation wrongly/dishonestly awarded it a Nobel Prize because an ether must & does exist - even though Bohr's model has proved highly beneficial it is now holding back further developments, because an ether does exist – hence viruses such as Ebola become more difficult to combat and increasingly resistant & new viruses emanate; and cancer therapies are not as efficacious (hence Ashya King, for e.g., is in enhanced danger than would otherwise be the case if Government & UK Chief Medical Officer were to correctly engage R&D on a merit basis, Southampton Hospital is not to blame for Government & Ch Med Officer's gross negligence)

What is abundantly clear, as will become self-evident when Hubble's error is correctly interpreted, is that gazing into deep-space will bring greater understandings of the very fundamental nature of Light & Energy Transmission Dynamics and of how matter & life is 'glued' together & functions.

We also need to understand why, with Young's slits experiment, that we see the fringe patterns that we do see.

Interestingly BBC 4 aired a programme on 'Abstract Artists in Their Own Words' (Sept 8, 2014) – of note (i.t.o. LTD) was Bridget Riley's 'Current' painting: black wavy lines closely painted but with varying gap – many viewers stated they could see blues & yellows within the black-on-white painting – this is interesting because it indicates observation of side-band colours with the naked eye.

But, why we do see the patterns with Young's slit, how do we explain the brighter intensity of brightspots, and are the darks simply absence of light?

Impacts (some) of defective science on global conflicts; erroneous Philosophy & Psychology, radicalisation of youths, Scotland Referendum (RIA Seminar)

We can also make further progress into the Socio-Economy environments. Bearing in mind that physics deals with real-world stuff and that we are now aware that many centuries-old observable tiered physics theories have been wrong; it follows that much Socio-Economy 'science' is also wrong, and much has been discussed in past Particles in this series & within CDADD's series 'Economists' Inexact Models Exactly Defective'.

What can be clearly seen is that long-standing philosophy theories, many of which are based upon 'thought experiments', have little if any foundation - for, if by seeing that clearly visible Opticks have been wrong then how much easier is it for 'thought experiments' to be wrong? And much of the history behind thought experiments stems from the times of Berkeley (18th Century).

Science theorising IS philosophy in the real world, and much effort is given to thought-experiments prior to development & testing/proving – we know that very few, if any, experiments function correctly based upon first design principles, and many prove to be entirely baseless in fact – it often takes many attempts & redesigns before success is achieved – hence development & testing/proving is CRITICAL – non-science philosophy cannot do these real world testings and that is why philosophy thought-experiments are seldom useful. And it therefore follows that it is impossible to determine which is useful & which not.

This is not to denigrate research into philosophy – because to know what something is one must also know what it is not, it is just that more & careful effort is needed to determine philosophical research.

Psychology also stems from philosophy and the errors from these two accounts for much philosopho- & psycho-babble that abounds, and upon which governments wrongly rely to form policies – and which has been used by corporates via World Economic Forum (Davos) & Nobel Foundation to give false credibility to otherwise fraudulent finance/economy scams, vis: corporate Organised Crime, which aggregates globally to Economy Terrorism. Physics errors leads directly into destructively incorrect Economics/Finance theories –> all of which are the cause of western imposed Economy Terrorism that oppresses, suppresses, depresses, represses the majority of people around the world & many within western developed nations; and this drives the frustrations & angers which then erupt into violence & irrational behaviour from those wanting to fight back.

Current news is of opposition to the horrendous beheadings by ISIS, and rightly so it should be opposed – but it must be remembered that ISIS are simply reacting (irrationally admittedly) to the Economy Terrorism imposed by the West and which Economy Terrorism creates far greater holocausts/genocides than ever was achieved by the Nazi's or under Stalin's regime or in Rwanda. PM Cameron & President Obama are not going to achieve any peaceful outcome whilst they continue to impose Economy Terrorism driving holocausts.

Restate: Irrationally → because western Governments ignore Rational arguments & developments.

Muslims are wrongly blamed for the Twin Towers implosions (an inside job done by Israel Virtual; absence of transfer-of-momentum dynamics is the CONCRETE proof of implosions and was the justification for, and wrongly blamed for freedom-fighting opposition to Economy Terrorism which freedom-fighting is then wrongly tagged as terrorism; to which the west's military might drives ever-more horrific responses. Young Muslims are clearly angered by this and by images of western military might pounding already oppressed nations – and all to support corporate Organised Crime criminals that are perpetrating mass genocides – it seems clear that many young people, whose Faith is wrongly blamed, would understandably join those freedom-fighters.

Young people are becoming increasingly aware that TT towers were imploded, that leads on to recognising that western Justice systems are dishonest/corrupt.

US Secretary of State John Kerry is disingenuous in calling a masked terrorist a coward when 'invisible' (masked) US military drones dump tons of missiles onto unsuspecting peoples, and US corporates wage economic warfare driving genocide & other crimes against humanity.

The West are also polarising Putin – the West are applying a tit4tat Berlin style blockade against Russia into the corridor linking Crimea to Russia. Whilst UK & USA are supplying weapons to resistance fighters they also denigrate Putin's peaceful (even if invalid) referendum in Crimea. The West is inciting conflicts by supporting corporate Organised Crime.

The cause of so much global conflict is the underlying defective science that is used by corporates in Organised Crime, which globally aggregates to economy Terrorism. Bombs & bullets simply creates more martyrs, more recruits, more violence.

It requires constructive Economy Engineering based upon merit to combat decades of well organised corporate crimes & Economy Terrorism.

But PM Cameron & President Obama have the itch rather to dump bombs & bullets at mega-millions/billions costs, rather than constructively fund Economy Engineering on merit – Cameron & Obama are knowingly allowing corporate Organised Crime to deliberately cause crimes against humanity, which is a war incitement crime.

Western nations need to face up to reality – they cannot expect to support their life-style by gang-banging the the rest of the world – Justice systems are complicit with Economy Terrorism as can be seen with Bernie Eccleston, Shrien Dewani etc. (see Addendum below)

A peaceful 'revolution' is unfolding over Scotland with a national referendum that may radically alter the stability of the western world.

The Royal Irish Academy (RIA) held a ½ day one-way-communication seminar (Sept 8) on this forthcoming event – entitled 'Scotland's Past and Futures/Exploring the Bigger Picture; with keynote address 'The Scottish Referendum – Different Roads to the Same Place' by Prof Michael Keating (Aberdeen)

[Presentations by Graeme Morton (Dundee), Vincent Comerford (Maynooth), Bob Morris (Edinburgh), Paul Bew (wrongly billed as Walker) (QUB), Jennifer Todd (UCD), Bob Morris (Edinburgh); Chairs: Aileen Douglas (TCD), Paul Gillespie, Mary Daly (President RIA); Discussant: Gary Murphy (DCU)]

Whilst the presentations from Historians & Political 'scientists' were interesting not one addressed the underlying issues that brought about the call for referendum, nor what was needed after the referendum. There was not one jot of economy engineering discussion.

In a brief comment period the writer raised the fact that driving a car recklessly causes crashes, BUT how it was driven has no relevance on the processes & engineering needed to fix it – a mangled car is a mangled car.

Historians & political 'scientists' are not engineers, not really even scientists. It is not too difficult to recognise that they will not & can not develop the necessary economy systems & controls to attain optimal stability.

For, it is economic instability that has resurrected the Scottish referendum, and nobody knows how to fix the problems that are causing the conflict (peaceful though it is) – because governments have not funded Economy engineering.

One presenter, in response to the writer's statement, argued that the Bank of England is doing a good job in keeping the economy running – this presenter clearly has no understanding of interest rates as an economy control mechanism & device. The BoE is causing massive destruction with holding down destructively low interest rates that cannot have any meaningful control effect over the economy. What is need is a balanced restructuring of debt, rate, debt value & debt period all need restructuring to bring sensible control back into effect. Nor does the presenter understand the destructive scams perpetrated by Markets.

Michael Keating's statement 'Different Roads to the Same Place' is only half-correct

- 'the Same Place': is correct. Recognise that economic chaos is the place that Scotland started and it is to economic chaos that Scotland will return, regardless of Yes or No outcome.

-'Different Roads': is incorrect. Keating referenced Margaret Thatcher (with implied accusation that woes were largely due to MT) – but Keating fails to recognise that Margaret Thatcher, like Nelson Mandela, were both duped by Richard Branson & corporates into 'open global economy', a massively destructive course that has destabilised the world – MT did not recognise that Branson had derived his wealth through fraud & other scams emulating those masterminded by Donald Gordon (see Addendum below re Dewani, Eccleston; for other links); nobody other than the crooks that schemed the scams were aware; so it is wrong to blame MT; and NM had no chance having spent 27 years incarcerated.

The call for Scotland's independence and the rise of Islamic fundamentalism have common CAUSAL FACTOR → vis: Economy Terrorism!

That many in Scotland seek independence, breaking away from unity towards disunity, can be compared to a vehicle in its moments before terminal impact – imminent: disunited, dysfunctional wreck. And all can be attributed to bad driving (government, on both sides)

The writer was blocked once again by RIA President Mary Daly who ignored the writer's raised hand, so once again the RIA promotes dishonesty & suppresses intellectual engagement.


Chris Addington Pr.Eng.


(more links corporate Organised Crime)

- Shrien Dewani – criminal rendition/kidnap

- Bernie Eccleston – fraud trial, other issues, fraudulent sale of AASA Kyalami FI racetrack

Shrien Dewani - criminal rendition/kidnap

Criminal removal from a mental institution and criminal rendition/kidnap of Shrien Dewani to South Africa.

UK Chief Justice Thomas KNEW full well that the SA Government were incompetent to extend the necessary assurances to the UK Chief Justice so as to comply with extradition order (because matter before Constitutional Court).

The South Africa Government also knew that the matter was before the Constitutional Court (see Government's Notice to Oppose) and were not competent to afford the necessary assurances called for by CJ Thomas

The SA Government and CJ Thomas both purposefully ignored the 'Rule of Law' so as to cover up the Organised Crime that is behind Anni Dewani's murder.

But, despite UK Ch Justice having criminally allowed the rendition/kidnap to proceed, Dewani's attorney/advocate (Francois van Zyl) has purposefully failed to challenge the unlawful processes in SA Western Cape High Court (WCHC) Court whilst the matter is still before the Constitutional Court - the WCHC has NO Jurisdiction due to the S38 Application to the Constitutional Court initiated by the writer on behalf of Dewani (mentally incompetent).

How then can Justice be served when the Western Cape Justices are prostituting the very Constitution they undertook to uphold?????

All this further confirms the closed shop, collusive, corrupt nature of Westminster justice systems – and why Justice systems must be open.

(One should not be misled by the high profile Pistorius trial – a seemingly detailed & open trial, even though legals operate within closed-shop, does not mean that such justice is everywhere present – CJ Thomas, WCHC Justices & Public Protector all prove this not to be the case – international finances, including within organised crime, are far, far more important than the procedural injustices meted out to Shrien Dewani)

The fact that more plausible explanations for Anni Dewani's murder exist (vis: Organised crime, because Dewani family business is necessarily linked into the murky Organised Crime world of institutional pensions/insurances/health facilities etc., simply because the Dewani family's business is in opposition to the global organised crime network initially masterminded by Donald Gordon); and the implausible involvement of Donald Gordon's legal advisor, Issy William (alias 'Billy') Gundelfinger as Shrien Dewani's legal advisor requires full investigation. But the prosecuting authorities afford Gordon & his criminal gang unlawful protections from prosecutions. (see other corporate Organised Crime links in Eccleston issue below)

So, with a defence advocate that fails to call for the upholding of the Constitution, Judges that prostitute the Constitution, Prosecutors that cover-up evidence – there is no chance that a fair trial will result.

With hi-tech smart-drugs, hypnosis, mental brainwashing, etc., the SA Authorities have had ample time & opportunity to have Dewani quack like a duck if they so choose to do. Any 'admission' cannot ever be valid.

(Much has also been made of Dewani apparently having a wad of money in a bag – bear in mind that SA's Rand is mickey-mouse money at 20 to the pound sterling, e.g. £1000 cash is a small roll; 20 times that is a huge wad to an unsuspecting person changing money, and requiring a bag)

SA Justices are covering up global corporate Organised Crime, and Dewani is a pawn in an organised crime that probably went tragically wrong – this is why the Constitution has been trashed and Dewani criminally rendited/kidnapped.

Below are emails to/from one bigoted Justice in the Western Cape High Court:

On 05/09/2014 19:20, Chris Addington wrote:

to patric gamble - judge of the western cape high court

apologies for delay in reply - have been away cycling various areas around ireland

your knowledge of law is lacking - one cannot defame another when telling the truth, nor are my truthful remarks abusive
further; the constitution provides for direct access to justices - so your complaint re the use of the justice/'your' address is invalid

you still need to explain why you& wchc justices are prostituting south africa's constitution and why you are in contempt of the constitutional court


Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

On 23/07/2014 10:09, Gamble Patric wrote:

Dear Sir

I am not interested in your defamatory , abusive remarks. For the second and last time , please remove my name from your mailing list.

Thank you.

Patric Gamble

Judge of the Western Cape High Court

35 Keerom Street

Cape Town


+2721 480 2661 (Registrar)

+2721 424 1480 (Fax)

0866423002 (Fax-to-email)

to patric gamble - judge of the western cape high court

it is BECAUSE of YOUR abuse of the Constitution & Constitutional Court that it was necessary for me to use a number of justice email addresses.

i can understand you find it tedious & irritating - this can be explained by the numerous justice abuses that you & your colleagues perpetrate

have you read the Constitution?

also; it is not your address but a justice address


Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

On 17/07/2014 10:35, Gamble Patric wrote:

Dear sir

Your repeated abuse of my email address is both tedious and irritating.

Please remove me from your mail list.

Thank you

Patric Gamble

Judge of the Western Cape High Court

35 Keerom Street

Cape Town


+2721 480 2661 (Registrar)

+2721 424 1480 (Fax)

0866423002 (Fax-to-email)

Bernie Eccleston – fraud trial, other issues, fraudulent sale of AASA Kyalami FI racetrack

'Nothing happens within Formula 1 without Bernie being involved', as voiced (to effect) by one well know F1 driver (Eddie Irvine?) in a news report.

The dropping of charges against Eccleston in Germany is identical to the issue that brought the charges in the first instance – a bribe. Eccleston bribed Gribkowsky of BayernLB of some E44M; to escape prosecution, a Euro60M bribe 'legalised' under a Paragraph 153a of criminal procedure was paid to Germany, and Eccleston goes free.

The point about Eccleston's power is that it is as a consequence of corporate Organised Crime and the BayernLB issue is simply one of many; as is the get-out-of-jail bribe.

The fraudulent sale of AASA's Kyalami Formula 1 racetrack could not have occurred without Eccleston's involvement.

Recall: Mervyn King (king of King Reports on Corporate Governance, Chairman of Automobile Association of South Africa (AASA), Chairman of Brait a money laundering bank based in Luxembourg, ex-High Court Justice, fraudulently sold the Kyalami racetrack around 2003. Bernie Eccleston was involved as KingPin of F1.

Corporate Organised Crime is international, it creates devastating Economic tsunamis that fall within the ambit of gross violations against, the Universal Declaration of Human Right, The Rome Statute and is clearly within the remit of the International Criminal Court to prosecute for Eccleston's crimes as well as those international crimes by Richard Branson, Warren Buffet, Donald Gordon and many others.

The purpose of King's Corporate Governance initiative is to present as a defensive barrier against prosecutions for corporate fraud scams.

Eccleston is closely linked to Mervyn King and Eccleston's secretive financial structures have been established by King; King is integral within Donald Gordon's global pension/investment/finance frauds networks (via Liberty Life & other networks), so the truth is that Eccleston simply paid counterfeit/defrauded money to buy his was out of prosecution – a compounding of crimes to escape prosecution – for these criminal players can effectively print their own money – it is partly why global money base & supply became supersaturated..

King is also linked to notorious paedophile attorney Billy Gundelfinger (Shrien Dewani's erstwhile legal advisor, and Donald Gordon's criminal network attorney), both King & Gundelfinger are skulking within UNISA (SA's correspondence University) – Eccleston is well entrenched into global corporate Organised Crime and consequently is a key-player in global Economy Terrorism

BUT, the International Criminal Court, established by the United Nations, is, like the UN, biased towards the West. Hence: the ongoing Economy Terrorism that drives genocide and reactionary freedom-fighting; because the likes of Eccleston, Branson, Buffet, Gordon etc. are unlawfully protected from prosecutions. Because Justices are equally involved; the Justices in UK, SA, Germany are just some examples of this reality.

International sport has been hijacked by corporate Organised Crime – Sepp Blatter's announcement for 5th term as FIFA President, like Eccleston's long-term power over F1, maintains the entrenched corruption.

### End of UPDATE ###

##### End of Particle Chi-22 #####