Captain’s Log, Stardate 06


More Particles of Space


Particle Nu-13



Rethinking White Light & Rainbows


Corrections to historical misinterpretations


White Light colour spectrum (red, orange, yellow, green blue, indigo, violet) - classical model DOES NOT HOLD TRUE!

We need to rethink what we see!!!!!!!! And Why!


Two discontiguous colour patterns (roy) & (vib) at interference boundaries, multiply reflected & merged = roygbiv


Yet more reasons why e does NOT equal mc squared


Long-standing misinterpretations within the Tangible Sciences have caused much science-fiction distortions - it becomes readily clear the extent of the socio-economy destruction caused by the numerous grossly defective Intangible Sciences theories/models that Academies & Institutions (including Nobel Foundation) wrongly support.



INTRODUCTION: (the purpose of these Introduction sections is to put science/engineering research & development into a global macro-economy context, you can, if you prefer, skip this and go straight to the Science Debates below)

There will always be an uncertainty about science but there is a very large unnecessary element of uncertainty about science because of dishonesty. The very science issues (fundamental issues) covered below in this particle (Nu-13) could have been uncovered long before had honesty been promoted - but people are reluctant to go against the established, and heavily entrenched, mindset of leading scientists because those that do will be oppressively ostracised.

BBC & Channel 4 have been active over December/January with new programmes punting science, and with pop-scientists refusing to tell the truth & media channels consciously promoting this dishonesty.

Manchester University’s Prof Brian Cox held a 3 episode live-programme on star gazing but also used this to perpetuate science-fiction theories that is generating him revenue through deception.

Tony Robinson, in his latest documentary on the geological formation of Britain gave Stephen Hawking a punt despite Hawking's refusal to tell the truth that his big-bang theories are founded on defective science principles.

Professor Robert Winston, who also sits in the House of Lords, presented his 10 best scientific developments - 9 of them were quite acceptable in that he addressed significant micro technical achievements - but then he jumped across a minefield of defective science principles to argue macro, deep-space, big-bang, theories.

A search on Winston's achievements yield an impressive CV - but what is strange is that he, a gynaecologist, was elected as an Honorary Fellow of numerous academies, notably Royal Academy of Engineering & Royal College of Surgeons. Would an engineer be elected as an Honorary Fellow of the surgeons college? Unlikely, and if previously done then foolishly. There is a lackadaisical approach by (supposedly) august bodies that willy-nilly dish out accolades to people purely for showmanship or political expediency.

Winston has refused to engage in professional science/engineering debate having previously sent an (effectively) 'effoff' email. Yet, he sits in the House of Lords making decisions for Britons and without applying due-diligence or professional integrity.

It is clear that people hold Winston in awe - he wouldn't be a popular broadcaster were this not the case - yet he abuses his powers, both academic & parliamentary; and so too do the various & numerous Royal Societies & Academies. Governments are misled by these institutions that promote dishonesty, squash integrity, & kill spirit. It is partly why people shy away from science. It is why government policies are grossly defective; because of defective science theories, especially Intangible economics & finance, because they are devoid of Economy Engineering.

t is this power abuse that is causal of Western Governments

It is this power abuse that is causal of western (predominantly Christian) nation Governments maintaining defective policies that impose/oppress Economy Terrorism onto the majority of people throughout the world, by destroying their ability to develop stable economies. Western nations hold an incorrect belief that they can freely lie, cheat, steal & enslave - whereas those enslaved hold the correct belief that the western nations cannot do this.

The understandable (justifiable?) & reactionary freedom fighting (termed Terrorism by western governments) by those amongst the majority angered by the West's Economy Terrorism is the consequence.

Western attempts to win hearts & minds is a pointless task when it is common knowledge that governments are not prepared to listen to reason or to engage constructively with the most advanced & ongoing Economy Engineering (as pioneered by CDADD) - so the very fact that CDADD is oppressively isolated is the concrete proof that western governments are dishonest & refusing of constructive change.

It is the historical principle of Jonah & Nineveh repeated - dishonest governments destroy nations - Nineveh cheated Jonah, Nineveh was eventually destroyed by dishonesty, from within & without, totally, and eradicated from all sight.

China's invasion of the USA is proof of the start of USA's (& West's) decline - no matter what political spin Obama tries to gloss, China has a warchest full of Forex & its growing. Internal conflict is likely to rise along with increased external aggression, economically & covert militarily.

The litany of USA's lies is taking its toll. Time's editor, Richard Stengel argues (Dec 13, 2010 - Vol 176, No. 24, Pg. 4, & re: Julian Assange) 'Now, there is some hypocrisy in defending secrecy in order to attack it, but there is more naivete and even danger in suggesting that the world is a safer place without any secrets at all.'

Stengel disingenuously fails to tell us what secrets are keeping USA (West) safe/r.

Can you imagine the aggression from the USA had Russia not gotten hold of atom bomb secrets? USA aggression, economically, is criminal - witness Bill Gates, Warren Buffet & others - if the USA had sole rights to the Bomb the world would be greatly enslaved, including Britain & Europe.

Keeping (officially) secret about the Twin Towers implosion is a cancer creeping through USA's culture & communities - ditto BP/Deepwater Horizon oil spill sabotage - to both of which Berkeley University/CCRM (Profs Bob Bea, Trevor Kletz & Dan Albers) all refuse to come clean.

Same Time mag, Pg 20, Massimo Calabresi on Assange - War on Secrecy - Rogue activist Julian Assange wants to curb government secrecy, but his massive leak is undermining the Obama Administrations efforts to do just that' - a duplicitous statement by Calabresi that repulses further reading.

The only thing undermining Obama's Administration is Obama's fear of truth.

The issue to consider, to rethink, much as we need to rethink the science-fiction of Big-Bang (as presently postulated), is the term 'SECRET'.

It is NOT secret that USA military wrongly hold diplomatic communications to which they should not be privy - it is not a crime to reveal the 'secret' that Military Commanders are perpetrating crimes by holding illicit communications; nor the nature & detail of the illicit material


Rethinking White Light & Rainbows

(to avoid confusion - read through once quickly then go back & rethink carefully)

Recall:- another 'eureka' moment occurred whilst attending the Irish Museum Association's 2010 Annual White Lecture (memory of Dr James White) which was presented by Victoria & Albert Museum Director Sir Mark Jones. Whilst IMA Chair Paul Doyle was giving his note of thanks to Mark Jones, Natural Museum Director Nigel Monaghan turned on the overhead sodium highbay lights. Observation along the row of highbays, whilst the lamps were warming up, caused sight of certain 'rainbow' colours from one of the highbays (because of the relative position of the light to that of observation) – however as the lamp warmed up the rainbow diminished & faded. This suddenly caused thought that led to another visit to UCD's Science building - thanks to Thomas O'Reilly, and to Prof Padraig Dunne for loan of a prism.

Investigating further caused realisation that we need to rethink what we understand as WHITE LIGHT & RAINBOWS.

Historically, for centuries, we have been told that White light consists of a spectrum of colours (collectively: Rainbow = red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo & violet, or W = R+O+Y+G+B+I+V) and that light is in the electro-magnetic frequency spectrum & that each of the colours has a corresponding frequency (band) & colour frequencies are sequential/contiguous.

And, sure enough, when we place a prism into sunlight (which we call 'white' light) we get a fantastic rainbow of colours projected onto a nearby surface.

So, we conclude, our famous Scientist fore-fathers were quite correct – and from these theories blended with other theories Einstein derived his energy & relativity theories, which Edwin Hubble 'confirmed' by applying Doppler effect theory onto his observations of far-distant red-coloured galaxies and concluding that these galaxies were zipping away at near speed-c.

But, as discussed in previous Particles in this series, Hubble erroneously applied a Doppler phenomena, associated with sound waves, to light; and Einstein was eager to have his theories confirmed and hence jumped to a premature conclusion in support of Hubble so that his energy & relativity theories were thus confirmed.

And, from there, Scientists have gone off into deep-space science-fiction.

The fundamental error was that scientists did not stop & think - to question the implausibility of matter zipping at near speed-c.

Whilst CDADD has successfully disproved theories by Einstein, Hubble, Hawking & others - the purpose is not to disprove theories per-se but to develop correct understandings as to how light (& energy) propagation actually functions. And, to achieve that we need to RETHINK what it is that we see.

We can readily identify an historical error by observing what we see through a prism & compare to what we see when light passing through a prism is projected onto a surface.

As stated earlier, sunlight passing through a prism produces a dazzling (even though common) pattern of colours (roygbiv).

BUT, BUT, BUT - when we look back through the prism (WARNING - do NOT look directly at the sun) at objects we do not see this pattern of colours - what we do see are objects with different colours flaring from different sides.

Take a prism and hold it with one of the apexes vertical & pointing towards your eye; rotate in the horizontal plane slowly clockwise until the left plane edge is in line with the apex; observe through rhs plane; move around until you pick up a body with distinct edges such as a pole or chimney of some width & with light coming behind; observe the colour patterns. To avoid confusion it is best to do this outdoors, i.e. without windows creating distortions.

You will note that the observed colour patterns do NOT agree with the projected patterns from sunlight passing through the prism.

As opposed to the projected sunlight pattern (roygbiv) you will notice that on the rhs of the object are the colours (roy) in sequential order from the edge of the object outwards; and on the lhs of the object edge are the colours (vib) in order from the edge of the object outwards; and that there is NO green - avoid observing objects close together which have colour flare patterns overlapping - also, do not be confused by the blue sky giving a green tinge to the yellow.

Also, with the sun behind cloud (i.e. very much dimmed) we can still see a projected rainbow pattern onto a wall/paper, BUT looking back through the prism to the very much dimmed sun we do NOT see a rainbow pattern. We only see colour patterns when the light is obstructed/interfered by an object (distinct cloud outlines produce same effect, but not uniform cloud blankets).

Now observe another object with reflected light coming from behind, you will notice the colour pattern has changed sides (roy) lhs, (vib) rhs

Look through the prism again to an object with light coming from behind & so that colour patterns are observed through rhs plane. Now further rotate the prism, again slowly clockwise. Note that there is an edge with colours (roy) that appears, with the colours progressing to the rightwards. To the left of that edge appears the reflection of objects from a different direction.

SO, we already see that the historical theory does NOT hold-true. We need to think further.

What is happening is that we are observing interference dynamics; BUT, historically, these interference dynamics have been incorrectly interpreted.

What is happening with the prism (it is contended) is that a VIRTUAL OBJECT/INTERFERENCE is being 'created' at that position where light acts at a CRITICAL angle to a transparent surface - i.e. at that critical angle of incident/point where light is reflected and where with a slight increase in angle the light is refracted through the surface of the transparent prism. And at that critical angle a VIRTUAL INTERFERENCE is created and is why we see the colours (roy) - because the interference phenomena with direct light causes (roy) colour patterns to the rhs of the interference (why it does this is immaterial to simply recognising the observed phenomena - as Rudyard Kipling would say 'it is just so' - the 'why' is for future debate, for now we need to correct historical misinterpretations of observations).

We need to explain why we see a rainbow projected onto a wall/paper after passing through a prism - i.e. how the (biv) comes into play, and how we get green - because, as we've have just seen the interference produces distinctly separate (roy) & (vib) patterns when we look back through the prism.

It is contented that the (biv) is caused by multiple internal reflection of the light such that light also emerges at same initial VIRTUAL interference point (because of equilateral symmetry) but with a reversal (mirroring) such that the opposite interference colour patterns (biv as opposed to vib) appear; and it is the BLENDING of yellow & blue (of the biv which is reversed from vib) that creates the intermediate green colour.

If we consider that a triangular prism has 3 sides then, using polar signs, and a convention that (+) (roy - rhs, vib - lhs), and also noting that at a VIRTUAL INTERFERENCE (VI) that only ONE side (roy) or (vib) is refracted the other reflected; then the original light refracting through the incident face (Face 1, at the initial virtual boundary) is a (+), which then hits the next, 2nd, face (internally, and also at critical angle because of equilateral symmetry) & both reflects & refracts at the VI, the refracted light (outwards of prism) is a (+), and the reflection gives a (-) mirroring, which then hits the 3rd face internally and the reflected light is now a (+), and the refracted (outwards) is a (-); the reflected light then arrives back at Face 1, but internally, and is now a (-) and merges with the original refracted light (+).

So the original light, (+) refracted at the VI, yields a (roy) and the multiply internally reflected light reflected at internally at the original Face 1 VI is a (-) and yields a reversed (vib) to give a (biv) & on the same side of the VI as the original light and which merges with the original (roy) and thus both projects outwards from Face 2 to produce the rainbow colours.

(Note: think this through rather than get stuck over the possible typo errors of the sign convention above)

(Note also: convention (roy) (+) is taken from the observation of light having passed through the prism, NOT at the point of interference on the opposite, incident, side (which roy we do not actually see, it is only because of the prismatic effect that we do see it AFTER it has passed through the prism) - so be careful in making comparisons/interpretations of your observations & text above

What this means is that there is a time-phase shift between the (roy) & the (biv) that is merged & projected onto wall/paper.

One can readily see internal reflection by shining a laser light into a prism and observing the points of reflected light on the internal surfaces, and one can deduce that the multiple reflections continue to bounce around much like multiple images in two opposing mirrors, and that the third internal reflection merges with the original incident laser point at the incident face.

It is important to recognise that (it is contended) the 'white light' is NOT split out into colours, but that the colours are consequences of interference. But there is a reversal of the (roy) & (vib) from rhs to lhs & vice versa when viewed through lhs plane of prism (& backlit object).

To see this reversal (best done outside) - with colour patterns in rhs plane, rotate prism slowly to anti-clockwise until rhs plane is in line with apex then turn head & prism together anticlockwise until you observe patterns in lhs plane - you will see that the colour patterns are reversed at interference boundaries - vis: (roy) is now to the lhs and (vib) is to the rhs but that the images are NOT reversed (only the orientation of the roy & vib colour patterns; and, again, no green. Green only appears where two interference patterns merge when objects are close to each other, i.e. the colour patterns blend together. Note again: the reversal of colour patterns is NOT due to a reversal of image - image orientation is the same, the colour patterns change sides - and it is the changing of sides because of an odd number of multiple internal reflections that the observed rainbow pattern on a wall/paper presents as a reversed (vib) to give (biv), and merged/blended with (roy) to yield (roygbiv).

Thus the colour patterns are discontiguous.

You can also readily see the discontiguity of the two components of the rainbow pattern (+roy & -biv) - by observing the appearance/disappearance of the reflected (biv) colours merged with (roy) - simply adjust prism in sunlight to obtain rainbow colours onto wall/paper, then slowly rotate clockwise, you will eventually see the (biv) colours disappear; now rotate anticlockwise you will also see the (biv) disappear - in both cases the principal colours of (roy) are the last to remain, the (biv) are the first to disappear with both directions of rotation - this shows that the (biv) pattern is separate from the (roy) pattern.

(Now think in terms of claims by scientists from observing deep-space phenomena of objects darkening & lightening, and their deductions that it is a body with orbiting moons - these claims need to be re-examined, similarly with pulsars & other observations - the fact that we have for centuries misinterpreted simple earth-bound light experiments says that all deep-space observations, & on earth, are not what necessarily what we see it to be.)

What we can conclude is that the historical statement 'White Light is made up of roygbiv' does NOT HOLD TRUE

(This does not mean that a statement is made that light is NOT made up of roy + biv, only that we have disproved the historical claim)

It is contended that the colour patterns are simply interference phenomena and NOT the splitting up of 'white' light into a spectrum of colours. i.e. the fact that light at an interference boundary causes colour phenomena does NOT mean that the colour phenomena are component parts of sunlight - hence, it was an error (even though understandable) for scientists to have made this unjustified leap in reasoning

Perhaps another explanation is that the interference light at the boundary of the interfering object is swamped by ambient light, but that the prism subtracts the ambient light by reflecting it at the surface of the prism, presented at the critical angle, thus leaving the interference light to progress through; similarly at other internal surfaces. Hmmmm! don't like that one -------- but it is ONLY at interference boundaries that we see colour patterns (as seen through a prism)

Also observe that colour patterns are in the vertical plane; rotate prism in vertical plane until the apex edge is horizontal, colour patterns are now horizontal; as prism is rotated back observe patterns in vertical & horizontal planes. Use a curtain in sunlight and move the curtain folds around to see shifting colour patterns at interference boundaries.

We can also see the reversal of colour patterns with reflected light - light on indoors, dark night, observe through prism reflected light around window frame, (roy) to lhs, (vib) to rhs.

Or, with mirror & prism, first observe frame & colour pattern directly through prism, then turn round with mirror & pick up the same window edge, colour pattern changed, (roy) to (vib).

And, with light inside & sunrise, note the gradual change from roy to vib, or vib to roy as sunlight gradually swamps internal light.

Also notice that thin objects merge the (roy) & (vib) so that r & v form a 'magenta'.

We can proposition that light contains/holds directional information due to the pattern colour change/switch depending on direction from which light is coming; this supports CDADD's contention that light information (& energy) is propagated through a switching mechanism through an ether.

It is also important to recognise that a mirrored diffraction plate (which both reflects light from mirrored surface & transmits light through unmirrored slits) is in effect a plate of prisms; each mirrored section between two unmirrored slits effectively acts as a prism. Similarly with a plate that has point areas that are unmirrored, excepting that the light patterns will differ to that of slits.

So, again, here are further proofs that the foundation proofs upon which Hubble & Einstein relied to claim that e equals mc squared are invalid - vis: e does not equal mc squared.

Nevertheless, we need to explain why the colour pattern to the rhs of an interference boundary is (roy) and the pattern to the lhs is (vib); and why we see colour patterns after light passes through a prism but not when interfering with an object - the answers lie in determining the nature of light transmission dynamics at a boundary interference.

The aforegoing could be wrong - comments welcomed - we need to engage open debate over science, both Tangible & Intangible.


With the aforegoing clearly demonstrating how long-standing misinterpretations within the Tangible Sciences have caused much science-fiction distortions it becomes readily clear the extent of the Global socio-economy destruction caused by the numerous grossly defective Intangible Sciences theories/models that Academies & Institutions (including Nobel Foundation) support & which mislead governments into invoking disastrous policies.


BEST PRACTICE: timely implementation of sound Engineering application of incremental Science developments.

Corollary: Purposeful delay in BEST PRACTICE causes Social Injustices – Criminal Negligence – Justice delayed is Justice denied.

Chris Addington Pr.Eng., (currently unlawfully & abusively gagged/censored by SA ISP & USA ISP

(Under enforced exile from South Africa due to ANC government’s oppressive XDR-nazi system and oppressive economic isolation by corporate & academic world’s.)

XDR = Extreme Democracy Resistant.

##### End of Particle Nu-13 #####