New Science insights: (2018-07-07)


Correcting decades-old misunderstandings:

Receding polar ice caps – rethinking the dynamics.


[EU News channel aired a clip on icebergs breaking up & comment from Prof David Holland (NYU) stating (to effect) that we do not properly understand the dynamics of ice shelf breakup.


There is a need to recognise old-defective science and to understand new science:


Opticks (wrongly attributed to Newton) are wrong → e≠mc2

Refraction is NOT Refraction

Perspective: singular proof that Einstein, Hubble, Hawking, Higgs, CERN etc. are wrong ]




Global Warming fears have brought many theories to explain the causes – the most common being that the correlation between pollution & warming being proof of cause/effect - this continued view despite CDADD identifying that synchronous rotation & orbit of planets MUST be explained, and that such explanation brings more plausible explanation of planetary synchronous-motors being driven by a multiphase power supply (sun) causing Earth's core to effectively be an induction furnace – hence natural causes of warming & natural changes over time.


So, whilst pollution is a serious problem that itself needs urgent addressing the fact that it correlates to warming is not PROOF of warming's cause; moreover, again, natural, factors are more realistic.


But other spin-off theories are also in need of rethinking – for example: concerning the melting of polar caps and the dynamics of polar caps disintegrating.


BBC documentaries have shown how ice shelves are eroded through underwater action causing large sections of ice to break off. But, does that really explain the dynamics of ice shelf deterioration or are there other dynamics at work which explain ice-shelf shrinkage?


Looking after a farming family's home in a gorgeous part of central Ireland for a couple of weeks elicited the comment 'help yourself to whatever's in the deep-freeze'. The deep freeze (rusty & ancient) had been passed through the family's generations and was well & deeply stocked. It's a size that could hold crooks like Richard Branson, Alan Sugar, Warren Buffet and still have room for the mother-in-law – (OK, slight exaggeration … on the size of the deep-freeze) – but it is a big freezer. It also represented archaeological strata in terms of the 'layers' of deep-frozen items – from present day 'nuclear-era, through 1950s plasticine-era, down past times of Noah's ark & into the depths of the Pleistocene era.

OK another slight exaggeration but ...…. hunting for some ice uncovered green beans with a use-by date of 1994.


In short, the deep-freeze was in need of defreezing. Having unpacked the freezer, a kettle was put inside to boil away for half an hour, then with a spatula sheets of ice were peeled away.

All this brought thoughts of documentaries concerning ice-shelves breaking up.


Clearly then, with sheets of ice coming away in the deep-freeze (and not progressively melting away into drops of water) brought realisation that other additional factors must explain the shrinkage of ice-shelves.


IT IS SUGGESTED: the ice sheet, a continuous form within the deep-freeze had freed itself from the freezers surfaces – in other words, a non-homogenous boundary, an interface, exists between the ice & freezer. The boiling water causes heat to begin to raise the temperature of the exterior of the ice; ice presents as a conductor of heat & attempts to uniformly distribute the heat about its surface; the interface of the ice (with the freezer surface) is itself part of that ice component & heat naturally conducts down the ice face that interfaces the freezer, thus unsticking from the freezer itself, thus sheets of ice (not progressive drops of water) fall away from the freezer's surfaces.


What this appears to be telling us is that ice-shelves do not break apart solely from underwater erosion alone, but that with erosion having initiated a fracture/fault/stress line in the ice the natural dynamic of heat propagation around the surface of the ice and along fracture surfaces, causes the ice to become unstuck.


But also, Gravity force-differential(???????) is required to bring about separation once unsticking occurs - note cracked ice-cubes in water remain together because of inadequate gravity force-differential.

Which is why ice clings to freezer walls & roof interfaces until heat propagation unsticks it.


Also with the inverse-square reduction of heat with distance propagated across ice surface AND the division of heat around surface and along interfaces (as&when they materialise) it would be wrong to simply say that underwater erosion is the cause of ice breaking from shelves.


Alternatively stated: a fracture within an ice-shelf presents as a fault-surface at which heat from elsewheres on the shelf presents a susceptibility to propagate and begin unsticking & separation from the shelf itself.


The corollary of which is that shocks that cause fractures within ice increase the susceptibility of ice to disintegrate.

(Further thought: it is likely that under-erosion begins a stress line, then heat conduction progresses along that line, which causes further & deeper stresses into the iceberg itself into which heat propagates; hence the ice progressively unsticks)


Which raises the question: is it the increased activities of man (nuclear test shock waves & arctic activities ) that has brought increasing numbers of shocks/waves to ice-shelves that are causing an increase of fracture fault-surfaces, which create interfaces through which natural heat propagation now causes shelves to unstick, and hence shelves to shrink???


But also, fluctuations in the Sun's natural multi-phase power transmission is another possible factor – with increased volcanic actions, earthquakes etc.


The reality is that there are too many & far more influential factors from Nature operating on the Earth that to simply lock onto the correlation of Pollution as being the Causal Factor of Global Warming is entirely unrealistic.


One cannot dispute the phenomena of ice-sheets breaking away at fault-line interfaces, and the implication that heat distribution down fault-lines is the most plausible explanation of unsticking.


It is also interesting to note that ice forms around impurities - without impurities ice does not catalyse – similarly, without interfaces ice cannot catastrophically separate but would otherwise simply melt.


None of the aforegoing is attempting to disregard the real dangers of man-made pollution – but, it is equally important that Science/Engineering is not continued to be polluted by bogus correlation claims & with Pollution Global-Warmers refusing to accept the evidence submitted by CDADD.


As always, constructive engagement is welcomed.





Chris Addington Pr.Eng.