
Supreme Court of United Kingdom – Attention President & Justices

Criminal Cases Review Commission



UK Chief Justice

PM Theresa May

Queen Elizabeth II

as per addressees & general


From Chris Addington Pr.Eng.


January 11, 2017



- 2nd Request for Direct Access to Supreme Court (SC) on Fundamental/Constitutional matters;

- CCRC referral to UK Supreme Court (SC) for Appeal of those wrongfully convicted & appeal dismissed of Stephen Lawrence murder – arbitrary convictions based upon defective forensics & fabricated evidence violates Article 9 UDHR

- UK Justice System – closed-shop, collusive, inaccessible, unjust, abusive, unclear – need proper separation of Powers → so as to achieve correct Cooperative Government.




In unlawfully refusing Direct Access to SC, the SC Justices are supporting Academic dishonesty –> hence supporting defective physics & socio-economics sciences → hence SC Justices are supporting corporate Organised Crime (corpOrgCrime) -> hence supporting Economy Terrorism → hence SC Justices are supporting global slave labour


all of which JUSTIFIES armed opposition (as per UDHR Preamble) and which is self-evident from the global terrorist actions


Direct Access to the highest court is a fundamental right on Constitutional/Fundamental principles.


Let Justice be done though the heavens may fall → because with the global socio-economic chaos the heavens are already falling due to gross injustices out of closed-shop, inaccessible, abusive (in)Justice system – addressing Constitutional/Fundamental Principles directly at least allows for the heavens to be bolstered


Wrongful, arbitrary convictions (in violation of UDHR Art.9) based on defective forensics & fabricated evidence in Stephen Lawrence murder trial is PROOF POSITIVE of this right.




The Supreme Court website presents a confusing picture of a confused, closed-shop, unjust, unclear, abusive, inaccessible (in)justice system (see link above)


Devolved Power, from monarchy to partially separated governmental components, occurred without conflict, but nevertheless with certain threat, against King John; it did bring about civil war & beheading of King Charles; we now have freedom-fighters (terrorists) fighting against the tyranny of collusive western governments - People fired-up with irrational ideo-illogical ideas against rationally but unjustly developed Economy Terrorism (aggregated corporate Organised Crime supported by corrupt (in)Justice systems) → because UK Government has not properly separated Powers, UK's Powers are collusive not cooperative.


[Is the Izmir, Turkey courthouse car-bomb incident of Jan 5 a shift in terror 'policy' – i.e. a shift to targetting (in)justice systems?, judges?]


Grossly defective sciences are behind much of global instability & Socio-Economic chaos: e.g.:


PM Theresa May announces her intent to address social injustices & mental health issues – but she refuses to reward for the immense R&D that the writer has submitted to governments which would help alleviate those injustices – PM May, in refusing to pay a fair reward & ongoing funding to the writer is directly contributing to the defective science causing to global chaos (& the writer's distress & family destruction)

And the Justice system is supporting this.


Taxpayers' revenues are also allocated to R&D – and is supposed to be distributed on MERIT and not to dishonest Academics – but PM May refuses to distribute funds fairly.


BBC2, Dec 26, 2016: 'The Entire Universe' – Eric Idle's brilliant comedy musical was darkened by Brian Cox's dishonesty in maintaining grossly defective science. This programme was aired to the whole world; millions/billions are deceived by BBC's dishonesty.

BBC can churn out these lies because the Supreme Court is closed-shop – and bars direct access (SA's Constitutional provision of direct access to the Constitutional Court has been emasculated)


Andrew Wiles dishonestly accepted the 2016 Abel Prize ( for, as erroneously stated by Abel Prize committee: "... his stunning proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem by way of the modularity conjecture for semistable elliptic curves, opening a new era in number theory."

Wiles has long known since March 2011 that the writer has demonstrated that Wiles' 'proof' is NOT a PROOF – simply by observing the ease of analytical error with algebraic 'proof' that 1=0, hence an infinite number of errors achieved simply by adding & multiplying (e.g.: +1, x3 → 6=3; +5, x12 → 72=60) – consequently Wiles' 'proof' being excessively complex & obscure CANNOT BE PROVED TO BE A PROOF.


Further, Wiles has been informed that the writer has developed a classical PROOF using mathematics as available to Fermat - but Wiles, Oxford University, & Academia in general, refuse to engage by putting up a fair reward for revealing of this PROOF.

Consequently the World are dishonestly deceived by Wiles & Academia into accepting garbage mathematics – and Wiles dishonestly accepted the cE750,000 Abel Prize money – money used to maintain garbage science & mathematics!!!

Similarly with John Nash (Abel 2015 Prize winner)


[New Year 2015/16, the writer visited the London National Portrait Gallery – and saw a prominently displayed portrait of Wiles with a large notice board explaining Wiles' achievement of 'proof' of FLT – the writer wrote up a small notice & attached it to the board stating that Wiles' 'proof' was not a PROOF and referring people to CDADD website – the notice was removed]


Dishonesty within Academia occurs because Justice systems are closed-shop, hence corrupt –> Socio-Economies are undermined & destabilised by fraud scams through corpOrgCrime → Economy Terrorism


The Justices of the Supreme Court, in refusing direct access to hear clear evidence against defective science, are acting no differently to circumstance some 70 years ago, where if they walked past Auschwitz would state they could not see, hear, smell the stench of gross injustice (see later re: arguments against false anti-Semitism claims)


[In the time-span since 1st Direct Access request thousands of Jews would have been gassed – BUT, millions today continue to be oppressed & starved → BECAUSE SC Justices are refusing Direct Access to address fundamental rights trashed by (e.g.) corpOrgCrime -> Economy Terrorism.

In truth: if some SC Justices were to have been at Auschwitz they would have been inside, not walking past – and would have been in despair at those walking past, deaf, dumb, blind!]


The Justices refuse to see, hear, smell the stench flowing from dishonest Academia! - the consequent stench of Socio-Economic decay is global & also visible.


Justice can never be attained from a closed-shop system – yet within the Commonwealth of Nations (formerly British Commonwealth) of 52 nations, many of these 52 nations bind themselves to UK's Justice System (Privy Council Judicial Committee, where again the Judiciary are wrongly merged into Crown/Parliament powers, and with cases being heard in the Supreme Court) for final appeal (upward flow); which in turn implies that 'downward flow' of Justice system & processes also occurs, directly and/or indirectly. The nett result being that many nations are locked-in to UK's closed-shop (in)Justice system – hence gross injustices flow globally.


As pointed out before: there is clear evidence of the aforegoing statement – vis: the Stephen Lawrence murder trial & appeal; in that the persons wrongly convicted were convicted based upon fabricated evidence & forensics that are based upon defective science.


The writer's R&D was instrumental in a CCRC appeal before Justice Leveson – whilst the writer had a teleconversation with one of the convicted's attorney the writer was not called to give expert evidence in that appeal AND J Leveson refused to hear the technical arguments regarding defective forensics & fabricated evidence → therefore a wrongful, arbitrary conviction, in violation of UDHR Art.9, was upheld through a gross Justice abuse.


BUT, why should it be so that any one person is compelled to challenge decades/centuries-old defective forensics, or fabricated evidence, in a wrongful trial brought about by a wrongful criminal (or even civil) charge?


And why is it necessary that a wrongfully charged person must climb their way through a whole series of abusive lower-court (in)Justice processes BEFORE it reaches the highest court that (supposedly) will address a constitutional/fundamental matter correctly?


And why is it that the top, hence controlling, Justices within the Justice System sit within the House of Lords (HoL) directly affecting the Political Power processes?, i.e. collusive Government.


And why is it that there is no DIRECT access to the Supreme Court on Constitutional matters (of which, for e.g., established forensics when disproved becomes an URGENT Constitutional matter)?


And why is it that UK has not developed a fully written Constitution?


Clearly, there is no proper separation of Powers – clearly then, there is collusive Government.


There is a fine-line between Cooperative Government (distinctly separate Government componental Powers engaging constructively) in contrast to collusive Government (mergement of Powers destructively) – which the latter is clearly the present circumstance.


In short: the Justices wrongly sitting within HoL are instrumental in establishing the closed-shop (in)Justice System; within which the Justices rightly sitting in Courts then wrongfully, unlawfully, immorally use to obstruct and/or delay Justice (as CJ Chaskalson stated/reiterated: Justice delayed is Justice denied – yet CJ Chaskalson regularly obstructed Justice in SA's Constitutional Court)


There are commonalities between the injustices within SA & within UK – and that is that the Justice systems are both strongly influenced by Jew Justices that are in fact working for Israel Virtual (global diaspora) & Real (lump of land in ME) – now, immediately, many readers would shout 'anti-Semitism' – BUT, that is a nonsense argument - for, the writer is a Christian, and Christians are also Jews (those chosen by God), because with the New 'dispensation' (Testament) ALL people became chosen with the freedom to choose, and in freely choosing they become also Jews (chosen)


An anomaly came to light with the Brexit Appeal – the Legals addressed the SC Justices as Lord/Lady – this makes no sense, because a Justice has far higher standing than a mere Lord. This is intuitive since the componental Powers of Executive (Cabinet), Legislative (Parliament), Judicative whilst being distinctly separate components are on a par, whereas the HoL is a sub-component of & hence lower Power level within Parliament.

Justices should NOT be sitting in the HoL.


Let Justice be done though the heavens may fall (quoted by Lord Mansfield, 1772, re slavery vs freedom; Somerset v. Stewart, 1 Lofft 1, 1, 98 Eng. Rep. 499, 499 (K.B. 1772)) – the present socio-economic circumstances of corpOrgCrime aggregating to global Economy terrorism is certainly a far greater circumstance than slavery of 1772 – BUT, if Direct Access were allowed so as to compel Academia to address defective sciences then meaningful, sound-engineered solutions would then be forthcoming – by which the heavens would be bolstered against falling.


Clearly there is an URGENT need to establish a just Justice System, and a fully Cooperative (constructive) Government.


The key components already exist but modifications needed to fully separate Powers & to advance effective cooperative Government.


Some points:.

Justices dispense with sitting in HoL,

Executive (Cabinet) establishing a Non-Executive position (non-political, i.e. not an MP; 5 year overlapping mid-term, nnon-renewable government appointment; without Portfolio) that has full oversight of Government functioning & governance (note: NOT governance as deviously compiled by Mervyn King);

A counterbalancing Executive (elected MP, without Portfolio) having functional/governance oversight.

Direct access to Supreme Court on Fundamental/Constitutional principles and on matters of extreme urgency.

Criminal Cases Review Commission addressing wrongfully suppressed investigations/prosecutions (especially of Donald Gordon, Richard Branson, Alan Sugar, & all International Auditing firms, for starters)


In the interim there is ample justification that those wrongfully convicted in the Stephen Lawrence murder trial & appeal should have automatic right for appeal to the Supreme Court wherein the issues of fabricated evidence AND for defective science be properly heard, and with Royal Society & Royal Institute being called to challenge the writer's R&D that disproves present incorrect forensics/science.


The writer's R&D which brings insight to Fundamental/Constitutional principles has been stolen by UK & other Governments, with immense & intense consequent personal stresses & destructions.


Direct Access to the highest court is a fundamental right on Constitutional/Fundamental principles.


It is solely the Justices of the SC Court that are obstructing Direct Access – this is the 2nd request for direct access to the SC Court against Royal Society & Royal Institute regarding grossly defective science that is being wrongly upheld by Academia, and by which people are being wrongly convicted/oppressed; and for the wrongly convicted persons in the Stephen Lawrence murder trial & appeal to be granted Appeal in the SC Court (directly or via CCRC)




Chris Addington Pr.Eng.