Re-Engineering Businesses


Beware the baseless claims of non-engineer “turnaround” specialists -


Refocus on Business Engineers.



The current flavour, with much turmoil in the business arena, is for “turnaround specialists, business consultants - who make baseless claims of re-engineering businesses and putting them back onto the road to health.


A number of major tech corporates are currently in this phase with much news media exposure adding to the false claims by these so-called specialists.


The reality is that these specialists have little or no engineering insight, and merely apply hard-ball “legal” & “financial” tactics to the situation — invariably less-than-optimal solutions are the real outcomes, with total collapses a frequent result.

All too often the “re-engineered” entity struggles along under a thin layer of a gloss respray; and the consulting fee for the respray is exorbitant.


There are no hard-and-fast rules to re-engineering businesses. Just as there were, and still are, no hard-and-fast rules to developing & improving flying machines (or any other engineered component) - but what is apparent upon scratching the surface is thatengineering” types are at the forefront of these developments, Historically, and unwisely, within the corporate & business environment very few engineers have key decision-making roles or independent influence in the boardroom.

Businesses require this unique skill, with business interest & acumen added, as the major component for any re-engineering exercise, and for ongoing inputs for business management.


Current talk of class legal actions against those responsible for business collapses are becoming more prominent this talk is not for baseless reasons. The business world, of which the ownership is narrowly held thus leaving the majority of minority investor defenceless to autocratic rule, needs to seriously rethink their outdated methods of business. And more so those few in number Captains of Business who are increasingly becoming more accountable for corporate collapses, or breaches to corporate governance requirements.


The legal industry is an immoral one, lacking any form of Moral Governance, in which the laws, legal principles & processes are such that unscrupulous persons are looking for any & every excuse to “feed” businesses into the Liquidation Industry. Lies & Deception, Collusion & Corruption, in Courts - are all acceptable tactics within the legal community to achieve this desired result It is important for Captains to steer well clear of these kinds of terrain — often turnaround specialists & business consultants purposefully steer Captains towards them


Guiding a business along the right path is becoming increasingly difficult - with the path becoming narrower, more rocky, and with many St increasing numbers of pitfalls - for these Captains. The time is here for Captains to understand that the old methods of utilising “turnaround” specialists, business consultants that are not engineering orientated, are obsolete.


Many large companies (including Techies) have recently & fatally found this out — other large Techies are likely to find this oat as they wallow ever closer to one of the many & increasing pitfalls that litter the narrowing path, in the misguided belief that non-engineers can re-engineer businesses.


The right approach for Captains is to begin developing, ongoing, long term relationships with true Business Engineers to bring real value-add to business structures, strategies, operations — and with regular check-ups.


And it’s more cost effective for .a Business Engineer to provide .a sound global solution first time round


Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

CDADD Consulting Services

engineering sound global solutions to business problems (Private & Corporate)