RDS Economic Vision 2020 Breakfast Seminar
Speaker: Ronan Harris – Google VP EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa)
Venue: Dublin, RDS Concert Hall, Tuesday, September 27, 2016 at 7.30am



Ronan Harris's presentation this morning was excellent insofar as tripping-out the standard technocratic advantages of technocratic developments: ranging from self-drive cars, through mobile text-image recognition & translation, through 'moocall' tail-tags for expectant cows to inform farmers of imminent calving, through data usage (or the present ignorance thereof, in that only 1/2% is presently analysed of an exponentially increasing volume), through many other interesting examples.


→ all of which was extremely interesting from a technocratic perspective.


BUT, with the EU fragmenting, Brexit in process and EU in danger of imploding, the dissemination of information by Harris demonstrated a disconnect between technocrats & REALITY.


Ronan Harris, a UCD Electronics Engineer (see LinkedIn) clearly is highly technically competent – but this does not in&of itself give an engineer socio-economy expertise, or even understandings - and the drive by Google to enhance its position, and POWER (Note: NOT Authority, which is Power ameliorated by optimal Knowledge), run counter to the necessary skills & expertise to solve the worsening socio-economic problems throughout the World – and which problems are causal of Putin's polarisation (as with Berlin Wall), etc.


As the writer has amply expounded at www.cdadd.com (or LinkedIn Chris Addington) – the real issue is that there is a failure to recognise that a socio-economic ETHER exists – just as a Universe ETHER exists, and the existence of such is why Einstein, Hubble, Hawking, CERN, Higgs are wrong regarding their theories → e≠mc2 because Opticks (wrongly attributed to Newton) are wrong.


So, whilst Ronan Harris's presentation gave real insights to technological developments & direction it FAILED totally to address the REAL implosions of EU, and of the World.


Consumerism issues addressed by Harris: such as travel-data belies the unsustainable exponential increase in fuel consumption, at an exponential rate, that is driving an artificial/superficial tourism market, but with real pollution (NOTE: Pollution & Climate Change correlate, but does NOT prove CAUSE/EFFECT. One must first understand synchronous rotation & orbit of planets; again:- for that one must understand that Opticks (wrongly attributed to Newton) are wrong, hence Einstein etc. are wrong)

And addressing of Regulation & Justice overlooked the collapse of Clerys (as one example)


Google's Sergey Brin & Larry Page (& RDS, & RIA) have for long been aware of CDADD's groundbreaking R&D, in both Physics Engineering & Socio-Economy Engineering, but are not prepared to introspectively assess their own destructive aspects of business activities in relation to the global socio-economic chaos that their business (& other techies) is causing. Nor do they recognise that the fraudulent super-saturation of Global Money-Base & Supply, a modern phenomena of the past 5 decades, have enabled them to achieve the 'success' they have – and at the expense of increased Global disparities.


From a pure technocratic perspective Google has done amazing things BUT their successes are causing Socio-Economic chaos – and Google (& RDS) are refusing to correctly engage with CDADD to begin to understand, let alone solve, the REAL problems facing an increasing World population –> REAL problems overlooked by RDS's 'Economic Vision 2020'.




Chris Addington Pr.Eng.


Linked In Chris Addington
