Economist’s inexact models exactly defective 14


(PA Diamond, DT Mortenson, CA Pissarides)


Nobel Prizes 2010 – Peace, Physics, Economics


Peace - a worthy Laureate


Physics – does not meet terms of Alfred Nobel’s Will


Economics – more defective ‘science’ - DMP model defective because based upon defective Beveridge Curve (both models wrongly assume Correlation implies Cause/Effect) – multiple tiering of defective theories – because merit is not rewarded/funded


Correlation of data streams invariably does NOT imply Cause/Effect


Global Economy Meltdown, deepening, is PROOF that Economics ‘Nobel’ Prize models grossly defective


Defective science causing unsafety within nuclear submarines & power stations, & elsewhere


(Note:,,,, are all controlled by the USA and are part of the USA’s global oppressive ‘Thought Policing’, and USA is controlled by Israel (Virtual))





- Previous Papers in this Series:


- Introduction

- Nobel Peace Prize 2010

- Nobel Physics Prize 2010

- Economics ‘Nobel’ Prize 2010



Previous Papers in this Series:

It is recommended that you read the previous papers in this series – click on ‘view now’ Historical Archives (lhs panel). (now on request via email)

This series highlights the gross defectiveness of Economic Scientists’ models that are causing gross injustices & instabilities throughout the world. The previous papers concern:-

1. Milton Friedman, Lucas, Aumann

2. John Nash (portrayed in Beautiful Mind by Russell Crowe) (The only NP Laureate to make a retraction based on CDADD’s proofs)

3 & 4. Edmund Phelps

5 Robert Mundell

6 Nobel Prize Hijacked

7 R Myerson, E Maskin, L Hurwicz 1

8 R Myerson, E Maskin, L Hurwicz 2

9 Nobel Prize Hijacked 2

10 Nobel Prize Hijacked 3, P Krugman.

11 Nobel Prize Hijacked 4, P Krugman 2.

12 The Unscience of Scientific American’s ‘Science of Bubbles & Bursts’

13 E Olstrom & O Williamson

(Please Note: This website is about the pioneering of ENGINEERING into the SEBFL environments, it is about seeking truths; it is NOT about journalism, English grammar or prose, or quick-sell – it is down-to-earth engineering & pioneering requiring extensive & intensive THINKING.

SEBFL = social/economy/business/finance/legal environments.

Explaining transmission mechanisms & pre-empting catastrophic failures is NOT doom-prophecy, it is explaining probabilistic reality.)






# If you are unable (or simply refuse) to understand the physical dynamics of the Twin Towers implosions, a TANGIBLE, VISIBLE event; i.e. if you incorrectly believe that TTs were natural collapses consequent to plane damage –> then you will have no hope of understanding the INTANGIBLE nature of the sciences pertaining to the social/economy/business/finance/legal (SEBFL) environments. -> in which event, don’t waste your time by going beyond this point – ignorance is bliss, for a while at least, so enjoy it while you can!

The ABSENCE of ‘transfer of momentum’ dynamics (observe this Natural dynamic with Newton 5-ball frame) is the CONCRETE PROOF of additional, sequential, high-impulse (explosive) forces = IMPLOSION, by definition.

Consequently, Osama bin Laden could not have planned/coordinated/executed the ‘inside’ job of implosions. The planes & implosions had to have been coordinated – hence it was committed by other perpetrators.

Further, since Barrack Obama & GW Bush continue to lie about the TT implosions it follows that the claim to have eliminated bin Laden also cannot be believed – hence, the claimed ‘elimination’ is also a cover-up.

# For those who genuinely wish to understand the INTANGIBLE aspects of Economy Sciences, please continue but, be warned, you need to STOP & THINK carefully ….. engineering is not about cute sales-gloss sound-bytes – engineering is the application of real world sciences (tangible & intangible) to attain optimal systems structures & controls.

# CERN LHC are now confusing themselves further by (tentatively) claiming that particles have exceeded the speed of light – science-fiction deepens into greater hocus-pocus.

# Mathematics is an abstract concept in which there are an infinite number of dimensions with infinite distance within each – an infinity of infinities – and infinities of equations - deep into virtual space & far from reality. Think of a huge number and imagine it represented by the wall space opposite you – reality is less than a pin-prick of that space. Scientists lose sight of the fact that they have gone way beyond the grey-area bounding reality and deep into virtual space, far from science-fact and deep into science-fiction – because engineering is absent from their untested research.

# We must also be careful of being drawn into sales-gloss sound-bytes that the world has become accustomed to in seeking instant gratification. Half-Empty is a fail-safe perspective relative to the non fail-safe & deceptive sales-gloss Half-Full perspective. We are comfortable in driving our cars & using everyday items BECAUSE precautions are taken in production when items are tested to destruction to ensure cost-effective safety. Engineers ALWAYS look for faults so as to pre-empt failure, to ensure a product is as fail-safe as possible. If engineers were to look at products as Half-Full then catastrophic accidents would be more prevalent.

Politicians almost ALWAYS present Half-Full imagery, which is why the world is in such a mess.

Ditto scientists.

# Objections have been raised over the amount of repetition within CDADD’s papers – this is done purposefully to attempt to counter the years/decades/centuries of defective science brainwashing. Apologies, but necessary.





Most registered professionals have achieved their qualifications through taxpayer subsidised tertiary education, a public investment into its own society; those whose parents have paid privately for their education have probably done so through wealth derived through cycled pension/investment funds globally defrauded from taxpayers – either way the taxpayer has paid significantly toward tertiary education – it follows that there exists a social contract between graduates & taxpayer, and it would be reasonable for the taxpayer to expect honesty in return for that investment – unfortunately a few professionals & academic institutions have become dishonest and promote defective science & lies, whilst the majority remain passively silent.

The World is in Economic Meltdown, but more importantly, it is spiralling deeper into Meltdown - Do not be deceived by claims from USA , UK or Euroland governments that there is now a recovery phase – in the 5 weeks since this draft was started the USA (& global markets) have taken more hits – and it is continuing its downward slide.

The new IMF MD, Christine Lagarde, is making regular appearances calling for further actions to fend off meltdown – but to no avail – because governments refuse to recognise that the underlying cause is the absence of Economy Engineering.


World Bank President Robert Zoellick’s announcement and media Q&A in response to mid-September’s further markets slides, will put the global economy into deeper turmoil.

The World Bank, like governments, is locked into defective science & refuses to engage CDADD’s pioneering economy engineering to solve the causal problems of the meltdown - which is ever deepening - and put nations back to constructive work; sound economy engineering is the only constructive way forward to putting nations back to full work.

Zoellick is locked into defective economic science & banking practices that do not work, and touts 'anti-protectionism' without understanding what a PROTECTION is, nor that it is not protectionism (which has never been clearly defined). Zoellick fails to understand the a currency exchange rate is a PROTECTION; does his anti-protectionism include the disastrous suggestion of a single global currency? PROTECTIONS are vital to achieving stable economies. Zoellick’s comments are little different to President Obama, PMs Blair, Brown & Cameron, and EU leaders - all are devoid of constructive economy engineering

Are the leading governments too scared to engage with CDADD, the world's leading & pioneering professional engineer into economy engineering?

On the tail of Robert Zoellick, Christine Legarde made another call for constructive, cooperative coordinated action.

The truth is whether uncoordinated or coordinated – a series of defective policies still remain defective – and will lead to more chaos – and real threat of explosion into Hot War.

It makes more sense to engage in Best Practice – vis: engagement with CDADD’s pioneering Economy Engineering!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The reason for the meltdown rests on the total absence of appropriate Economy Engineering from the Economy structures & controls that prevail in developed countries. The underlying economic ‘sciences’ upon which government policies are based are devoid of any engineering inputs. Further, as demonstrated by CDADD in previous papers in this series, the Nobel Foundation has been hijacked & Nobel Prizes awarded for grossly defective Economic Science models that are better described as being purposefully defective so as to give credibility to otherwise fraudulent scams, and on a global level.

John Nash is the only Nobel Laureate to have made a retraction, based upon CDADD’s R&D proofs, of his model which was used by Corporate/Finance Powers, unwittingly to Nash, as a means for establishing/giving false credibility to fraud scams. BUT, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences & Nobel Foundation accept the founding of the 2010 Nobel Prize model upon Nash’s defective model – confirmation of multiple tiering of defective science models.

The Economic Sciences Nobel Prizes have often been awarded to mathematicians who have simply fast-tracked into the ‘sciences’, but without any formal science training or experience, and no insights to practical application (vis: engineering). Economic ‘scientists’ have become desensitised to realities because of incorrect mathematisation. Consequently the Economic Sciences are riddled with grossly defective models; hence government policies are massively destructive.

The thrust of this series of papers has been to expose a number of defective Economic (Intangible) Sciences models – see Index of previous papers, above.

Western leaders such as Tony Blair, GW Bush, Barrack Obama, Enda Kenny, Bertie Ahern, David Cameron, Nick Clegg, were/are all kept regularly informed of the fundamentally destructive aspects of their government policies – they refuse to change – how then could they expect leaders such as Gaddafi to change?

Now that change is being forced through bombs & bullets, once matters have calmed then it will become apparent that the West’s Economy models will not bring lasting peace; because the existing models are fundamentally flawed & causal of social instability through imposed Economy Terrorism – hence another round of decades of global chaos. The riots throughout Euroland are proofs positive of this.

It must not be underestimated the extent to which Western Governments are imposing Economy Terrorism upon un/under-developed nations through massively destructive policies based upon grossly defective economic ‘science’ that is devoid of any Economy Engineering.

Oppressive leaders, such as Gaddafi, are a consequence of such defective economic ‘science’ – consequently western governments inciting civil war & war-mongering are NOT the solutions to these regimes – it is ONLY through constructive Economy Engineering that sound economies can be established & through which oppressive leaders can be turned.

BUT, western leaders are oppressive in their War-Mongering & Economy Terrorism; they too refuse to turn - the rioting we see (& with real danger of armed insurrection) is not far removed from the insurrections by Oliver Cromwell against oppressive monarchical government of Charles I, or by the nobles against King John. Britannia’s government & parliament are illegitimate.


There are commonalities in defective developments within both the Tangible & Intangible sciences – common errors in extrapolating micro-concepts into macro-environments - as revealed within this series of papers (dealing with Intangible Sciences) and those revealed in the Captain’s Log series (dealing with Tangible Sciences) – i.e. we are now approaching an understanding of commonality of practice-errors & malpractices between physics scientists & economic ‘scientists’; and these errors & malpractices are the cause of centuries of multiple tiers of defective science theories that have spun-off into deep-space science fiction, and into defective economic & physics science models upon which destructive government policies are based, and which are causal of so much poverty throughout the world. (Witness the bout of starvation in Africa & elsewhere – because developed, western nations are not assisting those poor nations to assist themselves – instead the west gang-bang resources from them)

The science models upon which the 2010 Physics & Economics Laureates won their Prizes are further examples of defective science misleading societies. The science developments awarded the 2010 Physics Nobel Prize are works that do not comply with Alfred Nobel’s Terms of Will and are initiating a new bout of popular myth which are likely to skew future developments.

Science theories have become grossly distorted & defective because of multiple layering of theories. With incorrect foundational theories, successive tiers consequently are also wrong – much like building on shifting, unstable sand.

(It is interesting to note that TV channels, especially BBC, are presenting, summer 2011, repeats of science documentaries that perpetuate defective theories by Stephen Hawking & other scientists. This is the same kind of dishonest media manipulation that Rupert Murdoch is engaged in)

Tangible (Physics) Sciences have been shifted from investigating & interpreting real dynamics into speculation within an artificial time domain – then, so as to develop further ‘insights’ of real dynamics, time domain theories have been expanded, but far beyond real bounds, and have drifted away into deep-space science-fiction.

Newton’s dishonesty & plagiarism created massive defective Intellectual Momentum pertaining to Light Transmission Dynamics (LTD) – the misinterpretation of a simple rainbow-pattern through a prism (due to Newton’s plagiarism) has resulted in theories of particle & wave dynamics, polarisation and eventually, after some 3 centuries, in Einstein developing an incorrect time domain relationship of e equals m c squared – then others, such as Stephen Hawking, into multiple universes, big bang – and white-elephants such as CERN Large Hadron Collider. Science shifted from real dynamics to multiple tiers of erroneous theories within an artificial time domain.

Simon Singh’s ‘Big Bang’ book gives insights to the history of how this erroneous, big bang, concept came about; however Singh totally ignored detailing Newton’s light theories, the very foundation upon which it was assumed that light is in the electro-magnetic spectrum, and upon which it was assumed that the Doppler effect would apply. The Big Bang theory is based upon an assumption resulting from Newton’s erroneous light/prism theories. Viewing through a prism will demonstrate that Newton was wrong, and further reasoning, as previously discussed, will bring realisation that Newton could only have plagiarised the foundation work into prisms. Singh’s book does give clarity, when correctly viewed, to how multiple tiering of defective theories have culminated in an assumption of a Big Bang - Einstein & Michelson-Morley duo caused physics science to spin-off into science fiction with ‘experiments’ that were fundamentally flawed; and, later, Penzias & Wilson and Dicke & Peebles had also wrongly assumed that light was affected by the Doppler effect. The Michelson-Morley experiment - to determine the existence of ether - was wrongly conceived, wrongly interpreted, wrongly deduced, wrongly concluded – and it caused science to go off-track. And Penzias & Wilson both erred in their experiments regarding ‘cosmic microwave background’ (CMB) effect.

The use of erroneous Relativity Theory is possible cause of why missiles are missing their targets in Libya, instead of hitting military targets they often hit hospitals & homes.

Recap: Nothing travels at the speed of light, hence light is propagated, hence a medium, ether, exists.

It is also apparent that light rainbow roy & vib colours are related to cone-arc, consequently it is possible to establish, erroneously, a linear relationship (correlation) between cone-arc and frequency. What primary motive forces cause the roy & vib patterns phenomena is not known – but it does occur – it is erroneous to assume a frequency relationship, whereas a cone-arc relationship is observational fact.

(As an aside: What does become apparent from Singh’s book is that in zooming into sub-atomic level, and bearing in mind that the ether exists, then there comes a point where research meets the ether. It is proposed herein that that point has been reached but no yet identified – that is, that neutrons are in fact the foundation, gel, ether upon which everything constructs.

Bearing in mind that the roy & vib colour patterns at interference boundaries indicates that the ether particles function individually as well as in clusters, then it becomes apparent that the addition of protons & electrons, etc. simply combine to create matter of various types.

Matter, as with energy, then ‘slides’ through the ether, via ether switching mechanism. This can be loosely analogised in 2D to a depot in which crates are moved around across the floor on static roller-bearings – the boxes move, the bearings remain static, but transfer/propagate the boxes.

This dispels the Big Bang theory as one needs to explain the creation of the ether for any bang to occur.

The aforegoing will become more apparent when we discuss the errors in the Michelson-Morley experiment in a later paper)

Another recent example of defective science:- For years/decades, the world was brainwashed with a false claim from the IPCCC that pollution was causing Global Warming – it took CDADD much effort, unrewarded but including insults & assaults at Royal Irish Academy, before the world started to understand that whilst pollution & global warming correlate, that it does not prove cause/effect – further, that the likely true cause of Global Warming is due to Primary Motive Forces & Energy flows from the sun and star/planets systems (i.e. solar systems) functioning as GENERATOR/ALTERNATOR (star, sun) & SUPER-MOTORS (planets).

There are infinite data stream pairs that show correlation but only a very, very small, a tiny, percentage have meaningful Cause/Effect relationships.


The INTANGIBLE SCIENCES (social/economic/business/finance/legal – SEBFL environments) are far more complex because they are exactly that, intangible – it means that we cannot see Economies holistically nor can we readily test theories, nor can we easily observe or deduce meaningful relationships - unless we adopt a professional & engineering perspective.

The 350 years of multiple tiers of physics errors stemming from Isaac Newton clearly demonstrates this point, and exacerbated by Michelson-Morley, Einstein, Hubble, Penzias, Wilson & many others.

As demonstrated in this series of papers (mainly focussed on disproving Economics theories wrongly awarded the Sveriges RiksBank Prize in Memory of Alfred Nobel – Economics ‘Nobel’ Prize), multiple tiers of defective economics theories are behind the global economy meltdown, along with numerous massive global fraud scams, a number of which are purposefully given false credibility by the ‘Nobel’ prizes.

The 2010 Economics ‘Nobel’ Prize awarded to Diamond, Mortensen, Pissarides for their DMP model, based upon the Beveridge curve, is a multiple tiering of defective models.

It can be likened to a vehicle that should be scrapped and placed upon a heap of other scrapped cars – but, it continues to be used, and dangerously so, because regulation does not prevent the use of a scrap economy ‘vehicle’.

Western nations are morally bankrupt & we see the effects in the plethora of garbage ‘science’ which floods societies – and this flooding has serious consequences, as can be readily seen.

Channel 5 broadcast a 3 part series on UK’s nuke boat (submarine) HMS Turbulent. The logistics officer, despite full good intentions, was clearly struggling with the technicalities of the boat, not because of incompetency but because of uncertainty. Uncertainty as to what science is right & which wrong. There is a need for a degree of technical proficiency by all on board a nuke boat – but most are not technical – those that are technical have little interest in the administration of the boat – consequently the majority of crew are under additional constant stress due to the uncertainty & confusion of defective science. The logistics officer, clearly had constant tension of uncertainty as to when something will go wrong, or if what he was told was all that he needed to know – because the officer is not comfortable with technology, because so much defective science, being popularised, confuses.

Another officer related how a colleague was killed on another nuke boat by a low-tech oxygen candle.

Last year a nuke boat went aground, later a crew member on the same boat shot & killed an officer.

Confusion & Uncertainty, caused by defective science, is behind much unsafety in nuclear plants & power stations, and plants in general.

Another officer on board Turbulent was gung-ho about delivering destruction to the enemy (with the boat’s Tomahawk missiles) – but, does this reflect the true doubts - about the UK’s moral bankruptcy, its lies about the Twin Towers implosions, the illegitimate Iraq War, the unlawful incitement of civil-war in Libya, the alarming numbers of new-faces appearing in UK civil riots, etc.?????

Being confronted with new technology causes uncertainty which can manifest in blustering & covering-up – we can readily see this in the UK Parliament (BBC Parliament channel) where the slanging matches – presently between Cameron & Miliband – forces entrenchment rather than transparency & openness – consequently mindsets become blocked with massively destructive policies based upon grossly defective science - and massively destructive government policies prevail which cause further melt-down = a vicious cycle of social economy destruction.


We must acknowledge that Albert Einstein professionally & openly admitted to his errors & uncertainties, as did other notable scientists such as Harlow Shapley - but Stephen Hawking refuses to engage – the integrity of a scientist/engineer rests upon their honesty, not whether their theories are right or wrong, because one has to research far more wrong theories so as to determine that which is right – if scientists do not honestly engage then there can be no confidence in any of their research claims. Hawking is the cause of his own loss of integrity – it is urged that his colleagues counsel him on this crucial point.

Ditto Economics ‘Nobel’ Laureates.

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We need to understand why so many Intangible Sciences theories are so grossly defective – to understand this we will need to move between the Tangible & Intangible sciences to pick up commonalities of errors.

One major cause for these grossly defective Intangible Sciences theories is that there is readiness to accept any data correlation as containing some meaningful ‘insights’.

Correlation does not mean a Cause/Effect relationship; it does not necessarily mean that there is any meaningful relationship.

We can readily see this with Newton’s erroneous ‘Law of Universal Gravitation’. Light & energy propagation through space, and gravity effects as felt & observed on earth ALL display an inverse square law characteristic with respect to distance – i.e. as we move further way from the energy source the energy at any distant point diminishes with the inverse square of the distance away from the source.

So, whilst gravity diminishes with the inverse square law, so also does electromagnetic forces, and light, etc. So for Newton to argue that gravity forces are universal (as an explanation for how the universe functions) is incorrect because gravity is an ‘internal’ force to planets; it is electro-magnetic forces that cause star/plant systems to function, and propagate through the ether via (most likely) an ether switching mechanism (see Captain’s Log series for full details)

This functionality of, & throughout, the ether occurs non-stop. Time, as we comprehend time, is not a function of this switching mechanism – the switching happens, and once a switch has happened is gone, with only the next switch to occur. Everything within the Universe functions as a consequence of this switching mechanism and has no conscious relationship to time.

A simple experiment, admittedly silly; take your clock/watch & a hammer, observe what is happening around you & note the time and that time is ticking; now take the hammer and smash your watch and note that the ‘time’ no longer changes/ticks, but everything around you does continue to change – conclusion: time does NOT affect the Universe. Even though this appears silly, it is real – the Universe, as physically constructed, merely functions; switch, after switch, after switch, ad infinitum – time has no relevance, no matter how much you may feel that it does, whether clocks/watches run or do not run, time has no relevance. Time is an abstract concept, there is no Time dimension.

A fundamental error in science reasoning came about when man had become accustomed to time, in that man assumed the Universe to obey time; i.e. man made time fit the Universe – this was a gross error. The error transformed thinking from a real environment into an artificial time domain environment.

Time, as an abstract concept, evolved because of man’s increasing need to order their lives - man created the concept of time & it has proved extremely useful, necessary, to analyse & predict how micro-systems function & for societies to function in an orderly way – man is fully accustomed to living by clock time – but it is nonetheless an abstract concept. Time cannot be extrapolated/transformed into explanation of macro-environments such as the Universe.

Time is a micro-environment concept, not a macro concept

Einstein’s error, in trying to understand how the universe functions, was to think within the ‘time’ domain and he unwittingly extrapolated beyond the bounds of reality into science-fiction, trying to get the Universe to fit his theory rather than understanding the Universe and adapting his theories to fit the real functionality of the Universe – consequently his energy theory (e equals m c squared) is a time domain theory NOT a Universe functionality theory.

Stephen Hawking & others took it deeper into science-fiction with string theory & other sci-fi concepts. This is not to denigrate the sheer brilliance of their philosophical & mathematical developments, even though they are wrong they are brilliant perceptions. The professional transgression that Hawking (& others) committed is by his not being open about errors – he continues to deceive the public & generate income through his deceptions.

Just as there are limiting forces to increased velocity within earth’s atmosphere (e.g. air friction, magnetic fields), so too are there limiting forces to increased velocity in space (magnetic fields, induced emfs causing opposing fields). This is why we do not see matter travelling at the speed of light; energy is propagated at the speed of light but particles do not travel at speed of light.

In a similar way there are limiting forces within macro-economy environments, but these forces are not Time related.

Correlation may exist between two data streams of separate phenomena caused by the same Causal Dynamic but it is incorrect to assume that the two separate phenomena can be influenced one by the other or vice versa – see later.

We can readily see interpretation errors with the recent e-coli scare in Euroland – initially Spanish cucumbers were blamed because of a premature claim of cause/effect from supposed correlation of data that pointed to Spanish cucumbers. This was quickly rectified but not without huge losses to Spain & other nations.

In contrast, we cannot presently see, but we can professionally deduce, the future devastating consequences of PM David Cameron’s plans to continue without Economy Protections in his announcements of trade with China, given by him & China’s Premier Wen Jiabao.

But, to deduce this we need to understand further that correlation of data does not necessarily mean there is meaningful relationship between data – and, within Economics Theories because of multiple tiering of defective theories, they most probably do not have meaningful relationships (which explains why the Global Economy is in Meltdown)


Merit is not rewarded/funded – and, because of that, dishonesty in academia prevails – and, because of that, defective science prevails – and, because of that, government policies are grossly defective & massively destructive.

Witness the moral bankruptcy of the Royal Society & Cambridge University – both victims of Newton’s dishonesty – nothing has changed.

In amongst all of this the Nobel Foundation has been hijacked by Sweden’s Wallenberg Family which is why defective science theories are wrongly awarded Nobel Prizes.

Recognising the right place & direction can only be achieved if the wrong place & wrong direction are recognised:

We now know that Isaac Newton’s theory regarding rainbow patterns (through a prism) is wrong – BUT, the majority of people at school are still being taught this incorrect theory, right now – because Intellectual Momentum takes time & effort to change direction.

Nobody would entertain rethinking Newton’s Theory UNLESS evidence was presented that clearly demonstrated that Newton’s Theory was in the wrong ‘place & direction’. And even when confronted with the evidence our own Intellectual Momentum would have to experience a significant shift to move towards the right ‘place & direction’. BUT, to move to the right place & direction we need also to know what the right theory is.

Thus, there are two steps, recognising something is wrong, which is a prerequisite for the second step, searching for that which is right. Complacency blocks acceptance that something wrongly held to be right is indeed wrong, which increases the time & effort to change to searching for the right place & direction.

For some reason it is taking western governments an inordinate amount of time to wake up from its complacency, despite the mountains of concrete evidence presented by CDADD.


Nobel Prizes 2010 – Peace, Physics, Economics

Nobel Peace Prize 2010 – Liu Xiaobo

- a worthy Laureate

2010 Nobel Physics Prize - Andre Geim & Konstantin Novoselov,

The work by the 2010 Nobel Laureates does not meet the criteria of Alfred Nobel as set out in his Terms of Will; both procedurally & substantively – to see this, peruse the Terms of Will.

The mere fact that the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences have supported the use of ‘2D’ as a technical term is perpetuating the culture of the promoting of defective theories – there is no such thing as a 2D material. Our understanding of ‘atomic’ theory is purely a theoretical model as yet to be proved.

Promoting incorrect science terms encourages popular distortion into fictional creations as has occurred with Big Bang, Time Travel, Doppelganger universes, etc, which results from Einstein’s & Hubble's errors – which ultimately derive from Newton’s dishonesty.

There are far more worthy science developments that far surpass the works by Geim & Novoselov in producing far greater benefits for mankind than the technical advancements by G&N which benefit only a small percentage of mankind – i.e. those minority that are wealthy & can afford hi-tech technology apparatus – or those tech developments that are used to suck-up disposable incomes from the millions within impoverished regions.

2010 Sveriges RiksBank Prize in Memory of Alfred Nobel – ‘Nobel’ Economics Prize: PA Diamond, DT Mortenson, CA Pissarides

The fundamental flaw with Diamond, Mortenson, Pissarides (DMP) model is that it is founded upon multiple tiers of defective theories. One only needs look at the Referenced material at the end of the ‘Scientific Background’ (Nobel Prize website, 2010 Economics Prize) to recognise that the DMP model is grossly defective – nor that it is does not stand on its own, hence it is not a discovery.

There is acknowledgement to Edmund Phelps & his models concerning the development of the DMP model – Phelps’ models have also been previously shown to be wrong, but Phelps refuses to engage on technical/scientific debate - consequently the Nobel Foundation perpetuate the multiple tiering of layers of defective ‘science’ theories.

Eric Maskin (2007 Laureate) was also acknowledged - but Maskin’s NP Prize models are also grossly defective.

Again, multiple tiering of grossly defective theories. Ditto the numerous other referenced models.

The very fact that the Global Economy is in meltdown, and deepening, due to decades of fraud scams artificially inflating Money & Supply, is proof that the Economics ‘Nobel’ Prize models are grossly defective

Mathematicians who have fast-tracked an easy-ticket into ‘science’, without appropriate training or experience, have grossly skewed Economic Science & ‘scientists’. The DMP model, like all other NP prize models, has unsound reasoning made deceptively plausible by the liberal addition of some mathematics.

Similarly to Einstein wrongly extrapolating abstract, artificial, concepts (energy & relativity theories) beyond the bounds of reality, so too have DMP wrongly extrapolated a defective Beveridge Curve Theory beyond reality, and without recognising that the Supply & Demand domains are distinctly separate and function differently – the assumption by DMP that the Beveridge curve is a meaningful correlation of meaningful data streams is incorrect.


Recap: We need to put the science errors into perspective. To understand the errors within the Intangible sciences it is often necessary to draw parallels to similar/same errors in the Tangible sciences, because the Intangible sciences are far more complex, because they are intangible.

Whilst the real universe functions through a common ether, and displays correlation due to the inverse square law applying to different phenomena, it does not automatically imply that there is meaningful relationship between those distinctly separate phenomena. Similarly; Supply markets & Demand markets, & other Economy phenomena, also function through a common ‘ether’ (howsoever this economic ‘ether’ may function, which functionality we are only beginning to recognise must exist). One error consists of thinking that the ‘ether’ is Money; Money is the life-blood of an economy but it is NOT the economy ‘ether’ – just as ‘time’ is not the ether of the Universe

Money & Time are useful micro-environment tools, but do not extrapolate to macro-environments.

Just because we can plot graphs that suggest there is correlation does not give grounds for claiming meaningful correlation between two distinctly separate Economy phenomena, and certainly no justification for claiming Cause/Effect. The very fact that economies are in Meltdown is (part) proof of same.

Let’s put this into perspective.

Fuel is the ‘life-blood’ of a motor-car. A motor-car also has shock absorbers. A car rides over ground, which, loosely put, is the ether upon which it functions. In driving a car we regulate the fuel flow to regulate the speed which also affects the rate at which the shock absorbers work. We can therefore plot a graph of fuel flow/consumption against shock movement; and we can deduce that there is a correlation between increased flow and shock absorber movement; thus we can regulate shock movement by fuel flow. A sensible control relationship? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Whilst it is a sensible control in the very-short term it is a stupid control relationship in the long term.

This is intuitive because fuel flow & shock movement are primarily unrelated. The shock movement is caused primarily by the terrain (ether) over which the car is travelling; in the short term we regulate the fuel flow to reduce the shock movement if the ride is becoming uncomfortable; BUT, if the ride is uncomfortable for long periods & we need to repeatedly traverse the terrain then we change the terrain so that we can traverse it more efficiently at a cost-effective speed – i.e. we build roads. Engineers develop the structures, systems & controls of the car & the road BECAUSE accountants/economists are NOT skilled/qualified to do so.

Similarly for an aeroplane, we know much about the air (earth’s ‘ether’) through which a plane flies so we can cost-effectively design planes to commercial advantage, and we have qualified people in the cockpit operating the controls effectively.

However, Central Banks (Bank of England, Euroland Central Bank, etc.) & Parliaments are controlled by finance/accountant/economist types who have no understandings/experiences of engineering and hence do not understand that by controlling the economy fuel flow, the life-blood, of the economy, vis the Money, via an interest rate throttle over the long term, that they are failing to recognise that it is the economy ‘road’, the ‘ether’, that needs to be fixed – rather, they think in terms of grossly over-engineering the shock absorbers, which causes more harsh vibrations to the chassis, which causes the chassis to fail. Central Bank Executives do not understand these dynamics, nor do they have the insights as to how to develop understandings of the economy ‘ether’ – consequently they inefficiently, destructively, continue to hold the fuel throttle (the interest-rate lever) at the near-closed position, which causes the economy ‘vehicle’ to stall – which is what the world is experiencing, a stalling, hence we experience the continuing downward spiral of global economic activity.

Central Banks try to be clever – they try to ‘engineer’ solutions – but cause greater catastrophes – because they do not understand engineering.

Governments refuse to think sensibly – they remain locked into defective science models/theories that are wrongly awarded Nobel Prizes & other incorrect awards.

The latest policies by UK government to stimulate the construction industry by identifying new areas to develop new housing is a clear case of incorrect economy development – it is artificial supply-driven (quantity of houses) demand development.

In contrast, the Dale Farm/Traveller issue within UK’s Basildon council area demonstrates the government’s refusal to address real derived-demand housing. Whether the courts will compel government to sensible solutions remains to be seen – presently, they are not solving the problem of defective science, which is skewing our understanding of the economy ether, nor solving the meltdown.

We know that planets orbit the sun in a slight elliptical orbit & man has derived mathematical equations to describe the orbit – BUT - the equations do NOT explain the causal forces of the orbit, they do not solve the problem, which is skewing our understanding of the universe ether.

We know that the Economy Ether must & does exist but we do not understand it – because Economy Engineering is absent.


With these clear examples in mind we need to identify reasons (some of) why the Beveridge Curve is in error, and hence why the DMP model by Diamond, Mortenson & Pissarides is also wrong.

William Beveridge was a British Economist (1879-1963) who, during an illustrious career including time as a Permanent Secretary was recognised as a specialist in economics & social reforms, and developed a relationship between employment vacancies & unemployment – this can be gleaned from Nobel Prize website for 2010 Economics Prize – see ‘Information for the Public’ for an overview.

At the time that Beveridge developed his theory it was brilliant thinking, even though it transpires to be incorrect.

In the short term & at a micro level there is perhaps a small degree of cause/effect relationship within the Beveridge curve but this does not translate to the long term or macro-economic level.

This is intuitive because, whilst Money functions as a fuel for the economy, Money is not the ‘ether’ (just as time is not the ether of the Universe, and why Einstein’s energy & relativity theories are wrong).

Further, Supply dynamics are distinctly separate from Demand dynamics – no matter how much economic ‘scientists’ want to argue the point the fact remains they are distinctly different and do not correlate into a cause/effect relationship which is a necessity if there is to be a functional control import between the two. Just as pollution presently correlates to global warming there is no proof of a cause/effect relationship. Just as time correlates to physics events in the micro-universe it does not have a cause/effect relationship in the macro-universe.

The global economy, presently, functions badly because the fuel-flow & other parameters are incorrectly structured and/or controlled – so, whilst the economy ‘ether’ continues to function, as it obviously must be doing because destructive forces are flowing, it propagates destructive forces because of man’s incompetence rather than constructive forces – because the economy structures & controls are not correctly engineered, and because the underlying sciences are defective, because economic ‘scientists’ refuse to engage with appropriate engineers, and governments refuse to reward/fund on merit – hence BEST PRACTICE is not engaged – hence meltdown chaos continues.

William Beveridge made a fundamental error (understandable at that time, as economic science was barely developed) in assuming that Money (hence prices), through which Supply & Demand curves have wrongly been held to function, is the ‘ether’ of the economy.

Whilst the Beveridge Curve portrays a relationship between rates of unemployment & job vacancy, these parameters are functions of prices (money) & population (quantity), hence functions of Money & Quantity; Beveridge erred in using a ‘transformation’ function (i.e. the Beveridge Curve) to elicit further insights to a problem, but in so doing created a greater problem – vis: decades of misunderstandings.


We now see that the underlying Beveridge Curve is defective, but there are many additional errors within the DMP model.

It is intuitive that a scrap car on a scrap-heap is a write-off, simply because we can see that the vehicles is a wreck – but one can spend an inordinate amount of time detailing the obvious defects so as to ‘prove’ what is plainly visible => inefficient.

However, we cannot readily see that the DMP model is a wreck because it is intangible – hence, we need to think further & deeper.

We need to identify some of the defects to justify the claim that the DMP model is a wreck fit only for the scrapheap (besides the fact that the Beveridge Curve is defective)

From the ‘Scientific Background’ at:-

*** Pg 1: 1 Introduction: confirms that search & matching theory originated in the early 1970s.

Pg 14 Figure 2 & last sentence of first para: ‘The reasons for this shift [of Beveridge Curve] are not yet well understood.

RSAS make a clear admission - the very foundation of the DMP model is based upon a Beveridge Curve correlation that is not understood – QED!!!!


The DMP model is fit only for the scrap heap.

But, let’s not rest on this.

In the Beveridge Curve there is no meaningful correlation between the unemployment rate & job opening rate – the two are driven by distinctly separate sets of forces Supply (job opening, due to money) & Demand (employment, quantity).

Without going into great repetitive detail.

The Global economy has, since early 1960s, progressively been pumped up with increasing amounts of fraudulent artificial Money (Stock & Supply) (Masterminded by SA’s Donald Gordon, Liberty Life Founder); increasing levels of churning & siphoning of markets, increasing levels of toxic investments.

Coupling this with a western shift from manufacture to consumer societies has created a massive skewing of western economies.

Job creation has followed predominantly artificial & destructive supply-driven demand (instead of real & constructive derived demand). The Global Economy Meltdown has created a surge in unemployment (which was inevitable because of the catastrophic collapse of the massive artificial inflation of global Money with its high proportion of fraudulent double-accounted Money, which collapse is still unfolding), a surge in panic, followed by inadequate emergency jobs creation in which matching is no longer readily possible – because the jobs necessary for establishing a stable economy are not available because the manufacturing (industry & commercial) is no longer present, and constructive market tiering (all spheres) is not present, since manufacturing has been shifted to Asian sweat-shop, slave-labour joints.

Hence, the job-mix is inappropriate for constructive clearing by unemployed workers. Hence the spurious shift in the Beveridge curve. (Contrast back to the shocks, e.g. an incompetent driver jerking the accelerator)

In addition governments (& economic ‘scientists’) have no understanding of Economy Engineering necessary to establish a stable economy.

A further important point:- job creation & unemployment are micro-economy issues, even though we are accustomed to them being aggregated they are micro-economy issues.

Money Stock & Supply is a macro-economy issue (but not the economy ‘ether’), as is the massive collapse of the artificial over-inflation, which caused each of the individual unemployments, which are aggregated.

The DMP model has not recognised or taken this into account.

The DMP model is fit only for the scrap heap.

*** Pg 2, Diamond Paradox – in 1970 Peter Diamond showed that the only equilibrium outcome is the monopoly price. Diamond did not & still does not recognise that the 1970s saw a ramping of market skewing by fraudulent investment markets – job creation was already skewing, so no reasonable interpretation of search & match was possible; and never has been possible.

The DMP model is fit only for the scrap heap.

*** Pg 8, 2.3 Coordination failures. Diamond argues that ‘search externalities can even generate macroeconomic coordination problems. … Diamond constructed an abstract model.

It is IMPOSSIBLE for microeconomic issues to impact upon macro-economies. IMPOSSIBLE! – because there are no causal flows from micro to macro-environment.

Matching & searching of both jobs & unemployed is a micro-economic activity; hence it has no macro-economic impact. This alone is another reason why the DMP model does not meet Alfred Nobel’s Terms of Will.

The fact that the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences effectively PEER REVIEWED the DMP model further proves that economic ‘scientists’ have no understanding or experience of science.

An abstract model has no bearing on real-life macro-economies.

The DMP model is fit only for the scrap heap.

*** Pg 9 Consumers need to trade: they each produce a good, but they do not consume the good they produce and therefore need to find a trading partner in order to exchange goods.

This is concrete proof that the DMP model is subconsciously based upon a destructive artificial supply-driven demand process – goods are first produced then spurious demand is stimulated by the supplier.

The DMP model is fit only for the scrap heap.

*** Pg 13, footnote, Fig 1 & Equation 5: ‘Equation 5 is a steady state relation, and thus it is not immediate that it can be used to analyse time-series data.’

There is a correlation, as clearly can be seen in the Beveridge Curve, but not a meaningful correlation, therefore not a relation within Equation 5.

Whilst the data, both aggregate unemployment rate & aggregate job vacancy rate, occurs over time it is important to recognise that time is not a function of the data streams, it is purely due to economic circumstances & forces, and, in this case, massively destructive government policies that are causal of same.

Hence, the DMP model CANNOT be used to analyse time series data

The DMP model is fit only for the scrap heap.

*** Pg 19 ‘..the exit rate from unemployment increases as the worker approaches benefit exhaustion - …’

This is intuitive and, through trial & error, between supply & demand forces of worker/employer, at a micro-level & aggregated to profession specifics, and will settle to an accepted cost/return insurance policy for which most people, seeking career paths rather than jobs, require for added security.

The cost of the insurance policy is simply a salary sacrifice in exchange for security and one which most professionals would not purposefully seek to use, but avail only in unavoidable circumstances. It is a negotiated risk/return between the insured & insurer.

For those who are not fortunate to have career paths but instead rely on jobs, it is fallacious for Diamond, Mortenson & Pissarides to assume that the majority linger for benefit maximisation – there is no evidence for this claimed correlation.

But DM & P are quick to find correlation in data streams – so as to mathematise baseless models.

The DMP model, as presented in the RSAS Scientific Background ‘Peer Review’, for the purposes of awarding the NP Prize, does NOT in any shape or form consider these realities, which realities are the driving forces behind the benefits.

The DMP model is fit only for the scrap heap.


It was extremely painful reading to as far as page 19, skimming the remaining 8 pages was equally painful – which demonstrated that pain/page-effort increases, and exponentially


From the aforegoing, it follows that the DMP model by Peter Diamond, Dale Mortensen & Christopher Pissarides is grossly defective.

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in their ‘Information for the Public’ (see Nobel Foundation -- Economic Sciences 2010) opens with:-

Markets with search costs.

[1] Why are so many people unemployed at the same time that there are a large number of job openings?

[2] How can economic policy affect unemployment?

[3] This year’s Laureates have developed a theory which can be used to answer these questions.

[4] This theory is also applicable to markets other than the labour market.

The first two points, questions, can be quickly answered.

Re: [1] Supply is not meeting demand needs, and demand needs are not being constructively developed but driven by artificial supply forces; all of which are consequent to the absence of Economy Engineering of constructive economy structures & controls.

Re: [2] Economic policy can, and clearly does, massively increase unemployment because Economy Engineering is absent

The third & fourth statements can be countered by

Re: [3] This years Laureates provide no answers to the questions – they have added masses more confusion.

Re: [4] The DMP theory/model does not apply to labour markets, nor to any markets.

The DMP model is fit only for the scrap heap.

Once one has recognised that a theory is the wrong ‘place’ & wrong ‘direction’ it serves little benefit in analyzing to the Nth degree all its errors – time is better spent developing insights as to the right ‘place & direction’ – but this requires intensive & extensive engineering – which is presently limited because governments are not correctly rewording/funding on merit, instead they expend public money on defective sciences and bombs & bullets – hence CDADD’s pioneering of Economy Engineering is progressing slowly ………

…….BUT, the global economy continues to meltdown, rapidly.


Some Further Points:

Richard Dawkins’ atheism theories have always relied upon Stephen Hawking’s theories as being a ‘solution’; and Hawking’s theories relied upon other tiers of defective theories, from Einstein, Hubble & all the way back to Newton’s dishonesty. It follows that Dawkins’s theories are wrong; but, it is acknowledged, that this in itself does not prove the existence of God. That requires further insights, for which each individual must freely choose to investigate – but certainly, they should recognise Dawkins’s GROSS ERRORS, but more importantly his unprofessional ‘science’ practices in being in the ‘wrong place & direction’.

NASA, like the rest of the USA, is in dire straits – but, much of NASA’s difficulties stem from massive wastage because they are not properly understanding the environments they function within (or without, for which dependency on skills within rely) – hence much wastage. One only needs view video sequences around the launch pad to detect immense financial wastage, add this to glaring wastage in other functional areas and it compounds to huge waste – it is this waste that has caused the NASA Shuttle programme to be shut down, because NASA is not cost conscious and is scientifically inefficient.

Other space agencies have limited involvement in space BECAUSE they think that NASA are doing things correctly, hence other nations’ agencies believe (wrongly) that any involvement in space is consequently beyond their financial reach.

This fallacious position impacts markedly on all areas of research – it should be noted that much defensive hardware (& software) derives from a progressive space programme – the fact that the USA (& west) are now curtailing space development translates into retarded defence & offense capabilities = the usual sequence of events that has brought down all previous empires. The USA (& West) will be no different unless they radically rethink their honesty policy.

Stealing Intellectual Property is massively destructive & destabilising of national/global security. It was the theft of Intellectuals Property from Jonah (i.e. no reward for delivering the message) that caused the ultimate destruction of Nineveh – because the reform was seeded in dishonesty.

David Cameron, Vince Cable, Ed Miliband, Jacob Zuma, Barrack Obama etc., . can all steal CDADD’s IP but it will not result in constructive reform – because reform is seeded in dishonesty

Western governments refuse to shift their mindsets in the face of the mountain of concrete evidence presented by CDADD – so it was totally unreasonable to expect other leaders such as Gaddafi to shift their mindsets. Western governments impose Economy Terrorism and engage in war-mongering which forces opposing mindsets underground.

The same is seen with the UK’s British National Party (BNP) – it is clear that the BNP is addressing symptoms and not the underlying causal problems – but nevertheless, the BNP’s voices are visible and can be addressed, if government were sincere in doing so – forcing the BNP underground or not listening to their valid grievances, even if wrongly analysed, only worsens matters. BUT, despite having significant national vote the BNP have no voice in Parliament = illegitimate Parliament. ???????????????

Far more people have starved in Somalia as a result of the West’s imposed Economy Terrorism than ever Gaddafi had killed.



The awarding of the 20110 Economics ‘Nobel’ Prize to Diamond, Mortensen & Pissarides is unwarranted – the DMP model is scientifically grossly defective – and even if of any small micro-economic benefit would still not qualify for a Nobel Prize, as Alfred Nobel’s Terms of Will intended to reward macro-benefits to mankind.

With any situation, we can believe we are in the right position and moving in the right direction. It is only when evidence comes to light that we rethink both position & direction. Most often people choose to continue as they are doing regardless of the evidence that it is wrong – eventually chaos looms & overtakes them.

The problem with the world’s economy position is that we have long known that we are not in the right position nor moving in the right direction – but we also do not where the right position is and we do not know which is the right direction, because we have not properly investigated the economy ‘ether’, because governments do not engage Economy Engineering – chaos has overtaken the world

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences continue to perpetuate grossly defective theories despite clear evidence presented by CDADD.

Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences do not promote BEST PRACTICE, instead they promote dishonesty.

Ditto Nobel Foundation.

Governments & Central Banks remain locked into defective science (of which the defective DMP model, based upon the defective Beveridge Curve, is merely one upon a mountain of tiered defective economics & some physics theories) & consequently drive the economy ‘vehicle’ into destruction.

Governments urgently need to correctly engage with the pioneered Economy Engineering that CDADD is developing, and engage proper structures & controls over the economies.

Chris Addington Pr.Eng.,

(Under enforced exile from South Africa due to ANC government’s oppressive XDR-nazi system and oppressive economic isolation by corporate & academic world’s.)

XDR = Extreme Democracy Resistant. & are Thought Policing & blocking CDADD’s email communications