Economist’s inexact models exactly defective 09


(Nobel Prize Hijacked 2)


Flat Earth’ thinking & its consequences


Nobel Foundation & Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences – ‘FLAT EARTH’ THINKING + oppression against new dynamic engineering thinking + entrenching fraudulent business/economy models = intellectual WMDs (Weapons of Mass Destruction).


Oppressive isolation confirms the uniqueness of CDADD’s engineering.


President Mbeki & Taoiseach Ahern persisting with dishonesty and sinking South Africa & Ireland.


Al Gore overlooks direction in haste to go far, quickly + incorrect comparison to nuclear arms reduction + alliances in conflict with quest = IPCC initiative will not work; unless sound engineering is engaged within the SEBFL environments.


If Olympic Medals can be stripped from dishonest athletes then surely Nobel Prize Awards can be stripped from dishonest ‘scientists’.




It is recommended that you read the previous papers in this series – click on ‘view now’ Historical Archives (lhs panel).

This series highlights the gross defectiveness of Economic Scientist’s models that are causing gross injustices & instabilities throughout the world. The previous papers concern:-

1. Milton Friedman, Lucas, Aumann

2. John Nash (portrayed in Beautiful Mind by Russell Crowe)

3 & 4. Edmund Phelps

5 Robert Mundell

6 Nobel Prize Hijacked

7 R Myerson, E Maskin, L Hurwicz 1

8 R Myerson, E Maskin, L Hurwicz 2

(Please Note: This website is about the pioneering of ENGINEERING into the SEBFL environments, it is about seeking truths; it is NOT about journalism, English grammar or prose, or quick-sell – it is down-to-earth engineering & pioneering requiring extensive & intensive THINKING.

SEBFL = social/economy/business/finance/legal environments.

Explaining transmission mechanisms & pre-empting catastrophic failures is NOT doom-prophecy, it is explaining probabilistic reality.)





Flat-Earth’ thinking was the norm not too many centuries ago – and people who proposed a round or spherical earth (& planets) were oppressed – even today there are claimed to be a few ‘flat-earth’ thinkers.

In relation to Economic Science & Economic/Economy Engineering there is WIDESPREAD equivalency of ‘flat-earth’ thinking – and much resides within the Nobel Foundation & Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, and academic institutions globally.

As explained in the 6th paper in this series (Nobel Prize Hijacked 1) there is a massive gap, a chasm, between the engineering & commercial environments and neither side have previously been able to bridge that divide. Engineers remain withdrawn, commercialists unable to cross that divide – CDADD’s work bridges that chasm; but there is strong resistance from both sides to get onto that bridge.

From the commercialists’ side it stems from the fact that in attempting to step onto the bridge it is an admission that their models are wrong. From the engineers’ side it means having to engage with commercialists who really don’t understand engineering, systems & controls – the stress to engineers of explaining to commercialists is immense and the stress from facing endless questions is mind blowing.

Tune to any talk station and listen to the shallow debates to see this.

Economic Science is an inexact science that is in limbo within this chasm, and inexact scientists wrongly rely heavily on abstract mathematical models that prove to be defective because they are untested. Exact-scientists have no real understanding of the predominantly intangible nature of economies – they also make the mistake of relying upon mathematics applied within exact-science to project wrong thinking into the predominantly intangible inexact Economic Science/Economy environments.

Despite numerous proofs, by CDADD, to the contrary exact-scientists remain withdrawn and inexact-scientists continue regardless with their defective models.

This is why, once again, the Economics ‘Nobel' Prize has been wrongly awarded to three mathematicians who have NO science training, and absolutely NO engineering experience. Yet they wrongly talk in ‘engineering’ terms.

Simply view the Prize lectures by the 2007 joint-winners (at to see how feeble are their mathematical models. At best they attempt to model long standing practices, at worst they promote war-mongering thinking & fraudulent models (see paper 8 for proofs).

Note also in the videos the flustering by Myerson & Maskin – this is because of the email correspondences (pasted at bottom of paper 8), prior to their lecture, which proved their models wrong & untested.

Despite concrete proofs being submitted to the Nobel Foundation & Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences they refuse to honestly & transparently engage. They remain stuck in their defective models that are equivalent to ‘flat-earth’ thinking and they resort to oppressive isolation against the writer.

(If the clocks were some centuries back it is a virtual certainty that they would have incarcerated, if not executed, the writer ------- are those supportive cheers?????)

Understand this – these defective models, which are developed & promoted via defrauded funds, are the cause of massive global disparities to the extent of enslavement/impoverishment that is causing terror reactions, and they are able to come to the ‘western’ world.

Peace & stability requires that academic institutions become free from fraudulent manipulations so that correct thinking can be developed.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The fact that Nobel Foundation & RSAS oppressively isolates the writer confirms that CDADD’s engineering work is unique and a threat to their ‘flat earth’ thinking.


GO/NO-GO Tests.

There appears to be some confusion about go/no-go tests.

If a component/machine fails any one of a set of critical tests it means that the component/machine is rejected. This logic does not apply in the reverse to the go/no-go testing – i.e. if one of the go/no-go tests proves to be a defective test it does not mean that the go/no-go testing is defective in toto – it certainly gives grounds to ensure that the other tests are sound but until proven otherwise they are assumed sound. Think about this.

So whilst it is possible that one or two points raised at this site might not be fully correct it does not follow that all other points are defective. The approach taken to discredit CDADD’s work is to force a series of inane arguments to ‘prove’ an error in argument thus implying that everything else is defective.

This approach is defective.


Al Gore, in his Prize speech on Global Warming, spoke in terms of going far, quickly (to effectively reduce carbon emissions) – and that it required political will to do this. Gore misunderstood/overlooked some important points:-

- that there is an engineering requirement of ‘direction’

- that his comparison to restraint of nuclear arms race was inappropriate, incorrect

- that the Nobel Prize has been hijacked and defective thinking is wrongly rewarded

- that a number of his alliances are in direct conflict with his quest

In an Open Letter to Al Gore (pasted below) these issues were drawn to his attention, as was the need for correct engineering which would have averted these errors in thinking.

The ability of governments to reduce nuclear arms (non-commercial) is an entirely different dynamic to addressing carbon emissions which are commercially driven. One cannot expect to bring reform through commercial controls as the prevailing economy system structures & control are grossly defective – Gore & the IPCC are on a losing wicket from outset.

It requires correct engineering of sound economy systems & controls to be able to bring about meaningful reform on social issues. BUT, academic institutions & scientists are stuck in ‘flat-earth’ thinking, BECAUSE fraudulent financial inducements are distorting their thinking.

Whilst Gore did an exceptional PR job for the IPCC it was insufficient for a half-share of the Nobel Prize as his PR work does not comply with Alfred Nobel’s Terms of Will – had Gore simply represented the IPCC, along with its Chairman, for a prize solely to the IPCC then it would have been correct. But Gore’s award was incorrect, unwarranted.

Nevertheless Gore’s PR job was excellent.

The biggest challenge facing Al Gore is a moral decision regarding his relationship to various financial persons that are deeply entrenched in global frauds – Gore’s alliances are directly in conflict with his quest for carbon reductions.

e.g. - Richard Branson:-

- is dishonest – his Virgin has grown rapidly through his defrauding his employees & clients of their pension/investment funds.

- is actively increasing carbon emissions – his drive to increase consumerism in flying is effectively causing his ‘crop-spraying’ aircraft to increase pollution to satisfy whims that he purposefully escalates.

(Note: The UK ‘cash for honours/kick-backs’ has arisen again with jew-mafia businessman David Abrahams paying Labour secret funds – but no doubt the Met Police Commissioner & Crown Prosecuting Service can be bought off once again to cover these issues up as they did with Richard Branson’s & Donald Gordon’s massive frauds, (jew-mafia network is not to be confused with loving-faith jews).

Notice also from the disproportionate number of jewish Nobel ‘Economics’ Prize winners in the past two decades – it is further evidence to support the fact that defrauded pension monies have been used to manipulate academic business/economy models to give a ‘credibility’ front to ongoing fraud scams.

Richard Branson emulated Donald Gordon’s pensions fraud model to strip Virgin employees & clients of their pensions, which enabled his Virgin business to grow so rapidly.

This network is the same network to which financial schemers plotted the cold-blooded implosion of Twin Towers.

The half-century of global frauds initiated by Donald Gordon have escalated into intellectual WMDs (Weapons of Mass Destruction) that are destroying nations/societies/economies – it is a global network of Financial Power-players that have engaged in World War III (Finance Wars). And the wrongful awarding of the Economics ‘Nobel’ Prize to mathematicians whose models have been proven to be grossly defective is simply one step in a global campaign of war.

When one looks into this campaign it is clear that jew-mafia is deeply entrenched with christian-mafia strongly supporting (note: not to be confused with respective loving-faiths). One only needs look to the chaos that Israel has caused in the middle-east – because Israel still wrongly believe that they are privileged by God, not purposed. The chaos of biblical times is being played out again, today.

These frauds are behind the chaos that Mbeki is causing in South Africa because of his refusal to engage with engineering in SEBFL environments –> mass impoverishment far worse than under Apartheid, passive genocide, etc.

As reported, Mbeki argues that he doesn’t have devil horns - but neither does Mugabe, nor did Hitler – but they all succumbed to evil – as a consequence of defective SEBFL systems & controls.

Mbeki has had ample opportunity to bring about meaningful reform. Mbeki also says he doesn’t block & inhibit open discussion – this is blatantly untrue. His office get regular updates of this website, the writer has made hundreds of attempts to get Finance Minister Manuel, DPE Minister Irwin, Deputy President Mlambo-Ncguka, Minister Pahad to engage honestly & transparently but they simply continue to steal CDADD’s Intellectual Property, but they don’t have the ability to apply it – which is why AsgiSA, based upon IP stolen from CDADD by the Dep-Pres, has failed.

The failure of AsgiSA means that the masses are being prevented from uplifting themselves which means their confidence in Mbeki has dissipated which means that Zuma is able to fill the resultant vacuum.

Similar dynamics are unfolding in Ireland. Taoiseach Ahern’s dishonesty is digging him deeper into his grave. When one considers the intellectual advantage that Ireland has over South Africa then the mind boggles at how Ireland has lost its hard won freedom by selling it out for the Euro. Ireland was unable to solve its problems because its money was being stripped by financial institutions and by dishonest government.

CDADD’s IP regarding pension frauds has been stolen by parliament in toto

The latest crisis with the Health System is really no different to that in the UK, but no one in government is prepared to stop & think. The amount spent on ‘management consultants’ is close reaching E1 Billion (Billion Euros) – and parliament have not yet understood that management consulting will not solve an engineering problem which is what the health system is.

Ahern’s dishonesty is dragging Ireland deeper into the pit with himself, and parliament is simply scrapping over him as they fall in also.

It is truly mindboggling to see intelligent, and nice, people unintelligently perfecting the art of crass stupidity. Truly mindboggling.

South African blacks can at least genuinely claim they were deprived of an education – even though it doesn’t apply to Mbeki & Co. who are well qualified, even though without experience in engineering.

Irwin has purposefully obstructed middle & top management of SA’s nuclear PBMR project for a Business Engineering assessment by CDADD. Irwin interfered for revenge purposes.

The PBMR project is in serious straits, and internal political upheavals have brought about the resignation of a dedicated communications officer who with another colleague had the foresight to pre-empt business & engineering problems. Like South Africa as a whole, PBMR is cracking apart.

These kinds of issues all stem from fraudulent business models that governments are being advised upon by academics. And institutions such as Nobel Foundation, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences are rewarding these defective & fraudulent models. The Directors/Trustees of the Nobel Foundation & RSAS have hijacked the Foundation & Nobel Prize, and have dishonestly entrenched ‘flat earth’ thinking purposefully to ensure that these fraudulent business models are seen to be ‘credible’.

The financial powers that are manipulating governments are the same as those manipulating academic institutions, corporates, etc. – and globally. It is a well thought out campaign to entrench their financial power globally.

Dishonesty prevails because it is rewarded.

If Olympic medals can be stripped from dishonest athletes then surely the Nobel Foundation is empowered to strip Prizes from dishonest scientists.

Why should it be assumed that the Nobel Foundation is free from corruption – if UK MPs can be bought off, if SA’s Constitutional Court can be hijacked by jew justices to prostitute the Constitution, why is it assumed that the Nobel Foundation Directors & Trustees have not been bought off?)


Economics ‘Nobel’ Prize:-

Beyond the proofs set out in the previous two papers in this series concerning the 2007 joint-winners the Prize lectures simply confirm the fact that the game-theory models are at best mathematics explaining long-standing practices, but, at worse mainly used to promote war-mongering thinking and fraudulent business/economy models.

Despite numerous emails to Myerson, Maskin & Hurwicz they have refused to provide even one practical application of their models that can be assessed. Even in their lectures they resorted to simple imaginary, models, and Maskin had the audacity to deceive the audience into thinking that he had ‘engineering’ insight.

Requests to the Nobel Foundation & RSAS for an Appeal Process on the Economics ‘Nobel’ Prize award have been rejected and the writer is oppressively isolated by them.

Also notice from the videos how empty the auditorium was at the Prize lectures – it is contended that there is valid reason for this; people sense that the so-called ‘economics’ models are not true hence they avoid the lectures; and part of CDADD’s work proves that they are not true.

But money talks and the officers of both Nobel Foundation & Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences are jumping to the money-talk tune.

They refuse to engage honestly & transparently – and hence they enforce ‘flat-earth’ thinking.


Al Gore & the IPCC have no chance in succeeding in their carbon emissions reduction quest unless they break alliances with dishonest people and engage honestly & transparently with correct engineering thinking into the predominantly intangible SEBFL environments.

The economics/economy models promoted/developed over the years by past Economics ‘Nobel’ Prize Winners are grossly defective, and purposefully so – their ‘research’ is funded by defrauded monies.

The Nobel Prize has been hijacked.

There is an urgent need to review the Directors & Trustees of the Nobel Foundation so as to remove dishonest people that are entrenching ‘flat earth’ thinking to maintain war-mongering & fraudulent business/economy models.

Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

(Under enforced exile from South Africa due to ANC government’s oppressive XDR-nazi system and oppressive economic isolation by corporate & academic world’s.)

XDR = Extreme Democracy Resistant.



To: Al Gore

CC: as per addressees, and,

From Chris Addington Pr.Eng.,

December 13, 2007

RE: Open letter to Al Gore – carbon/pollution emissions are symptoms NOT causal problems – need to engage, honestly & transparently, to make the path to IDENTIFY & UNDERSTAND causal problems.

Going far, quickly with political will is relatively easy but will not achieve the desired goals because direction is absent.

Going far, quickly and with correct direction requires moral will.

Global warming & carbon emissions are both symptoms not causal problems; and political will is a small subset of moral will.

The solutions you & IPCC seek will not be found unless the right direction is sought and moral will engaged – and to do this requires that engineering is correctly engaged.

Unfortunately engineering is not engaged and dishonesty is being rewarded.

The Nobel Prize has been hijacked and dishonesty is rewarded.

Although I am opposed to your joint-prize for Peace because you have simply done an excellent PR job for the IPCC my main objection is with the Economic Sciences ‘Nobel’ Prize. (The proofs that the 2007 joint-winners works do NOT comply with Alfred Nobel’s Terms of Will, and are not scientific, are grossly defective, can be viewed at my website

You are correct in saying that collective (macro) action is required and that individual (micro) action is insufficient.

But the fact that economy systems are incorrectly structured & controlled PREVENTS collective/macro action from being implemented.

This creates gross distortions:- e.g. excessive consumerism in the developed world is achieved through massive pollutive production in the under-developed world.

The ‘trade not aid’ campaign has had a massive destructive effect with no nett positive benefits to anyone other than top and middle players, but at the expense of huge social/financial/economy losses to the many in both the developed & under-developed nations.

Pop & film stars add unqualified & inexperienced voices and cause added confusion, but gain personal advantage.

As a Professional Engineer I have honestly & transparently pioneered engineering into the SEBFL environments which are prerequisites for achieving peace & economy stability. But it has come at huge cost of being economically isolated & oppressively attacked by authorities in South Africa for bringing attention to massive global frauds & deficiencies within the SEBFL environments. We are now, through isolation, under enforced exile.

(SEBFL = social/economy/business/finance/legal environments.)

My work is silenced by governments & media (including Washington Post, New York Times) because it, indirectly as a consequence of developing engineering understanding, exposes well known business people engaged in massive global frauds, including some you have contacts with.

The Economics ‘Nobel’ Prize has been manipulated to reward totally incorrect economics models that have no scientific base, hence no engineering bases.

Objections with proofs and request for an Appeal Process to the Nobel Foundation have been ignored.

One need only view the joint-winner’s lecture videos (at to see that their models do not meet the requirements of Alfred Nobel’s Terms of Will.

Maskin, a mathematician (i.e. not a scientist), argues along ‘engineering’ lines, yet he is far from qualified as an engineer, not even remotely.

Both Maskin’s & Myerson’s lectures failed to give any application examples, instead they rely upon simple theoretical examples. Yet one basis of the Nobel Prize is for that person who ‘conferred the greatest benefit on mankind’ – this means that it must have produced a real benefit. The joint-winners have failed to show this – because their models are not practicable, they are also grossly defective.

At best their models may have some mathematical truths, at worse they promote war-mongering mindsets, but there are certainly no scientific truths. Yet they were wrongly awarded the ‘Nobel’ Prize for Economic Science.

The truth is that the Nobel Prize has been hijacked.

Because of this SEBFL systems & controls are not optimally designed, and because of that it is impossible to go far, quickly, nor in the right direction.

In truth I am the leading global authority on pioneering of engineering into the SEBFL environments which has produced significant indirect benefits for you & others globally, but I am oppressively isolated.

My work would greatly assist in setting the correct direction within the SEBFL environments which would thus set correct initiatives for addressing carbon & pollution emissions.

It requires moral will, not simply a narrow political will, to address the SEBFL issues of which the carbon emissions issue is a symptom.

In light of the oppressive isolation by governments it would be of great assistance if some of the Nobel Prize funds were used to counter this wrongful isolation, and for engagement between us to progress further pioneering of engineering that would address the causal problems that are accelerating carbon & pollution emissions.

Yours Sincerely

Chris Addington Pr.Eng.,