Economist’s inexact models exactly defective 4


(Edmund Phelps 2)


Morally unacceptable economies due to insufficient justice.


Tony Blair: ‘Barbarity cannot be allowed to defeat Justice’ (in response to Twin Towers) …


…. BUT …..


……..‘Western’ gross injustice is blocking reforms.


What is justice?


How do you detect its presence? Or absence?


WWIII (Finance-Wars) exploding into violence in UK! EU? USA?


UK Treasury Select Committee – SHAM hearings by unqualified MPs about minor-players – what about Donald Gordon, Richard Branson, Bill Gates??? What about hearings on interest-rates as an economy-control mechanism???


Relationship between POLITICS and ENGINEEERED SYSTEMS & CONTROLS (lack thereof)


WHERE IS THE JUSTICE? - Mission Impossible Mr Phelps, UNLESS sound engineered systems & controls are implemented.




It is recommended that you read the previous papers in this series – click on ‘view now’ Historical Archives (lhs panel).

This series highlights the gross defectiveness of Economic Scientist’s models that are causing gross injustices throughout the world. The previous papers concern:-

1. Milton Friedman, Lucas, Aumann

2. John Nash

3. Edmund Phelps




Edmund Phelps is the 2006 laureate for the Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in memory of Alfred Nobel. (Scan, economics, prize lectures).

His lecture is viewable at website; Phelps has refused to provide a copy of the text that he used in his lecture.

- Phelps’ closing statement:- ‘a morally acceptable economy must have enough dynamism to make work amply engaging & rewarding and to have enough justice if dynamism alone can’t do the job to secure ample inclusion.’

These statements by Phelps are futile & misleading the world, partly because Phelps’ silence is blocking both dynamism & justice.

Clearly there is not ample inclusion. The proof is the widening disparity gap from (Have-Nots/Haves) 80/20 towards 90/10.

An email to Edmund Phelps requesting his transparent & constructive engagement is appended at end.

It was raised in the previous paper in this series that there is nothing preventing Edmund Phelps, or Jeffrey Sachs, or other leading economists to speak out about the injustices that CDADD’s research has revealed through the pioneering of engineering into the SEBFL environments. Neither Phelps nor Sachs, nor any other economist, have responded to direct communications that concretely disprove their models.

(SEBFL = social/economy/business/finance/legal)

WHERE IS THE JUSTICE? - Mission Impossible Mr Phelps, UNLESS sound engineered systems & controls are implemented.


A further point as an aside:

Myles Ruck, previously CEO of Liberty Life now an executive at Standard Bank, has emotively complained that the stuff at this site is ‘drivel’. Despite repeated requests for a rational argument Ruck’s responses remain emotive. Ruck also continues to refuse to provide information concerning the masses of pension/investment monies defrauded by Liberty Life under his CEO direction.

BUT, nevertheless, you the reader should give careful thought to this statement by Myles Ruck.

In opposition to Ruck:- the information on this site is FULLY transparent, and, it is contended, presented in an easy-to-understand manner – which is what engineering is all about.

In all HONESTY, can you say the same about the papers at, for the economics prize? Can you truly understand what these prize winners are really saying, even remotely?

But what about Ruck?

What is the true purpose of Ruck’s move to Standard Bank? It is contended that it is for similar reasons as Roy Anderson’s move to Sanlam, and Adrian Gore’s to start Discovery, it is to entrench the collusive networks that Gordon initiated. And that means that your monies are at greater risk, and so is South Africa, and also the world since their fraudulent models have been rolled-out globally.

Enough of the asides, let’s look at Edmund Phelps’ comments re justice to achieve sufficient inclusion within a morally acceptable economy.



As previously discussed; we observe nature (e.g. ball falling) and we determine relationships, we attempt to qualify & quantify those relationships (e.g. Force = mass x acceleration) – they are called ‘laws’ and describe natural phenomena. These laws APPROXIMATE what we observe in real life/natural environments.

In SEBFL environments, which are intangible systems, it is extremely difficult to separate out direct & indirect relationships, it is difficult to qualify, and even more difficult to quantify if qualified. Invariably the absence of quantification is used to argue against postulated qualification. Matters are more vastly complicated due to destructive manipulations by power-players.

Regardless, just as Newton started thinking after the apple fell on his head(?), it has become apparent that we can postulate an inverse relationship between ‘politics’ and ‘engineered systems & controls’. And would, like most of nature’s laws, appear to be of an exponential form (i.e.) the less an engineered system the far greater rise in politics, because squabbling rises in inverse exponential relation to decline in engineered systems (e.g.: 1/(0.1)^2 >>>>>>> (1/(0.9)^2)

It is important to remember that ‘philosophy’ is simply speculation about the unknown. Once something becomes revealed (known) then it forms science. The testing (to prove/disprove) & implementation of science is what engineering is about. (see the first paper in this series concerning Milton Friedman’s work, and ‘A con undrummed IX – Good & Evil’)

What is meant by all this is that when systems & controls are not correctly engineered then those systems eventually begin to fail, and when that happens political squabbling intensifies (inversely exponential to per unit decline in engineered systems).

By induction then, the mere fact that the world is in intense squabbling means that the underlying systems & controls are not correctly engineered.

Why are they not correctly engineered?

Well, firstly, engineering had never been previously engaged, because it had not been previously identified, within the SEBFL environments prior to CDADD’s research & development.

Also, engineers, and engineering faculties, are oppositely polarised to that of ‘inexact’ scientists, and science/commercial faculties.

Engineers have historically viewed the commercial aspects as a means (of low priority, and low intellectual content) to an end, it has previously escaped engineers that the commercial environment is a critically important system in need of appropriate engineered structure & control.

Despite requests to Cape Town UCT’s engineering faculty for support in pioneering further research into the inexact science environments the engineering faculty remains aloof.

Secondly, politicians have (purposefully) blocked the necessary reforms that this research has revealed.

This suggests a secondary component/relationship, and that is that there is a polarising bias towards retaining defective systems – because, politicians cannot fix the causal problems because they don’t understand engineering and cannot identify the causal problems, and further they cannot understand engineers; hence systems remain inefficient & ineffective.


What is JUSTICE?

(see also paper in Archives: Justice, Revenge, Terrorism – What is Which & Which is What?

Justice is an intangible concept. We cannot see what it is directly. But we can see the effects, symptoms, of its absence.

Loss of both economy stability & peace are the most evident symptoms. These two qualities are mutually inclusive; but, again, we cannot get peace directly, we must achieve incremental steps to economy stability by incrementally reducing injustices.

Further still, there is a biased causal direction - economy stability leading to peace.

The absence of Justice is injustice, and this is observed by disparities, a disparity is an economic disadvantage; the greater the injustice (i.e. the less the justice) the greater the observed disparities/disadvantages. The greater the disparity, because of greater injustice, the greater the frustration & anger, and the greater the probability of it spilling over into violence.

We observe a disparity because of the absence of parity, and realise that it is a consequence of an injustice.

Just as darkness is the absence of light, and coldness is the absence of heat.

REITERATE:- We cannot simply obtain justice, we must actively remove injustices incrementally.

The ‘western’ (Christian) world nations are the perpetrators of gross injustices – they live at the expense of billions of impoverished/enslaved peoples.

BUT, when you are sitting in a developed, ‘western’, country you do not see that your justice system is in fact a grossly unjust justice system. Because you cannot understand that the disparities on the other side of the world are as a direct consequence of the unfair (unjust) rules & practices that western nations impose upon these 5 billion people. And which impoverishes/enslaves them.

You can read daily about the destructive effect that increased interest rates are having upon families – increased stress & suicides. Why is this happening? Because the interest-rate as an economy control device is incorrectly engineered and is massively destructive to economies. (see papers Interest Rates & Loans)

How can you, analogously, visualise an incremental decline in your justice system?

A simple experiment – just before sunset sit and read a book with all lighting switched off. Notice as the sun sets the darker it gets, and the more difficult it is to read. Note the time when it becomes even slightly uncomfortable to continue reading in the declining light (increasing darkness).

Now switch the lights on. Notice the difference? An immense difference.

BUT, take the experiment a step further. The following evening, at the same time of evening that you felt slight discomfort the previous night, begin reading again; but NOT before this time. Notice that you are not accustomed to the declining light and would sense an immediate discomfort in beginning to read in the dull lighting.

On the first evening your senses became accustomed to declining light (justice) but noticed the immense difference when light (justice) was switched on. The following evening you were not accustomed to a gradual decline in light (justice), you immediately noticed the difference.

In a similar way, when injustice increases incrementally (justice declines incrementally) it is not immediately noticeable unless someone switches on the awareness of the injustices.

BUT, how do you switch on the awareness if the ‘switch’ or circuit is disconnected, or the head refuses to listen? (Britannia & Uncle Sam are in this ‘switched off’ mode).

WHERE IS THE JUSTICE? - Mission Impossible Mr Phelps, UNLESS sound engineered systems & controls are implemented.


It is also important to understand how incremental justice developments are temporarily (& oppressively) obstructed.

Look at South Africa’s Interim Constitution and consider the significant advancement that section IC26 brought in terms of protecting against economic disparities (the main source of injustices) and then to consider the manner that this right was negated by the Final Constitution section FC22.

Bear in mind that South Africa was at the forefront of Constitutional development; the manner in which the Constitution was emasculated has far reaching negative impact, globally.

IC 26 - Economic activity

Every person shall have the right freely to engage in economic activity and to pursue a livelihood anywhere in the national territory.

Subsection (1) shall not preclude measures designed to promote the protection or the improvement of the quality of life, economic growth, human development, social justice, basic conditions of employment, fair labour practices or equal opportunity for all, provided such measures are justifiable in an open and democratic society based on freedom and equality.

FC 22 - Freedom of trade, occupation and profession:

Every citizen has the right to choose their trade, occupation or profession freely.

The practice of a trade, occupation or profession may be regulated by law.

One can very easily become disoriented by endless debate over the philosophical aspects behind the two sections, BUT bear in mind that a revealing of an incremental right based upon justice is essentially no different to a revealing of an incremental law of nature. Once it is revealed it cannot be un-revealed and any attempt to oppress it will result in destructive forces.


Consider:- Someone (Copernicus?, Galileo?) realised the earth was round, not flat. Yet in revealing this truth the powers-that-were aggressively oppressed that truth and the revealer. It took much oppression & anger in opposition to that oppression before that incremental truth became accepted. Its delay was due to oppressive power thuggery.

Consider further:- if some oppressive power decided that force is not equal to mass x acceleration, and that some other ‘flat’ theory was the ‘truth’. Imagine now an engineer utilising this ‘flat’ theory in a bridge design and the nett structure being insufficient to support itself let alone traffic over it – the bridge would collapse.

Do you see that the reason the South African ‘vehicle’ is failing/collapsing is because a fundamental, incremental, truth has been negated, and by the Constitutional Court.

Aaaah!’ you might say ‘you’ve overlooked that it was the political powers that negated the IC26 to FC 22.’

On the surface you would be correct. BUT, the root of it being negated came via the jew-mafia Justices (as they were then) in the Constitutional Court manipulating for that change – read Nelson Mandela’s ‘Long Road to Freedom’ to see how well established jew-mafia legals were in both the ANC as well as the Nationalist camps – playing both ends despite GROSSLY disproportionate representation – nearly 50% on the Constitutional Court against less than 0.5% nationally.

(NOTE: jew-mafia elements have nothing to do with loving-faith Jews, similarly with christian-mafia elements.

For further proofs see paper: PSSCGG, Tigon, Shawcell – the Perfect Crime)

And secondly, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, the Constitutional Court has freely chosen to interpret this law in its negated simplistic form despite the fact that the very last part of FC22 allows them to bring in the full import of IC – vis: ‘regulated by law’ – the point is that just law CANNOT EVER be such that it diminishes an inherent right based upon justice.

Further the IC had provision that the fundamental rights could not be diminished – yet it has been, by the CC justices, hence the reason for continuing & widening disparities, with no steps to diminish them.

Disparities have in fact widened and this is the cause of the anger into violence.

WHERE IS THE JUSTICE? - Mission Impossible Mr Phelps, UNLESS sound engineered systems & controls are implemented.


Blockages to reform (to ‘switch on’) come in form of excuses that allow people ‘not to do’ good, and to simply rest on saying that they are ‘not doing bad’

The absence of credibility within western justice systems can be traced right back to Old Testament biblical times when Israel disobeyed God.

Judges were appointed to judge matters fairly between themselves and also with outsiders. (Exodus 18:21, 22 & later qualified further:- this must be viewed from the position of the Jews/Israel as they were then.

Deu 1:16 - And I charged your judges at that time, 'Hear the cases between your brothers, and judge righteously between a man and his brother or the alien who is with him.)

But, as we can see with South Africa’s Constitutional Court and the grossly disproportionate jew representation in the Justices, the Constitution has been trashed and age-old disparities once again entrenched so that reforms are blocked. The ex-Chief Justice, Chaskalson, has also hijacked ownership of ‘Constitutional Law’ for his family.

God’s laws are still being disobeyed!

The ANC Government, currently headed by Mbeki, has become an XDR-nazi organization (XDR = Extreme Democracy Resistant). Frustration is emanating as nazi style aggression, and as it becomes increasingly clear that government initiatives are failing the greater the increase in frustration and nazi aggression; just as occurred with Mugabe.

WHERE IS THE JUSTICE? - Mission Impossible Mr Phelps, UNLESS sound engineered systems & controls are implemented.


The United Kingdom, Britannia, like all other ‘western’ nations is a multi-headed persona.

Britannia’s heads include: The Queen, House of Lords, House of Commons, Lord Chief Justice, Commissioner of Police, etc.

BUT, these heads all have their light (justice) switches turned-off. The brains of these multiple heads are all disconnected from the light (justice) switches.

So when the Prime Minister stands up and says ‘barbarity cannot be allowed to defeat justice’ he misunderstands that it is Britannia that is barbarously defeating justice.

It is ironic that Queen Liz I oversaw a police state in which gross abuses allowed for immense growth in power & wealth, and now Queen Liz II is seeing its decline from power & wealth, and also its moral decline.

As you can see from the Open Letter to the Lord Chief Justice Phillips – his ‘brain’ is switched off because the comms channels are blocked; and even if these were open the probability is high that he would not listen.

The comms channels to Queen Elizabeth, Prime Minister Blair, and now Gordon, and some 130 MPs, are also switched off.

Consequently Britannia as a persona is a barbaric rogue. Britannia cannot argue that she didn’t know, because she had an obligation to ensure she was kept correctly informed

Note how Lord Milner connived against Paul Kruger to purposefully start the Boer War which caused a perceived weakness of Britain’s strength, which led to WWI and the chaos of the 20th Century (see paper: A Thumbnail sketch of the 20th Century).

The reaction to decades/centuries of gross injustices imposed upon the rest of the world has burst upon the western world.

AND man’s incremental per-capita destructive power has risen enormously. Impoverished/enslaved people from around the other side of the world can now bring their centuries of accumulated (& understandable) grievances directly to the ‘western’ world – in explosive statements – and understandably so!

The lies that were generated to justify the Iraq war have highlighted just how morally bankrupt Britannia, Uncle Sam, & western nations really are.

With Uncle Sam now realising its folly in creating manyfold despots & desperates in Iraq from their crazy quest to remove a handful, the question still remains:- What would have caused them to think rationally beforehand?

Since politics is in inverse exponential relationship to sound engineered systems & controls – it would make sense for economists to change to transparency & honesty to give light to these issues.

WHERE IS THE JUSTICE? - Mission Impossible Mr Phelps, UNLESS sound engineered systems & controls are implemented.


As you can see from the Open Letter to Lord Chief Justice Phillips, the UK government have not addressed the UK pensions issue. Nor, from the performance of UK’s Treasury select committee at the hearings on private equity, do they have the ability (knowledge & understanding) of the finance/business markets to solve these critical problems.

BUT, MORE IMPORTANTLY, why have the MPs sitting in Parliament not asked why the Treasury Select Committee are listening to minor ‘barons’ on relatively minor issues. Why are they not instead demanding that Donald Gordon, Richard Branson, and others, who are the major-league fraudsters, be brought before the select committee to explain the massive frauds they’ve perpetrated?

How is it that the world’s justice systems are effectively indirectly, if not directly, controlled by jew-mafia legals? (REITERATE: jew-mafia are nothing to do with loving-faith Jews).

The truth is that jew-mafia players, supported by christian-mafia, are protected because they can buy protection.

The Met Police (New Scotland Yard) has shown itself to be morally bankrupt.

Why does the Treasury Select Committee also not hear/discuss major issues such as the interest-rate as an economy-control mechanism?

Why is the central bank, the Bank of England, not brought before a select committee to explain the true nature (destructive) of the prevailing unitary-model interest-rate control-device which is causal of global poverty & enslavement?

UK’s Treasury Select Committee is essentially a panel of unqualified people - being elected does not imply qualified. AND, it is clear that they are creating an impression (false) of addressing critical issues but in truth are covering up by failing to call the major-league fraudsters to explain their actions.

And the media play along with these deceptions because they are controlled by the major-leaguers

The major-leaguers & interest-rate mechanism are two critical issues that each alone are maintaining instability across UK and the rest of the world.

WWIII Finance-Wars are exploding into violence in English country towns. Jamie Oliver appears to be achieving notoriety as a leading scapegoat for second-home price-pushing of properties out of reach of locals. Locals are now becoming extremely angry; and with outbreaks of aggression.

AND, interest rates are simply an additional variable price on top of an already over-inflated base price.

Perhaps if they knew the real truth about the destructive interest-rate mechanism & their pensions/investments losses it would not be unreasonable to expect a revolution.

The reality is that a double-whammy effect is being experienced. Whilst western nations are living off of cheap sweat-shop imports the surplus profits that are being piled up by the middle-men, because the sweat-shop workers are receiving slave wages, is creating a saturated money supply in western, developed, nations.

This saturated money-supply is forcing local prices up & out of reach of ‘joe average’, and joe’s consumption of cheap imports is forcing closure of his local job opportunities.

This symptom is also at crisis stage in Ireland but is starting to boil into mass violence (home grown or imported) – how much longer before it explodes is an unanswerable question. Certainly the increase in family stress, violence, suicides is virtually a daily news issue, and indications of imported terrorism are beginning.

What is the difference between suicides on a micro level to that at a macro level – the macro level is called ‘terrorism’ - but they have common causes.

WHERE IS THE JUSTICE? - Mission Impossible Mr Phelps, UNLESS sound engineered systems & controls are implemented.


The dishonesty of UK government in stealing intellectual property (and certainly CDADD’s groundbreaking work) has, like with South Africa’s government, caused greater confusion and deflected attention from the real & major issues. The feeble attempts by the Treasury select committee is not unlike SA Dep President’s gross plagiarising of CDADD’s work to form the foundation of AsgiSA, which is a dead duck despite Nat growth (London School of Business) punting numerous income-generating seminars.

Don’t get things wrong; Natgrowth have really nice people, but they are misled by social science because they do not understand engineering. Correspondences to/from Natgrowth have failed to garner any fact from Natgrowth that shows AsgiSA has achieved successes, Natgrowth claim that 1 Million government funded job adverts is the start. That’s about as warped thinking as the creative fictitious accounting by international auditing firms such as PWC, Ernst & Young, Grant Thornton, etc.

Barriers are derided as being anti free-market, and a huge cost, = inefficiency, BUT we need sound engineered barriers in any event for PROTECTIONS – e.g. protecting wildlife smuggling, drugs, etc., the additional requirements to protect endangered humans is no different to that for wildlife. (And the truth is that loving-faith Jews need protection from jew-mafia elements – just, lawful, protections NOT military protections.)

WHERE IS THE JUSTICE? - Mission Impossible Mr Phelps, UNLESS sound engineered systems & controls are implemented.


Governments in UK, Ireland, SA continue to act disingenuously, dishonestly. They seem to think that knowledge alone is enough to solve their problems. The Treasury hearings prove CONCRETELY that they do not understand, nor do they have the ability to solve. SA’s AsgiSA debacle proves likewise.

Violence is rapidly increasing in SA, armed gangs are roaming, planning their raids. Most of the world know of Dave Rattray’s killing near Isandhlwane, it had significant media coverage, but very few outside of Johannesburg’s world heritage site, Cradle of Humankind (north of Johannesburg), know of Robbie Bardsley and the fact he was critically shot 5 times a few weeks back. Or, that other residents have been brutally attacked & shot at. Or that the numerous armed gangs are in fact ‘military’ units, and collectively are engaged in warring activities.

Whilst these attacks are random in nature & location, the fact remains that it is the probabilistic outcome to macro-dishonesty amongst the Haves whose acceptance of grossly unfair rules & practices are actively widening the divide.


It is simply the randomness of ‘explosions’ of violence that determines the probability of who actually gets ‘hit’.

Violence is beginning in the UK, and it is home-grown as well as imported violence – and it stems from government’s dishonesty in allowing itself to be bought-off by high-powered finance.

The attacks (increasing) are symptoms of the Finance-Wars (WWIII) that are raging, and which are purposefully manipulated by the world’s despotic F@kers.

The masses, millions, of impoverished people are experiencing the severe disparities, and these prove the absence of justice from which anger grows & boils over to violence.

The solution to these problems lies within ENGINEERING not within social/economy science, or politics.

You may recall the movie ‘Catch me if you can’, Leonardo di Caprio & Tom Hanks – a con man (di Caprio) is finally caught by the cop (Hanks) and the con man turns good by using his skills to help catch others.

Whilst there is merit in this approach it simply catches the perpetrators it DOESN’T solve the problems, BECAUSE, just as an engineer that builds bridges is not qualified to demolish, so too is a demolisher not qualified to build. Each may, & will, have relevant knowledge but not the necessary understanding for their opposite function as the skills requirements are completely different, and invariably require different personal temperaments.

With UK Treasury trying to catch, even to understand, the ‘private-equity’ barons (mini-F@kers) they are not recognising that these people, the ‘barons’, are demolishers, not engineers.

And, in hearing these barons the Treasury Select Committee are deflecting attention away from the real crooks that should be called before the committee, vis: Donald Gordon, Richard Branson, Bill Gates, etc., so as to bring justice into perspective.

Without UK government changing course to transparency & honesty then the problems will simply escalate and the stuff of revolutions begin to materialise.

What is BLOCKING the UK government from changing? – there are many reasons but the defective thinking & models that academics are promoting are foremost. Academics stubbornly refuse to admit that they are WRONG!!!!!! And noble Nobel prizes inadvertently keep them in crooked line.

The call from the police to give life sentences to any terrorist suspect simply addresses symptoms not the causal problems. And one important causal problem is the dishonesty in the Met Police Commissioner’s office – his refusal to bring Donald Gordon, Richard Branson, to book for massive frauds.

WHERE IS THE JUSTICE? - Mission Impossible Mr Phelps, UNLESS sound engineered systems & controls are implemented.


Phelps argues that transition from traditional to modern economy of finance capitalism has been transformative for nations less so for economics.

This clearly highlights a gross flaw, that of systems development without engineering inputs – we can observe the symptoms of defective systems, e.g.:

- Irresponsible people recklessly driving cars – e.g. financially flushed techies racing for fun with total disregard for society because they are flushed and can view fines as pocket money.


- Jamie Oliver having become an emotive focal point for anger against flush-money distorting property prices because of second-home price escalations.

These 2 issues have common cause – that economic models are not soundly engineered – wealthy persons can enslave impoverished nations, & destroy home economies, because, as advantaged players not having protection-barriers to contend with, they can buy cheap labour & resources and pocket disproportionate profits. This creates money saturation in developed countries which destroys home economies.

Blair (& Brown) do not require a constitution to bring about fair rules & practices – they simply need only ensure that state bodies such as Met Police perform their duties correctly and not act as hired-guns to protect fraudsters.

Brown cannot hope to win ‘hearts & minds’ if he continues with defective models that enclose warped fundamentalist christian thinking. (And christian thinking is becoming increasingly warped as the latest blunder by Pope Benedict indicates. Benedict’s argument that the ‘Catholic’ text of the Bible is the only true text is inflammatory. His credibility is destroyed by the fact alone that he fails to address the fraud scams that his Cardinals are engaged in.

Benedict is rapidly destroying the decades of constructive work done by JPII)

Britannia is a multi-headed monster that is engaged in passive genocidic oppressions – its brain is switched-off

How could you have changed Hitler? How can you change Britannia, or any other western nation? With the comms blocked & brains switched-off it’s impossible – to terrorists, they obviously see that it leaves only violence to wake-up or remove these multi-headed monsters.

Since politics is in inverse exponential relationship to sound engineered systems & controls – it would make sense for economists to change to transparency & honesty to give light to these issues.

WHERE IS THE JUSTICE? - Mission Impossible Mr Phelps, UNLESS sound engineered systems & controls are implemented.


A good example of F@kers being able to manipulate economies can be seen with Ireland Law Society’s latest advertisement campaign to promote legal services & lawyers. It shows how the electorate are subordinated to the wealthy F@kers.

A full page cartoon strip tells a story of a fictitious ‘Paul’ (to create a personalised, touchy-feely, emotion in the reader) driving home one night when he runs into a herd of cows and a calf was killed (an emotive block pre-warns, ‘calf lovers look away’)

Paul’s car was damaged and towed away.

Another block says, ‘Paul called a solicitor’. And the next block, ‘It turned out the cattle had escaped because the fencing on the land was defective, which made it the cattle owner’s responsibility’.

The final emotive block, in an attempt to ‘capture’ calf lovers, ‘Shame about the calf though’.

As a cartoon strip, and as art work, it is excellent. But it hides the evil conniving that is behind the advertisement campaign of the Law Society.

Parasitic lawyers (solicitors in UK & Ireland) are promoting open-season on nationals who are unable to compete within a money-saturated, price-inflated, environment, in which jobs are under threat, and ability to survive especially rurally is becoming increasingly difficult.

In a world which has been speeded up manyfold by F@kers, nationals are expected to keep up with them. High speed cars whiz along country roads and farmers are now expected to pay out, endlessly, to maintain fences BECAUSE the yuppies want to own & drive fast cars. Previously, horse drawn carts & old fences lived for centuries in harmony; now the law society expect farmers to keep up with the fast-track that the wealthy want to live on and if farmers can’t keep up, well …… then a parasitic lawyer will get a court judge to smash them out the way.

This scenario is no different to the legal manipulations that have caused businesses to close with mass job losses. Ireland’s infrastructure is being devastated RIGHT NOW, and has been so for some years. UK’s Burberry factory closure in Treorchy, Wales, because of owners relocating to an overseas cheap labour, if not sweat-shop, location is another example of job losses through WWIII Finance-Wars manipulated by F@kers.

These are examples of a morally unacceptable economy BECAUSE there is insufficient inclusion because there is insufficient justice because there is gross injustice because governments are controlled by F@kers, NOT by the electorate.

A further point that indicates oppressive & outdated legal mindsets:

Queen Elizabeth, in response to a question ‘How many servants do you have?’, is reported to have replied that she has staff, not servants.

Contrast this to the outdated legal mindsets that still argue the law of ‘master & servant’ – the law, as it is writ, is ‘noahsarkian’

WHERE IS THE JUSTICE? - Mission Impossible Mr Phelps, UNLESS sound engineered systems & controls are implemented.


It cannot be overemphasised just how destructive it was when the Constitutional Court closed, barred, padlocked, welded shut the Intellectual Doors to the Court.

It effectively has retarded meaningful reforms in dispute resolution & blocked comprehensive consultation processes in any & all development areas; not just within South Africa but globally, and from micro through to macro levels.

Yesterday the Irish Museums Association held a seminar & mini-workshop to stimulate new ideas. Unfortunately the entrenched power base & thinking, coupled with complacency, TOTALLY blocked any attempts at reform ideas/initiatives. Emotive reactions to reality presented ground free-thinking to a halt.

Ireland is entering an economic decline period which is having increased stress effects and museums, a nett cost centre requiring public funding, is ignoring these realities and blocking voices of warning, and of advice & skills. (see paper: ‘Elephants - why & when do they become white?’).

You may recall the prolonged & painful death of SA’s National Symphony Orchestra a few years back – entrenched power base & thinking, coupled with complacency, and emotive distortions brought about its demise.

Ireland’s Intellectual Doors to its Courts are also closed, barred, padlocked, welded shut. Same as with UK, same as with US, same as with …………

WHERE IS THE JUSTICE? - Mission Impossible Mr Phelps, UNLESS sound engineered systems & controls are implemented.

BUT, Mr Phelps remains silent!!!!

WHY doesn’t he have the courage to engage transparently & honestly??????????????

Why don’t other leading economists? Engineers? Politicans?

Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

Under enforced exile from South Africa due to ANC government’s oppressive XDR-nazi system and corporate world’s oppressive economic isolation, and also academic world’s oppressive isolation.

(Email to Edmund Phelps - Nil response to date)

-------- Original Message --------

Subject:     to Edmund Phelps

Date:     Tue, 26 Jun 2007 11:32:27 +0100

From:     Chris Addington

To:     Columbia (Edmund Phelps)
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CC:     Columbia Univ (Angela Reid)
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To: Edmund Phelps (2006 Economics 'Nobel' Prize winner, Columbia University).

From Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

I have sent you ample information & research that conclusively shows/proves that the economy/economic models that economists are promoting/developing are grossly defective & massively destructive to economies, both locally & internationally; because engineering is absent.

It is clear that these grossly defective models are causing massive impoverishment/enslavement for the majority of people in the world.

I have previously requested that you, and Jeffrey Sachs, & others engage constructively & transparently so as to develop sound engineered solutions to the prevailing problems, but you have all chosen to remain silent. And the silence is allowing mass passive-genocide to continue.

The purpose of universities is 'to seek the truth' but, in truth, the truth is being hidden behind the reality of untruths of universities.

My understanding from is that the 'Nobel' Prize came with a substantial financial prize of Kr 10M (@ Kr6.9/$US = $1M44) - it would seem, as it does clearly to me, that the very purpose of this substantial prize is to free prize-winners from any form of financial inducement so as to ensure that 'to seek the truth' prevails at all times.

This view is reinforced when one considers that the award of future Nobel prizes is very much influenced by past prize winners, who are consulted by the Prize Committee for nominations.

In light of the proofs that I have sent you I once again request that you engage transparently & constructively with myself, since I singularly am pioneering engineering within the SEBFL environments, so as to further develop sound engineered economy system models & controls.

Your prompt reply is respectfully requested.


Chris Addington Pr.Eng.