Economist’s inexact models exactly defective 3


(Edmund Phelps)


WORLD WAR III is a reality,

it’s raging, now!



A new wave of despotic F@kers in their Virtual Domains destroying Real Economies ----- ‘and slowly and surely they drew their plans against us.’


Stagnant ‘ismic thinking blocking sound engineered solutions – and polarising the world far from JFK’s ’61 vision. Markets are not free!!!


Gordon Brown (PM in waiting) – talk of change covering up failure/refusal to change.


Ex-SA Ambassadress jumps ANC XDR-nazi ship and it genocidic policies?!?!


WHERE IS THE MODERN ECONOMY, Mr Phelps? - Mission Impossible, UNLESS sound engineered systems & controls are implemented.




It is recommended that you read the previous papers in this series – click on Historical Archives (lhs panel).




Edmund Phelps is the 2006 laureate for the Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in memory of Alfred Nobel. (Scan, economics, prize lectures).

His lecture is viewable at website; unfortunately Phelps has refused to provide a copy of the text that he used in his lecture. Phelps also refuses to engage in constructive debate concerning the defective models he is expounding - a series of emails to/from Edmund Phelps are pasted as an addendum.

It would be useful to bear the following in mind whilst perusing this paper.

Exact scientists & engineers observe real phenomena and attempt to understand & explain their nature, frequently certain scientists & engineers place themselves in real dangers to obtain information about the forces (powerful & not so powerful) of these phenomena.

It is contended that inexact scientists purposefully avoid the real phenomena of economies, and purposefully avoid powerful forces; it perhaps explains, partly, why inexact scientists are not able to develop meaningful models.

Phelps’ opening & closing statements, when viewed from an engineering perspective, give cause for real & serious alarm.

- Phelps’ opening statements:- and the base for his lecture, leads one into believing that we, in the western/developed nations, are experiencing ‘modern economies’.

- Phelps’ closing statement:- ‘a morally acceptable economy must have enough dynamism to make work amply engaging & rewarding and to have enough justice if dynamism alone can’t do the job to secure ample inclusion.’

These statements by Phelps are grossly incorrect & are misleading the world.

The truth is that the world is at war – WORLD WAR III – finance-wars - and has unwittingly been at war for many decades.

The world has witnessed massive power shifts since WWI & WWII and in the past two decades that shift has been increasingly exponential upon the previous 3 decades.

What we see today are new world leaders in their Virtual Domains in which they hold to ransom the Real Domains, those of sovereign states – these Virtual Leaders are composites, each to their own varying degrees, of fuehrers, autocrats, kings, emperors, railroaders – or in short, and for want of a more appropriate descriptor –F@kers!!!!>

You can frequently see these F@kers in the media, which is controlled by these F@kers - they are presented as being great heros, philanthropists, dynamic businessmen.

Their power is, in reality, absolute, because they have bought ‘protection’ from the justice systems within the Real Domains – they are currently ‘untouchables’ because western justice systems are corrupted.

With over 80% of the world’s population impoverished & enslaved, the ‘Modern Economy’ that Phelps refers to is in Despotic Retardation.

WHERE IS THE MODERN ECONOMY, Mr Phelps? - Mission Impossible, UNLESS sound engineered systems & controls are implemented.


The term ‘modern’ used by Phelps is out of context, and out of sync, with technological advancements – there is a massive gap, a chasm, between modern as in technology, and modern as in economy & economic development.

To draw a parallel – whilst technology sees man surpassing boundaries of the earth & into space far beyond, economics, comparatively, is stuck way in the past at the ox wagon era, if not further back. Whilst engineers/technologists progress beyond airbuses, spacecraft, etc. economists are debating advancements that are still of wooden wheels & yokes, which is representative of economists wooden theories, & yoking models.

If Phelps were to knowingly drive his motorcar with defective, ill maintained, brakes he would be criminally negligent.

But, with his defective, ill maintained, even outdated, economy vehicle models, he is honoured.

The term ‘economy’ should be correctly understood with regard to its several meanings.

Within economic science it has a distinctly different meaning to the general, global, term when referring to a nation in synonymous terms as an economy.

Also in regard to its usage in terms such as ‘economy of scale’, in these instances the scale is pre-determined by the circumstances in which it is being applied at that time and it is extremely important not to extrapolate a micro application into a macro scenario, and vice versa.

In Phelps’ lecture he is both using ‘economy’ within macro as well as a micro applications, and it is important to separate out the two, as well as the varying degrees in between.

For example: his closing statement is applied in the macro sense, and this gives further cause for concern due to his lack of insight or experience of the real social/economy/business/finance/legal environments in which he, as an academic professor in a university, is buffered from.

It is hard to imagine that Phelps has not been long aware of the groundbreaking issues by CDADD, Jeffrey Sachs is in the same faculty as himself – is it conceivable that they do not talk???? - hardly!!!!

Stagnated, outdated, ‘ismic thinking is the norm – i.e. weighing up the pros & cons of capitalism versus, communism, or socialism, or fascism – all the failed ‘isms are weighed against capitalism and the loaded arguments will ALWAYS come out in favour of capitalism. Therefore, the argument goes, capitalism is the best option.

Because of revolutionary forces opposing imposed historical absolute monarchies/emperors and failing in their quests, through lack of understanding flowing from lack of education, it is argued that capitalism is the answer; therefore the prevailing models of capitalism are the most appropriate.

How is it possible that such warped thinking can prevail?

It is not hard to understand why when one looks at the US’s history of finance-powers railroading their way through the wildwest, and literally hunting the indigenous peoples off its face.

It is simply that kind of localised brute force escalated onto a global platform.

Decades of finance-wars manipulated by the likes of Donald Gordon, and more recently by techies such as Bill Gates, have created a global World War, WWIII – whether you like it or not the truth is that the anger & violence that is emanating itself through people such as Osama, or Taliban, or whatever ‘radical’ group, the anger stems from the disparities that result from various & numerous unfair rules & practices imposed by western corporates. These are such as the unitary-model interest rate control-device, fraudulent & dishonest institutional investment schemes & practices, monopoly tradings, etc. (see papers in Archives:- e.g. Poverty, Disparity, Unfair Rules - a need to rethink; Mastermind of Organised Crime, Interest Rates & Loans, etc.)

WHERE IS THE MODERN ECONOMY, Mr Phelps? - Mission Impossible, UNLESS sound engineered systems & controls are implemented.


In his lecture Phelps uses plenty of technical terminology which gives the illusion of advanced thinking; the ambience of the environment, insofar as one can determine from the video, adds to this illusion.

He argues about employment, bargaining, markets, justice, etc., how they interact, and (implied) how the market of the US is the leading ‘modern economy’.

How can this be so if inappropriate structure & controls are causing skewed outcomes, both locally to the US, and internationally?

To reiterate a previous analogy – if Michael Schumacher were to race his Formula 1 car toward a bend, then, to effect braking, he chucks out an anchor, we would know intuitively that MS was acting irrationally, and that he was in danger of wrecking his car.

The unitary-model interest rate control-device is similar to this analogy; it is an irrational ‘anchor’ used as an economy braking device.

We know that it causes economies to crash, repeatedly. Yet Phelps develops his models around this irrational economy system with numerous irrational control devices, and he calls it ‘MODERN ECONOMY’.

Schumacher would be kicked off the race track if he promoted & used an anchor as a braking control device, but Phelps is honoured for promoting & using an anchor for an economy braking control device.

Phelps also refers to markets in the context of them being free markets. How can markets be free if the finances that too-freely flow within these markets are predominantly held & controlled by corrupt FinServInd players?

Markets are not free, they are rigged, they are manipulated

How is any of this possible?????????????????????????????


What forces are preventing Phelps, and other economists, from openly acknowledging the errors in their defective models?

WHERE IS THE MODERN ECONOMY, Mr Phelps? - Mission Impossible, UNLESS sound engineered systems & controls are implemented.


Gordon Brown, Prime Minister in waiting, has given an assurance that he will listen, that he will provide a forum for debating a new constitution – in other words he is addressing debate for a change process, this is all well & fine – BUT, there is ample legislation to allow Brown to act IMMEDIATELY he becomes Prime Minister.

To engage in debate of possible change whilst ignoring change that is immediately permissible would be disingenuous.

There is ample legislation for Brown to ensure Donald Gordon is prosecuted for the massive defrauding of pensioners & investors.

There is ample legislation to prosecute Richard Branson for defrauding employee’s pensions, and for other pensions & investments scammed via his finance company.

There is ample legislation to bring about reform of the interest rate control device, and also to reform the FinServInd.

Alternatively stated there is no law that prevents people acting honestly, and doing business honestly; but, there is ample to stop dishonesty.

Gordon Brown simply needs to ensure that it is correctly engaged.

A recent judgement in UK concerning the attachment of assets from a divorced spouse due to the other spouse becoming insolvent, & within 5 years of the divorce, shows that the justice system can act against financial irregularities.

BUT, the really wealthy, such as Donald Gordon & Richard Branson, can buy-off the police & justice representatives in the UK and thus avoid prosecution for their MASSIVE global frauds.

The police are not doing anything to protect society from these F@kers.

The Metropolitan Police Commissioner has still not taken action against Gordon or Branson, nor against international auditing firms for their complicity in global fraud scams, nor the many other FinServInd institutions. It appears that KPMG’s Michael Rake had his knighthood accelerated despite the fact that KPMG are deeply entrenched in these frauds, and, again, no prosecution against Rake.

What about Price Waterhouse Coopers, Delloitte, Ernst & Young, or Grant Thornton (who are directly linked to Donald Gordon & jew-mafia – see paper: PSCGG, Tigon, Shawcell – The Perfect Crime)

(NOTE: jew-mafia, or christian-mafia, is not to be confused with the respective loving-faiths, these mafia elements wrongly masquerade as members of these loving-faiths.)

WHERE IS THE MODERN ECONOMY, Mr Phelps? - Mission Impossible, UNLESS sound engineered systems & controls are implemented.


President Kennedy in his ’61 inauguration pledged a vision of helping the world’s impoverished, this vision was effectively taken up by his brother Bobby a few years later. Both were ‘hit’ because, it is contended, they were a threat to the powerful financial & corporate players of that era.

It is hard, impossible, to imagine a world that is more polarised without hot civil & international western war being present. And the polarisation stems exactly from the destructively unfair rules & practices that are imposed upon the world by the F@kers of today, and of the past.

This World War III, a finance-war, is similar to cancer – it seeps & creeps silently throughout societies – because the F@kers are scheming - ‘and slowly and surely they drew their plans against us.’ (War of the Worlds – HG Wells/Jeff Bridges).

Some twenty years after Kennedy’s death President Reagan unwittingly planted more ‘cancerous’ policies into the US & the world when he exacerbated the ‘80s recession by allowing relieving tax breaks, which were simply sucked up by financial institutions, thus draining treasury & private coffers.

Despite the defectiveness & massive destructiveness of the unitary-model interest-rate economy control-device (& other defective economy systems & controls) having been presented by CDADD to a host of leading international economists/inexact scientists not one has had the courage to come forward.

How then is it that the Bank of Sweden, or the Nobel Prize organisation, are not applying pressure & ensuring that these dishonesties are stopped, and to ensure correctly engineered systems & controls are developed?

Why are they honouring economists for promoting grossly defective & massively destructive models.

Prime Minister Macmillan warned, around the 50s, that inflation was a danger. Inflation has been an unknown (in both qualification & quantification) for decades, and still is because economies are not correctly structured, nor correctly controlled, hence clear understandings cannot be obtained until such time as they are correctly structured & controlled.

Even though CDADD’s research has brought rational & radical change to perception of inflation (by proven understandings that prevailing economy systems & controls are defective) it does NOT follow that by implementing reform models that inflation will be fully understood; but it does mean that rational control will bring clearer understandings about inflation because the prevailing irrational & destructive unitary control model will have been removed from the ‘equation’.

BUT, this is not happening because 1st, western, nations are refusing to implement these necessary reforms, because economists are blocking CDADD’s research.

WHERE IS THE MODERN ECONOMY, Mr Phelps? - Mission Impossible, UNLESS sound engineered systems & controls are implemented.


The issue of UK government pensions issue:- there was clear discrimination in the legal judgements. Persons residing in certain jurisdictions such as South Africa had their pension levels frozen, pensioners in certain other jurisdictions did not (i.e. they received annual increases); the matter went on appeal to the House of Lords and was rejected (i.e. pensioners in SA lost).

Contrast this again with the ruling on assets pertaining to an insolvent spouse.

These rulings indicate that it has been made easier for financial institutions/banks to raid private assets, but impossible for private persons to ‘raid’ financial institutions to regain their rightful assets.

In other words the UK judiciary are purposefully aiding & abetting, siding with, financial institutions/banks – this is plain to see because private individuals are not able to freely access the justice system to get protections for themselves – judgements are determined by finances, as are judges & lords, and they are all controlled by F@kers.

Consider this in light of Lord Levy’s corruption, and his connections to high-powered financial F@kers such as Donald Gordon who was to have been knighted in 2005 – it clearly shows that the House of Lords is as corrupted as South Africa’s Constitutional Court, and by jew-mafia (again this must not be confused with members of loving-faith Jews, nor to be considered as anti-semitic because jew-mafia are not Semitic insofar as they pertain to loving-faiths).

(Also note; this persistent call for Branson & Gordon to be prosecuted for their massive frauds is not for revenge purposes but solely because they refuse to reform, honestly & transparently. They are not willing to stop of their own accord, it leaves only a call for justice processes).

The media reinforce the distortions and corruptions:- e.g. attacks against the police for alleged harassment in Levy & Blair investigations, but the media do not attack crooks such as Branson & Gordon, nor Murdoch, nor any other major financial player, despite CONCRETE evidence against them – because these high-powered financial players are the F@kers, in network, that control the employees within the media companies.

This raises important constitutional issues – the media receive certain protections to ensure that ‘freedom of the press’ imparts benefits to society so as to be informed, but the owners of the media abuse this privilege for their own benefit, to enable them to hide their fraud scams.

Clearly then media protection must be revisited and only press that demonstrate honest reporting receive the especial freedom protections.

Further it should be compulsory that any registered paper must demonstrate independence from any other entity – i.e. a media company must stand alone.

Further, courts should give offended parties the right to similar media space to correct wrongful reporting.

WHERE IS THE MODERN ECONOMY, Mr Phelps? - Mission Impossible, UNLESS sound engineered systems & controls are implemented.


The UK’s Constitutional ‘protection’ of the Monarchy being separated from Government is another false protection. Transparent communications to Queen Elizabeth are blocked by HM’s Private Secretary; and she is surrounded by machine-gun armed state force through which only distorted dishonest media reporting can penetrate. If you don’t believe this then go & knock on Buckingham Palace gates.

If you are still having doubts about accepting this then think back to Diana’s death and how much public intervention it took before the message got through to the Queen – oceans of flowers. It becomes clear then that a message to the Queen concerning massive frauds by Branson, Gordon, etc. is easily blocked, as it has been, by the Queen’s PA.

Media reports now concretely show that her PA has failed the Queen, and, in turn, the country, because he has had a long-standing collusive alliance with Tony Blair’s PA.

This is EXACTLY the kind of collusion through which offices-of-state are disempowered, and effective autocracy is able to take control.

In South Africa similar collusive forces have turned the once free corridors of government buildings under Mandela into dungeons of oppression & suppression under Mbeki’s XDR-nazi system and its genocidic policies.

WHERE IS THE MODERN ECONOMY, Mr Phelps? - Mission Impossible, UNLESS sound engineered systems & controls are implemented.


Consider Bill Gates, and his brilliant ploy of getting an ex-US President to promote his Virtual Domain – the Two-Bills-Roadshow promoting technology for poverty eradication cannot ever work because technology consumption has been shown to suck disposable income from communities - marginal gains of wealth increase for Haves in one region are at the expense of massive increased poverty to Have-Nots in other regions.

Do you believe that Gates is a great philanthropist, a protector of freedom rights?

Consider the peaceful protestor at Peking University when Gates gave a recent speech – the protestor held a banner with “free software, open source” and walked on stage – the protestor was arrested. Did Gates protest at the protester’s freedom rights being curbed? Of course Gates didn’t, because F@ker Gates doesn’t like his Virtual Domain threatened. And Gates has a powerful ex-US President to back him, in his back-pocket.

Microsoft has railroaded its way throughout the world and relies upon armed state force to protect him.

But, Clinton was effectively in Gates’ pocket whilst he was President – the nett effect of that is that F@ker Gates had the full US military might to protect his Virtual Domain. And George Dubya is clearly willing to continue to afford protection.

Consider George Dubya's justification for war in Iraq – ‘if you are not for us then you are against us’ – this was a blatant ‘fundamentalist’ distortion of the Christian Bible. Yet Bush & Blair complain about Osamas distortion of the Quran to justify his war/terrorist attacks, which attacks are in retaliation to the US’s oppressions & aggressions which are causing genocide through starvation & disease. The truth is that years of economic oppression due to western F@kers engaging in finance-wars & backed by western military might created the disparities which gave grounds for frustration, anger, and eventually violence.

Despite Phelps being aware of these issues he, like Sachs & other leading economists, continue to remain silent.

So do Bono, Geldof, Madonna, and many other star-studded persona who play upon the starving for media gain.

To reiterate: a letter was personally handed by the writer to Bono in Dublin’s Four Courts last year urging (to the effect) that he rethink his defective standpoints; if he were sincere about his position as Ambassador to the world’s impoverished then he would have engaged in transparent discussion.

Consider also the US’s manoeuvres to have Saddam Hussein hung for atrocities, but the atrocities flowing from F@ker Gates & others are accepted.

Further, Saddam Hussein was handed over by the US to a lynch mob, contrast this to a death sentence in the US which would have been delayed by many years of appeals etc.

WHERE IS THE MODERN ECONOMY, Mr Phelps? - Mission Impossible, UNLESS sound engineered systems & controls are implemented.


A recent personal experience that the writer had with a Hewlett Packard laptop and Microsoft Windows Vista:- - - despite hassles with the software that defeated HP’s India-based tech support and HP’s referral to Microsoft, Microsoft were not interested. Microsoft demanded a £40 per hour charge to assist in sorting out their defective software.

Eventually, discussions with Dublin-based HP Customer care resulted in critical problems being resolved but other substandard Microsoft functionality still remain. HP said they were powerless like all other hardware suppliers – unstated, they were acknowledging Microsoft’s absolute monopoly over the world.


It’s possible because US courts are as corrupted as any other court system in any other nation in the world. The previous anti-trust/anti-monopoly court cases against Microsoft were a total sham.

How is it possible that a US court cannot bring Microsoft out of monopolistic control of global software, yet the US can ‘justify’ a war in Iraq?

US courts can easily attack monopolies - by a court order to raid Microsoft’s premises, and to prevent all business operations until such time as transparency of their systems are realised. And if Microsoft (i.e. F@ker Gates & co) wants to sabotage the global Net then put Gates, and other key Microsoft executives, behind bars until transparency is realised.

There is enough global evidence, circumstantial, substantive, and all entirely visible, to show that Microsoft & it’s F@ker, & his underling executives, are both global & localised monopolies.

Microsoft’s manoeuvring to buy Yahoo should not have been allowed to get to the stage it is at. The US’s justice system should have had sufficient credibility to have dispelled any & all preliminary thoughts of such a monopolistic venture – but, the US justice system doesn’t have credibility.

Developers do have the right to their Intellectual Property & Copyright and so forth, but not to the extent of exclusive control over those rights, only to the extent of royalties upon the usage of those rights.

Brazil is justified to claiming rights to the Coca in Coca-Cola because of its origin from Brazil, which origin was pirated just as the music rights to “When the lion sleeps tonight” (against which the extended family of the author won an unnecessary lengthy court battle).

There is a clear need to revisit these historical property rights because many have pirated origins similar to Coca, or Cola, or ‘lion sleeps’.

Microsoft in SA have also stolen CDADD’s IP regarding pensions etc., this IP was transparently & in good faith presented to the CEO of Microsoft SA – but Microsoft’s absolute power & refusal to act honestly, coupled with Mbeki’s XDR-Nazi system, enables Microsoft to engage in blatant theft. Which is also the hallmark of Richard Branson & Donald Gordon.

WHERE IS THE MODERN ECONOMY, Mr Phelps? - Mission Impossible, UNLESS sound engineered systems & controls are implemented.


CONSIDER the 9/11 Commission Report (viewable at

The 9/11 Commission report TOTALLY IGNORES all & any rational attempts to reduce/remove the SOURCE of anger that led to the 9/11 attacks.

The report focuses SOLELY on defensive & offensive measures insofar as it seeks to protect the US’s ARROGANT & AGGRESSIVE business/economy models.

The report confirms, through its very nature, the absoluteness of US aggression. It is simply the historical railroading of the US’s wildwest projected globally into the 21st century - the railroading barons of the wildwest are emulated by the aggressive, arrogant, F@kers of the 21C world!

Chapter 2 of the report gives a warped view of Islamic faith, as seen by christians (so-called) – yet the report TOTALLY ignores the western world’s warped views of its Christian faith. How can warped-christians hope to analyse another loving-faith. And what sense can be made of any analysis of a distorted viewpoint of another loving-faith when that distorted viewpoint is generated, post-aggression, from unqualified observations of nations oppressed by other nations that have grossly distorted Christian faith.

(The sex scandals in Christian churches proves this concretely; but the token compensation eked from Christian churches is offset by the fact that clergy are increasing their involvement in global financial scams - witness Cardinal Wilfred Napier & his involvement with SA’s Knights of da Gama Knight Risk finance company, this has been reported to Pope Benedict’s Nuncio (ambassador), but the scams & dishonesty continue.

Look at Alpha the international pop-revival movement - in truth it is faith fronting business, and business prevailing over faith.

And the ‘business’ that these Christian churches/movements are engaged in are DIRECTLY contributing to massive poverty throughout the world; and it is this poverty that is causing the anger to breed, and hence violence.

It is not possible for Benedict, or any other denominational leader, to claim that he was not aware; being removed from the source of crime doesn’t absolve one of complicity; further, he has been informed.

QUESTION: What is the difference between the warped position of Benedict and the warped position of Osama?

ANSWER: Osama’s position is understandable. Justified? )

The 9/11 Commission Report does not even touch on the US’s, & western’s, culpability of CAUSING the mass impoverishment/enslavement of over 80% of the world’s population, nor of its absolute culpability of passive mass genocide (through consequential starvation, disease, etc.)

It is far worse than that:- as can be seen from section 12.3 (pg 374) it is recorded that Donald Rumsfeld, then Defence Secretary, stated ‘are we capturing, killing, deterring & dissuading more terrorists every day than the madrassas and the radical clerics are recruiting, training and deploying against us?’

A more stupidly ignorant question is hard to imagine from the second/third most powerful person in the most powerful nation in the world.

The mere fact that every day grossly defective western business/economy models are keeping billions starving clearly means that the recruiting ground for radical clerics (who are defined as radicals by ‘fundamentalist christian’ oppressors) is vastly manyfold greater than the entire population of the western/developed world.

It has been reported that there are some 2000 terrorist cells in the UK & Europe alone

Does Edmund Phelps, or Jeffrey Sachs, or any other leading economist speak out about these realities of mass oppression that are caused by these economist’s inexact models being exactly defective?


They are afraid of losing their jobs & status.

WHERE IS THE MODERN ECONOMY, Mr Phelps? - Mission Impossible, UNLESS sound engineered systems & controls are implemented.


Consider the trial issue of Conrad Black for fraud. Firstly the UK Telegraph newspaper which was under Black’s control made no meaningful reports about Black’s irregularities whilst under his control, nor do they make meaningful comment now that he is no longer in control.

But, what is most glaring about Black’s issue, and other immoral issues such as Ryan Air ‘selling’ free seats, is that the western justice system has become so prostituted that the legals can actually allow such crass dishonesty to prevail, and under the false guise of entrepreneurial flare along with ‘justice’.

Clearly legislation has been hijacked to protect F@kers and to disprotect shareholders, and employees, and society. How is it possible that ownership, direct & indirect, has been disprotected to the extent that F@kers can disregard owners.

Conrad Black, and executives of Ryan Air & other corporates should never have been able to do the crassly stupid things they did, and still, do.

WHERE IS THE MODERN ECONOMY, Mr Phelps? - Mission Impossible, UNLESS sound engineered systems & controls are implemented.


South Africa’s ex-Ambassadress appears to have jumped the ANC XDR-nazi ship & its genocidic policies:

South Africa’s previous Ambassadress to Ireland, Melanie Verwoerd, an ANC member, and wife to godson of Hendrik Verwoerd the Apartheid Architect, is staying in Ireland and is now heading up UNICEF Ireland.

This alone is strange – there are far more children in South Africa, and in more dire straits than in Ireland.

In a recent talk show on Ireland’s RTE Radio, Verwoerd related her experiences of harassment by Irish police at Dublin Quays whilst having her visa papers renewed. Apparently some 14 hours of harassment.

But, Verwoerd did not give balance to her talk, she did not relate to the listeners the far worse & worsening circumstances in South Africa.

It is hard to believe that she is not aware of Jo Moila’s YEARS of harassment by corrupt high court judges, or abuses by the Justices of the Constitutional Court.

It is hard to believe that she is not aware of Donald Gordon’s frauds, or Branson’s.

It is hard to believe that she, as an Ambassadress, is not aware of the escalating crime, and it being due to Mbeki’s XDR-nazi system & passive genocidic policies.

Why is it that nazism is taking hold in South Africa as it did in Zimbabwe (& elsewhere)?

Because, the imposed western economy systems & controls that are destructive within western nations are catastrophically destructive in underdeveloped nations.

It is by observation that we know that a released ball will drop to the ground; similarly it is by observation that we see nazi tyranny resulting from jew-mafia & christian-mafia corruption.

One is simply an observable ‘law of nature’ the other is simply an observable ‘law of society’. But they need only be observed to realise this, not ‘datafied’.

Nazism is spreading. Rapidly!!!

Messages to Verwoerd have only resulted in obstruction from her PA.

Verwoerd, or other Ambassadors who have responded to papers on this website, do not have the courage to speak out about the nazi tyranny that is rapidly spreading throughout South Africa?

WHERE IS THE MODERN ECONOMY, Mr Phelps? - Mission Impossible, UNLESS sound engineered systems & controls are implemented.


One can see numerous examples of victims of World War III finance-wars by looking at those communities in western countries that are impoverished.

They are visible by the very shabbiness of their environments. Despair has seeped in because financial wealth has been sucked out by financial institutions through pension/investment theft, through interest rate theft, and other forms of theft.

Even areas of high traffic-volume experience impoverishment because the traffic simply flows past with little or no local benefit. The high traffic volume is simply feeding the wealthy in their distant/removed affluent areas.

If you are having difficulty accepting this then consider again how Donald Gordon & Richard Branson could accelerate their businesses so rapidly by defrauding pensioners of their incomes. Consider now how much acceleration would have been available within impoverished regions had those pension monies NOT been fraudulently sucked out.

Test this ‘acceleration’ issue yourself when you are next in your car, simply take your foot off the accelerator – notice how quickly you stop/stagnate because you have stopped fuel flowing through your engine. The same applies to money ‘fuel’ in economies, local or national, the money Gordon, Branson & others sucked out caused the economy to stop/stagnate = mass impoverishment/enslavement.

But, leading economists are not speaking out honestly & transparently about these realities, they are not calling for a change to sound engineered solutions.

The governments of western nations are happy to accept the status quo of the financial power-players, the F@kers, manipulating & destroying economies.

WHERE IS THE MODERN ECONOMY, Mr Phelps? - Mission Impossible, UNLESS sound engineered systems & controls are implemented.


Phelps’ closing argument attempts to raise the hope of enough justice being present to provide safeguards against insufficient dynamism within a morally acceptable economy:-

(‘a morally acceptable economy must have enough dynamism to make work amply engaging & rewarding and to have enough justice if dynamism alone can’t do the job to secure ample inclusion.’)

How can this be so?

What more justice does Phelps himself require or anticipate such that it can bring himself to a point where he feels he is morally obliged to act honestly? Phelps refuses in his personal capacity to act morally himself. Nobody but himself is stopping him from acting morally, and it is abundantly clear that he is not acting morally.

It is Phelps’ failure, as well as the joint & several failures of all leading economists, to act honestly that is reducing the dynamism necessary to attain a morally acceptable economy.

Nevertheless, it is clear that there is insufficient justice because if there were then we would at least be seeing real solutions for the real impoverished billions.

Why is there not enough justice?

How do we get ‘enough justice’?

……………. that is for a future paper, but the issues include the following:-

The spat between UK judiciary and government over Constitutional reforms does not give confidence over the real issues being debated.

Judges are rightly concerned about independency being removed/reduced but argue that the thrust for reform stems from the home office accelerating its counter terrorist policies.

Concerns over judicial abuses are valid, but for more wider reasons. Those reasons concern the UK judiciary’s failure to protect justice both in the UK, and internationally:-

What did the UK judges do or say to oppose Barclays (and Varley & co.) buying-off an SA High Court judge in their fraudulent raid on ABSA bank?

What have UK judges said/done about the emasculation of SA’s Constitution by a grossly disproportionate number of jew justices in SA’s Constitutional Court?

What have the UK judges said/done to oppose the power abuse by the ex-Chief Justice, now Justice, Chaskalson over his collusion with his family to take possession/ownership of the rights to ‘Constitutional Law’, the ‘bible’ of SA’s law? Compare this to Paul Wolfowitz & his partner at World Bank.

Where was UK’s justice for pensioners residing in SA regarding the unfair discrimination over non-escalating pensions?

What have UK Judges said/done about the Met police, and police in general, failing to investigate & initiate prosecution of Branson & Donald Gordon for their massive frauds?

Why do UK judges keep the intellectual doors to their courts locked, welded, shut?

Why are judges protecting F@kers, and directly, as well as by induction, disprotecting shareholders, why are judges not pro-actively preventing these gross constitutional abuses?

Clearly there is not sufficient justice but it appears to be not a case of inadequate structure but of grossly insufficient pro-activeness by justice officers. And pro-activeness includes honesty & transparency.

World War III, finance-wars, is real – it is vicious & malicious and causing nazism & consequent massive passive genocide.

Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

(under enforced exile from South Africa due to ANC’s oppressive XDR-nazi system, which is consequent to the jew & christian mafia corruption of SA’s justice system.)





Email correspondence To/From Edmund Phelps concerning his refusal to provide the Nobel Prize lecture text (in reverse chronological order):-

Dear Edmund Phelps

thankyou for reply

surely academic freedom is not simply about academics having sole rights to any particular platform it includes the right for people outside academia to present constructive counter (not attack) arguments to academics.

My views are transparently accessible on my website, surely it is only right that since academia is influencing directly & indirectly (and, in my proven view, wrongly influencing) the way the world operates that you transparently display, or make readily accessible, the text that provided the supportto what you have already spoken.

Why is there a need to 'revise' the text? You have made your statements public, it is simply an issue of providing an easy form for people to be able to counter those views.

Further, is it fair that you be entitled to have the platform of American Economic Review in isolation - the platform is already heavily skewed in your favour by the fact that American Economic Review censors/blocks counter views. What concerns could you have in an already skewed platform environment?

Is it right that you continue the intended course of preparing a text for the AER whilst in the full knowledge that others, with proven counter positions, are blocked by yourself, and prevented from having those views presented concurrent with your own?

It is entirely incorrect that academics & institutions adopt such a non-free position.

I respectfully reiterate my request that you provide the original lecture text.

your sincerely

Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

----- Original Message -----

From: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

To: Chris Addington

Sent: Friday, March 09, 2007 10:31 PM

Subject: Re: E Phelps Nobel Prize lecture text

You will have to wait till the release of the June American Economic
Review to attack my thinking.

Quoting Chris Addington

Dear Edmund Phelps

thankyou for reply

the reason is that I was wanting to use the original text in conjunction with the video for research purposes - the original text will follow the video more closely than a later edited version will.

economies are highly complex systems and in my view, and as i have proven, are incorrectly structured, and the controls incorrectly designed.

my work as a Professional Engineer (electrical, systems & controls, plants, etc.) and as an Artificer (elec/mech/hyd) has increasingly been in pioneering engineering in the social/economy/business/finance/legal (SEBFL) environments BECAUSE economies go boom/crash, boom/crash.

if a plant were to behave in such a way then engineers would normally attempt to find OPTIMAL solutions, the same cannot be said for economies which are 'designed/influenced' by economists who do not understand systems & controls engineering, and engineers are not operating professionally within the SEBFL
environments - proof of these facts are that economies are crashing and 80% of world population is impoverished/enslaved.

please see my website for various papers concerning issues such as interest rates as an economy control device, economic momentum, business engineering, etc.

in truth i am amazed that you have responded as Jeffrey Sachs has refused to do so, because i have challenged his mdg initiatives - it has given me the view that US academics, and academics in general, are entrenched in their own self-importance which is why the world is experiencing such wide disparities leading to impoverishment/enslavement, which creates the breeding ground for evil, which is how osamas & hitlers etc. develop distorted ideas and their actions in retaliation to oppression causing distorted ideas by people such as bush & blair, which causes more instability, more oppression, more anger, more violence - BECAUSE economies are incorrectly structured & controlled.

a bunch of economists, a number from the us, came to jo'burg at the end of 2005 for the chamsa economics for prosperity conference (see paper on my website) - in short a number prostituted themselves, one by presenting false data whilst one foot was in a university & the other foot in a financial institution.

in standing up to all these issues i was oppressively economically isolated, along with nazi style oppression, and forced into exile from sa (to dublin) last september by the sa government & corporate executives/owners - but am experiencing oppressive economic isolation here as well, zero income/funding despite my work bringing hundreds of billions of dollars value to nations collectively.

we literally had to abandon our home & all in sa with only a few suitcases, much as jews had to do in nazi germany. sa is developing a new strain of nazism and heading for collapse.

the reality is that in researching defective economy systems & controls that one exposes 'white collar' organised crime (legal) (see: mastermind of organised crime) - the reaction from these financially powerful people is vicious & malicious - these people include donald gordon, richard branson, and a host of sa corp execs, judges, etc., etc., etc., - in my view it became linked to blair & cash for honours, but this is minor stuff in comparison to the underlying issues.

jewish & christian 'mafia/factional' elements are very much behind these issues (not to be confused with loving-faith jews/christians)

whilst i do not doubt your sincerity (human nature & frailties accepted) the fact is that your statements/views as given in the lecture video are incorrect - i would like to give an engineering perspective to them so as to generate a rethink, which might give added value to you when working on a revised text, hence reason for the original text to assist in doing this.


Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

----- Original Message -----

From: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

To: Chris Addington

Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2007 10:31 AM

Subject: Re: E Phelps Nobel Prize lecture text

I have made it a policy not to release that for various reasons but rather to release only the polished and more complete version.

May I ask why you want the text read in Stockholm rather than the later document?

Quoting Chris Addington

To: Edmund Phelps

manythanx for reply

i would appreciate it if you would be so kind to release the actual text that you used in the lecture


Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

----- Original Message -----

From: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

To: Chris Addington

Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2007 11:21 PM

Subject: Re: E Phelps Nobel Prize lecture text

The oral version is on the video clip at and the
written version will be published in the June AER.

Thanks for your interest.

Quoting Chris Addington

To Edmund Phelps

I would appreciate it if you would be so kind as to forward a text copy of your 2006 Nobel Prize lecture as used in the lecture



Chris Addington Pr.Eng.