Mutually Assured Destruction
whether Nuclear or Socio-Economic
UK PM Rishi Sunak appears intent on Socio-Economic MAD
ditto Keir Starmer, World Leaders, …...
Don't be MAD -> WAKE UP
Mankind has consumed uncountable manhours & monies on devising & using weapons of war; historically all weapons were utilised on a regular basis.
Some 80 years ago man made its first atomic/nuclear devices, of which 2 were used on cities with horrific consequences. Since then there has not been a hotwar use of nuclear devices, yet the world has accumulated some 12,500 of these weapons, with Russia & USA holding near equal quantities of some 11,000.
The illogical LOGIC(!?!???) being that as a deterrent it gives reasonable(?) assurance of protection from Mutually Assured Destruction.
BUT, Putin is now testing this illogic.
Whilst this eyeballing & fingertwitching on the Nuke-Buttons plays out on the World stage, the reality is that every year, every month, every day, every hour, every minute, every second Economic Weapons of Mass Destructions (EWMDs) are being exploded GLOBALLY.
Every second!
The World is in the grips of Socio-Economic HOT WAR – a war between corporate Organised Crime criminals and fragmented Societies as a whole. Fragmented Societies because Governments elected by those Societies - at least those fortunate to be able to elect a Parliament/Government – are in the pockets of the corpOrgCrime criminals and controlled by them. And Media (TV, Papers, Internet) are also all controlled by corpOrgCrime criminals - and lie to the World, every second.
To 'combat' the fall-out of the EWMDs that are exploding globally every second, Governments of mid-2023 are increasing Interest Rates without a corresponding, thus not a needed greater, reduction in Capital value upon which the Interest is levied – thus an increase in Interest Rates sucks money from Societies and feeds it to the corpOrgCrime criminals.
corpOrgCrime has always been around – did it start when Eve stole the apple??? - but when Margaret Thatcher was duped (largely by Richard Branson) into launching her 'Privatisation' drive (c1980) she unwittingly launched MASSES of Economic Weapons of Mass Destructions; and over the ensuing 40+ years they have become exponentially ever-more powerful and exponentially greater in numbers.
Presently, female soccer players complain of unequal pay, male soccer players vie for bigger paying contracts, Hollywood Actors & Screenwriters strike for fairer pay, F1 racing drivers, Tennis players, Golfers, …........ all are on a treadmill of demanding ever greater pay – but within Societies unemployed people, and even employed people, lose their jobs, homes, means of feeding themselves & families …...............
Whilst all this carries on and with EWMDs exploding every second UK PM Rishi Sunak robs 'Peter to pay Paul' to settle, hopefully, a legitimate bout of strikes by every-day workers. Leaders in other countries do their particular jiggery-pokeries.
Whilst robbing Peter, Sunak's private businesses continue to develop & launch EWMDs – and other MPs spend their time in their second&third jobs working for corpOrgCrime criminals.
But also, the workers FAIL to see how their reliance upon cheap internet, cheap super-stores, cheap holidays means LOTS of people with small amounts of money reduce their small local-spend which means BIG MONEY for corpOrgCrime criminals which funds their manufacture of greater & more powerful EWMDs.
Watch your Pensions, hard earned pay being sucked out by increased Interest Rates, go up in smoke as Branson, Musk, Bezos, Gates and others launch their rockets into space – or launch more EWMDs ….
And this happens because (in)Justice systems remain closed-shop,
doors to Justice are closed, barred, chained, padlocked, welded shut …....
Don't be MAD -> WAKE UP
Chris Addington Pr.Eng.