War Doctor & Road to Riches

Health Warning!

Missing the Problems (Causal Factors) behind the Symptoms


War Doctor – Surgery on the Front Line – David Nott

ISBN: 9781419744242, published 2019


Road to Riches – or The Wealth of Man – Peter Jay

ISBN: 9780753812648; published 2000


Both the referenced books are brilliant works in their record of respective historical issues – but both must come with Health Warnings – in that they both miss the Problems/Causal Factors behind the Symptoms



War Doctor – Surgery on the Front Line – David Nott


Despite its sheer brilliance this is an extremely difficult read – one's guts heave in utter turmoil even from a distanced record of the horrors that David Nott endured, and the effects, which clearly still haunt him today & for the rest of his life.


It essentially records the (lunacy?!?!) of a doctor who willingly places himself in the most extreme of dangers, including imminent beheading – simply to save & better, as best as is possible in prevailing dire circumstances, the lives of victims of wars.


The fact that Nott, after many years of war surgery and its horrors & dangers, found himself a partner that not only saw behind his deep traumas but committed to giving the unwavering years of devotion required to rescue and, as reasonably as could be expected, to stabilise Nott is a drama that far outstrips any Mills&Boon saga.

Family betrayal would likely have finished Nott.

But this is just a mini-sideline to the thrust of the book – relating the horrors in blow-by-blow moments, and the problems in trying to provide as best a Medical service as possible..


The purpose herein is not to précis the book but to simply draw an oversight (understandable in the circumstances) that the efforts that Nott has put in has, in all reality, achieved little. This is not to denigrate Nott's amazing efforts or the many successes (amongst many victims that could not be saved)

Certainly much has been gained from a pure technical/medical perspective & from the perspective of specific individuals, but wars are never ending & are becoming increasingly destructive, and more so as per capita destructive power also increases.

And, on top of this, forced Social displacements & migrations create further breeding grounds for stresses & tensions that can readily boil over into violence.


Thus the reality: that charity, in whatever form, without structured Engineered Solutions, keeps despairing people alive longer so as to produce more people in ever-increasing despair, and in a World that is facing increasing hostilities from new 'super' powers - Russia intent on invading Ukraine, China tap-dancing around Taiwan & Falkland Islands, NKorea playing with missiles, ….. - much of this increase resulting from the West's foolish tailbetweenleg retreat from Afghanistan.


Doctors are 'Engineers' to humans – not to man-made systems & controls. Doctors are not trained to develop & maintain Socio-Economy or even Machine systems as such – certainly they use hi-tech equipment and are also instrumental in the development of such systems, but Engineering is not their primary area of expertise.

Also, prior to CDADD pioneering Socio-Economy Engineering, Engineering was TOTALLY absent from Economics & Social domains – simply view the CVs of 'Nobel Prize' Economics winners to see that most are mathematicians, devoid of Science & Engineering training..


What Nott is also not aware of is that Science has seriously gone off-track into deep-space science-fiction, which also retards medical research & development (see below 'Road to Riches')


So, whilst exceptional skills learned & developed by Nott saved many lives at huge personal risk (& death to some of his volunteering colleagues), Nott's skillset could not ever solve the underlying Problems (the Causal Factors) that created the circumstances to which he volunteered his skills.

Thus, a never-ending Supply of victims creating a Demand for skills (by such as Nott)


But, an anomaly –> If Nott were to walk around with a screwdriver, or couple spanners in his pocket he could readily call & market himself an Engineer; however, if the writer, a Professional (Chartered) Engineer were to walk around with a stethoscope and call & market himself as a Doctor he would be Prosecuted → do you now begin to see the extent which Societies & Economies have been undermined by corpOrgCrime manipulating governments into Deregulating valid Protections (valid Protections is NOT protectionism).


Ironically, as Nott points out in one interview (BBC Hardtalk?), the skills necessary to perform his War surgery is not attainable within the UK –> a smashed M.A.S.H.!?!? - a bizarre reality of OVER-regulation in Professional disciplines whereas Deregulation/Demutualisation of Finance/Economics systems, wherein now operate hosts of corporate criminals, has created the conflicts which produces the despots & wars and hence its victims.


One could argue that Putin, Xi & Kim are the current set of bad guys and the West the good guys –> the ugly being the maimed&displaced?!?!

But this is only onetenth-truth, at best.


The truth is that the West are the bad guys - by, in one glaring example, failing Mikhail Gorbachev in his courageous stance of reforming the USSR.

Western governments had embarked on a disastrous 'Privatisation' policy that was later to gangbang & destabilise Russia by allowing western corporates & academics to plunder ….................




Road to Riches – or The Wealth of Man – Peter Jay

ISBN: 9780753812648


SHEER BRILLIANCE is this book insofar as it being a historical record of Mankind's Economic History from 10,000 BC to the 2000 millennium.


The Health Warning comes in that one needs to recognise that this brilliant work was developed & written in the late 1990s, based upon decades of prior work & research, and published in the Millennium year of 2000 – in other words it was written, unwittingly, through the rose-tinted glasses of Thatcher's (& Reagan's) disastrous & massively destructive Privatisation drive.


It was:-

- some 3 years after the publication of this book, that CDADD uncovered the Pensions frauds Masterminded by Donald Gordon during late 1950s, and implemented by him in 1963 through his founding of Liberty Life in South Africa - and globalised over the decades, with Demutualisation/Deregulation later allowing financial fraud scams to metamorphose & complex exponentially.

(see www.cdadd.com lhs panel Pensions & Mastermind papers – Note: SA Government long ago erased record of the Pensions R&D which had been adjudicated by ex-Reserve/Central Bank Governor Dr Chris Stals & 2 others. The Mastermind paper was written in 2005 immediately after media reports of Gordon's then pending knighthood)

- and some 8 years after, that the 2008 meltdown would clearly demonstrate that much of Peter Jay's analyses & interpretations were incorrect – although Jay's brilliant record of the historical events remain, and should be read for this alone (and also to recognise, in hindsight, the analytical/interpretive errors)


The penultimate chapter deals with the last 50 years of the 20th Century, the 50 years in which corporate frauds were masterminded-fledgelings, then exponentially escalated, with Deregulation & Demutualisation coming about on the back of Thatcher (& Reagan) being deceived into a massively destructive Privatisation drive.

It is this 50 year phase, during which the fraud scams were not recognised, by which Jay's retrospective analyses & interpretations of the prior chapters are, unwittingly, grossly distorted.

And the final chapter gives prospective analyses of the future, which clearly is founded on incorrect understandings of past&present leading to flawed future analyses which 2022 circumstances demonstrates.


The issue of defective Science being upheld by Academia, Media & Government is another Causal Factor that is behind much global instability – Opticks (wrongly attributed to Newton) are wrong, this leads to defective understandings in many spheres of science including Medical treatments (Radiation theory etc.), but also to incorrect Mathematics that is used to create defective Economics models (by Economic 'scientists' that are essentially mathematicians) that lead to massively destructive Government Policies, and also to defective (sci-fi) Quantum Theory & Quantum Physics → Kwantum Twaddle, Kwantum Fiziks ….


But, not only did Newton create havoc in the pure Sciences but also as Master of the Mint in the real-world of Money/Finance – Newton's fundamental dishonesty impeded open debate on Socio-Economic/Finance issues, which in the 1600s, and through to the early 2000s, was totally devoid of any Engineering. So, ideas were very much oppressed thus retarding, distorting & disparitising social development because of economic/finance distortions from inappropriate, unsound, destructive monetary (& fiscal) policies based upon defective science.

And all other spheres of Science/Engineering are equally retarded – including Medical Research & Development because of hostility from Medical Practitioners & Academics.


This largely is why Jay's book, insofar as analyses & interpretations, goes off-track (but otherwise as a chronological history is a brilliant record)


Newton totally corrupted the Royal Society and in turn Academia and nothing has changed to date –> total hostility to the realities of defective science theories that CDADD has discovered.

Royal Institute, Royal Irish Academy, Royal Dublin Society are equally hostile & corrupted.

Cronyism & Corruption abounds.

Pop-TV 'scientists' are more concerned on Revenue generation from their flawed documentaries/books.


BUT, one must start at the beginning to correctly understand why Science has gone off-track into deep-space science-fiction – by looking through a 3x60degree prism and following the Fast-Track steps at cdadd.com website – until this is done correct understandings will elude.


Thatcher's massively destructive Privatisation policy being one Causal Factor behind global chaos (including Russia's demise & Putin's rise) due to the high-profile image of Branson who had essentially emulated Gordon's pensions & investments scams which allowed Branson to fraudulently accelerate his prostituted Virgin to the heights (Ditto: Buffet, Sugar & others) – thus reinforcing Gordon's frauds, all of which deceived Thatcher, Reagan & the World.


Pensioners' can witness their stolen pensions going up in smoke whenever Branson launches one of his spaceships.

And the World now witnesses the hostility on Ukraine's borders as the World teeters dangerously close to WWIII - this hostility having the same Causal Factors as hostilities from individuals launching shooting sprees; or the angers from youths unable to afford their own homes, …............


The magnitude of the super-saturation of global Money Base&Supply with counterfeit money is incalculable but a visual image of its destructive realities can be gleaned from the paper on 'Dynamics of Population/Wealth Characteristic' at cdadd website (lhs panel again, and other papers there listed)


Western Governments are aiding&abetting corporate Organised Crime – witness ex-Speaker John Bercow slating Boris Johnson over dishonesty, yet Bercow in his entire tenure as Speaker dishonestly suppressed CDADD's crystal clear evidence behind corpOrgCrime which was regularly presented to ALL (MPs & Lords) in Parliament – Labour Leader Kier Starmer, as CPS Director, cowardly refused to prosecute criminals (Branson, Buffet, Sugar, Gordon)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FB-YcxXzpMA (minutes 5:06)


China is emulating & metamorphosing the West's finance scams – simply observe the multiple short-term cyclings of China Market's long-term gilts – global Money Base&Supply is rocketing ….............. Population is rocketing …..............


The distortions to global Socio-Economy systems & our (including Peter Jay's) misunderstandings of historical events therefrom is what generates the flaws in analyses of historical & current events – which further compounds present circumstances.

Man does not understand Socio-Economy systems because Socio-Economy Engineering has never been present – consider what carnage would exist on our roads if Transport/Road/Traffic Engineering had been absent.


This is why Putin, Xi, Kim were able to establish their power bases, similar to Hitler & Stalin – manmade chaoses, devoid of Socio-Economy Engineering, packed full of defective 'science', creating voids for dictators to fill.





Both books are must-reads, but read them through clear glasses - and with David Nott's book, it is strongly recommended that sensitive people have plenty tissues to hand, and tranquillisers.



As always, constructive comment is welcome.





Chris Addington Pr.Eng.