
HM Queen Elizabeth II, Princes Charles, William & Harry

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Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Cabinet Ministers, Members of Parliament.

CC: & general


From: Chris Addington Pr.Eng., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,


Feb-June, 2021



Time for HMQEII appointed OMs, Knights/Dames, Queen's Prize recipients, Royal Chartered Institutions/Societies to be called to Account – AND PLACED ON NOTICE.



The World is falling apart because of dishonest Governments supporting corpOrgCrime


The West is polarising the East

increasing tensions



UK GOVERNMENT, INSTEAD OF Nominal FUNDING of PEACEFUL SOLUTIONS through engaging pioneering Socio-Economy Engineering, are intent on MACRO-funding WARMONGERING on NUCLEAR WARHEADS


this is pure evil!!!





Welsh Deputy First Minister: ' ….. the role of Government in nurturing any sector …... is ... making clear and practical recommendations for action …..........'




'practical' recommendations based on defective/bogus 'science' yields




which is why the World is in chaos -> outcomes of bogus 'science'





The increasing hostility/tension between UK (& western governments) and Russia (China, N Korea ….) clearly demonstrates the failed transforms of Russia's economy post wall-fall. The failure lies squarely with western economic/finance models which derive from defective sciences which were imposed upon Russia by the West.


It cannot be the fault of the East because the East 'relied' upon Western economic models to reform their Economies – it resulted in open gang-banging of the East by West with grossly (& purposefully) defective models.


The evidence of defective science has for long been in circulation by CDADD, for near 20 years, but Academia are hostile, and clearly in collusion with finance powers that have created fraudulent finance models.

UK Government is also in collusion – successive PMs since Blair have been regularly informed. PM Cameron, instead of addressing these defective sciences which produce destructive policies, chose to set himself up in the corporate world. The consequence? Russia increasingly polarised, and now UK Military (HMS Defender) in tension with Russian military.


But the tensions are not solely without western nations, they are very much within.


The shocking raid on USA's Capitol Hill does not bring to light the Causal Factors that brought this about –> a broken global Socio-Economy system that is devoid of any Professional Engineering design/development – instead, a system that is riddled with corporate Organised Crime bolstered by Academia with bogus 'science'.


The Mass Riotings over the murder of George Floyd by Derek Chauvin (& others?) highlights how VIOLENCE brings MEANINGFUL CHANGE – had those riots not occurred then the Police would have closed ranks and Chauvin acquitted.

BUT, by turning against their own, those Police witnesses have simply allowed a national/international disgrace to be morally dumped onto one person, Chauvin.


This REALITY over Chauvin's conviction is scary – because it is saying that the only way to attain Justice is to resort to violence - a Right as per UDHR (Preamble) to take up arms against oppressors, including corrupt (in)justice systems – and this form of violence (rioting) is the focus in Ireland but is wrongly interpreted, because it is viewed as a NIreland problem when in fact it stems largely from the Nazi State, mild form that it is but far more devastating, that exists in the Republic of Ireland because of a corrupt Ireland Judiciary maintaining DIRECT links to Gestapo ('police') and upholding a Constitution developed by a Warmonger (de Valera) in 1937 during the rise of rabid Nazism.



But, Ireland's Nazi regime stems from millennia&half of UK colonial oppressions by corrupt UK Governments. This is still the case, as can be seen by a simple issue of Cummings snitching on Johnson, but only after Cummings services had been terminated – i.e. Cummings had no qualms whilst being paid in remaining silent. Likewise ex CPS Director & now Labour Leader Keir Starmer adopts a duplicitous stance by alleging sleaze against Johnson & Government but continues to protect criminals such as Branson, Sugar, Gordon etc.


UK's (in)justice system is becoming clearer to recognise as ex-colonial nations adopt increasingly protective Constitutions - protecting against the inherent injustices of the old colonial 'justice' systems inherited from the UK. Ireland's, being the first(?) in 20th Century and since the USA Constitution, is an appalling example, exactly because it was contrived by a warmonger & during the rise of rabid Nazism.


Massive Socio-Economy chaos, globally, prevails - all stemming from bogus 'science'.


Science & Engineering are severely retarded and more so since WWII. Evidence:- the Inter& Intra-National espionage, sabotage & destruction of pioneering technology (e.g. Canada's Arrow & UK's TSR2 military planes, undermining/destruction of Military Services technical branches, Academic Institutions corrupted by corpOrgCrime, etc., etc., …..)


Whilst Thoughts&Prayers go out to HM Queen Elizabeth over the loss of her husband Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, the reality is that the entire World is facing abnormal grievances. Much has been spoken of DoE's lifetime of Service, but the truth is he was paid for it – would DoE have continued had he not been paid – the writer has not been paid for near 20 years for massive groundbreaking new sciences, instead economic isolation & oppressions, and continuing despite the oppressions by UK Government & Royal Household – DoE would not have endured. Harry certainly hasn't, he's joined those that are exploiting the masses. DoE was able to bring change to BuckPalace but all the writer & others can do is plead – and that falls on deaf ears of arrogant Governments & BuckPalace staff.



The mere fact that Nobel Foundation, QEII Engineering Prize & other prizes have NOT been awarded to the writer's R&D evidence - that Opticks (wrongly attributed to Newton) are wrong and the new science that explains Light Transmission Dynamics – is PROOF POSITIVE of outright corruption within Academia, Parliament, Government & Head-of-States. These two distinctly separate results (of Optics) are as ground-breaking as were results by Galileo, Copernicus & others similar – it changes 350 years of incorrect science – but the writer is being persecuted as was Galileo & others.


Surely it is time for those OMs & Knights/Dames appointed personally by QEII to correctly engage with the new Science developed by the writer ( David Attenborough (as with Lucy Hawking) continues to deceive children in his distorted quest to drive attention to Climate Change and the correlation (but unproved causal) link to Pollution whilst the massive macro solar-system dynamics are ignored. Dishonesty over science has far reaching consequences that far exceeds the hoped-for benefits.

Corporate criminals awarded Knighthoods & Lordships, Orders of Merit awarded to Academics & others – all obstruct new science/engineering & promote defective science – these & others are all parties to corporate Organised Crime.


Increasingly, senior Academics are 'silently' acknowledging the ground-shattering PROOFS of new science developed by CDADD that disproves centuries-old theories – but these same Academics are scared to be open as they know they will be targetted as has the writer been viciously targetted for some twenty-five years, and still is under Ireland's Nazi regime and UK's abusive oppressions, and previously having been forced into exile by SA Government from home (which for 15 years stands derelict & ransacked) in SA's World Heritage Site (Cradle of Humankind?!?!?! - an unmistakable contradiction)


Ireland's corrupt (in)justice system has finally destroyed the writer's family, home & life – and still they seek ongoing revenge.


HMQEII's staff state that the Monarchy cannot get involved in politics – but, the fact that OMs & elevated Knights/Dames, Royal Chartered institutions are actively, oppressively, suppressing new Science is an indirect involvement of the Monarchy with political, corporate & academic developments – involvement that is supportive of dishonesty.


It is long-past time that these OMs, Knights/Dames, QP Recipients & Royal Chartered institutions/societies (RS, RI, RIA, RDS etc.) are held to account. And to that extent it is right that HM Queen Elizabeth II give immediate Notice to these persons that they correctly & fully engage with the writer's R&D, so that correct science can be properly aired.


It is not true to say that the Royal Household is not a political machine – although it is distinctly separate from HMQEII.


Evidence of politics rests well within both the circumstances behind the Martin Bashir/Princess Diana interview, and also, later, with the departure of Harry.

It was clear long prior to Bashir's plans that more-than personal issues were at play – and those issues were clearly Royal Household politics – Deception, as an accepted strategic/tactical tool, was engaged to access the truth regarding the Royal Household. That truth was reaffirmed with Harry's departure.


That truth is that information to/from HMQEII is very much influenced by advisors, and when those advisors block, including new sciences, then HMQEII cannot possibly perform her role correctly, and vice-versa – things fall apart and, tragically, not just for HMQEII, it came at huge personal cost for all.


Sweden & Norway Monarchs are complicit with corpOrgCrime by handing out Nobel Prizes for garbage 'science' – they have for long been warned of this, but are happy to continue – Sweden's King Carl Gustav had been informed directly to his Personal Assistant.

Near every Nobel Prize economics model was developed by people that have no science training & no understandings of engineering (simply view their CVs) – it is why fraudulent finance models can be guised as being legitimate through defective science – hence socio-economic oppressions leading to polarisations (Russia, China, NKorea …) and to numerous mass starvation genocides.

Note: 'Nobel Economics Prize' – is in fact the Sverige Riksbank Prize in Memory of Alfred Nobel.


Social Disparities, Racism, Health Inequality, Inequality, & various forms of violence are all symptoms of bogus 'science' that is devoid of any Socio-Economy Engineering. BBC documentary 'Why Is Covid Killing People of Colour' highlights the underlying Socio-Economy inequalities in toto, not simply those affecting people of colour. The problem is compounded when Government disingenuously limits the social inequalities to a narrow colour band. Government have been informed for over 15 years of bogus 'science' but continue to steal Intellectual Property (IP)


The NIreland violence is unsurprising – it was bound to break out because nothing has chanegd Socio-Economically since the Good Friday Agreement – the same Factors of global gang-banging with fraudulent finance mechanisms are maintaining massive disparities – the perceived Brexit issues were simply another straw, albeit one loaded with high-emotion, that became the one straw that finally triggered violence


The Harry&Meghan revelations confirm entrenched prejudices across the board – their particular symptoms are the consequence of the general Causal Factors affecting everyone, their issues are not in isolation, they are like everyone else – victims of bogus 'science'.

The fact that BuckPalace is closed-minded, blocking communications, is simply a symptom of a corrupted system.

And Harry's belief that he will achieve a better future through an (expedient) employment contract with a corporate belies his understandings of how the world is distorted by corpOrgCrime, rather than constructively engaging from within his prior position for which he had extenive training.


The news of murder & terrorism by Met Police officers, of fabricating evidence (Stephen Lawrence murder trial), etc., etc., is not so shocking - the Met Police as an organisation has for long been entrenched in protecting corpOrgCrime criminals, especially Richard Branson, Alan Sugar & the various International Auditing firms, amongst others.

As a consequence of the writer exposing Branson's frauds (copying of those scams masterminded by Donald Gordon) Branson handed back his knighthood (he wasn't stripped as he should have been) - but the Royal Household, which had for long been kept informed of these frauds, simply handed it back – Branson now enjoys gloating over spending 'everyone's' pensions/investments in his space quest – pensions going up in smoke – but this gutless crook, Branson, hides from the writer, Branson has EVADED any direct engagement with the writer.

Corruption spreads its tentacles far, deep & wide in any organisation, and the more so when it is at the top – and invariably corruption at the bottom is due to corruption at top.



The investigation (which no doubt will transpire as a fob-off) into David Cameron is another case whereby as Prime Minister he purposefully blocked the writer's new science – simply because Cameron knew he would benefit from bogus science once he had left PM office. That is Treason.


BBC are telling schoolchildren that falling behind, losing ground will be devastating to their futures, BBC promote defective science in Bite-Size programs, cultivate celeb&bling cultures – instead of encouraging the fun & importance of a culture of own ongoing learning. Failing at school does not mean failure if a child has had instilled a love of learning. But, schools force a regimented system that kills pioneering spirits. It is not correct to hold up a few gifted children to wrongly 'disprove' the reality of a warped Lotto ideology (anything is achievable, but only a small few can achieve) It is the mass of lesser gifted children that really matter, because it is the average person that progresses Socio-Economies. But, the average children are very much losing ground because of the warped Lotto mentality, not because of losing school-time per se.


BBC spew out regurgitations of defective science programmes – and Brian Cox brainwashed viewers by utilising latest space technology to give an aura of false credibility to his science-fiction theories, which would be seen to be so simply by observing light dynamics with the simplest of 'machines', a prism – but Cox continues to lie.


Education is being put out of reach financially (even to feeding of schoolchildren) & stifled because of the grossly distorted & super-saturated Money Base&Supply; hence Government cannot afford to fund tertiary education (barely secondary, and without basic sustenance) because excessive levels of money in few hands push up prices whilst depressing incomes – hence frustrations & angers → violence → e.g. Capitol Hill, HMS Defender etc., etc., etc.


It would not take too many people to make a point and raid Buckingham Palace or Parliament, or a Court.


We see smoke from 'privatised' space-rockets going into space, funded from peoples' defrauded pensions/investments, and counterfeited money therefrom – all of which distorts Socio-Economies, inflating prices, reducing wages ….................... and all retarding constructive development.


We saw a centenarian Captain Sir Tom Moore being duped with celeb&bling simply for walking – Tom Moore likely did not understand how a corrupted Socio-Economy brought about the 'success' of so much charity – charity donations which were both necessary & possible because developed nations have exploited the masses into economic disparity & despair - charity that is perceived as necessary because of the grossly skewed Money Base&Supply causing impoverishment & squalor (from which is likely the cause of Covid ............ and many wars)


BUT, charity COMPOUNDS the problem – it leads to increased population in increased despairs.

BUT, nevertheless charity is necessary within a correctly Engineered Socio-Economy system – i.e. an IMMENSE conundrum ….....




Essentially western Governments 'walk past' impoverished nations that are essentially modern-day Auschwitzs, Bergen-Belsens etc., and pretend these nations are happy Theresienstadts – anger & violence is brewing within.



President Joe Biden said 'no more lies and false facts' but, still, no TRUTH is forthcoming.

Donald Trump is already planning his comeback which will likely be far more popular simply because the West/Developed nations' leaders (not just Biden) are refusing to correctly engage with Socio-Economy Engineering, instead stealing IP – there is only one way to disempower Trump's ideology and that is by correctly engineering Socio-Economies, an entirely new concept – but one that is oppressively suppressed by governments.



Democracy is falling apart because of corporate Organised Crime – because Governments are unlawfully protecting the corporate criminals, in the mistaken belief that 'privatisation' is the way forward – it is not – the evidence is as clear as that showing Newton was wrong & that Newton was a crook, because he stole the Intellectual Property. - privatisation was founded on massive frauds & globalised into corpOrgCrime.


With the revision of historical figures such as Cecil Rhodes, it is long past time for an Inquiry into Newton, and to discover the true author of the sketch diagram of optics theories found in Newton's papers, for it was not drawn by Newton, because it contains evidence (seemingly obscure/hidden) that Newton did not recognise – Cambridge University has refused to provide information on students/lecturers/researchers of that time to determine true authorship.


Governments are obligated to award/reward Research & Development funding based on Merit – but Government support defective science. And not one MP is prepared to act on behalf of the writer in Parliament to address these abuses (No! not abuses → Frauds, Crimes Against Humanity, Treasons)


Historically, Money has never been correctly managed, in Supply, Distribution & Management – consequently Socio-Economies have always been wrongly structured & controlled – there has been hostile refusal to engage with the pioneering R&D developed in this regard (


Socio-Economies historically were retarded by Money being locked-in to metals (Silver & Gold, even beads & shells) coupled with piratical raids on other lands & other merchant-ships and all glossed in false facts of (e.g.) Drake as a hero when in truth a pirate. With the disconnect from metals in the last 60 years or so, Socio-Economies became locked-in to increasing global Finance frauds (financial piracy) – whether piracy through metals or financial frauds it has the same impact of sucking Money, directly & indirectly, from the base of Societies and into the hands of a minority few; and counterfeiting compounds this.


Swashbuckling piracy of centuries past are small scale to the global financial piracy of today.

Today, globalised frauds are causing genocides, ethnic cleansings – all because the world was duped by defective 'science' legitimising otherwise fraud scams – and all derived ultimately from Newton's theft of Opticks.


This is not difficult to understand.


Consider how Drake plundering (amongst other targets) Spanish ships – this would clearly antagonise Philip of Spain, which it did - Philip initiated an Armada to invade England – history tells us how this invasion was thwarted – but, nevertheless, the piracy by Drake (& no doubt others) caused warfare.


Consider also, how on Mikhail Gorbachev's pulling down of the USSR that western Nations pillaged Russia under the guise of 'reforming' USSR economy into a 'capitalised' dynamism – only for the entire USSR to be gang-banged & plundered.


Consider also: Vlad Putin has 'rescued' the remaining Russian economy, polarised Russia from 'capitalist democracy' and ramped up Military expansion – that UK is now countering by ramping up Nuclear warheads – thus placing UK (& World) into increasing hostility & threat of war with Russia (& China, and NKorea, and …..) - and all this reduces butter in favour of increased guns.




USA (Biden) now hostilely spats with China – USA accusing China of hacking, HR abuses; China stating (correctly) that USA (& by inference, wester nations) are abusing military & finance/economic power.


Boris Johnson readily argues the concerns regarding Astra-Zeneca vaccine but covers-up on the bogus 'science' that is wrongly used to claim Pollution causes Climate Change rather than correctly confirming correlation justifies action against Pollution.



View the 2020 Nobel Economics Prize models – carving-up of socio-infrastructure (telecoms ether & hardware) by persons holding masses of monies defrauded from society and used against society - through thought-policing, extortion of more monies, & other still-to-be-uncovered scams (Unknowns-Knowns)

View Amazon's Bezos being allowed by Governments to violate fundamental monopoly laws, not only in ether-space but now in high-street space – we are seeing the destruction of social fabric by monopoly/oligopoly criminals – and all because Governments/Parliaments are siding with them and against the electorates that appointed them.


A Social-Network, viz.: postal delivery, subsidised by taxes to provide a basic affordable service for all, especially to low/zero income earners (low/zero-income because of corpOrgCrime) is used at a MACRO-level of business activity to profit a few & grossly disparitise the majority – all because social-costings are ignored, and impossible for the majority to access the (in)justice courts to compel government to rectify, and to prosecute the criminals engaged in corpOrgCrime.


The UK Parliamentary Defence Committee states 'obsolescent and outgunned' in reference to armoured vehicles – but, this just confirms the extent of distorted views because of bogus 'science' – it is NOT simply armoured vehicles but all vehicles: navy, air & land that are negatively impinged because of bogus 'science' –> outgunned on land, sea & air - we are in a far greater position of danger than in the few years before WWII because the impact of a military defeat, even a 'set-back' will be far more devastating than the combined set-backs of Dunkirk, Dieppe, Far-East, pre-Alamein.


Simply view the limited functionality of both the Euro-fighter, and the F-35B used on HMS QEII – all due to financial & technology restraints ….........


…....... the Military, like Academia & Society in general, has been severely undermined by corpOrgCrime.


Consider the potential disaster had Churchill sided with his Chief Scientist, Lord Cherwell/Frederick Lindemann over Lindemann's dismissal of liquid fuels for rockets, V1s & V2s would have been hugely successful – but, fortunately, Churchill listened to other advice.


Government, today & yesterday, are refusing to observe what is readily visible through a prism – and refusing to recognise that Newton was wrong – it is CRYSTAL CLEAR evidence. And Government are refusing to listen to the mass of evidence of finance/economic frauds – from which the consequent disasters affecting the World, and increasing as per capita destructive power increases.


All this hostility because UK Government/s engage/d with corpOrgCrime criminals & pirates.

Historically, everything has been about plundering others – there is refusal to engage constructive Socio-Economy Engineering.


Is it any wonder that Britain is outgunned? – its military leadership is swamped by bureaucratic administration – consider the wrongful conviction of Major B General Nick Welch, for (as charged) dishonesty on Child Education payments over a financial matter, which is regulated through obscure, complex, user-unfriendly, limited 'search' functionality, highly-flexible interpretations, unlawfully discriminatory & grossly unfair regulations (see links below, the first is 717 pages, with references to 15 other Regulations documents) ) – a complex mine-field that has no mine-field map!!!


The trial (Court Martial) was GROSSLY UNJUST as the matter received no public notification until after sentencing (a call to Sarah Jones QC office, Defence for Welch, elicited the response that they had received NUMEROUS calls since the news broke, but no Appeal process by Jones & obstruction to the writer over Appeal grounds –> collusion between Legals & Judiciary). This absence of public information prevented others from coming forward to establish a class-action defence & other defences – c.f. Parliament Expenses scandal wherein MPs had the benefit of widespread publicity whereby the public could raise both defence & prosecution arguments, thus a fair trial for those charged – not so with MajGen Welch.


Also consider how General-of-the-Army Richard Dannatt 'forced' soldiers to take a dangerous malaria drug (Lariam) but refused to take the drug himself.

Consider also, how both Alan West (Lord, ex-First Sea Lord) & Dannatt have for years regularly been informed by the writer of global fraud mechanisms & of grossly defective 'science'/maths – both have remained silent on these issues – hence, again, Welch did not receive a fair trial.

Will Dannatt & West be charged & Court Martialled???????


How can anyone determine or understand regulations, especially on finance, when the ENTIRE global finance structure & mechanisms are fraudulent, based on bogus science & maths.


Military personnel receive INTENSIVE & EXTENSIVE training on military equipment that MUST function – what training do military personnel receive on Regulations (which are indecipherable & inherently do not function) → Answer: NIL


Probably ALL military personnel are now looking INWARDS to the possibility of an internal attack, rather than where they are supposed to be looking: outwards on potential external attacks – no wonder Britain is outgunned.



It requires significant Engineering R&D to develop sensible Socio-Economy structures & controls – instead we are locked-in to bogus science, especially Economics – reiterate: view the CVs of Nobel Prize Economics winners – none have any Science qualifications or training, and have ZERO Engineering expertise.


It is the consequence of absence of Professional Engineering into Socio-Economies, and instead the presence of bogus 'science', that Socio-Economies are falling apart – and the consequences of that can be seen with: polarised nations, terrorist attacks …................ raid on Capitol Hill (wherein live ammunition was used)


And now the public are being brainwashed by celebs, who have ZERO, NIL, NONE knowledge or expertise regarding Covid-19 & vaccines, to take the vaccine – this is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS having unqualified people punting science. And reports of professional teachers turning to Rap to put education across – it creates a mindset of anyone can be a scientist/engineer/doctor …................... whatever …................ with ZERO training ….........


The theft of, or simply the failure to reward on Merit, by Government, and for over 18 years, the writer's IP which has brought UK billions of Sterling value, has caused immense personal destruction –> no income for 18 years, all IP privately funded, then repeatedly stolen by Governments …............... it takes a MASSIVE amount of ongoing mental, emotional & physical energy to constantly remember that, although the UDHR(Preamble) fully justifies armed reaction to the abuses by Governments, as a Christian one cannot resort to violence – it is not a case of PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder), or even OTSD (ongoing), but NETSD (never ending)




The World is heading for disasters – geographically & demographically – because social structures are falling apart because of corpOrgCrime bolstered by bogus 'science' from Academia, especially those awarded honours – because of dishonest Governments.


Do not underestimate the SIGNIFICANCE of Opticks being wrong materially impacting ALL spheres of science, and hence into government/corporate actions/inactions.


Once again UK Government is urged to correctly engage & reward R&D based on Merit, for past, present & future works. And HMQEII is respectfully requested to place those Honoured on Notice.



And, the writer remains, as always, HMQEII's most humble and obedient servant …..


….. (but, WHY? …... ????? ….....



…............ in all honesty that really is not known! – and that produces a deeply sickening, gut-wrenching feeling)





Chris Addington Pr.Eng.






Follow 'Fast-track' at - A quick observation that proves Opticks (with a 'k')(wrongly attributed to Newton) are wrong → e≠mc2


Quantum Theory/Quantum Physics contradicts Classical Physics because QT/QP is wrong



Understand how&why we see light.

Understand how&why we see perspective

Understand how&why we see clouds


Understand Light Transmission Dynamics→


Orient a prism to obtain 'rainbow' pattern, move prism to surface & observe 'rainbow' splits out to roy & vib patterns at apex points – take a sheet of paper and move around the prism, note the full-shadow of the prism obstructing forward light (barring a thin strip of full intensity forward light emanating from the adjacent apex point, the light having passed directly through the prism to the apex point, all other light reflected internally&externally), and the 3 attenuated light patches. It is because of the attenuated light patch that allows full intensity side-band colours of roy & vib, emanating from apex points, to appear within these attenuated light regions – with the prism removed the side-band colours, which were at the apex-points at which the prism was, are still there (& everywhere) but are swamped by the forward ('white') light

Thus a prism does NOT split out 'white' light, colours are NOT frequency related but arc-angle related – thus Einstein, Hubble, Higgs, Hawking, CERN etc. are wrong → e≠mc2 , etc., etc., …..


It is the mixing of the sideband colours within clouds/water that causes greyness to black – but this is ACTIVE dark/grey light – the deeper/longer/thicker the cloud the more the progressive mixing of light, the darker the grey, through to black – so in deep-sea water there is ACTIVE black light.


→ Understand how Optics (no 'k') and the Universe really functions ….. follow the fast-track at



  • Opticks (wrongly attributed to Newton) are wrong → e≠mc2
    • Refraction is NOT Refraction
    • We see clouds because of the infinite mixing of colours – red, yellow, blue, violet – as light passes through clouds of water droplets, each containing 'infinite' prisms – the denser/longer the cloud the darker it appears – clouds do not have shadow, only active dark light
    • Perspective: another singular proof that Einstein, Hubble, Hawking, Higgs, Dawkins, CERN etc. are wrong
    • Universal Gravity does not explain synchronous rotation & orbit → Star (Sun) SUPER GENERATOR/ALTERNATOR, multiphase Power Supply; Planets synchronous SUPER-MOTORS
    • Pollution is a MASSIVE problem, and correlates to Climate Change, but:- correlation does NOT prove Cause/Effect
    • Climate is ALWAYS changing – inevitable dynamic of Solar Systems – do you honestly believe that 7.5 Billion 'microbial' polluting humans can SWAMP the MASSIVE MACRO Solar/Earth System dynamics?!?!?! 7.5 Billion people were not around when dinosaurs became extinct.
  • Quantum Theory/Quantum Physics contradicts Classical Physics because QT/QP is wrong → kwantum twaddle/kwantum fiziks


  • Fermat's Last Theorem: Andrew Wiles' 'proof' is NOT a PROOF; cf Proof that 1=0; also Wiles' 'proof' too complex to PROVE a PROOF; CDADD has developed a classical PROOF.
  • John Nash (Nobel Economics 1994) - models are defective -> massive socio-economic destruction
  • The Lies & Deceptions of the Archbishop of Atheism, Richard Dawkins – the so-called 'Age of Enlightenment' began with Opticks, but these Opticks were WRONG (because Newton stole the IP) and brought about enDarkenment, within which the World increasingly turmoils .........
  • Dynamics of Population-Wealth characteristic - 'Vacuum Hose' effect on Population & Wealth/Income/Resources (cumulative)
  • Bitcoin (& other crypto-currencies) - Understanding (some of) the REAL Dangers of crypto-EWMDs
  • Inhumane Humanities & Sciences 01 & 02 - Driving World to greater Conflict
  • Twin Towers imploded - absence of transfer-of-momentum dynamics for freefall -> additional high impulse (explosive) forces, sequentially -> by definition: implosion
  • etc., etc., etc., ….