Captain’s Log, Stardate 06


More Particles of Space


Particle Beta-2



Wobbling stars -> SUPER-MOTORS -> Super-Motor Dynamics,


Reflected light –> transmission mechanism dynamics.


(It cannot be stressed enough the importance of stepping outside of mathematical models to think rationally of how nature does work rather than using mathematics to tell nature how to work.


We need to think in REAL world terms & step away from VIRTUAL (unreal) worlds that reliance upon abstract mathematics draws us into.

Scientists/Mathematicians refuse to acknowledge that the Twin Towers could not have collapsed naturally, subsequent to plane crashes – it could only have been by IMPLOSION – e.g. observation of a 5-ball Newton frame shows how transfer-of-momentum functions, which was not the case in TT with the successive collapse of floors – i.e. the ABSENCE of transfer-of-momentum dynamics proves (from first principles) that some other immense impulsive (= explosive) forces ejected the various & numerous components, sequentially.


Similarly with CERN’s large hadron collider – CERN scientists refuse to accept that matter, on a balance of probabilities, cannot travel at speed c – but they persist with their ‘god’ bomb based upon faulty theories. No doubt they will achieve a collision at some far lesser, & probably resonant, speed but what forces are unleashed cannot be pre-determined – CERN scientists are not honest.


The Global Economy Crisis derives from WWIII (Finance Wars) implosions – dishonest Inexact Scientists have developed economy ‘’god’ bombs to achieve this purpose.

There are destructive REAL DYNAMICS & CONSEQUENCES within the SEBFL environments to the lies that are being presented by governments.)





Following on from the propositions in earlier papers of star/planets systems as SUPER-MOTORS:-

Astronomers/Scientists have been rewarded in their search for other star/planet systems - wobbling stars have been identified. The wobble, argued by them, is caused by planets orbiting about the star (e.g. 51 Pegasi or 51Peg) which argument seems entirely logical.

See:- Edge of the Universe (Planets from Hell) narrated by John Hurt - under ‘Extreme Universe’ Part 1 viewable at Channel 4, 4oD (download player & install).

But, what causes star/planets to function, what fundamental dynamics occur, has not been discussed. (Hence reason for this series of papers).

Studies of these wobbling stars have revealed that some planets are orbiting at the rate of 1 orbit per week and very close to the star itself – that is a phenomenal speed & close proximity.

It is argued that the planet is molten or gaseous or both.

From the 4oD programmes there is no indication given of the causal dynamics of the sun/planet interactions. From propositions in this series of papers it is proposed that universes (star/planet systems) are simply super-motors.

If we extend the thinking of super-motors then the observations by these scientists (concerning wobbling stars) makes sense and fits into the super-motor argument.

Recall motor theory – that a motor has electricity applied to wires wound onto a stator – applied electric current flows in the stator because of a potential gradient (voltage) – the electric current produces a magnetic field which interacts with another magnetic field on the rotor. The rotor is caused to rotate = mechanical force.

The star (e.g. of 51Peg) has a certain, high, potential energy which is far higher than the space far-distant around it – which is why it is a star – hence it has a potential gradient – and hence energy flows/radiates/propagates outwards.

We know that energy emitted from our star (the sun) is electromagnetic radiation – it seems logical to propose the same dynamic for 51Peg & other stars.

The electro-magnetic radiation (light) that is emitted as a result of this potential gradient produces a torquing (rotating) action onto bodies that come into the star’s proximity, drawn to it by magnetic attraction (note: NOT by gravity – gravity, it is contended, is a particular force that appears within the magnetic envelope of a body, i.e. it is an internal force - the forces outside the magnetic envelope are the powerful electro-magnetic forces that radiate outwards and attract other bodies to it.

Briefly:- as a body approaches a star then magnetic fields produce electricity & electricity produces magnetic fields – and essentially the interaction of the magnetic fields causes the body to spin. The spin of the body produces centrifugal force which opposes the magnetic attraction from the star. The spin also causes the body to move sideways to the star. The combined sideways movement and magnetic attraction countered by the centrifugal force causes the body to move (orbit) around the star. A body orbiting a star is called a planet. A body that crashes into the star is called an A-ho……… (sorry ……….)

[Or a little more fully:- As a body gets closer & closer to a star the magnetic attraction increases (inversely of the square of the distance decreasing); motion between star (power source) & body within magnetic fields cause electricity to be produced within the body (electric & magnetic fields are 90 degrees transposed); which in turn produces a magnetic field from the body & 90 degrees transposed from the original field from the star; the interaction between transposed magnetic fields produces a turning/torquing force.

However, the transposed magnetic field also reproduces electricity (90 degrees transposed again) in the star (back emf in the star) which in turn produces a magnetic field which is counter (180 degrees) to the original magnetic field. This induces another current (again 90 degrees transposed, hence opposite to the original induced current = back emf in body) which in turns produces another magnetic field, again with another 90 degree spatial shift, and so on – but each alternate transposition is significantly attenuated because alternate field forces are near parallel to motion direction, hence its re-induced effects rapidly diminish and the interaction of star’s principle magnetic field & the body’s induced magnetic field are predominant.

To see this more clearly – consider two mirrors facing each other, multiple images successively reflecting are what happens. BUT, with motors each ‘reflection’ (magnetism producing electricity, electricity producing magnetism) causes a spatial shift of 90 degrees each time, rotationally – so each alternate reflection will be near parallel to rotation motion (hence small reinduction/reflection) whilst the succeeding reflection will be near perpendicular to rotation motion (near max reinduction/reflection). Also the sun’s immense energy swamps the reflected inductions.

It is proposed that this induction effect is the transmission mechanism through which light is reflected – every thing we see is made up of tiny particles that are like mini-motors, and the initial induction of electricity from the original sunlight produces a magnetic field that is polarised 90 degrees to the originating sunlight magnetic direction – hence an attenuated light emission.

And what we see as moonlight is this very process, but on a much larger ‘motor’ – but recall: the moon itself does not rotate on its own axis.

Note: Reflected light doesn’t just happen – there has to be a transmission mechanism – and it has to interact with direct light transmission – and since we see things coherently it means that the interactions have to be coherent.

We can conduct simple experiments to determine these effects; the best would be a single windowed room with removable black screens on walls, floor & ceiling.

With room all black & sunlight coming directly in, measure light values at various locations. Remove black screen from incident wall (on which direct sunlight falls) – take measurements (increase in measurements give indication of reflected light). Remove screen from opposite wall – take measurements (these measurements will give indication of magnitudes of re-reflected light). Continue with other walls & floor & ceiling.

Repeat, but with different sequences of screens being removed.

When we conduct experiments on motors to measure back-emf & other electrical parameters we essentially measure a combined/summed effect – we do not see or anticipate the multiple reflection/reinduction process. After all, engineering is about practicalities & real world systems; scientists are the ones that should be pursuing these kinds of propositions – BUT, scientists refuse to engage with engineering BECAUSE their egos are HUGE & locked-in.

Also note, the spatial shift between electric & magnetic spectrum (90 degrees) is not the same as the phase-shift in poly-phase electricity which is a time shift

But – don’t get bogged down on this, the principle to understand is the super-motor effect of star/planets & mini-motor effect with reflected light.]

Back to star/planets systems - over time (probably billions of years) the body settles into a ‘balanced/stable/optimal’ orbit. A body that is in stable orbit about a star is called a planet.

If other bodies enter into this particular system and go into orbit & become planets then they too will affect both the star & the first planet together, which concurrently interact & affect the new bodies (soon-to-be-planets) also.

Over time the star/planets settle down to stable orbits – but extremely complex interactions will have occurred with the star affecting planets, planets affecting both star & planets, and so on. To an observer outside there will be seen a wobbling star because of these planetary interactions.

The entire star/planets system will itself move about the space around it according to the prevailing forces in that region of space, which forces holds the star/planets system in its particular position & determines its dynamics.

BUT, what factors determine the orbit path, the distance & rotation of any particular body/planet about a star?

Clearly it must be the particular characteristics of the star, the planet(s) and the ambient environment around it.

Just as a motor is affected by its make-up & environment, of its rotor, stator, electrical supply, windings, ambient temperature, etc. so too is the super-motor of the star’s universe affected by the make-up of the particular bodies within that universe.

Clearly then:

The energy potential of the star will determine the amount of torquing force that it can produce. This would indicate that its size, material, its particular temperature would determine the electromagnetic radiation energy. The distance, rotational speed, orbit & orbital speed of any planet around the star would correlate to that planet’s characteristics in relation to the star’s energy gradient.

But, other planets would also affect the dynamics of any particular planet & vice-versa.

A planet’s characteristics are determined by its materials & size – the density & size would determine mass, the material would affect its conductivity (electrically & magnetically) – all of this would influence the distance, path & speed of its orbit & spin to which it would stabilise into a particular orbit about its power source, vis: its system star.

All of these complex interactions would also affect the torquing force on the star/planets entire system and its path through space.

Given, that we have a large amount of knowledge concerning our own universe and that we can approximate values for the potential gradient throughout our universe, and that we know quite a lot about the planets – from all this scientists could make reasonable deductions about the electrical & magnetic characteristics (impedances, reluctances etc.) from the particular orbits & spins of each of the planets.

If we accept a super-motor approach then each of the planets in our universe have their particular orbital positions, paths & spin rates because of their characteristics relative to our star (sun) and all the other bodies that interact with each other within our universe.

But, also, the ambient potential outside the star’s universe would also affect the energy flows throughout the star’s universe. Also, the ambient potential around a star’s universe is not constant – so another variable is added to the forces of a systems motion, within & without.

It would need complex reiterative modelling to determine the magnitudes of specific parameters for each of the planets – that’s for scientists.

Scientists could extrapolate the understandings from our system and apply it to make interpretations & estimations concerning other systems – this can then be fed into the model to see if the model predicts actual behaviour.

The discoveries are the realisations of star/planets presenting as super-motors, and reflected light from mini-motors, the mathematical modelling simply refines that discovery.

It would appear though, by applying a bit of thinking, with for example 51Peg, that since a planet appears to be orbiting in close proximity to its star & at high orbit speed that the spin rate of the orbiting planet must be high to achieve sufficient centrifugal forces to offset the magnetic attraction of the planet to the star. Also the close proximity of planet to star would indicate that the mass of the planet is molten/gaseous because of extremely high temperatures due to close proximity; which indicates low magnetic impedance to achieve high spin.

Further & deeper research into the aforegoing would obviously require funding & equipment and scientists & engineers that are appropriately qualified & experienced. CDADD is entirely unfunded, in exile, economically isolated, is an engineer not a scientist and is bored by heavy mathematics – but thrilled by pioneering of engineering.

The aforegoing propositions could be wrong – but they make more sense than particles zipping around at speed c; 9, 10, or 11 dimensions in space, etc.


What is far more important to us in the REAL WORLD & in engineering terms are the disastrous wobbles & vibrations rumbling throughout our world because nation leaders refuse to engage pioneered engineering in solving the economy melt-down that has been masterminded through organised crime by global finance-powers.

The $700 Billion injection into the US Finance Institutions does not solve the infrastructural or control mechanism problems that brought about the meltdown.

Pumping fuel into a leaking tank & pipelines, and inefficiently burning what seeps through to a clapped-out engine does not mean one will be successful – a grossly abused, inefficient, vehicle has little value.

The Billions being pumped into banks is similar to blood transfusions on a critically injured person – pumping blood in keeps the person temporarily alive, it doesn’t stop the leaks – nor will a Band-Aid.

Gordon Brown’s use of ‘architecture’ in place of ‘engineering’ in his public address on economy rescue plans for UK’s crises simply confirms his dishonesty and, more importantly, his complete lack of understanding about architecture, and engineering.

Architecture is the art of the built world, the aesthetics, it is NOT the engineering.

Brown is leading the UK & world into another cycle of chaos (along with other western leaders) because architecture will not solve any SEBFL problem – he will not be able to reform the SEBFL environments without engaging honestly & transparently with the pioneered engineering by CDADD which is the source for his realisation of the need to reform.; his initiatives will fail simply because of dishonesty.

Euro nations are making disastrous decisions – increasing taxes, reducing public jobs = pressing harder on brakes pedals, slowing economy down = accelerating economic meltdown = mindless, disastrous, decisions.

But, it is understandable – economies are controlled by accountants, and accountants do NOT understand engineering or economies, or how to control them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There are REAL DYNAMICS & CONSEQUENCES behind dishonesty – there are ages of examples of the dynamics of dishonesty e.g. Jonah –> these issues will be dealt with in an imminent paper that analyses the Nobel Foundation & Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences that have been hijacked & entirely prostituted.

And why the 2008 Physics & Economics Nobel Prize awards once again violate Alfred Nobel’s will;

And why the Research papers upon which the Prizes were awarded are grossly defective & are not science.

We need to understand the REAL DYNAMICS & CONSEQUENCES that will unfold throughout the world as a result of dishonesty by governments/leaders.

South Africa’s AsgiSA failed because President Mbeki, Dep-Pres Mlambo-Ncguka, Finance Minister Manuel CHOSE to be dishonest by stealing the Intellectual Property on which AsgiSA was founded (& from CDADD) – it is why SA is heading for genocide.

Manuel has retained his cabinet position – Manuel & his girlfriend Maria Ramos are to SA what the Marcos’ were to the Philippines – the only real difference is that Ramos uses trains to siphon rather than shoes.

Brown’s reform will also fail because the seed of his reform has also been stolen from CDADD, he has no understanding of engineering, and he cannot rely on his advisors because he will not be able to recognise truth from lies.

Chris Addington Pr. Eng.

(Under enforced exile from South Africa due to ANC government’s oppressive XDR-nazi system and oppressive economic isolation by corporate & academic worlds.

Also under severe economic oppression due to Ireland & UK government dishonesty.

XDR = Extreme Democracy Resistant.)

###### END OF Particle Beta-2 #####