BBC2, World War Three: Inside The War Room
Wednesday 3 February, 2016; 9.00pm-10.00pm
whether to unleash UK's military as hired-guns for corporate Organised Crime criminals
A chilling documentary about a potentially real scenario is chilling not solely because it deals with nuclear Armageddon – but also because:
- first – Lord West (previously 1st Sea Lord) goes absent half-way through – whether AWOL or AWL (Absent with or without leave) is immaterial to the fact that disaster is imminent. What of those in WWI trenches? -> Shot at dawn!!! And also because Britain's military has been stripped of its backbone – for e.g.: witness Royal Navy destroyers with useless engines; BECAUSE its core technicals that kept the RN operational, vis: Engineering Officers & Artificers, are no longer trained within the RN. What then of Nuclear submarines?
- second – the responsibility for the break-down between the West & Russia lies largely (fully?) with the West. In that, the West developed the massively destructive socio-economic models upon which Russia reformed immediately post Wall-Fall, which created the Oligarchs that raided State shares/assets distributed to the people, and polarised the chasm between the powers of old & those emerging new. And the old retained their military might, as best as possible.
- third – The West's own deeply entrenched problems; of nations (especially minor ones, such as Greece) controlled & manipulated by corporate Organised-Crime, aggregating to global Economy Terrorism, means that nations cannot defend themselves against this Terrorism which is destabilising internally & externally.
- fourth – Russia's attempts at democratic processes, such as referendums, within its previous 'colonies' are derided by the West who would rather see armed insurrection by rebels rather than supported ballots that reflect the wishes of the peoples regionally (it was over half-way through documentary before limited discussion on a referendum)
- fifth – it is because of the West (in particular, NATO) welcoming (as President Bush announced) previous Russian states into the NATO domain – effectively, a bloodless coup that ignored referendums/ballots as to whether the peoples wanted this.
- sixth – those in the War Room were all aware of all these issues herein but preferred to debate the conflict & responses, including a nuclear response, rather than addressing the CAUSES of the conflict – vis: Economy Terrorism, to which Britain is a party by colluding/engaging with corporate Organised Crime – i.e. whether to unleash UK's military as hired-guns for corporate OrgCrime criminals.
So the World War III scenario takes us into the escalating hostile mindset of those presently in UK Power positions – rather than of people prepared to rationalise real solutions to the CAUSAL FACTORS that polarise Russia & destabilise the East.
and the majority of those taking part have for long closed themselves off from communication!
None of the aforegoing is suggesting that Russia (Vlad Putin) is a largely wronged person – it would be a fearsome event should one encounter a Putin embrace – but it is important to recognise that it is the West's global Economy Terrorism (accepting of corporate Organised Crime) that is driving the polarisation & causing global instabilities. Putin is not prepared to accept western corporate OrgCrime aggregating to Economy Terrorism as a legitimate force. But, to oppose it at present, Putin must obviously use convincing counter-force BECAUSE western nations do nothing to bring corpOrgCrime under control, the West rely on this Economy Terrorism to fund their lifestyle.
It was a saturated US Dollar that largely caused the Wall to go up in Berlin – and, added to the incompetence of past-Russia powers, that caused the Wall-Fall – but it is now expanded super-saturation of global Money within Economy Terrorism that is causing again the polarisation, the 'Wall', to go up → the new Cold War that looks likely to become Hot.
Money, super-saturated through counterfeit, laundered, defrauded mechanisms, is largely in the wrong hands, in the wrong places, doing the wrong things → skewing & destabilising socio-economies globally.
The same CAUSAL FACTORS are driving 'Radicalisation', extreme poverty, starvation genocide which causes population increase, localised shootings, etc. - destabilising events caused by socio-economic factors.
It requires urgent action to stabilise global economies which are rapidly going out of control into increasing Hot War:- to curb financial/money markets so as to bring under control global saturated Money Base & Supply; to develop constructive derived-demand economies in place of artificial supply-driven demands, to restructure & rebalance the Rate, Capital & Time components of Interest Rate mechanisms so as to maintain present cash-flows but implementing proper Interest Rate control/effectiveness; to defeat international Auditors by enforcing the Independent Auditor statement that appears in all corporate Annual Reports both within & across commerce/industry/markets/economies, etc..
It also requires upholding of Democracy:- from local residents associations, thru local government to national government, & international standards of same.
It requires that corporates & ISPs criminally obstructing sovereign communications, so as to aid in defeating Democracy, are properly investigated, prosecuted & communications properly established – to remove mindset gridlock.
It requires sensible Economy Engineering – not the nonsense/defective economic sci-fi one finds at Nobel Foundation website.
Chris Addington Pr.Eng.
Members of 'War Room'
Sir Christopher Meyer (Ambassador USA 1997-2005)
General Richard Shirreff (Deputy-Supreme Commander Europe 2011-2014)
Baroness Falkner
Baroness Neville-Jones
Admiral Lord West )1st Sea Lord 2002 -2006)
Sir Tony Brenton (Ambassador Russia 2004 – 2008)
Lord Arbuthnot
Dr Ian Kearns
Oona Muirhead
Ian Bond (Ambassador Latvia 2005 - 2007)
BBC Synopsis:
BBC2, World War Three: Inside The War Room
Wednesday 3 February, 2016.
Following the crisis in Ukraine and Russia’s involvement in Syria, the world is closer to super power confrontation than at any time since the end of the Cold War. Now a committee of senior former British military and diplomatic figures comes together to war game a hypothetical ‘hot war’ in Eastern Europe, including the unthinkable - nuclear confrontation.
The War Room faces a scenario that has haunted western strategists since the Ukraine conflict began: potential Russian military involvement in the Baltic States of Latvia and Estonia. Like Ukraine these countries have sizeable Russian speaking minorities, but unlike Ukraine they are members of NATO, whose founding treaty states that an attack on one ally is an attack on all of them. Because of this, western analysts regularly war game a situation where Russia seeks to exploit ethnic tensions in the Baltic and test the strength of the NATO Alliance.
These ‘war games’ are normally held in secret. For the first time, we have filmed a major war game with some of Britain’s most senior military, political and diplomatic figures. The War Room includes former Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe General Sir Richard Shirreff; First Sea Lord Admiral Lord West; Joint Intelligence Committee Chair, Baroness Neville-Jones; British Ambassador to the United States, Sir Christopher Meyer; and British Ambassador to Moscow, Sir Tony Brenton - and the group contains a whole spectrum of views about how we should regard President Putin’s Russia.
The war game was filmed over a several hours in a single sitting, using concealed cameras in a purpose built set in a secure location in Central London. The scenarios were developed over many months of research, including conversations with serving military, diplomatic and political experts around the world. The film captures the escalating drama and tension of an unfolding conflict and the heated debate, as the War Room decides what actions Britain should take - right up to the brink of Armageddon.
The film is directed by Gabriel Range using the kind of techniques he employed on the Bafta-nominated drama The Day Britain Stopped (BBC Two, 2003) and Emmy winning Death Of A President (C4, 2006) including a mixture of repurposed archive and drama to bring the consequences of the room’s decisions to life.
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