To: PM Theresa May, UK Parliament


CC: as per addresses & general



Chris Addington Pr.Eng.; (; Linked In – Chris Addington)


March 17, 2017



BoE Deputy Gov. Charlotte Hogg, resignation – belies the darker realities

Britain: Pursuit of Lies & deceptions –> Closed Mind → Socio-Economic Chaos -> Genocide


The resignation of BoE DepGov Charlotte Hogg belies the darker realities of the Power structures within Britain/UK – Hogg got caught out on one point – but the fact is that BoE & Parliament/Cabinet are suppressing/ignoring the defective science that is behind their destructive polices – which causes global socio-economic chaos (media reports today of another 16 Million starving); as well as National chaos (e.g. NHS) because they are both driven by the same CAUSAL FACTORS


You, PM May, grandstand with Stephen Hawking who is dishonest in science - shouldn't you also resign?


Britain is losing ground in all spheres of technology & socio-economy science – this is because (for e.g.): Academia are dumbing-down by oppressing new R&D that disproves old theories, BBC are promoting defective science – all of which creates a bizarre sci-fi that makes science seemingly more complex & unattainable → thus science is daunting & deterring to newcomers.


Science has long been dumbed-down because Newton did not understand that which he stole (Opticks & most else) - hence Newton did not recognise that he was wrong - whereas evidence shows that one of the persons Newton stole from DID understand significantly more. And scientists therefrom did not recognise that Newton was wrong until CDADD's R&D in the last 10 years, which is being stolen by Governments.


Academia, largely controlled by Powers from Royal Society, Royal Institute, British Academy, maintain defective science – and oppress CDADD's new science that disproves Newton, Einstein, Eddington, Hubble, Hawking, Higgs, Wiles, CERN & others.

With so much defective Physics it leads into MASSES of defective Economic 'science' → science is dumbed-down:– Closed Minds → Socio-Economic Chaos -> Genocide


Britain remains ignorant because Minds are CLOSED


Margaret Thatcher did not recognise she was being duped over calls for 'privatisation' – You, PM May, do now know – but you refuse to reward/fund CDADD's R&D that significantly changes the way the World thinks – Genocide continues → Radicalism increases, within & without.


Need to adopt OPEN Minds → honesty, integrity – Rewarding/Funding based on Merit




Chris Addington Pr.Eng.