To: PM Theresa May, UK Parliament

And To: Stephen Hawking, Brian Cox, Paul Nurse, Royal Society, Royal Institute, CERN



HM Queen Elizabeth

PM Theresa May

Lab Jeremy Corbyn

SNP Nicola Sturgeon

Lib-Dem Tim Farron


And as per addresses & general



Chris Addington Pr.Eng.; (www (dot) cdadd (dot) com; Linked In – Chris Addington)


Opticks (wrongly attributed to Newton) are wrong; hence Einstein, Hubble, Hawking, Higgs, CERN are also wrong

e≠mc2 !!!!!!!!!!!



November 4, 2016


Re: ITV, Pride of Britain Awards 2016 –> veneering dishonesty -> nothing changes


One cannot understate the achievements by many of the 'heroes' who were recipients of Pride of Britain Awards, especially those physically handicapped.


BUT, the truth remains, vis: the success of a few is achieved upon the many many disadvantaged – and the glitz&glamour of the Awards ceremony belied the economic hardships of those many. The real HEROES of Britain (the World) are those economically depressed but who maintain dignity in the face of unfair hardships.


What was most disturbing was that Stephen Hawking was awarded a prize for his dishonesty in refusing to acknowledge that his theories are wrong, and Hawking's dishonesty was veneered with praise from another dishonest academic, Brian Cox – and you, PM May, handed out the Award despite knowing Hawking is dishonest. One cannot discount that Hawking purposefully developed defective mathematics/science for personal gain → and it is clear that defective physics ''science' leads into grossly defective economics 'science', and hence massively destructive government policies which creates the hardships for the majority.


Media keep us informed of Russia's (Putin's) increasing polarisation (& of many other radicals) – but you, your Government & Parliament refuse to recognise that you are all responsible for Britain's lack of humility, for Britain's bent for pride to the extent of dishonesty & corruption driving corporate Organised Crime → Economy Terrorism → which drives polarisation.


You are, like King Carl of Sweden, a Terrorist for knowingly dishing out awards for defective science to dishonest academics.


Opticks (wrongly attributed to Newton) are wrong; hence Einstein, Hubble, Hawking, Higgs, CERN are also wrong → e≠mc2 !!!!!!!!!!!





Chris Addington Pr.Eng.