To: PM Theresa May, UK Parliament
HM Queen Elizabeth
PM Theresa May
Lab Jeremy Corbyn
SNP Nicola Sturgeon
Lib-Dem Tim Farron
And as per addresses & general
Chris Addington Pr.Eng.; (www (dot) cdadd (dot) com; Linked In – Chris Addington)
e≠mc2 because Opticks (wrongly attributed to Newton) are wrong
August 10, 2016
You, PM May, said you would LISTEN and bring meaningful change ….... BUT ….
…... Britain's dishonesty continues ….... nothing has changed ….....
corporate Organised Crime → Economy Terrorism → disunited EU
United Europe? IMPOSSIBLE under an autocratic, abusive EU!!!
→ An opportunity for UK to lead the way – BUT ….. UK must stop gang-banging the World
→ BUT, this can't happen since you are not listening (reading), nor wanting to understand.
You, PM May, refuse to understand that defective/dishonest science is causing global socio-economy chaos. You continue to allow Academia/Media/Corporates/Parliament to churn out lies & deceptions – simply to maintain London as a fraudulent money-machine destroying socio-economy stability.
You support dishonesty & refuse to fund/reward on only requires a simple statement from you, PM May, to change from dishonesty to honesty – until you do the underlying CAUSAL FACTORS that are destabilising the World will push the World closer to Hot War
Francis:- World War over money, resources → BUT Church Morally bankrupt.
Some issues (below) in the few weeks of your premiership confirms that you are no different to Cameron, Brown, Blair, Corbyn, Farron, Clegg …..:-
A priest killed in a Normandy Church (thoughts & prayers to family/friends of this tragedy) - just another circumstance of (understandable? justifiable?) response by people oppressed by the West's Economy Terrorism (aggregated corporate Organised Crime).
An archbishop states (according to BBC News) that 'Evil attacks the weakest'
This is quite true → corporate leaders such as Richard Branson, Alan Sugar, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates & others constantly attack the weak in society; using economic/finance WMDs.
Pope Francis states:- World War on money, resources – BUT Francis is a large part of the problem because he & Vatican scientists also deceive regarding defective science which is behind corporate Organised Crime – Francis dishonestly rejects CONCRETE proofs that Opticks are wrong – Francis refuses to see & understand LIGHT & ENERGY TRANSMISSION DYNAMICS – and refuses to see that this defective science distorts socio-economy science.
Francis continues to maintain the Church as Morally bankrupt.
Since your Premiership of a few weeks, PM May, the World has shifted further towards instability & real danger of Hot World War – ongoing & increasing 'skirmishes' by 'terrorists' (or freedom fighters?, depending on which side of the fence you stand) are essentially guerilla/suicide style tactics; attempted coup in Turkey; Erdogan rooting out corrupt Judges & other coup schemers, real or imagined; more Justice power abuses in Ireland (Clerys fraudulent collapse, AIB Bank executives jailed for frauds whilst International Auditors are protected by a corrupt Judiciary); USA grass-roots turning to another 'saviour' but these grass-roots will trump themselves into deeper despair and ongoing shootings/bombings?; …..
Global chaos is increasing.
YOU SAID YOU WOULD LISTEN!!! (read???; understand???; reform???) - but your Conservative & Unionist Party are closed-minded – you have done nothing to address the fundamental dishonesty amongst UK's elite – Academia, Media, Judiciary, Parliament all remain dishonest and support corpOrgCrime.
Talk of stripping Philip Green of his knighthood is one thing but Green has plenty of reasonable defence arguments over the dishonesty of Royal Society, Royal Institute & Academia in general – why are these institutions (as well as Royal Irish Academy, Royal Dublin Society) not stripped of their Royal Charter due to their outright dishonesty?
For, NOTHING can change constructively whilst Academia is controlled&ruled by corporate Organised Crime – because Academia is the think-tank for Reform, but is corrupted by corpOrgCrime.
Jeremy Corbyn repeatedly states he doesn't do abuse – but he is in a fortunate, well paid job (i.e. Parliament and paid by Taxpayers) so Corbyn can afford to be pleasant – but he also fails to address the issues of dishonesty that is rife throughout UK elite. And stating that someone is dishonest, and with proofs, is not abuse, but facts.
It is YOUR failure, PM May, that allows dishonesty to continue – not just as PM, nor when a Cabinet Minister, but from when a backbencher – you have been kept informed for years but refuse to listen or understand.
London as a major financial centre is a fraudulent Money-Machine which contributes/causes World instability because Parliament refuse to engage constructively with Socio-Economy Engineering. Parliament refuse to Reward/Fund on Merit – instead dishonesty prevails.
Whilst UK Chief Justice Thomas has initiated an online forum for legal disputes (initiative stolen from CDADD) the initiative is limited to £25K (as reported) – but this will not achieve meaningful reform of UK's closed-shop (hence corrupt) inJustice system – because it does nothing to enable people to legally tackle the major corpOrgCrime criminals (Branson, Gates, Sugar, Buffet, PWC, KPMG, Deloittes, GT, E&Y etc.)
It requires that EVERY & ANY legal process should be via an open accessible forum – but this is not possible because Thomas is disingenuous with this limited initiative (again, stolen from CDADD)
Thomas has done nothing about the fabricated evidence in the Lawrence murder trial, Thomas was responsible for the rendition of Shrien Dewani; Thomas covers-up the corpOrgCrime behind Anni Dewani's murder; Thomas maintains the lies over TT implosions & BP/Deepwater sabotage, Thomas covers up the fraudulent raid by Barclays on SA's ABSA bank, etc., etc., - so Thomas is being totally dishonest – and this dishonesty is replicated throughout the various & numerous Westminster based (in)Justice systems in the world.
So, because corpOrgCrime has free reign, global Money Base & supply remains super-saturated thus distorting economies, within & without, and polarising such as Putin, Erdogan, al-Assad, etc.
(Labour contender Owen Smith's approach is to increase tax to 50% - but that does nothing to address the underlying CAUSAL FACTORS – it attempts (hopelessly so) to soak-up some of the counterfeit money but will not stop the counterfeiting & other scams)
One can see the effects of this across the Irish pond with the fraudulent collapse of Clerys & J Twomey colluding with over 32 Legals (crooks) gangbanging Ireland's (in)Justice system & Judges colluding with Intentional Auditors to perfect corporate crimes such as Clerys fraudulent collapse; and also with Ireland's regeneration of Dublin North side ghetto-land. Some fifty years or so ago a mind-numbing sub-economic flat complex was built to house disparitised people – it is now to be knocked down & replaced with new sub-economic houses that will also maintain mind-numbing despair. The causes for this stems from the super-saturated global Money-Base & Supply – distorting economies & destroying local businesses.
More money to be wasted on top of wasted money.
And TV images show us the squalor that most people dwell in around the world.
And (Friday July 29) in Dublin Criminal Court, 3 AIB bank executives were jailed for frauds – and Ernst & Young were given token reprimand by Judge Martin Nolan for Ernst &Young's criminal involvement in covering up the frauds by the executives.
It transpires that Director of Prosecutions deterred the Chartered Accountants Regulatory Board from investigating Ernst & Young – so widespread corruption within Ireland 'Westminster' inJustice system.
Reiterate: IntAuditors fraudulently sign-off corporate accounts as 'Independent Auditors', these auditors have for decades been involved in global pension/finance frauds - yet they are globally integrated with all spheres of the economy, hence are fraudulently claiming as 'Independent Auditors' → a source of global information for fraudulent insider trading & manipulations, and with collusion between & amongst all other IntAuditors – and with Judges colluding.
The Brexit result has brought the usual scare mongering by the media (controlled by corporate Organised Crime) ….
…. BUT, one only needs recall the stand (and for long: lone) that Britain took against Nazism – certainly it brought many justified fears but it was the right decision – for, the alternative was appeasement of Nazi tyranny. In declaring war against Germany Britain did face scare-mongering economics data – certainly Britain dealt with the issues but it was largely not a factor in declaring war or not – the evil of Nazism (albeit due largely to the appalling Versailles Treaty oppressively imposed by Allies) was the issue, not petty domestic hardship issues.
The effective stand, by Brexit result, is a popular stand against an autocratic abusive EU & UK Government – bringing many fears –> but the right popular decision – which is also a statement against a dishonest & corrupt Parliament/Government that is acting against the electorate & for corpOrgCrime ...
… for, how else could constructive change come about? Cameron, Clegg, Miliband, Brown, Blair & others were/are well entrenched with corpOrgCrime – siding with free use of Economic Weapons of MASSIVE Destructions - leaving the majority peoples in UK (& World) impoverished.
EU autocrats were & still are abusively hostile – despite Brexit EU must still maintain a United Europe, but hostility from EU autocrats/dictators prevails.
You, PM May, have done nothing different from Cameron, Brown, Blair → you have done nothing to understand the underlying corporate fraud mechanisms that created the symptoms to which a popular Brexit resulted – and, nor do you understand that an economic 'ether' exists, nor its characteristics -> so the results from your deafness will be as BIZARRE as those sci-fi theories by Hawking, Higgs, Dawkins, CERN etc., which are defective because academics refuse to accept that Opticks are wrong → but, not simply bizarre economy results but MASSIVELY DESTRUCTIVE – and this is possible because Media can churn-out lies & deceptions.
[The tragic shootings in USA (yet another!) of Dallas Police Officers is a symptom stemming from virtually identical socio-economic Causal Factors that led to a popular Brexit – people ignoring Justice (because Justice & Government & Parliament are prostituted) and resorting to vigilantism, as one protest banner read]
The Leave poll of 51.9% accounts for those that are fearless of the consequences but excludes those many that wanted to leave but were fearful – consequently the desire to 'leave', to Brexit, is far greater.
'Out is Out; and the sooner the better' responses from some top EU politicos confirms the complete absence of a United Europe – a repeat of the abuses by EU Politicos in the recent threat of a Grexit - all of which reinforced the Brexiters campaign - and now with others within EU that are pressuring for similar exits.
Calls for a second referendum come from majority Londoners – i.e. those that have benefited more/most from the majority elsewhere being gang-banged. And it is the majority that have been gang-banged that are (it appears) justifiably opposed to EU autocracy.
Thus: internal & external chaos –> all of which ignores the underlying forces that brought about the call for a Brexit Referendum – vis: (mainly) migration, but with EU abusive autocracy close behind and followed by a number of other lesser 'gripe' issues – BUT, all these forces were driven by a common Causal Factor, vis: a supersaturated Money Base & Supply (with Money in the wrong hands, in the wrong places, doing the wrong things creating MASSIVE distortions & destructions to socio-economies) COMPELLED people to move from homelands to search for a 'better life' elsewheres – which brought chaos to developed nations that had battled for decades/centuries to establish a developed economy (albeit on imported slave labour).
And, as repeatedly demonstrated by CDADD, the super-saturated Money Base was/is largely counterfeit, laundered, churned, siphoned into the wrong hands through corporate Organised Crime – aggregating globally to Economy Terrorism by means of Economic WMDs.
The 'migration' issue is merely a symptom of the underlying Causal Factors that destabilises both developed & under-developed nations – the EU FAILED to develop the eastern blocks (ditto: Middle East) so that its nationals were happy to remain, hence they left, and in droves – and the reason that the EU did not develop the Eastern blocks was because corporate Organised Crime has overwhelming power – and the reason that corpOrgCrime has overwhelming power is because Parliaments/Governments have become aligned & suborned by these dark forces such that politicians/parliaments are totally disconnected from their electorates – and the CONCRETE PROOFS of this is the Brexit result.
There is absolutely no correlation/connection between the UK Parliament and the UK peoples – and one cannot read too much into the Scotland & NIreland 'remain' majority because the fear factor was very strong - nor does their majority 'Remain' confirm a desire for Scotland and/or NIreland to break from the UK.
The 'Remain' certainly begs the question of a UK break, but is not the proof.
What the World is witnessing with Brexit are the consequences of massively destructive forces of corpOrgCrime → Economy Terrorism
And the World is kept in ignorance of these issues because of Parliament dishonesty in mis&dis-informing peoples – so, to that extent, the Referendum was also illegitimate.
The destructive financial/economic models that brought the circumstances forcing calls for Brexit will simply continue producing similar pressures -> closing UK's doors does not solve the problems it simply holds back a tide that will eventually realise in other destructive forms.
And, what of other EU nations? → those in far eastern block obviously see the autocratic abusive EU in a positive light relative to past-evils behind the Iron Curtain; also their historically oppressed circumstances have not given them the insights to reform constructively – and major EU nations are intent on oppressively suppressing the minor Member States (witness Greece). And in the far-west of Euroland, Ireland has sunk back into 'enslavement' under corpOrgCrime. Ireland's 1916 uprising was a disastrous suicidal mission, ill-thought out by a leader, a teacher, that usurped Authority to which he was not remotely qualified – nonetheless it brought independence some 6 years later, but not before Irish people had shot many of each other – but that independence was short lived as its Independence has been sold to corpOrgCrime, to which Ireland President, Chief Justice, Taoiseach (PM) & Dail (Parliament), past & present, are in collusion. Consequently Ireland, the most advanced of minor-EU nations, is part of the massive problem, not part of a solution.
FIFA frauds are mickey-mouse issues relative to the frauds by corpOrgCrime criminals such as Richard Branson, Donald Gordon, Alan Sugar, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, International Auditors & others – but these crooks can buy protection from corrupt Judges – UK Chief Justice Thomas, USA Chief Justice Roberts, SA Chief Justice, Ireland Chief Justice Denham, etc.
UK Parliament must reform and COMPEL honest Government & honest Justice System if it is to defeat corpOrgCrime and the autocratic abusive EU – the real danger however is that decades of mis&dis-information has rendered UK Parliament ignorant, hence incompetent & impotent.
And Jo Cox paid for Parliament's dishonesty
So what to do, to bring constructive reform & EU Unity? → constructive Socio-Economy Engineering!!!
Looking through a simple prism and recognising the dynamics of light proves Newton, Einstein, CERN & much science wrong – so too does recognising that Andrew Wiles' 'proof' of Fermat's Last Theorem (FLT) is wrong proves that much mathematics is wrong – and recognising that much mathematics to be wrong allows one to see that much economic 'science' is purposefully fraudulent –> corpOrgCrime!!!
And, CDADD's classical PROOF of FLT realises new & much constructive Science & Engineering
(In early Jan 2016, at London's National Portrait Gallery, I placed a note against the information board alongside the portrait of Andrew Wiles stating that Wiles's 'proof' is NOT a PROOF and directing to www (dot) cdadd (dot) com website – I doubt if the note is still there)
BUT, Academia & Governments are controlled/influenced by corpOrgCrime → which explains why there is refusal by Governments to fund/reward, on Merit, groundbreaking R&D that counters/disproves defective 'science' → because corpOrgCrime criminals wish to maintain their fraud models, hence actively oppose correct, new science→ socio-economic chaos!!!
[BBC News; Tuesday July 5, 2016: 11h00 – Bank of England Governor (BoE) Mark Carney – risk concerns beginning to materialise.
Carney ranges the scare-mongering issues – but totally ignores the reality that the alternative (a 'Remain') is effectively an appeasement of EU autocracy.
Carney forcefully states: 'law is law, rules are rules' – but Carney disingenuously relies upon unjust laws & unjust rules to 'justify' his defective BoE policy plans – instead of constructively engaging with the necessary Socio-Economy Engineering to understand the destructive Causal Factors so as to develop Just Laws & Just Rules → and this because Carney is colluding with corpOrgCrime that manipulated unjust laws & unjust rules to their favour & to the detriment of society as a whole.
There are real risks with Brexit – but these are VASTLY increased because Government, Parliament, BoE & other departments have refused to correctly engage Socio-Economy Engineering, instead maintaining the defective 'science' that backs corpOrgCrime and destabilises economies.
Carney & BoE are also a large part of the entire problem & provide no constructive solutions!!!]
Chris Addington Pr.Eng.