
PM David Cameron



HM Queen Elizabeth

Lab Jeremy Corbyn

SNP Nicola Sturgeon

Lib-Dem Tim Farron

UKIP Nigel Farage

as per addresses & general


From: Chris Addington Pr.Eng.; (; Linked In – Chris Addington)


June 20, 2016



Tragedy of Jo Cox MP – Mealy-mouthed tributes on Friday by Cameron, Corbyn, Bercow & others - > disingenuous IN/OUT statements → Political dishonesty continues by both Brexiters & Remainers (& Undeciders)

An autocratic EU is NOT a United Europe!!!


Thoughts & Prayers go out to Jo Cox's family, especially her small children, at the gut-wrenching loss over Jo's murder last week.


BUT, we must not lose sight of the fact that the closeness of Jo's murder and her public profile gave her a public face to which many people could mourn Jo's passing – this is in stark contrast to the faceless millions that die slow & horrendous deaths through starvation genocide yearly (monthly?)

Whilst Jo made a name for herself in working for disadvantaged people she failed to step out of the hands-on direction that simply deals with the symptoms (helping the disadvantaged) and moving into the realities of the devastating global forces of corporate Organised Crime (→ Economy Terrorism) & collusive Governments that are the CAUSAL FACTORS behind global disparities.


Shootings/stabbings/bombings are becoming a part of every-day life – and Jo's tragedy is unlikely to be the last.


Jo was the 'wrong' person, in the wrong place, at the wrong time – had another been elected in Jo's stead then it likely would have been that person that was shot & stabbed. Or it could have been another angered person in another constituency targeting another MP, or ….


And the accused, Thomas Mair (doubtless the murderer), is just one of many people throughout the world that are disparitised – even within a developed nation as Britain Mair was/is disparitised, and to the extreme – Mair is as much a victim of Parliament/Government failings as is Jo being Mair's victim in anger – for, are we to be told to accept that he was simply a 'nutter'. Or a person who had lost faith with society because of a society losing faith with those disparitised. Mair was one of many, many victims in a world plagued by corporate Organised Crime (→ Economy Terrorism)


Jo Cox was kept informed of CDADD's Professional Engineering R&D that is making ground-breaking insights into defective socio-economy & physics 'science' – but Jo, as with all MPs, ignored the realities of an academic community that is riddled with cancerous dishonesty, cronyism, corruption – because Parliament is likewise riddled with this cancer.


PM Cameron's mealy-mouthed tributes to Jo Cox has had little effect (ditto Spkr Bercow & Lab Corbyn) – because by Sunday Cameron appeared on the BBC (British Bullshit Corporation) News channel in a debate with David Dimbleby & tame audience (and an audience mis&dis-informed by Parliament & BBC & media) in which Cameron continued with the endless lies that he has churned out (ditto: both Brexiters & Undeciders)


Cameron's arguments boil-down to gutless appeasement of an EU autocracy – much like Chamberlain's 'peace in our time' appeasement of Nazi power – Britain did NOT debate financial/economic benefits in relation to accepting Nazi power – Nazi power was seen to be the evil it proved so to be – EU autocracy is an evil, definitely not (at present) as evil as Nazi power – but the slippery-slope is well oiled, as we see with a German Minister shouting his 'Out is Out' threats to Britain.


Guardian Sat June 18, 2016; frontpage; Jonathan Friedland, 'If you inject enough poison into our politics, somebody will get sick'):- Friedland reiterates Jeremy Paxman, regarding politicians: 'why is this lying bastard lying to me?'


But the problem is far deeper because:

'Why are these lying bastards (media) lying to me about these lying bastards (politicians) lying to me?'


The problem is SO deep that one can reasonably (justifiably?) argue that people have the right to invoke the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) Preamble right that people/s can take up arms against their oppressors (politicians, media, academics, corporates, etc., etc., etc., …...)


- BUT, as we've seen with Britain's corrupted (in)Justice system (with both fabricated & suppressed evidence in Stephen Lawrence murder trial & appeal; and with the rendition of Shrien Dewani; etc.) that such a valid defence claim from Mair would be ignored by corrupt UK Justices.


There is little doubt that Mair will not receive revenge (in)Justice through Britain's closed-shop (hence corrupt) Westminster-based (in)Justice system - much as Oscar Pistorius is receiving revenge inside SA's Westminster-based (in)Justice system.


BUT also, with UK's long track-record of political intrigue (witness: twins-in-tower, thru' twin towers implosions, bp/deepwater sabotage, etc.) one cannot rule out that Jo's murder was a twisted Remainers' plot – for there appears a Remainers increase in following.


Jo Cox was a newcomer to a Parliament that is corrupted & rotten throughout – democracy does not exist because Parliament is filled with lying bastards – and from which a few are chosen to sit as a 'devolved monarchic oligopolistic autocracy' (instead of democratic leadership:- of, for & by the people) – thus people/s cannot make informed decisions; and if were correctly informed are powerless against devolved monarchic oligopolistic autocracy power.


Aren't we back to a similar situation of yore when King John was challenged, producing Magna Carta – where today people are challenging the 'devolved monarchic oligopolistic autocracy' to produce a truly democratic nation?


Matters will not change whilst Cameron, Corbyn, Farron, Farrage, Sturgeon & other political leaders maintain their links to corporate Organised Crime (→ Economy Terrorism) and ignore the realities of CDADD's R&D, or continue to steal Intellectual Property – thus maintaining a disunited Europe regardless of whether IN or OUT




Chris Addington Pr.Eng.




PM David Cameron



HM Queen Elizabeth

Lab Jeremy Corbyn

SNP Nicola Sturgeon

Lib-Dem Tim Farron

UKIP Nigel Farage

as per addresses & general


From: Chris Addington Pr.Eng.; (; Linked In – Chris Addington)


[Would someone kindly forward this to Geoffrey Robertson: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ]


May 4, 2016


Re: BREXIT or No(ose) ????

- BBC: 'Them or Us' - presented by BBC Political Editor Nick Robinson – a two part documentary that roughly set out the history of UK's entry into the EU (BBC2 Tuesday April 12 & 19, 2016)


What was clear from 'Them or Us' was that the Public, and Parliament, and successive Governments, had/have no idea of why UK should or should not be in the EU.

(Nor do they recognise that the reasons for creating an EU, to avoid conflicts such as WWI&II, has only been possible by creating conflicts on the other side of the world – through imposition of Economy Terrorism to generate slave-labour imports to supplement Euroland's lifestyle)


The documentaries revolved around political standpoints with no engineering understandings of the necessary socio-economy systems & controls that were/are needed for a stable economy – it is irrelevant, whether IN or OUT, as to the necessary systems & controls required for attaining an optimally stable economy – it simply requires correctly engineered systems & controls – BUT, that requires an understanding of the economy 'ether' which exists but is not understood (not even recognised), just as the ether that exists throughout the Universe is not understood nor recognised by academia.


The entire BREXIT issue has come about SOLELY because the EU (World) is not functioning correctly – it is broken, as it always has been – because no engineering understandings have been developed as to how to correctly structure & control economies – neither in isolation nor within a collective union of nations


It is why disadvantaged nations & groupings are angry and acting violently – because the West has not developed solutions – and that is because Socio-Economy Engineering has been rejected by you & past PMs


If you take your car to the garage only to find accountants or politicos trying to fix it then clearly you cannot expect it to work correctly – the same applies with national economies which are far more complex and INTANGIBLE.


So, BREXIT or No(ose), UK (& World) will continue to hang themselves - the underlying problems remain - and will remain so until constructive Economy Engineering is progressed, and on Merit.


Your government's call to dispense with the ECHR Rights ignores that these Rights are a subset of the UDHR which cannot be derogated/reduced – the only reason (for wanting to ignore ECHR) can be that the ECHR court has jurisdiction whereas there is no civil court to balance/legitimise the International Criminal Court.


It can only be construed that you are wanting UK to continue to abusively impose 'Westminster' (in)Justice systems onto other nations –> the closed-shop (hence corrupt) Westminster system simply keeps protesting nations in line.


Whether IN or OUT the driving force is UK retaining its autonomy in perpetrating Human Rights abuses behind a tatty screen of jurisprudential expediency.


This can be seen with Geoffrey Robertson QC, a UN War Crimes Judge (Africa) who states (in his 'Crimes Against Humanity' 3rd Edition, Preface pg xvi) 'The first step ….. towards having human rights respected is to enable these rules [international human rights law] to be understood by 'ordinary people'......'


But, in writing his book, Robertson has used words & terminology that require the Shorter (if not Longer) Oxford Dictionary to be a constant companion – and Robertson 'combobulates' & discombobulates his readers with unnecessary complexity of simple issues if sensible engineering analysis were applied (similar to Hawking, Dawkins, Higgs, CERN, ESA, NASA, etc., confusing people with bogus science because they refuse to admit errors with Opticks) – readers easily become lost in the complexity of Robertson's explanations and lose sight of the simplicity of CAUSAL FACTORS, vis: corpOrgCrime aggregating to Economy Terrorism driving Starvation Genocide, Anger, Violence …...


Robertson also wrongly argues that the UDHR is not legally enforceable – the Nuremberg Trials were to specifically deal with Nazi war crimes – a new initiative at that time – hence, the fact that UDHR has been in existence for some 65 years means that it is now common law – and fully enforceable.

This can be seen to be reasonable when recognising that Pres. GW Bush's 'unsigning' of Rome Statute was a formal, if passive, Declaration of War against Human Rights.


The key principle to recognise is that the World is emerging from millennia of State personas that are distinctly separate from the people – a State is given 'life' by representatives elected by, for & of the people – BUT, history has shown that those elected simply adopt the autocratic powers that historically were taken by those who became powerful simply by force and not by public choice.


This is why no one in UK (& most countries) has a political mandate – because ALL political parties are minorities – and this because people are not correctly informed.


As a UN War Crimes judge, Robertson is effectively a World Super-Judge – he is supposed to be the best of best – but Robertson conveniently turns his blind-eyes away from the West's corporate Organised Crime that aggregates to Economy Terrorism producing Starvation Genocide.


Robertson contemptuously distances himself from the Truths/Facts by obstructing communications (see email below) so that he, as a Judge, can ignore the CAUSAL FACTOR oppressions against minority nations and simply impose the West's (UK's) colonial/imperial might over those oppressed – to which the UK military act as hired-guns to impose dictatorial judgements which judgements are devoid off Truths or Facts - and hence maintain their oppressed status to continue with exploitation.


(Witness Robertson's silence over Twin Towers implosions; fabricated evidence in the Stephen Lawrence murder trial'; the rendition of a mentally incompetent Shrien Dewani to an incompetent SA Authority; the undermining of SA's Constitutional Court by WCHC Court contempt for the CC court over the Dewani rendition; unlawful protections against prosecution to Richard Branson, Alan Sugar, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, etc. ….... etc., etc.)


Robertson also identifies with N.Ireland's Bloody Sunday incident – when, on visiting, he imagined being in crossfire & being hit in the head by a bullet – it appears to matter little whether he had or not – because the Ireland 'solution' was to uplift centuries-oppressed peoples by supplementing their lifestyle with oppressive slave labour imports & counterfeit money due to …....


…..... another notable abuse - by Tony Blair who scoffed at the notion of giving the Public their voice – Blair fobbed off the idea (voice) by arguing that the public had no idea (of real issues) – which is perfectly true! the public are TOTALLY ignorant off real issues - because Tony Blair (& successors: Gordon Brown, yourself) has constantly lied to the public & World –> I hand-delivered to No.10 mail office & emailed to you the adjudicated proofs of pension/investment frauds, which account for the super-saturation of global Money Base & Supply, in December 2004 – Blair covered it up, as did Gordon Brown & yourself – criminals such as Branson, Sugar, Gordon, Buffet, Gates etc. can continue corporate Organised Crime unhindered …...


….. and World Super-Judges, such as Robertson, allow these Crimes Against Humanity to continue! - and judge those that oppose.


…... so too does the United Nations because they were informed by me at their UNODC Conference on Drugs & Organised Crime in Pretoria in 2006 – the UN is simply an organisation that passively accepts the West's corporate Organised Crime


Auschwitz Guard Oskar Groning, more correctly an administrator, is indicted for his failure to stand-up against the ENTIRE Nazi system, in the full knowledge that if he had he would likely have been left inside a gas chamber or sent to the Eastern front – YET, Geoffrey Robertson, who faces no such horrors, cowardly refuses to oppose Branson, Sugar, Buffet, Gates etc.


Groning counted money taken from Auschwitz inmates – Robertson counts his pounds & pence 'earned' through UK's abusive inJustice system that upholds corpOrgCrime → Economy Terrorism → Starvation Genocide.


What's the difference??????????????????


Branson, Sugar, Gordon, Buffet, Gates are perpetrating Crimes Against Humanity (Rome Statute (RS) Article 7k & others), Genocide (RS Art 6b & c); and against various Articles of the UDHR upon which the International Criminal Court is founded.


(Branson is now overtly invading Ireland, having bought UPC, an ISP – but UPC was created through counterfeit/laundered/defrauded monies – and it would be impossible to determine at what point Branson had covert ownership; UPC's competitor Eircom was also bought from Ireland State through a fraudulent sale/purchase agreement and with fraudulent monies – Ireland is abusively Thought-Policed, and all enforced by Police/Garda that act more as gestapo thugs by refusing to uphold & protect the Constitution & Human Rights – the writer is unlawfully blocked from communications by UPC & Eircom – and Ireland's Chief Justice Denham, educated within a Westminster (in)Justice system, continues to prostitute the entire Justice system and Academia by supporting these Human Rights abuses.

Note: the ICC is illegitimate BECAUSE there is no balancing Civil Court component.

Cuba is about to be invaded by tourism industry – tourism is perhaps the fastest way of undermining cultural values/systems)


Nor does Robertson oppose the Hillsborough witch-hunt against police – soccer hooliganism was rife in the 70/80/90s – people attended matches in the full knowledge of these risks – but then expect the police to provide a fail-safe protection service – it's not dissimilar to people demanding not to be bombed during the blitz.


….. nor the media lies out of BBC, Guardian, Telegraph, Time, New York Times, Washington Post etc. or the unlawful censorship by ISPs that block legitimate Sovereign communications.


…... nor the political manipulations that Israel (both Virtual & Real) create in using bogus 'anti-Semitism' claims against any legitimate opposition to Israel's rights abuses & blatant Crimes-Against-Humanity –> including the cover-up of the Twin Towers implosions in which owner Larry Silverstein was indirectly complicit if not directly, and to which Mossad were key planners. Which is all funded, along with Israel's never-ending wars, by pensions/investments defrauded from the Joe/Jen Soaps in the 'West'


And, on pg 87, Robertson argues: 'If the UN is to protect a city or people ….... soldiers must be sent to fight, and politicians at home must be prepared for soldiers to die, …'


And all this whilst Robertson counts his pounds&pence earned by protecting the corpOrgCrime criminals that bring about the CAUSAL FACTORS of genocide – for which soldiers must die


It consumes VAST amounts of mental & emotional ENERGY to constantly remind oneself that one cannot invoke the acknowledged right, as set out in the UDHR (Preamble), to take up arms against oppressive governments & corporates.


Unfortunately, it is clear that quite a number of Muslims have over some 15 years consumed all their mental & emotional reserves in repeatedly telling themselves that they are not to blame for the Twin Towers implosions perpetrated by jew mafia & christian mafia elements (not to be confused with loving-faith Jews/Christians) – yet being abused daily by seeing people all around wrongly blaming them.


– and many UK Muslims have also exhausted their limits.


Some 700 pages of history of 'Crimes Against Humanity' and Robertson enhances crimes.


The World's Super-Judges are essentially protecting the West's corpOrgCrime criminals → Economy Terrorism –> Starvation Genocide.


Whether Brexit or NO(ose), UK (& EU & the World) will continue to hang themselves – unless Governments correctly engage Economy Engineering, sensibly & on Merit.




BUT, to be fair, pragmatic – Robertson's book does set out the convoluted, complex history of international jiggery-pokery that has brought the World to its present position on UDHR & ICC & Human Rights even though totally duplicitous & ineffectual – but in so doing, Robertson within the legal system (similar to Hawking, Higgs, CERN, etc. within physics) has become lost by incorrect theories – Robertson cannot see the wood for the trees, the trees for the forest, the forest for the panorama – jut as astro-physicists cannot recognise optical illusions when gazing into space.


And this is not to pick solely on Robertson - but the entire Legal community.


It requires nations from the 'West' to initiate an International Civil Court over themselves to counterbalance, and hence legitimise, the International Criminal Court – BUT, with a looming Brexit or NO(ose) because of ECHR jurisdiction it is unlikely the UK will pioneer such a move – UK is an abuser of Human Rights (more evidence: Julian Assange).




Chris Addington Pr.Eng.


(www (dot) cdadd (dot) com; Linked In – Chris Addington)


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geoffrey robertson - crimes against humanity


Wed, 27 Apr 2016 18:06:58 +0100


Chris Addington <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;


This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

to geoffrey robertson

crimes against humanity - v interesting, but ignoring the socio-economic
crimes against humanity by developed nations that drive instability in
under-developed nations.

the icc is illegitimate because no civil justice arm to address these
issues & such as barclays bank fraud raid on sa's absa bank
heavily skewed 'justice'

also: twin towers were imploded (proof: absence of transfer-of-momentum
dynamics for a natural collapse = additional & sequential high impulse,
explosive, forces were used, and as can be observed) - but nothing
done, barring toronto hearings

also rendition of shrien dewani from a uk mental institution, and
botched hijack that resulted in annni dewani's murder remains
covered-up, and no attempt to use echr

also fabricated evidence in stephen lawrence trial

systemic & systematic break-down of 'westminster' justice systems - crimes against humanity


Chris Addington Pr.Eng.