Venezuela Supreme Court attacked - Rewriting Constitutions, unconstitutionally

-> Nothing new – Standard Judicial Power abuse

Constitutions of Developed Nations jiggery-pokeried into value less than used toilet paper


Venezuela is again in the grips of chaos (mid 2017), seemingly as a result of its Supreme Court allegedly 'dissolving' Parliament, but also coupled with political manipulations by President Nicolas Maduro – and aimed partly at rewriting Venezuela's Constitution to achieve political ambitions.


This can easily be dismissed as another banana republic going through another turmoil – BUT - NOTHING CAN BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH


Venezuela's chaos overlooks the REALITIES of global Socio-Economic Ether that exists and whereby finance/economic pressures in developed countries DIRECTLY & INDIRECTLY impacts lesser & undeveloped nations.


Similar to the pressures of the US Dollar forcing up the Berlin Wall so too are global pressures from a super-saturated Global Money-Base & Supply causing economic chaos throughout the world – and it is because of these EXTERNAL pressures that prevent successive Governments from constructively reforming their country into a stable economy.

It was also pressures from US dollar (& strengthened other currencies) that forced the Wall down – but by different CAUSAL chain.


The destructive pressures from developed Nations comes largely through corporate Organised Crime (corpOrgCrime) that aggregates to global Economy Terrorism – and corpOrgCrime is possible because the Legal community, which includes the Judiciary, are able to 'rewrite' & DEFEAT the Constitution through 'secondary' law. Supreme Law being UDHR/ECHR/Constitution; Primary Law being Parliamentary Acts; 'secondary' law being Court Rules/Procedures/Practices, statutory instruments & such like that bypass Parliament by means of a blanket empowering Act that allows 'secondary' law to 'rewrite' & DEFEAT Supreme & Primary laws – hence Human Rights Violations (HRV) and through to Crimes Against Humanity (CAH)


Most Nations have a written Constitution but UK has an infinitely-elastic unwritten Constitution – which is why UK can maintain corpOrgCrime in London which is causal of much of the global chaos – alternatively stated UK is a large part of the problem, UK is definitely not part of the solution. Ireland does its share of contributing abuses when its history should have compelled Ireland as a world-leader in Justice reform. South Africa also FAILED in this regard.


An example of Ireland rewriting its Constitution is a Court Notice in which the President of Dublin's High Court unlawfully/unconstitutionally empowers a Registrar to determine Justice decisions, which is contrary to the Constitution in which Judges are the ONLY persons empowered to Administer Justice


[ , which contains the following:

'Applications will not be listed before the vacation judge without certification from the High Court Duty Registrar that the matter is urgent. '] - this is just one example; another can be seen by:


[ ] in which a list of 'secondary' law amendments presents a minefield of confusion rendering the Act illegible, thereby creating 'secondary' law which Judges apply to the detriment of society because it DEFEATS the UDHR/ECHR/Constitution and thereby corporates are protected from prosecutions over fraud scams – which fraud scams have escalated globally – hence the chaos to which Venezuelans & others are rebelling.


Try using your own Justice system – you will quickly find how abusive it is.


Venezuela is experiencing disruption because of mass protests against the Government and to which bullets & bombs are being used against a corrupted Supreme Court – Radicals/Terrorists are essentially doing the same elsewheres in the World.


It is likely that Judges will be targetted in general around the World – because Judiciaries REFUSE to dispense Justice fairly & equitably – one cannot find REASON within Courts which is why people become Radicalised → closed to reason and open to violent reform by any means.


Judiciaries need to REFORM promptly – to make Courts easily & readily accessible so as to settle disputes promptly, fairly & equitably.





Chris Addington Pr.Eng.