Economist’s inexact models exactly defective 06


(Nobel Prize Hijacked)


Unlawful 3rd Force interference & hijacking of an otherwise noble institution.


The 2007 Peace Prize for high-powered publicity & 2007 Economics Prize for defective economics models …

confirms that high-powered, 3rd Force, financial players influence/control the awarding of Nobel Prizes = defective economics models keep billions in starvation/impoverishment = crimes against humanity.


Springbok World Cup win – euphoria delaying the inevitable collapse, just as with Zimbabwe – Mbeki’s U-Turn without substance if defective economy models are maintaining slavery & passive genocide.


UK Guardian’s quarter-baked & token Katine project – yet remain silent about corporate fraudsters such as Barclays Bank.


UK Army Chief, Dannatt – his reliance on God is right in righteousness, but not when army becomes ‘hired-guns’ for a corrupt Britannia.


Ireland’s green paper on pensions – another example of duplicity by a government, and of an ‘independent’ becoming dependent.




It is recommended that you read the previous papers in this series – click on ‘view now’ Historical Archives (lhs panel).

This series highlights the gross defectiveness of Economic Scientist’s models that are causing gross injustices & instabilities throughout the world. The previous papers concern:-

1. Milton Friedman, Lucas, Aumann

2. John Nash (portrayed in Beautiful Mind by Russell Crowe)

3 & 4. Edmund Phelps

5 Robert Mundell





(Please Note: This website is about the pioneering of ENGINEERING into the SEBFL environments, it is about seeking truths; it is NOT about journalistic waffle.

If you are seeking journalistic waffle then you need to enter the name of any mainstream newspaper into your search engine.)

Explaining transmission mechanisms is NOT doom-prophecy, it is explaining probabilistic reality.


Nobel Foundation:

There comes a point at which inconsistencies can only be explained by unlawful 3rd Force manipulations – these 3rd Forces include those mafia/factional elements that masquerade as members of respective loving-faiths.

The Press Release by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences for the 2007 Economics Prize referred to Adam Smith’s ‘invisible hand’ that Smith identified as being at work within economies.

The truth is that this ‘invisible hand’ has become a ‘gigantic hand holding a sledgehammer of death & destruction’, wielded & manipulated by a global network of high-powered, unlawful, 3rd Force fraudsters.

A scan of reveals that the Nobel Foundation is under the control of the Board of Directors which, it appears, account to the Trustees. A number of the Directors & trustees are members of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

The nomination process & who may nominate persons for prizes are explained under ‘Nomination’ – there are different requirements for each prize category, but despite nominations from thousands of sources the vetting & decision making is in secret.

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (RSAS) decide upon the Chemistry, Physics & Economics prizes, The Nobel Assembly the Karolinska Instutet decides the prize for Medicine, and the Norwegian Nobel Committee decides the Peace prize.

The point to stress regarding the Nobel Prizes is that the original intent was to award to that individual or body who had made the most significant advancement in that particular category. In addition, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences is, it claims, an ‘independent organisation whose overall objective is to promote the sciences and strengthen their influence in society’.

BUT, valid communications to these people are ignored by them; how then do they fulfil their mandate if they refuse to engage honestly & transparently??????????


Some Truths:

Regular visitors to CDADD site will be aware that the research herein is oriented to the pioneering of engineering understandings & solutions to global problems in the social/economy/business/finance/legals (SEBFL) environments.

Engineering is, or rather should be, the holistic application of the sciences (exact & inexact) to produce an optimal service/system

Economies, globally, continually go boom/crash. Key causal problems for boom/crash cycles are defective economy structures & controls and fraudulent finance mechanisms, and this is because engineering is entirely absent.

‘Money is the root of all evil’ is an appropriate summary.

One only need read the admission in the Forward of ex-Prime Minister John Major’s autobiography to realise that politicians are not qualified to control economies yet that is what they do.

Being insufficiently educated to advise ministers, I decided early on to be a minister myself, and to harness others’ learning to my native good sense.’

This one sentence by Major sums up how governments are misled by the defective learnings of others – because it is the defective economics models of economics ‘experts’ that are wrongly misleading government leaders who are inadequately qualified & experienced.

Margaret Thatcher was one of the few, if not only, national leader that had an ‘exact science’ background. Her qualifications & experience within the exact sciences can be detected in the policies that she adopted; BUT, nonetheless, engineering was entirely absent – which accounted for the defectiveness of those policies despite scientific inputs.

(see the first paper in this series on Milton Friedman, Lucas, Aumann).


How have so many defective economics models come about?

With investigation one can usually find a defining moment or event about which societal changes come about.

The defining moment with regard the destructive ‘open global economy (without protections)’ came about in the late 1950s when Donald Gordon, founder of Liberty Life, a Chartered Accountant, realised that the MOUNTAIN of surplus funds residing within mutual companies had come about because of a fundamental error in the short paying of retirement funds to its members.

Instead of following his professional ethics and revealing this error, Gordon instead formed Liberty Life with the fully conscious intent of fraudulently siphoning off those surplus funds.

Years later, demutualisation came about – this was a response by Mutual companies so as to set up similar structures to Liberty Life also to fraudulently siphon off these surplus funds that rightfully belonged to pensioner/investor members.

(see papers: Mastermind of Organised Crime, Annuities in Retirement)

To consolidate his position, Gordon and, later, other financial powers began funding ‘research’ into financial, economic & business issues – his quest was inadvertently assisted by governments reducing their commitments to universities, thus allowing the corporate sector to enter and influence appointments & research direction through financial inducements.

The ‘research’ is what we now see being wrongly rewarded by the Nobel Foundation, because the entire academic network and award chains have become contaminated with grossly defective thinking that stems from the distortions of defrauded, laundered, money.

The purposefully defective models that ensued were used to give credibility to fraudulent corporate business practices & models.

Over the nearly 5 decades since Gordon uncovered this MOUNTAIN of surplus funds, academic institutions have become prostituted, especially economics, commerce & business faculties in universities.

Grossly defective models have resulted and leading academics have been caught out by CDADD, and for purposefully presenting false data. In addition, when challenged, these academics & institutions (including RSAS & Karolinska) have refused to engage transparently & honestly. (see also papers in this series, and CHAMSA Economic for Prosperity).

What becomes clear, and reinforced by the 2007 Prizes in Economics & Peace, is that the Nobel Foundation/Organisation has become contaminated, hijacked, as a consequence of Academic institutions becoming contaminated.

It is two particular academic institutions that effectively regulate & decide matters pertaining to the Nobel Foundation & Prizes, and since those academic institutions are contaminated then, by induction, so is the Nobel Foundation/Organisation.

And with nominators being contaminated then so too is the entire selection process.

Given the aforegoing, once an organisation is already contaminated/hijacked how then can it be rectified?

Only by pursuing transparency & honesty!


As a consequence of all this CDADD compiled a selection of papers (in 2006, and viewable at this site, that prove the defectiveness of economics models & fraudulent financial systems, and with updates during 2007) and sent them to the Nobel Organisation & to the Sverige Bank (Swedish Reserve Bank) requesting that they be circulated to the nominators and requesting their nomination. Again:- no response; no transparent & honest interaction on a technical/scientific level; – total silence.

There can only be one of two reasons for this: either the work, transparently accessible at this website, is outright & utter nonsense or the Nobel Foundation, and its supporting academic institutions & nominators, are collectively contaminated.

(The option/possibility of even one nominator NOT being contaminated CANNOT be a valid option because professional integrity would ensure that any contamination was transparently eradicated, but since there has been no transparency, and no honest engagement with the valid proofs of contamination that have been presented, it follows that all nominators have become contaminated, absolutely.)

The truth is that the work at this website is substantially & significantly correct and the data proves this to be so. Much of the value has been adjudicated by an ex Reserve Bank Governor (SA) a Professor of London University, and another business doctorate. Again, it follows therefore that the Nobel Foundation and it supporting academic institutions are contaminated and that the Nobel Prizes have been hijacked.

The 2007 Peace & Economic Prizes awards support this statement.



Nobel Peace Prize 2007

One cannot deny that Al Gore’s massive publicity drive for global warming has not been effective. It has been immensely effective in bringing global awareness to a global massive problem. It is possibly the best publicity drive that could ever be expected.

BUT, the people that have done the real work of painstakingly collecting & collating reams of data over many years - the host of scientists/engineers/technicians & supporting staff from numerous institutions that have justified the foundation of & fed the IPCC - get a back seat to Al Gore.

(IPCC – Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)

One also cannot deny Al Gore the immense personal effort he expended in this campaign – but one needs to put this into perspective.

Gore took up this campaign some 5 years ago, around 14 years after the IPCC body was formed, which body came about because of the decades of dedicated moral commitment & intellectual insight of the host of scientists/engineers/technicians & staff that foresaw the dangers.

How then does a 5 year campaign by one person, who did not develop the insight himself, weigh up against the many man-decades of work by the host of skilled people, so as to justify a 1/2 share of the Nobel Prize? How????

How do Al Gore’s nominal 5 years compare to the decades of work by Mother Teresa (1979 Nobel Peace Prize), or of Mahatma Ghandi, who did not receive the Peace Prize. (Why?)

Or to Nelson Mandela’s decades. Or to FW de Klerk’s peaceful surrender of decades of power, and at huge personal risk?

Those 5 years of Al Gore’s don’t compare at all well!

Against Mother Teresa & Mahatma Ghandi, Al Gore’s 5 years do not appear on the radar screen.

It is also true to state that in comparison to:-

- Al Gore’s 5 year high-powered public relations drive which has promoted understandings developed by others such as those in IPCC, and promoted, and no doubt developed himself some, foundations for solutions; …

….. that ….

- CDADD’s 27 years of ongoing research work into the SEBFL environments have produced far far greater understandings, produced far greater foundations for developing solutions, and have produced far more preliminary solutions that would yield, in financial terms, far greater benefits across all SEBFL environments than Al Gore’s, and even IPCC’s, developments.

So how is it Al Gore has been awarded the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize????????? How?

Clearly something is wrong within the Nobel Foundation, and warning bells are ringing.


Whilst the awareness of, and the foundations for change measures to combat, global warming are hugely important & necessary steps, the truth is that they cannot presently be converted into reality because the high-powered financial players that have hijacked the Nobel Prize are the source of the obstructions to any change initiative.

Which brings us once again to the real blockage to any peace or poverty initiative; vis: defective economy structures & controls due to economists’ inexact models being exactly defective; and of still more bells ringing.


Economics Nobel Prize 2007

One only needs to read the press release & scientific background papers at to realise that the winners this year are involved in developing ‘Game Theory’, and that the awarding of the prize is based on this type of work.

The 3 recipients for 2007 are:- Leonid Hurwicz (University of Minnesota, MN, USA,), Eric S. Maskin (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA), and Roger B. Myerson (University of Chicago, IL, USA)

With insight from the second paper in this series on John Nash’s work (click on Historical Archives, lhs panel) it is clear that brilliant mathematical research by Nash was incorrectly & defectively applied by economists into the real world.

Despite challenges to the economics/academic world they have all refused to engage transparently & honestly with the proofs by CDADD that Nash’s work has been incorrectly & defectively applied.

Yet this year’s winners are based upon more incorrect & defective applications of ‘game theory’ mathematics.

The purpose herein this paper is not to go into the detail of the defectiveness of the recipients game theory models, that is for a later paper.

The intent is to highlight that previous challenges by CDADD to defective economics models have been ignored by economics ‘experts’ including those in control of the Nobel Foundation & its processes.

CDADD’s pioneering of engineering into the SEBFL environments has produced far far greater benefit than any inappropriate mathematical game theory model. Even if the game theory models had some appropriateness the value to society would still be significantly less than the benefits of CDADD’s groundbreaking engineering work.

Can anyone give an example (just one) of how the 2007 recipients models have been correctly & effectively applied in the real world? Or of Nash’s?

JUST ONE application example. Simply give the names of the participants, the date & place and a brief summary of the nature of the game theory application, and key game moves. Just one, that’s all. (Set it out in simple terms much like you see with a chess game report.)

Can ANYONE give just ONE example?????????? Just one!

Numerous emails to Columbia University Economics Department, and to Edmunds Phelps & Robert Mundell, & Joseph Stiglitz (all Nobel Laureates) have ALL been ignored (barring an insignificant early response from Phelps).

Despite having informed the Nobel Foundation of these gross irregularities they too have remained silent.

This paper is being sent direct to most of the Directors & Trustees of the Nobel Foundation (emails have been searched for on the web) – whether transparent & sincere engagement will be forthcoming remains to be seen.

It is also being sent to King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden via His Majesty’s Personal Secretary Eva Papik.

The Swedish Central Bank has also been kept informed of these issues – but they too have remained silent.

Not ONE academic/economics expert (inexact scientist) or business leader has given an application example.

An email (see below) has also been sent to all 3 Economics 2007 Nobel Prize winners requesting an application example & brief details. To date, nil response.


In contrast, exact scientists, as a matter of course, provide examples of their testings & applications; and of their interactions with engineers who both pursue science as well as to put exact science theories into practice.


How is it that inexact scientists do not/cannot provide similar application examples?


Because their theories are NOT tested or engineered, they are simply used to front defective & fraudulent corporate schemes & scams so as to give false credibility to these schemes & scams

If this statement is not true, then please provide brief details of just one application example of these games theories by an economics expert (inexact scientist), or by anyone.


What is clear, however, and wrongly so, is that the Nobel Prize has significant influence upon governments – go and view the video on Edmund Phelps at Nobel website (Prize in Economics, All Laureates, 2006 Edmund Phelps) – his views are being sought by governments.

Yet Phelps has remained silent about CDADD’s challenges to Phelps’ defective models – this is not honest of him.

The Nobel Foundation has not addressed this lack of honesty

Consequently governments are being misled by defective economics models……

.. We KNOW that this statement is true because:

- the frauds with pensions/investments continue, globally

- economies continually boom/crash, because they are incorrectly structured & controlled by defective economics models & fraudulent finance schemes that the Nobel Foundation are wrongly rewarding.


Thus: it is clear that some 50 years of dishonesty that emanated from a dishonest Chartered Accountant, Donald Gordon, & others, has brought about an increasing complex web of fraud, manipulations, distortions, that have flowed into all spheres of society, into academic institutions, into corporates, into governments, and all wrongly reinforcing the one, and the others, mutually inclusively.

Richard Branson, Lord Levy & many other high profile business people are deeply entrenched in this complex global web of frauds.

Societies are faced with outright dishonesty within the economic/business/finance environments, and with the legal environment reinforcing that dishonesty, hence societies are grossly distorted.

The point has been reached, no! passed, at which the Nobel Prize has such a degree of influence that it would be incorrect for it to remain narrowly controlled & non-transparent. Since it has such a marked influence upon societies it surely is right that societies are able to see the list of nominees and their work for which nominated.


The incorrect rewarding of defective economy/economic models have direct & indirect impacts upon the world – and both are destructive because the underlying systems & controls remain defective.

A comparison:- applying more braking force to slow a car that has its throttle stuck at full-open does not solve the underlying problem of a stuck throttle.

Economy models are incorrect/effective BECAUSE engineering has been entirely absent, and leading ‘experts’ refuse to engage honestly & transparently with CDADD’s groundbreaking work.



Despite certain entities/persons in the corporate world making token donations to offset the massive damage that has been done by them, the token billions by Gates, Buffet, Branson, Gordon, and others CANNOT offset the ONGOING destruction that these defective economics models are still wreaking.


The euphoria of the Springbok’s 2007 World Cup win is simply delaying the inevitable collapse that is progressively & pervasively developing in South Africa.

State President Mbeki’s U-Turn on proportional representation in the Springbok team, and stated commitment to developing meritorious sporting skills in South Africa, CANNOT stand up against the massive destruction that these defective economy models are wreaking.

Nor can this U-Turn stand up against the massive financial frauds by Barclays & ABSA banks, and other banks & institutions.

It is IMPOSSIBLE for token sport policy to combat the passive genocide that the AIDS policy is wreaking, or the massive rise in crime resulting from anger due to impoverishment caused by grossly defective economy models.


Token projects that emulate John Steinbeck’s ‘The Pearl’ will only create further anger:-

Witness the latest micro-drive by UK’s Guardian newspaper, Barclays Bank and AMREF of adopting Katine village in Uganda.

Katine’s circumstances, like all impoverished nations, derive from the defective economics models that the Nobel Foundation are wrongly rewarding.

(This micro-drive, like SA government’s macro-AsgiSA, is plagiarised from CDADD’s work – see paper: Poverty, Disparity, Unfair Rules.)

- How does the adoption of a village of a few thousand people offset the massive destruction by Barclays Bank of fraudulently buying-off the South African Government and a High Court judge to pursue a fraudulent corporate raid into SA?

- OR, offset the Guardian’s dishonesty of being in bed with corporate crooks such as Barclays Bank and its CEO John Varley, or of Guardian’s remaining silent about Gordon’s frauds, or Richard Branson’s frauds?

- OR stand against the truths of Steinbeck’s ‘The Pearl’? – General Romeo Dallaire (Rwanda, UN Force Commander) has categorically shown that token, uncoordinated, efforts cannot work, WILL NOT work. (see paper: Shake Hands with the Devil)

- OR stand against the defective economy models? – defective economy models will destroy any advancement of any token project just as its destroying societies in developed nations?

Yet, the Guardian endangers regional, national, continental instability by a quarter-baked token project aimed at uplifting a few thousand within a country of tens/hundreds of millions of people.

Why does the Guardian rather not adopt a project of learning how to tell the truth, fully, unequivocally – it would have far reaching positive impact than this foolish token scheme of theirs that is doomed to fail.

The Guardian’s editor, Alan Rusbridger, signatory to the Katine village project, has a serious lack-of-honesty problem – within himself!

SA’s AsgiSA has failed because of dishonesty by Deputy-President Mlambo-Ncguka; Guardian’s Katine project will fail because of Guardian’s dishonesty.


UK’s army head General Sir Richard Dannatt stated (as reported):

- ‘In my business asking people to risk their lives is part of the job, but doing so without giving them the chance to understand that there is life after death is something of a betrayal.’

Whilst this is perfectly true in a moral society, it does not hold true when army troops KNOWINGLY risk their lives to maintain & support a corrupt & morally bankrupt Britannia that is harbouring & engaging with corporate crooks and dishonest media.

Troops that KNOWINGLY engage their force of weapons to uphold such corruption are as answerable as the crooks themselves. The Nuremburg & other trials of Nazis set this precedent.

General Dannatt has a right, a moral duty, on behalf of his troops to demand why it is that Britannia is harbouring these crooks & dishonest media, and why he & his troops are asked to risk their lives so as to allow these crooks to continue their fraud operations under the protection of the army acting as their ‘hired-guns’.


Ireland is now into another round of dishonesty with government issuing a deceptive & defective pensions green paper (, which like in South Africa offer a set of options but fail to inform that ALL options are fraudulent. This green paper drive stems from Ireland government’s theft of CDADD’s Intellectual Property.

Independent TD (MP) Finian McGrath initially raised questions in the Dail (parliament) regarding CDADD’s research but has now clammed-up, because financial powers are pulling his strings just as they are pulling every politician’s strings.

Ireland like South Africa has lost its short-lived freedom because its recent & current leaders have allowed its money to be stripped thus creating a need for borrowing to replace that loss, and the borrowings have put the nation back into enslavement under which they have no hope of ownership of their own lives & national identity.


The Guardian’s dishonesty stems from the same source as the dishonesty from Columbia University, Phelps, Mundell, Stiglitz, and all other academic institutions & corporates & governments. It stems from the distortions of money being the root of all evil, because people are swayed by the money-god instead of God.

And Barclays, as with Liberty Life, Old Mutual, Sanlam, Abbey, and all other financial institutions are the manipulators of fraudulent money

Societies are distorted & collapsed because of defective & fraudulent economics models that the Nobel Foundation are rewarding; it is no different to bridges collapsing due to financial dishonesty corrupting engineering councils & professions.

The Nobel Prize has been hijacked!!!!!

The defective & fraudulent models that the Nobel Prize rewards keep billions starved/impoverished – they are crimes against humanity.

Fraudulent, unlawful, 3rd Forces are the cause.

The nobility of the Nobel Prize needs to be restored through transparent & honest engagement.

Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

(Under enforced exile from South Africa due to ANC government’s oppressive XDR-nazi system and oppressive economic isolation by corporate & academic world’s.)


Emails to:

1. His Majesty King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden & Nobel Foundation

2. 2007 Nobel (Economics) Prize Winners:- Leonid Hurwicz, Eric S. Maskin and Roger B. Myerson


Email to:

1. His Majesty King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden & Nobel Foundation

-------- Original Message --------


Nobel Prize


Thu, 01 Nov 2007 11:55:15 +0000


Chris Addington


King Carl XVI Gustaf Sweden (Eva Papik) <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,

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His Majesty King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden

Nobel Foundation - Directors & Trustees


From: Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

Your Majesty, Directors & Trustees

Good Morning

Please see attachment - 'Economists' inexact models exactly defective 6(Nobel Prize Hijacked)'

Yours Sincerely

Chris Addington Pr.Eng.



Email to:

2007 Nobel (Economics) Prize Winners:- Leonid Hurwicz, Eric S. Maskin and Roger B. Myerson

-------- Original Message --------


Game theory - application


Tue, 30 Oct 2007 10:46:19 +0000


Chris Addington


This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Leonid Hurwicz (University of Minnesota, MN, USA,

Eric S. Maskin (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA)

Roger B. Myerson (University of Chicago, IL, USA

From: Chris Addington Pr.Eng.

Good morning

I would appreciate it if you would be so kind to provide information of one application of your game theory into the real world.

Information sought is:

- the names of the persons/companies that engaged with the game theory application.
- the nature of the game application

- the date & place of the application.

- a brief, but clear, statement of the sequential steps of the game theory played-out (c.f. recording of chess moves)- a summary of the outcomes, advantages/disadvantages, etc.

and any other relevant information that you feel might enhance the interpretation of the application example.

your prompt response is respectfully requested and appreciated


Chris Addington Pr.Eng.