To Kill a Treasonous King
To Kill a Treasonous Government
Charles' lesson not learnt, not by a long shot
King/Queen, Sovereign, Government, Democracy, Treason
What is Which & Which is What?
Treason through lies & globalised
fraud scams of the Unknown-Knowns
Government policy on Covid19 Lockdown is misplaced because of incorrect application of Mathematics/Statistics, hence a misleading/incorrect R-factor
BUT, Government Policies are generally massively destructive because of grossly defective 'science' models
Sovereign King:
a monarch; a king, queen, or other supreme ruler. a person who has supreme power or authority. a group or body of persons or a state having sovereign authority.
the quality or state of being sovereign, or of having supreme power or authority. the status, dominion, power, or authority of a sovereign; royal rank or position; royalty. supreme and independent power or authority in government as possessed or claimed by a state or community.
…........ the complex of political institutions, laws, and customs through which the function of governing is carried out
[hence Government is the complex of Executive (Cabinet), Legislative (Parliament) & Judicative (Courts) components]
a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives [and forming a Parliament]
the crime of doing something that could cause danger to your country, continent, or World, such as helping its enemies during a war [ - or, e.g., perpetrating GROSS CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY; or an unqualified person acting as a Doctor, an Engineer …......... an Economist …...... to distort Public Institutions/Communities]
(Radical Uncertainty – Decision-making for an unknowable future: John Kay & Mervyn King (the ex BoE Gov one) – Published 2020, ISBN 978-1-4087-1260-3 (hardback), -1259-7 (paperback)
a chance-find in a Clonmel charity shop, 2 books for 1 Euro – a 50c refund from Kay & King would be appreciated -
The publication of this book can justifiably be described as an act of Treason – Kay & King: 'economists', 'scientists' masquerading as qualified to solve Global/National finance/economic problems -> ekonamists/siuntists creating far, far worse horrors than quacks masquerading as Doctors/Surgeons)
The 2020 USA Election is a classic example of why 'Radical Uncertainty' is entirely bogus – a two-horse USA race which is radically uncertain is totally uncallable (Nov 4)
UK's King Charles (I) (b. 1600, King 1625, beheaded 1649) - assumed monarchy was by Divine appointment & meant absolute Power – thus Charles saw that Kingship was Sovereign – but, more importantly, he saw justification in rejecting ('modifying'?) the Magna Carta – Parliament saw the People (hence their representative(?) Parliament) as Sovereign - disputes arose over issues of Power between King & Parliament – Charles, as history tells us, took England/Britain to Civil War & was defeated a number of times – was captured, charged with Treason, tried by Parliament Court (a jiggery-pokery kind), convicted & beheaded.
With no Appeal process!
However, war requires at least two sides, so it is a moot point whether Parliament raised forces to oppose Charles, or Charles raised forces to oppose Parliament. For Charles, who lost, his moot position became mute.
Charles losing his head brought the ascendency of Parliament as representative of the (Sovereign) People.
So, in muting Charles' moot, the elected Members of Parliament conferred upon itself the obligation to NOT impose similar, or any other Treasons upon the People – those People that elected the Members of Parliament – in the hope (vain) that MPs would not be Treasonous to their Nation.
Over the centuries (mainly 'Western') Sovereign States have evolved into what are termed 'Democracies'
BUT, as regularly pointed out by CDADD, for a Democracy to be TRULY democratic & representative, and hence Sovereign, it requires that the People are fully & properly educated/informed, as best as good practice can so do.
BUT, this is NOT happening – Parliaments have been lying to the People for decades/centuries – Government has simply become an oligopoly of Power-Mongers, little different to Charles
The Age-of-Enlightenment (AoE) came about with the ascendency of Science – Science being the Intellectual pursuit of developing Understandings of Natural Phenomena and how Nature works/functions.
Previous to Science was Philosophy, the speculation as to how Nature (& other things) functioned – so Science became Philosophy that was Proved (as best as was then known) – hence: Science became the foundation of Enlightenment..
The initiating point whereby Philosophy became Science (as then so thought) was with a book Opticks (published 1704, and of which the Intellectual content has for some 350 years been wrongly attributed to Newton)
Full Title: 'Opticks: or, A Treatise of the Reflexions, Refractions, Inflexions and Colours of Light'
In Truth, Newton stole the Intellectual Property (IP) that form the content of Opticks - this theft was during the Great Plague lockdown of 1665/6 – Newton held onto the IP (unpublished) until such time as contempories & seniors had deceased, and published Opticks in 1704.
Note: Mathematics (again by Newton, and likely much of its IP stolen by him) was published 1687, but it being largely Mathematics with some Science thrown in – Mathematics is mathematics, it is not Science – not least because Maths deals with infinite dimensions, Science deals only with 3-dimensions, with Time being a pseudo 4th-Dimension. And with today's 'modern' Quantum Physics , Science has gone far off-track into science-fiction – because Opticks is WRONG!!!!! So too is Quantum Physics → kwantum fiziks.
Newton later became Warden (1696-1700), then Master (1700-1727) of the Royal Mint – wherein he was able to influence Politics through not only defective science but through Money (Money talks)
Politics: 'A History of Western Political Thought', JS McClelland – gives an excellent history from BC through to c1900
Politics, up to the AoE, was devoid of Science – Newton brought defective 'science' & Money into Politics and severely skewed Sovereign Power into 'Enlightened' Tyranny – which explains why the World is in so much chaos today, and increasing ….............
Witness (for e.g.):
Trump/Biden debates Sept2020, - the USA TOTALLY polarised because of Obama's lies which brought Trump's lies; which now brings more of Trump lies, or Obama lies through his ex-VP Biden – which polarisation is no different than with e.g. Putin, brought about by Bush, Obama,Cameron, Brown lies
Now into the Election count (Nov 2020) the potential hostility is high – it is clear that the risk of a Trump defeat raises the hostility threat
Latest Aussieland 'goldrush' -
- how much more stupid can humankind be? - with severe droughts, failing crops etc. instead of finding ways to feed people there's a rush to dig up useless gold ????????????????????????????????????????????
Utter STUPIDITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And STUPIDITY all derives from the dishonesty of Newton who TOTALLY duped the World, and for some 350 years of dishonesty & wrong 'science' – BUT, Academia, Governments, Parliaments, corporates, public are still in locked-down mindsets over grossly defective 'science', including kwantum fiziks, and CERN, and …..
Mervyn King is another dishonest 'Newton-type'. As BoE Governor King was regularly kept informed by the writer of finance frauds/irregularities but did nothing.
The joint-authorship (Kay & King) book 'Radical Uncertainty' demonstrates their total incompetence, because these two authors have no engineering or science understandings – but weave unqualified deceptions by references to science/engineering.
Quickie-points (also see appended argument on Monty Hall problem, and Brexit poll):
Kay & King relate USA Defence-Sec Donald Rumsfeld's quote (condensed): 'There are Known-Knowns; Known-Unknowns; Unknown-Unknowns'
Like Rumsfeld, Kay & King, even after some 19 years of reflection, have FAILED to understand that there are 'Unknown-Knowns'
Unknown-Knowns are those circumstances where e.g. a known old-science has been proved incorrect but dishonest powers refuse to educate the People, the People are Unknowing of a Known; or where a few people scheme fraud scams that are knowingly presented as legitimate (usually through purposefully bogus maths/science) – hence the People are Unknowing of these Knowns – the People are fraudulently deceived by Unknown-Knowns → the People are Treasoned!!!
The USA election is another Unknown-Known scenario: once ballot boxes are closed the Outcome of an election is Known (the Known is within the count within the collective boxes) – but it is, until counted, Unknown to the People – an Unknown-Known.
But, what is of greater concern is how the delay in USA election Results becomes a circus – five 'swing' states (Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Michigan) are still counting days-long after the largest state California & all other states have declared results → is this circus a purposeful media game-play????? Whatever reason for the circus it raises anxiety, anger & potential violence – and treasonous statements from Trump.
(Donald Gordon is perhaps the greatest fraud-scammer ever – having globalised pension/investment frauds & metamorphosed complexities therefrom – a Chartered Accountant (CA) who, instead of upholding Professional CA obligations for a client company, used Knowledge gained (thus becoming a Known, to Gordon) as an Economic Weapon of Mass Destruction (EWMD) against Unknowing victims of his Liberty Life, and of Public in general; and to which his family continue after Gordon's death (2019)
As a CA Gordon was legally & professionally OBLIGATED to reveal to his client company (SA Legal & General) the reason for the wrongful accumulation of Reserves monies – Gordon did not do this, this was a CRIME by Gordon – in setting up Liberty Life (1963), to enable Gordon to deceive/defraud unknowing customers, was TREASON against the People, globally
SA Police & Prosecuting Authority (& UK, Euroland ...) unlawfully protect Gordon & refuse to prosecute Gordon or Liberty Life – a Treasonous Government
It was a contemporary Central Bank Governor of King's (Dr Chris Stals – SA Reserve Bank Governor) that adjudicated the writer's proofs of frauds – see pensions & masterminds papers, lhs panel at cdadd website.
BUT, King ignored – and in so doing King lied to & deceived the People → TREASON!.
King was & still is regularly informed of all these issues – King is an accomplice of a Treasonous UK Government
See page 56 of Kay & King's book in which they 'justify' the wrongful use of mortality tables to determine pension/annuity payouts – Government Bonds do not discriminate by means of mortality tables – QED!)
Kay & King wrongly use NASA/Engineering analogies – again, neither of them have engineering training or expertise to do so – and also do not acknowledge that Newton is wrong.
K&K draw deceptive differences between e.g.: 'puzzles' & 'mystery', ambiguity & vagueness, etc. (the book is littered with garbage) to create a veil of confusion behind which more deceptions can be woven and the conceptualisation of 'Radical Uncertainty' as being an entity, a THING.
A THING that is created through spurious & defective Statistics/Probability theories that are micro-environment but wrongly applied to MACRO-environments.
Like Infinity a spurious non-entity, i.e. there is no such THING as infinity, but which is created as a 'thing' so as to create further illusions, which is the basis of kwantum fiziks – so too is 'radical uncertainty' a 'thing' that creates illusions as a component of kwantum ekonomiks.
Thus can Global Frauds be further 'legitimised' → TREASON!!!
Remember:- King, as BoE Governor, lied to you & the World regarding your (& everyones') pension/investment monies being stolen. King is demonstrating the extent to which he GAMBLED with Public Money – actively destabilising the economy, nationally & internationally.
The rest of Kay & King's book are in this vain – and the more so since, amongst other issues, K&K refer to pension planning/annuities and use of (wrongly so) mortality-tables - King had been informed by the writer over 15 years prior of Gordon's global pension frauds (& other defective science issues) because it is wrong to use mortality-tables on annuities payouts, as Government Bonds are not based upon these tables – Gordon's frauds were the start of global super-saturation of Money-Base&Supply
But, after the writer had started challenging King in emails direct to his BoE email address, King blocked the writer.
K&K also fail to understand the engineering meaning of Money 'base' & 'supply', nor can they detect Kahneman's deceptions – hence K&K confuse themselves further with garbage.
Garbage in = Garbage out.
Nevertheless King was OBLIGATED to inform the People – he purposefully refused to do so → TREASON!
Why then believe any of the garbage in this Kay&King book?????????????????
Pg. 127, Ch. 'Probability and Optimisation', subsection: 'Risk aversion' – opening sentences, relates Oscar Wilde's 'folly is only one of many examples of successful people who co court danger in low life.'
The 'low life' being the rent-boys Wilde sought – impoverished people, no-hopers – because of grossly defective socio-economic structures & controls of decades/centuries past because people did not know. Which is the same/similar situation today, but far worse, because of BoEGov King's dishonesty in protecting corpOrgCrime criminals & their use of EWMDs, of King's keeping the People Unknowing of Knowns known to King.
In short: 'Radical Uncertainty' as a narrative simply 'legitimises' bogus science used to 'legitimise' corpOrgCrime – repetition alone gives false credibility – to obtain clarity of combobulated discombobulations & dissemblings it requires sound application of correct science → i.e. Engineering insights, insights which Kay, King, Kahneman & other political, psychological, mathematical, theoretical, kwantum siuntists.... do not have.
King now sits in the House of Lords along with other International Criminals such as Alan Sugar.
The Covid19 R-factor is entirely misleading & causal of premature lockdown easement – and hence resurgence. Statistics/Probabilities (predictions on past-events, i.e., with Covid, AFTER infection spread) or any other form of bogus statistics does not alter the mechanisms of Covid, nor the fact that there are presently no medical solutions (Oct/Nov 2020).
Transfer was established early as being largely airborne and also by contact - Covid is flu based with additional nasties that cause high death rate – flu transmission is commonly known – that alone was justification for complete social distancing & protective measures from outset – the R-factor was a deception that caused delayed lockdown & wrongful easement – and wrongful easement was because of bogus maths, which is based upon days/weeks delayed information.
The use of R-factor is not dissimilar to sounding the air-raid warning after Goering's bombers have dropped their loads & track-tracing their route back to post-mission party – radical CERTAINTY that the R-factor policy is warped
The point behind these brief explanations (& consequences), and its relevance to today, is to demonstrate that Charles was shown(?) to be Treasonous by initiating(?) Civil War because of his belief in his Supreme (Divine Right) Power – UK's Parliament is Treasonous by purposefully deceiving/lying to the People – by refusing to inform the People that Newton & other 'scientists' are wrong regarding much fundamental sciences (Physics & Economics, etc.) – hence the People are mis&disinformed - Unknowing of Knowns withheld - hence are not enlightened, hence cannot make Informed Decisions, hence elect totally unsuitable representatives into Parliament, hence Parliament is Dishonest, hence Parliament is an Unlawful/Criminal/Treasonous Tyranny.
Children are being taught garbage 'science' → being taught fiziks!!!!!!!!!!! NOT taught Physics. Tyranny is imposed upon children & unsuspecting parents.
We can witness the Tyranny daily through the multiple disparitised nations/regions, the numerous starvation genocides, the wrongly-based wars, the history of UK's murderous genocides (e.g. Kenya, India, South Africa ….), the stupidity of digging for useless gold …....................
And we can witness the refusal by present (&past) heads of UK Governments to address new Science that disproves old: Mail Delivery Failures to PM Boris Johnson & Lab Keir Starmer:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;: host[] said: 550 Undeliverable mail
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;: host[] said: 550 Undeliverable mail
Johnson is as dishonest as previous PMs.
Starmer, as CPS Director/Prosecutor unlawfully protected the criminals (Gordon, Branson, Sugar, Buffet ….) who stole your pension/investment monies – he refused to prosecute organised crime criminals.
So, three of UK's most-senior executives (Johnson PM, Starmer CPS Director, King BoEGov) rubber-stamped corpOrgCrime criminals and the unfettered use of EWMDs – it becomes clear that these three were/are stooges for corpOrgCrime (double-agents) - and Parliamentarians, whom the writer regularly kept/keeps informed, did/do nothing → TREASON all round.
Starmer, in now attacking Corbyn over anti-semitism, is effectively dispensing with his political opponents with his 'zyklon-b' breath. Starmer, as CPSDir., should have called for investigation/prosecution of Twin Towers owner Larry Silverstein, Donald Gordon, Richard Branson, Alan Sugar, Warren Buffet AND the Jew-Mafia that is behind much global fraud, and which mafia is causal of past misdirected anti-semitism (Jews are endangered because of GCAH crimes by Jew-Mafia) - and from which Muslims are wrongly maligned. Antisemitism is a no-no, but war on justifiably angered Muslims is fair game to Starmer (& Governments)
King's complexes of lies & deceptions all further 'siuntises' global socio-economic chaos – King is a double-agent (previously as BoEGov now House of Lords, and also as an agent for corpOrgCrime/GCAH crimes)
Queen Elizabeth's Buckingham Palace has for years been blacklisting the writer – blacklisting people who bring real issues to attention is Treasonous in itself.
QEII (and PC & PW) is more TREASONOUS than was Charles alleged to be – because QEII KNOWS what was UNKNOWN to Charles I, and is still UNKNOWN to the vast majority of Peoples today.
[Phone has just twittered: BBCNews reports Vienna attack (Nov 2, 2020) – 3 people dead, a dozen others injured – Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurtz: 'a repulsive terror attack'.
It is terrible that 'unknowing' people are being targetted, and thoughts&prayers go out to those victims & families – BUT, Kurtz, like Johnson, Ardern & other western leaders are quite happy to starve millions to slow, lingering death by their repulsive, unspeakable EWMD-TERRORIST attacks on billions of people world-wide.
How much longer is the World to be lied to by these western leaders who unleash such horrors? This writer is not prepared to allow these horrors to be covered-up by 'unspeakable' political-evil – they must be spoken about – despite the personal destruction by SA & Ireland Gestapo, and by Corrupt Unlawful Nazi Thugs (form your own descriptors & acronyms/mnemonics) such as Frank Clarke masquerading as Ireland's evil Chief Justice, or Higgins masquerading as another Nazi President – remember: 'good' Nazis found being nice was a more efficient way of getting Jews into the gas chambers, but 'good' was/is an alien concept to some psychopaths]
It has been near 2 decades since Governments & BuckPalace have been informed by CDADD of defective 'science' (fiziks & ekonomiks) forming the Foundation of much destructive Socio-Economy structuring & control – and being informed of globalised pension/investment frauds - Governments ignore this and continue to educate children with defective 'science', and lie to the People.
We can see how past Prime Ministers & Political Leaders have benefited by these defective structures: David Cameron, George Osborne, Nick Clegg & others have attained high-paid corporate jobs – within corporates entrenched in globalised organised crime - they abandoned Public Service, for which they were paid to tell the Truth, but in fact LIED!!!! And manipulated Legislation to unlawfully, criminally, TREASONOUSLY protect corpOrgCrime criminals, for whom they now work, and who unleash their EWMDs with impunity, –> PERFECT CRIMES, PERFECT TREASONS.
Prince William & David Attenborough lie to the nation & World that they are founding the 'Earthshot Prize' to 'solve' planet problems - £50M sterling over 10 years for 50 SOLUTIONS(?) to the World's gravest problems. The categories are:
Protect and restore nature, Clean our air, Revive our oceans, Build a waste-free world, Fix our climate.
This Earthshot Prize is entirely disingenuous – NO!, it is TREASONOUS!!!! - in its LIMITED scope and its obvious ineffectiveness - and hence in its Deceptions - because both PW & DA know that much of the World's problems stem from fraudulent markets, of which London is home to leading markets – consequently the World is MASSIVELY DISPARITISED (through to numerous starvation genocides), all of which is Causal of Population expansion – so, it is impossible to develop 'solutions' to the 'World's gravest problems' because the real problem is the increasing Population, increasing because of EWMDs
Further, Earthshot is linked to Deloitte, Branson & others that are behind globalised frauds
Earthshot is no less Treasonous, in fact it is more Treasonous, than that by Charles, because far more people are oppressed by this present Tyranny – both within and, far more so, without UK.
Attenborough spins more deceptions in his 'Witness Testimony' documentary 'David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet (2020)'
In his closing phases:
Attenborough says (to effect) that we simply need to limit population growth – but does not explain why we have had such high population growth, nor how we not just reduce but reverse growth such that population declines humanely to a sustainable level – Attenborough doesn't avoid these critical issues, Attenborough EVADES them – thus he cannot determine whether a proposal presented to Earthshot is a solution or not.
Attenborough also states we need not just Intelligence, we need Wisdom – but Wisdom can only come with TRUTH - Wisdom DIES with LIES – which is why there is no Wisdom in Attenborough's documentary, which is a hotch-potch of swirling emotions fuelled by lies & half-truths evading TRUTH, and by a Grim-Reaper.
Attenborough does not explain past extinctions, nor how & why planets rotate & orbit synchronously – he simply claims correlation PROVES Cause/Effect – IT DOES NOT!
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is now no longer a voluntary acceptance (not that it ever was) but an obligation upon ALL Nations to Uphold & Protect – it can perhaps best be described as a Sovereign Foundation of Rights; the Rights component of a Universal Constitution – and purposeful violation of this Sovereign Foundation is Treason.
The UDHR(Preamble) sets out the inherent Right for People to rebel against Oppressions - Oppressions are Treasonous in their own.
Consequently: since UK Parliament set the precedent that Treasonous Kings can be put to death, Killed – so too can Treasonous Governments be put to death, Killed
Charles I's son (also Charles) became King Charles II –> near-all those that were active in killing Charles I were themselves later charged, tried & killed – did that negate the Rightness (or Wrongness) of Charles' Trial?
What is a Government versus a King as a Sovereign Power? – a King is simply a singular brain with fragmented compartments full (riddled) with prejudices – whereas a Government is a multitude of prejudiced elected parliamentarians, from which: executive cabinet, & appointed judges – all a collective of individuals with brains full of fragmented & prejudiced compartments.
Is the multiplicity of prejudiced brain compartments of a Government different to that of a prejudiced brain of a singular King?
The fact that Governments abusively close-off their communications channels (email address, or any other accepted form) is Treason in itself – because it clearly indicates that Government is not listening, hence prejudiced brains/mindsets are locked, hence not applying Best Practice …............ Governments, Parliaments, Judiciaries, Executives are ALL OBLIGATED to listen.
Ditto Charles I …................ QEII ….... and so too is Charles (soonish2bIII?)
BUT, Government is a composite of Executive (Cabinet), Parliament & Judiciary – and some/many(?) nations having a Non-Executive Head of State. We have seen with the Mail Delivery rejections (above, which are just 2 of many Parliament MP rejections) that UKGov Executive is closed-minded, also that a main Opposition Leader is also closed-minded.
Other Parliamentarians use a bogus claim to ignore evidence: ' …. Strict parliamentary convention dictates that Members of Parliament are only able to take up the cases of, and respond to, the concerns of their own constituents. …'
Speaker Bercow long ago stated categorically, in a snail-mail to the writer, that no such Protocol exists – clearly then Parliament, in not listening & not engaging, is Treasonous.
REASON also dictates that it is obligatory upon ANY&ALL MPs to openly address any new evidence – but they do nothing.
The Judiciary: – it has been repeatedly demonstrated that the Justice system is closed-shop hence, by induction, it is corrupt, totally. No other evidence to prove this is necessary other than witnessing the Prorogation of Parliament hearings in the UK Supreme Court in which a Peoples' Decision was heard WITHOUT any People being allowed to present argument, ONLY Legals → closed-shop, hence corrupt!!!! → TREASON!
Lastly, the Queen/BuckPalace is also blocking legitimate communications that contain CONCRETE PROOFS of new science –
Thus is it CONCRETELY PROVED that the UK Government in toto is Treasonous – it follows, by set-precedence, that UK Government, a Sovereign, can be put to death, Killed – without further notice!!!!
The European & International courts are no better – they are illegitimate, and filled with so-called Justices that are weak, indifferent, blind-eyed, deaf-eared & having no understandings of the term 'Justice' – i.e. Incompetent! Dishonest! Treasonous!
The People are made up of a collective of individuals who largely have STRONG Faith/Moral principles and do not readily put Governments to death. So too are there some people of Faith/Moral standing that lose control, and there are many people who have no such Faith/Moral standing.
BUT, it is important to look at the Faith principles, as these principles fully support the UDHR(Preamble) Right to take up arms.
Those persons occupying Power positions be it Government, Corporate, Academia ….. of whatever form …..are ALL within the top 0.5% percentile of the Population – these persons are the INTELLIGENTSIA that have freely, wilfully, maliciously sought to take advantage of their luck in being born with the abilities to achieve skills that place them in the top 0.5%, and have been able to achieve this position because the other 99.5% have (certainly within Developed Nations) paid for the education of all, including the top 0.5% - but those top 0.5% have chosen to abuse the social-system to the extent of wilfully & maliciously engaging in GCAH CRIMES → TREASON, or alternatively turning a blind-eye to such blatant crimes by others – which crimes purposefully disadvantages the 99.5% that paid for the education of the 0.5%.
Much like comparing the throwing of people into gas chambers with simply walking by the death camps – what difference?
Faith/Moral Principles do not exclude the taking up of arms/conflict against evil – in fact Faith/Moral Principles are derived from Old Testament armed struggles against powers that refused to reform from Evil – hence FULLY JUSTIFYING the EXECUTION/ELIMINATION of those individuals immersed in corrupted/ing Powers – such that Just Powers can prevail, either through self-Reform by those Power-Abusers or by the elimination/execution of the Power-Abusers by those justified in taking up arms against the Power-Abusers.
Certainly with Christian Faith, the New Testament is an Individual Covenant (Contract) with all those who freely see & choose to align with Faith, whereas the Old Testament is a Corporate/National Covenant (with Jews collectively), wherein The Jew Nation were empowered/ordered to overcome corrupted Powers of old.
The New Testament did NOT change the Laws of the Old Testament it brought about a Covenant change of Minds&Hearts at an Individual (not Corporate/Nation) level, as a first line of social engagement – it is by Free Choice that one aligns with Faith, whereas the Old Testament Covenant to the Jews was by Command.
So, whilst the New Testament compels peaceful approaches to solving problems it does not exclude the Old Testament Right/Duty (from which UDHR(Preamble) Right) to take-up arms against Treasonous Tyrant/s, whether individual/s or collective bodies, such as Parliaments …. or judges, ….. or corporates, …..... or Academia or ….... simply immoral Nations in toto ….. who refuse to change from Treasonous actions/inactions
We have recently seen one killing of a UK Parliamentarian, we are seeing many killings of Police Officers globally because they enforce unjust laws from Treasonous Governments, so much so that it appears open-season on Police Officers – but still Governments continue to LIE to the People – Governments continue in TREASON.
NZPM Jacinda Ardern refers, rightly so, to the (unspeakable) atrocities in the 2019 Christchurch Mosque attacks – but refuses to speak out about the lies of the claimed Twin Towers 'collapse', they were IMPLOSIONS - by which silence of Leaders the World is wrongly duped into thinking that Muslim/Islam Faith was behind the implosions – and why people, wrongly so, are in FEAR of Muslims – all because of the 'unspeakable' lies of Leaders that need to be spoken about – the silence of World Leaders is what instils the fear, anger, revenge in many people – the silence is TREASON in itself.
Africa is a basket case; e.g. Nigeria is facing mass oppressions & shootings of its own People – by a dictator who attained his position assisted by western governments
Ireland is an overt Nazi-state – Constitution developed during rise of rabid Nazism (1937) by a warmonger (de Valera) - simply observe the realities of today - abuses in Dublin's Phoenix Court, by both prosecutor & defence legals, and the unconstitutional use of placing Police in DIRECT CONNECTION (as Prosecutors) to Judiciary – ALL in violation of legal principles and in violation of Ireland Constitution (Art 30.3 allows for a Prosecuting person (singular), the corrupt judiciary allow for multiple prosecutors (Police) – thus a Police State – add abuses/brutality → Nazi State. 'Trials' are circuses of abuse from both 'good' & evil Nazi 'judges' – observe the psychopath Malone in Dublin's Phoenix Park Court 18!!!, a 'judge' that also assigns herself medical skills & would have surpassed the evil excesses of Auschwitz's Irma Grese & Josef Mengele combined if given half-a-chance.
All this is possible because Ireland's Supreme Court is a cesspit of Corrupt Unlawful Nazi Thugs (form your own descriptors & acronyms/mnemonics) – Ireland's Constitution was developed with oppressive tyranny at its fore.
Perjury, fabricated evidence, 'trials' without charge or plea, and often in secret …................. the various kinds of travesties of Justice in Ireland are innumerable …............... innumerable.
Witness the travesties of SA's injustice system with the trials of Oskar Pistorius, Shrien Dewani ….....
These are just some of the legacies of UK's colonial/treasonous oppressions.
EWMDs have created major difficulties for UK itself, and are also the cause of EU breakdown, and all of which compounds the devastations of Covid19 (& in general)
BBC News (2020-10-27) report MPs calling for post lockdown kick-start to economy – suggestions for e.g. upgrade of rail network, HS2 starting from North-end, … etc.. What is being missed is that the Covid19 devastation is at MACRO-level, the suggestions are micro-level issues, thus will not solve the MACRO-economy problem – it requires Socio-Economy Engineering to bring/design correct understandings of correct, optimal Socio-Economy systems – but Governments are dishonest and do not spend Public funds assigned to Research on those that bring correct solutions.
Thus: Treason has far-reaching consequences, within & without.
The Treasons of 20th/21st Century Governments far, far exceed that by Charles.
World Leaders generate & 'walk by' starvation-genocide death-camps (modern-day 'Auschwitz', 'Treblinka' 'Bergen Belsen') .... today's starvation-genocide death-camps are far more efficient & effective than under Hitler, Stalin, Tojo, Mussolini combined …...
….. World Leaders do NOTHING about the EWMDs developed through defective 'science' – the KWANTUM FIZIKS from FIZISISTS of CERN & elsewheres - from which the active ingredients of ekonomiks ….:
… the enriched NUKLEUH ELEMUNTS of Fraudium & Corruptium
…. and formed into EWMDs by criminal Finance arsenals: PWC, E&Y, Deloittes, KPMG, Grant Thornton, Liberty Life, Branson, Sugar, Buffet ...…....................................................................
Treason through globalised fraud scams of the Unknown-Knowns
and all sanctioned by Western Governments.
It is entirely understandable (justifiable?) under UDHR, that freedom-fighters target tyrannical, treasonous Western Nations that unleash corpOrgCrime/EWMDs, and consequent starvation-genocides, upon the World.
(Update 2020 USA elections – Biden named President-Elect, makes an 8pm speech – Biden states that he is for ALL Americans, he will engage correctly with science, he will heal the divisions, etc., etc., - Biden states he will nominate a science panel on Monday (Nov 9) to address Covid & he will address other issues for initiation on Jan 20, 2021 – an ACID TEST on Biden's 'promises': if he has NOT acknowledged Opticks wrong, Twin Towers IMPLODED, initiated investigation into Pensions/Investments globalised frauds (as just 3 of many CRITICAL issues) then you will know that Biden is going to fail (remember: Obama was informed of these issues by the writer DIRECT to Obama's PERSONAL email address BEFORE he was inaugurated. In truth there was not much difference in substance of Biden's speech to Obama's false-promises of both 12 & 8 years earlier – but, time will tell whether Biden continues with the lies – or tells the Truth (the whole truth!))
Chris Addington Pr.Eng.
* As can be seen by simple observations & deductions (see Fast-Track at – the Opticks book is fundamentally flawed, and to such an extent that it is entirely worthless, other than to demonstrate that Newton stole the IP.
To understand Optics (no 'k') and how Light Transmission Dynamics actually function, follow the 'Captain's Log' series of papers following-on from the Fast-Track
** Radical Uncertainty - Pg 62-65
Monty Hall (MH) problem – Kay & King wrongly argue this problem
MH is a 3 box, 2 donkey, 1 high-value prize problem.
Choose a box. Host opens one of other boxes, contains a donkey; choice given to stick with original box or switch to other unopened box. Maths state that best to switch.
K&K argue proof by considering 1000 boxes, choose one box, all other boxes barring 2 are opened, do you switch? - Thus say King is it proved that best to switch.
BUT, K&K do not understand the MH problem
MH is NOT a 1000 box problem it is a 3 box problem
Nor is MH a high-frequency problem where one can establish statistics
MH is a high-value problem – the higher the value the exponentially higher the risk of fraud – fraud is an everyday reality
Thus it can NEVER be proved that switching in the MH problem (NOT the 1000 box non-value problem) is best.
*** Radical Uncertainty – Pg 242
In UK: General elections in 2015 (landslide Conservative), 2016 (Brexit referendum, Leave EU), 2017 General Elections (Conservative lead wiped out)
K&K argue that of the because of widespread 2017 polls that only YouGov & Survation got it right (i.e. gauged the correct poll by having 'correctly' tweaked their models.
This instance is further CONCRETE EVIDENCE of K&K's garbage -with a widespread of polls by necessity two will be closest to the actual outcome – that does not mean that their poll-models are correct, polls are pure-luck speculations, society has simply become brainwashed with this rubbish.
K&K raise Prisoner dilemma but still ignore 0 (zero) outcome (i.e. no jail time)
Garbage arguments in K&K's book are 'endless'