Pandemics (Epidemics, Endemics, Outbreaks)
Bio/Chemical, Socio-Economic …..
Manmade & Mismanaged
Easing of lockdown
but Governments are still in MENTAL LOCKDOWN
Whether the latest pandemic (Corona Virus 19, Covid19) was purposefully initiated directly by means of bio/chemical warfare or resulted indirectly from imposed squalor within impoverished areas, the reality is that it was man-made & mismanaged.
Despite delays by various governments the response of Lockdown to Covid19 was SWIFT with MASSIVE Socio-Economic disruptions & destructions globally. There was relatively little opposition to, a sensible acceptance of, the immediate need for self-isolation, quarantine & lockdown.
The chance alignment of the Lockdown to the 75th anniversary of VE, along with Boris' 'Churchillian' bent and the usual British aplomb & positivity belies the gross mismanagement by Governments (globally) of pandemics in general.
The mismanagement comes in varying forms & in differing environments.
The root of the Covid19 originates within the Socio-Economic chaos caused by Economic Weapons of Mass Destruction (EWMDs) from corporate Organised Crime. All of which is causing the massive disparities globally, the reliance by developed nations of slave-labour imports from under-developed nations, the billions living in squalor wherein diseases readily breed & metamorphose, the fear of bio/chemical & other warfare threats, the rush to acquire bio/chemical/nuclear/conventional supremacy to 'avert' oppressions & leading to warped mindsets of MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) outcomes, …......
It is all man-made, directly or indirectly.
Yet, with a bio/chemical disease becoming pandemic there is SWIFT response, globally – a policy of PROTECTIONS is the name-of-the-game
BUT, to the Socio-Economic 'diseases' (globalised fraud scams) from corpOrgCrime – there is active encouragement – PROTECTIONS are OBLITERATED – thus allowing gross disparities leading to squalor & breeding grounds for diseases.
Anti-'Protectionism' was bandied by Blair, Brown, Cameron, May, Johnson – so as to aid&abet corpOrgCrime which has caused the global Socio-Economic chaos.
Socio-Economic Pandemics (mainly of Finances) is readily accepted & supported by Governments – HIV (Holistic Investor Viruses) having developed into full-blown AIDS (All Investors Defrauded Syndrome) - originated by Donald Gordon (Liberty Life, SA) and emulated by the likes of Richard Branson, Alan Sugar, Warren Buffet & others, have become ever-increasingly complexed into mathematised science-fiction finance models wreaking pandemic Socio-Economic destructions – through to numerous mass starvation-genocides.
Branson complains he has no money to continue Virgin – but can spend ample on his space craft – Branson should be compelled to pay back the money he stole from employees/investors. Ditto Sugar, Buffet & others.
corpOrgCrime frauds are acceptable to Governments - but not the threat of bio/chem viruses, whether direct (by retaliatory bio/chem warfare, justified(?) by UDHR Preamble Right to oppose oppressions) or indirect (through metamorphosed diseases from imposed squalor)
Boris plays the political game of 'easing' lockdown so as to get the Economy working again (e.g.: we need to get planes flying) – but the 'working' in Boris' mind is the same destructive corpOrgCrime fraud methods that caused the chaos.
Or, a simpler example:- fruit picking in UK was in crisis because of lockdown – the madness of the response?: bringing in East European workers – because fruit picking is a 'skilled task', local employment was not possible.
Sheer stupidity! - 80 years ago with the outbreak of WWII housewives transformed virtually INSTANTANEOUSLY to skilled machinists, assemblers, drivers, pilots …..... but fruit picking ….. ????????
Boris 'Churchill' Johnson lacks the knowledge & skills of Churchill who supported & drove the developments of new weapons & technology.
The new weapons & technology required today are Socio-Economy Engineering based upon correct Sciences – but Boris & Parliament are in MENTAL LOCKDOWN refusing to correctly engage Socio-Economy Engineering, instead supporting the causes of pandemics, the centuries/decades-old defective science that CDADD has for long disproved ….............
Chris Addington Pr.Eng.