BBC*4 – Reporting History: Mandela and a new South Africa

BBC News - UK's HS2 high-speed rail project – Boris reneging on 'Stonking Victory' PLEDGE

BBC1 Lost Lives – highly emotive &distorted documentary on Ireland




BBC2 'Politics Live' – a Shakespearian 'Coven of Witches' cackling over Weinstein's demise – BUT ignoring the GROSS Justice Violations - BEWARE



Racist, Discriminatory & Untruthful reportings (implicit, at best) → grossly distorting Truths



# BBC4 – Reporting History: Mandela and a new South Africa – aired Tuesday Feb 11, 2020, 23h15GMT

Presented by Fergal Keane; Producers: Ed Stobart & Emma Parkins – with commentary from: Profs: Saul Dubow, Kehindre Andrews (Birmingham), Brandon Hamber (Ulster); & BBC's Pumza Fihlani


# BBC News – ongoing HS2 reports


# BBC1 – Lost Lives – a documentary on the terrible atrocities in Ireland – but distorted because Causal Factors ignored


# BBC2 'Politics Live' Tuesday Feb 25, 2020




* BBC - British Bullsh*t Corporation





Fergal Keane, previously an Irish reporter for Ireland's RTE & elsewheres, and for near-30 years now for BBC, presented a compilation of his past reportings from South Africa coupled with present day commentary:- from pre-Mandela release from prison, through the transition negotiations to democracy(?), the elections & various other phases post-election.


The 'bent' of Keane's reporting rests on those masses that are grossly disparitised – and the linking of those disparities to (you guessed it, no doubt) the incompetence at best, corruption at worst, of the successive SA governments post-1994 elections.


The implicit statement from Keane is that South Africa (and by implication: ALL of Africa) is in difficulty because of its black leaders post-Mandela; Mandela being granted grace simply because of his 27 years incarceration and that insufficient time for Mandela to resolve the difficulties facing SA.


Time alone achieves nothing – and nothing positive results when destructive forces not only obstructs Reforms but also destroys parities.


In a segment, of a 2008 Panorama report in which Keane interviews Jacob Zuma – Keane implicitly accuses Zuma of being a crook, quoting 'an army of prosecutors think you [Zuma] are'. This interview segment is placed strategically within his latest BBC4 documentary (Mandela and a new South Africa) with the intention of creating a distortion that government corruption (and only government corruption) is the cause for SA's ongoing decline – and, subtext, because the Government is black.


It is impossible that the limited corruption that could be achieved by any government person/s could in any way account for the massive disparities that prevail within SA.


BBC has for some 17 years been kept informed of the R&D by this writer which has amongst numerous issues exposed corporate Organised Crime. BBC are fully aware of CDADD's R&D that exposed Donald Gordon's globalised pension/investment frauds & metamorphosed frauds therefrom - to which any corruption by Zuma, if it were true, would be a mere drop-in-the-ocean compared to Gordon's globalised frauds.


South Africa's prosecution authority, NPA, have doggedly pursued & are doggedly pursuing Zuma based upon untested 'evidence' – yet with adjudicated evidence by central bank governor & 2 others the NPA refused to prosecute Gordon (or Branson & others) → selective prosecution!!!!!! - > ?????


President Mbeki & Finance Minister Trevor Manuel covered-up these fraud revelations flowing from CDADD's R&D – it does not take too much effort to recognise that it is entirely plausible that Mbeki & Manuel set-up Zuma; Manuel was flitting off to Singapore (an Asian sweat-shop slave-labour broking joint) & elsewheres along with his partner-in-crime, his erstwhile Finance Ministry Director & later wife-in-crime, Maria Ramos – setting up deals in a secretive tax haven.


Keane did/does not confront Gordon (died Dec 2019), or Richard Branson, or Alan Sugar and ask them why they are crooks – only of Zuma - clearly biased reporting. Nor did Keane confront Mbeki & Manuel for their cover-up. Nor did Keane confront Mervyn King (Corporate Governance), nor the International Auditors that implemented the globalisation of Gordon's frauds.


BBC were also fully aware that this writer was arrested in Johannesburg High Court merely for submitting an opposition application to Barclay Bank's fraudulent raid on SA's ABSA bank (2005) – and were fully aware of this writer's application to the Constitutional Court to over-turn the HC court order, which was rejected by a largely white (& largely Jew) bench of Justices (CCT 35/05 in 2005) despite mass public protests to the fraudulent deal. Nobody knows what happened to the billions of 'investment' money (was it around £30 Billion?) – it certainly had no positive impact on SA.


And BBC are fully aware of this writer's extensive R&D elements which have disproved centuries of defective science theories.


Commentaries from Dubow, Andrews, Hamber, Fihlani all miss the key issue of corpOrgCrime – its massively destructive forces from EWMDs – Thermo-Nuclear in scale.


Keane has grossly distorted the truth and BBC have fully sanctioned these distortions → more BBC lies!!!



Similarly with UK's HS2 high-speed train project to which PM Johnson has give the green-light – and stating (to effect) that grounds for doing so were to accelerate development of UK infrastructure, economy & to uplift the northern regions.


Nothing can be further from the truth.


HS2 is NOT about uplifting the North – it is about improving the benefits for London.


HS2 is NOT primarily about uplifting the North with a trickle-down benefit (peanuts) to London – HS2 is about increasing benefits for London with trickle-down (peanuts) to the North.

It would be far better that even one quarter of the estimated cost of HS2 (£50B - $90B conservative?) were spent on DIRECT development within the North, to DIRECTLY stimulate businesses (local micro to MACRO) & other Socio-Economic employment initiatives.


This is intuitive – the North needs long-term, ongoing, socio-economic upliftment & maintainment, not simply a medium term One-Off project that will allow a trickle of benefits (peanuts) to flow northwards.


London, becoming increasingly independently international & wealth-based, forcing out middle-class (the lower class in the main having long been forced out) becomes increasingly reliant upon 'imported' goods/foods (just as UK in WWII was dependent on imported goods)


But, London's wealth was derived through defrauding the people of Britain (& World) of their pensions/investments and multiplying these defrauded monies through counterfeiting mechanisms and using these saturated fraudulent monies against the people from whom monies were stolen – London is a fraudulent Money-Machine – it always has been, it is simply a case of developing ever-complex fraud models.


Colonial occupations of countries, militarily enforced, in the past is little different to the reality that the Commonwealth of Nations is being enforced by financial oppressions. It is simply the Commonwealth identity facading the fraudulent London Money-Machine. Ditto for internal developments.


It is entirely wrong to argue that there will be a consequent future demand for 'imports' to London because those imports will be no different to present imports to western nations –> slave-labour imports – slave-labour because the Money Base & Supply will still be controlled by London – which is no different to any western nation

London is wealthy because London is a fraudulent Money-Machine - when was it ever not? - but the frauds have simply accelerated with accelerated technology → grossly distorting socio-economies & peoples groups.


HS2 is as much a white-elephant to uplifting UK's North as SA's Gautrain project was a white-elephant to uplifting SA's disparitised.


NOT that either of these two issues explain the disparities – but it is through them that one can identify the Causal Factors behind these projects – vis: corpOrgCrime super-saturating global Money-Base & Supply with counterfeit/defrauded money – thus distorting socio-economies – and those corpOrgCrime criminals needing to be fed.



It is these corporate frauds that are the cause of SA's (& World's) increasing problems – which are at 'Thermo-Nuclear' levels - and these problems continue because of BBC's (& media in general) lies & dishonesty – and hence governments can act in their own & corporate best interests.


PM Johnson is certainly corrupt, far more corrupt than Zuma is alleged to be - because Johnson has for long been informed by this writer of these realities - whereas at the time Zuma was not, mainly because this writer had not then recognised the realities of WHITE-collar corpOrgCrime.

And Government/Parliament and Buckingham Palace/Queen are also FULLY aware – but Buckingham Palace still black-list this writer – confirmation that colonial oppressions are still rife – is this why Harry jumped-ship???


President Cyril Ramaphosa has also made no progress in reforming SA – which is understandable because Ramaphosa, previously a Workers-Union leader was intent on acquiring wealth for himself not for the masses.

Ramaphosa, like Johnson, Trump & other world leaders, has no understandings of the Socio-Economy Engineering needed to reform SA.


There is no possibility of Reform whilst societies are exposed to the ravages of corpOrgCrime.


BBC1's Lost Lives documentary ignored the deep-seated problems that flow from the South (Republic of Ireland)

Ireland, especially the Republic, a victim of a millennium of UK colonial oppressions, has done nothing to attempt to detect, let alone solve, the common Causal Factors – and Keane does nothing to report on his own country's Nazi-State tyranny wherein Eamon De Valera war-mongered the 1920s Civil War by rejecting the democratically accepted Anglo-Ireland Treaty – and during which war numerous murders were carried out & tens-of-thousands forced into exile.

( )


And consider that later De Valera personally developed & promulgated the Irish Constitution during the rise of rabid Nazism; and which Constitution deviously allowed the entrenchment of a Police State in direct collusion with Judiciary, and from there the abuse & corruption entrenching a Nazi State. And all of which was/is maintained by its corrupt (in)justice system → ?????

Simply observe the fraudulent office within Dublin's Fourcourts where Money is collected directly within the so-called 'halls of justice'; and wherein the Courts any&every matter is purposefully fragmented so as to maximise Court fees, wherein perjury & fabricated evidences abound, wherein justice is readily flouted at every turn (witness Dublin's Clerys department store fraudulent collapse of which Gordon brothers were stated to be involved (it appears sons of Donald Gordon))


Also note the judgement (Feb 2020) by UK judge Knowles concerning Harry Miller and freedom of speech – Judge Knowles stated of police who confronted Miller over transgender tweets: 'In this country [UK] we have never had a Cheka, a Gestapo or a Stasi. We have never lived in an Orwellian society.'

Unfortunately Knowles' judgement statement is entirely false – UK has long track-record of Nazi abuses → Boer war concentration camps; oppressions within every colonial occupied state; systematic torture & murder against Kenyan Kikuyu tribe; government actively supporting the rampant corpOrgCrime within London which was/is causing mass disparities through to Starvation Genocides locally & globally.




On the basis, alone, that future benefits from HS2 flowing to the North would be merely 'peanuts' - it would be in the best interests of Northerners to mount a legal challenge to the High Court and, if necessary, to the Highest Justice forum.

Boris Johnson, in falsely presenting HS2 as beneficial (even to a secondary degree) to the North, is reneging on his promise to those that shifted their Election vote to contribute to his (Conservatives) 'Stonking Victory' )do not underestimate the future damage that this betrayal will cause)

And to achieve these deceptions Johnson is, like past PMs, suppressing the need for Socio-Economy Engineering which is being pioneered by CDADD – and suppressing new science that disproves old.


And, in light of the abuses from the two Supreme Court 'Brexit' hearings in which a Peoples' Referendum Vote' was heard without any ordinary people being heard, because Courts are closed-shop, there needs to be a direct challenge to open up the Doors-of-Justice' to the ordinary person – not only to open the Justice doors but also to ensure that Peoples' Votes & Promises to People are upheld - with an application structured in simple terms to counter the deceptions of the HS2 as presented by PM Johnson


There are numerous supporting arguments that can & must be made to demonstrate the wastefulness of the HS2 as well as the limited benefits flowing therefrom to the North (& regions in between), that other DIRECT investment initiatives would provide long-term recurring Socio-Economic improvements – and to highlight the general corpOrgCrime dynamics that are behind the local & global Socio-Economic oppressions that are CAUSAL of the economic hardships.


The application should be done by ordinary People, NOT by Legals.


BBC2's 'Politics Live' had 4 women gloating like a Shakespearean Coven of Witches over Weinstein's conviction – but readily ignored the fundamental GROSS JUSTICE VIOLATIONS against Weinstein.

This is typical of BBC.


Gross Justice Violations can readily be seen with Harvey Weinstein's case – to consider just a few of the GROSS violations:

A person raised during 1950/60s 'free love' being judged within 21st Century mores

A person denied bail during appeal (for non-violent matters, i.e.not fists, knives, guns etc. - but bail would be denied prior trial)

A closed-shop (in)Justice system.

A Defence Attorney that does not understand fundamental Probability Theory (see Dershowitz's grossly flawed novel 'The Advocate's Devil')






See papers:

The (f)Utility of Force - Western Militaries as Hired-Guns for corpOrgCrime'

'Dynamics of Population/Wealth characteristic'

and others therefrom - at CDADD website (www (dot) cdadd (dot) com)



Fergal Keane is invited to discussion on the realities of Ireland's Nazi-State!!!!! And of UK's closed-shop (in)Justice system.



Constructive challenges are ALWAYS welcome.



BUT, BUT, BUT ….. Fergal Keane's bread&butter is supplied by BBC (British Bullsh*t Corporation) !!!!!






Chris Addington Pr.Eng.



Letter from SA's NPA refusing to prosecute Gordon despite adjudicated evidence from Central Bank Governor Dr Chris Stals & 2 others


NPA's Jordaan refused to explain why evidence adjudicated by Central Bank Governor Dr Chris Stals is rejected. Apparently Jordaan left the NPA shortly after.




Date: 18 August 2009

Tel: 012 401 0441

Fax: 012 322 9204

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Mr. Chris Addington

By E-mail


Copy to:

G Nkoana SCCU

S Mitchley NPS

A Collopy NDPP

By E-mail


Dear Mr Addington




SCCU REF 36/05 AND 20/09

NPS REF 9/2/12- 104/05 (NDPP/R); 9/2/12-441/03; 9/2/12- 200/09


I hereby wish to inform you that the matter has been investigated.

As you are aware, the Specialised Commercial Crime Unit declined to prosecute in this matter already in 2005.


After careful perusal and thorough consideration of the evidence pertaining to the matter once again, I am unable to find sufficient evidence to warrant a prosecution against anyone.


I confirm the decision taken not to prosecute.


You are at liberty to institute a private prosecution. Should you wish to pursue this option you will require a nolle prosequi-certificate from the Director of Public Prosecutions, Witwatersrand. The office of the said Director will consider your request for a certificate nolle prosequi should you apply for it in writing.


This office cannot be of any further assistance and will proceed to close its file in this matter.


No further correspondence will be entered into in this regard.


Yours faithfully